Dream interpretation sleep house yellow apples on a tree. Why dream of apples on trees? Dream interpretation for the whole family

At all times, people tried to give each event its own sign. One such event is a vision through which one can know the future. And not necessarily everything will happen like in a dream, for this it was invented to symbolize such events. And the apple is pretty a good sign in a dream, because it contains a lot of vitamins. And to understand what the metro is dreaming of, an analysis of the meaning of the day on which the vision occurred, and the opinions of the authors of dream books will help.

Often this fruit was involved in many ancient myths. Let's say you can remember the bone of contention, which became a sign of the beginning Trojan War. It has great importance. Currently, this fruit comes in many different varieties, and what happens in the future may depend on this.

For example, not many people may like a green and sour apple, so if it was in a vision, then we can talk about troubles that will harm a person.

If it was red and large, and at the same time the dreamer had an appetite at his sight, then we can say that faith in the best will help achieve the goal.

A rotten or wormy apple has a bad meaning in a dream, because when it is seen in reality, it is unlikely that an appetite will arise, and most often a person gets rid of a spoiled fruit.

If in a vision a person decided to try it, then he can deliberately go on a risky business. And in reality, nothing good awaits him, because such an apple will not give anything except possible poisoning.

For more detailed transcript you should also take into account all the details of sleep. The apple itself in the vision is an important sign, thanks to which in reality you can achieve a good position. But more accurate events in the future will be indicated by a specific episode in the vision and the nature of the day on which it happened.

Effect of the day on sleep

Each day is ruled by a particular planet, star or satellite. Therefore, the events are characteristic of the ruler of the day.

Five days are ruled by planets that are closer to the main star. The other two were ruled by the Sun and the Moon. And this is what an apple seen in a dream means on a certain day:

  • Tuesday is considered the day when people begin to show more activity after a difficult Monday. And the enterprising Mars, which is responsible for action, conflict and energy, took up management. Therefore, the ripe and juicy apples present in the vision can say that the individual will have many opportunities for successful undertakings which he must use. If the fruits were green and sour, then difficulties will appear in the dreamer's life, which he will be able to deal with. But in any case, they will bring him a lot of trouble. In general, dreams on Tuesday come true with an above-average probability.
  • Wednesday is considered a productive day for most people, as many issues are resolved and the majority of transactions are made. The planet Mercury, which is in charge of information, negotiations and close trips, rules this day. And the dreamed red and juicy apples indicate that the person will successfully complete the planned negotiations or successfully begin training. If they were rotten or wormy, then unpleasant gossip that is spread by enemies or competitors can go about the dreamer. And they will spoil his authority in society. Visions for this day come true with a high degree of probability.
  • Thursday is ruled by the planet of opportunity, success and authority - Jupiter. Therefore, this day of the week is considered truly prosperous: for most, the end of working hours comes in a day and many profitable deals are made. And the juicy and red apples seen in a dream are perfectly combined with the atmosphere of the day, so a person will definitely take advantage of the generous opportunities that fate will present him. If the apples were unappetizing and wormy, then someone would want to spoil the public authority of a person. But it will not work out well for the enemy, and the dreamer will recognize who it is. In general, dreams on Thursday do not always come true, more often their manifestations should be expected for several years.
  • Friday for most is the final working day when you should have a good rest and spend money. And all because the material and sensual Venus took up its management. And the large and juicy apples that were present in a dream can say that a person will have financial prospects which he uses. If the fruits were green and sour, then in the current relationship there may be a disagreement that will end in a break. For lonely people, such a dream can say that a person will appear with whom a romance will begin, however, it will be short-lived and will not bring anything good. In general, the visions of the day come true favorably.
  • Saturday is a hard day emotionally, for some it is difficult time after an evening rest on Friday, while others have to work even the sixth day a week. And therefore, the karmic and complex Saturn took over the management of the day, which sets a person up for difficulties. And the ripe fruits of the apple tree seen indicate that the dreamer can really reach heights, and there will be no prerequisites for this. He will believe in himself and begin to show patience and work to the last sweat to achieve the goal. If the apple was sour and unripe, then for a long time the dreamer will not succeed. In general, visions for Saturday come true for several years and carry great meaning.
  • The sun is ruling Sunday, the longest-awaited day after the working week, when you can finally relax. This means that the events on this day are positive, and dreams will certainly come true on a positive note. Therefore, the ripe and appetizing apple present in the vision indicates that it is time to implement the most ambitious plans. And you should start immediately, because the Sun fulfills dreams in the near future. If the fruit of the apple tree was wormy, then the dreamer will have an enemy that can bring problems. In general, the visions of Sunday come true on the same day, or the next day, the main thing is not to tell anyone about it.
  • Monday is a difficult day, because the weekend is gone without a trace, and the working mood of the majority has not yet appeared. The satellite of the earth - the Moon, which is responsible for a sharp change in mood and many feminine qualities. Visions of the day can in no way affect the future of a person, so they should be forgotten. And the large and red apple present in the dream indicates that a person cannot accept important decision in the reality. If it was rotten, then problems appeared in his life that he cannot solve, and this puts a lot of pressure on him. This is due to the fact that once he had a similar situation, and he only made it worse.

Deciphering an apple in dream books

After analyzing the influence of the days of the week, you should refer to the decoding from different dream books. The opinions of the authors will tell a lot and help to know the future:

  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation. The apple is considered a symbol of reward and wisdom. Therefore, if the dreamer plucked it from a tree, then in the near future he can comprehend the beautiful and begin to understand all earthly processes. He will understand that nothing happens just like that, and if he did something good for someone, then it will come back to him. If the dreamer ate it, then in reality he will meet a wise person who will teach him a lot.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. To notice a large and ripe apple is a sign that humanity will make a new discovery in the near future. In the future, the dreamer may gain public authority through his best qualities. But this is what apples on a tree dream about: ripe red fruits promise a meeting with people, thanks to which the dreamer will begin to look at the world differently.
  • Miller's dream book. If a woman saw apples in a dream or ate one fruit, then she may lose her inheritance or begin to degrade. But what are they dreaming of green apples: any efforts in the end will not bring anything. If the dreamer bought fruits, then he can make big deals, which in the end will bring little benefit.
  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. Seeing apples in a dream - a person builds illusions that will eventually be destroyed. If he ate them, then he will be disappointed or angry because he could not achieve his intended goal.
  • Freud's dream book. A dreaming beautiful and large fruit suggests that it will not work to win the heart of a pretty person. If the apples were wormy or rotten, then the dreamer is too jealous of his partner, however, he does it in vain, because there is nothing to suspect him of.
  • English dream book. Seeing apples in a dream is a good sign promising a happy and long life in which there will be much more joy. Especially for mothers, such a vision informs that their children will be able to achieve a lot in life.
  • Eastern dream book. Large, ripe and juicy fruits promise the fulfillment of cherished desires. If they were sour and green, then health deterioration is possible.
  • Imperial dream book. Many red and large apples dream of life success and good health. If they were green, but at the same time large, then such a dream promises a woman peace of mind and tranquility. But for men, such a vision speaks of a relationship with a girl with whom he will have many common interests.

Different types of dreams

An example of the correct interpretation of sleep

To find out more precisely what may lie ahead in the future, you should analyze one example from the information presented.

For example, a man who dreamed of a rotten apple on Wednesday, which he stole. Visions on the environment indicate that a person can experience events in the field of information.

According to Freud's dream book, a rotten apple indicates that the dreamer is too jealous of his partner, but he does it in vain. And if a man stole it, then he may get into a difficult situation due to a stupid act.

In this case, it turns out that the representative of the stronger sex will make an illogical action, because of which bad rumors can go about him. As a result, his beloved will recognize this and begin to doubt him, and then begin to be jealous of everything. But as it turns out, it was all a misunderstanding, everyone will understand that gossip about him is a lie. And the partner will be ashamed of such a situation.

Based on this, one can understand that one should only add up the meaning of a particular case, the opinion of the author of one of the dream books and the nature of the day on which the vision occurred. Due to this, it turns out helpful information through which you can learn about the future.

Apples on a subconscious level symbolize internal state person. To understand why apples dream, you need to pay attention to the smallest details of the dream. It is necessary to remember the color and size of the dreamed fruit.

Of great importance for the interpretation of sleep with apples is what you do with fruits. Also, one of the determining factors for the interpretation of a dream is the color of the apples seen in a dream. But in any case, these fruits seen in a dream do not pose a serious threat. real life.

Dreaming of a lot of apples

Perhaps the exception is the plot of a dream in which you see a lot of apples. This indicates disagreements in the family, which will begin soon.

apples on a tall tree

In addition, attention should be paid to a dream in which apples grow on tall tree and you cannot rip them off. This may indicate your excessive arrogance, which greatly interferes with your life.

Red apples - interpretation of sleep

Often the question is, why dream of bright red apples? In a dream, these fruits symbolize joyful and good mood. Therefore, you need to know why such fruits dream.

Some stories can be interpreted like this:

    If you shoot fruits on a tree, then soon expect good news; When you buy red apples in a store, this portends a successful completion of the work you have begun; Apples scattered on the ground indicate that you are always in the center of attention of friends; Eat apples red, which means you can expect a very pleasant surprise in life.

Rotten red apples

Dreaming of such apples is also a good sign. Consider the following:
    Lying apples on the table portend a long trip or sudden profit; If you eat such apples, you will receive a well-deserved reward in the near future.

Dream interpretation - wormy apples

When in a dream your attention is focused on the fact that apples are wormy, it means that you can count on support. close friend. And a beautiful red apple cut in half portends a successful marriage soon.

Why dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, then such a dream characterizes your relationship with loved ones. If you dreamed of wormy yellow apples, then this portends strife in the family, although such conflicts are usually not significant and compromises are found very quickly to resolve them. Wormy yellow fruits of small size seen in a dream - to changes in personal life. But if you sort them out in a dream, it means that in the near future you will fall in love.

Actions with apples - the solution to dreams

The main plots in a dream can be interpreted as follows:
    Tearing fruits from a tree - being jealous of a loved one in real life and experiencing great longing when he is not around; Using fruits to stuff a pie means receiving good news from your next of kin soon; There is an apple - it means that soon they will declare their love to you .

See green apples in a dream

It is very good if you dreamed of green apples. It indicates what awaits you successful career and, consequently, a significant improvement in well-being. If in a dream you buy green fruits, then this means that in real life you will successfully complete the project you have begun.

Why dream of spoiled apples?

But, if you dream of spoiled green apples, then be careful when communicating with colleagues. Since you can suffer from their intrigues. But if you eat such fruits in a dream, then the leadership will be on your side.

Apple flavor

It is very important, upon waking up, to remember the taste of apples in a dream if you ate them. It is noteworthy that sour apples portend a prosperous and joyful life. Why do apples dream if they:
    Big ones, then soon an unforgettable vacation and fun adventures await you; Small ones, then in the near future you will have the opportunity to do what you love.

Dreamed of sweet apples

Dreaming of sweet apples indicates that you have to make a serious choice in real life. If you pluck an apple from a tree before you eat it, it means that it will be easy for you to make a choice. But if you take fruit from the earth, then before making a decision, you must definitely consult with a wise person.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, apples in a dream clearly promise well-being. The dream in which you see a red apple surrounded by green leaves is considered the most favorable. Ripe apples on a tree indicate that your most secret desires will soon come true. But at the same time, rotten or spoiled apples seen in a dream are considered not a very good sign. This may indicate:
    On futile efforts on the way to the goal; On the occurrence of minor troubles in life.
According to Miller's dream book, it is not very good if you pick up apples from the ground in a dream. This one can be a warning that in real life, someone wants to harm you.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The famous healer Vanga considered the apple a symbol of wisdom. She argued that if a person picks an apple in a dream, then he shows an interest in deeply knowing life phenomena. In accordance with Vanga's dream book, there is an apple, which means to meet in life wise man, whose advice you should definitely listen to. A wormy apple in a dream, according to the healer, portends false news coming to you. Therefore, for some time you need to carefully consider your actions and decisions, otherwise you will be in big trouble.

According to Freud

Freud's psychological dream book associates apples in dreams with intimate relationships. If you dreamed of a beautiful ripe apple, then your hopes for intimate relationship with the person you like will not come true. Wormy apples seen in a dream emphasize the fact that you are jealous of your partner or partner. But, as a rule, in this case, the union of two loving hearts nothing threatens. If you dreamed of apples, do not rush to interpret the dream. First, analyze the events taking place around you. Listen to your inner voice, it will certainly tell you which life sphere you should apply the apples you saw in a dream.

Yes, indeed, night visions about apples are considered very good, because in most cases they promise the sleeper sensual pleasures, very joyful events and a pleasant pastime in the company of light and cheerful people.

What if you dream of a lot of apples on a tree?

But do not rush to rejoice, because when figuring out why there are a lot of apples on a tree in a dream, you should remember that a positive interpretation would be appropriate only if the fruits were ripe, juicy and sweet. If the dreamer happened to see a lot of apples on a tree in his own night vision, but they were all sour, small, or, even worse, spoiled, then in reality he will have a quarrel with loved ones, which will bring only annoyance and disappointment.

Do not forget that the apple in individual cases personifies a vicious temptation, so a dream about how a person happened to pick a ruddy bulk apple from a tree, which turned out to be green, rotten or wormy inside, speaks of his excessive greed and craving for base pleasures. However, this interpretation should not be applied if the apple tree was green, and its fruits had a pleasant taste and aroma, because this image promises the sleeper only the kindest and brightest events.

AT Women's dream book an apple symbolizes such important qualities as wisdom and insight, and that is why a woman who has tasted it in a dream can be satisfied with her behavior in real life. The apple tree, strewn with ripe, juicy fruits, personifies the time when all the dreams of the dreamer are destined to come true.

In fact, this dream can be regarded as a direct call to action, because such a unique moment when everything conceived is carried out, as if by a wave magic wand may never happen again. Night vision will have a completely different meaning, in which apples fell one after another from a tree to the ground, since in this case the dreamer will have to deal with deceitful hypocritical people who skillfully disguise their true intentions as virtue.

Picking apples from a tree in a dream - to reflect on the issues of being in reality, which will completely absorb a woman on certain stage her life. A vision in which the sleeping woman had a chance to try apples from trees will have a slightly different meaning, because then she will meet a more mature man, and it is not at all excluded that he will become her patron. To taste a rotten apple in a dream - to the futility of the efforts that a woman made to achieve the task in her real life.

What portends?

It is noteworthy that in the dream book of the famous esoteric Tsvetkov, apples that suddenly appear in a dream promise a person continuous trouble. So, a tree strewn from top to bottom with green fruits is a harbinger of a hidden illness that will gradually devour the dreamer from the inside, while their tasting predicts a surge of anger, as a reaction to the action of someone close and dear, gradually turning into sadness and disappointment . If the sleeper had a chance to pick apples in a dream, then in reality serious troubles can await his family, which will be extremely difficult to cope with.

Admiring apple orchards, generously strewn with ripe fruits in a dream, is a waking seduction, for which sooner or later you will have to pay very hard. A similar interpretation is given in famous dream book A wanderer, in which apple trees and apples symbolize sinfulness, susceptibility to temptations and all kinds of diseases.

At the same time, in the interpreter of the white sorceress Medea, the image of ripe juicy apples portends the sleeper good health and longevity. And only wormy, rotten fruits, suddenly seen in a dream, personify anger and envy that will prevail over the sleeping person, forcing him to do stupid things. rash acts in reality.

(See interpretation: garden, fruits)

To see a lot of apples in a dream - to quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means chagrin due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream portend good news soon.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy. Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief because of a loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream portends a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Wormy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will harm you a lot.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction, forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream portends satisfaction, enjoyment of a forbidden fruit, unless the apple turned out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price of apples you like in a dream is a harbinger of love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous acts and are able to take great risks to satisfy your own lust. See interpretation: apple of paradise.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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According to ancient beliefs, an apple is, first of all, a symbol of temptation. Seeing apples on tree branches in a dream is a good sign, but only when they were ripe and tasty. Why dream of spoiled apples on a tree is very easy to understand.

It will also not be superfluous to recall all the details of the dream, and find their meaning in the interpreter. They will give an answer to any question that interests us!

Brief interpretations

Are you not a fan of thinking about the details of the dream plot? Use the provided interpretations famous dream books. They will give short and at the same time detailed answers to the dreaming symbol. For example, why dream of apples on a tree:

  • You plucked a fruit in night dreams - you will be successful among the opposite sex.
  • We saw how apples fall from a tree, because there are a lot of them on the branches - keep your desires and needs under control.
  • You tried to catch a falling apple, and then eat it - what you planned will definitely happen.
  • They plucked a green unripe apple from a branch - a sign of trouble in an intimate life.
  • An apple spoiled by worms is a sign of betrayal by your soulmate.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller, in his interpreter, compared dreaming fruits with sensations of pleasure in love. For example, having examined saturated bulk apples in bright greenish foliage in a dream, it means that harmonious love awaits you.

I dreamed that you were eating garden fruits, the explanation of the dream would be as follows: the moment has come to fulfill everything that you dream about. A dream vision, in the plot of which you could not pick an apple, means your excessive selfishness and pride in reality.

Color indicates success

The yellow apple prophesies a stage of prosperity and successful achievements in life. The golden fruit predicts recognition of your fame and admiration for your talents.

Why dream of greenish apples on a tree will indicate Lunar dream book. When the fruits are green color, despite their full degree of maturity, this explains the green light sign in any endeavors in reality. An unripe apple warns of possible difficulties due to clearly unplanned actions.

Harvest, or what is better to do

Do you want to find out what the dream is about where you are trying to pick apples on a tree? So, Medea's dream book explains that success in amorous affairs will surely find you if in a night vision you have collected fruits from your garden plot.

As Loff's dream book explains, large apples on the tree you have collected? You are in a difficult situation, under the influence of which you are now, it is not easy for you to get out of it. The unripe fruits were plucked to the end - having planned something, start acting with insignificant actions.

Your manipulations, as a sign of desire

Had a dream that you can’t get apples from a tree, so you are trying to shake them off? The most fascinating explanation is Freud's dream book. Would you like to diversify your sex life you will need to be creative in bed.

According to other interpreters, collecting spoiled fruits from a tree is a sign of your diligence.

What is the dream about where you spray apples on a tree? When the fruits were large and ripe in night dreams, your work will definitely be appreciated. But, if they are rotten or wormy, not a single person will appreciate your actions.

To see in a dream that an apple that fell from a large tree has rolled to your feet - soon they will appear to you uninvited guests. If it was rotten, the visitors will upset you.

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