Dream Interpretation grandmother dead and her house. What is the dream of a dead grandmother alive, why did she dream? Interpretations of famous dream books: why does a living dead grandmother dream

In principle, an ordinary cardboard box is suitable for this, on the bottom of which you can put a clean towel folded in several layers. If the box has a sufficiently large depth, then a hole can be cut in one of its walls, through which a pregnant animal can easily both climb inside the box and get out of it. Let your pet get acquainted with this nest - if she does not like it, then there is a high probability that she will come to give birth in your bed. If everything is in order, then put this box in a quiet place where no one will disturb you.

Approximately a day before the onset of childbirth, the cat begins to worry and intensively prepare its nest, and a couple of hours before the significant event, it calls the owner in every possible way to the place where the birth will actually take place. Be sure to sit next to the animal, stroke it, and talk to it. This will surely have a calming effect on the cat, and then she will settle down and wait for the contractions to begin.

When childbirth, the temperature rises, and her and her ears become very hot. Watch how they are born: normally, they should be born with their front legs forward. The mother cat must lick each of them, gnaw through the umbilical cord and eat the afterbirth that followed the kitten. It is impossible to predict the duration of labor in advance. Between the birth of the first and last kittens, it can take 40-50 minutes, or long hours. The owner should only talk and from time to time look to ensure that the process goes well and there are no complications.

If something is wrong, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Nowadays, the veterinarian can be called to the house, often even at night. It is possible that in fact everything is going fine, but only a veterinarian can determine this, even without being present at the same time as a cat. You can simply describe what is happening on the phone. In any case, ask permission from your veterinarian observing your cat to contact him if necessary.


  • http://shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-15258/

The first thing to do long before giving birth is to make a nest for a pregnant cat and accustom her to it. A spacious box with an exit that can be closed at the chest level of the animal is perfect for the nest. The floor of the nest is best laid out with disposable diapers, which are sold at any pharmacy. An ordinary cat's house can become a nest, but its day must be taken care of.

The place chosen for should be quiet and warm, no drafts or crowds. In the free access of the animal should always be pure water and food. You can take delivery on your own, but you should always have at hand: a 24-hour veterinary ambulance phone, a pipette, clean scissors, a small box with a heating pad, sterile gloves, petroleum jelly, thread and any antiseptic.

Behavior on the day of delivery will change dramatically, it will become restless, the rectal temperature at this time is slightly lower than normal, about 2 degrees (normal 36.7).

The onset of labor is due to several signs - a swollen vagina and bloody discharge. The first stage lasts from 12 hours to a day. During this time, try to be nearby, emotionally supporting the animal, especially if she has her first birth. The first stage is accompanied by contractions, the second is the actual birth. The normal position of kittens is forward, as in humans. If the fetus moves forward with its hind legs, this is not considered a pathology and usually does not result in any consequences. The mother herself gnaws the umbilical cord of the newborn and applies it to the breast. The afterbirth, which comes out after the kitten, eats.

The third stage is a calm state of the uterus, in which, after a short break, childbirth continues.

If you have not noticed any deviations from the above, then the birth is normal.

You can take birth in a cat on your own even if: the first part appeared, but he cannot be born for a long time, the cat did not free her cub from the amniotic sac within a minute. In the latter case, you need to cut the bubble yourself and wrap the baby in a warm cloth. Next, bend the body into an arc so that the chest reaches the knees, repeat this a couple of times so that he can breathe on his own. Empty his airway with a pipette. If, after the above steps, the kitten is still not breathing, give him artificial respiration. The umbilical cord should be tied with a thread, cut off from the side of the abdomen and wipe the incision with an antiseptic.

The help of a doctor is necessary if childbirth does not occur after 70 days, the cat has a fever, she is in a fever. Abundant discharge, a sharp and unpleasant odor, the presence of strong contractions and the absence of childbirth. Remember, most kittens can die only from fear of helping, do not waste time, contact your veterinarian.

The first 2 days after birth, kittens should not be picked up in order to avoid emotional arousal of the newly-made mother.

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Childbirth in a cat is a simple physiological process. The body of the animal is designed in such a way that the birth of a cat is easy and human intervention is usually not required. But in order to avoid possible complications, you need to have an idea about childbirth, so that if necessary, you can help your pet. Today we will talk about how to help a cat during childbirth, how to take them at home, as well as the first symptoms, signs and possible complications associated with this process.

How long does a cat give birth and how to understand that the process is starting? In the first phase, the cat begins to fuss in its equipped nest. During this period, she may:

  • Breathing becomes more frequent;
  • Trembling will appear;
  • Increase heart rate.

Phase 1 How do cats behave before giving birth? A rushing cat constantly changes position, you can see how milk comes out of the nipples. At the same time, the musculature of the pet's uterus contracts. This phase can last up to 24 hours. If the first phase is delayed, this is already a reason to consult a doctor.

Phase 2 In the second phase, the animal begins to push. You may notice a discharge that is greenish or pale in color from the vagina. This is normal and means the amniotic sac has ruptured and the body is getting rid of the amniotic fluid.

From the beginning of the appearance of the kitten's head from the womb to the full appearance, a little more than 10 minutes pass. If the delay lasts more than half an hour, this is a reason to call the veterinarian. Although you can help give birth to a pet on your own, but first things first.

Preparing a cat for childbirth should be about a week before lambing. She should be put on a moderate diet, you can simply cut her standard diet - this helps to alleviate contractions. If there is a day or two left before lambing, then it is advisable to add easily digestible food to the pet’s diet:

  • Boiled chicken fillet;
  • Chicken yolk;
  • Porridge.

During this period, the temperature of the cat should be monitored daily. You can do this twice a day (morning and evening). As a rule, before the first phase, the temperature of the fluffy mother is kept in the region of -37 ° C. When labor begins, the temperature should rise to normal state— (~38.5°C).

We equip the place

How to prepare a place for childbirth? The cat anticipates the moment of approaching lambing on a subconscious level, and she begins to search for a place for childbirth. Keep in mind that the choice of a pet may fall on a favorite sweater in the closet or linens. Therefore, in order to avoid "surprises", it is best to build a place for childbirth yourself.

The cat can easily ignore the proposed bed, guided by its own preferences. Therefore, it must be constantly and monotonously placed there, and if the pet has chosen a certain corner for itself, then the “nest” can be moved there. But even if the cat still gave birth where she was impatient, kittens can be moved to an equipped place. And the mother willy-nilly move after them to the chosen nook.

If the cat has the first birth

Both in the physical and in psychological sense The first birth in a cat is considered the most difficult. The expectant mother is poorly oriented in what needs to be done. She can be nervous, frightened and even panicked, constantly calling for help with her meow.

Even an experienced person in these matters does not know exactly what needs to be done during this period. After all, it is still unknown:

  • How long will the contractions last?
  • How the animal will behave during childbirth;
  • How the pet will behave towards the offspring.

After all, each cat is a special living organism with its own principles and characteristics of behavior and physiology. Sometimes a cat needs the presence of the owner, in other cases it may see a potential threat in a person, it will drive away, it may even bite the hand that extended help.

At such moments, there is practically nothing to help the pet. It remains only to observe and hope for happy outcome. If something did not go according to the standard scenario, then the cat needs help. In this case, it is best to enlist the support of an experienced specialist. Together it is easier to keep a restless animal, and the veterinarian can also give the pet a drug that relieves pain and relieves stress.

The first signs and symptoms of incipient labor

How to determine the onset of labor in a cat? The cat behaves quite normally during the entire pregnancy cycle. She eats well and sleeps a lot. Playfulness, however, subsides a little, but this is only because of the growing tummy, which makes it difficult to frolic to the fullest.

But when the day of the first birth of a cat comes and the first signs and symptoms appear, the behavior of the pet changes radically. Even an inexperienced person in this area will understand that this is the very day. The cat behaves restlessly:

  • Screams unnaturally;
  • Refuses to eat;
  • Endlessly walks from corner to corner;
  • Looks into the owner's eyes.

These are the main signs that signal the readiness of a cat to give birth. More precisely, it is even a symptom of the first contractions.

How to take birth in a cat?

  1. Lungs.
  2. Medium.
  3. Heavy.

Each of the species has its own specific features, so it is necessary to take birth in each case, starting from the category.

Easy childbirth

In this case, as a rule, the cat does not need outside help and it takes her no more than an hour to give birth to a kitten. All that is required of the owner is the presence and observation. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not crush the offspring, and also to check whether the afterbirth has come out. In some cases, the afterbirth may come out a little later, a maximum of the next day. In the event of such a situation, you also need to monitor the discharge of the pet. They should not include:

  • Pus;
  • Slime;
  • Blood.

By the way, a small amount of blood in the urine of a cat after childbirth is normal.

middle childbirth

If the process occurs with complications, then you need to help take delivery of the cat on your own at home. This may be a slight stroking towards the uterus on the sides of the animal. If the pet is in no hurry to gnaw through the umbilical cord, then you will need to do it yourself. To do this, you will need disinfected scissors and iodine. The umbilical cord must be cut so that a few centimeters remain before the navel, the incision site must be treated with iodine.

Sometimes the first kitten may be born with an unruptured amniotic sac. In the vast majority of cases, the cat personally tears the shirt. However, if she is in no hurry to do this, then the situation needs to be taken into her own hands. To do this, with clean (treated) hands, you need to break the film, get the baby and wipe it dry. This procedure has one more important aspect– you need to make sure that the kitten is breathing. After all, sometimes his airways can be clogged with mucous secretions.

If the newborn baby does not show visible signs of activity and does not make sounds, then you need to examine his mouth. If the oral cavity is clogged with something, then foreign bodies must be removed with suction. If this does not work, the kitten should be turned upside down and a bottle of warm water should be applied to its body. When these manipulations do not help, then it remains to use the most radical way- water procedures. To do this, you need to dip the crumbs upside down in icy water, and then repeat the process, but with warm water. This type of therapy has worked well, and many kittens have lived full lives thanks to this seemingly rude intervention. It is good if the woman in labor eats her afterbirth. It will not only stimulate the next contractions, but also serve as a source of energy needed for lactation.

Difficult childbirth

In difficult cases, the pet may need help. Therefore, it is highly desirable to take care of the presence of a qualified person to control the situation.

  1. If the pet cannot lamb for more than five hours, then you can give her an injection of Homovita, 0.5 cubes is enough. If an hour after the injection, childbirth has not begun, then in addition, you can introduce Oxytacin to the pet in the same amount. All this contributes to the intensification of contractions. Along the way, the cat needs to be massaged, stroking her tummy towards the uterus.
  2. If the animal is barely moving, then you can introduce Calcium Gluconate to the pet. The volume of the administered drug depends on the weight of the animal.

Also, a cat can be helped to take birth in the role of an obstetrician. Sometimes kittens do not come out as expected - this is a difficult case and you need to help the animal in resolving the situation. A newborn kitten should be turned, if necessary, and gently pulled on the skin during the attempts of the pregnant woman.

In some cases, even following all the prescribed recommendations and methods to stimulate childbirth, the cat is in no hurry to give birth. In such a situation, the help of a veterinarian is the best help in delivering a domestic cat.

Stages of childbirth in a cat

How does a cat give birth? The first sign that signals the onset of labor in a cat is chaotic, yet weak, but growing labor pains. During this period, which lasts several hours, the birth canal is prepared and opened in the animal.

Labor pains increase until the cervix opens. After that, their character changes. Now these are rhythmic attempts, contributing to the unhurried, but confident advancement of the cubs to the exit. Gradually, the rhythm intensifies, and the periods of decline between rhythmic urges come to naught. At this time, the first baby approaches the entrance to the pelvic ring, then passes it and, against the background of a sharp attempt, the baby begins to smoothly come out into the light.

The last fight and here is a live kitten in front of you, sometimes still hidden by the amniotic membrane.

Possible complications during and (or) after childbirth

From a medical point of view, difficult births in a cat are also called pathological. A complication can overtake a pet at any stage of childbirth and even after an outwardly successful lambing. Consider the main types of complications during childbirth in a cat and their preventive measures.

The cat has blood (bleeding) after giving birth

What to do if during or after childbirth the cat has blood (bleeding)? Usually, the owner only thinks that his pet is pissing blood after giving birth. In fact, there is nothing alarming about this phenomenon, and if a suspicious symptom disappears in a day or two, then you can forget about blood discharge.

But the causes of bleeding in cats after childbirth can be negative:

  • Accumulation of blood in the uterus;
  • Rupture of the uterus, vulva;
  • Broken stitches (after caesarean).

Therefore, if profuse bleeding is noticed immediately after birth, lasting more than 10 minutes, then you need to take the animal to the veterinarian urgently.

The cat does not have milk after giving birth

Why does a cat have no milk after giving birth and what to do in this situation? Nature has thought of everything, including the independent ability of a cat to take care of its offspring and feed it. However, due to various circumstances, recently born cats may not have milk, or there is too little of it for a full feed. This usually happens if the cat is stressed or has had a bad delivery. Also, this problem often affects primogeniture, shy and, on the contrary, overly aggressive animals. Even after giving birth, a cat may not have milk due to the lack of maternal instinct.

  • First you need to take care of proper care for the cat, creating a cozy and calm environment for her, conducive to the development of her maternal instinct. You should also take care of the nutritional value of the cat's diet: the food should be satisfying, but balanced. It is advisable to give a young mother more milk.
  • It will be nice if you can place bowls of cat food near the "nest". After all, many cats faithfully protect their babies and are afraid to move away from them far and for a long time. This affects the quality of nutrition, and hence the amount of mother's milk.

Cat has a bladder after giving birth

Why did a cat get a bubble after childbirth and what to do in this case? Most often, the amniotic sac - the shell in which the kitten developed - bursts even in the womb of the cat. But every rule has an exception. Sometimes you can see that a bubble has come out of the pet after giving birth - this means that the natural lambing cycle has gone a little different way.

If this does not happen, then the cat needs help and burst the bubble on its own. Naturally, before the start of the operation, all hygiene precautions must be taken.

The cat has a belly after giving birth

There are three main reasons why cats can have a big belly after giving birth:

If your pet is on the verge of childbearing, but feels quite confident at the same time, then there is no need to stimulate the birth of the animal. But not every cat gives birth without complications. In some cases, animals cannot give birth on their own at all, so human help is the only chance for them to save their offspring, and sometimes even survive on their own.

