Dream interpretation of a mental patient. Dream Interpretation - mental hospital: why do you have a dream about a mental hospital? Escape: The goal is within easy reach

A dream in which the Mother of God appeared to the dreamer symbolizes the trials that may befall him. But sometimes the Mother of God can promise joy and good luck. To understand exactly why such a thing occurs in a dream, dream books recommend remembering your feelings experienced in a dream and what the outcome of the meeting was.

Brief interpretation

If it happens that when you wake up, you cannot remember what exactly you dreamed about – no problem. For a dream book, sometimes a small fragment of a dream is enough to explain why this or that is being dreamed about.

  • Asking about something is a test.
  • To meet you in church is a surprise.
  • Seeing one descending from heaven means the fulfillment of desires.
  • Seeing it on the street means reconciliation.
  • Her face appeared on the wall - someone will help you a lot.
  • Praying for something means hope for a better life.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustavus Miller believed that the Virgin Mary is dreamed of by people either with dark intentions or by those who are tormented by remorse. If you have done something terrible and are afraid of God's punishment, repent and all your troubles will go away.

For those who are not afraid of the Lord’s Judgment, the psychologist advised them to think about the fact that such a dream could be a warning not to do anything bad. If the Lord God does not punish, then the “boomerang of fate” will definitely return and “hit” very painfully.

Meeting in the temple - to surprises

Praying in a church in a dream and seeing that the Mother of God is nearby means surprises await you. If the Mother of God also prayed - everything will be fine, if she cried - trouble threatens you. If you smiled and offered to pray together, a surprise awaits you.

Did you dream that in a beautiful stone church every day the appearance of the Virgin Mary with a child in her arms occurs? You don’t have to worry about your plans - they will come true, but very unexpectedly for you. And if the beauty of the stone temple is illuminated only by the bright face of the young Virgin Mary, small but heartfelt joys await you.

Seeing the Mother of God in heaven is a sign of fulfillment of desires

Do you want to understand why you dreamed that the Holy Mother of God was descending from the clouds? Take a look at Pastor Loff's dream book. His interpretation of the dream will make you happy: your wishes are about to come true.

But Medea’s dream book promises to achieve a goal through trials, interpreting a dream in which you rose to the clouds along the wide belt of the Virgin Mary, which she lowered to the ground.

The dream that you see the outlines of the Virgin Mary’s face appear in the sky means the fulfillment of a forgotten dream. And if in the sky you can see not only the face, but the entire Virgin Mary, your loved ones will help you achieve what you want.

Seeing someone on the street means the difficulties and joys of communication

Those who had a dream that the Most Holy Theotokos, as if living woman, hugs passers-by on the street, one can hope for reconciliation with those with whom they are in a quarrel. And if the Blessed Virgin Mary hugs you, you should be the initiator of reconciliation.

Understand why you are dreaming living Mother of God with the baby Jesus in her arms, standing in the middle of a stream of people, will help Gypsy dream book. This means that in the bustle of life you don’t spend any time with your family. And the living Mother of God with a baby in her arms in a crowd of people is a warning for parents: something may be in danger for their children.

Many people are interested in why the Mother of God dreams. Various interpreters will help decipher the meaning of such a vision. A dream can portend both good and unpleasant events. A vision can act as a warning or help you look into the future.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

If you are interested in why the Virgin Mary dreams, take a look at Miller’s dream book. Here's what information you can find in this authoritative source:

  • The image of the Virgin Mary symbolizes secret protection from dark forces. Such a dream encourages you to be active and accept important decisions.
  • The dream may be warning you that you are not paying enough attention. spiritual development.
  • If the Mother of God spoke to you in a dream, it means that she is warning you about something. Try to remember the dialogue verbatim to find answers to your questions.
  • The dream may portend health problems. Try to get more rest and eat better. It won't hurt to undergo a medical examination.
  • If the Mother of God held a baby in her hands, this means that you will have an influential patron.
  • The image of the Virgin Mary in heaven promises you the fulfillment of your cherished dream.

