Dream interpretation and meaning of dreams. Online dream book, interpretation of dreams

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Constellation in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

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    a black, black sky, and on it there are huge incredibly bright constellations, all very different in huge numbers, and the largest is a ship with sails. Sonya caused a lot of impressions, I’m still in some kind of euphoria, an amazing feeling.

    I dreamed of the constellation of an Angel with a bow and arrow, an angel in the sky, the stars sparkled clearly, then I saw in the sky golden ships, 4 ships, they were in a square, and in the center was the same golden ship, but larger.

    I dreamed of a lot of water, clean and dirty. I argued with the woman boss, cried, was offended. Then a man came, this was a higher-up boss and said, don’t be afraid and don’t worry, I’ll talk to you next Wednesday. Then I found myself in an open area and saw a clear starry sky. I recognized the constellation of the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor immediately and pulled it towards me, standing right next to it. The Ursa Minor entered the big one and dissolved in it. The sky is so clear and I was offered to draw this constellation into myself through the palm of my hand. I didn’t want to deprive the sky of this constellation, but I moved it a little closer to me. I realized that if I want, I can take his OT and dissolve it in myself, but I don’t have to do this because I’m already part of this constellation.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was on a trip to Greece. We were traveling on a sightseeing bus at night, and a neighbor showed me from the window: look, constellations. There was Ursa Minor, the Pleiades and one more thing. In my dream it was Lyra, then I looked at the atlas, Cassiopeia. Address: Name is Sophia. Thank you

    Good day!
    In my dream I looked at the night sky. It was clear. But not star-studded. It clearly showed different constellations at a distance of arcs from each other, that is, they did not merge with each other, but were separated from each other. I remember the constellation of the cross. Others I couldn't recognize. The constellations were very beautiful, the stars in them shone like diamonds. I admired them. Then one of the constellations suddenly fell to the ground not far from me. I wasn't scared at all. It fell and crumbled. I didn’t see it fall and crumble, I only heard the sound. Negative emotions It didn't trigger it for me. The sleep experience is pleasant.

    I leave the house and the night sky is incredible. beautiful stars, very close. Which have the outline of a very bright colorful constellation of Leo directly overhead. It amazes and amazes me at the same time

    At first my sister and mother looked at the tree; it was daytime. Then somehow suddenly night came. the sky was clear and many stars were visible, everything was familiar, except for one constellation, and throughout the entire dream I looked at this constellation and tried to understand what kind of constellation it was. it was like this: it consisted of 4 stars, similar to a cross, one star was completely dim, the opposite one was very bright and larger than all the other stars in the sky, the remaining 2 stars were also bright, but like ordinary bright stars.

    I dreamed about the zodiac signs Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, the constellation Ursa Major! And in the dark sky! And the city in a white cloud floated across the sky, very similar to the space city from the Hubble telescope images!

    I dreamed that I looked at the sky and saw (very brightly and clearly) a constellation (in a dream I called it “Sagittarius”), which after a few seconds changed to another, like an animation, and so many times with different constellations. There were many stars around, all bright, in the dark night sky. In general, I dreamed about space for the second time in my life, and these dreams always caused me delight in my sleep. For the first time I saw the end of the earth and the planet very close, meteorites were falling around me, it was dangerous, but beautiful, beyond words!

    I had a dream from Thursday to Friday (i.e. today) that I was looking at the sky at night, it was all in stars and different constellations and in the center of all this is a large sparkling constellation of cancer, the stars in this constellation sparkled like diamonds, what could this mean?

    Write your dream here for interpretation... in a dream this morning, a large bear was catching fish from a cloud with her paws, she was playing with them, there were many stars in the sky that sparkled so beautifully with multi-colored lights, it was very beautiful to watch them while lying down.

    I had a dream in which I was trying to escape from someone, and an unfamiliar young girl (brunette), in ruins overgrown with lush greenery, gave me two golden keys: the first with the sign of the clock and the second with the constellation of the southern cross. I took them and was about to leave, but after examining them I realized that they were not combat, so I decided to return and ask for another key: Leo, Aquarius or Virgo. But I don’t remember what happened, I only remember how I jumped out of the ruins onto the road (not from top to bottom or over an abyss, just from the building onto the road) and continued to run somewhere. It was very easy for me both when I ran into the ruins and when I left them. I didn't feel particularly anxious. The ruins themselves were located in the mountains, this is not certain, just my guess, because... all the way I climbed up the road to the ruins, and after leaving them I went higher. The air was humid due to light fog and it seemed like spring. I left with the gold keys of the watch and the southern cross.

    Please explain.
    I dreamed about constellations. From Saturday to Sunday. From 7 to 8 May. And the dream is impossibly vivid, frightening in its beauty. Despite the fact that I'm generally bright interesting dreams I dream extremely rarely. Usually it’s always something nothing, everyday.
    And then I dreamed that I was walking along the street near my house during the day and in sunny, clear summer weather I saw 7 rainbows in the sky behind my house. They intersect, merge, in general, a cluster of rainbows, brightly glowing. It is so unrealistically beautiful that such beauty delights and frightens. And no one seems to notice except me, everyone walks by. And when I tell them about this rainbow, they suddenly notice and quickly start taking pictures with delight.
    Then it’s as if it’s already night, I’m already walking close to the house, and then an attack of constellations begins in the sky. They are like fireworks, they flash, go out, and flash again. It’s like an endless rain of constellations, which, closer to the earth, takes on the outlines of certain constellations. Everything is very bright, very beautiful, unreal and therefore frightening. Endless flashes from a cluster of stars, some constellations are quickly replaced by others, flash, flash, endlessly new patterns of constellations appear. The constellations are large and open up into clear patterns right above me, with fireworks flashing right in my face. So I see the head of a tiger clearly (I was born in the year of the tiger) and then, in my opinion, the head of a bull. I photograph this to show at home and at the same time I’m afraid, because it’s something supernatural, impossible. And space has always just always scared me a little, something unknown, something big, deep, vast. And then there was this attack of fireworks of unreal beauty from stars glowing with diamond light in the black and blue sky.
    Then it’s as if I come home and it’s not clear whether I’m there or not. But there, young people of the same age seemed to have gathered to celebrate something, there was such a light, cheerful mood around. And he comes up to me former classmate. I liked him at school, but in life I don’t dream about him, that is, I have no desire to be a couple with him, I’m not looking for a meeting... neutral, just a small former teenage crush and that’s it, sometimes he appears in dreams. And in this dream we seemed to be warmly and tenderly friends and at the end of the walk we lightly pecked our lips goodbye (this made me happy and excited in the dream). And in this apartment, where something is expected to be celebrated, he comes up to me and asks me to try on the ring. And this ring seems to be for his girlfriend, but for some reason he asks me to try it on. He puts it on, but it doesn’t fit, and he reacts like he bought the wrong thing, it doesn’t fit in size. And I see that he is putting it on, he just puts it on incorrectly. I twisted it a little and it slipped on easily  And for some reason the ring was not a wedding ring, but like it was made of smooth lilac wire.
    In addition to all this, I’ll say that I’m not married, I can’t meet exactly my person, but, naturally, I really want


    Good night. I had a dream, in which I was in the company of old friends, including a deceased friend. The dream is disturbing. I looked at the moon and clearly saw a constellation in the upper left corner, a huge cluster of stars in which the image of a lion or bear was clearly visible, first there, then throughout the sky. In this dream, several events occurred in which I escaped death by running under logs that immediately fell behind me. Further in the same dream, I was standing in the kitchen with my mother, a three-dimensional hologram appeared on the kitchen table, an image of a bear from that constellation, from small shiny dots, there was an understanding that I somehow did it, I began to explain to my mother how I did it, but didn't know how. There were sounds behind the door, I looked through the peephole, there were several people in motorcycle helmets trying to break into the apartment. I woke up.
    Lately, every night I see fights, death and violence, I see a deceased friend. I had never had such dreams before. This worries me, please tell me what all this could mean

    Hello! I dreamed that I went to a fortune teller. She told me that everyone loves me. And I will pass all the exams. (Although in real life I graduated from college a long time ago). She said that Moscow universities are all open to me and pointed to the sky. There was a crocodile constellation. After that, the candles were carried and the wind blew. Then everything became normal. Only the sand crumbled everywhere and the icons turned over on reverse side. Not upside down, but backwards. She said that they (I don’t know who) are checking me.

    I was in my apartment, at the exit there was a banquet courtyard, Roma came in, my classmate sat down at the table in my room and said that he needed to work, although he is usually cheerful and talkative. I went into the hall and sat down at the computer desk but did not turn on the computer and began to look into the distance ( The view from the window in life opens onto a large field and forest, so I was not surprised to see it in my dream) there was a large mansion on the field, I even saw children playing there although the house was far away, I raised my eyes to the stars and after Oreon I started I could see the constellations, they were glowing, I could even see the outlines of people on some, but then my classmate Nikita (I have sympathy for him) came up and hugged me from behind. Then I woke up because of the alarm clock

    I saw the constellation Ursa Major.
    And it was as if she had drawn a picture of a mother and child with her eyes on bears.
    Then I dreamed about my constellation, that is, the twins. And I kind of drew them too. It was incredibly beautiful

It would do well for every person who is interested in interpreting visions to know why this plot can be explained in different ways. It all depends on the dream book, as well as on what exactly happened in the vision. Well, it’s worth talking about this topic in detail.

Universal interpretation

A starry sky in a dream is a good sign. Usually he says that in reality everyone treats the person very well and feels sympathy and respect for him. If you haven’t seen a single cloud yet, then you should prepare yourself for the journey. It is quite possible that in the near future the dreamer will go on an entertainment trip or a pleasant business trip.

If the sky was dotted with stars, but nevertheless clouds were visible on it, then good things should not be expected in the near future. Usually such a vision promises disappointment and destruction of plans.

It happens that a person sees himself in a dream, sitting on some kind of animal, on which he flies across the sky. They say that such a strange vision is a sign of jealousy and betrayal of a loved one.

It is important to remember what color the night sky was. If it has acquired a purple hue, then in the near future a lot of experiences and worries will appear in the dreamer’s life.

If you dream of a clear sky

They say that when such a vision comes to a person in his dreams, then in the near future he will have to fight to translate some things into reality important ideas. And it won't be easy for him. But the most important thing is not to give up. However, if a person had to see in a dream the sky, which was initially clear, but then it began to be covered with clouds, then the struggle for one’s goals will not end in success.

To see the sky that literally shines from the illumination of the constellations - to gain peace of mind, wisdom and fortitude. If a person has ascended upward, then this too good sign. Soon he will have a chance to show himself in a new way at his job. And if the dreamer uses it, then he will achieve good success.

When a person sees himself climbing the steps to a clean and clear sky strewn with stars, his authority in society will soon increase. And the dream also suggests that you will not have to make any obvious efforts on the path to success. Because of this, a person will probably not receive proper satisfaction from the result obtained.

The night sky, dotted with stars, is often a harbinger of an improving personal and sexual life. If the dreamer had any problems with this, then they will disappear and be resolved by themselves.

But here bad sign there is a dream in which the clear sky suddenly became dark, like a vision of a problem in your personal life, a quarrel with a loved one and misunderstanding. Perhaps even separation. However, this outcome can be avoided if the dreamer reconsiders his attitude towards his other half.

Miller's Dream Book

This book of interpretations will give a detailed answer to the question of why the starry sky is dreamed of. Usually such a vision foreshadows large-scale work on oneself, which will make a person many times better than he is now. Moreover, he will come to this on his own.

But the sky turning red means excitement. Beautiful constellations promise the onset of a calm period in life and harmony. But a gloomy sky symbolizes threatening events and grave forebodings.

If a person has flown, then in the near future he will experience elation and success. Just watching the stars, looking up - to finding new, serious goals, which will not be easy to achieve. Dark clouds, overshadowing the sky - to difficulties in life. And diverging clouds usually promise clarification of circumstances. Soon everything will fall into place.

This is not all that such a dream can promise. The moon is often part of visions in which the sky and stars appear. This symbol usually foreshadows success in personal life and good luck at work. However, if the moon was too big, then you should be wary. It usually promises disappointment, trouble, and even unwanted love affair. But the young moon is a good dream. More precisely, to improve your well-being.

When a girl looks at the moon and turns to it, her personal life will soon improve. She will meet a worthy partner with whom she wants to spend her whole life. But seeing two moons is not good. This means that because of her commercialism, a girl can lose the person she values ​​very much. The main thing is that the moon does not take on a bloody hue in a dream. Otherwise, it promises scandals, quarrels and discord.

Shooting stars

Another symbol often found in visions. Stars in a dream are usually considered a good sign. If they fall on the roof, it means that soon the person will either move or go on a business trip. Or a trip.

But when such a vision is dreamed by a person in love, then separation or separation probably awaits him. However, if the dreamer experienced pleasant sensations from sleep, then no unpleasant events are expected. On the contrary, there will be harmony in his life, and a promotion may await him at work.

Particular attention should be paid to a dream with such a plot family man. Perhaps he will have a child soon. This is what dreams of a shooting star mean.

But the happiest vision is considered to be a dream with a different plot. Namely, the one in which the star flies directly at the person. Then, in the near future, all his most cherished dreams and desires will finally come true. I wonder what brighter than a star- the more goals will be achieved.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. Stars falling from the sky can promise good news from afar. This is the case if it was clean and cloudless. True, if one single, dim star “floated” across the sky, then the news will be sad. This is important to consider.

According to Freud

This book of interpretations can also tell you why you dream about the starry sky. If it was clear and cloudless, then in your personal life everything will work out in the best way. Any failures will begin to bypass the dreamer. AND sex life By the way, things will get better too. However, the dream book advises enjoying this moment as much as possible, since it may not last too long.

A cloudy daytime sky means worries. But they will not be connected in any way with personal life and success in love. And if a person dreams of a clear night, then one should expect a romantic meeting that will bring a lot of impressions and pleasures.

When the dreamer sees himself climbing up the stairs to the stars, success awaits him. Moreover, it will be achieved thanks to a successfully concluded marriage.

And when a person soars somewhere in the heights, that means everything difficult questions will resolve themselves in the near future. But a stormy sky that is about to burst into rain is considered an unkind sign. It portends trouble, a danger that has long been hanging over a person. To cope with these problems, it is important not to take any risky steps and not to trust strangers, even well-meaning ones. It is better to start solving a complicated matter step by step.


If a person admires the luminaries in a dream, then joyful changes will soon await him. But if they suddenly disappeared, or “went out,” then nothing good will happen. Usually such a vision is a harbinger of sadness. But that’s not all that such a dream can tell.

The starry sky, the constellations - this has its own romance! And if a person sees all this very distinctly and clearly, then happiness and good health await him. Have the stars faded? This means he will be in trouble.

If the dreamer admires some famous constellation (for example, the Big Dipper), then some interesting and exciting events will happen in the near future. By the way, the shining ladle of Ursa Minor usually promises small joys.

If a person saw the constellation Scorpio, then this is a sign of unexpected, but successful, turns of events. Notice Sagittarius in the sky? To a surge of strength and energy. If it was Leo, then the person should pacify his pride in real life, otherwise he himself will suffer from it. But it symbolizes stagnation in business. If the dreamer has really given up for a long time, then he needs to cheer up. A change of scenery and new experiences can help.

By the way, when a person sees himself in the role of an astronomer, this is a good sign. In the near future, the dreamer will have the opportunity to test his strength in something new. And it's worth using it! Perhaps a person will finally find himself.

Sky and sea

Often a person dreams of such a landscape. And, usually, he only leaves pleasant impressions. But the interpretation is not always the same.

If a person had to see the starry sky over the sea in a dream and hear the quiet sound of the surf, then this means melancholy and loneliness. But there is one thing positive interpretation. So, for example, if a girl sees herself in a dream, sliding along the surface of the sea, under starry sky, with your loved one, then you should expect all your desires and dreams to come true in real life.

But sitting on the shore alone and watching the stars, looking up, leads to prolonged sadness. The dreamer should find someone with whom he could share his experiences and occasionally spend time. Because otherwise he may be mired in loneliness for a long time. This is the sad interpretation given by the universal dream book.

A night illuminated only by stars dreams of trials in relationships that a person will have to go through. This is what the erotic book of interpretations assures. True, if the dreamer suddenly saw the moon, which illuminated everything around, then the vision takes on a positive connotation. This means that intimate adventures await a person in the near future.

Interpretations that make you wary

Much has been said above about what the starry sky means in dreams. However, there are still many interesting information, which may come in handy.

If, for example, a person sees constellations exploding, then he should be as careful, prudent and careful as possible in the near future. Such visions promise injury, illness and even accidents. The Eastern Dream Book assures us of this.

Seeing how it suddenly moved is also not good. It is advisable for the dreamer to narrow his circle of contacts to a minimum and begin to trust others less. Otherwise, the information he shares could be used against him.

If a person sees himself in a dream, lying on his own bed and admiring the constellations that for some reason are scattered on the ceiling, this means problems in the family. Perhaps some major quarrel will arise.

It happens that a person watches himself flying in space and watching the stars. This is a warning dream. Probably in real life he was entrusted with some important task. So, it’s worth spending all your strength and resources on its implementation. Then you will be able to deal with it. Here it is interesting interpretation sleep.

The starry sky, through which the luminaries circle non-stop in a bizarre round dance, suggests that a person, in order to solve his problems, will have to start thinking outside the box. This is the only way to find the right approach to the situation.

Modern combined dream book

This book of interpretations assures that the sky symbolizes exceptional honors and exciting journeys in a cultured society. But this is only if it was clear and cloudless.

Gloomy and overcast does not bode well - only troubles and dashed hopes. Just like the sky is crimson. It foreshadows rebellion and disorder. In the family, in personal life, at work - anywhere.

By the way, the sky of an amazing blue hue usually symbolizes prosperity and prosperity. And if suddenly the dreamer saw an asterisk on it, then he will be able to achieve any goals, even those that seem unrealistic. This is an interesting interpretation of sleep.

The starry sky can still be dreamed of as a reminder to an insecure person. It seems to say that he has no boundaries and framework for personal growth. The person installs them himself. And since he dreamed of the sky strewn with stars, then it’s time to start acting and improve his life.

By the way, if it was not blue, but bright blue, then the person will have to justify himself. And he will clearly not be happy about this. True, there is one nuance. If a person has enjoyed contemplating the bright blue surface of the sky, then in the near future a “white streak” will come in his life. We must remember that the emotions experienced during sleep play important role in interpretation.

Other interpretations

Little Velesov can also tell you something interesting, with which the skies are dotted, dreaming of receiving a large inheritance. Seeing yourself climbing the stairs towards them means receiving protection and support. Fiery clouds, due to which the constellations are almost invisible - to great joy. Dissipating clouds promise overcoming troubles and problems.

According to Hasse's dream book, a blue sky is a harbinger of success in an enterprise and own business. If it doesn’t exist, but ideas to organize something similar have been outlined for a long time, then the time has come to turn them into reality. There will be a profit, and a considerable one.

The night sky, which is literally strewn with luminaries, and the month is visible in the middle, is a sign of good prospects that are definitely worth taking advantage of. True, something will have to be sacrificed for the sake of future success. Most likely, this will be personal time.

A meteorite, by the way, is a harbinger of a memorable trip. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, the sky is a symbol career growth. And the more luminaries there were on it, the greater the dreamer’s successes will be. Does a person see himself thoughtfully looking up? To wealth and nobility. With your head in the clouds? Soon he will receive good news that will make him very happy.

He assures that if a person sees a red sky, he will soon quarrel with someone. And clear and blue foretells him monetary profit.

In general, as you can see, there are many interpretations. To accurately define your vision, you need to remember all the details of the plot. But even if the interpretation turns out to be not very positive, there is no need to be upset. After all, sometimes dreams are just bizarre pictures from our subconscious.

Why do you dream about a constellation? Ursa Major? In reality, success in business and luck in any area of ​​life awaits you. Everything that you do not undertake will bring profit or benefit of a different nature. There will be a white streak in life that will last a long time.

Take advantage of the opportunity as best you can. Try to get as much done as possible while luck is on your side. Do not forget about long-standing matters awaiting your direct participation.

Seeing the constellation Ursa Minor in a dream

The constellation Ursa Minor is dreaming - in reality pleasant little things await you, minor events that can fill your life with small joyful moments.

Don’t expect something grandiose and large-scale, know how to get pleasure and positive emotions from what is available at the moment. Even in things that are familiar to you, you can find beauty, learn to see it and be happy!

Why do you dream about many constellations?

Dream about large quantities constellations promise many new events. What happened will leave a noticeable mark on your life, make you look at familiar things in a new way, and change your existing worldview.

Do not refuse the opportunity to learn something new, touch what you want and fulfill your cherished dreams. Your determination will help you achieve your plans, despite the fact that the scenario for their implementation will be different.

Dream about shooting stars and constellations

The Oracle's Dream Book describes constellations and shooting stars as a harbinger of the onset of sad, sad events. What happened will unsettle you for a long time, make you think about the meaning of life and your own place in this world. You will be at a loss.

Throw aside sad thoughts and try to regain control of the situation. With due effort, you will be able to return everything to normal, establishing the previous balance and stability.

Seeing the constellation Pisces in a dream

I dreamed about the constellation Pisces - in real life you prefer to go with the flow, but this does not bring tangible results. Your life is filled with events whose course you are unable to influence, which becomes the cause of failure.

Drastic measures are needed to change the situation. Be more active in business, defend your own interests, and do not agree with the opinion of everyone who wants to make money at your expense.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Constellation in a dream, what does it mean?

If the constellation has a clear shape, you can draw certain conclusions about your immediate life. If sharp angles predominate in the constellation, it means that you will soon become a leader. If the stars are located at angles close to right, it means that everything in your life is very strong and definite.

If smooth rounded lines predominate, then you want to achieve perfection and you feel the need for peace of mind. If there are so many stars that you cannot say in what sequence and in what ratio they are located, it means that a lot of new things will happen in your life that you have no idea about yet, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

Seeing the Constellation, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Constellation - Soon your friends and acquaintances will unexpectedly come to visit you. Moreover, the guests will come in one huge, noisy company. Even if their arrival will not be a surprise to you, since the dream will warn you, still make a surprised face, because the guests, preparing for this meeting, expected exactly such a reaction from you.

The more stars in the dreamed constellation, the greater the number of guests will be. Constellation - Dreaming in a dream - you will find the right decision. You dreamed of a Constellation - a successful purchase. Imagine that the stars of the constellation are burning so brightly that it’s even painful to look at them. Constellation - for successful purchases, acquisition of property for the home.

Imagine the night sky. It has very bright stars that seem close. You see the outlines of any constellation you are familiar with. It shines even brighter than other stars. You admire this constellation, and it seems to you that the stars are alive, they are winking at you, as if they want to tell you good, joyful news. Thank the stars for this and tell yourself that you know for sure: this is for good.

English dream book

Why see the Constellation in a dream

What do Constellations mean in a dream - At the dawn of humanity, people believed that they saw pictures in the sky, and peopled the heavens with deities and heroes. We still know many constellations by their ancient names and shapes, and most people can recognize at least a couple of star patterns, such as Orion the Hunter or the Southern Cross.

Changes in the positions of the constellations have been used as guides by sailors, hunters and pathfinders for centuries. Are the constellations you saw traditional star patterns, or did your mind create your own? Did you convey your dreams and hopes to the heavens, and if so, what images and stories did you create? Can you use them in everyday life?

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a Constellation mean, taking into account the date of birth

In spring, why do you dream of a constellation in a dream - A successful purchase will be made.

If in the summer you dreamed of a constellation - to unexpected luck.

In the fall, why did you dream about the constellation - To amazement.

In winter, why do you dream about a constellation? By its outline you can determine the location of the stars in relation to you.