The easiest way to induce labor in a cat is to rub the abdomen. In some cases, it is possible to administer drugs to a pregnant pet that increase contractions, but this should be done only if necessary - when childbirth is delayed for an unnaturally long period of time.

Eclampsia in cats after childbirth

Eclampsia most often begins in the first weeks after childbirth. This is due to a deficiency of calcium, washed out of the body of the animal. Some cats are predisposed to eclampsia. And if your pet is at risk or has already had to deal with a similar problem in past births, then a relapse is almost inevitable. In this case, you need to develop a diet for a pregnant cat with an increased dosage of calcium.

Postpartum cat care

What to do after giving birth to a cat? A new mother needs to be fed easily digestible food. Daily food should be divided into several parts and feed the pet gradually. Periodically, you need to force the animal to leave its “nest” in order to clean up there, as some fluffy mothers do not leave their makeshift shelter for a long time. In addition to regular food, you need to feed the cat with milk with the addition of calcium, fish oil, and phosphates. Also, the animal must be given unlimited access to water. After the mother cat stops feeding her cubs with milk, you can transfer her to a standard diet and reduce the amount of liquid given out.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

The process of childbirth in a British cat on video:

  • Urgently!!! Tell me, please, my cat started giving birth (4 in a row). The previous ones were without complications and did not require my participation. This morning at about 10.00 she gave birth to the first kitten, while at first she gave birth to an incomprehensible lump, similar to a blood clot measuring 5 * 7 cm. She ate it. The kitten was licked. At first she did not let the kitten to her breast, she was very restless, she was preparing for the birth of the next kittens. But the birth stopped. It is now 12 o'clock at night, the birth has not continued. At first she was restless, then she became very aggressive towards me and our family members, throwing herself, growling, not letting me near her, she bit me, scratched her daughter. At the same time, he does not leave the kitten, he sits with him in the "house". But she still has at least 2 kittens in her stomach (I felt it when the first kitten was born). What to do? The stomach is not moving now, I'm afraid the kittens must have died. It is impossible to call the veterinarian now, only in the morning. Is she dead by morning? By the way, the cat suffered stress during pregnancy - moving to new house and also the appearance of a strange kitten in the house, to which she reacts very negatively.

  • Hello. My cat is pregnant with diabetes. She is 9 years old and this is her first pregnancy. A little over three weeks. They offer to sterilize her, they say that this way the risk to her health is less. But I'm afraid to decide on the operation. Tell me, is it really less risk during sterilization than during childbirth? What risks await us (in addition to the standard for healthy animals) if we decide to keep the pregnancy and go to childbirth? And how can they be minimized? Thank you in advance.

Look at your cat and think that you are about to give birth? You are doing the right thing by thinking in advance about how this process will go and how to give birth to a cat. Of course, in most cases, the cat can cope on its own, but help from you will definitely not hurt her. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

How can you tell if a cat is about to give birth?

There are signs that indicate that the mother cat is preparing for childbirth. Of these, it is worth highlighting the main one, you will notice how she toils in search of a nest. That is, she is looking for a suitable, safe place where she can produce offspring.

Here you can help her by providing a cozy corner by building a box with bedding in it. Soon the cat will appreciate it and hide there.

Other signs indicating the approach of childbirth are frequent urination and refusal to eat in the last hours.

How to equip a place for childbirth?

Find a cardboard box. It shouldn't be too small. Check that it does not smell of paint, or other odorous substances, such as laundry detergents.

Kittens grow quickly, so the size of the box should not hold them down in the future. But it is not necessary to provide them with too extensive living space. From above this box can be covered with something. Unless, of course, it is already closed from all sides. Thus, it will turn out to be a real shelter with a side hole for a cat.

If necessary, you can remove the upper part, observe the kittens and provide the necessary assistance. It will be very convenient.

Before laying a bedding on the bottom of the box, from some kind of tattered sweater or old shirt, first crumble the scraps of newspapers. This is done for a kind of floor insulation.

As mentioned above, the box should be in a dark, quiet corner where the cat will not be disturbed every couple of minutes. After you have decided on a place and placed a shelter there, pick up a cat and put it there. Let her get used to it.

It is possible that the cat will get out of there and continue the search. This means that you did something wrong and this place does not suit her. Try to change something in the interior decoration and move the nest to another place.

How is the process of giving birth to kittens

Depending on the breed, the process of childbirth can occur in different ways. For example, in purebred cats, it is much easier. And thoroughbreds often require the supervision of a veterinarian or an experienced expert.

In most cases, cats give birth at night. Do not worry that you will miss this moment. Most likely you will be awakened by meowing, with which the cat will call you to her. They are calmer when the owner is nearby, so they feel supported in the fact that they are not alone.

How to prepare for childbirth

Cases are different and you should be prepared for the fact that you may need help. To do this, prepare the following items in advance:

  • Scissors. They must be sterile and with rounded ends.
  • Threads. In which case they will have to pull the umbilical cord and they must be sterile.
  • A five percent solution of propolis in alcohol.
  • Clean rag.
  • Milk substitute. There are special felines. A rare case when a pet can die during childbirth. However, you need to keep it to yourself, you never know.
  • A small bottle that can be used to feed kittens.
  • Pipette.
  • Warmer for kittens.

My cat is having a baby, what should I do?

No need to panic. This is a natural process. It can last from 45 minutes to 5 hours. The cat begins to purr, breathing quickens. Discharge from the vulva begins. In some cases, a small amount of blood comes out.

The timing of this stage depends on which cat is giving birth. Experienced or who for the first time. In a young cat with the first experience of childbirth, this stage can last for hours.

The next stage is accompanied by contractions. Ideally, they last between ten and thirty minutes. In the event that the kittens do not appear after 5 hours, then the help of a veterinarian is necessary. Or you can make an injection intramuscularly - gamavit 0.5 ml.

How do kittens appear

Kittens follow one after another. The mother cat immediately begins to lick them. It gnaws the umbilical cord and starts feeding.

There are also cases when a cat can continue to give birth two days later, after the birth of the first kittens. This is called superfecundation. This phenomenon is normal and is due to the fact that kittens that were born later have a different father. That is, they were conceived some time after the first conception.

When the birth process is going well, there is no need to interfere. You can just calmly observe without disturbing the cat.

Cat needs help with childbirth

So, you felt that everything went wrong, as you would like, and your help during childbirth in a cat is needed. Your finest hour has come. Now everything is in your hands. Remember, we mentioned items that need to be prepared in advance? Now you may need them.

  1. Wash your hands and get started.
  2. Rip the birth bladder very carefully. But only if it's whole. The umbilical cord should not be touched yet. (All these actions should be done if the cat does not do it herself. Usually she gnaws everything herself.)
  3. Make sure the kitten is breathing.
  4. Clear your nose of mucus. Maybe with a pipette. Use a towel.
  5. There are no signs of breathing after you have removed the mucus. In this case, start rubbing until the kitten is breathing.
  6. Wipe dry with a towel.
  7. Take the thread and tie off the umbilical cord. You need to tie in 2 places. The first from the kitten's tummy at a distance of 2.5 cm. and then another.
  8. Take scissors and cut the umbilical cord between the ligation sites.
  9. Disinfect the ends of the cut umbilical cord.
  10. Take the kitten and put it on the mother's nipple.
  11. Make sure he starts sucking his mother's milk.

Let's remember in which cases you will have to seek help from a veterinarian:

  • A pregnant cat starts giving birth before 55 days.
  • The term is more than 65 days. Childbirth does not start.
  • The cat has started contractions and has been going on for an hour and a half, but the kittens do not appear.
  • A kitten was born. For the next 3 hours, nothing happens and no new kittens are born, although contractions continue.
  • Before labor begins, you notice yellow or greenish discharge.
  • Kitty and newborn kittens are very lethargic. When examining their mucous membranes, they found a white coating.
  • If there is a prolapse of the uterus.
  • 24 hours have passed since the birth of the cat, it is 39.5C. She does not eat anything and has a foul-smelling discharge from her vulva.

A story from the veterinary practice of delivering a Persian cat

A Persian cat arrived. Age about one and a half years. Gives birth for the first time. She started giving birth on the 60th day, after a successful mating with a cat. When the first signs were found that labor was starting, Gamavit 1ml was introduced. intramuscularly.

After 35 minutes, the amniotic fluid began to drain, and together with them, we saw the first kitten. She gave birth well, did not reproduce suffering, sounds indicating this.

At the time of delivery, the discharge had a transparent color. There were no blood stains. The afterbirth came out without problems, as it should be with a kitten. The mother cat herself began to handle the newborn. When she gnawed through the umbilical cord, he found and grabbed the nipple and began to actively suck.

Ten minutes later, another kitten appeared. The actions were repeated. The total time of birth of two kittens was 25 minutes. She rested for the next 35 minutes. Then another 1 injection of gamavit 0.5 ml was made.

The next kittens were not long in coming and after 13 minutes we saw 3 kittens. A fourth followed. The total delivery time was about three hours. The babies were cheerful, actively looking for nipples and intensively began to eat milk.

After childbirth, another 0.5 gamavit was introduced. The afterbirths also came out without problems almost together with the kittens. Mother was in good location spirit. She had enough milk. After 24 hours, the babies were already dispersed throughout the box and slept freely.


Let's hope your cat gives birth safely to healthy and active kittens. After all, now you know all the necessary information on how to deliver a cat. The kids themselves are very cute and will delight and love you with all their little hearts. Do you know?

Cats are animals with very developed natural instincts, which rarely need third-party intervention when reproducing offspring. However, the owner must know how the pregnancy and childbirth of the cat proceeds in order to provide qualified assistance in the event of complications. In the absence of pathologies, the cat will give birth to offspring on its own, and the role of the owner may be limited to third-party observation with minimal intervention. For a normal pregnancy, cats must be given.

The answer to the question of how many months cats give birth worries owners from the first days of the cat's pregnancy. In most cases, pregnancy lasts about two months (62 - 65 days), however, this period may vary. So, for some breeds, the normal period for bearing offspring is a period of 58 to 70 days. If the owner wants to know exactly how many cats of certain breeds give birth, then he can address this question to the reception of a veterinary clinic and get a competent answer from a specialist.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the cat can behave in the usual way, without causing any suspicion in the owner. However, in last days Pregnancy behavior in cats changes dramatically.

If the owner decides to take the birth of a cat at home, then he should pay attention to such changes:

In addition to behavioral factors, physiological changes will also signal the approaching birth, these are:

Preparing for childbirth

If the owner of the animal noticed the signs described above, then he needs to prepare some tools in advance. The most that an owner can do to ensure that a cat gives birth to healthy offspring is to prepare a place for delivery and consult with a veterinarian about their obligations.

You may need the following accessories during your birth:

Duration of labor

It is difficult to answer exactly how long the birth of a cat lasts. Depending on heredity, belonging to certain breed, physical condition, age and individual characteristics of the body of a cat can give birth from several hours to one and a half days. The owner cannot know in advance how long the cat gives birth, so he should be prepared for both easy quick births and long contractions and painful attempts lasting for 24-36 hours. In this case, childbirth is usually divided into several stages.

Stage one - fights

Childbirth begins with uterine contractions. This physiological process is accompanied by colorless vaginal discharge. As the first stage comes to an end, the owner may notice that the cat's contractions are becoming more frequent and intense. In this case, the animal may breathe heavily and make hoarse sounds.

The second stage - the birth of kittens

At the second stage, the owner may notice that the cat’s water has broken, after how long the pet will give birth is still unknown, however, during normal childbirth, no more than two hours should pass between the rupture of the amniotic sac and the birth of kittens. If, after this time, childbirth does not begin, it is worth calling the veterinary clinic and calling a specialist.

During the second stage, the cat must give birth to kittens and gnaw through their umbilical cord. If the pet did not do this, the owner will have to try on the role of the "obstetrician". He will need to carefully cut the umbilical cord. Next, treat the wound with an antiseptic. If necessary, the owner must free the kitten from the shell, wipe it with a clean towel and free the oral cavity and nasal passages from mucus.

The third stage is the last

At the third stage, the placenta is released after each born kitten. At this stage, the cat's condition stabilizes - uterine contractions decrease, breathing becomes calm and even.

How many kittens can a pet bring?

In addition to the nuances related to pregnancy and childbirth, owners are interested in the question of how many kittens a cat gives birth to for the first time and how many newborn pets are considered normal.

As a rule, for the first time, females bring from one to three kittens.

In the future, the number of kittens may change. An owner who is interested in how many kittens a cat can give birth to at most can get acquainted with the official data. So, the maximum number of newborn kittens was brought by the name of Antigone. She gave birth to 15 live kittens and 4 stillborn babies. On average, mature cats bear 6-8 kittens.

Births of cats of elite breeds

If an elite breed of cats lives in the house, it is recommended to call a specialist for childbirth. This need is due to the fact that the birth and cats of other elite breeds are very specific - these breeds were bred as a result of artificial selection and females do not have developed natural knowledge and instincts for independent reproduction of offspring. Therefore, the veterinarian must supervise the birth and ensure that all kittens receive proper care.

This rule also applies to cats belonging to the Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight breeds. Females of this breed give birth on the 60th day of pregnancy. On average, the birth of a Scottish Fold cat lasts from 12 hours to a day. This period may be longer if the cat has the following problems:

Most domestic cats do an excellent job as mothers and give birth to kittens on their own.

The maximum contribution that the owner can make is to provide the animal with proper care and take care of creating comfortable conditions for the life of newborn pets.

Immediately before giving birth, it is worth getting a consultation from a veterinarian and keeping the number of the veterinary clinic on hand, which will come in handy in case of complications.

Procreation is one of the natural wonders of nature and the main task for every living organism. But any important process, even a completely natural one, is not always easy. Cat owners are faced with giving birth to their pet more than once. Some carelessly rely on nature and do not even interfere in the process. But if a cat is surrounded by caring and caring household members, she has more chances for a successful, safe birth and healthy offspring..

Should owners help a cat with childbirth?

Fluffy angels are often born at home, where the cat feels most secure. If the pregnancy proceeded favorably, and the cat feels well, she will cope on her own - the owner can only quietly control the process. Healthy cats do a wonderful job even with the first birth, producing beautiful, strong offspring. But if there are the slightest risks for the cat or her cubs, it is recommended that the "mommy" be taken to the veterinarian - experienced doctors know how to minimize problems.

It's great when the owners control the entire pregnancy and know the due date for childbirth. Usually the cat's "position" lasts 60-70 days - this is enough time to read all the important information and prepare for the birth process.

Attentive owners notice all the important changes in the condition a week before the birth. pets and are already at the ready. These are the most important days in which the cat should not be left unattended. If these are not the first kittens in the pet, then the owner, who has already gained experience, easily notices the signs of an imminent birth. But how to determine that a cat is about to give birth if she has never brought kittens? How to behave as an owner and what to do for the benefit of his pet, which will face a difficult test?

First of all, you need to calm the panic so that the animal does not become infected with nervousness and does not think that some kind of trouble has come into the house. The first signal of the upcoming birth is the cat throwing around the apartment in search of a place for kittens. Usually the pet is looking for 1-2 days, after which the contractions begin.

How many kittens can a cat give birth to once?

It is impossible to telepathically predict how many babies a fluffy pet will bring. Usually in one litter there are 1-6 kittens, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first birth or the fifth. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly will affect the number of cubs. It could be anything:

  • individual characteristics of the cat's body;
  • health of the "maternity";
  • hormonal balance;
  • weight of the animal;
  • age.

Already at 7-8 months, the cat is considered sexually mature and can become pregnant. However, this is too early to safely carry all the fertilized eggs and give birth to healthy kittens. Therefore, at such a young age, a cat's pregnancy can fail, and among the born cubs, alas, not everyone can be alive.

The best age for cat birth is 1.5-6 years. During this period, the body is as strong and hardy as possible, and the hormonal background is stable."Elderly" cats sometimes also give birth, but, basically, no more than 2-3 babies once. Moreover, childbirth in older individuals takes place with complications, and the ability to conceive is gradually fading away. Already by the age of 9, many cats cross the threshold of "fertility" and no longer bear offspring.

No matter how old the woman in labor is, the owners do not just worry about the number of new household members. Not everyone can leave the kids in the apartment, and finding new owners is not so easy. Therefore, the owners fuss, not knowing how many good hands they will have to look for, and what to do next.

Signs and symptoms of impending labor

When the cat's gestation period starts to get to 2 months, tension builds in the house. The owners are worried: well, when already? You should carefully look at the pet. Only careful monitoring of the expectant mother will help determine that labor is about to begin. The signs of this are as follows:

  • Kitty starts to lose his appetite, her movements become sluggish, limited. This is the clearest sign that labor is about to begin.
  • fluffy mommy looking for a secluded place, inspects the whole apartment, sniffing corners, even opening cupboards with his paw. Some owners prepare a box with a piece of warm blanket inside for the mother in advance, but the animal may not approve of it and continue to search.
  • A couple of hours before the onset of the birth process, the cat comes out with a mucous plug, and vaginal discharge appears.
  • If you closely examine the belly of the future mother, you can see how the nipples are swollen, as well as the colostrum that comes out of them.

It is easier for women to put themselves in the place of a giving birth cat and imagine how she feels and how she worries. But the male owners usually have no idea what will happen and how. It is advisable for them to read special literature in advance, to get acquainted with the physiology of the cat, and then errors during obstetrics will be reduced to a minimum.

The birth has begun!

When a cat has the first contractions, she may scream loudly. This means the process has begun. But before the first newborn fluffy is born, the kitty has a lot to deal with. A lot also depends on the behavior of the owner. The animal is already helpless and frightened, and if the household will run around and loudly discuss what is happening, this will cause the cat great discomfort and suffering.

Childbirth in a cat goes through several stages:

  • The waters are leaving.
  • The cervix and birth canal open.
  • The first cub appears (each next kitten will go outside in 15-30 minutes).
  • The placenta comes out of the uterus.

Cat birth is not uncommon, but the pet must be taken seriously. A loving owner will definitely go to the pharmacy in advance and buy the following products:

  • sterile gauze;
  • small towel;
  • scissors;
  • pipette;
  • warmer;
  • baby cream or vaseline.

Start of labor

Even the most experienced owner must understand: sometimes unforeseen situations happen, and it would seem that a doctor has to be called to the house for an absolutely healthy cat. This must be taken into account and have a telephone at hand, and it is better to arrange a meeting with the veterinarian at home in advance. Cat birth lasts up to 12 hours. And if this is the first birth, the pet, like a woman, will be more worried and feel pain more acutely. Plus, the process itself can be delayed.

The beginning of contractions scares the cat: she begins to fuss, breathe often, may scream in fright. The most important: in no case should you scold a cat, even if it starts to behave inappropriately. In a calm tone, you should call the pet by name several times, stroke it (if the cat allows it), try to calm it down or distract it with a toy. The animal must feel the protection of the person.

Video "Harbingers, the onset of labor in a cat, how to know that a cat has begun to give birth?"

What to do if the birth process is very weak?

If half an hour has passed after the discharge of the waters, and labor has not begun, this is a cause for alarm. The cat needs urgent help, but you can’t rush too much - careless and thoughtless actions can only cause more harm.

The owner can do the following:

  • lubricate fingers with petroleum jelly (baby cream);
  • very carefully insert your fingers into the pet’s vagina and try to pull the kitten by the shoulders with weak, helical movements (you can’t pull the head, you can inadvertently break the baby’s neck and kill him);
  • support the abdomen of the pet with the second hand;
  • if the contractions have stopped, rumple the back and tummy of the pet to stimulate a new attempt.

These measures should be resorted to only in extreme cases! If 30 minutes after contractions has not yet passed, you can not provoke labor on your own.

And here is the baby

As soon as the amniotic sac bursts, it's time to wait for the first baby to appear. First, amniotic fluid comes out, they soften the birth canal. In a few minutes, the first kitten should appear. Some pets give birth to their entire brood with an interval of 5 minutes. Others take half an hour for each fluffy angel. It is impossible to predict how much a cat will manage. But if 30 minutes have passed since the appearance of the first kitten, and the brothers still do not leave the womb, urgent action must be taken.

Childbirth should end within 2-4 hours, after the appearance of each baby, the cat, armed with natural instincts, begins to play the role of a mother. She gets acquainted with the kitten, sniffs it, immediately licks its muzzle. Then it gnaws through the umbilical cord and eats all unnecessary amniotic membranes. The placenta comes out of the uterus on its own. The owners should not be afraid that the cat eats the afterbirth. But it is important to know that if a pet has an upset gastrointestinal tract, then the placenta in the stomach may be to blame.

If not all babies were born, what to do?

If the cat’s birth is suddenly too long, you don’t need to immediately think about the bad. But it's also not worth waiting until everything resolves itself. The first births are very long. If there are a lot of kittens in the womb, the process can also be delayed. But how do you know if all the little ones have come out? Suddenly 1 or 2 remained inside, and the animal is not going to continue labor? So, when the owner should be wary:

  • The cat has strange behavior.
  • If you feel the abdomen, it is determined by a seal about the size of a kitten.
  • The cat's tummy does not "deflate".
  • The temperature has risen to 39 degrees.
  • There was a greenish discharge from the vagina.

It also happens that mommy just decides to "rest" a little, having already produced 4-5 babies. And during the break, the cat calmly goes about her maternal affairs: she licks the kittens, feeds them, eliminates the remnants of the placenta. If the cat looks calm and content, everything is in order, after some time the remaining kittens will be born.

But if one or more of the above symptoms are present, then the presence of kittens in the womb can lead to big problems. The owner, who noticed something was wrong, urgently needs to call a specialist. Every minute is precious. Not only unborn kittens are under threat, but the cat itself.

Maternal instinct

If the birth went well, the cat is happy, and the kittens are healthy, there is no reason to worry. Nature has laid in the pet a program for the care of offspring, which the cat will carry out in the allotted time for this. No one is better at taking care of babies than a mother herself.

But it wouldn't hurt to take care of the cat. The pet was very tired, she spent a lot of energy and nerves on the difficult process of childbirth. Now she has an equally difficult task - to leave all the offspring. A cat needs a rich, complete diet that maximizes proteins and all the beneficial vitamins. The pet will share all this wealth with kittens, feeding them with milk. By 3 weeks of age, babies can already eat on their own, and they can be attached to new hands.

Important Facts

An owner planning to breed offspring from his pet should know that:

There are a few tips, following which will help not only to endure and give birth to healthy babies for your pussy for the first time, but also keep you calm and nerves:

  • A cat's pregnancy must be planned. And in the preparatory period, you need to get a doctor's consultation, check for contraindications, perhaps do an ultrasound of the small pelvis and pass some tests.
  • A primiparous cat must observe good physical activity but not overburdened. The items she needs should be within reach so that the pet does not try to jump too high. Pregnant animals should not be allowed outside unaccompanied.
  • Nutrition future mother should be complete and balanced. It is impossible to allow a deficiency of important elements: calcium, proteins, vitamins. Mandatory in the diet of meat products, dairy products. Perhaps the doctor will advise a complex of vitamins. Do not neglect the recommendations if you want to get full-fledged offspring and keep your cat healthy.
  • In the last days of pregnancy, purchase drugs that may be needed during labor: Oxytocin to stimulate contractions, Gamavit to maintain the mother's body, Ringer's solution to prevent dehydration.
  • If you are as inexperienced in cat birth as your pet, then think about professional help. When contractions appear, you can call the veterinarian home, this will help prevent the occurrence of unforeseen complications.
  • At self help in the process of childbirth, carefully study the entire theoretical base to be ready to help and not panic at all. In the event of a life-threatening situation, seek immediate medical attention.

Although labor activity is a natural process laid down by nature, the first time is always the most difficult, even for a cat, even for a person. After a couple of litters, your pet will be experienced enough to manage on her own. But for the first time giving birth, it is better not to be left without the support of a loving owner. And your task is to remain completely calm so that an inexperienced animal does not become even more nervous.