Interpretation of dreams cards. Why do you dream about playing cards? I dreamed about a gambling house

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then the plans will come to life only as a result hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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CARDS (playing) – Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you play cards for fun, then expect the fulfillment of those hopes that have long helped you “keep afloat”. Minor illnesses will disappear. But a dream about gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life.

If you dream that you are losing at cards, then you will have a clash with enemies, and if you win, you will be able to justify yourself before the law, but with great difficulty.

If a young woman dreams that her lover is playing cards, she will have to doubt his good intentions.

If we're talking about about games in public places or social games, then seeing diamonds means wealth, seeing gambling clubs - that you will have a demanding, picky life partner, as well as difficulties in explaining to him the reasons for your frequent absences.

Seeing cards of the worms suit promises fidelity and a cozy environment; spades foretell that you will be a widow, burdened with huge property that is difficult for you to manage. In addition, if you dream that you are playing successfully, then this portends a very unfriendly reception for you, but at the same time, chance will help you find true friends who will help you survive many trials.

If you lose the game, you will be unhappy in your affections and will never be able to settle your affairs.

CARDS (playing) – Modern Dream Interpretation

You see in a dream playing cards, You print out a new deck - a dream for good health. The hopes you had may come true. If your situation was hopeless, then you will soon find hope.

It’s as if you are playing cards - the dream suggests that you are not a very efficient person and, if you do not see direct benefits for yourself, you are not very passionate about the business. You can be negligent and sometimes take your responsibilities carelessly. Your bosses don’t like this, and a conflict is brewing between you and your bosses.

You play cards for money - you will face significant financial losses.

You win at cards - you are a person who cannot be called law-abiding, you strive to circumvent some laws, and only by miracle you manage to avoid responsibility, this cannot continue indefinitely.

It’s as if you are losing at cards - you were walking on a shaky bridge and you took the wrong step, you will fall into the river, whose name is misfortune.

A young woman sees her lover playing cards in a dream - the young man is disingenuous in his assurances about love; when he talks about his intentions, this does not mean that he has them. Most likely, he is satisfied with the current state of affairs. The woman believes that her position is uncertain, but her lover, perhaps, strives for this uncertainty - marriage is not part of his plans.

You play cards in a casino - you will have to spend a lot of time in the company of a meticulous person, you will get tired of explaining to him every step you take; if one of the unfaithful spouses has such a dream, it promises complex emotional explanations about frequent and long absences.

Seeing your friends playing cards in a dream means that you should think about your surroundings and preserving your reputation. After such a dream, someone may offer you benefits from participating in a risky business. Be prudent and do not give in to the temptation of easy money.

A deck of cards in a dream means your worries. Shuffling a deck in a dream means trouble. Counting cards in a dream foretells that you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of your rash behavior. Building houses of cards in a dream means disappointment and a precarious position. Card tricks in a dream are a sign of deception or fraud.

Seeing diamonds in a dream means quarrels over money, worms mean have a nice meeting with nice people; peaks - to failures and disappointments; clubs - for money. The higher the card you see in a dream, the more its meaning by suit increases. Seeing all the aces in a dream means a wish will come true; all kings - to good luck; I will give all the ladies - to gossip. One ace in a dream is a sign of good luck in a risky business. Having the highest diamonds or clubs in your hands at the same time means the failure of a deal that you considered a win-win.

CARDS (playing) – Slavic Dream Book

See - observe other people's stupidity; shuffle - troubles; count - success; play - loss of time or money; ace of diamonds, king and jack are unexpected events with an unsatisfactory result.

CARDS (playing) – Indian Dream Book

Playing cards or dice in a dream means deception and trickery and warns the dreamer that he is in danger of losing his fortune.

Whoever wins at dice in a dream will receive an inheritance after the death of one of his relatives.

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Fortune telling gypsy maps Popular with girls and women. Maps lift the veil of secrecy and allow you to look into the future. Fortune telling is especially common during Christmas time and New Year. Why do you dream about playing cards, what symbolism do they express? Let's consider all the meanings according to the interpreters.

Symbolism of playing cards

A playing deck dreams of changes in life, troubles and surprises. It could be pleasant surprise or sad - it all depends on the suit that appeared in the dream.

Scenes with maps:

  • shuffle the deck;
  • play cards;
  • drop the card;
  • other actions with the deck.

The card game is a symbol of chasing the bird of happiness, an attempt to catch her by the tail. Endless bustle, “not a moment of peace,” illusory hopes and dreams. Lose at cards in a dream- expect a series of failures, a dark streak is coming in life. Win at cards- fleeting success followed by failure.

See a deck of cards in a dream - to unpleasant news and changes. You can find out secret information that will weigh on your soul and haunt you. Fortune telling cards may portend a loss of self-confidence, dangerous illusions, or loss of property.

Buy a deck of cards- to risk. Everything you have in mind. will turn out to be a lie. If you are going to make a deal or sign a contract, it is better to postpone this idea. In love, this plot also foreshadows deception: perhaps your loved one has taken someone on the side.

Shuffle or lay out cards- you are at a crossroads and cannot choose the right direction of the path. Perhaps you should take some advice wise man to overcome an unclear situation.

Play cards in a dream- to uncertainty and instability of the situation. Fate depends on a random combination of circumstances; it is unknown whether you will be lucky or unlucky. The dreamer does not control his life, hopes for luck or “maybe it will blow through.”

Play for money- to the future financial difficulties. In the near future, you should limit financial expenses or minimize them. You should not invest money in dubious projects, sign contracts or lend money. You should also not take out a loan or borrow from anyone. All manipulations with finances need to be frozen.

However, card playing with friends for fungood sign. Soon your hopes will come true, your plans will come true. If a sick person sees a dream, healing will soon come. Also, a dream can foretell the arrival of guests and a pleasant pastime.

Watch a game of cards from the outside - to deception and illusions. For lovers, this plot reveals the insincerity of the partner, deception in love. If you see a friend playing cards, you will soon learn unpleasant information about him.

Drop the cards- to reveal the secret, shame and repentance. Everything that you tried to conceal and hide will become the property of other people. You will have to answer for what you have done, atone for your guilt.

What dream books say about cards

ABC of dream interpretation sees in the image of a card deck a chance for good luck. Next, the interpreter gives the meaning of the suits denoting certain areas of life:

  • worms - personal life;
  • tambourines - work;
  • clubs - finances;
  • peaks are obstacles.

If saw aces in a dream of a certain suit, this means that major changes are coming in life in the area that they symbolize.

  • The lunar dream book sees a game of cards as a harbinger of a quarrel.
  • The Russian dream book gives the following interpretation: playing means fun, winning a game means profit, losing a game means losses.
  • The horoscope dream book recommends limiting expenses if you dreamed of playing cards.
  • Dream Interpretation Lens reminds you: enjoy life, don’t think about the outcome of your plans.

Family dream book considers a card game to be a harbinger of the fulfillment of hopes, if it was not gambling. Gambling for money promises various obstacles; losing a game means quarrels with opponents. Winning at cards promises litigation and justification. Seeing your lover card game- his intentions towards you are not entirely honest.

Modern dream book sees the image of a playing deck as a symbol of greed, and considers playing cards a harbinger of trouble. Seeing the suit of diamonds separately is a sign of profit, the suit of hearts foreshadows a love affair, clubs promise a profitable business, and spades dream of illness and deception.

If the game in a dream was gambling, great difficulties await you; losing a game foreshadows the appearance of dangerous enemies; winning means danger lies ahead. The card suits foreshadow the following: diamonds - wealth, clubs - a demanding partner, hearts - personal well-being, spades - possible widowhood and ruin.

Dream Interpretation 2012 : moderate your gambling, learn to enjoy the game. Seeing tarot cards is a clue to a confusing life situation.

Dream book of the future This is how he interprets the suits of cards: diamonds foretell profit, hearts - love, crosses - a profitable enterprise, spades - failures and illness.

Dream Interpretation of Winter considers the image of a playing deck to be a symbol of illusions and delusions. All expectations will be in vain. Seeing a prediction through playing cards in a dream means the opposite will come true. A game of cards with an acquaintance means an insincere relationship with him, a game with a stranger means a big mistake in life.

Dream Interpretation From A to Z warns: the image of a playing deck foreshadows losses due to greed. Playing cards for fun promises the fulfillment of a dream, gambling - to troubles, winning a game - to an invitation to visit, losing - to failures in life.

Seeing an acquaintance cheat while gambling reveals his dishonest nature. If a friend plays honestly and wins, avoid responsibility for your actions; if he loses, you will have a small quarrel with him. If you yourself cheat when playing, beware of wasting your money.

Shuffling the deck means vanity and hassle, counting the cards means good luck, seeing marked cards means anxiety, a sealed deck symbolizes an unknown future, a printed deck means deception with forgery awaits you. Building a house out of cards means a false rumor; playing cards in a gaming establishment means profit through constant risk.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They symbolize false values.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you play cards and are lucky, you don’t have to worry - a comfortable future awaits you. You are losing - expect a losing streak. If you shuffle the cards, you have to make a choice. If you see cards being dealt to you, then your problem is...

How to interpret the dream “Playing cards”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you play cards for fun, then expect the fulfillment of those hopes that have long helped you “keep afloat”. Minor illnesses will disappear. But a dream about gambling for money will lead you to very serious difficulties in life. If …

What does it mean to dream about Cards (travel cards, playing cards)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reveal your cards” - reveal plans, intentions. “get your bearings on the map”, “outline your path on the map” (travel). "to confuse the enemy's cards." “your card is a bit” - failure, failure, defeat. “Marked cards” are a deception. "card sharper" Game.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Cards (travel cards, playing cards)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reveal your cards - reveal your plans, intentions. Find your bearings on the map, mark your path (journey) on the map. Confuse your opponent's cards. Your bit card is failure, failure, defeat. Marked cards are a scam. Card sharper.

If you see “Playing cards” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Playing cards just for fun foreshadows the fulfillment of long-held hopes and recovery from minor illnesses. Gambling for money, on the contrary, can mean very serious difficulties in life. If you dream that you are losing at cards, you will be unhappy in your affections...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about playing cards?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They symbolize hope for a miracle. Collecting scattered cards in a dream, whether buying in a store, shuffling, all this is basically about the same thing, about vain, groundless hopes. What difference does it make whether new hopes have appeared or old faith miracles glow in your...

Dreaming of “Playing cards” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A stupid act will deprive you of a sure income. Hearts suit - you will throw yourself into love, like into a pool. Diamond suit - you made a mistake in choosing a business partner. Club suit - wrong choice places to place capital. Spades suit - you are a master of making money for yourself...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Cards (playing cards)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Playing cards means quarrel, anxiety, nasty troubles. And don’t play, you don’t even need to play “fool”! A waste of time!

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about playing cards?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Interpretation of sleep Playing cards

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Greedy act in life, loss. Building houses of cards - news. Playing cards means having a lucky hand in business. Card tricks - bring joy to people. Seeing people playing means you will suffer losses through a trick. Tambourine - receiving money. Worms - an adventure. Blame...

What does the dream portend: Playing cards

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You'll have to make a risky decision. If you admire them, shuffle them, but don’t play, then this sign indicates that you have psychic abilities. You can do fortune-telling yourself, and not without success.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about playing cards?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

True sign false illusions and vain expectations. The dream warns that the events you expect will turn out to be as illusory as the drawings on your cards. If in a dream the cards predict the future for you, in reality everything promises to happen just the opposite. Play …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about playing cards?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The cards indicate your chance, aspects of your life. Suits in a dream correspond to different aspects of life. Worms - love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, financial situation. Peaks - reflect obstacles in all aspects. Ace in a dream -...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about playing cards?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Diamonds - for profit, hearts - love interest, clubs - profitable idea, spades - illness.

Playing cards in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Anxiety. Building houses of cards - news. Play cards - don't have happy hand in business. Card tricks - you will bring joy to people. Seeing people playing means you will suffer losses through a trick.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Maps?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Playing cards: you will have to make a risky decision. If you admire them, shuffle them, but don’t play, then this sign indicates that you have extrasensory abilities: you can do fortune telling yourself, and not without success. Tarot (cards) - you have paranormal abilities, you can tell fortunes...

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A deck of cards in a dream represents your worries. Shuffling a deck in a dream means trouble. Counting cards in a dream foretells that you will avoid the unpleasant consequences of your rash behavior. Building houses of cards in a dream means disappointment and a precarious position. Card tricks in a dream are a sign of deception or fraud. Seeing your friends playing cards in a dream means that you should think about your surroundings and maintaining your reputation. After such a dream, someone may offer you benefits from participating in a risky business. Be prudent and do not give in to the temptation of easy money.

Seeing diamonds in a dream means quarrels over money, worms mean pleasant meetings with nice people; peaks - to failures and disappointments; clubs - for money. The higher the card you see in a dream, the more its meaning by suit increases.

Seeing all the aces in a dream means a wish will come true; all kings - to good luck; I will give all the ladies - to gossip. One ace in a dream is a sign of good luck in a risky business. Having the highest diamonds or clubs in your hands at the same time means the failure of a deal that you thought was a win-win. See play, jack.

Why do you dream about cards according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Cards in a dream indicate your chance in your life; suits correspond to its different sides. Worms - love and friendship. Tambourines - business life. Clubs - financial, material situation. Peaks are obstacles. Ace - main sign encouragement, luck, difficulty or success. Ace of Hearts - romantic relationship. Ace of diamonds - a risky scam will bring success. Ace of clubs - financial stability. Ace of spades - difficulties. Playing cards means not having business sense. Card tricks - bring joy to people. Friends who play cards will let you down at a crucial moment. Win at cards - you will meet interesting, famous people. Losing is disappointment in love and friends. Shuffling cards means trouble. Counting the cards in the deck is a success. Marked cards - anxiety, injury. A sealed deck means complete uncertainty ahead. Revealing the deck means a loss due to deception or forgery.

Dream interpretation cards

We may not notice, but we deal with cards every day. It is worth recognizing that these are not only playing cards, there is also a world map, a SIM card, a locality card, a maritime card, and a credit card. Why do you dream about cards? Is there any subtext to such a dream?

I have a dream about cards

To begin with, it’s worth figuring out what kind of cards you dreamed about. And only then look into the dream book.

Why do you dream about playing cards?

As the dream book says, the cards that you saw in a dream promise you quick troubles, deception of loved ones, and possibly fun. This symbol dreams of various events in the future. In order to thoroughly understand everything, we suggest reviewing the dream books.

Interpreter of Medea

If you dream about a playing deck, it means you will get a chance. To understand in what field of activity, it’s worth remembering what suit you remember:

If you dreamed about playing cards

  • see worms - extraordinary luck, will concern the family in general, and love in particular;
  • seeing diamonds means good luck in the business sphere;
  • I only dream about clubs - improve your financial situation;
  • if the majority are spades, it means that they will put spokes in your wheels, obstacles in all areas of life.

See aces - favorable dream, promising prosperity, happiness, and love.

Ace of Hearts means you will be lucky in love. And the ace of diamonds means that you will get involved in a dubious enterprise, which, nevertheless, will bring you success. Ace of clubs - stability in financial affairs. And the ace of spades, unfortunately, promises difficulties and troubles.

Miller's Dream Book

Shuffle playing deck in a dream, or playing them with obvious pleasure - the secret dreams that kept a person afloat for a long period in life will come true.

Deck - get rid of minor ailments.

If you played for money in a dream, then difficulties and obstacles await you along the way. If you win, you will be able to justify yourself in the eyes of the public for your wrongdoings. Losing means open war with enemies.

For a woman to dream that her husband is playing poker, it means that he will soon show himself not to be the best side, especially if the deck was dominated by crosses.

Most of the hearts are in your hands, no matter what it is, jack, queen, king, tens, or others - family comfort, warmth and peace of the hearth await you.

If spades prevailed, especially queen, jack or king, it means widowhood, with great wealth, which, nevertheless, will weigh on you.

Why do you dream about cards and winning? Old acquaintances will turn away from you, but at the same time you will find others who are more faithful.

Why do you dream about cards that you lose? To unrequited love and obstacles in business.

Modern interpreter

If the cards were shuffled

Shuffling cards is a greedy act on your part.

  • Diamonds, king, queen, jack - to financial well-being.
  • Hearts, especially jack - for love affairs.
  • Spades, king, queen of spades, jack - to illness and failure.
  • Clubs - profitable offers and deals.

English dream book

The deck suggests that sometimes it is worth “bluffing” in relationships with people. Perhaps you are an open deck to those around you, and such behavior is fraught with consequences. Imagine that you are the Queen of Spades and behave accordingly.

The British advise you to look at what game you played. Solitaire - you are a lone wolf who finds it difficult to be around and work in a team. Or perhaps you are the king in your circle, or just a dozen. According to the dream book, cards in a dream show your current attitude towards life.

Opinions of other dream books about what a deck of cards is seen as

An intelligent dream book says that it’s simple game deck, no matter what suits, hearts, crosses or clubs - means that you will observe the unreasonable actions of other people. True, the suit can point you to your friend.

Shuffling them means trouble in reality.

You dream that you are playing gambling– you will lose both time and money in a useless activity.

And the dream book of the Apostle Canaanite will divide them into suits, so see:

  • clubs - to death;
  • worms - for adventure;
  • tambourine - receiving money;
  • peak - to disease.

Fortune telling on the Tarot, in a dream - do not rush to think that the queen of spades is a woman who promises you trouble, and the king or jack are men who will meet on the way. A similar plot is dreamed of by those people who are in the grip of doubts and cannot make the right choice.

If you dreamed bank card

Why do you dream about a bank card?

A bank card in a dream promises you a stable position in your finances.

If during the vision the bank card was lost, then your financial situation in reality may be shaken.

A bank card suggests that you should not accept risky offers and be more careful with strangers.

According to Mrs. Grishina’s dream book, a bank card promises financial prosperity not only for you, but also for your family. All relatives and friends will temporarily forget about troubles with finances.

Why do you dream about a SIM card?

The fact is that most dream books were created when mobile phones there was no trace yet. Therefore, a priori it is impossible to find in them the interpretation of the dream in which you dreamed of a SIM card. But, still, if you try, you can adapt your dream to the ancient interpreters. If you have lost your SIM card and cannot find it, the dream book speaks of a lack of communication with loved ones. You are looking for support and understanding, but you just can’t find it.

But finding a similar card in a vision means that you will soon find a person close to you in spirit.

To sum it up, I dreamed about cards

Whatever cards you see in a dream, they carry a certain meaning. Of course, in dream books you are most likely to find information about playing cards. Each interpreter vied with each other about why you dream of clubs, hearts, the queen of spades, or crosses.

But, if you dig around, you can find information about the fact that a world map in a dream means an ambulance, and a credit card means well-being. But a map of the area promises disappointment, a sea map, dreams of money.

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