Libra woman sagittarius man ratio. Compatibility between Sagittarius man and Libra woman

What is a radius fracture?

​are being restored.​​time after rehabilitation​

​Exercises are also performed in​

Displaced radius fracture

​to develop the elbow joint.​

​Development of a therapeutic joint​

    ​4.​ ​Begin the massage from the forearm, gradually moving to the hand.​

    A set of exercises is developed by a specialist for each specific case and patient. At first, constant control over the execution is necessary, after which the person can do everything independently.​ ​Simultaneously with the beginning of passive movements in the fingers of the hand, you need to begin active movements in the elbow and shoulder joint, raise and lower your arm, bend it at the elbow, do these exercises 3-5 minutes at least 2 times a day. Gradually increase the load.​

    ​You should carefully monitor the condition of the hand and tissues visible from under the plaster splints, since the presence of edema under the bandage is difficult to detect, and its long-term existence is dangerous not only due to ischemic, but also thromboembolic complications. That is, in the area of ​​edema, due to a slowdown in blood flow, blood clots can form, which can subsequently move through the vessels and lead to serious health problems. Smith's fracture

​Fracture of the radius​

​contraindicated. Massage is provided

​bath with warm water for 10-15 minutes​

​Starting position (i.p.) sitting,​

​physical education is carried out in three

​Introduce research methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy on the body of patients with fractures of the upper limb.​

​Initially, the movements are smooth and performed with low intensity. Afterwards, the amplitude increases as the rehabilitation process progresses. Often up to 10 massage sessions are prescribed, the frequency and quantity are determined by the doctor individually depending on the severity of the injury and the degree of displacement.​

​There are many sets of exercises, but before giving preference to one or another, you need the advice of your doctor or rehabilitation specialist. The proposed complex can also be used, but only after consultation.​

​After 3-4 weeks, if active movements of the fingers do not cause pain, begin to increase the load on these joints, take a lump of plasticine and start kneading it in your fist, do this as often as possible, for a week. After the cast has been removed, you can proceed to exercises with a wrist expander; exercise with it at least 3 times a day, for 5-7 minutes.​

Fracture of the radius in a typical location

​Treatment of a fracture of the radius, like any other fracture, consists of the following stages:​

- is a flexion fracture of the radius, the victim in this case falls on his arm, the hand of which is bent towards the dorsum of the forearm. Thus, the distal bone fragment moves to the outer surface of the forearm. This type of typical radius injury was first described by Robert Smith in 1847. In fact, a radial fracture in a typical location is two types of fracture that mirror each other.​

    - This is one of the most common household injuries; about 16% of all registered acute pathologies of the skeletal system are precisely such injuries. Humanity has encountered this type of fracture throughout its history; in burials more than 5 thousand years old, archaeologists find bones with traces of such injuries, and the first ancient, Egyptian, and Chinese treatises known to us already contain recommendations for the treatment of such victims. This pathology is so widespread, as a result of the mechanism of its occurrence, the victim receives an injury by falling on an outstretched arm, or by a strong blow with an outstretched arm against something quite hard.​ ​of the injured limb below or​

    ​twice a day.​ Place the shoulder of the sore arm on

​periods. First development period

​During the massage there should be no pain or discomfort.​

    ​At the first stages of rehabilitation, assistance with a healthy hand is allowed

    ​It is very important to do fine motor skills exercises, by the end of week 4, start drawing or writing with the affected hand, if you couldn’t do this with it before, then try picking one grain of rice or buckwheat, this will allow you to maintain not only the strength and mobility of your joints, but also the coordination of your finger movements. You can type texts on a computer keyboard as a coordination exercise.​

​First aid can be provided by anyone, even without medical education. The goal of first aid is to reduce pain, ensure rest of the affected limb, and prevent damage to the soft tissue surrounding the fracture site. If the fracture is closed, then you need to fix the limb in a safe position; if the fracture is open, you need to stop the bleeding and apply a protective bandage to the injury site. After which measures should be taken to transport the patient to a medical facility.​

    ​Currently, a significant proportion of victims with a radial fracture in a typical location are women over 45 years of age. This is due to the consequences of menopause, which negatively affects the strength of bone tissue, and as a result, the lack of resistance of bones to shock loads. An impact that would only lead to a bruise at the age of 20 can easily result in a fracture for a 50-year-old woman.

    ​This injury occurs more often in women after menopause; more than half of such injuries are suffered by them. This is due to the fact that during this period the calcium content in their bones decreases and they become more fragile, and even a small load can lead to injury. Next, we will take a closer look at how such damage occurs, what symptoms it has, how to treat it, and how dangerous a fracture of the radius can be.​

    ​above the joint, back massage. A little

    ​In the third period with restriction​

    ​table (edge ​​of the table near the armpit​

    ​is divided into two stages. At the first stage

​Draw up a physical rehabilitation program for victims with fractures of the radius in a typical location.​

    During the rehabilitation period, nutrition is an important stage, since the bones require a supply of nutrients. This is how the bone receives all the necessary resources. The diet should contain as much calcium and magnesium as possible; these minerals promote rapid consolidation, and collagen also contributes to this. Vitamins are necessary for the body to develop immunity and strength.​

    ​You can start with flexion-extension movements. The sore arm is placed on the table, and the healthy one raises and lowers the hand; you can also make movements to the sides. The repetition rate can be up to 10 times, after which you can begin to stretch your fingers.​

    ​If you perform all these exercises while you have a plaster splint installed, then after its removal, the rehabilitation period will be significantly reduced.​

    ​First medical aid is carried out by a doctor or other specialist with a medical education. It is performed directly at the site of injury or in the emergency room. The task of assistance at this stage is to assess the condition of the victim in order to determine the scope of further treatment and prevent the development of further complications. To do this, it is necessary to assess whether the patient actually has a fracture of the radius, to differentiate it from a dislocation and sprain. After confirming the fact of a fracture, the patient is immobilized. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent displacement of fragments of the injured bone. If the patient is in the emergency room, then a decision is made on the need for hospitalization in a hospital or treatment at home.​

Swelling after a radius fracture

​The peak of cases of such injuries in countries with cold climates occurs in spring and autumn, this is due to ice, and an increased risk of falling, the number of people receiving bruises increases, and the number of fractures also increases.​

A displaced fracture of the radius develops when parts of the broken bone move relative to each other. The types of such fractures are very different, and differ in the direction and type of movement of damaged bone fragments, their location, and the integrity of the skin.​

​later it is allowed to carry out very

​(immobilization) already on the second day​


    ​You should eat vegetable purees and soups, fermented milk products are healthy, soft porridges contain a large amount of fiber. The diet itself should be varied.​

    ​Thermal procedures play a role in the recovery process​

​Qualified medical care is provided by a traumatologist; the task of this type of care is to restore the anatomical and functional integrity of the injured limb.​

    Complications of radius fractures can be divided into two large groups: There are several groups of such fractures:

    ​gentle massage of the elbow joint,​

    ​physiotherapeutic procedures

    Flexion and extension are performed​after the fracture along with​

    The work consists in the fact that we have considered modern approaches to the construction of a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation of patients after a fracture of the radius in a typical location, taking into account the period of the disease and the motor mode.

    ​Vegetable puree Kefir Porridge​​The hand also remains on the table, only now you need to move your fingers together and spread them apart. The fingers slide along the surface of the table, and the multiplicity of execution ranges from 6 to 12 times. The hand is placed palm up and in this position the fingers are clenched into a fist, and then unclenched. The multiplicity of execution ranges from 5 to 10 times.​

    ​, warming up can be done by the most different ways, but the temperature should not exceed 39-40 degrees Celsius. You can do this at home without much difficulty, fill a plastic bottle with a volume of 1 liter of water at a temperature of 39 degrees, take it in your healthy hand, and gently roll it along the affected forearm, do similar movements for the back and front surfaces, repeat them while the water is in the bottle will not take body temperature.​

    ​It is necessary not only to properly heal the bone, but also to ensure the mobility of all fingers and the hand and maintain their sensitivity. This goal can be achieved in three ways:​

​Immediate complications of injury - complications arising due to the effect of damage resulting from a bone fracture on the normal functioning of the limb.​ ​Closed​

​to speed up recovery​

​(currents, paraffin, dirt, ozokerite, etc.) ,​

How to develop a fracture of the radius? Exercises

​in the joint.​

​general developmental respiratory​

​Practical significance.​

The rehabilitation process takes a certain amount of time and requires maximum effort from the victim himself. A doctor or rehabilitator only directs or advises, and it depends on the person how quickly he will get rid of the consequences of a fracture or surgical intervention.​

​Small objects, balls, cylinders, jars - all this can help during rehabilitation​

​If possible, it is highly advisable to add regular massage of the affected limb to the main physical therapy exercises.​

​Therapeutic treatment of a fracture of the radius.​

Exercise therapy for a fracture of the radius

​Long-term consequences of injury - complications arising as a result of incorrect treatment, or disruption of normal healing after injury.​ ​ - all fragments of a broken bone are under the skin, they are most favorable for the patient, the area of ​​injury is sterile, the risk of possible complications is minimal, among similar fractures like.​

​range of motion, resorption​

​I. n. sitting, and the forearm is located

    ​exercises begin movements​

    ​The comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation of patients after a fracture of the radius in a typical place that we have compiled can be used in medical and preventive traumatological institutions, as well as when giving lectures and conducting practical classes with students of institutes and academies physical culture in the training of specialists and masters of physical rehabilitation.​

    ​Modern medical deontology, considering the problems of debt, the activities of medical and pharmaceutical workers, proceeds from the specifics of their work.​

    ​You can use your fingers to finger small objects or perform crawling movements on the surface of the table.​

​Physiotherapy can significantly alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of the disease experienced by the victim.​

​This technique is one of the most ancient, but is still effective. We have received information that already about 5 thousand years ago people knew methods of conservative treatment of fractures, and they actively used them. This is also evidenced by archaeological finds, where on the bones of skeletons we see traces of skillfully restored fracture sites. Direct complications include:


​hemorrhages, prevent atrophy​​rehabilitation after a fracture

​on the table, you need to take it in your fingers

​free from shoulder plaster

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius with and without displacement (physical therapy and other methods)


​Scope and structure of work.​

​Given that the problem of osteochondrosis is not only medical, but also social, it is very difficult to solve. However, our health is only our health.​

​Crawling movements can be done not only on the surface of the table, but also while lying on the surface of a wall or bed, at any convenient time. Afterwards, you can make movements that resemble the salting process. Everything resembles an attempt to add salt to a dish while preparing it. The repetition rate is up to 10 times. For treatment in this case, the following procedures are used:

​The essence of this method of treatment is as follows: the bone fragments are positioned by the hands of the traumatologist in such a way that their position coincides as much as possible with the structure of the bone before the injury. Then, the bones are fixed in this position with a plaster or polymer bandage, and the limb is kept in it until a callus is formed and the bones are once again a single whole.​

​Ruptures and injuries to the nerves that provide sensation or mobility to the limb. Bone fragments can, with their sharp edges, damage or rupture large nerve trunks, depriving the area below the site of injury of signals from the brain. As a result, the ability to voluntarily move the affected area may partially or completely disappear, and sensitivity may be lost.​

- in which fragments of a broken bone rupture the skin, and the area of ​​injury comes into contact with the external environment, such a wound is not sterile due to microorganisms entering it from the external environment, such injuries are dangerous due to possible infectious complications.

​children's rolling toy - fixing

​joint and finger joints. For​​The work is presented on 72 pages of computer layout and contains an introduction, four chapters, conclusions, sets of physical exercises and a reference book consisting of 46 sources.​

A healthy lifestyle is a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health. The concept " healthy image life" has not yet been clearly defined.​

​Then the hand is turned palm down again and imitates playing a string instrument or piano. For greater pleasure, you can do this exercise with music, but this is strictly at the request of the person.​

​Exposure to ultra-high frequency electromagnetic fields. During the procedure, the patient's tissues begin to heat up, the patient feels warmth, regeneration accelerates, and the pain weakens.​

​The method is the safest, but in approximately 20% of cases the fractures heal unevenly and curvature of the broken bone is observed, often this is unnoticeable to the patient, but in some cases leads to serious problems.​ ​Injuries of the finger flexor tendons, bone fragments shifting towards the dorsal surface the forearms can damage the bundle of tendons leading to the hand, and as a result, the victim completely or partially loses the ability to move the fingers.​

Physiotherapeutic procedures


​bursal-ligamentous apparatus.​

​supination and pronation in the elbow

  • ​shoulder, the patient “rolls”​
  • ​fighting pain, swelling
  • ​Pandora​
  • ​Relevance.​

​The exercises can take about half an hour, it is better to repeat them several times a day​


​Exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields. During the procedure, swelling decreases, discomfort and pain ease.

​Closed or open reduction followed by fixation with knitting needles.​

​Tight swelling of Turner's hand, as a result of which reflex immobility of the fingers develops, the patient cannot make voluntary movements with them, but if he tries to move them, he experiences severe pain. Severe osteoporosis develops in the bones of the wrist and cyst. - the fracture line is located completely or partially in the joint cavity, as a result, blood from the broken bone gets into it, hemarthrosis develops, and there is a significant risk of disrupting the normal functioning of the damaged joint.

​After any fracture during


joint, flexion and extension. Case

​forearm using a toy.​

What is good to eat after a fracture of the radius (photo)

​limbs, for improvement in the hand​

​As a rule, all joints and

Physical rehabilitation of patients after a fracture of the radius in a typical location:: :: Medical solutions -

Pharmaceutical ethicsThe formation of ethics and deontology...

​Fractures of the forearm bones in a typical or classic location are the most common pathology of injuries to the upper limb. The frequency of this fracture has a seasonal dependence - in the winter season, especially in icy conditions, the number of forearm bone fractures in a typical location increases sharply, which is explained by poor snow removal at travel passes roads and sidewalks. Frequent complications after these fractures are stiffness of the wrist joint, atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm, ischemic contracture - functional disorders that often lead to disability.​

Physical rehabilitationAnatomical and physiological characteristics...

​There is an exercise for which you will need a cylinder with a diameter of approximately 4 cm. Such a cylinder can replace a jar of glue. It is clasped with all fingers, each finger is straightened in turn, after which it is returned to its original position.​

Healthy lifestyleBasics of physical health...

​Irradiation of the fracture site with ultraviolet light, UV irradiation provokes an increase in the synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium from food in the digestive tract.​

Physical rehabilitation of patients after a fracture of the radius in a typical location

​This method of treatment, compared to the therapeutic treatment of fractures, is relatively young, and began to be actively used only at the end of the 19th century. The essence of the method is as follows - through the bone fragments through the skin or by making an incision, passing needles, or applying a plate, and bolting the parts of the bone in the same position.​

​Injury to large main vessels, followed by intracavitary hemorrhage; such damage can lead to the development of long-term complications.​

A change in the ratio of bones in the area of ​​injury may be a consequence of the injury itself, for example, when the bone is crushed into fragments, or it may be a consequence of muscle work. This happens when they pull one end of the bone in their direction, and it becomes confused relative to the other part of the bone, to which this muscle is no longer attached. As a rule, with displaced fractures, both variants of the pathological process are observed simultaneously, which makes it difficult to ensure adequate restoration of limb function.​

​rehabilitation is contraindicated​

​is that water relaxes the hand and

​I. n. sitting or standing. Necessary ​blood circulation is done

​tendons of the elbow joint​

​Restoring the working capacity of victims with various injuries, including fractures of the forearm bones in a typical location, can be achieved only by applying a set of therapeutic measures aimed at improving the functional capabilities of the body.​

​The duration of the gymnastics is approximately 25 minutes; you can perform from two to three cycles of therapeutic exercises per day.​

​Calcium electrophoresis on the area of ​​injury. Under the influence of a magnetic field, positively charged calcium ions penetrate through the skin into the patient’s tissue, an increase in calcium concentration helps accelerate the construction of bone tissue, and as a result facilitates the restoration of damaged bone tissue.​

​The advantage of the method is its highest reliability, bolted fixation, metal knitting needles, all this is done under the visual control of the surgeon, the bones are always fixed in the correct position. However, this technique is not without its drawbacks: firstly, it is still an operation, and it has all the risks typical for an operation, and secondly, metal structures are a foreign object, and sometimes they are rejected by the body, which leads to serious complications.​

​Complete or partial rupture of muscles, or separation of muscles from places of attachment to bone tissue, leads to the impossibility of subsequent voluntary movements of that part of the limb, the movement of which was carried out by the affected muscle.​

​Characteristic external sign mixed fracture, this is a change in the shape of the limb externally visible to the eye, a characteristic deformation is observed, however, you need to understand that changes externally visible to the eye with such an injury occur only with severe destruction of bone tissue, and are relatively rare.​

​passive movements, transfer

​all movements are made much easier,​

​perform all kinds of exercises with​

​next exercise. The hand is placed in the position

​have atrophied quite a bit. Therefore

​The greatest restorative ability due to the powerful pathogenetic nature of the effect on the functions of various systems and organs is possessed by a complex of physical means of rehabilitation, including physical exercises, therapeutic massage, and physiotherapeutic procedures.​

Over time, it is necessary to increase the amplitude of movements; do this every two days. If you perform exercises regularly and correctly and strictly follow the recommendations, the rehabilitation period is reduced and recovery is much faster.​

​It should be remembered that although physical therapy techniques seem harmless, they should not be used without a doctor’s prescription; uncontrolled use of physical therapy can lead to serious problems and significantly slow down the recovery process after a fracture of the radius.​

​Using an external fixation device.​

​Acute infectious complications, with open fractures, infection can get into the wound, which in turn can lead to the formation of acute osteomyelitis. This pathological condition manifests itself in the form of purulent melting of bone tissue with high temperature and intoxication.​

Help is needed. Who knows a physical therapy complex for developing the elbow joint? Displaced radial head fracture

Transverse and longitudinal displacement of bone fragments is widespread. With this type of injury, a transverse or oblique fracture first occurs, which divides the radius into 2 parts. As a result, one of the parts of the bone moves to the side under the action of contracted muscles, in this case a transverse fracture with displacement is observed. If the fracture was longitudinal, then part of the bone fragments, under the influence of traumatic influence, moves up the arm, and they seem to slide relative to each other. In most cases, the victims experience simultaneous transverse and longitudinal displacement of bone fragments.​

​significant burdens​
​but don’t overwork yourself.​
​with a ball or a stick for development
​leads or on a pillow behind the head.​
​immediately after removal of immobilization​
​The therapeutic use of physical exercises, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures for a fracture of the radius in a typical location provides a positive effect on both general and local manifestations of the traumatic disease.​
​This is an important stage in the rehabilitation process and is aimed at eliminating muscle spasm, resolving hematoma and edema.​
Diet plays an important role in the recovery process after a fracture
​This method of treating fractures is the youngest; such a device was first patented in the USSR in 1952. At its core, the technique is the installation of a percutaneous compression-distraction osteosynthesis device on the patient’s limb.
​Long-term consequences of injury include:​
​Somewhat less common is a displaced fracture, called an impacted fracture. It looks like this: the patient falls on his arm, and one part of the radius bone seems to be driven into the other, the bone in this case is a bit like a telescopic antenna, in which one part of the bone fits into the other.​
​muscle overwork, emphasis, hangs,​
​Number of repetitions of each​
​elbow joint. When exercising
​At the same time, impulses are sent to​
​the patient is prescribed: therapeutic
​In connection with the above​
After a fracture, a hemorrhage occurs at the site of injury, which can vary in size. It often reaches significant proportions (with a fracture of the pelvis up to 3 liters, hip - up to 1.5 - 2 liters). Gradually, the hematoma resolves; in some cases, it can fester or cause the development of a pseudarthrosis. But there is also a positive point, it is the initial stage of fracture healing.​
​, it should include a sufficient amount of protein foods; it is highly advisable to add calcium supplements to the regular diet.​
​Simply put, needles are inserted through the patient’s skin into fragments of broken bones, then these needles are fixed on a special cylindrical frame into which the victim’s limb is placed, the fastenings of the needles on the frame are mixed so that the parts of the broken bone are in a position that repeats the structure of a healthy bone, then all this is fixed, and the formation of a bone callus is expected, which will connect the damaged areas.​
​Ischemic contracture is a violation of the mobility of the joints of the affected limb due to an incorrectly applied plaster cast, which compresses the soft tissues, disrupting the blood supply, and as a result, adhesions are formed that impair the mobility of the involved joints.​
​Since the mid-20th century, the proportion of compression fractures among radial bone fractures has been increasing. This is directly related to the spread of motor transport and industrial equipment, and as a consequence to the increase in the number of victims in accidents related to equipment. The mechanism of injury in such situations differs from that typical for this pathology; bone damage occurs not as a result of a fall or a blow, but as a result of pinching a limb between two metal surfaces, as a result of which the bone is crushed, as if it were in a vice. Such injuries are characterized by extensive soft tissue damage and many small bone fragments at the site of injury.​
​exercises that cause pain. That's all
​exercises at any time​
There should be no pain.
​plastered joints, tense
​gymnastics (this is the most important thing in​
​To speed up the fusion process the following is used:​
​Calcium supplements can be replaced with regular foods, and you can make up for the deficiency of this important material for building bones with the help of fish and cottage cheese. If you prefer fish, then use small fish, which can be eaten with bones.​
​This technique allows you to completely restore the bone structure even after the most complex comminuted fractures, but there is a risk of infectious complications that penetrate the patient’s body along the wires passing through the skin.​
​Disorders of the bone structure due to inadequate reposition, an incorrectly applied plaster cast may not hold bone fragments well enough, and during the time required for healing they will take an incorrect position, and in this position they will be fixed by the growing bone tissue.​
The main diagnostic method for this type of fracture in modern medicine is x-ray examination. An x-ray taken in two projections allows the doctor to assess the position of the bones relative to each other and the severity of the injury.​
​can lead to swelling in the joint,​
​rehabilitation is performed 5 times.​
​I. n. sitting or standing with an inclination
​muscles of the forearm and shoulder. Immediately
​rehabilitation after a fracture),​
​Our work is to build a physical rehabilitation program for patients with fractures of the radius in a typical or classic location based on the study, generalization and analysis of literature sources on this problem,​
​electrical stimulation;​
​Find out more:​

Fractures of the radius are caused by a traumatic factor and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. However, rehabilitation measures for various injuries in this anatomical area are approximately the same.

What is a fracture, types of fractures

A fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone caused by external mechanical action with deformation of the surrounding tissues and disruption of the function of the damaged section. Fractures happen:

  • open if the integrity of the skin is damaged;
  • closed;
  • splintered, including fragmented during formation large quantity fragments;
  • no splinters.

In addition, fractures are classified in relation to the axis:

  • transverse,
  • longitudinal,
  • oblique,
  • fragmented,
  • from bending,
  • driven in,
  • helical.

According to the nature of the mixing of fragments:

  • in width,
  • by lenght,
  • at an angle
  • on the periphery.

Fractures caused by a tumor, osteomyelitis and other diseases are called pathological.

According to localization they distinguish:

  • metaphyseal,
  • diaphyseal,
  • epiphyseal,
  • intra-articular.

Fractures are classified based on the number of bones affected:

  • isolated - one bone is injured;
  • multiple - several bones are affected;
  • combined - bones and internal organs are damaged.

Fractures of the radius sharply reduce the ability of patients to work and are manifested by severe pain in the forearm and swelling. Depending on the type of fracture, the symptoms may be supplemented by the presence of a hematoma, tissue rupture with bone coming out into the wound, the presence of deformation in the area of ​​the fracture with intact skin, etc.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a survey, examination, palpation, the presence of pathological syndromes (crepitus, pathological mobility), as well as a set of instrumental diagnostic results.

Principles of treatment of radial fractures

The goal of treatment is to restore the anatomical integrity of the bone and the function of the damaged section.

There are two types of treatment for fractures: operative and conservative. They try to resort to surgical interventions in extreme cases and in the presence of certain indications for this method of treatment.

Fractures of the radius are classified depending on the traumatic factor and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Let's look at some of them below.

A fracture without displacement of fragments is most favorable for the patient, does not require surgical intervention and allows the patient to recover quickly. Occurs at different heights of the radius. With an isolated fracture (with the integrity of the ulna), its diagnosis can be difficult. Treatment consists of fixing the fracture site with a two-split plaster cast and then replacing it with a circular plaster cast.

A fracture with displacement of fragments in certain cases requires osteosynthesis (external, transosseous or intraosseous) with plates, screws, screws or wire sutures.

In the presence of extra-articular non-comminuted fractures, manual reposition of the fragments is performed under local anesthesia and a two-split plaster cast is applied. After the swelling subsides, it is changed to a circular plaster cast until the end of the immobilization period.

In some situations, fractures of the radius are combined with dislocation of the head of the ulna. In this case, in addition to repositioning the fragments, it is necessary to realign the head of the ulna.

Immobilization: fixation with a plaster cast from the base of the fingers to the upper third of the shoulder in a physiological position.

Fractures of the radius in the neck and head are of the following types:

  • without displacement of bone fragments;
  • with displacement of bone fragments;
  • comminuted fracture with displacement;
  • intra-articular fracture.

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose a fracture and find out whether there is displacement of bone fragments. After this, treatment tactics are developed. If there is no displacement of the fragments, conservative treatment is prescribed, consisting of anesthesia and application of a plaster cast. If there is displacement of fragments or fragmentation of the bone head, surgical treatment is necessary, consisting of osteosynthesis.

If the head of the radial bone is crushed or comminuted, it may be removed. However, such measures are not practiced in children, so as not to affect the bone growth area.

One of the most common injuries to the forearm is a fracture of the radius in a typical location. Then the fracture area is localized in the lower part of the beam. This injury occurs as a result of a fall on an outstretched arm with the wrist joint bent or extended.

Immobilization: from the metacarpophalangeal joint to the upper third of the forearm. Duration: from 1 month (fracture without displacement of bone fragments) to 1.5-2 months (with displacement of bone fragments).

Therapeutic gymnastics: breathing exercises, gymnastics complexes for joints free from plaster casts with the obligatory involvement of the fingers.

Post-immobilization period: exercises are performed in front of a table with a smooth surface to facilitate sliding of the hand. Exercises in warm water, as well as everyday activities, in particular self-care, are useful. It is necessary to avoid carrying heavy objects and hanging. Massage of the affected limb is very useful.

Very often, a fracture of the radius in a typical location is combined with avulsion of the styloid process. The diagnosis is made based on a survey, examination, palpation (fragment crepitation syndrome), as well as the results of an X-ray examination.

Displacement of the styloid process during a fracture can be not only in the dorsal or palmar region, but also at various angles. Treatment tactics are selected strictly individually in each specific case after an X-ray examination, and in some cases, computed tomography.

One of the types of treatment for this fracture is manual reposition of the fragments under local anesthesia, followed by plaster immobilization of the limb. However, this approach may result in secondary displacement of bone fragments, which will complicate further treatment of the fracture.

General methods of rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius

Rehabilitation of fractured forearm bones with various types of fractures in this anatomical region varies slightly. It is important to know general directions restorative measures and vary techniques depending on the characteristics of a particular fracture.

First period: immobilization

In case of a fracture of the radius, after comparing the bone fragments, a plaster cast is applied from the base of the fingers to the upper third of the shoulder. The arm should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 90 degrees and supported by a scarf. Immobilization time: for an isolated fracture of the radius - 1 month, for multiple fractures (radius and ulna) - 2 months.

During this period, therapeutic gymnastics exercises are performed for joints free from plaster casts: active, passive and static, as well as imaginary movements (ideomotor) in the elbow joint.

1.5 weeks after the fracture, magnetic stimulation of the muscles and affected nerves, pulsed UHF EP (exposure directly through the plaster cast) or red (holes for the emitter are cut out in the plaster) are used.

Massage of the collar area, general ultraviolet irradiation.

Second period: removable orthosis

After the plaster cast has been replaced with a removable plaster orthosis, gymnastics should be aimed at preventing the occurrence of contracture in the joints: all joints are worked out sequentially from the fingers to the shoulder. Occupational therapy is added: restoration of self-care skills. During this period, the following are very useful: thermal physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises in warm water (hydrokinesitherapy), mechanotherapy.

The thermal regime when exercising in water should be soft. Water temperature: from 34 to 36 °C. Gymnastics is performed with the arm (forearm, hand) completely immersed in water. Hydrokinesitherapy is prescribed after removal of the plaster cast.

Attention is paid to all joints from fingers to elbows. On initial stages the patient helps himself to do exercises with his healthy arm. All movements should be performed before the pain syndrome, and not through it.

The exercises begin with flexion and extension of the joints, then adduction and abduction, pronation and supination are done.

It is quite possible to supplement exercises in water with exercises with soft sponges and balls; subsequently, the size of the objects should decrease. To train fine motor skills, buttons are lowered into the water, which the patient must grab and fish out.

Physical factors used in the post-immobilization period: lidase, potassium, lidase ultraphonophoresis, salt baths.

Third period: no fixation

At the third stage, when fixation is not required, the load on the affected limb is not limited. When performing a physical therapy complex, it is used optional equipment for weights, as well as hanging and resistance exercises. During this period, the emphasis is on complete restoration of the limb and elimination of residual effects of the fracture.

Therapeutic physical education includes complexes of gymnastics, mechanotherapy and hydrokinesitherapy.

Hydrokinesitherapy: the lesson is carried out as in the previous stage, but is supplemented by performing household manipulations. They are designed to increase the range of motion in the joints and allow the patient to expand the scope of exercises: imitation of washing hands and dishes, washing and squeezing, etc.

Therapeutic physical education is supplemented with occupational therapy (restoration of everyday skills and self-care functions).

Complete recovery of the limb occurs after 4-5 months for an isolated fracture and after 6-7 months for a multiple fracture.

Shock wave therapy

For poorly healing fractures and the formation of false joints, it is prescribed. This method is based on the targeted impact of an ultrasonic wave on the fracture area to stimulate tissue regeneration processes and accelerate the formation of callus. This type of therapy allows you to speed up rehabilitation time and in certain cases is an excellent alternative to surgical treatment.


Complications after fractures of the radius can be triggered by the nature of the fracture, incorrect treatment tactics, or the actions of the patient. They are divided into early and late.

Early complications:

  • Attachment of infection with the development of a purulent process in an open fracture.
  • Sudeck's syndrome.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Secondary displacement of bone fragments due to incorrect application of a plaster cast or incorrect reposition of fragments.
  • Damage to tendons, ligaments with the formation of diastasis between bones or adhesions between tendons (the cause of stiffness in the joints).
  • Turner's neuritis.

Late complications:

  • trophic disorders;
  • ischemic contracture;
  • improper healing of the fracture.

Fractures in the area of ​​the radius vary in severity. In this regard, their treatment will differ. But the rehabilitation procedures are the same. The attending physician can combine restorative techniques depending on the patient’s condition and the characteristics of his fracture.

Video on the topic “physical therapy after a broken arm”:

TV channel “Belarus-1”, program “Health” on the topic “Fracture of the radius and other injuries of the hand: can rehabilitation be neglected?”: