A difficult year for Taurus. How to Prepare for Spring Allergy Season

“Listen to the advice of astrologers, and your day will be easy and productive!”

The horoscope for 2016 indicates that this will be a big year for Taurus - a time of increased opportunities, creativity, recognition. The favorable trine of Jupiter will be the key to positive changes and visible movement up the steps of the social ladder. True, starting from September (or rather, from the 9th day of this month), the patronage of Jupiter will disappear, so it is advisable to realize your ambitions before this date.

But one cannot but agree that 8 months of luck out of twelve is a lot and, in any case, enough to have time to set goals and find resources for their implementation. Mars will have an interesting influence on Taurus. He will push them to a deeper worldview, forcing them to put into practice the principle “the soul improves in suffering.”

Of course, Taurus should not fear any suffering in the literal sense. The point here is that in moments of anxiety and grief one should not be angry at everyone and everything and not give up, but try to treat negative events wisely, analyzing them and realizing that everything in life is given to a person for his own sake. benefits.

Taurus man horoscope

In the coming 2016, according to the astrological forecast, the Taurus man will sometimes do things that he would never do. Such an influence on a man will be exerted by the unfavorable aspects of the planets. There will be moments when the Taurus Man in 2016 will be distracted and a little confused in his life, as if he is wandering in some kind of darkness.

The next year will be an impetus for him to reconsider his previous positions in life. Jupiter, which is responsible for our well-being, in mid-2016 will give men of this zodiac sign the opportunity to improve their lives. To receive a well-deserved reward from the Monkey, Taurus men will have to work hard.

The horoscope for 2016 promises a man’s desire to acquire new skills and knowledge. They will help you get on the road to prosperity in the future. IN next year there will be an opportunity to get a job that will not only be highly paid, but will also appeal to Taurus men. There will be an opportunity to make profitable contacts with people who will exert their influence and support in achieving your goals.

Taurus woman horoscope

Unfortunately, the coming Year of the Monkey for Taurus Women will begin with events that will not please them. This may be a conflict situation related to work, due to which a woman says goodbye to her job or position. And only by the spring of 2016 will the work situation improve. Difficulties may also arise in family relationships. Therefore, the Taurus woman needs to learn to smooth out the rough edges in family relationships, otherwise it will not lead to anything good.

If you believe the horoscope for 2016, then the coming year will bring many pleasant changes in life. creative people, when inspiration appears somehow unexpectedly. The second half of the Year of the Monkey is an excellent period to think about conceiving a child. The period from the end of August 2016 to the beginning of November is especially favorable for such purposes. Therefore, you should not miss this chance.

Health horoscope for Taurus

A very important factor in good health, according to the astrological forecast, in 2016 for Taurus will be a psychological attitude and a serious attitude towards their needs. They will need to not only set aside time for rest, but also ensure that their time is as pleasant and comfortable as possible. And if in the first half of the year Taurus begins to be bothered by headaches, or if in the second half of the year colds turn out to be a stumbling block, they should understand that all this is due to an incorrect lifestyle and an immune system weakened by stress.

Therefore, just in case, you will need to pay special attention to preventative and precautionary measures - spend more time in the fresh air, do not drink too cold drinks, take seasonal vitamins.

In addition, April is a good time to start losing excess weight.

Family horoscope for Taurus

This year, there is a high chance that you will feel some misunderstanding in your family, but this does not mean that you need to take drastic measures. Think it over well and take a closer look at your loved ones. In fact, you are loved, and you should pay more attention to your family. Seek harmony and you will get a powerful rear.

Relatives and children will be able to please you with a lot of pleasant moments and surprises. Yes, you can expect to have grandchildren. Do not have affairs on the side, do not give in to flirting, as such actions can deprive you of your family forever.

Financial horoscope for Taurus

Taurus, as you know, greatly values ​​material comfort, and the issue of money is acute for them. It's like this zodiac sign who can make a profit from everything and make income from the most hopeless business. However, in 2016, according to the astrological forecast, Taurus will have to limit his expenses. But this does not mean that you have to deny yourself everything.

You should plan your expenses especially carefully in the first four months of the year. Then the situation can change dramatically. You want to implement certain ideas that will improve your financial situation. By summer, the flow of money will become more abundant, but the stars still recommend refraining from unnecessary spending...

Advice for the year for the zodiac sign Taurus

“Throughout the year, representatives of the Taurus sign will work a lot, which will lead to stress on the body; a health horoscope will help prevent serious illnesses”

January 2016 for Taurus will begin with the task of strengthening the rear - both physically and mentally. Those Taurus who, having celebrated New Year 2016, he will immediately run to the gym and focus on proper nutrition, his health will not be disturbed all year. And so that the same harmony reigns, give your relatives “spiritual exercise”: hug, kiss more often, talk more openly and do not waste time on quarrels.

In February-March 2016, having strengthened home, focus on your career and put all your energy into work (or learning something new): there is a chance to improve your financial situation, which was shaken in 2015. Well, you will be able to take a break from the labors of the righteous in April: during this time, the stars promise you trips, business trips and trips, many of which you can share with your family. Single Taurus on one of these voyages will meet interesting person, which, if it doesn’t make a match for you, will at least fill your life with pleasant romantic experiences.

