Tie Chinese coins. Chinese coins to attract money

Chinese coins

If we talk about the signs that ancient Chinese coins carry, then firstly it is a symbol of unity between Earth and Heaven. The Earth is symbolized by the square cutout inside the coin, and the Sky by its round shape. Usually, amulets of old Chinese coins in Feng Shui are made of a copper alloy. In fact, they have been used as remedies in ancient China since the 11th century BC. Now, naturally, such coins have fallen out of monetary use. But to this day, respectful respect has been preserved for the hieroglyphs depicted on coins.

What do Chinese Feng Shui coins look like and what do they symbolize?

Two sides of the Feng Shui coin

Both sides of the coin symbolize a different type of energy. It is believed that on one side of the coin, Yang energy predominates, and on the other, Yin energy predominates. On the Yang side of the coin, four characters are depicted, indicating which dynasty the coin belonged to. On the Yin side, only two signs are depicted. Depending on which king the coin was minted under, the ruler’s motto could be additionally indicated on it.

Combining the energy of Yang and Yin, Chinese Feng Shui coins activate the energy of wealth, bringing wealth and good luck. These coins are a kind of talismans for the harmonization of place, time and energy flows.

The name of Chinese coins “Quan” came to us from ancient times. literal translation This word is understood as “source”. Using old Chinese coins arranged in a circle and one coin in the center, you can activate the source of integrity and well-being.

There are an unlimited number of ways to use coins in Feng Shui; in some cases, talismans made from old coins are even worn on the body. An example would be amulet coins with the image of a dragon and a phoenix, which attract good luck and protect against dark forces. It is also believed that the history of the appearance of the talisman in the form of old Chinese coins began almost immediately after the coins went out of circulation.

Making talismans from Chinese coins

Blade made from 108 Chinese coins

Chinese coins can be beneficial, either alone or in combination with other coins. Bound coins are used in for different purposes For example, Chinese coins tied in the shape of a decorative blade can protect their bearer from Sha-Qi and neutralize unfavorable floating stars in Feng Shui. The number of coins that can be used to bind a blade can vary greatly, but experts recommend using 108 coins.

Eat good way improve family harmony for married couple. To do this, take two ancient coins and place them under your pillow. Thus, coins will protect you and your marriage from various kinds of misunderstandings, litter and discord. By attracting positive energy to the family, Chinese coins will help to gain family well-being, calmness and harmony.

Coin of Happiness

Chinese coins are very strong talisman, which is truly capable of attracting wealth and prosperity to you and your home, money luck. If you are running a business, you can hang a coin or two on the door of your business. The Chinese coin of happiness Feng Shui not only makes its bearer happy, but also attracts and saves money.

In principle, in order to attract funds to your business, coins need to be placed directly in those places that are designed to generate income for you. For example, if your main tool is a computer, in other words, if you work on a computer, then you should hang one or two tied coins on it, in case of uncertainty about the working tool, simply put the coin in your wallet. At times, coins are attached to work document folders or placed under the front door mat. Coins are also immured in the foundation of a new building, as if laying down the financial well-being of the future owners of the house during construction.

The main thing is not to confuse the sides with which you will place Chinese coins in your home. The Yang side should always be upward and the Yin downward.

Whether you use coins individually or tie several coins together is, of course, up to you. It is believed that the effectiveness of an amulet made from several coins is higher than if you use only one coin.

To tie several Chinese coins together in Feng Shui, they mostly use red thread, with gold thread being used very occasionally. Red is the color of good luck in China, so it can be used almost anywhere.

When buying ancient Chinese coins for yourself, you do not need to directly look for real coins from imperial times. There are not very many of the means that were previously in use. According to Feng Shui, the authenticity of coins for an amulet is almost always completely unimportant. Although there are ideas that genuine amulets can bring much more usefulness than copies of Chinese coins, in fact no one can either prove or disprove this.

Qin Dynasty Coin

The main thing is not authenticity, but the era to which this or that coin belongs. How well the amulet will work depends directly on the time in which the coins were issued. China achieved its dawn during the Qin Dynasty (17th to 20th centuries). That is why it is recommended to use coins of this time to attract wealth.

How to tie coins correctly

Two coins connected with a red thread symbolize the accumulation of funds, and almost always in modern world they are used by business people and business people. It is useful to carry two coins as an amulet, which protects its owner from evil spirits and forces.

Coins tied with red thread

Three coins tied together with a red thread signify the unity of man with heaven and earth. To attract wealth, I use three linked Chinese coins, which symbolize three sources at once: earned wealth, wealth that came from outside and unexpected wealth.

Tying four ancient Chinese coins is strictly prohibited; a similar amulet will not bring you any benefit at all.

Connected three or 5 Chinese coins symbolize the influx of funds from all 4 directions, and their accumulation at one point. A similar amulet is almost always used and recommended for people who engage in trade.

6 coins tied together, especially if coins from the first 6 kings of the Qin dynasties are used, symbolize heavenly luck. This amulet is used to attract mentors and assistants.

Seven coins, just like four, are not used as a talisman.

A bunch of eight coins symbolizes the influx of wealth from almost everywhere. A ninth coin is also added to this amulet to accumulate cash flows in the center.

A bunch of 9 coins is a symbol of completeness and integrity of the whole world. In order to make a true amulet from 9 coins, they must be issued during the Qin Dynasty. The amulet must consist only of genuine coins, only then can it bring real benefits to its owner.

By hanging a 9-coin amulet behind the back of your desk chair, you provide yourself with the support of all 9 kings. It is also believed that once made, a 9-coin amulet can provide wealth for nine generations of your family.

The 9 Chinese Coin Bundle is the most powerful of the Chinese coin amulets. Depending on where it is located, it can attract either wealth or suitable people. This amulet can also be worn around the neck, but this may not be very comfortable.

Pick up “your” coins and carry them with you or put them at home. So cash flow can always find you.

In this article you will learn:

Chinese Feng Shui coins are not just a beautiful decoration, but a talisman that brings wealth and good luck to its owner. The tradition of making such amulets originated thousands of years ago and has not yet been forgotten.

What do these coins symbolize?

Each coin has 2 sides that have their own meaning. One of them symbolizes Yin energy, the other – Yang.

The Yin side most often has 2 drawn symbols; it can also have an inscription minted on it, which was used as the motto of one of the ruling dynasties.

The Yang side is decorated with four characters. It indicates during which dynasty the coin was made.

Feng Shui coins have different meanings, but the main ones are attracting wealth and success in all areas of life, as well as connecting two energies, Yin and Yang. Such a talisman is a symbol of harmony and unity of time, space and energy.

The shape of the coins symbolizes Heaven (round edges) and Earth (square hole in the middle), and the printed hieroglyphs - energy flows, which come from all directions of the world.

The original name of such monetary units is “quan”, which translates as “source”. Even the name reveals the meaning of Feng Shui coins - to promote the flow of money and prosperity.

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People who follow the principles of ancient Chinese philosophy make various amulets from quan. Some of them resemble dragons or phoenix birds, others look like a simple necklace and are worn around the neck.

Main types of coins according to Feng Shui

Chinese Feng Shui coins can have different shapes and sizes. They were once used as money of exchange, so the type of coinage depends on the time of manufacture.

Depending on the type of coin, its meaning as a talisman may differ slightly. Meihua, a talisman named after the plum blossom, has a pentagonal hole. The angles represent the 5 elements of human life, and the plum blossom is considered a symbol of purity inner world. Such banknote protects from ill-wishers, protects from dangers.

Quan in the form of 5 bats brings good luck to its owner. For the Chinese, a bat is a sign of approaching happiness. The point is that " bat" in Chinese is pronounced almost the same as the word "happiness". Such symbols are rare, and their owners receive strong defense from negative energy and good luck in all areas of life.

Coin as a talisman

For a talisman to attract wealth and good luck to work, you need to use it in accordance with the rules. The amulet should be placed in those places where the greatest influx of favorable energy needs to be concentrated. Such a place could be a desktop, front door at home, head of the bed.

You can receive an influx of wealth and prosperity only if the talisman is located in a building that belongs to the owner of the amulet. It is not recommended to place it in rented buildings or in an office workplace.

To make a suitable amulet, you need to understand the types of quan. Depending on their selection and the shape of the talisman, you can get objects of different strength and purpose.

Chinese coin of happiness

The Nanbu banknote is a Chinese symbol of happiness and good luck. A talisman made from such quans and placed in an apartment will bring prosperity to its inhabitants. These coins are most suitable for gambling, risky people who want happiness to always be on their side.

An amulet from Nanbu can help a businessman who is about to make a transaction involving risk. The talisman will increase your finances and protect you from losses. It will only work if you keep it away from prying eyes.

Health Coin

Quan, which embodies the 5 basic elements of life, is a symbol of health and longevity. It concentrates the energy of prosperity, consisting of 5 components: health, financial well-being, longevity, happiness and painless death.

The symbol of health is Shou-shin - an old man with a staff in his hand, who is depicted near a peach tree in the company of a deer. Quan is considered rare and is most often given to relatives to attract happiness and good luck into their lives. It is best to give such a talisman to your parents.

Large Chinese coin

The meaning of the large Chinese coin: protection from evil forces. It bears images of crossed swords, the Master of the Cloud Hall, trigrams and other objects that are considered auspicious in Feng Shui.

This type of currency is not used to attract financial flows. It protects its owner from negative outside influences and keeps his spiritual energy pure.

How to tie coins together to create talismans

For Chinese coins to work, you need to know how to tie them correctly. The strength and meaning of the ligament will depend on the amount and type of quan. They need to be tied using a red thread.

Linked 2 coins are a symbol of accumulation of money and wealth. This combination is suitable for people doing business. It will protect from the influence of evil forces.

A bunch of 3 quan symbolizes the unity of the human principle with the spiritual forces of heaven and earth. It also works in cases where you need to preserve your earned wealth.

Four coins are never connected. Such a combination will not only bring no benefit, but can also harm business.

Five Chinese coins tied together symbolize the arrival of money from 4 sides and its accumulation in one place. The link is used to enhance success in trading.

Six quans tied with a red thread bring divine luck to their owner. The amulet is suitable for people who want to find faithful companions or good mentors.

An amulet of 9 components symbolizes the integrity and perfection of the universe. This talisman is made from coins of the Qin Dynasty. To make the amulet as effective as possible, you need to hang it behind the back of a chair at your workplace.

A strong talisman is considered to be a bunch of 108 quan, made in the form of a sword. He will protect all endeavors from the machinations of envious people. Businessmen are advised to hang such a sword on the western side in their office. The blade is hung with the tip down; you cannot place it opposite you, as this can direct the protective energy of the amulet against the owner.

Wealth and financial independence are the dream of many. To achieve it, especially persistent people agree to try thousands of methods. Both practical and not quite. For example, they may carry Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon in their wallet. Do you think this will not help them achieve such an ambitious goal? But followers of Feng Shui are sure of the opposite.

Chinese coins as a symbol of antiquity

The history of copper coins familiar to us all Chinese characters begins in the 11th century BC. It was then that the inhabitants of Ancient China began to use them in everyday life. Already in those days they were round coins with a square cutout in the center. They were also marked with hieroglyphs, as well as images and sayings of those emperors who ruled during the era of their use. Over time, they were replaced by another currency, but the coins themselves did not lose their fame, turning from a monetary unit into a symbolic talisman.

Symbol meaning

Despite thousand-year history, Chinese coins are still revered in China and used by all feng shui practitioners. So, from their point of view, the round shape of the coins represents Heaven and Yang energy, while the square cutout in the center represents Earth and Yin energy. Today, of course, it is very difficult to find originals, but there are more than enough copies. They all have one common feature– number of characters on each side. So, the front side is usually considered to be the side where 4 Yang symbols are depicted, and the back side is the one where there are only 2 Yin characters.

Practical use

Chinese coins are a symbol of material prosperity. The classic connection is three copper coins tied with a red (occasionally gold) ribbon. Such a talisman is capable of activating three sources of income at once: ordinary (that is, salary from a permanent place of work), non-standard (money earned in an unusual way or coming from outside) and unexpected (finances received as a result of unplanned events, such as winning the lottery or inheritance). However, they can be used for many other purposes.

So, to improve financial situation :

— it is advisable to tie three coins with a red ribbon and carry them with you in your wallet,

- place them in the southeast corner of the living room, bedroom or study, which will facilitate activation,

— buy eight coins tied together and carry them with you or store them in the house (or at work). This talisman helps attract material well-being from all possible directions.

There are also connections of 5 coins, which, like all the previous ones, contribute to the accumulation of wealth and increased income.

A to find prosperity in your endeavors experts recommend using six Chinese coins. They need to be placed in the travel and assistants sector, the activation of which will help attract the right mentor, partner or teacher into your life.

In addition, if you put two Chinese coins under your pillow, it will help improve marital relations.

The only exceptions to in this case are bundles of 4 and 7 coins. The first ones are never used in Feng Shui, the second ones are necessary to increase or weaken the energy of flying stars. As you can see, without proper knowledge there is no need to use seven coins together.

In conclusion, I would like to add that coins tied with a red ribbon knot are also an excellent protective talisman that can reflect negative energy and the influence of evil forces.

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As you already know, in Feng Shui there are many different talismans, symbols, and amulets for attracting money. We have already told you about some of them, for example, about, which serves as an excellent amulet for attracting money.

Today we wanted to talk about another talisman that will help attract wealth and good luck to your home. We will talk about Chinese coins.

Chinese coins for attracting money are not a means of payment, but they are an excellent embodiment of monetary energy.

In Feng Shui stores you can buy just individual coins, or you can buy them already tied with a red ribbon or thread.

By the way, have you noticed how the coins are tied with red thread? The thread is tied with a special knot above the coins. It is believed that this knot is a symbol of infinity, i.e. endless resources, wealth and abundance.

If you don’t know how to tie Chinese coins correctly, you can tie them yourself. It is not necessary to tie the thread into a complex knot; simply connecting the coins with a red ribbon is enough.

So, by the way, you will create a money talisman imbued with your energy, which is very favorable for attracting positive energy.

So, let's take a closer look at what Chinese coins should look like.

Chinese cash coins should be made in the shape of a circle with a square hole in the middle. What does it mean - the unity of Heaven and Earth. In this case, the square symbolizes the Earth (Yin energy), the circle symbolizes the Sky (Yang energy).

In addition, each side of the coin refers to a different type of energy. So on the Yang side (active) 4 hieroglyphs are depicted (along the cardinal directions). Two of them indicate the era of which ruling dynasty the coin was issued.

On the Yin side (passive) there are 2 symbols that could indicate the motto of the ruler of that time. By combining two types of energy and symbolizing the balance between them, Feng Shui coins harmonize space and bring luck and financial well-being into people's lives.

The strength of the Feng Shui coin talisman is also given by the hieroglyphs, images or trigrams depicted on them, which carry a semantic meaning. For example, there are coins that act as amulets and are worn around the neck.

They may depict a dragon and a phoenix, crossed swords, the Bagua symbol and other symbols that will protect their owner from evil and attract good luck. However, most often there are coins with hieroglyphs denoting various benefits.

You ask how many tied Chinese coins bring money luck? Number of Chinese coins in money talisman can be different.

2 tied coins symbolize increasing wealth. Place such a talisman in the place where your savings are stored - this will help increase them. Also, a talisman with 2 coins is considered capable of protecting against troubles and evil forces.

3 linked coins used in practice most often. A talisman with 3 Chinese coins attracts wealth. Such a talisman can be placed in the wealth sector, in a wallet, safe, or hung on a computer or mirror. You can put it under money tree or bury it in the ground when transplanting this plant.

It will also be beneficial to place 3 coins tied with a red ribbon on the threshold of the house under a rug.

Feng Shui experts advise walling up the talisman in the foundation and walls of a house under construction to attract the energy of prosperity.

To increase sales revenue in a business, it is useful to place a talisman, for example, under the cash register.

5 Chinese coins represent the receipt of income from the four compass directions and its accumulation in the center, i.e. literally at your place.

6 Chinese coins represent good luck and necessary help. One of the favorable places for 6 coins is the sector of helpers and travel.

8 tied coins help attract financial well-being from all compass directions.

9 coins in Feng Shui they symbolize success in business, which is ensured by the support of nine emperors.

You should not use 7 coins as a talisman - such a bunch is used to strengthen or weaken flying stars.

In our country, people wear them as a talisman around their necks, attach them to doors at the entrance, put them on shelves where financial documents are located, or hide them in a wallet. Such a powerful energy symbol brings harmony to everything around, because it personifies Heaven and Earth: the round shape of the coin is Heaven or Yang energy, and the square of the correct shape inside is Earth or Yin energy. Traditionally, several pieces are tied, the number being a specific symbol. What does the quantity symbolize, and what will be the meaning of this talisman?

Two coins - an amulet for wealth

  • on the neck;
  • in a purse;
  • just in the bag.

Three coins - receive an inheritance

To attract spontaneous wealth in the form of an inheritance or a gift, you need to tie three Chinese coins. This will be a symbol of three blessings:

  • money from your main place of work;
  • non-standard earnings (part-time work, additional income, etc.);
  • inherited funds.

Five coins - help in trading

The influx of wealth from all sides and the settling of money in the center. This combination is used by people who are engaged in trade, because they need to attract buyers and expand their business. This talisman will bring prosperity if used to decorate the interior of a retail outlet.

Six coins - attract a patron in business

Such a bundle must be hung in the northwestern part of the room. Thanks to this talisman, you can attract patrons to your home who will provide help when things get difficult. He is the personification heavenly luck and help from the highest powers.

Eight Chinese coins - a bundle of wealth influx

To make such a talisman, you can connect eight coins on a ribbon or tie them in a circle. This helps to attract money from all sides of Ba Gua. The sacred Chinese octagon is an energy tool that helps people in life.

Nine coins - the meaning of the universe

Round amulets with a symbolic hole inside, nine pieces in one bundle, are the personification of the completeness of the universe. During the Qin Dynasty, people wore necklaces made of nine coins. On each of them was drawn the image of one of those who ruled at that time. Currently, it is almost impossible to collect all the images, so you can use a dummy.

Such a knot of red ribbon and metal coins will serve as a talisman to attract money. A ribbon with nine coins is also considered a strong amulet, if at least one of them has an image of the ruler. Feng Shui advises placing the bundle in a zone of prosperity, and then an influx of money is guaranteed.

Exercises Chinese elders It is recommended not to make threads with four or seven coins, as they will not bring any benefit. You can tie knots with ten or more coins - these will also be talismans for attracting money, but the quantity will no longer carry any meaning. This amulet should be placed in the money area or carried in your pocket.

Chinese coins - happiness and luck in life

When luck smiles on a person, then money “goes” into his hands, he is happy at home, at work, in his good friends and everything is fine. But for everything to be wonderful in life, you need a Chinese coin of happiness. This coin also has a square hole and can be worn as a talisman under clothing. She is suitable for attracting money, but can also be a great friend from January to December.

This talisman depicts the signs of the 12 months, they are collected around a square hole: there is a circle with a dragon, rooster, lions, rabbit, snake and other animals that symbolize a month or year. When a new period begins with a new patron, a special subtle energy comes, inherent only in a certain animal. This energy can influence the state of the soul, so supporting the new month will not hurt anyone.

Feng Shui irreplaceable coin - winning is guaranteed