Orkse (opk) tests. Tests on OPK Tests on the basics of Orthodox culture

Control testing on Orthodox culture, grade 9

(intermediate control)

Option #1

1. Theology is...________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Choose the correct answer:

1) leads an active lifestyle

3) travels a lot

4) makes a pilgrimage to holy places

4. What is “food” for the human soul? Select answer:

1) praise

2) comfort

3) entertainment

4) Word of God

5. Definitions 7 Ecumenical Council talking about...

1) about veneration

2) about icon veneration

3) about the God-manhood of Christ

6) Who gave the prayer “Our Father”?

1) Archangel Gabriel

2) Jesus Christ

3) Gregory the Theologian

4) John Chrysostom

7. Church sacraments

1) prayer

2) participle

3) priesthood

4) repentance

5) anointing

8. Worship is...

1) church service which is performed by sacred persons

2) form of external ceremonies

3) sacrificing animals or other victims

4) veneration of visible objects

9. What are the parts of the internal space of an Orthodox church called and their purpose?

10. Match the statements

A) Orthodox worldview

1) A creative gift is a feature of the human psyche, called talent.

2) Every person has a creative gift (the makings of creativity).

3) Graceless art is destructive to a person’s spiritual state.

B) Secular worldview

11. The meaning and purpose of church art

Keys to the test

    Systematic presentation, justification and defense of Christian truths about God and worship – 1 point

    2) – 1 point

    3) – 1 point

    4) – 1 point

    2) – 1 point

    2) – 1 point

    2),3),4), 5) – up to 4 points

    1) – 1 point

    The narthex, the middle part of the temple and the altar.

The porch is the entrance to the temple. In the first centuries, penitents and catechumens stood here - people preparing for baptism;

The middle part is intended for prayer for people who have been baptized. In this part, the solea, pulpit, choir and iconostasis stand out;

The altar forms the main part of the temple. The main items are the Throne, the Altar and the High Place - up to 3 points

    A-2,3; B – 1.4 – up to 4 points

    Up to 5 points

5 points

4 points

3 points

23-22 points – 5 (excellent)

21 - 17 points – 4 (good)

Option No. 2

1.What does creation theory say about the origin of the world?

2. Choose the correct answer:

An ascetic is a person who...

1) leads an active lifestyle.

2) strives for God and performs feats of self-denial, struggle with passions, spiritual improvement to save the soul

3) travels a lot;

4) makes a pilgrimage to holy places.

3.Orthodox understanding of creativity

2) self-exaltation of oneself in one’s work

3) this is the dissolution (transformation, fusion, union) of man in God

4. What is “food” for the human soul. Select answer:

1) chocolate

2) comfort

3) travel

4) Word of God

5. The definition of the 4th Ecumenical Council speaks of

1) about veneration

2) about icon veneration

3) about the God-manhood of Christ

6) Who gave the prayer “Virgin Mother of God”

1) Archangel Gabriel

2) Jesus Christ

3) Gregory the Theologian

4) John Chrysostom

7. Church sacraments:

1) blessing of oil

2) baptism

4) worship

5) anointing

8. The main services include:

1) priesthood

2) liturgy

3) participle

4) repentance

9. Symbolic meaning various forms of temple

10. Match the statements:

A) Orthodox worldview

1) They have a creative gift chosen people

2) The source of creativity is the grace of God

3) The artist’s free will is manifested in the free choice to follow church canons or denying them.

4) A person’s spiritual life has no connection with the nature of his creativity.

B) Secular worldview

    The meaning and purpose of church art

Keys to the test

1. God, the Creator of the whole world, created with His word everything - from the atom to the universe, objects and their forms, moving and immovable, all cause-and-effect relationships and laws of the universe. -1 point

2. 2) -1 point

3. 3) -1 point

4. 4) – 1 point

5. 3) – 1 point

6. 1) – 1 point

7. 1), 2), 3), 5) – up to 4 points

8. 2) – 1 point

9. The basilica oblong shape of the temple symbolizes that the world is the worldly sea, and the Church is a ship on which you can safely sail across this sea and reach a quiet pier - the Kingdom of Heaven;

The cross-domed type of the church indicates that the cross of Christ is the foundation of the Christian community;

Round appearance - reminds that the Church of God will exist indefinitely - up to 3 points

10. A-2,3; B – 1.4 - up to 4 points

11. Up to 5 points

5 points- the material is understood in accordance with Orthodox understanding the purpose and meaning of church art in full, the presentation is logical, conclusions and generalizations are accurate and related to modern reality.

4 points- there are minor gaps in the understanding of the material, the presentation is not sufficiently systematized, individual concepts are not stable enough, there are some inaccuracies in the conclusions and generalizations.

3 points- there are gaps in the understanding of the material, it is not presented in a systematic manner, individual concepts are not sufficiently formulated, conclusions and generalizations are poorly reasoned, and mistakes are made in them.

23-22 points – 5 (excellent)

21 - 17 points – 4 (good)

13 – 12 points – 3 (satisfactory)

Vyskrebentseva Tatyana Ivanovna

Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school, Veidelevsky district, Belgorod region"

FinalOrthodox culture test grade 10

    Who was the first to paint an icon? Mother of God during Her earthly life? a) Apostle Luke; b) the Apostle Peter; c) prophet Elijah;

    What color on the icon meant the color of warmth, life, love, life-giving energy, Resurrection? a) blue and light blue; b) red; c) purple;

    In what month and year did the miracle performed by the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God happen? a) June, 1941; b) September, 1941; c) December, 1941;

    What is the name of the icon that depicts the Mother of God and the Baby Jesus enclosed in a circle? a) “Helper of sinners”; b) icon of the Mother of God of Kazan; c) the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir;

    What does the icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” mean in Greek? a) “Praying”; b) “Intercessor”; c) “Guide”;

    Which great icon painter painted the Trinity icon? A) Venerable Sergius Radonezh; b) Apostle Luke; V) Reverend Andrew Rublev;

    What does eschatology study? a) the doctrine of the lives of saints; b) the doctrine of the end times; c) teaching about religions;

    The founder of the life of monasticism and the creator of the first monastic charter was: a) Reverend Anthony Great; b) Venerable Pachomius the Great; V) Rev. Savva Sanctified;

    What sacraments of the Orthodox Church are obligatory for every Christian? a) baptism, communion (Eucharist); b) unction, wedding; c) the sacrament of the priesthood, confirmation;

    What does the icon of the Mother of God “Eleus” mean in Greek? a) “All-merciful”; b) “All Holy”; c) “Tenderness”;

11. An ascetic is a person who... a) leads an active lifestyle; b) strives for God and performs feats of self-denial, struggle with passions, spiritual improvement for the salvation of the soul; c) travels a lot; d) makes a pilgrimage to holy places;

12.Orthodox understanding of creativity... a) the author’s desire to “declare” himself to the world; b) self-exaltation of oneself in one’s work; c) this is the dissolution (transformation, fusion, union) of man in God;

13. What is “food” for the human soul? Choose the answer: a) praise; b) comfort; c) entertainment; d) The Word of God;

14. Who gave the prayer “Our Father”? a) Archangel Gabriel; b) Jesus Christ; c) Gregory the Theologian; d) John Chrysostom;

`15. Divine service is... a) a church service performed by sacred persons; b) the form of external ceremonies; c) sacrificing animals or other victims; d) veneration of visible objects;

17. Number of twelve holidays in a year: a) 10; b) 12; c) 13;

18. The Easter holiday is preceded by: a) Maslenitsa; b) Forty Days of Fasting; V) Forgiveness Sunday;

19.First Tuesday after Easter week is called: a) Pentecost; b) Radonitsa; c) Ascension;

20. The saint who first brought the preaching of Christian teaching to Slavic lands: a) Apostle John the Theologian; b) Apostle Andrew the First-Called; c) Apostle Peter;

21. Equal-to-the-Apostles saints especially revered in Rus': a) Boris and Gleb; b) Konstantin and Elena; c) Peter and Paul;

22. Christians who accepted cruel torture and death for their faith in God: a) Ascetics; b) Martyrs; c) Inoki;

23. Compassionate, friendly, caring, loving relationship to another person: a) Good nature; b) Mercy; c) Meekness;

24.Number of sacraments in Orthodox Church: a) 8; b) 7; at 10 o'clock;

25. What is prosphora? a) consecrated bread for all-night vigil; b) consecrated bread for the liturgy;

Tests have been created for each OPK lesson on ORKSE lessons according to the textbook by A. Kuraev "Fundamentals Orthodox culture"Grades 4-5. The tests are written on the topic of the lesson, each of them has 6 tasks and four answer options, one of which is correct. All tests are designed for using the textbook and directly working with it. These tests can be used in the form of a revision test reading, creating problematic situation etc. These tests make working with the textbook much easier.




Lesson #1. Subject. Russia is our Motherland.

Question No. 1 Indicate the official name of our state.


A. Russia.

V. Rus'.

S. Russian Federation.

D. Motherland.

Question No. 2 What is included in the concept of “spiritual world”?


A. Objects among which a person lives.

B. Nature.

C. Knowledge accumulated by humanity.

D. Architectural masterpieces.

Question No. 3 What is included in the concept “ inner world"person?


A. Soul.

B. Feelings.

C. Emotions.

D. Character.


A. Actions.

B. Traditions.

C. Education.

D. Behavior.

Question No. 5 For what purpose will we study the subject “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”?


A. To learn more about other peoples.

Q. To learn more about other countries.

C. To be able to make a choice between good and evil.

D. To be able to make a choice between friend and enemy.

Question No. 6 How many peoples live in Russia?


A. More than 50.

B. More than 100.

C. More than 30.

D. More than 80.

Lesson #2. Topic: Culture and religion.

Question No. 1 What did the word “culture” mean in ancient times?


A. Everything that a person has grown.

B. Everything that man has created.

C. Everything that benefits a person.

D. Something that is not made by human hands.

Question No. 2 What does culture accumulate?


A. Knowledge.

B. Rules of conduct.

C. Life experience of previous generations.

D. Religious Beliefs

Question No. 3. What is the most important thing in culture?


A. Behavioral situation

B. Reasons for choosing behavior

C. Human behavior

D. Knowledge of laws.

Question No. 4. How are cultural values ​​transmitted?


A. Through orders.

B. Through copying other people's behavior.

C. Through written sources.

D. Through training and education.

Question No. 5. What is religion?


A. Human behavior associated with the search for a higher mind.

B.. Human behavior associated with the search for balance in the universe.

C. Thoughts and actions of people who are convinced that there is a higher mind, i.e. God.

D. Human behavior associated with the search for a balance between good and evil.

Question No. 6. What are the origins of Russian culture?


A. In the diversity of religions.

V. In Orthodoxy.

S. In Catholicism.

D. In Buddhism.

Lesson #3. Topic: Man and God in Orthodoxy.

Question No. 1 Who is meant by the word God in Orthodoxy?


A. Priest

B. Religion

S. Creator of all living things.

D. One who teaches faith.

Question No. 2. What good deed can be considered good?


A. One that is made by order of someone.

B. One that is made upon request.

C. One that is made in order to become famous.

D. One that is made out of a desire to help.

Question No. 3. What's on ancient language did the word God mean?


A. The one who distributes the money.

B. He who distributes glory

C. One who distributes gifts

D. The one who distributes punishment

Question No. 4. What are the main riches that God gave to man?


A. Money and fame.

B. Compassion and responsibility

C. Freedom and Reason

D.. Faith and kindness

Question No. 5. Who is God for man?


A. Defender and liberator

B. Hope for the best.

S. Creator and love

D. Faith and hope.

Question No. 6. How the letter denotes everything connected with God.


A. It is written on a red line.

B. It is written with a capital letter.

C. Normal spelling.

D. Underlining.

Lesson #4. Subject: Orthodox prayer.

Question No. 1. What is prayer?


A. What God said to people.

B. Appeal to God.

C. Special words-spells.

D. Words spoken by the priest during a church service.

Question No. 2. What is a prayer-request characterized by?


Question No. 3 How is thanksgiving prayer characterized?


A. A person asks God for help in various matters

B. A person thanks God for help in something.

C. A person asks God for forgiveness for some action or sin.

D. A person rejoices that God is present in his soul

Question No. 4 How is praise-prayer characterized?


A. A person asks God for help in various matters

B. A person thanks God for help in something.

C. A person asks God for forgiveness for some action or sin.

D. A person rejoices that God is present in his soul

Question No. 5 How is prayer-repentance characterized?


A. A person asks God for help in various matters

B. A person thanks God for help in something.

C. A person asks God for forgiveness for some action or sin.

D. A person rejoices that God is present in his soul

Question No. 6 Which prayer is considered the most famous?


A. “Alive in Help”

V. “Heavenly King, Comforter”

S. “Hail, Virgin Mary”

D. “Our Father”

Lesson #5. Topic: Bible and Gospel.

Question No. 1. What did the word “Bible” mean in ancient times?


A. A book telling about how people lived before the appearance of God.

B. A book telling about how people waited for the birth of Christ, his life and teachings.

C. A book telling how Christ taught People

D. A book telling how religion appeared.

Question No. 2. How many parts does the Bible have?


A. 50

V. 77

S. 2

D. 27

Question No. 3. What are the parts of the Bible called?


A. Holy Scripture.

B. Old and New Testaments

C. Gospel.

D. Revelation

Question No. 4. In what language were the books of the Old Testament written?


A. In ancient Greek

V. In Old Slavic

S. In Hebrew

D. In Latin

Question No. 5. Who wrote the books of the New Testament


A. Prophets

B. Priests

S. Writers

D. Apostles

Question No. 6. Where did the Lord's Prayer come from?


A. From Jesus Christ

B. From the Apostle Peter.

S. From John

D. From Matthew.

Lesson #6. Topic: Preaching Christ.

Question No. 1. Who was glorified by people before Christian teaching.


A. Emperors and great warriors.

V. Strongmen.

C. Winners in battles

D. Rich people.

Question No. 2. What is the main wealth that God taught you to value?


A. Strength and endurance

B. Wealth and fame.

C. Kindness and humility.

D. Rancor and malice.

Question No. 3. To whom was the Sermon on the Mount preached?


A. Before the fishermen.

B. Before the apostles.

S. Before ordinary people.

D. Before the priests.

Question No. 4. What is a sermon?


A. Special prayer.

B. Religious instruction calling for changes in behavior.

C. Words spoken to the listeners calling for battle to begin

D. Conversation with the person about behavior change.

Question No. 5 What human behavior was not welcomed in relation to the ancient gods?


A. Submission to the will of the gods.

B. Indifference to the will of the gods.

C. Victories in honor of the gods

D. Making sacrifices and gifts.

Question No. 6. What, according to Christian teaching, is there any good?


A. What a person has accumulated over the years of his life.

B. A person’s actions that other people remember.

C. Good deeds of a person that brought him fame and wealth.

D. Good deeds of a person that other people remember.

Lesson #7. Topic: Christ and His Cross.

Question No. 1. From what event did the new chronology begin?


A. From the coming to power of the new emperor

B. From the coming to power of the new pharaoh

C. From the coming to power of the new king

D. From the Nativity of Christ

Question No. 2. What was the name of the judge who interrogated Jesus Christ


A. Julius Caesar

V. August Oktovian

S. Pontius Pilate

D. Konstantin

Question No. 3. Why do Christians wear a cross?


A. In memory of the crucifixion of Christ on the cross

B. In memory of the sufferings of Christ before death

C. Memory of the Crusades

D. As protection from evil forces.

Question No. 4. What was the name of the mountain on which the place of Christ’s execution was located?


A. Elbrus

V. Sinai

S. Golgotha

D. Everest

Question No. 5. On which side of Christ was the criminal who repented and accepted God before his death?


A. In front of Jesus

B. Behind Jesus

C. Left of Jesus

D. To the right of Jesus

Question No. 6. How many crossbars are there on an Orthodox cross?


A. Alone.

B. Two.

S. Three.

D. Four.

Lesson #8. Topic: Easter.

Question No. 1. Whose king was Jesus Christ declared to be?


A. Rimsky.

V. Judean.

S. Greek.

D. Slavyansky.

Question No. 2. What is the name of the holiday of the resurrection of Christ?


A. Christmas

B. Epiphany

S. Easter

D. Trinity

Question No. 3. What is blagovest?


A. Name of the Easter prayer

B. Title of the Easter hymn

C. Name of the church bell

D. Name of church utensils

Question No. 4. The main gift of Easter.


A. Easter cake

B. Easter egg

S. Bell

D. Willow branch.

Question No. 5. What precedes Easter?


A. Petrovsky post

B. Great Lent.

S. Nativity Fast

D. Therapeutic fasting

Question No. 6. At what time of year does Easter always fall?


A. Winter

V. Spring

S. Summer

D. Autumn

Lesson #9. Topic: Orthodox teaching about man

Question No. 1. What's in Orthodox teaching has the highest value?


A. Actions.

V. Thoughts.

S. Soul.

D. Body.

Question No. 2. What is the inner world of a person?


A. Thoughts, desires, dreams, knowledge.

B. Reason, freedom, love, creativity.

C. Actions and behavior.

D. Human upbringing and education

Question No. 3. What heals the human soul?


A. Good thoughts

B. Good selfless deeds.

C. Good thoughts and selfless deeds.

D. Actions that a person performs for others.

Question No. 4. When a person is ashamed of his action, he blushes. Usually in such cases they say:


A. “My soul hurts”

V. “The soul cries”

S. “You can’t deceive the soul”

D. “You can’t fool your conscience”

Question No. 5. What does “the soul hurts” mean?


A. When a person became evil and heartless.

B. When a person doesn’t feel sorry for anyone.

C. When a person cares about someone else’s pain.

D. When a person became greedy.

Question No. 6. The Bible talks about creation human soul. Where does a person have a soul?


A. From God.

B. From the Earth.

S. From cattle and reptiles.

D. From cosmic forces.

Lesson #10. Topic: Conscience and repentance.

Question No. 1. What, according to the canons Orthodox faith Is it considered a sin?


A. An unkind act for which a person can be deprived of his freedom.

B. An unkind act for which a person is ashamed.

C. An unkind act for which a person is judged by other people

D. An unkind act that distances a person from goodness.

Question No. 2. What was the name of one of the apostles who denied Jesus Christ?


A. Peter

V. Pavel

S. John

D. Matthew

Question No. 3. What role is defined for conscience?


A. Protect from communicating with bad people.

B. Teach how to avoid punishment.

C. Prompt a person to behave correctly.

D. Teach to be silent and not share anything with anyone.

Question No. 4. What, according to the canons Orthodox religion called repentance?


A. Admitting your bad deeds

B. The desire to correct the action.

C. Pushing the state of sin out of your memory.

D. Pushing the state of sin out of your heart

Question No. 5. What prayer do believers offer to God in repentance?


A. Thank you note

V. Repentant

S. Petitionary

D. Doxology

Question No. 6 What does it mean, according to the canons of the Orthodox religion, to atone for sin?


A. Repent and forget about him.

B. Repent and do something good.

C. Repent and don’t do anything like that again

D. Forget about sin and do nothing like that

Lesson #11. Topic: Commandments.

Question No. 1 To which of the prophets did God give the commandments?


A. Ioannou

V. Matthew

S. Petru

D. Moses

Question No. 2. What was the name of the mountain where the commandments were given?


A. Golgotha

V. Sinai

S. Elbrus

D. Everest

Question No. 3. In what country is the mountain where God gave the commandments to people?


A. Israel

B. Greece

S. Russia

D. Egypt

Question No. 4 How many commandments did God give to people?


A. 77

AT 4

P. 10

D. 50

Question No. 5. What do the first four commandments say?


A. About a person’s attitude towards other people

B. On man’s attitude to religion

C. About man’s relationship to God

D. About a person’s attitude to values

Question No. 6 What are the commandments given to people by God written on?


A. On papyrus

V. On the tablets

C. On clay tablets

D. On parchment

Lesson #12. Theme: Mercy and compassion.

Question No. 1 What does mercy mean?


A. Indifference to someone else's misfortune.

B. Compassion for your loved ones

C. Indifference to the misfortune of your family.

D. Concern for all people on earth

Question No. 2 What did God call people to? (Remember it verbatim)


A. Help your neighbor in trouble.

C. Love your neighbor as yourself.

S. Do not offend your neighbor.

D. Give your neighbor your last shirt.

Question No. 3 Which people, according to the teachings of God, can be considered neighbors?


A. Any person who has problems.

B. Close people and relatives.

C. Parents.

D. Any person who has trouble.

Question No. 4 What is alms?


A. Money given to poor people

B. Any merciful deed that is done on the orders of the parents

C. Any merciful deed that is done by order of a superior

D. Any merciful deed that is done selflessly

Question No. 5 What does it mean to help selflessly?


A. Without telling anyone

B. Without demanding gratitude in return

C. For a small fee

D. Free, but receive friendship in return.

Question No. 6. Who are the Sisters of Mercy?


A. Women who work for free.

B. Nuns who care for the sick

C. Women who help the sick with money

D. Nuns who work in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages

Lesson #13. Subject. The golden rule of ethics.

Question No. 1. What does the golden rule of ethics sound like?


A. “Love the sinner and hate the sin.”

B. “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want for yourself.”

S. “Let the first stone be thrown by one of you who has not sinned himself.”

D. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”

Question No. 2. What does "non-judgment" mean?


A. The ability to forgive oneself one’s sins

B. The ability to forgive people their sins

C. Showing mercy to a person

D. The ability not to notice sins

Question No. 3 What does a person see in the sins of another person?


A. Evil.

B. Showing weaknesses.

C. Your own shortcomings

D. Indifference.

Question No. 4. Should a person be reminded of his bad deeds?


A. Don’t, otherwise he will be offended.

B. Don’t, otherwise he will stop communicating with you.

S. It’s not worth it, haven’t you yourself done bad things?

D. Worth it and as often as possible.

Question No. 5 What needs to be exposed?


A. Sinful man

V. Sin

S. Human

D. Nothing

Question No. 6. Can a child who has committed many bad deeds be corrected?


A. No, it can’t.

B. Maybe

S. Maybe, but only when he becomes an adult

D. Maybe if there are good people next to him

Lesson #14. Subject. Temple

Question No. 1. Since the 15th century, churches in Rus' were built according to two architectural styles


A. Greek and Italian

V. Moscow and Novgorod

S. Moscow and Greek

D. Greek and Kyiv

Question No. 2. What figure did the base of the temple resemble?


A. Square

V. Oval

S. Cross

D. Rectangle

Question No. 3. What is the name of the person who serves in the temple?


A. Monk

V. Father

S. Priest

D. Believer

Question No. 4. What is the name of the front wall of the temple with icons?


A. Altar

V. Iconostasis

S. Cadilo

D. Eve

Question No. 5 Where should ordinary believers not go in church?


A. Altar

V. Iconostasis

S. Cadilo

D. Eve

Question No. 6 What is the name of the gate on the front wall of the temple?


A. Main

B. Sacred

S. Tsarskie

D. Royal

Lesson #15. Subject. Icon

Question No. 1 What is an icon?


A. Photograph of a saint.

B. An image of the face of God, a saint, or a scene from the Bible.

C. A painting depicting the face of God.

D. A painting depicting an event of religious significance

Question No. 2. What is the name of the circle around the head of a saint on an icon?


A. Sun.

V. Nimbus.

S. Circle.

D. Light.

Question No. 3. What is the name of the person who paints icons?


A. Artist.

V. Priest

S. Icon painter.

D. Painter.

Question No. 4 What is the name of the person’s face on the icon?


A. Lik.

V. Chelo.

S. Hand.

D. Eye.

Question No. 5 To whom and how do Christians pray?


A. Christians pray to icons

V. Christians pray to God in front of icons

S. Christians pray with icons

D. Christians pray to God and saints in front of icons.

Question No. 6. Without what is it impossible to start painting an icon?


A. Without special paints

B. Without special equipment

C. Without a special room.

D. Without the blessing of the abbot.

Lesson #18. Subject. How Christianity came to Rus'.

Question No. 1 What is the name of the prince under whom Rus' adopted Christianity?


A. Yaroslav

V. Vladimir

S. Ivan

D. Mikhail

Question No. 2 To which city did the Kiev prince send his ambassadors to choose a faith for Rus'?


A. Rome

In Paris

S. Constantinople

D. Jerusalem

Question No. 3. In what year did Rus' adopt Christianity?


A. 2000

V. 988 g

S. 1945

D. 1147 g

Question No. 4 In what christian temple did the ambassadors get to work?


A. Alexandrisky

V. Petrovsky

S. Sofiysky

D. Troitsky

Question No. 5 In what river were the residents of Kyiv baptized?


A. Volga

V. Dnepr

S. Don

D. Yenisei

Question No. 6. What are the names of the priests who brought the alphabet and holy books to Rus'?


A. Boris and Gleb

V. Cyril and Methodius

S. Peter and Pavel

D. Sergius of Radonezh

Lesson #19. Subject. Feat.

Question No. 1 What is a feat in the consciousness of an Orthodox Christian?


A. This is moving forward towards your goal.

B. This is a movement away from your goal.

S. This is a movement from one’s greed.

D. This is the ability to deny yourself something.

Question No. 2. For what can one make a sacrifice? Orthodox Christian?


A. For myself.

B. For the sake of other people.

S. For God's sake.

D. For the sake of God, yourself, other people.

Question No. 3 What is a sacrifice for oneself?


A. Strengthening.

B. Strengthening the will.

C. Strengthening willpower.

D. Strengthening character.

Question No. 4 What is a sacrifice for another person?


A. Subduing your egoism.

B. Tame your character.

C. The ability to apologize.

D. The ability to forgive other people's grievances.

Question No. 5 What is a sacrifice to God?


A. Prayer.

B. Memory of God.

C. Following God's commandments.

D. Memory of God and His commandments.

Question No. 6 Which state was Akaki the Bishop of?


A. Persidsky.

V. Rimsky.

S. Judea.

D. Arabsky.

Lesson #20. Subject. The Beatitudes.

Question No. 1 How is the word “blessed” translated from Old Church Slavonic?


A. Patient

V. Grateful

S. Happy

D. Joyful

Question No. 2 Where is the “Kingdom of God”?


A. Somewhere in a distant magical land.

B. Inside a person.

S. In heaven.

D. In heaven.

Question No. 3 What does a person need to get into the “Kingdom of God”?


A. A person needs money.

B. A person needs faith.

C. A person needs joy.

D. A person needs friends.

Question No. 4 What can cause an unfair victory?


A. Inconvenience.

B. Fear.

S. Pain to the soul.

D. Contempt for people.

Question #5 Whom Jesus Calls “Sons of God”


A. “Pure in heart.”

B. “Hungering and thirsting for righteousness.”

S. "Peacemakers"

D. "Poor in Spirit"

Question No. 6 Which monk did the people of Rome throw stones at in the arena of the Colosseum?


A. Akakia

V. Telemachus

S. Matthew

D. Moses

Lesson #21. Subject. Why do good?

Question #1 What is the golden rule of ethics?


A. “As they treat you, so do you”

B. “Pay with the same coin that was paid to you”

S. “As you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

D. “If you want people to do good to you, then do good to them.”

Question No. 2 Who did Emperor Nero blame for setting the city on fire?


A. City residents.

B. The enemy army.

S. Apostle Peter

D. Christian believers.

Question No. 3 Who did the Apostle Peter meet when he left Rome?


A. Emperor Nero.

V. Apostle Andrew.

S. Jesus Christ.

D. Persian king.

Question No. 4 Who is called a “saint”?


A. A believer in whose soul hope has appeared.

B. A believer in whose soul a spiritual experience has appeared.

C. A believer in whose soul faith in God has appeared.

D. A believer in whose soul joy has appeared.

Question No. 5 Why should a person do good?


A. Good done for someone brings benefit to the soul.

B. Good done for someone brings payment to the soul.

S. Good done for someone brings joy to the soul.

D. Good done for someone brings pleasure to the soul.

Question No. 6 How did the savage perceive the king’s gratitude for his salvation?


A. Like a useless gift.

B. As a punishment.

S. What a wonderful gift.

D. As a great mercy.

Lesson #22. Subject. A miracle in the life of a Christian.

Question No. 1 Who do Orthodox Christians believe in?


A. In Jesus Christ.

B. In the Holy Spirit.

C. In God the Father.

D. In the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Question No. 2 Which Russian icon painter painted the “Trinity” icon?


A. A. Nesterov

V. I. Kramskoy

S. A. Rublev

D. V. Vasnetsov


A. Meeting with a famous person.

B. Meeting with a rich man.

C. Meeting with a person who helped in difficult times.

D. Meeting with a person who helped with a kind word.

Question No. 4 What are considered the main Christian virtues?


A. Composure, calmness and meekness.

B. Wealth and fame.

C. Strength and will.

D. Faith, hope, love.

Question No. 5 What shapes a person’s character?


A. Family.

B. School.

C. Actions.

D. Good deeds

Question number 6. Why is a person’s faith important?


A. She supports a person when he is sad.

B. It reminds you of bright moments.

S. She supports a person and sends him good people.

D. She teaches how to do the right thing.

Lesson #23. Subject. Orthodoxy is about God's judgment.

Question No. 1 Where will believers find themselves after the general resurrection?


A. Behind Christ.

B. Before Christ.

S. Po right hand from Christ.

D. Po left hand from Christ.

Question #2 Who does God say He might be before us?


A. As a child.

V. Elder.

With a woman

D. Any person.

Question No. 3 Who did Christopher carry on his shoulders?


A. Angela.

V. Apostol.

S. God.

D. Tsar.

Question No. 4 What does the phrase “Make God your debtor” mean?


A. Lend money to people, and God will return it.

B. Take money to church.

Do people are kind and God will return this goodness.

D. Do good to people, and God gives a person good immortality for this good.

Question No. 5. What is important for a person to do in order to find eternal joy?


A. Collect all debts.

B. Distribute all debts.

C. Make peace with everyone you offended.

D. Forgive everyone who offended him.

Question No. 6. How does an Orthodox Christian perceive death?


A. The end of all joys.

B. The last transition and exit of the soul from the body.

C. Eternal wanderings and wanderings.

D. The beginning of immortality.

Lesson #24. Subject. Sacrament of Communion.

Question No. 1. What does "Last Supper" mean?


A. The last supper of God and his apostles.

B. The last prayer of God and his apostles.

C. The conspiracy of the apostles against the Roman procurator.

D. Farewell meal of God and his apostles.

Question No. 2. What is a participle?


A. One of the church sacraments.

B. Church holiday.

C. Church ceremony.

D. Special prayer.

Question No. 3. Who took communion first?


A. Kings of the Jews.

V. Roman procurator

C. Residents of Jerusalem.

D. Apostles.

Question No. 4. What, according to Christ, is where His Body is?


A. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His Spirit.

C. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His love.

C. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His Spirit and His love.

D. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His joy.

Question No. 5. Why did God create the church?


A. In order for believers to gather together.

B. In order for the sacraments to be performed.

C. So that God can see who believes in Him.

D. So that priests have a place to preach.

Question No. 6. What is a church?


A. A meeting of believers.

B. The presence of Christ in the world.

C. Location of Christian shrines.

D. Place of solemn sermons and services.

Lesson #25. Subject. Monastery.

Question No. 1 What is the vocation of a monk?


A. Work for the good of the church.

B. Refuse to live in society.

C. To be only with God.

D. Abandon family.

Question No. 2. The main rule of monastic life?


A. Work for God.

B. Pray to God.

S. Work and pray.

D. Talk less, do more.

Question #3 What is “obedience”?


A. The opportunity to understand the seriousness of choosing the monastic path.

IN. Labor activity future monk.

C. Waiting time before beginning monastic life.

D. The period of temporary stay in the monastery.

Question No. 4. What are "monastic vows"?


A. Monk's clothes.

B. Monk's prayers.

C. Oaths and promises of a monk.

D. Monk's food.

Question No. 5. What did Prince Joasaph decide to do?


A. Decided to set all the slaves free.

V. Decided to give up the title

S. I decided to become a monk.

D. Decided to start a war with the neighboring kingdom.

Question No. 6 What activities made Saint Luke famous?


A. He was an outstanding agronomist.

B. He was an outstanding teacher.

S. He was an outstanding surgeon.

D. He was an outstanding builder.

Lesson #26. Subject. The Christian's attitude to nature.

Question No. 1 What, according to M.V. Lomonosov, God put it in the book of nature?


A. Moral laws.

B. Laws of nature.

S. Laws of philosophy.

D. Laws of justice.

Question No. 2. What counts? good deed for a Christian?


A. Development of science.

B. Knowledge of the world.

C. Development of science and knowledge of the world.

D. Changing nature for the benefit of man.

Question No. 3 In what subordination are all the links of being?


A. First is man, above him are animals, and above all is God.

B. First the animals, above him is man, and above all is God.

S. First the animals, above him is God, and above all is man.

D. First is God, above him are animals, and above all is man.

Question No. 4 Why is man responsible for the world?


A. He is the strongest.

B. He can talk.

C. He has the image of God

D. Animals are no match for humans.

Question No. 5 What is nature for humans?


A. Minerals.

B. Home and God's temple.

C. Free wealth.

D. Nurse.

Question No. 6 To whom should Christian charity extend?


A. To relatives and friends.

B. For all people.

C. On people who profess Orthodoxy.

D. For all people and animals.

Lesson #27. Subject. Christian family.

Question No. 1 What church sacrament is performed on those who marry?


A. Communion.

B. Baptism.

C. Wedding.

D. Funeral service.

Question number 2. For what purpose does a Christian create a family?


A. To be taken care of.

B. To take care of someone yourself.

C. To receive joy from the presence of a loved one.

D. To receive gifts for a wedding celebration.

Question No. 3 What is held above the newlyweds' heads during a church ceremony?


A. Icon.

B. Candles.

S. Censer.

D. Crowns.

Question No. 4 What command does the New Testament give to the family?


A. “Blessed is he who has mercy on cattle”

B. “Abide in My love... Let My joy be in you”

C. “Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.”

D. “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am”

Question No. 5 What keeps a close-knit family together?


A. Wealth and fame.

B. Common interests.

WITH. Family traditions, holidays, general events.

D. Love, loyalty, goodness.

Question No. 6 Without what is it impossible to save a family?


A. No holidays or gifts.

B. Without forgiveness and patience.

C. Without parental help.

D. Without subordination to the head of the family.

Lesson #28. Subject. Defense of the Fatherland.

Question No. 1. What kind of war, with Christian point view, can be considered fair?


A. Civil.

B. Defensive.

S. Invading.

D. Partizanskaya.

Question No. 2 For what purpose can an Orthodox person take up arms?


A. Defend your homeland from the enemy.

B. Seize other people's wealth.

C. Protect your family, your homeland from the enemy.

D. Protect your wealth.

Question number 3. To whom did Prince Dmitry Donskoy go before the Battle of Kulikovo?


A. To Seraphim of Sarov.

V. To Sergius of Radonezh.

S. To Anatoly Optinsky.

D. To John of Kronstadt.

Question No. 4 What is not allowed to a Christian soldier, even in war?


A. Take up arms.

B. Fight outside your country.

C. Finish off the wounded, touch the unarmed, rob local residents.

D. Shoot at enemy soldiers.

Question No. 5 For what purpose did Prince Alexander Nevsky last go to the Horde?


A. I went to save my son from death.

V. I went to give the Khan a gift.

S. Went to dissuade the khan from calling up Russian soldiers into his army.

D. Went to ransom the Russian princes from captivity.

Question No. 6 Where did Admiral Fyodor Ushakov live after retiring?


A. Near the royal palace.

B. On a quiet island in the ocean.

S. In a small town.

D. Near the Sanaksar Monastery.

Lesson #29. Subject. Christian at work.

Question No. 1 Which of the commandments contains the commandment of work?


A. “Be fruitful and multiply”

B. “Cultivate a Garden”

S. “Name the animals”

D. “Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Question No. 2. Without what can a person gain wisdom?


A. No errors.

B. Without help.

C. Without labor and experience.

D. Without deception.

Question No. 3 What sins in the history of mankind are considered the very first?


A. Envy and greed.

B. Cowardice and gluttony.

C. Anger and hatred.

D. Laziness and pride.

Question No. 4 What kind of work pleases God.


A. When a person works for himself.

B. When a person works for the common good.

C. When a person works hard and persistently for himself.

D. When a person works hard and persistently for the common good.

Question #5 Orthodox man I am confident that his work is visible:


A. His family.

B. To his friends.

S. To his enemies.

D. God.

Question No. 6 What is work for an Orthodox Christian?


A. God's punishment for sins.

C. God's medicine to get rid of sin.

C. A gift from God for good behavior.

D. Payment to God for giving life.

Lesson #30. Subject. Love and respect for the Fatherland.

Question No. 1 In what time sequence did religions appear in Rus'?


A. Islam, Orthodoxy, Buddhism, secular ethics, Judaism.

B. Orthodoxy, Judaism, secular ethics, Islam, Buddhism.

C. Secular ethics, Buddhism, Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism.

D. Judaism, Islam, Orthodoxy, Buddhism, secular ethics.

Question No. 2What strengthens culture.


A. Concerts and holidays.

B. Spiritual traditions.

C. Talented people.

D. Oral folk art.

Question No. 3 What feeling is the most important for a believer?


A. Friendship.

V. Love.

C. Loyalty.

D. Honesty.

Question No. 4 How does it manifest itself? main strength love?


A. To help.

B. In renunciation.

S. In forgiveness

D. In service.

Question No. 5. What does the word “Fatherland” mean?


A. My small homeland.

V. My home.

S. My native country.

D. The entire globe.

Question No. 6 What does patriotism mean?


A. Love, value and protect your family.

B. Love, appreciate and protect your friends.

C. Love, appreciate and protect your home.

D. Love, appreciate and protect your homeland

Tests for the ORKSE training course (module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”) based on the textbook by Kuraev A.V.

4th grade

Lesson #1. Subject. Russia is our Motherland.

Question No. 1 Indicate the official name of our state.

A. Russia.

V. Rus'.

S. Russian Federation.

D. Motherland.

Question No. 2 What is included in the concept of “spiritual world”?

A. Objects among which a person lives.

B. Nature.

C. Knowledge accumulated by humanity.

D. Architectural masterpieces.

Question No. 3 What is included in the concept of a person’s “inner world”?

A. Soul.

B. Feelings.

C. Emotions.

D. Character.

A. Actions.

B. Traditions.

C. Education.

D. Behavior.

Question No. 5 For what purpose will we study the subject “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia”?

A. To learn more about other peoples.

Q. To learn more about other countries.

C. To be able to make a choice between good and evil.

D. To be able to make a choice between friend and enemy.

Question No. 6 How many peoples live in Russia?

A. More than 50.

B. More than 100.

C. More than 30.

D. More than 80.

Answers: 1-s, 2-s, 3-a, 4-v, 5-s, 6-v

Lesson #2. Topic: Culture and religion.

Question No. 1 What did the word “culture” mean in ancient times?

A. Everything that a person has grown.

B. Everything that man has created.

C. Everything that benefits a person.

D. Something that is not made by human hands.

Question No. 2 What does culture accumulate?

A. Knowledge.

B. Rules of conduct.

C. Life experience of previous generations.

D. Religious Beliefs

Question No. 3. What is the most important thing in culture?

A. Behavioral situation

B. Reasons for choosing behavior

C. Human behavior

D. Knowledge of laws.

Question No. 4. How are cultural values ​​transmitted?

A. Through orders.

B. Through copying other people's behavior.

C. Through written sources.

D. Through training and education.

Question No. 5. What is religion?

A. Human behavior associated with the search for a higher mind.

B.. Human behavior associated with the search for balance in the universe.

C. Thoughts and actions of people who are convinced that there is a higher mind, i.e. God.

D. Human behavior associated with the search for a balance between good and evil.

Question No. 6. What are the origins of Russian culture?

A. In the diversity of religions.

V. In Orthodoxy.

S. In Catholicism.

D. In Buddhism.

Answers: 1-a, 2-c, 3-c, 4-d, 5-c, 6-c

Lesson #3. Topic: Man and God in Orthodoxy.

Question No. 1 Who is meant by the word God in Orthodoxy?

A. Priest

B. Religion

S. Creator of all living things.

D. One who teaches faith.

Question No. 2. What good deed can be considered good?

A. One that is made by order of someone.

B. One that is made upon request.

C. One that is made in order to become famous.

D. One that is made out of a desire to help.

Question No. 3. What did the word God mean in the ancient language?

A. The one who distributes the money.

B. He who distributes glory

C. One who distributes gifts

D. The one who distributes punishment

Question No. 4. What are the main riches that God gave to man?

A. Money and fame.

B. Compassion and responsibility

C. Freedom and Reason

D.. Faith and kindness

Question No. 5. Who is God for man?

A. Defender and liberator

B. Hope for the best.

S. Creator and love

D. Faith and hope.

Question No. 6. How the letter denotes everything connected with God.

A. It is written on a red line.

B. It is written with a capital letter.

C. Normal spelling.

D. Underlining.

Answers: 1-s, 2-d, 3-s, 4-s, 5-s, 6-c

Lesson #4. Topic: Orthodox prayer.

Question No. 1. What is prayer?

A. What God said to people.

B. Appeal to God.

C. Special words-spells.

D. Words spoken by the priest during a church service.

Question No. 2. What is a prayer-request characterized by?

Question No. 3 How is thanksgiving prayer characterized?

A. A person asks God for help in various matters

B. A person thanks God for help in something.

C. A person asks God for forgiveness for some action or sin.

D. A person rejoices that God is present in his soul

Question No. 4 How is praise-prayer characterized?

A. A person asks God for help in various matters

B. A person thanks God for help in something.

C. A person asks God for forgiveness for some action or sin.

D. A person rejoices that God is present in his soul

Question No. 5 How is prayer-repentance characterized?

A. A person asks God for help in various matters

B. A person thanks God for help in something.

C. A person asks God for forgiveness for some action or sin.

D. A person rejoices that God is present in his soul

Question No. 6 Which prayer is considered the most famous?

A. “Alive in Help”

V. “Heavenly King, Comforter”

S. “Hail, Virgin Mary”

D. “Our Father”

Answers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d, 5-c, 6-d

Lesson #5. Topic: Bible and Gospel.

Question No. 1. What did the word “Bible” mean in ancient times?

A. A book telling about how people lived before the appearance of God.

B. A book telling about how people waited for the birth of Christ, about his life and teachings.

C. A book telling how Christ taught People

D. A book telling how religion appeared.

Question No. 2. How many parts does the Bible have?


A. 50

V. 77

S. 2

D. 27

Question No. 3. What are the parts of the Bible called?

A. Holy Scripture.

B. Old and New Testaments

C. Gospel.

D. Revelation

Question No. 4. In what language were the books of the Old Testament written?

A. In ancient Greek

V. In Old Slavic

WITH. In Hebrew

D. In Latin

Question No. 5. Who wrote the books of the New Testament

A. Prophets

B. Priests

S. Writers

D. Apostles

Question No. 6. Where did the Lord's Prayer come from?

A. From Jesus Christ

B. From the Apostle Peter.

S. From John

D. From Matthew.

Answers: 1-c, 2-c, 3-c, 4-c, 5-d, 6-a

Lesson #6. Topic: Preaching Christ.

Question No. 1. Who was glorified by people before Christian teaching.

A. Emperors and great warriors.

V. Strongmen.

C. Winners in battles

D. Rich people.

Question No. 2. What is the main wealth that God taught you to value?

A. Strength and endurance

B. Wealth and fame.

C. Kindness and humility.

D. Rancor and malice.

Question No. 3. To whom was the Sermon on the Mount preached?

A. Before the fishermen.

B. Before the apostles.

S. Before ordinary people.

D. Before the priests.

Question No. 4. What is a sermon?

A. Special prayer.

B. Religious instruction calling for changes in behavior.

C. Words spoken to the listeners calling for battle to begin

D. Conversation with the person about behavior change.

Question No. 5 What human behavior was not welcomed in relation to the ancient gods?

A. Submission to the will of the gods.

B. Indifference to the will of the gods.

C. Victories in honor of the gods

D. Making sacrifices and gifts.

Question No. 6. What, according to Christian teaching, is good?

A. What a person has accumulated over the years of his life.

B. A person’s actions that other people remember.

C. Good deeds of a person that brought him fame and wealth.

D. Good deeds of a person, which God remembers and preserves

Answers: 1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-d, 6-d

Lesson #7. Topic: Christ and His Cross.

Question No. 1. From what event did the new chronology begin?

A. From the coming to power of the new emperor

B. From the coming to power of the new pharaoh

C. From the coming to power of the new king

D. From the Nativity of Christ

Question No. 2. What was the name of the judge who interrogated Jesus Christ

A. Julius Caesar

V. August Oktovian

S. Pontius Pilate

D. Konstantin

Question No. 3. Why do Christians wear a cross?

A. In memory of the crucifixion of Christ on the cross

B. In memory of the sufferings of Christ before death

C. Memory of the Crusades

D. As protection from evil forces.

Question No. 4. What was the name of the mountain on which the place of Christ’s execution was located?

A. Elbrus

V. Sinai

S. Golgotha

D. Everest

Question No. 5. On which side of Christ was the criminal who repented and accepted God before his death?

A. In front of Jesus

B. Behind Jesus

C. Left of Jesus

D. To the right of Jesus

Question No. 6. How many crossbars are there on an Orthodox cross?

A. Alone.

B. Two.

S. Three.

D. Four.

Lesson #8. Topic: Easter.

Question No. 1. Whose king was Jesus Christ declared to be?

A. Rimsky.

V. Judean.

S. Greek.

D. Slavyansky.

Question No. 2. What is the name of the holiday of the resurrection of Christ?

A. Christmas

B. Epiphany

S. Easter

D. Trinity

Question No. 3. What is blagovest?

A. Name of the Easter prayer

B. Title of the Easter hymn

C. Name of the church bell

D. Name of church utensils

Question No. 4. The main gift of Easter.

A. Easter cake

B. Easter egg

S. Bell

D. Willow branch.

Question No. 5. What precedes Easter?

A. Petrovsky post

B. Great Lent.

S. Nativity Fast

D. Therapeutic fasting

Question No. 6. At what time of year does Easter always fall?

A. Winter

V. Spring

S. Summer

D. Autumn

Lesson #9. Topic: Orthodox teaching about man

Question No. 1. What is the highest value in Orthodox teaching?

A. Actions.

V. Thoughts.

S. Soul.

D. Body.

Question No. 2. What is the inner world of a person?

A. Thoughts, desires, dreams, knowledge.

B. Reason, freedom, love, creativity.

C. Actions and behavior.

D. Human upbringing and education

Question No. 3. What heals the human soul?

A. Good thoughts

B. Good selfless deeds.

C. Good thoughts and selfless deeds.

D. Actions that a person performs for others.

Question No. 4. When a person is ashamed of his action, he blushes. Usually in such cases they say:

A. “My soul hurts”

V. “The soul cries”

S. “You can’t deceive the soul”

D. “You can’t fool your conscience”

Question No. 5. What does “the soul hurts” mean?

A. When a person became evil and heartless.

B. When a person doesn’t feel sorry for anyone.

C. When a person cares about someone else’s pain.

D. When a person became greedy.

Question No. 6. The Bible talks about the creation of the human soul. Where does a person have a soul?

A. From God.

B. From the Earth.

S. From cattle and reptiles.

D. From cosmic forces.

Lesson #10. Topic: Conscience and repentance.

Question No. 1. What, according to the canons of the Orthodox faith, is considered a sin?

A. An unkind act for which a person can be deprived of his freedom.

B. An unkind act for which a person is ashamed.

C. An unkind act for which a person is judged by other people

D. An unkind act that distances a person from goodness.

Question No. 2. What was the name of one of the apostles who denied Jesus Christ?

A. Peter

V. Pavel

S. John

D. Matthew

Question No. 3. What role is defined for conscience?

A. Protect from communicating with bad people.

B. Teach how to avoid punishment.

C. Prompt a person to behave correctly.

D. Teach to be silent and not share anything with anyone.

Question No. 4. What, according to the canons of the Orthodox religion, is called repentance?

A. Admitting your bad deeds

B. The desire to correct the action.

C. Pushing the state of sin out of your memory.

D. Pushing the state of sin out of your heart

Question No. 5. What prayer do believers offer to God in repentance?

A. Thank you note

V. Repentant

S. Petitionary

D. Doxology

Question No. 6 What does it mean, according to the canons of the Orthodox religion, to atone for sin?

A. Repent and forget about him.

B. Repent and do something good.

C. Repent and don’t do anything like that again

D. Forget about sin and do nothing like that

Lesson #11. Topic: Commandments.

Question No. 1 To which of the prophets did God give the commandments?

A. Ioannou

V. Matthew

S. Petru

D. Moses

Question No. 2. What was the name of the mountain where the commandments were given?

A. Golgotha

V. Sinai

S. Elbrus

D. Everest

Question No. 3. In what country is the mountain where God gave the commandments to people?

A. Israel

B. Greece

S. Russia

D. Egypt

Question No. 4 How many commandments did God give to people?

A. 77

AT 4

P. 10

D. 50

Question No. 5. What do the first four commandments say?

A. About a person’s attitude towards other people

B. On man’s attitude to religion

C. About man’s relationship to God

D. About a person’s attitude to values

Question No. 6 What are the commandments given to people by God written on?

A. On papyrus

V. On the tablets

C. On clay tablets

D. On parchment

Lesson #12. Theme: Mercy and compassion.

Question No. 1 What does mercy mean?

A. Indifference to someone else's misfortune.

B. Compassion for your loved ones

C. Indifference to the misfortune of your family.

D. Concern for all people on earth

Question No. 2 What did God call people to? (Remember it verbatim)

A. Help your neighbor in trouble.

C. Love your neighbor as yourself.

S. Do not offend your neighbor.

D. Give your neighbor your last shirt.

Question No. 3 Which people, according to the teachings of God, can be considered neighbors?

A. Any person who has problems.

B. Close people and relatives.

C. Parents.

D. Any person who has trouble.

Question No. 4 What is alms?

A. Money given to poor people

B. Any merciful deed that is done on the orders of the parents

C. Any merciful deed that is done by order of a superior

D. Any merciful deed that is done selflessly

Question No. 5 What does it mean to help selflessly?

A. Without telling anyone

B. Without demanding gratitude in return

C. For a small fee

D. Free, but receive friendship in return.

Question No. 6. Who are the Sisters of Mercy?

A. Women who work for free.

B. Nuns who care for the sick

C. Women who help the sick with money

D. Nuns who work in hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages

Lesson #13. Subject. The golden rule of ethics.

Question No. 1. What does the golden rule of ethics sound like?


A. “Love the sinner and hate the sin.”

B. “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want for yourself.”

S. “Let the first stone be thrown by one of you who has not sinned himself.”

D. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”

Question No. 2. What does "non-judgment" mean?

A. The ability to forgive oneself one’s sins

B. The ability to forgive people their sins

C. Showing mercy to a person

D. The ability not to notice sins

Question No. 3 What does a person see in the sins of another person?

A. Evil.

B. Showing weaknesses.

C. Your own shortcomings

D. Indifference.

Question No. 4. Should a person be reminded of his bad deeds?

A. Don’t, otherwise he will be offended.

B. Don’t, otherwise he will stop communicating with you.

S. It’s not worth it, haven’t you yourself done bad things?

D. Worth it and as often as possible.

Question No. 5 What needs to be exposed?

A. Sinful man

V. Sin

S. Human

D. Nothing

Question No. 6. Can a child who has committed many bad deeds be corrected?

A. No, it can’t.

B. Maybe

S. Maybe, but only when he becomes an adult

D. Maybe if there are good people next to him

Lesson #14. Subject. Temple

Question No. 1. Since the 15th century, churches in Rus' were built according to two architectural styles

A. Greek and Italian

V. Moscow and Novgorod

S. Moscow and Greek

D. Greek and Kyiv

Question No. 2. What figure did the base of the temple resemble?

A. Square

V. Oval

S. Cross

D. Rectangle

Question No. 3. What is the name of the person who serves in the temple?

A. Monk

V. Father

S. Priest

D. Believer

Question No. 4. What is the name of the front wall of the temple with icons?

A. Altar

V. Iconostasis

S. Cadilo

D. Eve

Question No. 5 Where should ordinary believers not go in church?

A. Altar

V. Iconostasis

S. Cadilo

D. Eve

Question No. 6 What is the name of the gate on the front wall of the temple?

A. Main

B. Sacred

S. Tsarskie

D. Royal

Lesson #15. Subject. Icon

Question No. 1 What is an icon?

A. Photograph of a saint.

B. An image of the face of God, a saint, or a scene from the Bible.

C. A painting depicting the face of God.

D. A painting depicting an event of religious significance

Question No. 2. What is the name of the circle around the head of a saint on an icon?

A. Sun.

V. Nimbus.

S. Circle.

D. Light.

Question No. 3. What is the name of the person who paints icons?

A. Artist.

V. Priest

S. Icon painter.

D. Painter.

Question No. 4 What is the name of the person’s face on the icon?

A. Lik.

V. Chelo.

S. Hand.

D. Eye.

Question No. 5 To whom and how do Christians pray?

A. Christians pray to icons

V. Christians pray to God in front of icons

S. Christians pray with icons

D. Christians pray to God and saints in front of icons.

Question No. 6. Without what is it impossible to start painting an icon?

A. Without special paints

B. Without special equipment

C. Without a special room.

D. Without the blessing of the abbot.

Lesson #18. Subject. How Christianity came to Rus'.

Question No. 1 What is the name of the prince under whom Rus' adopted Christianity?

A. Yaroslav

V. Vladimir

S. Ivan

D. Mikhail

Question No. 2 To which city did the Kiev prince send his ambassadors to choose a faith for Rus'?

A. Rome

In Paris

S. Constantinople

D. Jerusalem

Question No. 3. In what year did Rus' adopt Christianity?

A. 2000

V. 988 g

S. 1945

D. 1147 g

Question No. 4 In what Christian church did the ambassadors go to serve?

A. Alexandrisky

V. Petrovsky

S. Sofiysky

D. Troitsky

Question No. 5 In what river were the residents of Kyiv baptized?

A. Volga

V. Dnepr

S. Don

D. Yenisei

Question No. 6. What are the names of the priests who brought the alphabet and holy books to Rus'?

A. Boris and Gleb

V. Cyril and Methodius

S. Peter and Pavel

D. Sergius of Radonezh

Lesson #19. Subject. Feat.

Question No. 1 What is a feat in the consciousness of an Orthodox Christian?

A. This is moving forward towards your goal.

B. This is a movement away from your goal.

S. This is a movement from one’s greed.

D. This is the ability to deny yourself something.

Question No. 2. For what can an Orthodox Christian make a sacrifice?

A. For myself.

B. For the sake of other people.

S. For God's sake.

D. For the sake of God, yourself, other people.

Question No. 3 What is a sacrifice for oneself?

A. Strengthening.

B. Strengthening the will.

C. Strengthening willpower.

D. Strengthening character.

Question No. 4 What is a sacrifice for another person?

A. Subduing your egoism.

B. Tame your character.

C. The ability to apologize.

D. The ability to forgive other people's grievances.

Question No. 5 What is a sacrifice to God?

A. Prayer.

B. Memory of God.

C. Following God's commandments.

D. Memory of God and His commandments.

Question No. 6 Which state was Akaki the Bishop of?

A. Persidsky.

V. Rimsky.

S. Judea.

D. Arabsky.

Lesson #20. Subject. The Beatitudes.

Question No. 1 How is the word “blessed” translated from Old Church Slavonic?

A. Patient

V. Grateful

S. Happy

D. Joyful

Question No. 2 Where is the “Kingdom of God”?

A. Somewhere in a distant magical land.

B. Inside a person.

S. In heaven.

D. In heaven.

Question No. 3 What does a person need to get into the “Kingdom of God”?

A. A person needs money.

B. A person needs faith.

C. A person needs joy.

D. A person needs friends.

Question No. 4 What can cause an unfair victory?

A. Inconvenience.

B. Fear.

S. Pain to the soul.

D. Contempt for people.

Question #5 Whom Jesus Calls “Sons of God”

A. “Pure in heart.”

B. “Hungering and thirsting for righteousness.”

S. "Peacemakers"

D. "Poor in Spirit"

Question No. 6 Which monk did the people of Rome throw stones at in the arena of the Colosseum?

A. Akakia

V. Telemachus

S. Matthew

D. Moses

Lesson #21. Subject. Why do good?

Question #1 What is the golden rule of ethics?

A. “As they treat you, so do you”

B. “Pay with the same coin that was paid to you”

S. “As you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

D. “If you want people to do good to you, then do good to them.”

Question No. 2 Who did Emperor Nero blame for setting the city on fire?

A. City residents.

B. The enemy army.

S. Apostle Peter

D. Christian believers.

Question No. 3 Who did the Apostle Peter meet when he left Rome?

A. Emperor Nero.

V. Apostle Andrew.

S. Jesus Christ.

D. Persian king.

Question No. 4 Who is called a “saint”?

A. A believer in whose soul hope has appeared.

B. A believer in whose soul a spiritual experience has appeared.

C. A believer in whose soul faith in God has appeared.

D. A believer in whose soul joy has appeared.

Question No. 5 Why should a person do good?

A. Good done for someone brings benefit to the soul.

B. Good done for someone brings payment to the soul.

S. Good done for someone brings joy to the soul.

D. Good done for someone brings pleasure to the soul.

Question No. 6 How did the savage perceive the king’s gratitude for his salvation?

A. Like a useless gift.

B. As a punishment.

S. What a wonderful gift.

D. As a great mercy.

Lesson #22. Subject. A miracle in the life of a Christian.

Question No. 1 Who do Orthodox Christians believe in?

A. In Jesus Christ.

B. In the Holy Spirit.

C. In God the Father.

D. In the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Question No. 2 Which Russian icon painter painted the “Trinity” icon?

A. A. Nesterov

V. I. Kramskoy

S. A. Rublev

D. V. Vasnetsov

A. Meeting with a famous person.

B. Meeting with a rich man.

C. Meeting with a person who helped in difficult times.

D. Meeting with a person who helped with a kind word.

Question No. 4 What are considered the main Christian virtues?

A. Composure, calmness and meekness.

B. Wealth and fame.

C. Strength and will.

D. Faith, hope, love.

Question No. 5 What shapes a person’s character?

A. Family.

B. School.

C. Actions.

D. Good deeds

Question number 6. Why is a person’s faith important?

A. She supports a person when he is sad.

B. It reminds you of bright moments.

S. She supports a person and sends him good people.

D. She teaches how to do the right thing.

Lesson #23. Subject. Orthodoxy is about God's judgment.

Question No. 1 Where will believers find themselves after the general resurrection?

A. Behind Christ.

B. Before Christ.

C. At the right hand of Christ.

D. On the left hand of Christ.

Question #2 Who does God say He might be before us?

A. As a child.

V. Elder.

With a woman

D. Any person.

Question No. 3 Who did Christopher carry on his shoulders?

A. Angela.

V. Apostol.

S. God.

D. Tsar.

Question No. 4 What does the phrase “Make God your debtor” mean?

A. Lend money to people, and God will return it.

B. Take money to church.

C. Do good to people, and God will return this good.

D. Do good to people, and God gives a person good immortality for this good.

Question No. 5. What is important for a person to do in order to find eternal joy?

A. Collect all debts.

B. Distribute all debts.

C. Make peace with everyone you offended.

D. Forgive everyone who offended him.

Question No. 6. How does an Orthodox Christian perceive death?

A. The end of all joys.

B. The last transition and exit of the soul from the body.

C. Eternal wanderings and wanderings.

D. The beginning of immortality.

Lesson #24. Subject. Sacrament of Communion.

Question No. 1. What does "Last Supper" mean?

A. The last supper of God and his apostles.

B. The last prayer of God and his apostles.

C. The conspiracy of the apostles against the Roman procurator.

D. Farewell meal of God and his apostles.

Question No. 2. What is a participle?

A. One of the church sacraments.

B. Church holiday.

C. Church ceremony.

D. Special prayer.

Question No. 3. Who took communion first?

A. Kings of the Jews.

V. Roman procurator

C. Residents of Jerusalem.

D. Apostles.

Question No. 4. What, according to Christ, is where His Body is?

A. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His Spirit.

C. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His love.

C. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His Spirit and His love.

D. Where the Body of Christ is, there is His joy.

Question No. 5. Why did God create the church?

A. In order for believers to gather together.

B. In order for the sacraments to be performed.

C. So that God can see who believes in Him.

D. So that priests have a place to preach.

Question No. 6. What is a church?

A. A meeting of believers.

B. The presence of Christ in the world.

C. Location of Christian shrines.

D. Place of solemn sermons and services.

Lesson #25. Subject. Monastery.

Question No. 1 What is the vocation of a monk?

A. Work for the good of the church.

B. Refuse to live in society.

C. To be only with God.

D. Abandon family.

Question No. 2. The main rule of monastic life?

A. Work for God.

B. Pray to God.

S. Work and pray.

D. Talk less, do more.

Question #3 What is “obedience”?

A. The opportunity to understand the seriousness of choosing the monastic path.

B. Labor activity of the future monk.

C. Waiting time before beginning monastic life.

D. The period of temporary stay in the monastery.

Question No. 4. What are "monastic vows"?

A. Monk's clothes.

B. Monk's prayers.

C. Oaths and promises of a monk.

D. Monk's food.

Question No. 5. What did Prince Joasaph decide to do?

A. Decided to set all the slaves free.

V. Decided to give up the title

S. I decided to become a monk.

D. Decided to start a war with the neighboring kingdom.

Question No. 6 What activities made Saint Luke famous?

A. He was an outstanding agronomist.

B. He was an outstanding teacher.

S. He was an outstanding surgeon.

D. He was an outstanding builder.

Lesson #26. Subject. The Christian's attitude to nature.

Question No. 1 What, according to M.V. Lomonosov, God put it in the book of nature?

A. Moral laws.

B. Laws of nature.

S. Laws of philosophy.

D. Laws of justice.

Question No. 2. What is considered a good deed for a Christian?

A. Development of science.

B. Knowledge of the world.

C. Development of science and knowledge of the world.

D. Changing nature for the benefit of man.

Question No. 3 In what subordination are all the links of being?

A. First is man, above him are animals, and above all is God.

B. First the animals, above him is man, and above all is God.

S. First the animals, above him is God, and above all is man.

D. First is God, above him are animals, and above all is man.

Question No. 4 Why is man responsible for the world?

A. He is the strongest.

B. He can talk.

C. He has the image of God

D. Animals are no match for humans.

Question No. 5 What is nature for humans?

A. Minerals.

B. Home and God's temple.

C. Free wealth.

D. Nurse.

Question No. 6 To whom should Christian charity extend?

A. To relatives and friends.

B. For all people.

C. On people who profess Orthodoxy.

D. For all people and animals.

Lesson #27. Subject. Christian family.

Question No. 1 What church sacrament is performed on those who marry?

A. Communion.

B. Baptism.

C. Wedding.

D. Funeral service.

Question number 2. For what purpose does a Christian create a family?

A. To be taken care of.

B. To take care of someone yourself.

C. To receive joy from the presence of a loved one.

D. To receive gifts for a wedding celebration.

Question No. 3 What is held above the newlyweds' heads during a church ceremony?

A. Icon.

B. Candles.

S. Censer.

D. Crowns.

Question No. 4 What command does the New Testament give to the family?

A. “Blessed is he who has mercy on cattle”

B. “Abide in My love... Let My joy be in you”

C. “Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.”

D. “Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am”

Question No. 5 What keeps a close-knit family together?

A. Wealth and fame.

B. Common interests.

C. Family traditions, holidays, general events.

D. Love, loyalty, goodness.

Question No. 6 Without what is it impossible to save a family?

A. No holidays or gifts.

B. Without forgiveness and patience.

C. Without parental help.

D. Without subordination to the head of the family.

Lesson #28. Subject. Defense of the Fatherland.

Question No. 1. What kind of war, from a Christian point of view, can be considered fair?

A. Civil.

B. Defensive.

S. Invading.

D. Partizanskaya.

Question No. 2 For what purpose can an Orthodox person take up arms?

A. Defend your homeland from the enemy.

B. Seize other people's wealth.

C. Protect your family, your homeland from the enemy.

D. Protect your wealth

Question number 3. To whom did Prince Dmitry Donskoy go before the Battle of Kulikovo?

A. To Seraphim of Sarov.

V. To Sergius of Radonezh.

S. To Anatoly Optinsky.

D. To John of Kronstadt.

Question No. 4 What is not allowed to a Christian soldier, even in war?

A. Take up arms.

B. Fight outside your country.

C. Finish off the wounded, touch the unarmed, rob local residents.

D. Shoot at enemy soldiers.

Question No. 5 For what purpose did Prince Alexander Nevsky last go to the Horde?

A. I went to save my son from death.

V. I went to give the Khan a gift.

S. Went to dissuade the khan from calling up Russian soldiers into his army.

D. Went to ransom the Russian princes from captivity.

Question No. 6 Where did Admiral Fyodor Ushakov live after retiring?

A. Near the royal palace.

B. On a quiet island in the ocean.

S. In a small town.

D. Near the Sanaksar Monastery.

Lesson #29. Subject. Christian at work.

Question No. 1 Which of the commandments contains the commandment of work?

A. “Be fruitful and multiply”

B. “Cultivate a Garden”

S. “Name the animals”

D. “Thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Question No. 2. Without what can a person gain wisdom?

A. No errors.

B. Without help.

C. Without labor and experience.

D. Without deception.

Question No. 3 What sins in the history of mankind are considered the very first?

A. Envy and greed.

B. Cowardice and gluttony.

C. Anger and hatred.

D. Laziness and pride.

Question No. 4 What kind of work pleases God.

A. When a person works for himself.

B. When a person works for the common good.

C. When a person works hard and persistently for himself.

D. When a person works hard and persistently for the common good.

Question No. 5 An Orthodox person is confident that his work is visible:

A. His family.

B. To his friends.

S. To his enemies.

D. God.

Question No. 6 What is work for an Orthodox Christian?

A. God's punishment for sins.

C. God's medicine to get rid of sin.

C. A gift from God for good behavior.

D. Payment to God for giving life.

Lesson #30. Subject. Love and respect for the Fatherland.

Question No. 1 In what time sequence did religions appear in Rus'?

A. Islam, Orthodoxy, Buddhism, secular ethics, Judaism.

B. Orthodoxy, Judaism, secular ethics, Islam, Buddhism.

C. Secular ethics, Buddhism, Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism.

D. Judaism, Islam, Orthodoxy, Buddhism, secular ethics.

Question No. 2What strengthens culture.

A. Concerts and holidays.

B. Spiritual traditions.

C. Talented people.

D. Oral folk art.

Question No. 3 What feeling is the most important for a believer?

A. Friendship.

V. Love.

C. Loyalty.

D. Honesty.

Question No. 4 What is the main power of love?

A. To help.

B. In renunciation.

S. In forgiveness

D. In service.

Question No. 5. What does the word “Fatherland” mean?

A. My small homeland.

V. My home.

S. My native country.

D. The entire globe.

Question No. 6 What does patriotism mean?

A. Love, value and protect your family.

B. Love, appreciate and protect your friends.

C. Love, appreciate and protect your home.

D. Love, appreciate and protect your homeland