The harmony of business and personal life will continue in May 2016. with the exception of one point: at the end of spring, astrologers strongly do not recommend that you lend money to someone or make large purchases - there is a risk that you will not see the money from the debtor, and the purchase will turn out to be an expensive “dummy”.

In June, the younger generation will be in the foreground in your life. Some of the Taurus will find out that they will soon become a dad/mom, and will plunge headlong into creating a nursery, choosing a name... Someone will go on vacation with their children, and someone will have to help in a serious matter, if not their own children, then to younger relatives. The same happy Taurus will be those who plan to “build a nest” in June - large-scale repairs, construction or moving to a new living space. These worries will fill your life with deep meaning and charge you with truly childish, mischievous energy.

Activity and vigor will be very useful in July - the most successful month of 2016 for Taurus: you will be faced with a heap of work (highly paid or extremely promising), as well as successful contracts and extremely tempting business offers. Don’t be afraid to take risks and act according to the dictates of your heart, not your mind: in July, the Monkey stands guard over your interests and will not allow you to do anything stupid. True, this only applies to business and financial sector. In the personal area, you should be careful: a sudden, passionate, but short-term romance with a partner who wants to use you to his advantage is likely.

In August, a powerful aggravation of intuition is expected: to succeed, act as your inner voice tells you. Construction started now or the purchase of real estate will also be extremely successful. But misunderstanding in the family can darken life a little. Try to rethink or refresh your “mothballed” relationship, consult with a psychologist, have a heart-to-heart talk... Whatever the situation turns out to be - a new honeymoon or rewriting the marriage contract - in a couple of years you will say: “I did everything right.”

Your autumn will be associated with worries about loved ones - children, parents... Try to pay more attention to them and help them solve problems (even small ones). This is what will bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction in life. You will meet December surrounded by people who love you. This is what happiness is.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Feel free to go on trips and business trips, even in the rhythm of work you will be able to meet your soul mate.

Taurus 1st decade of the sign (21.04-1.05). This year, Taurus of the first decade needs to limit as much as possible the influence of strangers on the development of their relationships - this will not bring anything good. Focus only on your own intuition. Filter the advice of friends, girlfriends, relatives and even parents. You build your relationships yourself. There is a danger of losing sexuality and femininity by the end of the year, so try not to “burn out” at work, but leave time to develop relationships.

Taurus 2nd decade of the sign (2.05-11.05). This year you will realize what you want from a relationship and what kind of partner you need to create a strong family. At the beginning of the year, single Taurus will face the prospect of relationships based on common hobbies and dating. And representatives of the sign, who have already found a couple, will be able to achieve absolute mutual understanding with their soulmate in terms of spirituality and faith, which will help them get even closer.

Taurus 3rd decade of the sign (12.05-21.05). Think about all actions within a relationship, avoid impulsiveness. You shouldn’t move in together hastily (let alone formalize the relationship) or break up. In June and July these issues will be resolved by the will of fate. This year, long-distance trips, joint vacations, social evenings, etc. will contribute to strengthening relationships. But for single representatives of the sign, such events will help them find their soulmate, especially in July, when their femininity, attractiveness and charm will reach their maximum.

Business horoscope for Taurus for 2016

This year you will have the opportunity to find good job and increase your income.

Taurus of the first decade does not foresee any problems at work or in business this year. Starting around August, professional growth will provide an opportunity to increase income and promote your own projects. Long-distance trips and business trips are also possible, which will bring additional income and profitable acquaintances. It is favorable to invest in real estate or renovation.

This year, there is a high probability of incurring significant losses due to negligence, especially in the period from April to early September. It will be easier and more possible to earn more in the first half of the year, but in the second half you will have to work much harder and harder. Therefore, it is best to make large investments at the beginning of the year. You may feel tension in the second half of the year - at this time, your family and friends will provide you with help and support.

This year, Taurus people in their third decade risk losing their jobs as a result of serious disagreements with their superiors. So either avoid conflict situations, if you want to stay, or start looking for a job that will meet your requirements and capabilities. In addition, there is a possibility that you will want to change your job solely of your own free will, in order to change your field of activity or improve your income level. You will find a new place without difficulty.

Family horoscope for Taurus for 2016

You will experience a deceptive feeling of loneliness in the family.

Taurus 1st decade (21.04-1.05). If this year you feel discomfort, misunderstanding and even irritation due to existing family relationships, do not rush to burn bridges and dissolve the union, do not look for support and new experiences in extramarital relationships - this will become a source of problems for many years to come.

Taurus 2 decades (2.05-11.05). This year, relatives, loved ones, and especially children will surprise you with unexpected pleasant surprises. Adult children can please Taurus born in this decade with grandchildren. Beware office romances and sexual relationships outside of marriage - they will be fleeting and will lead nowhere, and the revealed deception will deprive Taurus the traitor of the support and respect of loved ones forever.

Taurus 3rd decade (12.05-21.05). This year, Taurus of the third decade will experience strengthening and harmonization of family relationships. Mutual understanding with your spouse will improve, warmth and calm will reign in the relationship. In addition, mutual understanding between children and parents will improve. Parents of adult children will have the opportunity to go on vacation together, which will significantly strengthen their relationship.

Health Horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The energies of this year are favorable for the treatment of chronic diseases.

Taurus 1st decade (21.04-1.05). This year, pay attention to general condition your health. Periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases are not expected only if you take care of yourself. Refrain from drinking alcohol - its effect on the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys will be especially strong this year.

Taurus 2 decades (2.05-11.05). Representatives of this decade need to improve their joint health. Avoid hypothermia in January. In addition, you should not forget about a properly balanced diet in order to avoid exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.) closer to autumn.

Taurus 3rd decade (12.05-21.05). Choose your cosmetics carefully - there is danger this year allergic reactions for usual care products and decorative cosmetics. Spend enough time on your appearance: attend massage sessions, sauna and bathhouse. Do not neglect the help of specialists: this will help you maintain youth and beauty. Visit a psychologist regularly to avoid frustration.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Rat

You are no stranger to hard work, but in 2016 you will do it with pleasure: after all, work difficulties and overtime will be fully paid off both financially and by the pleasant feeling “I’m in the right place, there’s no way to be here without me.” The stars recommend being more careful with what you earn and, before making any major purchase, sit down and think: do you really need it? And very soon, instead of wasting money, you will save money for an important investment.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Tiger

You, who are accustomed to living riskily and hoping for chance, are warned by the Fire Monkey: in its year you should give up rash actions, since as a result they can lead to losses - both financial and reputational. Therefore, here is some advice for you: try to have someone next to you close person who can support you and keep you from doing stupid things. You, in turn, will need trust and sincerity.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Dragon

The main mistake you can make in 2016 is to put your interests above the interests of people who have been with you for a long time, providing support and showing love. This applies to both work and personal relationships. Try to find a compromise between what is important to you and what your loved ones expect—for your ability to run along a narrow ridge, the Monkey will reward you with success and happiness.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Horse

Already at the beginning of the year, you will be able to say goodbye to what was previously a burden: perhaps an opportunity will arise to repay debts, or change your job to something more profitable and interesting, or put an end to an outdated relationship... Don’t be afraid to start from scratch - This is your chance, having gained freedom, to feel the wings behind your back and confidently move forward. Monkey's advice: try to remain friends with those you break up with.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Monkey

You are a big fan of trying something new, going all-in, taking risks, and the Red Monkey will support you in every possible way.
Don't be afraid of change, relocation and the need to do something unknown - in the end, your risk-taking and determination will pay off in buckets of champagne! But the Monkey does not recommend delaying and postponing “until Monday”: this will slow down the flow of your vital energy.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Dog

2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey eastern calendar I have prepared a lot of pleasant surprises for you. Single dogs have a real chance to finally meet that same person. next to which you will want to build a family hearth. Careerist dogs will have the opportunity to jump up sharply professionally. Everyone else is promised pleasant, unexpected meetings financial receipts and a chance to show yourself in the best possible light. Use it!

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Ox

2016 will be a year of growth for you. This could be anything: an increase in salary or profits at work; career growth; or even an addition to the family, and not necessarily related to the arrival of a stork - perhaps relatives will come to stay with you and stay for a couple of months, or you will decide to have four-legged friend. In any case, hone your sociability - it will come in handy.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Rabbit (Cat)

You have a chance to find out what a conflict between work and personal life is: your bosses and your “other half” will literally snatch you away from each other. To survive, you will have to learn to live according to a clear schedule and maneuver between lights, finding compromises for everyone: “I’ll work - and we’ll go on a romantic trip!” or “I’ll rest - and how I’ll redo everything in one day!” The main thing is to keep your promises.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Snake

This is an ideal period for you to develop and manifest your existing and hidden talents. If you are drawn to create, do not restrain yourself, give in to the impulse: with high probability he will make you a star in the work team, on the Internet, in the family, in one particular country, and even in the world community. And after recognition will come financial success.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Goat (Sheep)

The Red Monkey calls: “Love yourself!” Relax more often and spend time with your loved ones, sign up for a swimming pool and a cosmetologist, try to give up bad habits, undergo a medical examination and don’t close your eyes to “oh, something stung”... It is respect and care for yourself and your loved one that will be the key to your vigor, feeling of happiness and overall success in 2016.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Rooster

In past years, you have created a fairly cozy place for yourself at work and in relationships, and in the year of the Fire Red Monkey it is better not to change it - even if someone promises you mountains of gold. Stick with people who have already proven they can be trusted; for work that promises not only prospects, but also daily stability. This is what will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress and accumulate strength for future changes.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Pig

The Red Fire Monkey recommends that you take special zeal to strengthen your family (or search for a candidate for the role of a spouse) - attention and care towards loved ones will allow you to build a real family fortress, which will become a reliable rear for career and financial achievements. And 2016 is simply ideal for those Boars who have long dreamed of starting their own business - success on this path is almost inevitable.

Taurus in 2016 will be supported by many celestial objects solar system, and the Fire Monkey himself (the current patron of this stage), no doubt, will treat him with respect. And for these people it is very important not to disappoint either their own patrons or the keeper of the current time cycle. How to do this? It’s very simple, to emerge with honor from all the vicissitudes that lie ahead of you! In fact, 2016 will be a very dynamic time for you. You will have to make many fateful decisions, and in most situations you will need to rely only on your own knowledge. Now you will have less support from friends and family than usual. Not according to their personal wishes, this is how circumstances will develop. But there’s nothing wrong with that, you alone represent a formidable force, the main thing is don’t forget about it. Also remember that any situation has several possible solutions, and if it seems to you that there is only one option, then you are very wrong and you should reconsider your own position.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus woman

Fire Monkey in to a greater extent gravitates towards masculine energy, so it is natural that the key trends outlined above for Taurus women will have significantly more low level priority. In the sense that Taurus women, to a lesser extent than Taurus men, will lose outside support, and will rarely be left alone with their problems. In most cases, you will have someone to rely on and you should not neglect this opportunity. There is no need to imagine yourself as an “Amazon” who can always do everything herself. Perhaps you will be surprised, but no one needs such a woman, this is true. The fair sex is beautiful because it is often defenseless, meek, but wise and skillful. The Taurus woman is very unique in herself, and 2016 will allow her most extraordinary features to reveal themselves even more strongly. What will come of this is a really difficult question. The main thing is to have one of your closest or most devoted friends nearby. Otherwise, harmful trends can stop your development, which will be very bad in a year of progress and prosperity. Don't forget who you are, and even when focusing on others, remain yourself.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus man

To be honest, in 2016 it will be really easier for Taurus men than for women representing this zodiac sign. Firstly, they are a priori more independent and stronger in terms of physical endurance. Secondly, the Fire Monkey will put much less pressure on them. But this does not mean that you will not have to work hard to achieve your plans. On the contrary, in in this case a larger number of “bonuses” leads to increased demand as a result. Did you think that no one would appreciate your efforts and achievements? They will also appreciate it, and everyone will appreciate it, so there is a real incentive to act thoughtfully, but quickly. Try not to get too metaphysical, and even if you like one particular solution, take the time to analyze the situation from other points of view. Now an integrated, dialectical approach will be advantageous. Do not focus on others; your personal situations will be purely individual. Accept help, but don’t let everything be done for you, learn, take practical experience, because in the end this is what makes you successful.

Horoscope for 2016 for the zodiac sign Taurus is a generalized astrological forecast for 2016 for typical representatives Zodiac sign Taurus. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2016, we recommend compiling personal horoscope for 2016. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2016, you will receive accurate analysis planetary aspects, their influence on your destiny throughout 2016. This and significant advantage in the form of a guide that allows you to manage events more rationally, taking optimal solutions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2016 for zodiac signs:

  • Horoscope for 2016 Taurus

What awaits Taurus in 2016: general horoscope

From this article you will learn what awaits Taurus in 2016; you may also be interested in the general horoscope for 2016, which can be found at the link:.

The coming 2016 will pass under the auspices of the Fire Monkey, a playful and eccentric person. What will she bring to the thorough, hard-working and strong Taurus?

The forecast for this zodiac sign is very favorable - the Red Monkey favors Taurus and promises them changes for the better. Perhaps the Wood Goat has managed to cause you a lot of financial and other problems, but now they will be left behind, because with the Monkey all matters are resolved easily and playfully. Of course, this does not mean that you can relax and do blissful idleness - your mouth will be full of troubles, but they will give hardworking Taurus pleasure and give them the opportunity to realize themselves and demonstrate considerable creative and managerial abilities.

And in order for the whole year to proceed successfully, in January 2016 Taurus needs to set the necessary tone. Don't get too carried away with the winter holidays and celebrate them until the end of the month - after Christmas it's time to get yourself into a working mood. In January, Taurus should take care of their health - start eating right, playing sports, or at least spending more time in the fresh air; tidy up inner world, instilling harmony and tranquility in the soul. This attitude will be passed on to the whole family, and your home will now become a real fortress, reliably protecting you from external adversities.

February and March 2016 - time to climb career ladder. Many Taurus have repeatedly had financial problems in the past year, but the Fire Monkey will burn them to the ground, providing an opportunity to significantly improve their financial situation. However, you will have to work hard - Taurus must prove themselves with dignity in the workplace, energetically carry out their duties and not miss the opportunity to learn something new and useful. If Taurus has long been planning to enroll in training courses, but for some reason it has still not been possible to make his dream come true, now is the time for this.

In April 2016, the horoscope promises Taurus a well-deserved rest from righteous labors. There is a great chance to go on an exciting trip, experience an interesting adventure, or go on a business trip abroad. Those Taurus who have not yet met their soulmate should keep their ears open - perhaps fate awaits them on one of these voyages.

May 2016 is also generally favorable. However, this month you should not decide on large purchases and make serious investments; it is better to postpone them until the summer. Also, there is no need to lend money - chances are high that you will then have to spend a long and tedious time running after the debtor, begging him for your own money. If Taurus does not want to refuse a service, it is necessary to give the amount, the loss of which, if something happens, can be easily accepted.

