The Witcher 3 battle with the evil witch. How to defeat evil? A powerful force capable of performing miracles

    Understand what kind of enemy you are dealing with. Not all enemies are equal. Depending on who your enemy is and what the nature of your relationship is, you must learn more about how he operates before you learn how to defeat him.

    • Sworn enemies are like opposite versions of you. You will find them at work, at school, and in other situations where you encounter like-minded people. Everything suggests that you should be friends with your sworn enemy - you have common interests, goals and passions, but you just don't get along. Your enemy is like a fly in your ointment.
    • Frenemies are friends you don't like. Never be friends with your enemy, not even half friends and half enemies. When you are walking, he will never stop bragging. The enemies are annoying, poisonous, and real bores.
    • The enemies are tough. Both school desk, and in the workplace, enemies represent serious threat your mood during the day. The enemy is the one who thinks that you are stealing their popularity, so they hate you and always win at everything.
  1. Keep your enemies close. The old adage is true: if you keep your friends close, keep your enemy closer. If you want to defeat your enemy, learn how they win. This means talking to your enemy, observing him, and learning as much as you can about how he thinks.

    • Many bullies, frenemies, and other enemies act out of jealousy. Often enemies choose moments that bother them in their own lives. If someone criticizes you on one side, it could be because your opponent is worried about the same thing about themselves or they just want to be mean and embarrass you.
    • Enemies also hate people they view as a threat. In the workplace or in rival schools - whenever competition is involved - enemies will strive to prevent you from winning. This means you are in a bad position.
  2. Watch your enemy. Analyzing the ways in which your enemy counters you will help you plan how to strike back. Who is your enemy talking to? What are his interests? What does your enemy want? Find out what makes your enemy tick and what your enemy struggles with on a personal level. What is family life your enemy? Where does your enemy come from? Do some research and answer these questions.

    Find your opponent's weakness. Every enemy has a weakness, no matter how strong they seem when they knock you down. Discovering this weakness will have important to plan your revenge and destroy your enemy. Some common enemy weaknesses:

    • Pride. Just like in ancient Greek history, excessive pride can lead to the downfall of many enemies. If you have a boastful, arrogant enemy, putting him in an equally embarrassing position will have devastating consequences for him. Good revenge may mean subjecting your enemy to social condemnation or failure.
    • Confidence. Many bullies are really just big kids who are insecure or don't believe in own strength. Many bullies are essentially just looking for companionship and friends because they feel unappreciated and unloved. These types of bullies may respond better to childish tactics.
    • Competitiveness. Many of the enemies are hyper-competitive jerks who have allowed their love of winning to overcome other aspects like human decency and kindness. Being able to snap out of your stupor and freeze these enemies is the best way to deal with them and disarm their ability to torment you. If you don't play, they can't win.

    Retribution to enemies

    1. Tell the enemy to stop opposing you. If someone is bothering you and you want to stop them, there is a very simple way: tell them you want them to. If someone bothers you with alienating or bullying behavior, place your hand like a security guard stopping the movement with a "Stop" gesture and take a deep breath. In a calm, even voice, you can say something like, "Stop! I need you to stop right now."

      Avoid the enemy as much as possible. The best way defeat any enemy - completely eliminate him from your life. Avoid enemies as much as possible to disarm them and steal their ability to hurt, torment and annoy you. If you are fighting a bully, use your observation skills to avoid them and spend your time in other places. Don't give them the opportunity to antagonize you.

      • If you see your enemy regularly, for example at work or school, and you are forced to interact with him, your job will be more difficult, but not impossible. The best way to avoid such enemies is to try not to listen to them. Wear headphones when your enemies are ranting at school so you don't have to listen to him, or show up in class a minute before the bell rings and sit on the opposite side of the room. It will be as if he doesn't even exist.
    2. Be cool. When your enemy is standing in front of you, the best tactic is to transform into an ice man. Be cool. Really cold-blooded. Don't get upset or try to argue back when your enemy engages in copycat offensive behavior. Just look at him and think how you would look - like an annoying swarm of ants or a sick cat. Minor inconvenience. Emotional reactions are like water for enemy plants. Don't give it to them and they will die. Even if you do react, keep your response cool and calm. Never get angry.

      • Practice imagining your enemy doing something as funny as singing opera or fighting an octopus while it steps on you. For example, do this if he says that you are a doormat for all the popular girls.
      • Do not listen to the poisonous stream spewed from the mouth of your enemy. Practice reciting mantras while he speaks, focusing deeply on replacing the words you hear with something positive. The words of your favorite song, poem or prayer may be appropriate for these occasions.
    3. Get rid of your enemy. Indifference can be a powerful and effective tool in the fight against enemies. Bullies, half-friends-half-enemies and frenemies all want attention. They want an audience and will tease people to elevate themselves and stand out from the crowd. The best way to disarm him? Don't pay any attention to them at all.

      • When your enemy is nearby, literally act as if nothing happened. No sounds, no other people. Give them absolutely no reaction. Even if your enemy is standing two steps away from you and screaming your name, just ignore him and talk to your friend as if nothing is happening.
    4. Find safety in a group. There is an old true saying about enemies: the enemy of your enemy is your friend. It is likely that your enemy is pushing away not only you, but much more more people. Find other people with whom you share a mutual distrust of a common enemy. Then think of a way to take revenge!

      • Bullies are more likely to target individuals who they believe are a threat to beat up their enemy. Although if you have a few good buddies you're hanging out with, you can easily distract one bully by turning the arrows back on them.
    5. Move on. Best revenge? To live well. The best way to kick a bully out of your life is to walk past him and send him to the bins. Or note how stupid your enemy is. Ignore your enemy, get rid of him and get your life back on track. If your enemy sees that he is unable to have a significant impact on your life, he will spend all his energy in unsuccessful attempts to piss you off.

      Throw dust in the enemy's eyes. Under certain circumstances, a real prank may be the best way to put your enemy in his place. This is especially true with a proud or selfish enemy that needs to be knocked down. Common methods of revenge in the form of pranks may include:

      • Hacking your enemy's email to send compromising automated messages that will confuse him.
      • Order something awkward to be delivered to your enemy's office. A large box full of old professional wrestling magazines, adult diaper catalogs, or weird and exotic workplace pornography. Make sure that they are delivered to the building, not to your office number, so that the courier does not have to wander through all the offices and end up finding the tormentor in person.
      • Be rude. Burst a paper bag on your enemy's doorstep? Have you created a “happy cowboy” in the shower? Did you defecate in the toilet cistern? You decide how far to go.

    Self defense

    1. Don't look for a fight, but learn to defend yourself if necessary. You should never allow your enemies to provoke you into a quarrel, but some enemies are determined to force you to show your cards. You will be much more confident in your daily mood in the future if you know that you can handle any situation that arises. Don't live in fear. Be ready.

      Learn to throw a punch. The fights don't look like they do in the movies, where both people throw a million punches straight to the face until someone gets knocked out. Most contractions end very quickly. Learn to formulate and strike correctly - this will ensure that you will not make a mistake like in the movies if the situation demands it, but will be able to strike accurately and end the fight with a high probability.

      • Make a fist, squeezing your fingers firmly, but not so tightly that you cut off circulation. Wrap thumb around the knuckles, not around index finger or with inside fingers.
      • Extend the middle joint of your middle finger slightly. This is where your fist should close, not the big knuckles where your fingers meet your palm.
      • Strike in a straight line, supporting your elbows and making linear strikes, small round strikes. a straight punch has more power than big swings.
      • Aim for the nose, neck or stomach. Hit to the jaw, cheeks, or forehead will end up hurting you more. Aim for soft spots and swing hard.
    2. Learn to play defensively. Good defensive positioning is just as important as a strong shot, if not more important. Remember, this isn't a Rocky movie: a couple of solid punches to your jaw and you'll be on the ground, where you definitely don't want to end up.

      • Keep your fists loose near your face and shift your weight so that your shoulder and hip on your dominant side are pointing toward your opponent. Do not face your opponent, but turn sideways to make the target smaller.
      • Keep your hands near your chin and to the side of your head the entire time you swing.
    3. Move forward, not backward. When striking, walk straight towards your opponent, keeping your defensive position, and make him your target to knock him down. The best way to do this is to watch as much as possible - and early, early, early. Don't allow yourself to be pushed back.

      • Although it may seem incredible and will go against your natural instincts, it is much safer and less painful to move into the strikes than to back away from them. Keep moving forward and pushing the enemy back, rather than retreating yourself. If you have to take a hit, stopping it halfway before it reaches full power will hurt less than at the peak of the swing, where you're more likely to get hit. Move forward and make the enemy back away.
    4. Keep moving. Pierce and move, as the boxers say. If you find yourself in a fight, don't just stand there like a rock unless you want your block to get knocked down. Stand on your toes, bouncing a little and moving your head back and forth as if you were dodging pesky bees. Make your head a moving target and you'll be harder to hit.

    5. Again, fighting should always be the last resort to deal with the enemy and should be avoided at all costs.


  • Don't let events cause you to weaken. Avoid such encounters as much as possible.

September 16/29 is the day of remembrance of the famous Moscow elder in the world, Archpriest Alexy Mechev (1859-1923), rector of the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki, prayer book and seer. We present to our readers excerpts from the new book “,” published by the Sretensky Monastery publishing house.

Nun Juliania (Sokolova) talked about this incident: “Once, after an early mass on a weekday, a drunken, ragged man, shaking all over, approached the priest, and, barely uttering the words, turned to him: “I’m completely lost, I drank myself to death. My soul has perished... save, help me... I don’t remember being sober... I’ve lost the image of a person...” Not paying attention to his disgusting appearance, the priest comes very close to him and, lovingly looking into his eyes, puts his hands on his shoulders and says: “ Darling, it’s time for you and me to stop drinking wine.” - “Help, dear father, pray.” Father, taking him by the right hand, leads to the pulpit and, leaving it there, goes to the altar. Opening the veil royal gates of the main Kazan chapel, solemnly opening the royal gates, begins a prayer service, saying in a majestic voice: “Blessed is our God...”, and, taking the dirty ragamuffin by the hand, places him next to him at the very royal gates. Dropping to his knees, with tears he begins to diligently offer a prayer to the Lord God. The ragamuffin's clothes were so torn that his body was exposed when he, following the example of the priest, laid prostrations. At the end of the prayer service, the priest crossed the unfortunate man three times and, handing him over, kissed him three times.

After a short time, a decently dressed man approached the candle box and, buying a candle, asked: “How can I see Father Alexy?” Having learned that the priest was in the temple, he joyfully declared that he wanted to serve thanksgiving prayer. The priest who came out to the pulpit exclaimed: “Vasily, is that you?!” With a sob, the recent one threw himself at his feet, shed tears, and the priest began a prayer service. It turned out that Vasily got a good place and settled in well.”

The elder’s spiritual daughter, nun Juliania (Sokolova), recalled how the priest knew how to overcome evil with good: “A whole crowd of students came to the priest’s church during Matins. Father was in the altar and heard men’s voices and dance tunes. Those who entered were so outrageous that the frightened psalmist barely finished the sixth psalm. Someone advised the priest to drive them out, but he only prayed fervently. One of the students separated from his comrades and entered the altar. The priest, standing at the altar, quickly turned around and affectionately greeted the madman: “How nice it is to see that young people begin their day with prayer... Have you come to remember your parents?” Struck by such an unexpected heartfelt appeal, the newcomer muttered dumbfoundedly: “Yes-ah...”

Father spoke so sincerely and lovingly that he touched those who came, many cried. They admitted that they came to beat him

At the end of Matins, the priest addressed those who had come with a word in which he reminded these young people, striving to fight for broad happiness, about family, about parents who love them, have hopes for them, that when they receive an education, they will become their breadwinners... He said so from the heart, so sincerely and lovingly that he touched them, many cried; some stayed to sing mass, and then became his friends and pilgrims, and some became his spiritual children. They admitted to the priest that... they had come to beat him..."

Father Pavel Florensky wrote in 1924: “The Marosei community was, in its spiritual meaning, the daughter of Optina Pustyn: here life was built on spiritual experience. Father Alexy taught with his life, and everyone around him lived, each in his own way and to the best of his ability, participating in the growth of the spiritual life of the entire community. Therefore, although the community did not have its own hospital, numerous professors, doctors, paramedics and nurses - the spiritual children of Father Alexy - served the sick who turned to Father Alexy for help. Although there was no school of its own, a number of professors, writers, teachers, students, also the spiritual children of Father Alexy, came with their knowledge and their connections to help those who needed it. Although the community did not have its own organized shelter, nevertheless, those in need or who asked for help were clothed, given shoes, and fed.”

Father Sergius Durylin recalled: “Father, another Optina elder, did the same thing, who once said to someone: “Why are you coming to us? You have Father Alexy.” This Optina testimony about Father Alexy cannot but be considered the greatest in importance. It expresses the deep unity of the experimental-spiritual path of Father Alexy with that followed by the Optina elders, whose source goes back to the great elder Paisius Velichkovsky and through him to Athos and the living patristic tradition of all Orthodoxy. Father Alexy was an Optina elder who lived in Moscow. This is the greatest joy and the greatest meaning.”

"Only evil people They are afraid of evil." Walter Scott

So what is evil? Evil is deliberate harm. Indifference is also a conscious harm, since a person who does not want to participate in the fight against evil automatically goes over to the side of evil. Indifference is the basis of all crimes.

In order to defeat evil, you need to learn more about it.

Firstly, evil grows on the existing system in society. It's well organized. Sometimes it seems like evil is just a blip negative emotions. In fact, this is not so, because the roots of evil are in the fertile soil of the existing system - the system of Hierarchy.

Secondly, the energy of evil is the energy of separation (Divide and conquer). In order to divide people, tools have been created: money, power, borders, religions, nationalities.

Thirdly, a synonym for the word evil is ego. The ego is the main brake in the fight against evil, and the ego is fueled by fear, the fear of leaving the evil system.

Now you can develop tactical actions to destroy evil.

1. Learn to unite. In fact, this point is the only one in the fight against evil, since unification is the organization of the forces of good, this is the energy of good as opposed to the energy of evil, and unification leads to the destruction of one’s own inflated ego. Uniting, with the goal of destroying evil and achieving absolute good, will allow us to find a lot of techniques for removing the masks of evil, where it is especially zealously veiled, for example, in religions or in power.

How many people need to unite in order to defeat evil? Two people. It's simple and difficult at the same time. It would seem, what can two people do? And they can do an incredible amount, especially now, in the era of the information revolution. But at the same time, two people may not be enough. It is necessary that at least one more fighter be added to these two, at least once a month, in the fight against evil, and then an invincible army of good against evil can grow. 10 fighters can destroy evil within a single state, and 100 people can destroy evil throughout the world if they are united by one goal and act in an organized and cooperative manner.

Now about the insidiousness of evil. Evil loves accusations. By blaming someone, including ourselves, we work for evil. If you decide to become a fighter against evil, then you will need to rise above any accusations. Evil loves illiterate people; ignorance in any area is the bait of evil in order to use a person in the fight against good. Evil loves vain people; time after time, it throws them pieces of vanity sugar in order to make its puppet out of a person.

You can become a winner in the fight against evil only when you forget about your own ego, accusations and vanity. You will have to educate people and say that goodness needs to be united. You will have to come to terms with the fact that the ardent puppets of evil will shout about your madness, in fact, madness is a sign of slavery of the soul. Your tools will be simplicity, speed and self-confidence. By acting and winning, you can, step by step, bring the triumph of good over evil closer. Fear is a stick for slaves, positivity is a carrot for slaves. Your strength is in the vision of the entire surrounding reality, that is, in sanity. Your superiority will be that you will have nothing to be ashamed of. Go and win! Or is the skin of a slave more suitable for you?


First, it is important to realize that the negative energy that guides you at some moments has a very detrimental effect on your life and the lives of those around you. By showing your anger, you not only do not make your life better, but also create a lot of very unpleasant problems that are not so easy to solve.

You should start acting with the people closest to you, because it is they who most often bear the brunt of irritability and anger. Of course, in any conflicts, but we must learn to seek compromises with those we love, and not accumulate in secret. Talk to your family and friends, listen to them and speak up yourself. Rest assured that if you try, you will succeed, and some of your bitterness will evaporate.

Trace the stage of your anger. You will understand that the most negative feelings appear in us precisely at the moment when you are too unhappy and offended. This is a kind of protective equipment that you dress up in so as not to feel pain.

But without feeling pain, you cannot feel. This is the next step you should take. Try to consciously stop this process when your anger arises, and then show care and love for others. Yes, it is very difficult and is unlikely to succeed the first time. Then it will seem that you are fake, because you are not like that - you are evil. But that's not true. Continue to give love and you will feel the change.

Forgive all those who have ever caused you pain and suffering. Let go of that pent-up that you've been carrying with you for a long time. Breathe it out into space and say out loud that you forgive and let her go. Do this exercise until you feel an inner response to your words.

The moment anger arises within you, become an observer. Imagine yourself as a scientist who is investigating what is happening to his being. You will be surprised: as soon as you begin to peer into your anger, it will immediately begin! And this once again indicates that all these feelings do not belong to you, they are foreign, and you need to make an effort to cleanse them from yourself.

Another way to quickly get rid of rage attacks is to count to 10 while breathing deeply and slowly. You will see how your state changes and feel lightness, and then you will understand that that evil mood that just dominated your entire consciousness has nothing to do with you.

Video on the topic


  • conquer winter within yourself
  • How to overcome evil and sin

Evil in the modern world manifests itself in the most different ways. For example, condemnation, indifference, lack of acceptance of others, ignoring elders - all this can be expressed very aggressively and from the outside seems evil. And there are plenty of injustices in the world.

But modern world dual, it has two sides - good and bad. And if there were no one, the second would be unknowable. And the concept of “evil” is very relative; for everyone it means something different. There is no absolute evil and ideal goodness. But still, each person has his own criteria and regularly begins to struggle with what seems bad to him.

Evil in people

It is worth recognizing that there is evil in every person. It just so happened, but negative thoughts visit anyone’s head, only the saints never wished anything negative for others, did not want to take revenge for an insult or condemnation. But there is nothing wrong with this, you must be able to admit to yourself that this part of consciousness exists, but these are just thoughts. And only when it comes to action is it worth taking active measures.

Accepting different thoughts and energies makes life calmer. Denial only strengthens what you want not to notice.

Today, more and more psychological trainings are appearing that offer to eradicate evil in oneself. The authors of the methods interpret this a little differently, arguing that there is negative programs, but the essence does not change. In such teachings, “” is promoted: if you emit negativity into the world, then it will definitely be embodied - it will return to the person in a transformed form. With the help of simple exercises and meditation, you can free your brain from scary thoughts, and things around you will actually begin to change.

Fight against evil

Traditional methods of fighting evil are not welcome in Russia. Today it is difficult to reprimand people who are naughty on the street; it is not customary on buses to shame those who do not give up their seats. And not everyone will be able to say something in response to a rude citizen, because there is no support, none of those around him will take the side of the offended one, everyone is on the sidelines for himself. To combat manifestations of negativity, cohesion is necessary; only a group can resist troublemakers. It is necessary not to remain indifferent and try to be on the side of those who are right.

Everyone's initiative can become a huge support for the positive directions of everyone's development. Everything depends on people, and you need to start changing with yourself.

It is necessary to give knowledge to the younger generation what is good and what is evil. The last 20 years in Russia have changed the understanding of honesty, politeness, and courtesy. It is necessary to revive traditions, it is necessary to engage in education in the family, and not shift everything to school teachers. It is necessary through communication, through our own, to prove the importance of the concepts of “kindness” and “support”. It is completely impossible to eradicate evil; in a dual world, it helps to develop and prevents the system from self-destructing. But there is an opportunity to revive good traditions, and it depends on every inhabitant of the planet.

Video on the topic

The reverse reaction of your own mind (and after it your feelings and body) will only strengthen them. How to be? It seems to me that the answer to this question has been found. First, you need to forgive yourself all your sins, vices and complexes. Yes, exactly forgive. And, moreover, allow it! There is no need to prohibit anything. We allow everything because we understand that, unfortunately, at this stage it simply cannot be any other way. However, we do not give in to sin at all. We consciously forgive and allow in order to actually overcome it. How? Let's imagine that our body is a cart, feelings are a horse, and the driver is a mind. What do we associate our “I” with? Probably with reason.

Feelings are also connected to our thoughts (although it happens the other way around, then the person’s “I” is in the horse), and the body “goes” to where it is being taken. And what is our mind (outraged)? It is simply a mechanism for processing incoming information. That is why 90% of all people (and maybe all 99!), exposed in one way or another to the influence of the external environment, fall under a kind of mass hypnosis or, if you like, become zombies. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what a person is told: that he needs to make money in order to be happy, or cultivate in himself the property of giving instead of the property of receiving, consuming - the brain simply absorbs, processes and produces a pattern of behavior. Where is the personality, the true “I” of a person? And he’s simply not here.

If a person is completely dependent on his environment, then he himself is absent. It only seems to him that he has an “I”, but in reality he does not have one! Fine. But what should we do to get out of the state of mass hypnosis? Where to find your true self? The answer is simple. We will never be able to change ourselves, our way of thinking, our feelings and passions. Unless some other “person of interest” appears other than the cart, horse and driver. Namely, he is an outside observer, but not just an observer, but the “master” of all three. Everyone can talk about what it’s like to look at yourself from the outside. But in reality, there are very few who are truly capable of doing this. Before you fight evil, you need to define it, identify it in yourself.

Who will do it? Only the “master” can understand the true cause of evil. If a person is completely dependent on his environment and does not think with his own thoughts, if he does not identify his “I” with the “master,” then he will never be able to change anything about himself. To realize evil is not to hear about it from someone, but to look at it in yourself from the outside. It's very difficult. “Disassociate” yourself with your own brains. But without this, we will not be able to realize our true self and will not be able to influence the development of our soul in any way. Because if someone from the outside tries to influence it, without your “I,” the soul will also perceive this as external, and not internal, coming from the person himself, from HIS choice.

Only the true “I” of a person, the “master”, can recognize evil, analyze its origins, its forms, its consequences for the cart-horse-driver trinity he controls; only through the dialogue of the “master” and the “driver” is it possible to study one’s evil and find ways get rid of him. For this, of course, it is very important to clearly define your life priorities, your goal, current and ultimate. Only the “owner” can do this. A simple example by analogy.

It is almost impossible to quit smoking by forcing yourself to endure and suffer. But if you talk to yourself, convince your mind that smoking really has a very detrimental effect on your life, that it reduces your performance, that your heart hurts, that you are not far from hypertension, that you lack vitality and all the time you want to lie down, that you cough at night and end up with lung cancer, that you have bags under your eyes and you are getting older day by day, that, finally, your children may be born deformed, etc., etc. Your own one’s own mind can be convinced so that it itself will renounce the destructive passion.

I'm not saying it's easy. Nothing happens without effort. But it works great. So it is with any vice. You can figure out where it comes from, what it means, and how it could end. A dialogue between the “master” and the “driver” is necessary here. Moreover, the driver gives in external influences, but the owner is not. The owner is the bearer of the purpose of human life. I'll reveal one more thing. There is also an observer for the “owner”. And you can associate your “I” with it. Give it a try. Hold this feeling for at least a few seconds. You will feel the touch of the World of Infinity. The second “observer” is already the Supreme Mind.

Only the true “I,” free from outside influences, from the “environment,” from zombies, from everything external, can reach this level. Our charioteer mind is immersed in jelly, no matter what color, smell or taste. He's part of this jelly. Only the owner can pull him out of there. This is the state of “dispassion”, or “samadhi”, or “enlightenment”. From “jelly” - to freedom, to the Light! To become a free man Soaring to the heavens, all they need is to find their true self. Any spiritual teaching can only act as a springboard. If they try not to let you go beyond a picture that was not drawn by you, be prepared for the fact that at one fine moment you will simply be erased.