Interpretation according to Vanga's dream book

To the question of why the Mother of God dreams, you can find the answer from the famous soothsayer Vanga. Here's what she said about this:

  • The Virgin Mary symbolizes protection. In the near future, good luck will accompany you and your loved ones.
  • If you dreamed of praying to the Mother of God, it means that you will soon be able to solve a problem that has been haunting you for a long time.
  • If in your dream the Virgin Mary prayed or cried, you should be more attentive to your family and friends. Most likely, one of them needs your help, but does not dare to ask.
  • Great unexpected joy - behold, a dream can portend pregnancy for young women, and recovery for sick people.
  • The Virgin Mary in the sky is evidence that nothing in life is given for nothing. To achieve your goal, you will have to work hard and hard. But in the end, your efforts will be rewarded.

Interpretation according to the mythological dream book

The mythological dream book also contains some explanations about what the Mother of God dreams about. That's what it's about we're talking about:

  • The dream can symbolize wise advice. Listen more carefully to what experienced people tell you.
  • If the Mother of God smiled in your dream, it means that you are doing everything right. Don't turn away from your chosen path and don't give up your beliefs.
  • If you dreamed of an icon of the Virgin Mary or a beautiful fresco on the wall of a temple, this means that happy events will happen in your life. A bright streak will begin in your life.
  • If you saw the Mother of God in the form of a simple passerby, this means that one of your loved ones needs help.
  • If she hugs you, it means it's time to make peace with the person you're quarreling with. Moreover, you should be the initiator.

Interpretation according to the family dream book

If you are wondering why the image of the Virgin Mary is seen in dreams, take a look family dream book. From this source you will receive the following information:

  • This is protection higher powers. In the near future, peace and prosperity will reign in your family.
  • If you had a dream on the eve of some important matter, it means that you are doing everything right. Good luck will accompany you, so feel free to get to work.
  • If you heard the voice of the Mother of God, this means that you will soon find a way out of a difficult situation. Advice will help you with this random person.
  • If the Mother of God held a baby in her hands, it means that your family will soon become larger. Most likely, you will soon find out about your pregnancy.
  • A sad or crying Virgin Mary is a warning. Most likely, the children are in some kind of danger. We need to pay more attention to what they do in their free time.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

To understand why the Mother of God dreams in a dream, pay attention to the interpreter of Pastor Loff. Here is what knowledge you can glean from this source:

  • If you dream of Our Lady, you may have done something bad. To get rid of mental anguish, apologize to those you offended or try to correct the situation.
  • The Mother of God may be dreamed of as a warning to someone into whose head bad thoughts have crept. Before you do anything, think about the possible consequences.
  • If you were praying in a dream and suddenly noticed the Mother of God, you will encounter surprises. If the image was joyful, the events will be pleasant. If the Mother of God was sad or cried, it means that some difficulties are coming.
  • If in a dream you are in a big and beautiful temple, decorated with icons depicting the Virgin Mary, this portends you great success. Moreover, no effort is required from you.
  • If a holy image suddenly appears on a white wall, this means that higher powers are protecting you everywhere and always. Your envious people and ill-wishers will not be able to harm you.

What happens if you dream of the Mother of God and her baby? The most full interpretation sleep from the astrologers of the site "Starry Dream Book".

Why does the Mother of God dream? In a dream, she symbolizes protection, patronage, or comes on the eve of trials to strengthen a person in faith. Dream books interpret this image as a harbinger of happy events.

Help and patronage

Why do you dream about an image? Holy Mother of God? The dream indicates the favor of the Virgin Mary, the opportunity to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Praying in front of an icon and kissing the image in a dream means: a person will receive the protection of the Almighty. When the icon streamed myrrh, thanks to his faith the sleeper will get rid of his difficulties.

Unfavorable meanings

If the image was stern, gloomy, and blocked your path, it means you need to reconsider your plans or completely abandon your intentions. They will not be blessed and therefore will fail. Was she crying? This is a harbinger of very bad events.

When the face is menacing, and clouds are gathering around, the dream book warns of long-term major failures. Seeing it on the walls of a church promises grief.

You will reach your goal and overcome difficulties

Why do you dream of talking to the Mother of God? Vision is considered prophetic. You must definitely listen to her orders. Talking to her is an opportunity to realize your plans. But you need to remember all the instructions and follow them exactly, then you will achieve your goal.

Finding a medallion with her image in a dream means that in reality you will receive unexpected help in seemingly hopeless circumstances.

Did you dream that she accompanied you in the dark? The dream book informs: this is a harbinger of goodwill. Seeing the Virgin Mary in the dark, shrouded in light is very auspicious sign. Even the most difficult questions they will receive answers, and their wishes will come true.

Also, the dream that the Mother of God appeared in the darkness and illuminated everything around promises a way out of the most difficult situations.

Kazan Mother of God

Did you dream about the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God? For businessmen, the dream book foretells the conclusion of contracts that will turn out to be very promising. Praying in front of her in a dream means receiving support in reality in a matter that is important to the dreamer. Such a vision promises a girl happy marriage very soon.

Happy Changes

Seeing the silhouette of the Mother of God in a dream, descending from the icon and speaking to the dreamer, promises him significant changes. If you stretch out your hand to a person, the dream book promises: you can hope for help and support in life if the sleeper corrects his shortcomings.

Why do you dream about the silhouette of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms? This means: the dreamer's child is expected happy event.

For young women, the Virgin Mary and baby foreshadows a new addition to the family. The pregnancy will proceed well or, despite the possible risk, will end successfully, since it is under the protection of the Mother of God herself.

How did you dream about it?

For correct interpretation dream, it is important to remember exactly how the Mother of God dreamed:

  • face in the sky, among dark clouds- bad sign;
  • with a baby - according to the dream book: your child is protected;
  • blessing - support for the dreamer’s endeavors;
  • pendant with an image - protection from troubles.

The majestic face of the Mother of God, as she is depicted on the icon, predicts the happiest event in the life of the sleeper. This prophetic dream: the event will occur within six months after it.

An image of the Virgin Mary inside a pendant in a dream foreshadows something good, joyful, connected with children and loved ones.

Miller's Dream Book: Don't do bad things

Such a dream warns: you need to refrain from actions that could bring harm to someone, as they will entail unpleasant consequences.

The Virgin Mary comes to dreams different people: believers and those who deny the divine presence, sinners and righteous. However, any of its appearance indicates that a person should receive his own special message: reproach for misdeeds or consolation in trouble.

If the image of the Mother of God appears to a person in a dream, then we can say that he has gained heavenly protection. At the same time, such protection obliges him to a lot. The exact circumstances under which the icon appeared in the dream influence significant impact to interpret the meaning of this image.

Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God?

Dreamers who have beheld the icon of the Mother of God usually go through a difficult life stage. They urgently need consolation and the Blessed Virgin promises intercession to such people. If the image that appeared was ancient, then support and strength to strengthen the spirit should be sought in ancestral traditions.

Why do you dream of icons of the Mother of God framed in a rich gold frame? Despite its apparent beauty, such a sign cannot be considered favorable, since it speaks of a person’s lack of faith in the presence of higher powers and goodness. The appearance of a golden icon is especially often observed at moments when the dreamer is ready to commit a fall from grace.

The favorable moment in this case can only be associated with the attitude that was shown towards the Mother of God’s face. Respect and a kiss left on the icon speak of the dreamer’s strong spirituality and his ability to resist temptation and resist it.

Trying to explain Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God?, you must take into account exactly where it was located:

  • In your own home.

The vision speaks of a joyful future. Although if we are talking about a girl who had to do something difficult and meaningful choice, then the previously made decision should be considered again.

  • In the church.

Such a message is received by people who are in dire need of spiritual cleansing, and for girls who are at a crossroads in life, such symbolism speaks of the correctness of their previously made choice.

For people who are carried away by thoughts about resolving a certain problem, the icon of the Mother of God, which appeared in a dream, suggests that all circumstances favor the resolution of the situation and one can, without doubting one’s capabilities, take on the fulfillment of one’s plans. In this situation, the Mother of God is a symbol of divine blessing, extending to any endeavor.

Therefore, after similar vision you need to immediately take active action, then success will certainly accompany you in all your undertakings, and the achievement of the desired result will happen unexpectedly soon.

Why you dream about the icon of the Mother of God also depends on what specific actions were performed in the dream:

  • Pray before the image of the Virgin Mary.

If in a dream a person sees himself praying in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then soon he can expect support in business from partners or colleagues.

  • Hold the icon in your hands.

In the very near future, the dreamer will hear long-awaited news.

  • Listen to the words spoken by the face.

In this case, you cannot miss a single word from the spoken speech. Our Lady, as the best possible adviser, speaks if she wants to give useful guidance or has an important message for the listener. At the moment of awakening, it is very important to remember all the words spoken as accurately as possible, since they will help you choose the further direction of your life’s path.

Who's dreaming

Not last role in explaining what the icon of the Mother of God may mean in a dream, knowledge of who is the “addressee” of the message plays a role.

To a woman

The Mother of God has always acted as a patroness hearth and home, or in one way or another correlated with family and intra-family relationships, therefore for women such messages are filled with especially deep meaning.

Having encountered in a dream the peaceful and benevolent gaze of the Mother of God, one can quite count on the protection Holy Virgin in family matters, to protect the spouse, children and home. The one who sees such a dream moves into a new bright and happy period of her life.

The sad or even dissatisfied look of the Mother of God should be assessed completely differently. Most likely, the path chosen by the woman is not correct enough, or on this path she makes many mistakes and she needs to think about changing her behavior and outlook on life. Otherwise family happiness will turn into a pipe dream.

Unmarried girls see the Virgin Mary in a dream if they are soon to meet their future spouse, and those who are already in a relationship should prepare for the wedding. If the solemn event does take place, then they will never have to regret their choice. Married women after such a dream they can count on a blissful atmosphere in the house and strong family relationships.

To a man

A person or an adult man who sees the face of the Blessed Virgin in a dream is truly lucky, since he will soon meet a girl (woman) who is destined for him. She will marry him and become the mother of his children, and they will live in peace and harmony.

Why can you dream about the icon of the Mother of God? married man? If family life already established, then the vision with the image of the Mother of God says that family ties will noticeably strengthen. The dreamer’s main task in this case is not to interfere with what is happening.

What kind of icon did you dream about?

Exists large number different images of the Mother of God. Each of them has its own characteristics and can carry a special message.


The face of the Kazan Mother of God has always been associated with feat and military deeds. This image was always taken to bless warriors going into battle. Appearing in a dream, she can become a symbol that difficult times are coming, but no matter what, one should hope for her intercession and protection. A guardian angel will always be nearby and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

Perhaps you should ease your soul and go to church for confession.


This image can be recognized by the seven swords, the tips of which the Virgin Mary holds in her palms. Anyone who sees her in a dream will soon recover. This can apply not only to the physical, but also to the spiritual, mental or emotional.

Why dream of the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God if you yourself are not sick?

It is possible that the message is not addressed to the beholder personally, but to one of his relatives. In this case, after awakening, you should pray for the health of all loved ones suffering from physical or mental illness.

What happens in a dream

In a dream, everything is important - the images themselves, their words and, of course, the actions performed.

The icon was broken

If in a dream there is no strength to hold the image of the Virgin Mary, it falls and breaks, then there is a high probability that in reality the person is close to committing fatal mistake. By taking a careless step, he may lose heavenly intercession; moreover, his life, or the life of a loved one and significant person, may be in jeopardy.

A burned, stolen or desecrated image warns of impending disaster or the risk of being slandered.

The Virgin Mary is crying

Troubles await those to whom she appeared crying icon Our Lady. Significant difficulties may be coming, but they can be overcome, albeit at the cost of great losses.

Buying an image

Such a plot can be considered bad sign. It is likely that in the very near future a person will be left without work and family, and he himself will be to blame for this. If the dreamer was going to ask friends for help, then we can say without a doubt that he will be refused.

What does it mean to kiss the face of the Blessed Virgin?

Kissing the icon of the Mother of God in a dream, or praying in front of it, means gaining divine grace, protection and intercession for oneself. Although, according to some versions, such a dream speaks of an incorrect prioritization, in which material assets prevail over spiritual ones.

Why the icon of the Mother of God dreams may interest both a believer and an atheist. The interpretation of a dream can be different: it all depends on its details. Therefore, it is so important to remember them, analyze them and find answers to all questions in dream books.

Why the icon of the Mother of God dreams may interest both a believer and an atheist

What do dream books say?

It is believed that a person can dream of the icon of the Mother of God when he especially needs help and support. The dream gives hope that a patron will definitely meet along the way. But any support is not given just like that: you have to earn it through your actions.

When you wake up, you should analyze all the nuances you see, since the interpretation of the dream depends on this:

  • actions with the icon;
  • its location;
  • what position was the icon in?
  • whether she was alone or surrounded by others;
  • it was old icon or new.

If you dreamed of a classic icon of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms, this means that a blessing awaits the person. Whoever in reality is tormented by doubts about the correctness of his actions should calm down, since he is walking along the right way. Morpheus sends a prophetic sign saying that all plans will definitely come true.

It is believed that a person can dream of the icon of the Mother of God when he especially needs help and support

There is nothing good in dreams where, instead of a baby, the Mother of God is holding a freak in her arms. Here it is important to remember whether you dreamed about it before midnight or after. In the first case, a person expects family feuds, and in the second, betrayal of loved ones.

Dreaming of the Mother of God without a baby means that the dreamer is waiting for important news that can completely change his life. But everything will not happen so quickly, you will have to be patient for some time, come to terms with some life circumstances. But all this will be followed by pleasant changes.

A person who dreamed of an icon depicting the Mother of God with a stern or even dissatisfied face should analyze his actions. The dreamer is probably not happy with what he is doing. But if you dream of an icon with a crying saint, then this is a warning about a possible loss loved one. This is not necessarily death. It is quite possible that a break in the relationship will occur.

When someone close to you is sick, any sign that could suggest that healing will definitely come is important to the relatives. A good sign will be a dream in which the patient’s relatives or friends dream of the Seven Arrow Icon. She is easy to recognize: next to the Mother of God there are 7 swords depicted. And this does not necessarily mean getting rid of a physical illness. It is quite possible that the sufferer will cope with the depressed state and perk up. The main thing is to believe that everything will be fine.

Why do you dream about an icon (video)

Interpretation of sleep for men and women

According to various dream books, an icon of the Mother of God dreamed of by an unmarried man foreshadows an early meeting with his soulmate. She will turn out to be exactly the one destined for by fate. The girl will definitely become an excellent wife and true friend, caring mother for future children. A man will live a long and long life with his betrothed happy life. Having seen such a dream, a person must believe that everything will definitely happen.

A married man can also have the same dream. And the icon promises him only good things - family relationships will become stronger. The main thing is not to interfere life circumstances turn out as fate intended.

According to various dream books, an icon of the Mother of God dreamed of by an unmarried man foreshadows an imminent meeting with his soulmate

An equally interesting question is why representatives of the fair half of humanity dream about the icon of the Mother of God. If the dreamer is an unmarried girl, then it’s time for her to think about the style wedding dress, since the betrothed is already somewhere nearby, and her girlhood will smoothly flow into married life very soon.

A married young woman, seeing the icon, receives an excellent sign - very soon the most joyful state in life will come - expecting a baby. Pregnancy can be long expected, or it can be unexpected.

A lady of Balzac's age dreaming of the face of the Mother of God foreshadows the appearance of grandchildren. If this is excluded, then you can expect a speedy resolution of life’s problems.

Icon in a dream (video)

A few more interpretations of dreams with an icon

To see in a dream the face of the Mother of God in the sky surrounded by storm clouds means that the death of the dreamer or someone close to him is approaching. The dream is not a statement of fact, it is only a warning. Therefore, all measures should be taken to ensure that nothing bad happens. Much depends on the person. The main thing is to try not to let trouble into your life. And sleep helps because it warns you in advance.

Seeing in a dream an icon located within the church walls, that is, where it should be, indicates that the dreamer recently made a choice, and it turned out to be correct. In reality, a man stood at a crossroads, chose a path and doubted. The dream confirms the correctness of the choice.

After such a dream, it would be nice to go to church and pray. Of course, this applies to believers. Similar dream encourages a person to think about spirituality, and in the church one can find answers to many questions.

In almost all cases, the icon of the Mother of God is dreamed by someone to whom heaven has shown favor. The dream informs about an upcoming joyful event or warns about troubles that can be prevented if you try.

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The icon of the Mother of God, which appeared to the dreamer or dreamer in a dream, encourages him or her to pay attention to spiritual values. Such a dream is often important sign for the “seeker and sufferer” - a person who finds himself in difficult life situation in need of help, wise advice, patronage and guidance on the true path. Why do you dream about an icon? mother of god? As one of the most pure, righteous and benevolent, such a dream can express both support and patronage, as well as shame and reproach. Much depends on the circumstances and details of the dream, which at first glance seem insignificant, but in fact can radically change the chosen interpretation.

Type of icon

First of all, the dreamer or dreamer should pay attention to appearance Mother of God, depicted on an icon in a dream.

Seeing an icon of the Mother of God in gold, in an expensive outfit, jewelry and jewelry is a bad omen. Such a dream is a warning about the fall of the moral “bar” of the dreamer or dreamer.

He or she becomes increasingly disillusioned with spiritual ideals and moral standards, which is why he is prone to temptation and the fall. The dream warns that neglecting spirituality and morality will not bring him or her to good. Having slipped into vile and base actions, the dreamer or dreamer risks never getting out of them and derailing his entire life.

Even a trifle that seems insignificant at first glance, such as, for example, participation in a dubious adventure or infatuation with a treacherous person, can make the dreamer bitterly regret what he has done.

Touching the icon of the Mother of God in a gold frame is a favorable omen. Such a dream promises the dreamer prosperity and quick enrichment of his or her enterprise. IN financial matters he or she will be favored with fabulous success.

Seeing an icon of the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary - next to a candle is a harbinger of a difficult life stage in the life of the dreamer or dreamer. He or she will have to feel all the hardships of repentance and, with the help of willpower and strength of character, make the right choice, preferring moral standards to material wealth and pleasures.

Particularly revered images of the Kazan or Tikhvin Mother of God in a dream are extremely important warnings. The dreamer or dreamer should start rearranging priorities as soon as possible. IN lately material goods and pleasures take unaffordable most of his or her life.

  • Seeing an icon in your home is a harbinger of personal problems in the life of the dreamer or woman.
  • An icon of the Mother of God in a church in a dream is a harbinger of the dreamer or woman having an influential patron.

The dreamer's actions in a dream

No less important role in the interpretation of a dream in which the icon of the Mother of God appears, the actions of the dreamer or dreamer himself also play a role.

  • Dropping or breaking an icon of the Mother of God in a dream through carelessness is a harbinger of a wrong decision. A choice that will subsequently bring bitter disappointment to the dreamer.
  • Burning or damaging an icon on purpose is a harbinger of the Fall and wastefulness.
  • Kissing an icon or praying in front of it in a dream is a favorable omen. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer or dreamer has moral and ethical principles, ideals and norms, which he or she strictly follows even in critical situations.
  • The dream also suggests that the faith of the dreamer or dreamer, be it faith in God or other supernatural, mystical and devoid of a mystical aura of power, is strong and fruitful. Firm confidence gives the dreamer or dreamer reliable support in all endeavors.
  • Prayer in a dream can also be interpreted as a reproach to the dreamer or woman. He or she puts material values ​​above all others, but does not value moral principles and moral standards.

A neglectful attitude can lead to both a lack of self-awareness and a state of a kind of “lost soul”, unable to find the right way out of the situation, as well as to numerous quarrels, conflicts and scandals based on disagreements and lack of mutual understanding.

In any case, a difficult stage of life awaits the dreamer: he or she will have to choose between what is really important and what brings only suffering and pain to the soul.

The Mother of God comes in dreams to different people: believers and those who deny the divine presence, sinners and righteous. However, any of its appearance indicates that a person should receive his own special message: reproach for misdeeds or consolation in trouble.

If the image of the Mother of God appears to a person in a dream, then we can say that he has gained heavenly protection. At the same time, such protection obliges him to a lot. The exact circumstances under which the icon appeared in the dream have a significant impact on the interpretation of the meaning of this image.

Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God?

Dreamers who behold the icon of the Mother of God usually go through a difficult stage in life. They urgently need consolation and the Blessed Virgin promises intercession to such people. If the image that appeared was ancient, then support and strength to strengthen the spirit should be sought in ancestral traditions.

Why do you dream of icons of the Mother of God framed in a rich gold frame? Despite its apparent beauty, such a sign cannot be considered favorable, since it speaks of a person’s lack of faith in the presence of higher powers and goodness. The appearance of a golden icon is especially often observed at moments when the dreamer is ready to commit a fall from grace.

The favorable moment in this case can only be associated with the attitude that was shown towards the Mother of God’s face. Respect and a kiss left on the icon speak of the dreamer’s strong spirituality and his ability to resist temptation and resist it.

Trying to explain Why do you dream about the icon of the Mother of God?, you must take into account exactly where it was located:

  • In your own home.

The vision speaks of a joyful future. Although, if we are talking about a girl who had to make a difficult and significant choice, then the previously made decision should be reconsidered.

  • In the church.

Such a message is received by people who are in dire need of spiritual cleansing, and for girls who are at a crossroads in life, such symbolism speaks of the correctness of their previously made choice.

For people who are carried away by thoughts about resolving a certain problem, the icon of the Mother of God, which appeared in a dream, suggests that all circumstances favor the resolution of the situation and one can, without doubting one’s capabilities, take on the fulfillment of one’s plans. In this situation, the Mother of God is a symbol of divine blessing, extending to any endeavor.

Therefore, after such a vision, you need to immediately begin active actions, then success will certainly accompany you in all matters, and the achievement of the desired result will happen unexpectedly soon.

Why you dream about the icon of the Mother of God also depends on what specific actions were performed in the dream:

  • Pray before the image of the Virgin Mary.

If in a dream a person sees himself praying in front of an icon of the Mother of God, then soon he can expect support in business from partners or colleagues.

  • Hold the icon in your hands.

In the very near future, the dreamer will hear long-awaited news.

  • Listen to the words spoken by the face.

In this case, you cannot miss a single word from the spoken speech. Our Lady, as the best possible adviser, speaks if she wants to give useful guidance or has an important message for the listener. At the moment of awakening, it is very important to remember all the words spoken as accurately as possible, since they will help you choose the further direction of your life’s path.

Who's dreaming

Not the least role in explaining what the icon of the Mother of God may mean in a dream is played by the knowledge of who is the “addressee” of the message.

To a woman

The Mother of God has always acted as the patroness of the home, or was in one way or another related to the family and intra-family relationships, therefore for women such messages are filled with especially deep meaning.

If you encounter the peaceful and benevolent gaze of the Mother of God in a dream, you can fully count on the patronage of the Blessed Virgin in family matters, on the protection of your spouse, children and home. The one who sees such a dream moves into a new bright and happy period of her life.

The sad or even dissatisfied look of the Mother of God should be assessed completely differently. Most likely, the path chosen by the woman is not correct enough, or on this path she makes many mistakes and she needs to think about changing her behavior and outlook on life. Otherwise, family happiness will turn into a pipe dream.

Unmarried girls see the Virgin Mary in a dream if they are soon to meet their future spouse, and those who are already in a relationship should prepare for the wedding. If the solemn event does take place, then they will never have to regret their choice. Married women after such a dream can count on a blissful atmosphere in the house and strong family relationships.

To a man

A person or an adult man who sees the face of the Blessed Virgin in a dream is truly lucky, since he will soon meet a girl (woman) who is destined for him. She will marry him and become the mother of his children, and they will live in peace and harmony.

Why might a married man dream about the icon of the Mother of God? If family life has already been established, then the vision with the image of the Virgin Mary indicates that family ties will noticeably strengthen. The dreamer’s main task in this case is not to interfere with what is happening.

What kind of icon did you dream about?

There are a large number of different images of the Mother of God. Each of them has its own characteristics and can carry a special message.


The face of the Kazan Mother of God has always been associated with feat and military deeds. This image was always taken to bless warriors going into battle. Appearing in a dream, she can become a symbol that difficult times are coming, but no matter what, one should hope for her intercession and protection. A guardian angel will always be nearby and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

Perhaps you should ease your soul and go to church for confession.


This image can be recognized by the seven swords, the tips of which the Virgin Mary holds in her palms. Anyone who sees her in a dream will soon recover. This can apply not only to the physical, but also to the spiritual, mental or emotional.

Why dream of the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God if you yourself are not sick?

It is possible that the message is not addressed to the beholder personally, but to one of his relatives. In this case, after awakening, you should pray for the health of all loved ones suffering from physical or mental illness.

What happens in a dream

In a dream, everything is important - the images themselves, their words and, of course, the actions performed.

The icon was broken

If in a dream there is no strength to hold the image of the Virgin Mary, it falls and breaks, then there is a high probability that in reality the person is close to making a fatal mistake. By taking a careless step, he may lose heavenly intercession; moreover, his life, or the life of a loved one and significant person, may be in jeopardy.

A burned, stolen or desecrated image warns of impending disaster or the risk of being slandered.

The Virgin Mary is crying

Trouble awaits those to whom the weeping icon of the Mother of God appeared. Significant difficulties may be coming, but they can be overcome, albeit at the cost of great losses.

Buying an image

Such a plot can be considered a bad sign. It is likely that in the very near future a person will be left without work and family, and he himself will be to blame for this. If the dreamer was going to ask friends for help, then we can say without a doubt that he will be refused.

What does it mean to kiss the face of the Blessed Virgin?

Kissing the icon of the Mother of God in a dream, or praying in front of it, means gaining divine grace, protection and intercession for oneself. Although, according to some versions, such a dream speaks of an incorrect prioritization, in which material values ​​prevail over spiritual ones.

To understand why the Mother of God dreams, an analysis is needed symbolic meaning image. The Mother of God is a sacred ideal, symbolizing feminine purity, spirituality, sublimation. Her appearance is a call to visit church, turn to the sublime, and receive the advice of a priest. It foreshadows the renunciation of the personal, submission to the common good, and even the approach of death.

Details matter. The joy on the face of the Mother of God foreshadows a happy event, mutual understanding with children. The praying Mother of God calls for attention to their needs. A woman crying is a harbinger of trouble. Sleeping is evidence of the absence of danger from enemies.

According to Freud

The Mother of God who appeared in a dream is a symbol of sublimation and lofty spiritual aspirations, a renunciation of personal goals. The dream of the appearance of the Mother of God is interpreted as a reminder of the approach of physical death. The Mother of God seen in a dream may indicate the destruction of personality and even the imminent onset of one’s own death.

According to Miller

The Virgin Mary in a dream symbolizes the secret protection of man, the action of higher powers.

A conversation with her in a dream can serve as a warning about approaching danger and the machinations of ill-wishers. You should be careful in business and in relationships with others. Possible deterioration in health. The situation in which the Holy Virgin and Child appeared to you is important. Her favor and smile foreshadow the patronage of influential people and success in business.

According to Vanga

As Vanga’s dream book interprets, the Mother of God is perceived as a protective mother who cares for humanity - her children. If in a dream you turn to her in prayer, it is likely that long-awaited relief will come in your destiny, and joy in the near future will prevail over torment. The prayer offered to the Mother of God is a symbol of concern for the future of one’s children. If you see the Virgin Mary praying, pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps someone in need needs your help. You need help solving problems for children, relatives or a close friend.

According to Juno

If you dreamed of the Mother of God, who is similar to the image on famous icons, a happy event awaits you.

According to Tsvetkov

The appearance of the Mother of God in a dream foreshadows a happy event in the near future.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose