To dream that you lost your bag. The magic of numbers

During the second phase of the waxing Moon, energy gradually increases in the surrounding world and in the human body. This is the most suitable time for haircuts and procedures to improve hair condition. Now the simplest manipulations will have a positive impact on your overall well-being, and will improve your mood and reputation in the eyes of others.

A visit to the hairdresser during the second phase of the waxing moon will give your hair additional strength and stimulate its growth. In addition, a haircut will strengthen the roots and cope with the problem of split ends. Executed in this period, the haircut will keep its shape for a long time and improve general view image.

Now is not the right time to change your image and experiment with new types of hairstyles. Perms, styling and hairstyles may not live up to expectations and ruin the mood of their owner.

Procedures aimed at improving the condition of hair - masks, balms, wraps, lamination and keratinization - have a beneficial effect on the growing Moon. They will give health and strength to curls, increase their protective forces and improve your overall condition.

Dyeing, highlighting and coloring are not prohibited. However, you should only perform color changing procedures if these are shades that are familiar to you.

Procedures to change the length or color of hair during the waxing Moon can have a beneficial effect on the general state of affairs. New hairstyles will increase your body tone and improve your mood, which will be noticed and appreciated by others. When getting a haircut during the current period, it is possible to remove negative energy influences and clear karma. This will contribute not only to hair growth, but also to career and material advancement.

Positive influence of the second phase of the waxing Moon:

  • cutting your hair during this period will strengthen the condition of your hair and improve its appearance;
  • wellness treatments will have a very good effect - healthy shine and strength to the curls are ensured;
  • coloring on last days the growing Moon will add charm to the image, but only in the case of a natural or familiar shade;
  • Hairdressing manipulations these days will increase the body's defenses and bring good luck and prosperity.

Negative influence of the second phase of the waxing Moon:

  • The period is not suitable for experimenting with a hairstyle and a new hair color - the result may not live up to expectations.

Moon in Gemini

One of the most windy and airy signs of the zodiac, Gemini gives the days when the Moon passes through them their changeable mood. All planned activities will be characterized by inconstancy and changeability.

Haircuts made during this period will be quite good; the frivolity of the sign will give them splendor and volume, but you should not expect them to last long. The hair will grow back very quickly and its structure will not improve. Rather, on the contrary - having cut your hair several times during the Moon in Gemini period, you risk weakening your hair, making it brittle and split, which will not add beauty to your hairstyle.

However, other cosmetic procedures with hair will be very successful - during this period, absorption increases, so various masks and nourishing balms will reveal their maximum effectiveness and will be gratefully received.

This is also an excellent time for coloring and highlighting; the hair will be perfectly saturated with pigment, while its structure will not be damaged, and the color will last the required time.

The influence of the lunar day

10 lunar day

Today, activities aimed at harmonizing appearance are suitable for activities.

However, today is not yet suitable for dramatic changes in hairstyle. You can do a new hairstyle, braid your hair in a different way, or curl your hair, but cutting your hair is not recommended yet. It won't improve your appearance, and can also negatively affect the health and strength of hair.

It’s a good idea to start a cycle of health or cleansing treatments for your hair and scalp on this day. This will bring unexpectedly good results to improve their condition. You can change the color and dye your hair a different color. These experiments will not disappoint you.

You need to know that on the 10th lunar day, a trip to the hairdresser can result in serious health problems or conflicts with those close to you, but grooming and beauty at this time are not guaranteed even by a very good hairdresser.

Influence of the day of the week

This day is considered a women's day, because many centuries ago astrologers divided all the days of the week between patrons, for whom the planets were chosen solar system. Friday came under the influence of Venus, so this day is special in matters of beauty and appearance.

Hair that has undergone procedures on this day will look healthier and shinier, and your hairstyle will grow slower and remain in its original shape longer.

A haircut on Friday has a special impact not only on your hair, but on your entire appearance as a whole. It will help you transform yourself and radically change your image. This hairstyle will be worn with pleasure, keep its shape for a long time and bring self-satisfaction and a good mood.

Also, a haircut on this day of the week will bring dramatic changes in life and help improve well-being.

If you are completely satisfied with your appearance and the course of your life in general, then in this case it is better to refuse to visit the hairdresser. Also, those born on Tuesday should not get their hair cut.

It is advisable to cut your hair according to the Oracle on favorable days of December 2018, which are marked in the Oracle table for the month; it is on such August days that a haircut will have a beneficial effect on you, will have a beneficial effect on your inner world, will charge you with positive energy, relieve stress, and drive away bad thoughts.

In the table for the month of December 2018, you will find all the favorable days for hair cutting in December according to the Oracle, on which of them the Oracle’s prophecies recommend changing the haircut, making adjustments to the hairstyle. You will also learn about the most Not auspicious days hair cutting according to the Oracle, which can adversely affect you if you decide to make adjustments to your appearance, will create problems for you, and will charge you with negative energy.

Lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for December 2018 - favorable days

Lunar calendar-the oracle is a convenient assistant in choosing favorable days for cutting and coloring hair. The calendar includes favorable days in December 2018 when cutting and coloring hair will be safe. After studying the oracle calendar for December, you can easily choose best time to visit the salon. Our lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring will indicate all the favorable days of December 2018. The oracle calendar will also tell you which December dates are not suitable for cutting hair.

Favorable days of the lunar calendar for cutting and dyeing hair in December 2018

Our oracle calendar of haircuts for December 2018 is suitable for all girls and women. It includes data on favorable days in December for cutting and coloring hair. Using an oracle calendar for December 2018 with favorable days, you can easily find out when cutting hair is allowed and when cutting hair is prohibited in December 2018.

Date of month Moon phase Favorable/unfavorable day
01.12.18 Descending
02.12.18 Descending Neutral date (haircut or dyeing will not cause harm, but will not help restore hair)
03.12.18 Descending Neutral date.
04.12.18 Descending
05.12.18 Descending A favorable date for a radical change in image, any haircut or hair coloring.
06.12.18 Descending The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
07.12.18 New moon Neutral date.
08.12.18 Growing A favorable date for a radical change in image, any haircut or hair coloring.
09.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
10.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
11.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
12.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
13.12.18 Growing A favorable date for a radical change in image, any haircut or hair coloring.
14.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
15.12.18 First quarter Neutral date.
16.12.18 Growing Any hair care procedures are prohibited. They will cause serious harm to the curls, leading to their fragility, loss and loss of a healthy appearance.
17.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
18.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
19.12.18 Growing Neutral date.
20.12.18 Growing A favorable date for a radical change in image, any haircut or hair coloring.
21.12.18 Growing The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
22.12.18 Full moon Neutral date.
23.12.18 Descending Neutral date.
24.12.18 Descending The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
25.12.18 Descending Neutral date.
26.12.18 Descending Neutral date.
27.12.18 Descending A favorable date for a radical change in image, any haircut or hair coloring.
28.12.18 Descending A favorable date for a radical change in image, any haircut or hair coloring.
29.12.18 Last quarter The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.
30.12.18 Descending Neutral date.
31.12.18 Descending The date is suitable for cutting the ends, laminating and painting. A radical change of hairstyle is acceptable, but not recommended.

A new hairstyle, a fresh haircut, hair care are women's favorite concerns. It’s not so easy to decide to change your hairstyle, so both men and women plan a trip to a beauty salon in advance: they look through stylish magazines, inquire about modern trends. And, of course, the most competent ones do not forget to look into lunar calendar of haircuts for 2019, because the situation celestial body predicts how successful the haircut will be and how it will affect the condition of your hair. If you are planning a trip to a stylist, it will be useful for you to know when it is better to get a haircut, makeup, or change your look, based on the table lunar phases. Depending on the location of the Moon in the calendar, hair cutting in 2019 can have both favorable and unfavorable effects on fate.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for 2019 by month

Favorable days for a haircut for the week:

Haircut on Monday according to the calendar - this is a day quite suitable for cutting hair. At this time you can take off your huge amount negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. Monday is also favorable for hair coloring.

Haircut on Tuesday according to the calendar - the lunar calendar advises going to the hairdresser if you lack physical strength or the will to solve some important dilemma, or if you are tormented by the monotony of life.

Haircut on Wednesday according to the calendar - This is a good day for cutting your hair. Now is the time to get a haircut to learn something new or exciting, meet new or old friends, increase the number of trips and events in life.

Haircut on Thursday according to the calendar - cutting and coloring your hair will contribute to changes in relationships with others, will help increase your popularity, increase your luck and well-being.

Haircut on Friday according to the calendar - this is the day of Venus and the day of beauty. When you visit the hairdresser on Friday, you're not only changing your hairstyle, you're changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the way you look, it is better not to get a haircut on this day of the week. Well, if you want to look prettier, visit a beauty salon on Friday, especially during the period when the Sun moves through the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Haircut on Saturday according to the calendar - this is a good day to work with hair and care for it. On such a day, your hair becomes healthier, and at the same time some of the birth marks are removed from you. karmic debts and sins.

Haircut on Sunday according to the calendar - today it’s better not to cut your hair - you can clip the wings of your fortune. This day is not bad only for the unfortunate unlucky ones - maybe fate will have mercy and after putting your hair in order, luck will smile. But, alas, no one can guarantee this.

