Dream interpretation streams of dirty water. Why do you dream of dirty water: interpretations and details

In addition to all kinds of jams and compotes, the berries are suitable for freezing; in this form they can be stored for up to six months without losing their taste, and also retaining all the vitamins. Today's episode will be about how to freeze red currants for the winter.

How to freeze red currants

  • Dry freezing;
  • Berry puree;
  • Berries with sugar.

Red, black and other types of currants can be frozen using any method, including initial stage they are all the same. It is necessary to sort and wash the berries. For berry puree and freezing with sugar, the integrity of the berries is not required, so bruised currants do not need to be put aside as “reject”, but for dry freezing only ripe and strong berries are used. You should separate the berries from the twigs and leaves, then put them in a bucket of water and shake them lightly with your hands, then all the debris will float up, and you can proceed to the second phase, which is also the same for all freezing methods: drying. Leave the currants on a paper towel to absorb all the moisture. Frozen water will only add unnecessary weight and volume.

Dry freezing currants

Clean currants are laid out on a flat surface, for example, cardboard or a board, and placed in the freezer for several hours. Once the berries are frozen, you can put them in one container without fear of them sticking together. The main thing is that during the first frost the berries were not located too close to each other. This freezing method will allow you to preserve currants for decorating cakes, since even when defrosted, the berries retain their neat appearance.

Frozen currant puree

If you want to save most vitamins, but there is not enough space in the freezer, you can grind the berries in a blender or through a meat grinder. This puree does not require additional preservation or sterilization; it is convenient to store it in plastic food containers with a lid. But, unfortunately, berry puree has much fewer possibilities for use: fruit drink, layering and filling.

Let's take a closer look at the recipe for freezing currants with sugar:

Frozen currants with sugar

The recipe for freezing currants with sugar is similar to the previous method, and it is very simple. You can freeze black or white currants in the same way.

how to freeze currants for the winter recipe


  • 2 kg currants,
  • sugar 5 tablespoons.

Cooking process:

The berries are washed and placed in a storage container. The main difference is the addition of sugar, which will increase the shelf life of frozen currants. At the same time, little sugar is required: for 2 kilograms of ripe berries you will need no more than 5 tablespoons of sugar.

Sprinkle the currants with granulated sugar, then lightly crush the berries with your hands. This way, you will get a consistency somewhat reminiscent of puree, but not as homogeneous. There is no need to crush each berry; whole currants in a puree mass will be a pleasant bonus that can be used to decorate desserts.

There is another type of freezing berries, in which dry berries are placed in a container and sent to the freezer. Some people experiment and freeze berries in water, but such methods often do not pay off. So in the first case, when defrosting, the berries lose their shape, and in the second, too much space is required for storage and there is a risk that the container will crack under the pressure of ice.

You can store frozen berries in any container except glass. The ideal option would be food containers with a lid, but if they are not available, plastic jars for yogurt, sour cream and other food products will do. Berry puree can even be stored in zip-lock bags, since the shape of the puree does not play any role when frozen. If you lose the lid of a container, you can simply screw it into a bag. Or use cling film.

Delicious preparations to you!

Ksyusha prepared the currants.

Any berry tastes best fresh. The abundance of fruits and vegetables is one of the advantages of the summer season, in addition to the warmth of the sun and the hot sandy beach. But what to do in winter? Everyone solves the procurement problem in their own way. In almost any home there are days when the pleasant aromas of preparing jam waft through the air. Apple, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, and, of course, blackcurrant - in a saucepan, basin or slow cooker.

This amazing berry contains many vitamins (group B, as well as A, C, E, D, K and P). In addition, it contains copper, calcium, iron, manganese and many other useful substances, acids and tannins. It should be noted that among other berries, the black currant variety is the richest in the presence of ascorbic acid.

It’s no secret that during cooking, many fruits and berries lose most of their nutrients, even if it’s only for five minutes. The best way to prepare blackcurrants for the winter and save all of them wonderful properties- is to freeze it.

Recipe for freezing chokeberries

There are many ways to freeze blackcurrants. But perhaps the most interesting of them is when the berries are frozen in syrup. This is practically the same jam with the same proportions, but much more fortified and healthy.


Servings: – +

  • currant 1 kg
  • sugar 1.2 kg
  • water 300 ml

Per serving

Calories: 236 kcal

Proteins: 0.3 g

Fats: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 60.4 g

25 min.

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We need to fix it Recipe for freezing black currants with sugar without cooking

Cooking time: 5

15 minutes

  • Number of servings:
  • Energy value
  • calorie content - 235.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.3 g;


  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 60.4 g.

currants - 1 kg;

  1. sugar - 1.3 kg.
  2. Step-by-step preparation
  3. First of all, we sort through, discarding the garbage, everything dry and spoiled. We cut off the tail of each berry.
  4. Then put it in an enamel pan and add sugar.

Now grind the berries with sugar into a homogeneous mass. You can use a blender or meat grinder. But it is best to do this with a wooden masher, since contact with metal destroys vitamin C.

We need to fix it Recipe for freezing black currants with sugar without cooking

Cooking time: 5

15 minutes

  • After this, we put the resulting berry puree into the freezer, where it will be stored in the future.
  • Recipe for freezing black currants without sugar and without cooking
  • calorie content - 42.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;


  • fats - 0.2 g;

currants - 1 kg;

  1. carbohydrates - 7.0 g.
  2. currants - 1 kg.
  3. We wash the black currants and clear them of debris. We cut off the tail of each thing.

Then, using a wooden masher, mash the berries into a puree. You can use a blender or meat grinder, but it is not advisable, since metal destroys vitamin C.

We put the finished puree into containers, close the lid and send it to the chamber.

We need to fix it Recipe for freezing black currants without cooking

Cooking time: 5

15 minutes

  • After this, we put the resulting berry puree into the freezer, where it will be stored in the future.
  • Recipe for freezing black currants without sugar and without cooking
  • calorie content - 42.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.3 g;


  • fats - 0.2 g;

currants - 1 kg;

  1. This is perhaps the simplest and most popular way to freeze blackcurrants. There are many photos and videos of such preparations on the Internet.
  2. 20 minutes
  3. We wash the black currants. It is very important to remove all berries that have at least some defect. We also remove leaves, twigs and other debris. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, cut off the tails.
  4. If all the berries do not fit on a tray, it is more efficient to freeze them in several batches. Then the frozen currants will turn out crumbly.
  5. After the berries are frozen, pour them into plastic containers or plastic bags and send them back to the freezer, where they will be stored.

Freezing secrets

It is better to freeze berries in small portions. This is much more convenient to use. And besides, re-freezing (if suddenly not all the packaging was used up) is highly not recommended. To distribute berries into small portions, in addition to food containers and plastic bags, it is very convenient to use ordinary plastic cups. You just need to pour the currants into them and wrap them with cling film.

It is very important that the berries do not come into direct contact with the cold air of the freezer. Because of this, they can dry out and absorb foreign odors. It is necessary to strictly ensure that all containers with frozen berries are hermetically sealed.

It is better to defrost blackcurrants gradually. To start, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then take it out and continue defrosting at room temperature. It is not recommended to defrost berries in the microwave or using hot water.

How long can you store

Frozen chokeberries can last for years. But it should be remembered that after 8 months the berries gradually begin to lose vitamins and nutrients. At the same time, taste qualities are perfectly preserved. If you freeze berries at a temperature below 8 degrees, they will lose their beneficial properties even earlier, after about 3 months.

In what container should I store it?

There are many things you can use for frozen blackcurrants. The best option is plastic containers. They are very compact and easy to use. The most budget-friendly type of packaging is simple plastic bags. They are also convenient because you can put completely different amounts of berries into bags of the same size, which is a big plus when defrosting. But there is a small minus in plastic bags. It is not advisable to store whole frozen berries in them (not mashed into puree), since when poured and defrosted they become wrinkled and deformed. You can also use disposable plastic cups and even jars.

Of course, you need to freeze berries for the winter. After all, where else can you find so many vitamins and nutrients that the body needs so much during the winter season? By spending only about an hour in the summer, you can then enjoy the berry taste, cook compotes, bake pies, and even eat it directly, freshly thawed.

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How to freeze blackcurrants for the winter worries many gardeners. After all, this is the most The best way conservation delicious berries. It is when frozen that all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved.

Frozen round blackcurrants are tastier than oblong ones.

Frozen berries can be eaten immediately without waiting for defrosting.

Round ice cubes are poured onto a plate, and the berries are picked up with a small coffee spoon. Sweet and sour currants that melt in your mouth are a little gastronomic pleasure.

A handful of frozen currants is a healthy dietary dessert.

Frozen black currants are stored whole year. Accidental defrosting and re-thawing, of course, will reduce the presentation of the berries, but will not destroy all the vitamins. If re-freezing is strictly contraindicated for meat and fish products, then berries are in a more advantageous position. Repeated freezing will lead to gluing of the berries, since when they thaw, juice will certainly be released.


Frozen currants are the basis of many dishes. Berries are placed in pies, mousses, jelly, and compotes. Grind half a cup of ice berries and one large banana in a blender to create a wonderfully cool smoothie.


  • black currant – 1 kg.


Ripe black currants are frozen, but any yellow-red berries that come across are not thrown away. After defrosting, they can be added to compotes and jelly.

Currants are washed in cold water, dried leaves and green berries are removed.
When planning to freeze fruits, the branches are cut off after washing the berries.

Place the wet currants first on a paper towel. When the moisture is absorbed, the berries are transferred to a cloth and left for 2-3 hours. To dry the berries, you can use a towel instead wooden board or a large flat plate. When frozen, wet berries will be compressed into a monolithic iceberg, and dried currants will then easily fall out of the mold.

When vacuum packaging, the currants are first placed in film bags, and then the air is removed and the seam is secured. This method ensures the best preservation of currants.

For traditional freezing, plastic containers are used. Dry berries are poured into a container, shaken so that the currants fit more tightly, then close and secure the lid tightly. Particularly good are those containers whose lid is secured with thin, lifting handles that fit into grooves in the lid.

Both in containers and in vacuum bags, currants do not absorb foreign odors.

What could be more pleasant and healthier than fresh summer berries in winter? However, this is a perishable product and it is possible to preserve the fruits until the onset of the winter months only by freezing. Currants are ideal for this process because they can easily withstand cold without losing their beneficial and flavorful qualities.

Is it possible to freeze currants for the winter in the refrigerator?

This question is asked by most housewives who have not yet dealt with freezing berries. The answer is simple - it is possible, and even necessary! After all, in winter you will be able to surprise everyone at home by preparing a delicious compote, pie or other dessert from fresh, natural fruits. The process of freezing currants (black, red or white), which are called northern grapes, consists of several stages, which we will consider in more detail:

  • preparation for freezing;
  • freezing (includes several methods);
  • storage.

How to select and prepare berries for freezing

Before freezing black currants (red, white) for the winter in the refrigerator, you need to select and prepare the berries. The main thing to remember is that the fruits should be medium-sized and ripe. Otherwise, when defrosting, the thawed water will tear the skin and the precious vitamin juice will leak out. Small or large currants are also suitable for cooking - you can make compote or jam from them. Before freezing, be sure to separate the stems and branches.

Methods for freezing currants

There are several ways to freeze healthy fruits. Each of the processes has certain features and characteristic actions that must be done before immersion in the refrigerator. However, before freezing currants, you need to pay attention to several important nuances:

  • temperature of the freezing container;
  • storage container.

Refrigeration experts claim that the ideal storage temperature for berries is from -16 to -21 degrees. Under such conditions, the fruits will freeze quickly and reliably, and they can be consumed even after 9-12 months. Storage is also possible at high temperatures - zero/minus eight degrees. However, it should be borne in mind that detention in such conditions has a certain period of time - no more than several months.

Before freezing white currants (red, black) for the winter, you should take care of the storage container. Bags (plastic) or containers (plastic) are perfect for this purpose. The latter form of storage will help save space inside the freezer, fitting well with a rectangular shape into the space of the chamber. Important point– you need to calculate the number of fruits placed in bags/containers so that the consumption is one-time – the products cannot be re-supercooled.

Let's look at how to freeze currants for the winter using several methods:

  • how to freeze using the dry method;
  • how to freeze currants for the winter with sugar;
  • how to store as a puree.

Dry freezing method

This freezing option is the most popular among housewives because it is distinguished by its simplicity. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the fruits under running water.
  2. Separate the branches and stalks.
  3. Dry the berries thoroughly, as ice can damage the integrity of the fruit.
  4. Place a serving of fruit in a thin layer on a tray or cutting board.
  5. Place in the freezer compartment (until the product hardens).
  6. Place in a container/bag and place in a deep freezer.

Freezing berries for the winter with sugar

Housewives often use the freezing method with sugar. Such berries will not turn into a lump, remaining crumbly even without using the tray method. If you need to make jam or pie with northern grapes, you should pour out the contents of the package and let it freeze. If you act quickly, the sugar will prevent the fruits from sticking together. How to freeze blackcurrants with sugar for the winter? Very simple:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits well on a towel so that no moisture remains.
  2. Place into containers or bags.
  3. Add sugar to taste (for those who love sweets, more, but for a natural taste, a few spoons of sweet sand per half a kilogram of fruit is enough).
  4. Place in the freezer.

How to freeze berries for the winter in the form of puree

Northern grapes can be mashed and frozen into puree. This type of storage is suitable if the berries are used in recipes for various desserts: jelly, fruit juice, or as an ingredient for a pie. Berry puree contains a whole range of vitamins that are so necessary in winter. Application of the method:

  1. Wash and dry northern grapes.
  2. Grind with a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Divide the resulting puree into containers (add sugar if desired).
  4. Place opened containers on the freezer shelf.
  5. After freezing, the containers are closed with lids.
  6. Further, it is recommended to store the puree briquettes in bags.

How long can you store

Frozen red currants (or black or white) can be stored for up to 12 months at temperatures from - 16 to - 21 degrees. Modern devices have the ability to create such conditions. However, if the refrigerator is an old model and produces a temperature higher than specified, then frozen berries are stored for no more than three months.

How to defrost correctly

There is no special secret when defrosting northern grapes. This process should be done gradually and with patience, as rapid thawing will affect the integrity of the berries and their taste. First, you should move the fruits to the bottom shelf of the freezer, where there is less frost, for several hours. An alternative way is to place the briquettes in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Another effective and quick way is a microwave oven with a defrosting function (1-2 minutes).

Video: harvesting currants for the winter

If you don’t yet know how to properly freeze your favorite berries, then the videos below will easily help you in this matter. These berries are a storehouse of vitamins that the body simply needs in winter. Find out how to properly freeze northern grapes so that they do not lose their taste, beneficial qualities and impeccable appearance as in the photos of culinary magazines.

Blackcurrant for the winter

How to freeze red currants for the winter in the refrigerator

How to freeze blackcurrants for the winter? In a refrigerator, the most ordinary household one, this is not at all difficult to do. Of course, if it has a freezer. I also advise you to take care of a place to store frozen berries. I usually put them in small bags. Freezing and using currants in small portions is much more convenient than pouring everything into one large bag, which will have to be opened every time you need a few berries.

By the way, properly frozen raw berries retain almost all vitamins, macro- and microelements, phytoncides, organic acids and other useful substances. And there is something to preserve: currants are the leader in vitamin C content, and they also contain a lot of pectin - a natural thickener that simultaneously regulates digestion processes, preventing constipation and the so-called irritable bowel syndrome (alternating loose stools and constipation against the background of dysbacteriosis).

The easiest way to freeze blackcurrants without sugar

This method is also called dry. I like it for its unpretentiousness and it seems really very simple, but do not forget that only currants of excellent quality are suitable for harvesting in this way. Crumpled, overripe (soft) and other substandard products are discarded - use them for making preserves, marmalade, and marmalade. You can grind blackcurrants with sugar for the winter. I most often do this if there are a lot of substandard berries.

This is how dry freezing is done.

The currants need to be sorted, separated from the stalks, washed if necessary and dried thoroughly. Spread the berries in a single layer on a large cutting board or thick sheet of plastic, then place in the freezer. When the berries are frozen, pour them into the container of your choice and return them to the freezer. Repeat the procedure until all the berries are frozen. If you have a powerful freezer, you can immediately pour the berries into containers or bags, place them in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, and when the currants freeze, shake the container so that the berries are separated from each other.

You should not wash the berries before dry freezing. Because it absorbs excess liquid, which deforms the berries during freezing and subsequent defrosting. If you are afraid to use unwashed currants for preparations, do not freeze berries purchased at the market. Buy from friends (after clarifying the issue of spraying the bushes) or grow it yourself.

What to cook from black currants, frozen without sugar

The simplest option is fruit drink. Delicious and vitamin drink. Frozen blackcurrant juice is prepared quite quickly, you just need to defrost the berries in advance. Remember what I said about small portions? So take out your portion packet.


  • 200 grams;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.


Thaw the currants and grind them in a blender. Rub the crushed berries through a sieve. You can skip the previous step if you want to extract juice from currants in another way, for example, use a juicer or squeeze the berries through cheesecloth. Place the resulting juice in the refrigerator, cover the pulp with sugar and pour 1 liter clean water. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes. Cool the finished fruit drink and pour the cooled juice into it, then mix thoroughly. The delicious drink is completely ready to drink.

Frozen berries also make wonderful compotes and jelly. To slightly diversify the taste of such drinks, I mix black currants with red currants, add a little raspberries, blackberries, and gooseberries. I put everything on large plates, freeze it dry and put it in bags. Frozen berries for compote keep well for 3-4 months.

How to freeze blackcurrants with sugar

Skilled housewives will tell you right away that this method is much more profitable. Although it would seem more expensive, because sugar is required. Nevertheless, by adding sugar, we no longer get just frozen berries, but actually a semi-finished product, the basis for preparing all kinds of drinks, desserts and other dishes. My favorite option is freezing whole currants with sugar. As in the photo.

Blackcurrants should be sorted immediately after picking or purchasing, removing everything except the berries themselves. Wash and spread in a thin layer on a paper towel. Prepare a container for mixing with sugar: it can be a deep bowl, pan or basin. Lay out the currants, sprinkling them with sugar in layers. Mix with a wooden or silicone spatula. Then put them in plastic containers and close the lids tightly, put them in the freezer for storage and take a small amount of berries as needed.

You can also freeze blackcurrants, grated with sugar, for the winter.