Dream interpretation of singing on stage in front of the audience. What can a stage and playing on it mean in a dream - nuances of interpretation

Why do you dream about the scene? The interpretation of this image can be quite contradictory, because what matters is not the stage itself in the dream, but the action that unfolded on it. Dream books suggest looking for clues in specific nuances of a dream.

Interpretation of a dream book for a bitch

Did you dream about the scene? You will participate in some major public event. Moreover, your role will be approximately identical to what happened to be seen in a dream.

In addition, this is an indication that you are voluntarily or unconsciously trying to drag someone into your own “game.”

Why do you dream if you had to go on stage in person? The dream book prophesies the respect of colleagues, promotion in service and the favor of superiors.

Dream book opinion from A to Z

Did you dream about the scene? You will have to resort to lies and cunning to catch others in lies. If in a dream you were only a spectator and watched the stage action with pleasure, then in real life you will experience the ingratitude of your loved ones. The same vision means that you will have to deal with unreliable partners. And this, in turn, will lead to some disruption of plans.

Interpretation of the image according to the dream book for the whole family

Why do you dream of an unknown artist performing on the big stage? You will quarrel with dear person and feel remorse about it.

Performing on stage yourself in a dream means that nervous tension will lead to a violent manifestation of feelings. Perhaps someone will present an extremely unpleasant surprise.

If, once on stage, you experience awkwardness and anxiety, forget your words or completely forget your role, then you will take a responsible position that will literally seem “over your shoulder.” The plot advises to put aside emotions and rely on business qualities.

Did you dream that you performed confidently and smoothly? You are clearly inclined to overestimate your own capabilities, which leads to failure.

Interpretation of other interpreters

Why do you dream about the scene? By the latest dream book G. Ivanova? In the real world you will have to dodge, lie and pretend. Hosse's Dream Interpretation believes that the scene in the dream reflects the lies of the dreamer himself. But seeing artists on stage is much better. This is a harbinger of imminent profit.

Did you dream about the scene? Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers it a symbol of life itself. It is enough to remember what roles all the dream characters played in the dream, including their own behavior during the performance.

Modern universal dream book believes that the scene reflects the past. What is happening to you now will very soon turn into only memories. Interpreter Tsvetkova considers the scene a sign of insidious intrigue, deception and lies. I dreamed that you personally went on stage. Collection of dream books believes that this is how others see you.

Why do you dream about stage and performance?

If in a dream you were sitting in the auditorium and looking at the action unfolding on the stage, then you were definitely captured by your own or externally imposed illusions. This means that you are being blatantly deceived, or you yourself are trying to mislead someone. The presentation itself will give a hint to which area of ​​life the deception extends.

Seeing the stage from the theater balcony is no better. You will soon find yourself in a very unenviable position. Why do you dream that you are the only spectator in the hall and the performance is shown just for you? In real life, you are a lonely person, almost a hermit, but you have chosen this path yourself and do not complain about fate.

Dream theater stage

What does a theater stage mean at night? All the characters who happened to be seen on it are separate aspects of the dreamer’s personality. Even if you yourself are just watching the performance.

Sometimes a theater can be seen in a dream as a sign of impending changes. In a dream, you seem to be trying on yourself new role. Take a close look at the production. It will help to unravel future events.

Scene in a dream - features of interpretation

Did you dream about the scene? This is a sign of unsatisfied ambition and vanity. Besides:

  • playing on stage is a short-term pleasure
  • watching an opera - fulfillment of plans, desires
  • performance in a variety show - frivolity, indulgence
  • puppet show - bad day, intractability of others
  • pantomime is a risky business, failure
  • tragedy - false fears
  • comedy - you will get a visit
  • musical - wish fulfillment
  • operetta - money problems

Did you see a scene in a dream? First of all, remember your own feelings. They will help you find the final interpretation of the image.

Most often, such a dream is associated with overwork of the body. You need to rest well, otherwise there may be health problems

If you know for sure that there is no overwork, such a dream means that you are missing something important. You may sleep through an event that will change your life.
Imagine waking up and immediately getting active.
If you dreamed that you were going to bed and falling asleep, the dream suggests that in reality you are too careless and lazy

Your business is upset, your trade is suffering losses, your bosses are dissatisfied with you - but it’s as if you don’t even care. Be careful: your behavior is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. You need to get down to business urgently.
If you dreamed that you were lying in bed, trying to sleep, but due to insomnia, sleep did not come, some forgotten matter is disturbing you, perhaps a past mistake or an accidental sin.
In this case, the next night you need to give yourself the task of seeing the forgotten situation, remembering what worries you so much.

Interpretation according to women's dream book

Women pay special attention to issues of night visions. A dream about a stage can mean the following: .

  • Dream interpretation “stage”, singing in front of an audience may portend participation in some event. Most likely, you will be able to win the favor of those present and become the most talked about person.
  • If you see yourself on stage in front of a full hall of people, this means that you will be honored and respected by others. Most likely, this will be related to your professional activities.
  • Dancing on stage in a revealing outfit means that you can do something that will cause condemnation from others.
  • Dream Interpretation “stage, behind the scenes”, if you are watching a rehearsal or performance from the side, this means that you envy those around you. This feeling destroys you from the inside and does not allow you to build normal relationships with people.

dream book - actor

A man who sees a female actress in a dream will experience success in love affairs. Perhaps he will achieve the favor of the person he is in love with. However, a woman who dreams that she is an actress will experience difficulties and problems. If in a dream you are in love with an actor or actress, this means that joy and a new acquaintance await you, which can develop into serious relationship. See in dead person's sleep or a poor actor - a bad sign, promising major troubles, loss loved one, divorce married woman or married man. If a man dreams that in a dream he is indulging in lovemaking with an actress, in real life Scandals with his wife await him. A woman who dreams that she is married to an actor will be tormented by remorse.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

It is Miller who owns the most popular and authoritative dream book. The scene is interpreted as follows:

  • A favorable combination of circumstances that will lead you to success.
  • If you were sitting in a box watching the theater stage, this means that you have to go on a long trip. In it you will get many pleasant impressions.
  • A dream in which you sing on stage means that all your plans will come true. If you listen to someone singing, some secret will soon be revealed or a complicated case will be resolved.
  • If in a dream you loudly applauded the action taking place on stage, this means that you care little about your reputation. Following whims can earn you a bad reputation.
  • A dream in which the stage is on fire foretells that you will be drawn into some kind of adventure.

Dream Interpretation - Performing on stage with glass in my shoes

The dream speaks of the social (personal) development of the Dreamer, when there is simply no room left for emotions (the Dreamer cries in her sleep and experiences pain in her legs).

Legs in a dream are the Force in reality, propelling us through life, and the Scene is an Indicator of the Dreamer’s publicity and social orientation (playing for the public, in in this case, because in a dream there is a “I dance the best” factor).

You need to dance (realize yourself in reality) for yourself, for your Soul, then there will be no problems with your legs in reality.

The glass in this dream represents certain circumstances that hurt the Dreamer, hidden from others due to fierce competition or confidentiality, secrecy and hostility.

And in life such a dream Social change, which will be given to the Dreamer with great difficulty, that it will not be worth it.

Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Interpretation according to Longo's dream book

If you dreamed of something interesting at night, be sure to look into your dream book. Stage, to perform or to be a spectator, according to the interpreter Longo, can mean the following:

  • If you are sitting in the auditorium, but do not see or hear anything that is happening on stage, this indicates your selfish nature. By immersing yourself and your interests, you can lose friends and offend loved ones.
  • If you are in the theater, it means that you are on the verge of some fateful act. It depends only on you how events will develop.
  • If the stage and decorations in your dream were dilapidated, it means that your tricks and tricks will be exposed and will not bring any results.
  • Performing on stage is a reflection of your vanity and pride.

Perform yourself

1. A dream in which you stood on an empty stage indicates your loneliness and feelings of melancholy. But the dream book notes that perhaps this is just a familiar shell, and you are used to hiding behind your image of a lonely, unhappy person. Changing your destiny for the better is simple, it is within your power, you just need to be bolder and take decisive action.

2. Bowing in front of the public and receiving applause is an excellent sign that promises you great success in reality. In all areas of your life - in love and friendship, in work, in business - you will be on top, will receive all the opportunities for fulfillment and will not be left behind.

3. The dream book interprets a dream in which you had a chance to perform in front of an audience as an omen of significant, bright events in your life. You will be the center of attention, you won’t be bored!

4. If you were afraid and nervous in a dream before a performance or while on stage, this indicates your lack of self-confidence. You need to learn to respect yourself, maybe you should attend special seminars or trainings, read literature, communicate with people who will help you?

5. Dancing in front of the audience is a sign of joy. You will receive recognition, praise, you will be respected and loved, and this will make your life bright and happy!

6. – to praise and recognition. Your merits will be seen and appreciated, your hard work is not in vain, so don’t give up!

7. Act as an actor – good sign. A bright life, full of joy and emotions awaits you!

Dreams can help in many ways if they are analyzed and perceived correctly. Fate is only in your hands, and happiness too!

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

Freud has a rather interesting and ambiguous dream book. The scene, according to him, can mean the following:

  • This is a symbol of feminine charms. Therefore, if a man had such a dream, it means that he loves ladies with outstanding forms.
  • If a woman dreams about the scene, it means that she is dissatisfied with her body and lacks male attention. But if in the story she acted as an artist, this means that she has something to brag about and she is well aware of it.
  • If a man dreams that he is performing on stage, this means that he likes unusual experiments in the intimate sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Actor, actors

If you see in a dream wandering actors traveling somewhere in their romantic caravan and having nothing to do on the road, acting and rehearsing, some changes for the worse await you; pay attention to the state of your affairs, have you neglected them, have you placed them on the shoulders of an unreliable person, an unprofessional, have you entrusted them to a flatterer, a cunning person, a self-seeker who cares more about his own benefits than about the benefits of your common cause?.. Beware of treachery on the part of your colleague. You dream beautiful actress performing on stage - good dream; your actions, your thoughts will be approved by those around you, and through this you will feel satisfaction and pleasure. If an actress suddenly interrupts her performance and for some reason you understand in a dream that she has experienced grief, such a dream warns you that your friend needs help; perhaps he is in debt, like silk; you will avert trouble from your friend with your confident actions. You see yourself as an actor in a dream - if you are at the moment If you are in need of funds, then it’s time to look for a new job or additional income; in this matter you will be lucky, and your financial problems will soon be resolved. If a woman sees herself as an actress in a dream, in real life she will have to look for a new job

Maybe, new job will be no better than before. A man dreams that he is in love with an actress; a woman sees herself in love with an actor - such a dream indicates that you are a person in your place and are happy with your place; you have undoubted talent and good prospects; your work brings you pleasure, you are calm, full of ideas and don’t think of yourself as anyone else. If a man sees himself not only in love with an actress, but also having fun with her, just as a woman sees herself having fun with an actor, such a dream is not for good; most likely expect family quarrels; one of these quarrels may lead to misfortune; try to keep yourself within the bounds of decency and not lose face. You see that the actors represent a tragedy - a whole series of failures awaits you; Think about who in your circle you can seriously rely on in difficult times. During a performance, an actor or actress dies - this dream foretells you a great misfortune; your dreams, your plans for the near and distant future - everything is collapsing. If you dream of a beginning actor, an amateur actor, whose performance is unconvincing, false - your plans will come true in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Dream

A dream in which you dozed off while sitting in an easy chair after a hard day at work foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one just when you have gained boundless trust in him. If you suddenly wake up and cannot immediately figure out where you are, this portends the return of lost hope. If you were rudely awakened, then in reality you will finally get a decent job after long ordeals at the labor exchange. If you see yourself sleeping on the roof, this is a sign of rapid success that will take you to unattainable heights. If in a dream you spend the night in the open air, in real life you will go on a trip that promises to be not only fun, but also extremely useful. Sleeping on a long-distance train on the top bunk only on a mattress without other bedding means you are satisfied with your situation and don’t pretend to be more. If you have a chaotic dream, the contents of which you still can’t figure out, this portends a meeting with something mysterious and inexplicable in real life. If you have nightmares in which you are haunted by some kind of fantastic monsters and vampires - something completely terrible will happen in reality. Seeing yourself sleeping in a completely renovated, remodeled and newly furnished bedroom portends happy changes in your destiny.

Dream Interpretation Scene

What does sleeping from Sunday to Monday mean?

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Why do you dream about a Scene in a dream according to the dream book?

Felomena’s dream book is able to consider such a symbol as a scene from the perspective of manifestations of insincerity. It will be expressed in all areas of life, which can cause trouble.

The plot can serve as a sign of a desire for the dreamer to be noticed and paid attention to. The desire to achieve popularity

For this reason, a sleeping person can commit rash acts, rash actions.

What scene did you dream about?

Interpretation according to popular dream books:

Freud's Dream Book
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

All dream books

What were you doing on stage in your dream?

Perform on stage in a dream

Do you dream that you had to perform on stage? The plot symbolizes the presence of entrepreneurship and initiative. A dream can serve as an omen, indicating that excessive adventurism can lead to trouble.

The plot hints at the manifestation of vanity and excessive ambition. Have you seen a similar design in your dreams? You will be able to gain the attention of people around you.

Standing on stage in a dream

Did you dream that you had to stand on stage? You will have to lie a lot, look for workarounds in order to justify yourself to loved ones. Try to show more sincerity when communicating with relatives and friends in order to gain support and trust on their part.

What scene did you dream about?

Dreaming of a bed scene

The meaning of a dream where a bed scene was demonstrated is given a negative meaning. The plot predicts the emergence of serious problems in business sphere. Personal relationships will become complicated due to numerous quarrels and conflicts. Disagreements will begin to arise out of nowhere.

How did you end up on stage in your dream?

Go on stage in a dream

Were you lucky enough to go on stage? The dream book considers this plot from a position of honor. You will be able to achieve respect among your colleagues. Perhaps there will be a takeoff career ladder. Management will appreciate your success and provide support in new endeavors.

How was the stage performance in your dream?

Dreaming of shame on stage

Did you experience shame while performing on stage in a dream? It will be difficult to gain universal recognition. You will have to forget about your own principles, following public opinion. Try not to take rash actions. Excessive disregard for moral standards can have a negative impact on one's reputation.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Freud's Dream Book
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation of the Oracle

Dream theme: Structures

Video: Why do you dream about a Scene?

Why do you dream about the scene? according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov? In the real world you will have to dodge, lie and pretend. Hosse's Dream Interpretation believes that the scene in the dream reflects the lies of the dreamer himself. But seeing artists on stage is much better. This is a harbinger of imminent profit.

Did you dream about the scene? Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn considers it a symbol of life itself. It is enough to remember what roles all the dream characters played in the dream, including their own behavior during the performance.

Modern universal dream book believes that the scene reflects the past. What is happening to you now will very soon turn into only memories. Interpreter Tsvetkova considers the scene a sign of insidious intrigue, deception and lies. I dreamed that you personally went on stage. Collection of dream books believes that this is how others see you.

Be a spectator

Seeing the stage from the side in your dreams is a symbol of the fact that in reality you secretly want to attract attention to yourself, but you don’t know how to do it. You are hampered by self-doubt, fears and complexes, they do not allow you to open up

Work on yourself, think about what steps you should take to take the desired position in society?

2. If you watched some kind of performance, someone performed in front of you, this is a hint that you need to pay your attention to something

Something important is happening in your life, but you don’t notice it. Be careful!

3. If you watched a play in the theater, then in reality you are passionate about someone. This is mutual, you will soon be looked after very beautifully and romantically. Another meaning of the dream: someone from your environment is not sincere and tells you fairy tales.

Interpretations of authorities

  • The women's dream book interprets the scene in a dream as a stunning, colossal scandal.
  • The dream book of Catherine the Great warns of the possibility of deception. You look at the stage and believe all the passions that are happening, but all this is just a play, the passions of which are in full swing for the sake of great art and the few rubles that you paid for the ticket. If you see the stage on which the performance is taking place, you are drawn into the intrigue. You should be especially wary if the play is unfamiliar to you.
  • The English dream book pays attention difficult situation, in which you find yourself on stage and have to perform, but have no idea what exactly is expected of you. Such a dream shows the fear of disgrace, an unlearned lesson, the fear of exams. In real life, such a dream means stress and anxiety. Additionally, it may seem that the stage is falling through, hatches open, fire burns, water gushes, ramps, beams, and fixed decorations may fall from above. In fact, your fears are not justified; you are needlessly annoying yourself. Don’t worry and you will be able to successfully overcome a dangerous situation. Nobody will even pay attention. Perhaps to your secret regret.
  • The family dream book claims that suddenly appearing on stage naked or in an unsightly state means that they want to make fun of you, not without benefit for themselves. They are keeping something secret from you, luring you into taking active action. Maybe you find out about the unsavory actions of other employees, and they want to put the blame on you. Believe that “everyone does this”, that the cameras are not watched, the wiretap does not record, the security guard does not see anything. It is better to leave dangerous places, especially those where everyone is involved a little and anyone can become guilty. Fear of shame in a dream means real fear of exposure.

Perform in front of an audience

When you dream about a performance, in reality you are trying to discover unknown perspectives for yourself, you want to try yourself in a different role. According to other interpretations, this is a sign of possible hypocrisy; you should not trust others too much.

Doing a rehearsal in your night dreams while on stage - in reality, you will take on difficult work; according to another version, you will send important lines in a letter.

You follow the prompter's instructions - you will be told false information.

Why do you dream that you yourself are performing on stage? The interpreter of Medea indicates that you will be able to attract the gaze of strangers.

The white magician Longo informs that such a dream vision reveals the vanity of a sleeping person.

Miller's dream interpreter provides a different explanation of why one dreams of playing on stage and being an actor.

This plot prophesies happiness, which, unfortunately, will last a short time. In addition to this, if you play in night dreams in front of a large crowd of spectators, you will soon have to lie to your loved ones.

If you dreamed of singing on stage, you will be responsible for what you did earlier.

Seeing your own performance in a strange show means, as Miller’s dream interpreter points out: you can lose a lot of money due to your stupidity.

Dancing in a variety show means fleeting action.

What is the point of showing visitors a dance - interpreters warn of envy, as a result of which a person becomes nasty and nervous.

If you dreamed about performing ballet in your night dreams, it means betrayal of a friend or lover, tricks and moral disappointment.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

Enough interesting interpretations characterized by the dream book of the sorceress Medea. In it you will find the following information regarding the scene:

  • The dream interpretation “the theater stage” on which you perform means that you are constantly trying on some roles. You have not yet found yourself, and therefore it is difficult for you to build relationships with others.
  • Watching a performance is a symbol of deception. Be less trusting in your relationships with others.
  • Rehearsing on stage means that in reality you will be asked to take on some important and responsible business. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to complete it.
  • If, while performing on stage, you had to hear the prompter’s tips, this means that in real life someone is guiding you. It is possible that this person is misleading you.
  • A successful performance foretells that in real life you will win someone's attention. Perhaps this will develop into a romantic relationship.

Basic values

The scene in the dream characterizes you as an extraordinary person. Seeing a scene in a dream means profit and success.

The scene itself in a dream means an urgent need for attention. It is unlikely that in the main play of your life you will assign yourself the role of a wordless extra. Do you want to shine, charm, bewitch, persuade, captivate or express your thoughts with such wit that the whole hall applauded. If you see acting talent in yourself, you should attend acting classes or try to enroll in a drama club. Playing only in life, without practice, development, variety of roles, is quite boring. A community of like-minded people will relieve your boredom. Even a small scene requires enormous effort, attention and tension of all the senses. You can add bright colors to everyday life.

  • Seeing a scene in a dream can also mean a reluctance to hide, a completely understandable desire to show oneself and receive a well-deserved reward. Such a dream is not uncommon for secretaries, housekeepers, accountants, freight forwarders, logisticians, screenwriters, and speechwriters. People who solve complex problems in silence and in the shadows, provide support to recognized stars, ensure privacy for years and decades and keep other people's secrets. Unfortunately, publicity in such professions is equal to professional ruin and threatens serious troubles. Many investigators, detectives, spies begin to write memoirs, making secret details public. Noisy fame usually doesn’t happen, and secrets spoil after long-term storage. Try to resist temptation and find another way to express yourself other than publicizing secrets and details. God has not offended you with your intellect, come up with something original. Take a pseudonym, pretend to be a biographer, present the details in the format of intimate conversations with a celebrity.
  • Walk around the empty stage, look around - plan your next actions. Inspect and touch the scenery, invent new ones, touch the ropes and cables, think over the lighting - you must take care of the surroundings. In real life, it will be enough to please yourself with new shoes and make a couple of new pleasant acquaintances.
  • A brightly lit stage, perfect order - you are ready to give your most important performance. If, in addition, there are no curtains, you could be mistaken or too categorical. Postpone the proceedings for a while and think through everything again from different points of view.
  • If you yourself are looking at the scene from the auditorium, in real life you are required to pay attention and, possibly, control the process. You can be in the role of a spectator or, on the contrary, a director. If you are interested in technical details, director's console, control of spotlights - you are ready to simulate the situation and illuminate it in the most beneficial way for you.
  • Taking a bow is a sign of stunning success; we will achieve the main dream of our life in the very near future.

Our whole life is a game

Turning to dream interpreters, you can see that performance on stage reflects an attempt at self-affirmation by a sleeping person. In addition, he may become a victim of scammers. The main thing is to understand every little detail and build the correct interpretation.

Dedicated performance space

Where did you end up?

As Miller’s dream book writes, the scene symbolizes a positive set of circumstances, foreshadowing:

  • meeting new and interesting people;
  • favorable completion of the started project;
  • improving your financial situation etc.

The psychologist also focuses his attention on the events taking place on stage. . Opera


If you witnessed an opera, it means your wishes will soon come true, but you should not rely only on supernatural forces. If an opera diva starts singing in front of you, then soon there will be a resolution to a complicated story that has haunted you for a long time.


Attending a concert means losing your own reputation for the sake of a petty whim. Your task is to learn how to set priorities correctly, avoiding dubious activities.

To be in a dream at a concert

If a fire starts during a concert, then in real life you will have to participate in a dubious adventure. If any business proposals come in the near future, you should refuse them, since troubles will come after them.

You may dream that no sounds are heard from the auditorium. In this case, pay attention to your own egocentrism, which in the long run will lead to loneliness. You need to be silent more often and listen more to what the interlocutor is trying to convey, at least that’s what the dream book of the magician Longo advises to do.

What condition?

Great value in receiving correct interpretation The image of the dream scene also plays.


If a sleeping person sees this part of the theater, then you have great potential. However, you should not rely only on innate skills, because without proper patience and willpower nothing will work.

Dreaming of a theater lobby


If you dream of an old theater complex building, then most likely your trick will be quickly revealed. The dream interpreter advises to abandon imaginary goals, guided only by the thirst for profit. This approach will not lead to a good result, and this must be understood.

Public speaking

Not every person dares to perform on stage, but if in a dream you managed to see yourself in the spotlight, then such a sign needs to be correctly deciphered.

If a sleeping person participates in his own performance, then in reality he is trying to try on new masks. Finding new horizons may not be as simple as it seems at first glance.

If you have such dreams, then, according to the second version of the interpreter, deceptions may lie in wait for you, and therefore you need to become extremely attentive to new people. It makes sense to consider typical interpretations:

    playing on stage means solving a difficult problem or writing an important letter;

    Dance in a dream at a variety show

  • follow the prompter's prompts - you will receive false information;
  • rehearsing a performance - to attract someone else's attention;
  • dancing in a variety show means committing rash acts.

By reading Miller's dream book, you can find out that theatrical games in which the sleeping person plays the main role promise only positive emotions. If you have an exciting feeling before a performance, it means that in real life you will have to lie to your loved ones.

Be in the theater

Considering your image in a drama theater, according to Miller, promises a positive course of affairs and meeting interesting personalities who will later become your good friends.

Your place in the box - go on a tour abroad.

As the dream book explains, the stage on which the famous opera was staged means your plans will come true.

Hearing an opera singer sing - you will finally be able to find the truth in one incomprehensible matter.

The explanation that clapping your hands at a concert portends is sad: because of your pickiness, you will damage your former glory.

Escape from the theater - you will participate in a suspicious business.

Dream interpreter Longo informs that being in the hall and not hearing anything that is being played on stage is a sign that you are an egoistic person, so you feel lonely.

What does the lobby mean in night dreams? You will be filled with imagination and activity.

A dilapidated, dilapidated theater building - all your tricks have no significant force, the secrets will be recognized.

Scene in a dream interpretation features

Did you dream about the scene? This is a sign of unsatisfied ambition and vanity. Besides:

  • playing on stage is a short-term pleasure
  • watching an opera - fulfillment of plans, desires
  • performance in a variety show - frivolity, indulgence
  • puppet show - bad day, intractability of others
  • pantomime is a risky business, failure
  • tragedy - false fears
  • comedy - you will get a visit
  • musical - wish fulfillment
  • operetta - money problems

Did you see a scene in a dream? First of all, remember your own feelings. They will help you find the final interpretation of the image.

Dream Interpretation - Actor, actress

Seeing an artist you know off stage means you will be deceived. Talking - you are surrounded by a society of liars and hypocrites. To see an artist who has passed away in reality - deception will be the beginning of the collapse of all plans and hopes. Flirting with an artist means the infidelity of a loved one.
Marrying an artist means love interests will bring disappointment. Seeing a drunk artist - an unexpected acquaintance will lead you to loss of respect from others. An actor enjoying the comfort of home is a sign of treachery towards you on the part of people who treated you kindly. Seeing an artist playing a role means you are mistaken in something.
The artist is acting out a tragedy - because of your mistake, tragic events will occur. Amateur performance - your dreams will not come true. The performance of circus performers - you see everything that happens in a distorted light. Watching actors play in films - the pursuit of entertainment and pleasure hides from you the most important thing in your life.
Watching a melodrama film - the threat of breaking your relationship with the person you care about looms over you. Imagine that, having seen an actor, you invite him to a holiday and have fun with him. Celebrate something with the artists - your well-being will improve. Imagine, that all participants in the celebration wore general costumes (see General).
To be an actor (actress) - good events and creative insights await you. Performing with a troupe of traveling actors means in reality you will meet close and good friends who will help you get rid of your problems and worries. To learn the profession of an actor - life requires decisive and immediate action from you. You are acting in a movie - promises a successful change of place.
Imagine that you, as an artist, are crowned with a laurel wreath (see Laurel wreath).

dream book - theater, variety show, casino

(See interpretation: amphitheater)
Seeing a theater, variety show, or casino in a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected incident, as a result of which you will be deceived or lose money. A theater box in a dream is a sign of great worries and fear for one’s fate.
Being at a performance in a dream means worries about a loved one and material losses. Buying a theater ticket in a dream is a warning about deception. After such a dream, you should be careful with money.
Seeing a play with a good or cheerful ending is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a scandalous story, which will be accompanied by squabbles, discord and gossip. If you dream that the play has excited you, then unexpected events await you that will unsettle you. Melodramatic events on stage in a dream indicate that ill-wishers will try to use any opportunity to harm you. Any tragedy on stage that you see in a dream indicates deception, troubles and disappointments that you will encounter in life. See interpretation: ballet.
And any comedy scene or farce in a dream will actually turn out to be good luck for you in a dubious matter. The pantomime you saw in a dream is a sign that your enemies are powerless to harm you.
A theatrical scene in a dream is a warning sign about the dangers of deception.
Finding yourself on it in a dream foretells your participation in sad events that will become public knowledge. Playing a role on stage in a dream means that you will have to hide your true feelings for fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood. A dream in which you saw others playing on stage warns you that they will try to drag you into some kind of intrigue.
A burning theater in a dream foreshadows participation in a risky business that will result in losses and troubles for you.

Dream Interpretation - Actor

A hidden enemy, a hypocritical, deceitful friend. If actors on stage play a tragedy, the dream warns you of some kind of evil, trouble. At the same time, this means the need to help your friends, moral and material. If you see the death of an actor or actress in life or on stage, but not in a role - this promises the collapse of your plans as a result of a great misfortune. Seeing an engagement to an actor and marriage for a young woman in a dream foreshadows repentance for some of her hobbies. A meeting with an actress, some kind of joint entertainment for young man mean quarrels with your wife or lover. If you dream that you are an actor or actress, you will have to look for income, work hard, but this will bring you joy.

See Performance in Night Dreams Interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of a speech, getting ready to give a speech, preparing to participate in public work - listening to a speech, a speech, a report, moving up the social ladder, a leading place in a movement, a party.
  • Speak if you hold a high position, then wait for competitors, if not yet, then be prepared to take it.
  • Public speaking, as a rule, frightens most representatives of the adult population; it is their number one fear, i.e. ranks even higher than, say, death! The result of this is the widespread occurrence of dreams about such events. They are rarely nightmares - this more like dreams about testing and overcoming. Most likely, the occasion for your speech or the audience members who are listening to you will lead you to think about an area of ​​your life that people pay too much attention to.
  • Had a dream public speaking, the theme of which or the speaker’s outfit is completely inappropriate for the moment. This dream is similar to a dream about nudity, in which the key is exposing yourself to everyone and the non-standard situation. The dream may be an attempt to expose a weakness that you usually try to hide. Was the nature of your public appearance absurd or did it fit quite logically into your real life? In such a situation, did you feel high degree worried or were calm and determined.

Only about sex

The images of dancers in Freud's dream book are analyzed in particular detail. The fact that they perform on stage in front of an audience testifies to their unbridled adventurism.

Why do you dream, for example, of seeing yourself as a leader or a follower? If in a dream you lead your partner, it means you are active in receiving pleasure; if he leads, then you are a hidden masochist. By the way, you need to try pleasure through suffering, if you haven’t decided yet.

Another piquant detail: Freud associates concert stages with powerful buttocks and believes that if a woman performs on stage in a dream, then she is very pleased with her shape, and if a man is gay.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Lies, intrigues of the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation Online - Scene

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A wonderful symbol of the fact that everything is a thing of the past, since what is staged on stage will soon end.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Scene?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A man seeing a scene in a dream is a sign that he likes women with curvaceous shapes; a woman is dissatisfied with her figure and wants to correct it. Seeing a theater stage in a dream means small profits. Seeing someone you know on stage...

Dreaming about “Actor, actress (stage, theater)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself playing on stage in a dream means disappointment in life.

What does a dream about a Scene mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“to put together a family scene” - a quarrel, a domestic conflict. “behind the scenes struggle” (secret, invisible). “theatrical performance” is unreal, fake, a deception. “play the jester”, “play someone else’s role.”

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Scene?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Putting together a family scene - a quarrel, a domestic conflict. Behind-the-scenes struggle (secret, invisible). Theatrical performance is unreal, fake, a deception. Playing the jester, playing someone else's role.

Dreaming of "Scene" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Performing on stage means success and profit await you. Seeing the scene from the outside is a pleasure. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine the actors taking their bow. The hall is full, they receive a standing ovation.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Stage, arena, stage?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You have to participate in a large public event. To go on stage or stage and perform - you will receive the honor and respect of your colleagues, promotion, support and favor from your superiors.

Scene - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This sign can symbolize the scene of life. What role do you play there? How do you think others see you?

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Scene?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Karmic accounts.

Interpretation of the dream Scene

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They are not telling you the truth. In the theater there is little profit.

What does the dream portend: Scenario

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

What does the dream portend: Scene

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will pretend and mislead.

What does the dream portend: Proscenium

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Career growth, especially. If you are standing on the proscenium and the hall is filled with well-dressed spectators. Repairing the proscenium means a surgical disease.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Scene?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being on stage means the desire to appear before others in a pleasant, advantageous light. >br />Look at the stage - try on a new life role or situation.

Dream scene

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They don't tell you the truth. In the theater there is little profit.

Dream Interpretation: Why does the Wolf dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In dreams, a wolf is often a symbol of loneliness or predatory behavior. If you dream of a wolf, then you are probably lacking friendships or companionship. Another scenario is that you feel that others are extorting something from...

Dream meaning - Split

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A young woman dreams that she is split into two: one is dreaming and sees the second sitting in the hall and watching a ballet, not a ballet, in a word, someone’s dance on stage. The scene itself is especially important here, because the scene is a lie...

The scene is a symbol of female buttocks.

If a man looks at the stage, he is attracted to women with lush buttocks.

If a woman looks at the stage, she is dissatisfied with her shape and wants to correct it.

If a man goes on stage, he loves to have anal sex.

If a woman goes on stage, she is proud of her figure.

Scene from Hasse's dream book

Scene - they don't tell you the truth; in the theater - a small profit.

Scene from the newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Scene - you will pretend, mislead.

Scene from the dream book of Simon Kananita

Stage - They don’t tell you the truth - in the theater there is little profit

Scene from Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book

The scene is a lie, intrigues of the opposite sex.

Scene from the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Scene - success and profit await you. Imagine the actors taking their bow. The hall is full, they receive a standing ovation.

Scene according to Vrublevskaya's dream book

To be on stage means the desire to appear before others in a pleasant, advantageous light.

Looking at the stage means trying on a new life role or situation.

Scene from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What does a Stage mean in a dream - see also Theater 1. To be on stage in a dream means to make oneself visible. An outdoor stage involves interaction with the masses, as opposed to an audience in a small hall. The mobile need to keep moving even when playing a role. If in a dream we are in the place of the audience, then we need to be aware of the content of the play and its meaning for us. 2. Being on stage means what we know, but also what we don’t know. If a project or idea reaches a specific stage, then we can see the potential for progress. 3. From a spiritual point of view, the stage is a presentation of our own play of life. We are able to observe it and objectively assess what is happening. By bringing the play to life, we can manipulate our lives.

Scene from the Home Dream Book

You dreamed of a Scene - a desire to be paid attention to. Looking at the stage is a situation that requires your attention.

Scene according to the Jewish dream book

What does a Stage mean in a dream - Seeing yourself on an empty stage. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means melancholy and despondency; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will have many new opportunities, but you will be confused, not knowing what to do; seeing yourself on an empty stage on Saturday or Sunday night is a warning: you must moderate your ardor if you do not want to lose the support of your friends. For your husband, a dream on Monday night warns that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means disappointment in friends; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night warns of the danger of intrigues directed against you.

Scene according to the dream book of catchphrases

SCENE – “to put together a family scene” - quarrel, domestic conflict; “behind the scenes struggle” (secret, invisible); “theatrical performance” – unreal, fake, deception; “play the jester”, “play someone else’s role.”

Scene according to the Idiomatic Dream Book

“To put together a family scene” - a quarrel, a domestic conflict; “behind the scenes struggle” - secret, invisible; “theatrical performance” is unreal, fake, a deception.

Scene according to the online dream book

Scene - you will be forced to behave insincerely. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Scene according to the Universal Dream Book

The stage is a wonderful symbol of the fact that everything is becoming a thing of the past, since what is staged on the stage will soon end.

Scene according to the American Dream Book

The stage is the role you play in life. The way others see you.

Scene from the dream book for a bitch

Scene - you have to participate in a large public event.

To go on stage or stage and perform - you will receive the honor and respect of your colleagues, promotion, support and favor from your superiors.

Scene from Denise Lynn's short dream book

The stage of life.

The role you play in life.

The way others see you.

Scene from Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

Scene - this sign can symbolize the scene of life. What role do you play there? How do you think others see you?

Dream interpretation performance

To answer the question of why you dream of a performance, it is worth pointing out: the performance took place in front of the public or you performed in front of one person, a family. In a dream, it is possible that you were simply performing alone.

The point is that this information significantly changes the prediction.

Who did you happen to play?

If you dreamed of a performance, indicate who you performed as. Were you a simple listener or did you have to give a report in front of a huge audience?

Be a listener

According to the dream book, the speech you listened to in a dream promises you advancement in your career. Just one of these days you will receive an offer, you should not refuse it.

The interpretation depends on what is happening on stage, on your feelings at that moment:

To be in a dream at a concert

  • being at a concert means a lot of work is expected in the near future, but the dreamer will receive neither gratitude nor satisfaction;
  • see a concert of a popular music group - you will have a pleasant time with your friends;
  • feel loneliness while watching performances - in real life you will receive increased attention from the opposite sex;
  • watching a performance means you will have a high position in society.

Be a speaker yourself

If you had to prepare for a performance in your sleep, you will be forced to take on social work. Of course, you should not consider such a night vision if you soon have to perform or give a speech in public.

Preparing for a concert in a dream

Then this dream is simply a reflection of real fears.

Awkward moment

While performing on stage, suddenly you notice that you have absolutely no clothes on? This terrible night vision shows that you are completely unprepared for future events.

Now you should take all measures to protect yourself from getting into awkward situations from which it will be quite difficult for you to find a way out.

Not up to the moment

The dream interpreter also considers the situation when the dreamer at a performance is wearing things that are completely inappropriate for this moment.

I dreamed about ridiculous clothes on a person on stage

If you dream about such scenes, then your boss or another person who has a certain influence on you will entrust you with an unpleasant task that causes bewilderment, shame, and rejection.

Dream books advise not to worry, this awkward situation will be forgotten very soon, the main thing is not to focus your attention on it.

What else do the interpreters promise?

Why do you dream about the performance of concert groups and your participation in the performance? It is believed that you have to act as a referee in a dispute between acquaintances.

Dream books indicate that you will not receive gratitude for your participation; rather, on the contrary, you will end up being the guilty party, and the disputants will unite against you.

Preparing for a performance in a dream for a person who occupies a high position in real life means that he will have serious competitors.

You have a serious fight ahead of you, you will have to gather all your strength.