Among other things, there is an opinion that the phases of the moon affect hair growth. If you get a haircut during the waxing Moon, your hair will grow an order of magnitude faster than after a haircut during the waning Moon. During the new moon, astrologers do not advise visiting beauty salons and makeup artists. On such days, a haircut can even shorten a person’s life, taking away energy and health. To confirm their theory, they claim that main reason male pattern baldness is that the baby's first haircut was done on the waning moon. The same rule is associated with women who have thin and weak hair.

The lunar calendar, based on which haircuts are made, is gaining enviable popularity today. It was created in ancient times, when humanity built its entire life according to the lunar phases.

The calendar was created taking into account centuries-old observations of the influence of the moon on hair, its health and growth. Since curls are a significant component of a person’s image, they require regular care. Silky and well-groomed, they attract attention and make the appearance more tidy. The lunar calendar for hair cutting 2019 will help you choose a favorable time to create a new hairstyle and color your strands.


As a rule, a person feels the impact lunar cycle– elevated or, on the contrary, unbalanced state. Influence heavenly body quite large, and its manifestations are varied. Hair has long been attributed magical abilities, connecting man and subtle matters. Ancient oracles noticed the influence of the phases of the moon on the growth of curls, and modern scientists only confirm the “discoveries” of antiquity. Thanks to this, a special calendar is created from year to year, indicating favorable and unfavorable dates for cutting hair.

The chosen period for visiting the hairdresser affects the entire body as a whole. The waning moon phase will slow down the growth of hair strands. Updating your hairstyle during the waxing Moon promotes rapid growth and has a beneficial effect on the tone of the immune system and the renewal of body cells. But hair care procedures during the new moon can have a detrimental effect not only on the condition of the strands, but also take away positive energy person, shortening life.

Long-term observations confirm this fact. If a child’s first haircut is given during the waning moon, the boy will experience earlier baldness, and the girl will be “gifted” with sparse and brittle hair.

The lunar hair cutting calendar has 4 phases: the killing moon, the new moon, the waxing moon phase, and the full moon. The most favorable time to visit a beauty salon is, of course, the period of the waxing moon. This is an ideal period, characterized by increased strand growth, cell renewal, and accelerated metabolic processes.

The 1st and 2nd quarters of the cycle are especially useful for cutting hair. It is recommended to visit a hairdresser during this period:

  • if you want to make a drastic change in your image, experiment with your hairstyle, or create something new, unusual for you. The waxing moon phase welcomes original and unusual haircuts. Rest assured that during this period the style update will be successful;
  • if you strive to achieve maximum length in a short time. A haircut during this period will speed up the necessary processes, and the desired result will be achieved much faster;
  • if you are the owner of thin strands that need strengthening. A haircut during this phase has a beneficial effect on the quality of the curls and will increase their thickness and volume.

However, haircuts can also be popular during the waning moon. It is recommended to visit a hairdresser at this time in the following cases:

  • inhibiting the growth of strands to reduce visits to the beauty salon to a minimum. This may be useful when traveling to a resort or on a long business trip. When there is no time or opportunity for traditional care;
  • to give strands a natural shine and silkiness. Slow growth is compensated by qualitative improvement general condition hair;

The remaining phases are extremely unfavorable for any manipulations with the hairstyle. These are periods of intense interaction between the lunar and solar luminaries, which can result in health problems.

Lunar calendar and days of the week

Hair cutting lunar calendar 2019 suggests exact dates, characterizing favorable and undesirable days for visiting the hairdresser. However, if you do not have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the current dates, you can use the basic rules for drawing up a calendar:

Interaction of the Moon and elemental signs

Lunar haircut calendar 2019 relies on the interaction of the heavenly body with the signs of the elements. Even a successful phase of the waxing Moon may not have the expected effect if it is patronized during this period unfavorable sign. Watermarks are considered not the best companions for updating your hairstyle. Particularly unlucky days are those when the Moon is in the constellation Cancer and Pisces. At this time, the installation does not hold its shape and quickly “falls apart.” Trimmed hair will lose volume and become very thin.

Fire signs contribute to the qualitative and aesthetic improvement of hair condition. Like a mane noble lion, Your hair will become voluminous and alluring, and any changes in your image will only be for the better. You should beware of the constellation Aries, “thanks to” which the strands can fade and become brittle. Sagittarius has a neutral attitude towards haircuts, but visiting a hairdresser during this period can cause dandruff.

Airy constellations make the hairstyle fluffy and light. In addition, hair strengthening and cell restoration are observed. Any styling on this day turns out to be especially successful. However, the constellation Aquarius is an exception to the general air element. Haircuts during this period can cause extensive hair loss.

Earth signs have positive influence for manipulation of curls. The styling during this period will look stunning and will last all day. These days are especially good for cutting the ends - your hair will look well-groomed and neat for a long time. A visit to a beauty salon when Taurus is in the constellation will bring success not only in updating your image, but also in financial matters.

Lunar days – characteristics: