The eternal question is how truth differs from truth. Truth: truth and justice, fulfilling God's will

Which is better Android or iPhone? We will look for answers to this eternal question in today’s article.

When buying the most fashionable gadget, many are guided by their personal motivation - some choose by cost, others by design, functionality, brand. And someone according to all these criteria at the same time. Modern smartphones and tablets have different software, the most popular of which are: Android, iPhone (iOS platform), Windows OS. The latter is not so popular among our compatriots; most often users prefer Android and iOS.

Side by side comparison

For anyone who cares about the design of a smartphone, you can find many designs from manufacturers with the Android system. There is certainly room for your soul to wander here - a variety of display diagonals, the number of speakers, case material, protection against shock and moisture, etc.

Speaking of the iPhone, the laconic design here has not changed dramatically for a very long time. The shape of the case is the same, the back cover was round until version 4, but then “flattened out”. The sides of the case with version 4 also became smoother. But further, no significant difference was noticeable externally. Only the diagonal of the display increased, the material of the case and the color scheme changed. As before, this smartphone retained a universal design that looks harmonious on both a successful businessman and a glamorous diva.

Photo: iPhone 5S model
Photo: Android smartphone model

It cannot be said that the iPhone is more beautiful, and other smartphone manufacturers (Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Moto, HTC and others) have not finalized the models. Among the assortment of smartphone designs, you can find a very worthy model. Therefore, at this point we do not single out the leader.

Assembly and parts

Since iPhones have been improving their internal components for quite a long time, the quality of their parts and assembly is high. Many manufacturers using the Android operating system are more focused on the number and variety of models than on build quality. Rarely do models come out that adequately represent gadgets in their class. But their cost is much higher than other common models (often on par with iPhones).

You can’t even compare, for example, the iPhone 7 and Lenovo K5. Of course, here the Apple smartphone wins many times over in terms of build quality. But the price also differs significantly (almost 5 times). But the Samsung S7 could compete with it in terms of quality of parts and assembly. And the price of Samsung is slightly lower than the price of iPhone.

According to statistics, iPhones last much longer than devices with the Android system. Selling an iPhone is much easier and more profitable than selling Android smartphones. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the software.

And yet, the build quality of the “apple” must be given due credit. In this it succeeds compared to competitors with Android OS. Therefore, when figuring out which is better android or iPhone in terms of build quality, we give preference to the latter.

Software, applications

Before moving on to this comparison, it is worth noting that only iPhones use the iOS operating system, but many devices from different companies use Android. Therefore, the comparison will take place specifically between these two platforms, rather than specific smartphone models.

1. Platform protection. iOS is a fairly closed platform that does not have any alternatives. iPhones and software for them are produced by one manufacturer, so it is easier to control the compatibility of devices than with Android. Android is open to all sorts of updates that are not suitable for all devices. This may affect system performance and stability.

2. Apple App Store very carefully selects applications that can get onto the device. That's why they work more stably on iPhones than on the Android system. Only a small percentage of malware and applications can get onto the iPhone. The Android store is more clogged with all this and the chance of “picking up” spam and viruses on it is much higher. iOS does not support the Adobe Flash multimedia platform, which provided viewing of Flash videos and Flash applications online on Internet resources. It is Adobe Flash (according to unconfirmed data) that can lead to the entry of “harmful substances” into the system and increased energy consumption. According to rumors, it will soon be abandoned and this will equalize the capabilities of these two platforms.

3. Games have become quite popular on smartphones. Available on iPhones with iOS platform and on gadgets with Android a large number of games. True, in both cases there is a fragmentation problem (application/game extensions do not match the display extensions and performance).

4. Navigation capabilities. In both cases, the device has GPS navigation, which works accurately by connecting the device to the Internet. Here the Android platform has succeeded over iOS. For iPhones, cards are a fairly new phenomenon. Therefore they are not as perfect as Google Maps, which are often used by Android owners.

5. User-friendly interface. Android is a little more difficult to understand than an iPhone on iOS. Much more convenient and easier to understand. But at the same time, “apples” do not have as many functions for changing themes, wallpapers, and widgets as Android does. Therefore, those who like to adjust everything to their needs will be delighted with the latter.

By all accounts, we can conclude that iOS for iPhone is more adapted, secure and reliable than Android for smartphones.


The iPhone manufacturer slightly underestimated the energy consumption of its smartphone and awarded the 7 Plus version with a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 2900 mAh. For this type of smartphone with a 5.5’’ display, this is clearly a deficiency. According to the latest reviews of the iPhone 7, with moderate use it loses its charge in just over a day. And if you use it regularly, you will have to recharge the device much more often. Service life is measured in battery life. With normal use it will last up to 3 years.

Android smartphones have a wide variety of batteries. For example, Lenovo P2 with a 5.5" display has a battery capacity of 5000 mAh, and Meizu M3 with a 6" display has a battery capacity of 4100 mAh. These are more realistic indicators that are necessary for full maintenance of the OS and display. The service life is no different from an iPhone. But not all smartphone models have such a significant capacity, so it is impossible to say for sure based on this parameter that Android or iPhone is better.


If we take into account the number of devices that have Android software, then among them you can find a wide variety in display diagonals, number of colors, and screen resolution. On iPhones this range is more limited. Only the latest versions have increased in size. Before this, there were 3.5" and 4" formats, at that time Android smartphones were produced 1-1.5'' larger.

Also, the popular Samsung brand has released a smartphone - s7 edge, which for the first time uses the side curves of the display instead of their borders. You can find only positive reviews among buyers of this gadget. Many even say that it is much cooler than the latest iPhone.

As for the display, it must be said that you can find much best characteristics in smartphones with Android, fortunately the choice of manufacturers and models allows.

Accessories and spare parts

In this matter without unnecessary words You can immediately give the palm to iPhones. Due to the relatively small model range, accessories are produced for them in very large volumes. If your headset is lost or damaged, finding a new original one is not a problem. The same applies to the charger. The abundance of covers, linings, and bumpers is simply amazing.

This cannot be said about Android smartphones, which, due to the wide range of models, do not have as many accessories. The charging sockets in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm. Moreover, non-original options are also suitable. But when it comes to a banal bumper or protective film, it is not always possible to find them for the desired model. Manufacturers of such accessories simply cannot keep up with the pace of release of new Android devices.

Also, if your smartphone breaks down, you can easily find any part for your iPhone. Almost all repairmen and service centers undertake its repair. Android devices do not boast of this. Finding, for example, a display on any Meizu is almost impossible. This makes rare smartphone models practically disposable. If it broke, I threw it away. Only popular ones, which have been put on sale in a decent volume, have a chance of at least getting Chinese spare parts.

Connectors and SIM cards

What a shame, having 2 SIM cards in use, knowing that when buying an iPhone, you will have to forget about one of them. Or buy another phone. Nowadays this is absolutely not practical.

Among smartphones on the Android platform, you can rarely find copies that have only 1 SIM card slot.

Although not everyone needs to use several SIM cards, but one is enough. In this case, these devices are on equal terms and it is impossible to say that an Android or an iPhone is better.

The charger connectors in iPhones and smartphones on another platform are radically different. For Apple there is a unique Lightning connector, and in Android smartphones there is another, very common micro USB. For the headset in both cases the jack is the same.

Photo: iPhone charging connector
Photo: Android charging connector

It’s impossible to say that the connector is better in some places and worse in others. Therefore, here they are equal.

Camera and speakers

As for the camera in iPhones, it has amazing characteristics. Especially when it comes to the latest models. Even the iPhone's 12 megapixel camera is superior to many Android options from different manufacturers. Unless only Sony can create healthy competition, and not all models from this manufacturer.

Macro photography with an iPhone looks much sharper and has better color rendition. The same applies to shooting in backlight. Portrait photography also looks very impressive. The noise level when shooting at dawn, sunset, or in a dim room is acceptable low. Not all smartphones from well-known manufacturers that use the Android platform can boast such characteristics.

Photo: iPhone 6s camera
Photo: Android camera

Therefore, if you choose which is better, Android or iPhone, then the latter is a big plus.

Photo: iPhone 5 speakers
Photo: Android smartphone speakers

Manufacturer service

Arriving anywhere in the world, you can find a specialized service or store to service your iPhone. They are located in almost all major cities. The service is so good that the owners of this gadget have virtually no problems with it - any issues are quickly resolved.

To service your Android smartphone, you need to find a representative office of a specific manufacturer. For example, Samsung can also be found in almost every corner of the world. This also applies to LG customer service centers. IN Lately and Lenovo is trying to improve the service.

Consequently, Apple cares more about customer service than other manufacturers.

Comparison results

When choosing between two smartphone platforms, you need to cast aside all doubts and follow your intuition. The times when you won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone have long come. And before choosing your smartphone, think about whether you want to surprise others or just use a reliable and functional phone, and for the right price. Do you want to be the most original? Buy a push-button phone! What, as an option...

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The confrontation between the iOS and Android fan camps is in the nature of a “battle for life and death.” In order not to provoke the growth of empty disputes (including getting personal), in thematic online conferences there are even attempts to raise the question “which is better: an iPhone or an Android?” lead to “prophylactic” blocking of the account. In this situation, users who really want to understand which OS-based device is best for them cannot find a clear answer.

This material is intended to correct the current state of affairs. It is worth noting that it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of which is better to buy, “iPhone” or “Android”. Each platform has its own advantages. These systems are not without shortcomings, minor and significant.

How is iPhone different from Android, which is better?

Although the Android and iOS operating systems have become their closest competitors, they have significant differences. Read more about how iPhone differs from Android devices below.


The Apple operating system is a proprietary and closed source software product. Apart from engineers and programmers from Cupertino, no one has access to it. Third-party developers must use the official SDK (software development kit) to create programs and implement in their software only the functionality contained in it.

Apple has reliably protected the OS from unauthorized use by third-party developers of officially undocumented features. Neither full access to the file system, nor installation of programs from third-party sources, nor the implementation of other hidden functionality can be achieved without Jailbreak - “hacking” the system, which Apple views extremely negatively.

This approach made it possible to achieve OS stability, optimize energy consumption, and protect it from viruses and other malware. But, at the same time, some people did not like such restrictions. These users, when asked which is better - iPhone or Android, choose the second option.

Android is an open source system. Theoretically, anyone can access it, modify the OS and change/delete/introduce new functions. Subject to Google's recommendations, any manufacturer can officially install Android on smartphones.


The iOS graphical shell has an attractive appearance, but has limitations in functionality. It does not support widgets on the home screen, and desktop management is implemented “for an amateur.” Users have to pay for attractive appearance systems by refusing useful functions.

Android allows you to install third-party graphical shells. There are quite a lot of similar programs in the Play Market. If desired, everyone is free to give their OS the appearance of the same iOS or Windows Phone. iPhone owners do not have this option.


The question of “which is better: iPhone or Android” and memory organization are not in favor of Apple. Access to it is limited (you cannot move freely through the file system, like on a PC), and there is no possibility of expansion using a memory card or USB drive. Android doesn't have these shortcomings. To be fair, it is worth noting that the creators of smartphones with Android also refuse to install a MicroSD slot, but more devices are acquiring USB OTG support.

In addition to the listed differences, there are also smaller ones that do not allow us to finally close the question of what is better to buy: iPhone or Android.

What's good about the iPhone?

A superficial glance may seem like Android is better in everything. But there are a number of points that do not allow us to recognize the quick conclusions as correct. Chinese manufacturers, who made Android-based smartphones several times cheaper than Apple technology, did a disservice to the system. Wanting to make products more affordable, they resort to austerity.

Processors, RAM and ROM chips, or displays are produced only by large high-tech enterprises. Chinese manufacturers buy ready-made modules from them for installation in gadgets. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, savings have to be made on the level of customer service, adaptation of the OS for devices and subsequent system support through updates. As a result, clients receive cheap, but “crude” smartphones, which are characterized by the presence of bugs and unstable operation of the OS.

Large manufacturers, such as Samsung or LG, “sin” like this less often, and only in the case of budget handsets, but they also fall under attack. Their reputation is suffering, and Apple fans are convinced that Android is an unstable and flawed OS.

Such categorical statements are not 100% true, but nevertheless, the fact is clear: Apple smartphones suffer from these shortcomings to a lesser extent. Strict selection of software also has a positive effect: if any of the programs downloaded to the AppStore works stably on 1 GB of RAM, there is software in the Play Market that slows down even on 2 GB.

Which is better to buy: iPhone or Android

To resolve the iPhone vs Android dispute for yourself, and understand what is better in a particular case, it is worth determining for what purpose the device is being purchased. iPhones are balanced smartphones with modern (though not top-end) functionality, a well-developed OS and good implementation of multimedia functions.

Android is a universal OS that is suitable for both beginners in the world of mobile technology and professionals involved in software development. For enthusiasts, such devices offer more opportunities to modify the system and customize it to suit their needs.

The question of what is better to buy - an iPhone or an Android - is resolved in favor of the former for those who need a high-quality device with balanced capabilities, and cost does not matter important role. For supporters of saving, as well as those who like to “tinker” with their device, buying “Apple” equipment will be a disappointment. For this category of buyers, an Android smartphone is a good purchase.

Often users who plan to buy new phone or switching from a push-button to a touchscreen model, asking what is the difference between a smartphone and an Android? If you dig deeper, the question may seem incorrect, since Android is the operating system on which many phone models run today, and the smartphone itself is a gadget that runs on the operating system. In addition to calls and SMS, it is capable of performing the functions of a pocket computer, so in this article we will look at how smartphones running other OS differ from Android devices.

Advantages of Android over other smartphones

Now you know what an Android phone is, since we have already figured it out. This is a device that runs under the OS of the same name. But how does it stand out from other operating systems and why are Android gadgets so popular today?

The operating system has a number of differences, the most noticeable of which are:

These are the main features that distinguish an Android phone. At the same time, the gadget also offers flexible settings, but some users note that it is difficult to configure the device. Basic functions are easy to work with in the Settings menu. The OS also differs in that it can scale Internet pages, play Flash videos, etc.

Windows smartphones and gadgets running Android OS

What is the difference between Android and Windows is a question that is no less popular today than the constant debate about Android and iOS. Both manufacturers offer both budget and expensive devices, and also bring to the market models with different functions and designs. What's the difference?

Almost all developers of other mobile operating systems (including Windows) do not allow editing in the code. Users receive significant changes in settings only after downloading official updates.

In addition, very few applications have been developed for Windows, so users complain that the company store does not have enough software (readers, players), games, and Google services sometimes synchronize poorly or do not work. But in the latest models, both problems are practically solved.

Differences between iOS and Android

An equally popular question is: what is the difference between an iPhone and an Android smartphone? After all, a gadget that runs on iOS, i.e. a full-fledged operating system, can also be called a smartphone. Today, the word “iPhone” has practically become a household word, and the word “smartphone” is practically not used in relation to Apple devices.

In addition to the fact that using an iPhone is fashionable, you also need to take into account the advantages of the OS on these devices, thanks to which some users love iOS so much. Before buying an iPhone or Android smartphone, you need to understand the main differences, the main ones of which are:

Previously, another strong argument in favor of Android was the price, but today, among the latest powerful models from Samsung, Sony and HTC, you can find many devices that are only slightly cheaper than an iPhone. On the other hand, in the budget and mid-price segment, Android has firmly taken the leading position; Android phones are bought by those who care about the quality of the camera, screen, and processor speed, but who are not ready or do not consider it necessary to pay $700-1000 for telephone.

When choosing a new phone, many people are increasingly interested in what is the difference between smartphones based on Android or iOS? Let's try to figure out what the differences are and what is common between Android and iPhone phones.

The leaders among operating systems for mobile devices are Android and iOS, even though they are competitors and are very similar. They both have common origin- UNIX system, after booting, the Home Menu is displayed on the devices of both systems, both use the capabilities of touch screens to work with the owner of the device, both have a standard set of interactions: pressing, sliding, the ability to zoom with two fingers. But unlike iPhones, Androids have not only icons for installed applications, but also various kinds of convenient widgets. Let's continue to look at the differences:

- "Possibilities for Changing the Interface." You can change your Android device almost beyond recognition, thanks to pre-installed capabilities, while in iPhone devices we cannot do anything with the existing interface.

- "Transfer Files". In Android OS we can easily copy, move and delete any media files. While iOS requires the iTunes application on your PC to be able to move only licensed products.

- "Hardware platform". Android can be installed on a huge number all kinds of devices that have become so widespread in last years, not only in tablets and phones, but also in other “smart” devices. But we can only see iOS on Apple devices, such as iPad, iPod, iPhone, and iTV.


Owners of devices running both systems can access new applications from online stores, Google Play for Android and App Store for iPhone. Both companies offer both free applications and games, as well as purchase options. The number of registered applications for both systems has long exceeded one million and is constantly growing. The advantage of Android is the presence of very popular products from Google itself, such as YouTube, DropBox, BitTorrent. And even once-exclusive iOS applications are easily ported to Android over time. But in Apple products we can find a large number of games exclusively developed for it. According to statistics, the stability of the applications is almost the same.


The functions that provide the user with the opportunity to communicate are almost the same in both Android and iOS. Internet surfing and the ability to use maps are also provided in both OSes without installing additional software. The only difference is that Android devices are tied to the services of Google and its partners, while in i-devices you can only exchange some information between other Apple products.


The design of Android is to keep apps as isolated as possible from the system and other apps, and they can't do anything dangerous without the user's prior permission. The creators of iOS rely entirely on the integrity of the developers, ensuring careful selection of the software product at the stage of publication in the App Store.

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, a senior contributor to and an authority on open source software, loves comparing operating systems and other software. This time he spent comparative analysis two mobile platforms - iPhone and Android - and identified the main factors that distinguish these operating systems. The author talks about his experience with the Apple iPhone 4 and two popular Android-based smartphones - HTC EVO and Motorola Droid. Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, but in general they fully meet all the requirements for modern mobile operating systems; the user’s choice depends primarily on personal sympathies and ideology (“the Church of Reverend Steve” and the “code freedom movement” have long outgrown popular ideas into real cults).

When comparing iPhone and Android, you must take into account the fact that on the one hand there is actually only one device (iPhone 4), and on the other there is a wide variety of different devices. That is why it is realistic to highlight and compare only the main features of the two platforms, and not the characteristics and functions of each phone. You need to understand that Android, despite being based on Linux, is as easy to learn and use as Apple iOS4. Linux is increasingly being introduced into the mobile market. Android, WebOS, and more recently MeeGo, are becoming familiar words for users mobile phones. Let's look at the five main differences between iPhones and Android.

1. Level of platform closure. iPhone is a completely closed platform. Apple patented everything it could possibly protect. The iPhone user must be content with the functions provided by a single manufacturer; there are simply no alternatives. Didn't like it Steve Jobs Adobe Flash technology - millions of Apple phone users had to forever give up the dream of acquiring support for this function. Android is more open source. If you don’t like a phone from one manufacturer, don’t despair, you can always choose another model with Android on board. There is simply no risk that some program you love will become objectionable to Google and be removed from the Android Market. Applications can be installed not only from the Android Market, but simply by downloading them from the developer’s website. "0:1" in favor of Android.

2. Security. The freedom to create applications ultimately leads to vulnerabilities in many programs. IN this moment Android appears to be a less secure operating system due to large number programs that virtually no one controls. Apple is more strictly monitoring the apps that make it into its online App Store. But sooner or later, any common operating system becomes a desired target for hackers. In the meantime, the score becomes equal - “1:1”.

3. Ease of management. The graphical user interface of the iPhone smartphone is designed very well. Apple developers have spent a lot of time improving the already good iOS. But if you like to more finely customize your smartphone, change the design, and put a lot of widgets on your desktop, you should give preference to the Android platform. One point for each participant - “2:2”.

4. Binding to the supplier. Android-based smartphones are available in many stores around the world, and most major cellular operators also distribute these devices. Attachment to the cellular operator AT&T is precisely the negative factor that overly irritates iPhone owners. It is expected that in 2011 iPhones will become available to customers of another major US cellular operator - Verizon. Such a step is sure to further fuel interest in the iPhone on the part of Americans. And at the moment, the Android platform deservedly gets another point and leads the score - “2:3”.

5. Battery life. IN in this case There was a rather ambiguous situation. On the one hand, the iPhone is undoubtedly capable of working longer without recharging, on the other hand, the battery in it cannot be replaced. Not many users carry a spare battery with them and change it right in the middle of the working day, but sooner or later the iPhone battery is completely worn out. Fortunately, many modern smartphones charge using a microUSB connector, which significantly reduces the number of times the battery runs out at the most inopportune moment. Considering the fact that smartphone owners are constantly trying to keep up with the latest innovations in the world of information technology, keep up with fashion and often update their mobile “arsenal”, and this prevents the battery from completely wearing out, we give the last point to the “Apple” phone. The final whistle, the score is “3:3” - a fighting draw, which once again emphasizes the fact that both of the above-mentioned mobile platforms are equally interesting.