Libra taurus love story. Love Compatibility: Taurus and Libra

Of all the Boa Constrictor and Rabbit compatibility pairings, the Libra and Taurus pairing is perhaps one of the most positive. At least they are able to carry their friendship and friendly relations through the years. Especially if communication takes place at a distance and meetings are not frequent. It is extremely difficult to predict permanent love relationships here. In many ways, everything depends on Taurus, like a “boa constrictor”. And Taurus is inclined to sooner or later break off relations with a partner who has not lived up to his trust. And for Libra, this moment, as a rule, comes suddenly.

Well, we’ll talk about the problems and reasons for breakups below, but for now it’s still worth looking favorable aspects Compatibility of Libra and Taurus. And, oddly enough, they are also present in their fatal love “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit”. After all, both signs have one planet as their patron - Venus. This means that, at a minimum, issues of aesthetics and harmony will always find a response in the hearts and minds of both. If one of the partners does not have an obvious rejection of the other at first glance (and this happens, especially on the part of “boas”), then communication between them turns out to be easy and relaxed.

Libra and Taurus can talk on any topic, dream about the unrealistic, but warming both, discuss various lofty matters. More often than not, Taurus is the generator of topics for discussion. And the topics naturally revolve around his narrow range of interests. Libra's thinking is much broader, but suddenly from that moment they begin to adapt to Taurus, agreeing to what he offers and rarely offering their own.

As you find general topics with each other, they begin to feel a special emotional connection. However, this connection is not permanent. For Libra, it may look like this: in the presence of Taurus, they drown in his eyes and follow every word, but as soon as Taurus disappears beyond the horizon, Libra immediately seems to subconsciously begin to feel the disharmony emanating from the “boa constrictor,” and the initial feelings seem to them deceptive. But such sensations are more likely to occur to intuitively developed Libra women, and even then not to all. Most of still falls into the hypnotic trap of the “boa constrictor” Taurus.

Libra is attracted to Taurus by his charisma, inner strength, authoritarianism, real deeds and, of course, sharing the interests of Libra. In the eyes of Libra lovers, Taurus can even appear as some kind of omnipotent person who knows no obstacles in his path and does not get hung up on failures. But Libra attracts Taurus with its good disposition, physical beauty, correct manners, broad outlook and sharp mind. Taurus himself does not like to stir up conflicts and therefore he likes that Libra is also non-conflict by nature, just like him.

Libra and Taurus can get along well in a business partnership if Taurus appears as a leader or customer, and Libra will be subordinates and performers. It is in this vein that these alliances can last almost forever. After all, if Taurus is completely satisfied with his partner and this relationship is beneficial to him, then he will not change anything. Libras are also distinguished by their constancy of habits, so you can’t expect any maneuvers on their part either.

High ideals and spiritual values ​​are what can truly unite partners. If they both found themselves in difficult life situation, overcoming which united them, or both agreed on the idea that life requires global changes. In other cases, this couple with the “Boa Constrictor and Rabbit” compatibility type looks disharmonious in most areas.

The main conflicts in a pair of Libra and Taurus

The fascination with each other's beauty quickly gives way to mutual claims and grievances. Libra will silently hate Taurus for his rude command, short-sightedness, poverty of mind and interests. In addition, Taurus simply cannot keep up with Libra’s agile intellect, and instead of trying to catch up with them, Taurus tries in every possible way to hold back their partner. However, Libra themselves go for this by indulging their “boa constrictor” and allowing him to be a stone around their neck.

In communication, on the one hand, both like that with each other they can relieve their souls by sharing their experiences and plans. But on the other hand, as time passes, their difference in understanding the meaning of words becomes more and more noticeable. Taurus sees everything in a material and down-to-earth way. Libras think big and lofty. Taurus is more tactical and practical, while Libra is a strategist and thinker. It is obvious that they speak completely different languages.

But Taurus are much more successful in the material sphere, which is dominant for them. They think realistically, they know what they want from life and how to achieve it. They are ready to constantly reproach Libra for the lack of adequate plans, for the inability to earn money and for a life in which all successes take place by chance. Taurus will certainly set himself up as an example of how to live correctly. And in this regard, Taurus can simply break the young and not yet morally strong Libra: after all, Libra will never become like him.

The peculiarity of the compatibility of the pair “Boa constrictor and rabbit” is that for the “rabbit” this is fatal, sacrificial and ultimately unprofitable love. His heart is destined to be broken, however, until this happens, he is warmed by hope for the future, security, material security and other things that seem constant to Libra, but in fact are incoming things. And as long as Libra has not lost the trust of Taurus and is useful to him, he will maintain contact with them.

Libra woman and Taurus man

Most often, these are unequal relationships: either the Taurus man is much older than the Libra woman, or he has greater opportunities, financial status and something else that helps to embody his dominant role as a “boa constrictor” in this pair.

On his part, the desire is to get possession of a nice girl with good manners, tastes, and not lacking in intelligence. On her part, she wants to find a “stone wall” behind which she can hide from all external problems.
But does the Libra woman know what kind of owner her Taurus man is? That he will be jealous of all her male friends, will want to own her like a thing, and in close relationships will change the role of a romantic to a boring and authoritarian commander. And it will be very easy for her to quarrel with him.

It is perhaps impossible to quarrel with anyone else as quickly as with a Taurus: he can get wound up and get offended over a mere trifle. Or torment you with old naggings all your life. And the worst thing will happen if he suddenly finds someone on the side. The Taurus man does not know how to love on two fronts, therefore, without any special regrets, he is able to say goodbye to the Libra woman who is completely misunderstood by him.

Libra man and Taurus woman

Quite a rare combination. The Taurus woman stands confidently on her feet and values ​​material wealth and strength in people. The Libra man is unlikely to be considered by her as a worthy partner, capable of providing for her and being responsible for his words. Rather, as a boyfriend who is interesting to her and looks at him with loving eyes, whom she, however, is in no hurry to refuse. After all, all the power over him and these relationships is in her hands.

It happens that in her youth a Taurus woman is able to believe in sincere love for a Libra man. But the more time passes, the less he will satisfy her requirements. Forever young, with the wind in his head, talking a lot and doing much less - these are the main claims of the Taurus woman. The Libra man also counted on something else. He did not think that the Taurus woman was so selfish and pragmatic. If there was any romance in her, it dissolved literally before his eyes.

The Libra man should keep in mind that in the event of a divorce, if the marriage was legalized, the Taurus woman could provide all the legal nuances in her favor and he would be left with nothing.

These two signs are karmically connected. They seek security in relationships and they share a love of art, poetry and culture. This relationship may be slow to start and they will feel like they don't have much. common interests. However, once they understand and get to know each other better, they may find out that they have a lot more in common than was first obvious.

Taurus and Libra have a love for the arts. They appreciate haute cuisine and theater, collecting paintings and music. Physical and aesthetic pleasure gives these two signs true pleasure. They strive to love and be loved; A long courtship is a necessary part of any romantic relationship for them, and since they both have this need, they are well suited to each other. Taurus appreciates Libra's charm. If stubborn Taurus doesn't get his way, diplomatic Libra is able to smooth out rough edges and keep the peace. Libra values ​​luxury, and the sensual Taurus provides it for them. They can also teach each other a lot: Libra can help Taurus see different sides of a situation, and Taurus can help Libra overcome their notorious indecisiveness.

Compatibility by planets Venus-Venus

Both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the planet Venus (love and money). These partners share a love of beauty, luxury, love and romance. Libras in particular have a strong desire to achieve balance in all things; Both partners have charming personality traits and desire harmony in their personal relationships. The influence of Venus can also create problems; these two signs can lean toward laziness and snobbery, Taurus being property-based and Libra being intellect-based.

Earth-Air elemental compatibility

Taurus is an Earth sign and Libra is an Air sign. Taurus goes through life relying on their innate practicality, while Libra relies on intellectual exploration. Taurus asks, “how will this help me achieve my goals in life?” Libra, on the other hand, focuses on intellectual stimulation, whether practical or not. Conflicts can arise in this relationship if Taurus is too possessive, or Libra seems too flirtatious and social. If they want to have a long-lasting relationship, they must learn to accept that their views of the world are slightly different.

Interpersonal compatibility between Taurus and Libra

Taurus is a fixed sign, Libra is cardinal sign. In general, in these relationships, Libra initiates, and Taurus keeps this relationship afloat. A fixed sign won't budge, and Libra needs to understand Taurus' stubborn tendency. With gentle persuasion, you can force a Taurus to allow change into your life, and there is no sign more gifted in gentle, subtle persuasion and charm than Libra. On the other hand, Libra's indecisiveness can irritate straightforward Taurus. As long as Taurus does not impose his point of view as the only correct one, Libra can accept Taurus’ decisions.

What's the best thing about a Taurus and Libra relationship?

Their common love to pleasure, beauty and culture. Aesthetics are an integral part of both partners and their similar tastes. They both love to bring romance into their relationship, so harmony awaits them in love.

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Taurus and Libra are similar in many ways - they are balanced, value comfort, and do not seek to subjugate other people. The main difficulty in their relationship is their different worldviews. Taurus is more focused on everyday stability and does not like change, while Libra is not so practical and has more flexibility. If these people have a desire to find mutual language, they can immediately agree on the distribution of roles, and it doesn’t matter what area of ​​life we're talking about. In work, as in personal relationships, Taurus will cope better with the role of leader. Libras try to avoid any responsibility, so they do not claim dominance. Since Taurus does not act rudely or behave tyrannically, the union of this couple has every chance of success.

TAURUS man and LIBRA woman

A Libra woman next to a Taurus man feels like she is behind a stone wall. He is truly reliable and stable, his decisions are never quick, but are always thought out to the smallest detail. Representative air sign has an easy character, so it is unlikely to require more activity from the Taurus. If circumstances force her to be active, quarrels cannot be avoided. According to Taurus, she takes on many things at once, but does not bring them to fruition, so he will intervene to help. The man’s methods of action will seem slow to Libra, she will rush him, but will not tell him a specific way to solve the problem. As a result, Taurus will cease to understand what is required of him, will distance himself, and will then be accused of indifference. To maintain peaceful relations, these people should not engage in one thing at the same time, and it is also better for them to refrain from commenting.

♉ + ♎: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Such couples form quite quickly, but at the same speed the lovers begin to move away from each other. On initial stage relationship, the Taurus guy gives the girl the impression of a serious and reliable person. She was not mistaken, these are the qualities nature endowed him with, but he will become a support for her if she does not put pressure on him and burden him with her problems. The young man is generous, he will not refuse the girl help, but she must know when to stop. If it seems to Taurus that the representative of the Libra sign is relaxing even where she can easily manage on her own, she will cease to be attractive to him.

The Libra girl is charming and sweet, she is easy to talk to, but she often wins over Taurus using the wrong methods. She emphasizes her love of art, her mannerisms, her ability to conduct small talk, and tries to be charmingly mysterious. A Taurus guy loves complete certainty in everything, but he will never ask her a direct question about a girl’s intentions. If she does not behave in a way that is more understandable to him, the young man is unlikely to want to spend his time on a deep search for meaning in her actions.

♉ + ♎: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY“The first disagreements in this family will be of a domestic nature. The Libra woman keeps order in the house, but that is not the point. When it comes to joint acquisitions, spouses are unlikely to be able to agree. Libra loves aesthetics, and Taurus meticulously evaluates the quality of goods. If a husband and wife want to update the interior or buy something from household appliances, the main condition for Taurus will be the practicality of depositing funds. He has little interest appearance purchase, but he will make sure it lasts a long time. A Libra woman can protest for a long time against the appearance of comfortable and durable furniture in their home, only for the reason that she has seen something more beautiful somewhere, albeit not of such quality. Her husband will listen to her, but will act in his own way. Sometimes it is useless to argue with a Taurus. The spouse will be offended because her opinion was not taken into account.

There will also be disagreements about a joint holiday. The Taurus man is not very sociable, and in social communication, which his wife loves so much, he does not see any point at all. To avoid quarrels at least on this basis, it is better for spouses to spend their free time separately.

Despite the difference in characters, over time, Libra and Taurus get used to each other’s characteristics, especially since this couple does not have too serious reasons for conflicts. In any case, both will need patience.

♉ + ♎: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Taurus and Libra are rarely friends, and to be more precise, their communication cannot be called that word at all. They can be friends, but they must be united by something else besides human sympathy. If these people are connected by work that is interesting to both, this may bring them closer to some extent, but it is unlikely that they will look for reasons to meet in their free time. The Libra girl prefers superficial communication, and the Taurus guy does not respect conversations about anything. in their case it is simply impossible. Even if this couple is related, there will still be no spiritual closeness.

LIBRA man and TAURUS woman

The relationship between a Taurus woman and a Libra man cannot be called easy. Representative earth element concerned about stability and material well-being, and her companion spares no expense on vacation, loves interesting trips and beautiful life. With mutual compliance, this couple will be able to achieve harmony in the relationship, but it is important that both are interested in this union.

♎ + ♉: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Libra guy and a Taurus girl rarely pair up because they have too different interests. If this happens, after a short period of time they cease to be interested in each other. For Libra, Taurus's nature is too down-to-earth, and the girl would like to see a more practical person next to her.

The lovers spend their free time separately. The Taurus girl loves her home, reluctantly agrees to go for walks, and her boyfriend cannot stay in one place for a long time. In addition, he will force his chosen one to communicate with his acquaintances, of whom he has a great many. The girl in his campaign will quickly get bored; she has a small circle of close friends with whom she is connected by trusting relationships, and not by small talk that is not interesting to her. It is unlikely that the union of Taurus and Libra will last long. These people have no desire to understand each other, so it is hardly possible to talk about rapprochement.

♎ + ♉: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Taurus and Libra spouses will never become one. Each of them adheres to their own views on life, and does not share plans for the future with the other half, fearing disapproval. For a Taurus woman great importance have material values, and for her husband - spiritual. Quarrels in the family most often occur precisely on this basis. If spouses have a free amount of money, each of them wants to use it in their own way. The husband may want to buy expensive concert tickets or spend everything on a trip abroad, but the wife will insist on repairs, paying off debts (if any), that is, she will find a thousand reasons to deny her husband the pleasure. It doesn’t matter which of them ultimately achieves their goal - such psychological tension will be created in the family that victory will no longer please anyone.

Sexual compatibility is not the highest. The Taurus wife is conservative, so she will not appreciate her husband’s ingenuity, and he believes that there is no romance in her at all. Over the years, they may get used to each other's characteristics, but each of them will secretly dream of a more suitable partner.

A husband and wife can live together all their lives, but they will not become close people. According to the Libra man, his wife oppresses him in many ways. He is often forced to agree with her, because she knows how to give convincing arguments in favor of her being right, but if she overdoes it, then her husband’s life will become gray and boring, and one day he will get tired of it.

♎ + ♉: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— A Libra guy and a Taurus girl have a perfect friendship different attitude. The young man is sociable, he is friends with everyone, and at the same time with no one. The Taurus girl does not see the point in such acquaintances and connections; she communicates only with time-tested people who inspire confidence in her. If, nevertheless, young people spend a lot of time together, this indicates mutual interest, but this is not the case.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

What happens if you combine two signs ruled by the planet of love? A union full of romance and idealism? Or are such relationships like castles in the air? For Libra and Taurus, for whom the attraction can be instantaneous, astrological forecast quite favorable, although with some “buts”.

Taurus and Libra - love compatibility

The relationship between Taurus and Libra is a challenge for each of them, both signs are ruled by Venus, but represent different properties of Venus:

  1. Taurus loves comfort and relies on the sense of touch and taste.
  2. Libras crave beauty and rely on their sense of sight and smell.

If there is an attraction between these two, they may go crazy with love, but are often cautious before entering into romantic relationship. Taurus is often secretive and does not leave Libra the opportunity to get to know themselves, and Libra spends too long preoccupied with finding flaws. Ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra show high compatibility with signs ruled by Mars:

  • Aries;
  • Scorpio.

But this does not give a clearly negative answer to the question of whether Taurus and Libra are compatible. They, like some kind of opposites, can balance each other:

  1. Taurus will help hesitant Libra to be firm and decisive.
  2. Libra will reveal to Taurus different sides of the problem and protect them from making a hasty decision.

Taurus and Libra - Marriage Compatibility

Taurus and Libra have many common interests. Both are romantic souls, love and appreciate art. If Taurus and Libra start a family, their home will be warm and cozy, ideal for home celebrations. An excellent looking union! What's hiding behind the screen? To understand how the two Libra Taurus signs actually combine, it’s worth remembering what elements they belong to:

  1. Taurus is an Earth sign and thinks calmly and logically.
  2. Libra is airy, constantly chatting about everything that is on his mind. Taurus finds this annoying.

When earth meets air, a sandstorm occurs. This is roughly how one can describe the union “Libra woman-Taurus man”. She's a cardinal and active sign, always on the move and full of ideas, Taurus's stubbornness can greatly frustrate her. This conflict between the fixed sign (which is Taurus) and the cardinal sign is at the root of the problems associated with their compatibility.

The mythical archetype of Libra is an idealist: for them everything should be perfect. In a relationship, they will constantly try to improve the couple's life, materially and emotionally. Libras obsess over how things could be and should be. Taurus, on the other hand, looks at what is happening in life in a completely realistic way.

Taurus and Libra - sexual compatibility

Taurus and Libra have common ground in sex, but each has their own approach to Venus as the planet of sexual pleasure. It's all about the exalted planets:

  • Taurus has the Moon;
  • Libra has Saturn.

Taurus cares about emotions and tenderness. Libra wants good and long-lasting sex. No matter how different they are, both Taurus and Libra are ruled by the planet of love, and they are attracted to each other. They are able to work out their differences and try to learn about the “other side of Venus” instead of expecting the impossible from each other. Both are gentle lovers, and with enough patience they can create a wonderful union.

Taurus and Libra - compatibility in friendship

Taurus and Libra have high compatibility in friendship; communication between these two signs looks as if two parts of one whole had met. The sophisticated nature attracts both to art and culture. Common desires and goals lead to the formation of close friendships. However, this similarity of interests may not appear immediately - it is not noticeable at first glance. But the more Taurus and Libra get to know each other, the more common interests they will discover, which will develop mutual admiration.

Many people are interested in horoscopes today, even those who claim that they do not believe in them. Some are directly interested personal compatibility with one or another zodiac sign, we’ll talk about this.

Compatibility of Libra and Taurus signs– it is this “sweet couple” that will be discussed in this article, and let us immediately clarify that both of these signs are controlled by Venus (the first to a lesser extent), constantly compete and compete with each other. It is not true to believe that Taurus is stronger because it is a representative of the earthly element; airy Libra is also active, and you should not underestimate them; believe me, they are not weak-willed. Their sociability and gentleness should not mislead anyone, since behind the external manifestations of peacefulness and complaisance lies a strong, sometimes irreconcilable spirit and prudence. They manage to achieve their goals due to natural charm, which is the merit of Venus, which significantly deprived Taurus of the same quality. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Taurus and Libra in friendship and service

Indeed, it is quite problematic to suspect this couple of having a strong friendship. After all, Libra seems to have completely different life values. After all, they are more focused on achieving a certain social status, on social events that require significant financial investments and for other similar purposes. While Taurus are not known for their generosity, they are characterized by isolation.

Compatibility of Libra and Taurus in business sphere difficult to predict. In principle, their cooperation can be fruitful if they work under the guidance of a person born under a different zodiac sign. The practicality, inertia and patience of Taurus, with his penchant for specifics and tangible activities, can be successfully combined with Libra’s ability to excellently establish contacts with others, including business partners. Venus warns both of these signs about the need to follow the laws, but only Taurus clearly listens to this kind of advice, while Libra is not inclined to follow every letter of it. In the relationship between Libra and Taurus, there is always stubbornness on the part of the first and pride on the part of the other, which creates the main problem.

Libra and Taurus in love

It should be said right away that everything is possible in life, and astrology does not deny the likelihood of attraction at the physical level between these zodiac signs. It should be said that the compatibility of the signs Libra and Taurus in love sphere very controversial, and the stars are skeptical about such an alliance. The fact is that Libras often tend to express their sensuality and passion verbally.

In fact, they often demonstrate their coldness in bed when they find themselves in it with a partner born under the sign of Taurus, for whom sex is far from the last place in life. However, not everything is so bad, since another development of the situation is quite likely. In this case, responsibility for full intimate life lie on Libra, who must act as an experimenter. This means that they should have a desire to “subdue” the stubborn Taurus, but by calling on their own cunning for this, pretending that they are ready to fulfill his demands. At the same time, Libra will gradually achieve their goal, in the end they will succeed, so much so that Taurus will not even notice it.

And now is the time to discuss this difficult and interesting alliance in more detail.

Taurus man and Libra woman - compatibility

It should be recognized that in this situation, mutual understanding is maintained in the couple, provided that both partners are ready for dialogue and under any circumstances they are able to reason sensibly. Taurus is ready to do almost anything for his family in order to ensure proper comfort and well-being in his nest. And the other half (Libra) will create the necessary comfort, and all the necessary household chores will not be a burden to her. Libra will surround both their spouse and children with care; you just need to give them confidence in the future. And Taurus is able to give such confidence, since he is initially a reliable person, moreover, capable of providing adequate material wealth. The only thing that men born under this sign lack is the romance that Libra needs.

Libra man and Taurus woman - compatibility

In this union, the compatibility of the signs of Libra and Taurus is in question, and the forecast is no longer as optimistic as in the previous case. Although not everything is as terrible as they say, if there is a desire. The fact is that the man (Libra) does not show much desire to show increased attention to his wife (Taurus), which she so needs. This earth sign It is common for him to strive to create comfort in his home; it is enough for him to feel confident in tomorrow and focus only on the interests of the family. Only the other half in the person of her husband (Libra) perceives family values somewhat differently, he is not able to refuse a wide circle of contacts. Therefore, the couple simply needs to find a compromise without compromising each other’s interests. If one is not found, then the risk of the couple’s separation increases, or another option is possible when the Libra man begins to live a double life.