The beginning of summer, namely June 2016, for Taurus will be associated with caring for children. Perhaps this will be news about a long-awaited pregnancy, a vacation with family at sea, or even the children of close relatives who will come to stay. Also, June is the ideal time to start home renovations, or even start moving. This difficult task will be completed surprisingly easily and will infect all family members with childish enthusiasm and inexhaustible zeal.

But July 2016 will again swirl Taurus into a whirlpool of work responsibilities. It is perfect for signing promising deals and finding new promising partners. You will have to work hard, but all your efforts will be fully compensated by a worthy reward. In July, Taurus can trust their intuition and act on a whim - this is how the most right decisions. But in your personal life, you should listen more to the arguments of reason - on the way you may meet an insincere person who wants to play with your feelings.

Good luck in business will follow Taurus in August 2016. The inner voice will be surprisingly clear - it will always tell you how best to act in a given situation, so that Taurus will feel comfortable and confident in the work field. This is also a great time to start building or buying a new home. But in family life Some difficulties and everyday troubles are possible, but Taurus will be able to sort out the problems and make the right decision.

September - November 2016 for Taurus will be spent in pleasant care of family and friends. During these months, you need to pay attention to your parents, spend more time with your children, and relax more often with your family. It is better to solve all difficulties, even small ones, together. In the fall, Taurus will become a reliable support for their loved ones and will feel needed and desired.

December 2016 will be a worthy end to the year. Much has been achieved, much has been experienced. Finally, Taurus has the right to spend this time the way they personally want and fully enjoy the fruits of their success.

Taurus man: horoscope for 2016

For Taurus men, the Fire Monkey can present a surprise in the form of an addition to the family. In general, this year will pass under the sign of harmony in family life. Together with their significant other, Taurus can arrange a nursery, make renovations in an apartment, or simply diversify the interior - all attempts to add comfort to the house will be successful. Personal relationships will experience upsurge and renewal. But stars do not recommend parting with loved ones for a long time, nor do they recommend moving abroad for permanent residence.

Taurus woman: horoscope for 2016

Taurus women in the year of the Monkey will be able to fully demonstrate their leadership abilities and build a dizzying career; their superiors will value them, and their subordinates will respect them. True, fate will not give you the opportunity to sit comfortably on two chairs at once - a rise at work can lead to a decline in your personal life, so you need to remain attentive to your family and definitely find time for them, at least on weekends. A family vacation can help defuse the situation.

Love horoscope for Taurus for 2016

The restless and sociable minx Red Monkey will firmly connect her personal life with travel. New acquaintances await Taurus in free swimming and romantic dates, and married couples - an excellent, eventful vacation with their family. Both of them in love relationships They will find joy and pleasure provided that they do not forget to allocate enough time for their relatives.

The main thing for Taurus in 2016 is to rely only on their mind, the dictates of their heart and intuition. There is no need to listen to omniscient neighbors and colleagues who always know what is best. No one can give advice more valuable than the one that Taurus gives to themselves. Strangers in your personal life should be given up - let them command in their families and solve their own problems, and Taurus will figure out what's what just fine without them.

The coming year will be favorable to your career, but you should never sacrifice your family for the sake of it. Taurus has enough strength for both. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing harmony in your relationship with your significant other.

The Year of the Fire Monkey is the best time to legitimize long-standing relationships and give birth to a child. And if the family weather begins to deteriorate, Taurus just needs to find time and arrange a short vacation or a country trip for the weekend. After this, harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the house again.

Taurus who, for some reason, want to get a divorce should think carefully about their decision and weigh the pros and cons. Perhaps this is just another family storm that will soon pass, and the sun of love will shine again in the cloudless sky.

Finances and career of Taurus in 2016

The Red Monkey will help all energetic and purposeful Taurus achieve stunning success. This is without a doubt your year! It will allow you to get maximum benefits at your previous place of work, and when the kingdom becomes too small for a lucky Taurus and there is nowhere to roam, fate will give you a chance to change the situation and move to a larger and more serious company or get a new position with a more substantial salary.

If before this time Taurus was not able to allocate money for savings, now such an opportunity will arise. Finally, it will be possible to set aside a tidy sum for repairs or for a large, long-planned purchase.

The Year of the Monkey is the time to show yourself. Profitable deals, new partners, own projects, additional income - everything will work out and seem to flow into your hands. However, do not forget that water does not flow under a lying stone. Lying on the stove waiting for a miracle will not work to achieve financial success you need to be active and cheerful, be able to see opportunities and use them.

However, as you quickly climb the career ladder, don’t forget to look down from time to time! What if a more envious and less fortunate colleague set a trap for Taurus on one of the steps? Particular vigilance should be shown in the summer, during a period of relaxation and calm, because it is at this time that there is a high probability of stumbling over a step carefully placed by your enemies. However, the Monkey will give Taurus enough tenacity and attention in 2016 to detect an obstacle in time and overcome it with honor. And at the very difficult period find inspiration in your family.

At the end of 2016, when there is not much strength left, misunderstandings with the leadership are possible, so as winter approaches, Taurus should keep their ears open, be diplomatic and avoid conflicts.

Health horoscope for 2016 for Taurus

In general, Taurus will feel quite good - the Monkey will transfer to them some of his irrepressible energy and restlessness. However, for those who have chronic diseases, it’s worth finally giving them time. This year is suitable for the successful treatment of old diseases.

Taurus also needs to observe moderation in drinking. alcoholic drinks, protect the heart and blood vessels. Better yet, strengthen them with cardio exercises. Swimming, morning jogging, or working out in the gym on an exercise bike, treadmill or elliptical are perfect for this. And, of course, proper nutrition - less fast food, more vegetables, fruits, proteins and grains. At the same time, this way you can solve problems with the stomach and intestines.

In addition, Taurus needs to pay special attention to their joints. If there is any discomfort associated with them, it is better not to delay it and see a doctor in a timely manner - this way you can avoid more serious problems in the future.

In 2016, Taurus also has a small risk of developing allergies. To avoid this, you need to choose cosmetics for face and body care more meticulously and always look at their expiration date. If possible, it is better to prefer natural products, which do not contain the entire periodic table.

And throughout the year of the Monkey, you need to protect yourself from colds. And to strengthen the immune system and gain strength, Taurus will be helped by a vacation at sea, which they can easily afford.

Forecast for Taurus by year of birth (Chinese calendar)

Taurus - Rat

The homely Rat will work with particular pleasure in the year of the Monkey, because this will allow her to increase her wealth and make life much more comfortable. In addition, Taurus born in the year of the Rat love to feel necessary and be in the center of attention - the Fire Monkey will provide them with all this. However, it is important not to go crazy with happiness and not start spending your honestly earned money left and right - do not forget that there is an opportunity to put it aside for a long-planned major purchase.

Taurus - Tiger

Taurus-Tigers, accustomed to the idea that they are the kings of the world, will feel in their element. However, they should be on guard - lest the Red Monkey decide to teach such Taurus a lesson that will lead to unsuccessful investments and monetary losses. Every action taken by the Tiger must be deliberate, and then the year will turn out just fine. In addition, it is important to maintain warm and trusting relationships with family members - they will become a powerful support for the Tiger in difficult times. You should be more tolerant with your loved ones and friends, because they dote on you.

Taurus - Dragon

For those Taurus-Dragons who will think not only about themselves, but also about their family and friends, 2016 will bring good luck and happiness. However, you shouldn’t try to show selfishness in the family or at work, or start extolling yourself above other people - you can easily get an impressive click on the nose from the fidgety Red Monkey. This year, it is important for Taurus, who were born in the Year of the Dragon, to learn to seek compromises and, at least sometimes, forgetting about their natural stubbornness, to make concessions to others. Everyone will benefit from this.

Taurus - Horse

The horse, which throughout the year of the Goat, with its head down, patiently carried a heap of problems and everyday troubles, will finally be able to breathe more freely and feel like a winged Pegasus soaring above the earth. The Monkey will give such Taurus a chance to start a lot from scratch - to build new relationships, successfully change jobs and confidently and easily move forward along the road of life. However, you should not quarrel with those who remain in the past; it is better to maintain even, friendly relations with everyone.

Taurus - Monkey

Of course, such Taurus will be able to enlist the full support of the Fire Monkey, who will not abandon her own in trouble and will help ensure that any risk will certainly be crowned with champagne, and the best one at that. This is a time of successful experiments, favorable changes and radical turns. For 2016, you can safely plan moves, changes in activities and other decisive steps. The main thing is not to be idle, let the energy find a way out and serve you for your good!

Taurus - Dog

The Red Monkey is quite supportive of Taurus born in the year of the Dog - rainbow emotions, pleasant surprises and fulfilled desires await them. It is this year that those who are already tired of loneliness or short-term relationships will be able to meet their destiny and build serious relationship. Those Taurus-Dog people who are more interested in work will also achieve success, making a downright giant leap up the career ladder. The monkey will give them all the trump cards for a successful game in the business market.

Taurus - Ox

Taurus born in the year of the Ox will need all their remarkable strength, because the Fire Monkey will generously reward them with an increase - just have time to be lucky. This could be the appearance of a long-awaited heir, a significant increase in salary, unexpected financial injections, or the arrival of dear guests. In short, there will be plenty of everything! This year, such Taurus will need communication skills and the ability to find common language with people.

Taurus - Rabbit (Cat)

Such Taurus will be in great demand in the year of the Red Monkey - both management and family will need them desperately and around the clock. To get out of this situation with dignity and satisfy everyone’s needs, miracles of diplomacy will have to be shown. However, everything will work out - the wolves will be fed and the sheep will be safe, and detailed planning of the day and a clear schedule will become your best allies. The main thing is not to forget to look in your diary.

Taurus - Snake

A wonderful year to shine and shimmer in a way that can only be done while in the skin of a snake. Such Taurus will be able to achieve almost star status - they will finally have a chance to release their potential and create, create tirelessly. And the fruits of this work will be appreciated and rewarded. A great time to develop your talents.

Taurus - Goat (Sheep)

For Taurus who saw the light in the year of the Goat, the Fire Monkey will give them a chance to pamper themselves. Everything that was previously unattainable for some reason can now be easily achieved - trips to beauty studios and trips to the sea, the gym and walks with dear people. The Monkey encourages such Taurus to pay attention to themselves, to listen to their own needs - then success will come faster. A good time for a medical examination.

Taurus - Rooster

The Red Monkey promises such Taurus pleasant stability. Everything in life will turn out well - family relationships, good friendship, promotion. But it’s better not to change your job this year - it’s in your old position that new prospects will await you. You should not throw away people who have proven themselves to be reliable and devoted comrades and associates; appreciate them.

Taurus - Boar (Pig)

Taurus, who were born in the year of the Pig, expect harmony and family happiness. This is a favorable year for those who want to get married, or even just start a serious relationship. On the romantic front, everything will work out as well as possible. The Fire Monkey will not offend you in terms of your career either - the forecast promises you good luck in all your endeavors. If Taurus - Pig has some unrealized ideas for opening own business- it's time to give them a go. Everything will work out, and the efforts and diligence put in will be justified.

People born under the sign of Taurus are collected and calm. But, despite their imperturbable character, such natures are very unusual. The element of Taurus is Earth. Taurus are not inclined to follow other people's opinions; they know how to remain an individual against the backdrop of the crowd. They are very sociable and friendly. In the team, Taurus people are always received kindly.

Taurus always have many friends and acquaintances, but they only let chosen people. For others, Taurus is a mystery. Despite their sociability, Taurus often show a certain detachment. Other people's arguments and theories are often not perceived by them, even if there is indeed a rational grain in someone else's opinion.

Anyone who has become a true friend to Taurus will be able to read such a nature like an open book. All actions of Taurus contain a reflection of the character and mood of this nature. Taurus people are very productive. They contain an internal program that helps them distance themselves from the outside world and mind their own business. Taurus people are very conservative. They do not like change; they value comfort and consistency. Taurus cannot tolerate risks and instability. They do not wait for manna from heaven, but create their future through painstaking work.

In family and love, Taurus is the most tender creature who idolizes his soul mate. Taurus know how to sincerely love and take care of their chosen one or chosen one.

What awaits Taurus in 2016?

The Taurus horoscope for 2016 promises a stable life without drastic changes. Naturally, a whole year cannot pass without problems and some troubles, but in general, Taurus will have much more positive events. In 2016, Taurus will be able to try their hand at new field. The possibility of financial gain will attract conservative Taurus, not prone to adventure. Your career will come to the fore and will require a lot of effort. At the same time, we must not forget about ourselves, about health and relaxation. The horoscope for 2016 for Taurus gives a special place to communication with relatives. It is necessary to forget old grievances and establish warm relationships with loved ones.

Taurus horoscope for men

The horoscope for 2016 for a Taurus man promises new acquaintances and trips. Conservative and wary Taurus should become more energetic and active. Assertiveness and determination will allow you to achieve success in areas that were previously beyond the control of Taurus. His surroundings will be of great importance for a Taurus man in the coming year. New acquaintances may appear at work, perhaps life will bring you together with some of your old friends. In no case should you forget about your family. 2016 for Taurus should be a year of increased communication and sociability. If you can appear in all your glory at the center of events, life will present you with a pleasant surprise.

Last year was quite difficult for Taurus men. Troubles in the family and at work unsettled the calm Taurus. Therefore, the beginning of 2016 will be a time of recovery. Rest, analyze past events, devote new year holidays only for myself. Perhaps you will reevaluate your actions and realize that you were wrong in some way. At this time, you will be able to find a new hobby for yourself, and perhaps even want to change your job. In the spring, Taurus men should direct all their energy and activity to finding and developing new sources of income. You will have the opportunity not just to change jobs, but to get a higher paying position. You will be able to improve your skill level. New acquaintances and partners will open up a lot of opportunities for you. It could even be working abroad.

Taurus Horoscope for Women

The horoscope for 2016 for Taurus women is filled with favorable events. Troubles are a thing of the past, and in the New Year you can fully enjoy your life. Great changes await you in 2016. You will receive many interesting offers. All planned ideas will be successfully implemented. You will have to work a lot in the coming year, however, the reward for your efforts will be very worthy.

The people surrounding Taurus women greatly influence their mood. Therefore, it is better to communicate with those you like. 2016 is best time in order to get a pet. Carefully monitor your health and figure. Start visiting the fitness center right from January, review your diet.

The beginning of the year is the time when Taurus women need to devote themselves to their careers. Your boss will appreciate this, and by spring you can count on a promotion and a trip abroad on a business trip. It is necessary to have time to pay attention to the family. If the opportunity arises, go on a trip with your loved ones.

If you don’t have a soulmate yet, then there is a high probability that you will meet one in 2016. Single representatives of the Taurus sign are most likely to get married in the New Year. To do this, you need to communicate more, attend various events that broaden your horizons.

As for finances, in the first half of the year you should take them especially seriously. Do not make large purchases, do not lend money, most likely they will not return it to you.

Taurus Horoscope for 2016 Year of the Fire Monkey

The Fire Monkey is very loyal to Taurus. People born in the year Fire monkey under the sign of Taurus, they often put their desires first. Perhaps you should reconsider your priorities, change your attitude towards life a little. 2016 for Taurus-Monkey will be an opportunity to make dramatic changes in their lives. The best time for this will be November.

Taurus-Snake simply needs loneliness and solitude. Routine life drags on, and some values ​​and priorities require analysis and rethinking. Sometimes the desire to hide from the outside world is not something strange or bad. For some people this is vital.

For Taurus-Dogs, 2016 will be the time to gain authority. Direct all your efforts to ensure that you are recognized and accepted in the team. Your opinion should be important to your colleagues, they should begin to take it into account.

Taurus-Pig will become a traveler in the New Year. Such natures are recommended to travel and expand their horizons. The main focus should be on this. This way you can assert yourself, realize your ideas and possibly get a new job.

In 2016, the dream of Taurus-Roosters may come true. To do this, you need to take risks, make serious decisions, and find an approach to difficult people. The main thing is not to miss the chance.

Love horoscope for Taurus

The love horoscope for 2016 for Taurus is filled with fateful events. This time will be the moment of truth for you. You will have to make a decision about the suitability of your relationship. Perhaps you will create a strong family, and perhaps you will regain freedom. The main thing is to decide in which direction to move next. Starting a family will be a difficult choice for you; it is always difficult for Taurus to decide on this step. But the horoscope says that this is the right decision.

The love horoscope for a Taurus woman will be the time when you get married or meet your betrothed. Do not show arrogance or selfishness towards your other halves. This can lead to serious problems and even separation. It's best to change your mind about this.

If you have already met your soul mate, but are not sure of your choice, then 2016 will be a real test of your feelings. Most likely, under the influence of temptation, you will be fired up with a new passion. In order to get out of the crisis, it would be best to go on a joint vacation, preferably an extreme one. This pastime will bring you a lot of pleasure and strengthen your relationship. The end of the year is the best time to formalize a relationship.

Career for Taurus in 2016

The financial horoscope for 2016 is very favorable for Taurus. The only thing you have to do for your well-being is to work and work again. At the beginning of the year, it is best to pay attention to your qualifications and, if possible, improve them. Learn foreign languages, improve and develop - all your efforts will be appreciated. Be responsible, decent, maintain personal discipline - all this will be rewarded.

Expand your capabilities. If you don't have a driver's license, get one and buy a car. If you are not satisfied with your position in the team, work on it, communicate more, try to make your opinion significant and authoritative for your colleagues.

Taurus horoscope for 2016 by month


For 2016, Taurus are recommended to slightly change their image and behavior style. Do this in January. Trade conservatism for something more progressive. This will be very helpful in relationships with colleagues and superiors. And you simply need to establish relationships with them.


In February, you can slow down the pace of your activity a little and focus on the quality of your work. Realize your ideas, your actions will be highly appreciated. In February, you will have more time for your family and friends, and pleasant surprises are expected.


March will be marked by depression for Taurus. Traveling, meeting with friends or family will help you cope with your depressed state. As for work, your new projects will be successfully implemented. And this will be facilitated by nothing other than luck and luck.


April will be a very difficult month for Taurus. In the first days you will be overwhelmed by despondency and sadness. There will be difficulties at work and disagreements in the family. During this time, it would be best to put your thoughts and affairs in order. By the end of the month, failures will recede and good mood will take over you again.


May is the month of competition against ill-wishers. Many will put a spoke in the wheels. Try to gather your will into a fist and cope with all the attacks. The best assistant in this difficult task for Taurus will be their inner voice. Listen to your intuition, at this time it will work for you flawlessly.


June is the month of love and romance for Taurus. At this time, problems at work will recede and you will be able to plunge into amorous affairs with your whole head. In the second half of the month you may experience difficulties again. Don't give in to attacks unless they are justified. By the end of the month, all these problems will be resolved.


In July, love will not leave Taurus. True, at this time it is better not to leave your home and not go on long trips. This month you will meet many new acquaintances. Communication with them will only be beneficial.


In August, misunderstandings may arise at work and in the family. You may find unfinished work. Many Taurus will prefer to simply hide from problems. This is not to say that this is a wrong decision, most likely it will help.


The beginning of the month will mark an unpleasant event. But the information received will still be better than complete ignorance. In September you can start making plans for the future. There is a certain duality in the work. If you wish, you can slow things down. But if you want, then continue to act actively.


In October, Taurus will receive a tempting job offer. This will be a difficult task, but very interesting. Don't listen if they try to persuade you. In this matter it will be better to show persistence and perseverance.


November will open Taurus' eyes to themselves. Everyone around them will express their opinion. It will be difficult for Taurus to survive criticism, but an outside perspective will allow them to rethink a lot. The picture they see will not please Taurus, but in the end they will be able to overcome their shortcomings.


December is a month of surprises and surprises for Taurus. The month will be filled with both good news and disappointments. If you drive a car, then give it up for a while, unless of course this is your profession. Pleasant surprises will be due at the end of the month.