Rising zodiac sign calculation. Calculate ascendant sign by date of birth

Rising sign is the sign that rises on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth and is visible from the place of birth. It is used to mark the dividing line of the First House, which is associated with physical body. What is important is not only the exact degree of the ecliptic to which this sign rises, but also the entire zodiac sign to whom it belongs. As a result of the continuous movement of the Earth, the angle of the ecliptic in degrees changes every four minutes. Bearers of the same zodiac sign who were born more than four minutes apart may have different ascending signs.

The angle of elevation of the rising sign on the map indicates a dense line of electromagnetic energy passing through astral body. People with clairvoyance see it well. Most people do not know the exact time of their birth. Even parents are surprised when they are asked to remember at what exact time the child was born.

Practicing astrologers use various methods to solve this problem. It is possible to calculate based on the dates of vital events: first serious illness, accidents, death of parents, marriage, birth of a child, etc. Another method is based on comparing the positions of the Houses and the relative positions of the stars and planets in a person’s horoscope with his social status, character traits, type of work or profession, and financial situation. If the moment of conception is known, the ascending sign can be determined on this basis.

Ascendant or rising sign (these terms are equivalent) - important element your horoscope. The Ascendant is a sign that reflects your outward behavior; it largely determines how he sees you the world. The word "external" is key when referring to your rising sign, as it represents the outer side of your personality. Taking advantage modern language, we can say that this is your image.

Very often it turns out that the ascendant is responsible for what the world sees in you first of all, what is the first impression you make. Many astrologers believe that your rising sign reveals you more directly than your Sun sign. The Ascendant is compared to the door of a house, the entrance through which the visitor must pass to see the dwelling itself.

The face that a person shows to the outside world is a fusion of the sign in which the Sun is located with the ascendant. This combination determines the unique impression you make. Your Moon sign is associated with the more hidden aspects of your personality. This influence is deep and all-encompassing, but others feel it in your character rather than see it lying on the surface.

Since the ascendant is the sign rising above the horizon at the time of your birth (hence the term "rising sign"), it reflects the moment when your independent life in this world began. It characterizes your interaction with others, your individual communication style.

The Ascendant is called the sign of your “I” - your self-awareness, independence, interest in yourself. In many ways, the rising sign denotes your goals, aspirations, and indicates the main area of ​​application of your creative powers. To some extent, this sign also influences external characteristics and manners. This is your mask facing the world. Like any mask, it can hide the true face, but rather it is part of the real face. This is the face that you show to others with the greatest ease and naturalness.

What is the Ascendant? In its simplest definition, the ascendant is the astrological sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. To better understand what this means, imagine the Earth as a small circle at the center of a larger circle. The second circle depicts the sky, the celestial sphere surrounding us. You lie on a small circle (Earth) and look up at the sky at the moment of your birth.

When a person says that he was born under a certain sign, he means the sign of the Sun (that is, the sign in which the Sun is at the time of birth). However, when astrologers talk about the sign under which an individual is born, they mean the ascendant. The Ascendant used to be considered a more important factor than the Sun sign, but this opinion was abandoned in the twentieth century.

However, many astrologers believe that the ascendant line is the main component of the birth chart, since other parameters of the horoscope can be calculated based on its position. One thing is certain: without establishing the ascendant, the interpretation of the horoscope remains limited, and it will never become truly natal, that is, relating to the moment of birth.

Ascendant according to Horoscope

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1 995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 46 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1 921 1920

The first step in rectifying a horoscope is to determine the position of the Ascendant (Asc), the ascending degree at the time of birth. To do this, you should translate the horoscope into the house system of Jamaspa (or Brahmagupta), because it is this Asc that indicates the characteristic facial features and structure of the figure this person. It should be noted that in 90% of cases, if Asc is in the last three degrees of the zodiac sign, then the following constellation will appear in appearance. For example, if Asc in the Jamaspa house system falls at 29 degrees Leo, then this individual will most likely display Virgo features in his appearance. And if Asc is at 29 degrees Taurus, then we will see manifestations of Gemini traits. The Saraswati program contains a description of the most important external characteristics of a person with the Asc position in 12 zodiac signs and examples of various famous people. In addition, we suggest that you take a special test system, where you must select the appropriate Asc position based on three photographs or drawings. If you learn to determine Asc using tests without errors, you will be able to easily cope with this task with any person from your circle of acquaintances who has turned to you for medical, astrological or psychological help, or even seen him in in public places or on TV. This will be especially easy to do when the time of birth is known within 2-3 hours, since Asc moves from one zodiac sign to another at a speed (depending on latitude) from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours.

The main difficulties may arise in rectifying the horoscopes of people whose Asc falls on certain planets, called “geniuses of birth.” Although in some cases they allow you to exclude or confirm the position of the ascending degree without further rectification steps. For example, if a person’s Chiron is in the orb of one degree in the XII house or two degrees in the I house, then the color of his pupils will necessarily be different colors (one is brown, the other, say, gray). Or, if Uranus is in the last 2-3 degrees of the 12th house or in the first third of the 1st house, then this person will certainly have high growth and at least a slight squint. We also provide a description of the “geniuses of birth” in the Saraswati program.

To control and train the determination of the ascending sign, use the “3 signs” tests, where, based on one photograph, you are asked to indicate the sign of the ascendant, and “3 photographs,” where from 3 photographs you need to choose the one corresponding to a given zodiac sign. Tests must be repeated until the answers are 100%.

Ascendant in Aries

  • The face fits into a triangle, pointing down.
  • Hair is often curly, chestnut, red or light brown in color.
  • Arched eyebrows and often brow ridges.
  • The eyes are large or medium.
  • The look is direct, open, often arrogant, perhaps militant, and sometimes naive.
  • The nose is large, often straight or curved down.
  • Lips are small or medium.
  • The chin is small.
  • Men often have bumpy skin on their faces.
  • Characterized by an athletic build, even among women.

Examples of an ascendant in Aries:

Ascendant in Taurus

  • The face fits into a square.
  • The hair is thick, often dark,
  • but there are also fair-haired ones.
  • The hairline is usually straight.
  • Eyebrows are medium and straight.
  • The shape of the eyes is beautiful, the eyelashes are often pronounced.
  • The look is soft, good-natured, “calf”, but in anger the face turns purple, the eyes are filled with “blood” and hatred.
  • The nose is usually small, often snub-nosed,
  • often with pronounced nostrils.
  • The lips are large and harmonious.
  • The chin is average.
  • Characterized by a short and wide neck.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • In women, breasts, buttocks and thighs are prominent.

Examples of an ascendant in Taurus:

Ascendant in Gemini

  • The face fits into an oval.
  • Hair comes in different shades and is sparse.
  • They like to have their hair cut short.
  • Eyebrows are small and narrow.
  • The eyes are medium or small, often with squinting,
  • located closer to the nose.
  • The look is moving, interested.
  • The nose, lips and chin are average.
  • Tend to be thin, often short.
  • They usually look younger than their age.
  • It is difficult to sit still for a long time; they like to do different things at the same time.

Examples of the ascendant in Gemini:

Ascendant in Cancer

  • The face fits into a circle, a little puffy.
  • Pale skin color, sometimes with a yellowish tint.
  • The hair is dark, less often light brown.
  • The eyes are a little protruding, but the gaze is inward, somewhat childish, naive or confused.
  • The figure tends to be overweight, arms and legs are usually small.
  • Women have pronounced mammary glands.
  • The nose is small, often snub-nosed or “potato-shaped.”
  • As a rule, the chin is not very pronounced.
  • Characterized by drowsiness, slowness and lethargy.

Examples of an Ascendant in Cancer:

Ascendant in Leo

  • The "lion's" mane is characteristic.
  • Men often experience early baldness.
  • Hair is often chestnut, light brown or red.
  • If dark, there is a tendency to early gray hair.
  • The eyes are large, somewhat slanted and beautiful.
  • The look is friendly, inviting to play.
  • The nose is medium or large, usually straight (Greek or Roman).
  • In profile - a “lion” face.
  • The lips and chin are average.
  • The figure is better formed at the top: broad shoulders, well-developed arm muscles, large chest. In women, the size of the mammary glands is medium or large.
  • The shins are often narrow.
  • Posture is proud, straight, confident.

Examples of an Ascendant in Leo:

Virgo Ascendant

  • The face fits into a wide oval.
  • Almost all facial features have the same proportions, which makes the appearance unmemorable, without any special features.
  • Astrologers often joke that they have “the typical appearance of a Komsomol worker.”
  • The eyes are medium in size, set close to the nose.
  • Bow lips.
  • Women often have pink or white moles on the nose and around the lips.
  • They love classic clothing styles.
  • Most often, the tendency towards youthfulness remains.

Examples of a Virgo Ascendant:

Ascendant in Libra

  • The face fits into an oval.
  • Hair is often dark or light brown, usually sparse.
  • The eyes are beautifully shaped, the gaze is cold, somewhat aloof, but not arrogant.
  • The smile is forced. The bridge of the nose is narrowed.
  • They keep their distance and don’t like familiarity.
  • The nose is small, often snub-nosed.
  • There are usually dimples on the cheeks.
  • The chin is large but harmonious.
  • The skin is often pale.
  • The upper body is poorly developed: narrow shoulders, small chest, and in women the size of the mammary glands is small.
  • Buttocks, thighs and legs are well and harmoniously developed
  • Typically thin bone.

Examples of the ascendant in Libra:

Ascendant in Scorpio

  • The face fits into a wide oval or triangle.
  • The hair is often dark.
  • The eyebrows are thick - fused on the bridge of the nose or dicritical (dominated), often lowered low.
  • The eyes are medium-sized, often squinted.
  • The gaze is direct, “snake-like”, piercing right through, like an x-ray.
  • The nose is large, often slightly curved downwards or with pronounced nostrils.
  • Lips are narrow or medium.
  • Characterized by a pronounced lower jaw.
  • Men love to wear mustaches, beards and long hair, the skin is most often lumpy.
  • Athletic figure, even for women.
  • They don't like to show emotions.
  • The timbre of the voice is low or hoarse.

Examples of the Ascendant in Scorpio:

Ascendant in Sagittarius

  • The face fits into a pentagon.
  • The forehead is large, straight or rounded.
  • Baldness, usually early from the forehead.
  • The eyebrows are wide and thick, but do not grow together on the bridge of the nose.
  • The nose is average of any shape.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • Characterized by a large, rounded belly.
  • The hands are large, and the finger joints are often pronounced (knobby).
  • Women, as a rule, have a large overweight figure.
  • The look is somewhat arrogant, self-confident.
  • They like to put pressure on others with their authority.

Examples of the ascendant in Sagittarius:

Ascendant in Capricorn

  • In childhood and youth they look older, in old age they look younger.
  • Often the face seems to be forged from stone, there are many wrinkles.
  • Height is usually below average.
  • The eyes are often small.
  • Eyebrows are often wide but sparse.
  • The nose is massive.
  • The forehead is large.
  • The look is confident, stubborn.
  • Prominent chin.

Examples of an ascendant in Capricorn:

Ascendant in Aquarius

  • Tendency to be tall and thin.
  • They look youthful.
  • Characterized by strabismus.
  • They like to dress and behave in very strange ways, like jesters.
  • The fingers are long and the joints are knobby.
  • The gaze is distracted or clouded.
  • Eccentricity and anarchy in behavior.

Examples of an ascendant in Aquarius:

Ascendant in Pisces

  • The face fits into a circle or an extended oval.
  • The hair is thick, dark or light brown, and flows down like a waterfall.
  • The forehead is large and usually straight.
  • Eyebrows are usually thick.
  • The eyes are incredibly beautiful.
  • The look is mysterious, a little sleepy,
  • directed inwards.
  • The nose is medium, of any shape, but harmonious.
  • The lips are big and beautiful.
  • Tend to be overweight.
  • There is some pallor and swelling of the skin.

Examples of an Ascendant in Pisces:

Planets – “Geniuses of Birth”

If a planet falls on Asc, then it affects appearance in the following way.

Each planet has its own orbs (tolerances), which we will indicate.

Sun (orb in the XII house up to 5-6 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a charismatic personality, large slanting eyes, a playful, friendly and radiant look, a pink or reddish complexion. Women most often have voluminous hair.

Moon (orb in the XII house up to 5-6 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a pale or pale yellowish skin color, a rounded face, some swelling, small arms and legs, as well as hands and feet, a tendency to be overweight, slightly protruding eyes, a thoughtful look.

Mercury (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives thinness, a mobile look, small eyes set close to the bridge of the nose. Tendency to wear short haircut, youthfulness even in old age.

Venus (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives large and harmonious lips, a beautiful eye shape, pronounced eyelashes. Women have a harmoniously proportioned figure (breasts, waist and buttocks). The hair is thick, often dark or light brown.

Mars (orb in the XII house up to 3-4 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives an athletic figure. A big nose. Typically arched eyebrows. An arrogant or too direct gaze.

Jupiter (orb in the XII house up to 3 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives charisma. Usually a pentagonal face. Early tendency to obesity and baldness from the forehead. Big belly. Thick eyebrows. Large brushes. Pronounced hips and buttocks. A self-confident, sometimes vain look.

Saturn (orb in the XII house up to 3 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a tendency towards thinness, short stature. A large number of wrinkles Eyes with a small cut or medium. The look is firm and purposeful. Typically low forehead. Youthfulness after 50 years.

Uranus (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives high growth. Tendency to squint, even slightly. Unusual appearance. Large hands.

Neptune (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a sleepy, foggy, mysterious look directed inward. Tendency to swelling. There is a feeling that a person always wants to sleep.

Chiron (orb in the 12th house up to 1 degree, in the 1st house – up to 2 degrees)
Gives different colour eye. The upper part is less developed than the lower part. The look is moving, the feeling of a mask on the face. Hair growth is developed in the lower part of the body (especially the legs).

Pluto (orb in the XII house up to 2 degrees, in the I house – the first third)
Gives a fixed gaze, penetrating through and through. The sizes of the eyes vary, but, as a rule, they are squinted. They are most often tall. People usually have a feeling that the surrounding space is filled with this person and psychological pressure on others, regardless of volume and height.

Proserpina (orb in the 12th house up to 1 degree, in the 1st house – up to 2 degrees)
Such a person blends into the crowd and is difficult to distinguish from those around him. Everything is proportional, averaged. He can look like anyone.

What is the Ascendant?

The Ascendant is a very important point in every horoscope. When you just start studying astrology, then all these concepts “Ascendant”, “Descendant”... seem like something incomprehensible. In fact, everything is very simple.

When constructing a horoscope, why do we start? From date, time and place of birth. This is the very starting point.

For example, date of birth (DO) 16.09.1980 V 10:00 V Zaporozhye. To buildhoroscope for this person, we must look at which zodiac sign was rising on the horizon at the time of his birth and in what degree of this sign Asc fell. In other words, the Ascendant is the degree of the Zodiac that is at east side horizon (or rising degree) at the moment of birth, as seen from the place where the person was born.

In most astrological house systems, the Ascendant (Asc.) is used as the cusp of the first house and is the starting point in constructing the horoscope house grid.

This can be done using Ephemeris and house tables, which is quite clever. But today everything is much simpler - there are professional computer programs. Also, knowing the time of sunrise and sunset on your birthday (which can be found in any even detachable calendar), you can also “estimate” your Ascendant. Here's the simplest way:

  • If you were born at dawn, then the Ascendant will be equal to your Zodiac sign. That is, if you are Cancer, then your rising sign in your Horoscope is also Cancer.
  • 2-4 hours after sunrise the Ascendant moves by about one sign. That is, if you are Cancer, but were born at 7 o’clock in the morning, then your rising sign is already Leo.
  • 4-6 hours after sunrise the Ascendant will move through two signs. This will already be Virgo for our Cancer.
  • Being born in the middle of the day means that the Ascendant moves about three signs.
  • 4-6 hours before sunset - four digits. Our Cancer will most likely already be Scorpio according to the Ascendant. And so on.

That is, at the heart of this very simple method it is implied that every 2-4 hours the Ascendant moves approximately one sign (30 degrees). But this is conditional, of course. Because there are signs that travel through the Ascendant for more than 2 hours, but there are also those that move much faster, less than 2 hours. They are called the signs of fast and slow ascension.

Therefore, the easiest way to accurately determine your Ascendant is to use computer program, which allows you to calculate your natal chart.

So, in our example for DR: 09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporozhye

What does the Ascendant show in the Horoscope?

This is, figuratively speaking, the door through which we enter this world after taking our first breath. We were born. Under what circumstances were we born, what preceded it, how do we perceive the world, what do we look like, our appearance, our reaction? All this information is given by the rising sign.

09/16/1980 10:00, Zaporozhye – The Ascendant in the birth chart is in the 3rd degree of Scorpio.

What can we say about this person?

According to his manifestations, he is Scorpion. We begin to build on this in our reasoning, describing the behavior, character and appearance of a given person.

Scorpio - implies some tension, internal contradictions, aggressiveness. It is possible that before giving birth the mother of the newborn experienced some negative emotions, anxiety, worries, I didn’t really want pregnancy... something was inharmonious. There could have been complications or bad attitude from the staff during the birth. That is, the child went through negativity. As a result, he will be restless, loud, and demanding.

In the appearance of this person, despite the fact that he is a Virgo according to the Sun (“according to the Horoscope”), there will be something Scorpio-like - for example, a hooked nose, a sharp, mocking look, as if from under his brows. The character will show secrecy, some poisonousness, anger, and aggressiveness. In life, such a person will have to face crises more than once. Scorpio attracts negativity.

It must be said that the Ascendant is also how other people see us, what we are in their eyes, our abilities and talents. If at the time of birth the Ascendant was strengthened by connection with anyplanet, then all of the above becomes a priority in the interpretation of the Horoscope. Most likely, it is precisely according to this scenario that the life of its owner, the native, will develop.

Viya Fedyanina

  • Here you can calculate your ascendant

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The importance of the ascendant in astrology is difficult to overestimate. Calculating the ascendant will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about the facets of your personality and understand your character traits. In this article we will tell you what the ascendant is, howcalculate ascendantV natal chart how the ascendant affects a person’s character and how to use this knowledge in everyday life.

What is the Ascendant or Rising Sign in Vedic Astrology

IN Vedic astrology ascendantusually called one of the following names:lagna, janma lagna or Udaya Lagna. All these concepts denote the zodiac sign in contact with the horizon line in the East at the moment of a person’s birth (rising sign).

Before answering the question about, let's remember the influence of the Sun and Moon on the character and personality of a person.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant in the horoscope

Most people are accustomed to paying attention only to the solar and lunar signs of the zodiac, i.e. on what sign the Sun and Moon were in at the time of a person’s birth. But the ascending sign plays perhaps the most important role in compiling a complete “cosmic portrait” of a person.

Sun (Surya)responsible for spiritual strength, vital energy, development. The solar sign of the zodiac has a greater influence on the inner essence of a person, his self-awareness, and the way in which he directs active energy into the world.

Moon (Chandra)“manages” the unconscious, emotions, reflexes and habits characteristic of us. Moon sign determined by what zodiac sign the Moon was in at the time of your birth. It indicates how a person adapts to external circumstances, building a kind of psychological defense, as well as how a person behaves alone with himself.

In the case when the sign located in the ascendant coincides with the lunar or solar signs, the potential inherent in the ascendant sign is enhanced.

Rising signdetermines how we perceive this world, how our self-expression occurs in it. In other words, the lagna influences the first impression that we make on the environment, and, conversely, the impression of the world around us that we form in the process of learning it.

Exactly ascendantis responsible for what psychological qualities and physiological characteristics we inherit from our parents. Our talents and abilities, behavior, position in society, state of health - you can also find out all this by calculating your rising sign.

How to calculate the ascendant?

We believe that you are already convinced of the importance of the ascending sign in Vedic astrology. Now let's talk about.

What should be done:

  1. Go to this site
  2. Register
  3. Click on the button " New map"and enter your data: name, date, time, place of birth and time zone
  4. We look at the first house and the number in it, where 1 is Aries, 2 is Taurus, 3 is Gemini, etc. in order of the zodiac signs. This is your ascendant

Let's look at an example:

The zodiac sign in the first house of your natal chart is your Ascendant (Asc) . You can calculate the lagna without a natal chart. To do this, you need to know the exact time of a person’s birth, since the ascendant is quite mobile: it moves to the next zodiac sign in just 2 hours (for comparison: for the Sun it takes a month, for the Moon - 2.5 days).

If you don’t have time or are not sure that you can draw up your natal chart yourself, we suggest calculating the ascendant using a special table. This method is less accurate, sowe still recommendmake your own map.

To do this, you need to know the exact time of birth and understand what time the Sun rose that day.

Time of birth Rising sign
At sunrise (+/- 1 hour) Matches the sun sign of the zodiac
2-4 hours earlier or later than sunrise First sign from sun sign(for example, if you are Gemini, then your ascendant will be either Taurus (-2 hours) or Cancer (+2 hours)
5-6 hours earlier or later than sunrise Second sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini the ascendant will be either Aries or Leo)
During the day between sunrise and sunset Third sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Virgo)
4-6 hours before sunset Fourth sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Libra)
2-3 hours before sunset Fifth sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Scorpio)
At sunset (+/- 1 hour) The sixth sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Sagittarius)
2-4 hours after sunset Seventh sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Capricorn)
5-6 hours after sunset Eighth sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Aquarius)
At night between sunset and sunrise Ninth sign from the solar (for example, for Gemini - Pisces)

How to calculate the ascendant using an example

Ascendant in Scorpio

The man was born on October 11, 1983 at 11.34 in Moscow. Enter this data and get a card:

We see that the number 8 is in the 1st House, which means in this example the ascendant is in Scorpio.

You can also learn more clearly how to calculate the ascendant from the video of our astrologer, Svetlana Nikolaeva:

Ascendant in Scorpio: how to interpret it?

A person whose rising sign is Scorpio is usually brave, decisive and self-confident. These are daring, capricious and impulsive people, possessors of a subtle mind.

They are often interested in esotericism, everything secret and incomprehensible. Their ambitions and passion for various kinds of conquests lead to vivid love affairs and difficult life situations.

The Ascendant in Scorpio can give arrogance and cruelty, as well as a rapid loss of interest in anything.

People whose ascendant is located in Scorpio should direct their excess energy into some creative channels that will bear fruit over time.

Do you want to learn how to build your natal chart to see your hidden potential and purpose? Register for our free webinar, where we will tell you how to create your individual horoscope and learn to fulfill your desires using a special technique

What will your rising zodiac sign tell you?

After we've looked at the Scorpio ascendant as an example and you've calculated your ascendant, let's look at the characteristics of each rising sign.

They strive to be the first in everything, they are independent, quick in their judgments and actions, do not tolerate advice and rely on their own opinion, uncompromising. They have many new ideas and they strive to immediately implement them, they are enterprising, arrogant, with a strong self. They quickly recover from failures. Often spontaneous in behavior, they are characterized by excessiveness.

Taurus- this ascending zodiac sign can be described in words: strength, predictability, consistency, stability, stability. At the same time, it is often difficult to understand what is on their mind. They make decisions only after long deliberation, they strive for comfort, so they can be slightly lazy. They have desire possess money and property, and they are very honest in love relationships.

TwinsQuite soft and peaceful, they have a lively mind, high intelligence and a constant desire for change. They are interested in literature and are able to accept different points of view. Due to their inconsistency, they take a long time to make decisions; there is a need for external control. They do not like to struggle with circumstances, are not inclined to follow rules, easily accept new ideas, like to look for workarounds, and are hasty.

characterizes sociability, intelligence, deep intelligence and taste, generosity, frequent ups and downs (the sign is ruled by the Moon). They resist force, know how to reach compromises and turn enemies into friends, and are very attached to home. They have a sense of responsibility, but in their youth they are very scattered and fickle. Lots of imagination, romanticism, easily embarrassed, often driven to action by fears or emotions.

full of creativity, self-confidence, enthusiasm, kind-heartedness and selfishness at the same time. They are able to express themselves and inspire others, they are majestic and hospitable. What else? Altruism, fearlessness, demandingness, nobility, dogmatism, belligerence, high thoughts, large-scale goals in life, trust in friends and relatives, generosity. Leos speak little, but they hear and take note of everything, and always act according to their own understanding.

Virgohonest, good at organizing the work of other people, patient but vindictive, prone to literary work, able to talk about difficult things and put them into practice, they can earn good money thanks to their own efforts. They can work several jobs, have real estate in different places, but it’s difficult for them. Virgos are neat, they have many friends and enemies, and they have a habit of thinking about every step.

value the divine and virtue, educated, flexible in mind, active in sexual relations. They are loved by the authorities, they travel a lot, are good traders, are not too brave, and are peace-loving. They weigh all the circumstances, are gentle, ambitious, respected in society. Libra has a balanced mind and good taste. They are idealists and tend to serve the community more than the individual.

Scorpiosoften have very low or too high self-esteem, have a difficult attitude towards people in sattva(people in sattva are people in goodness who always smile and help everyone) . Scorpios consider them insincere). Scorpios know how to hide their actions, they are very smart, self-confident, brave, independent, impetuous. They have a flair and taste for studying psychology and the occult, know how to keep secrets and entertain others, are sharp-tongued, sometimes vengeful, have natural magnetism, insight, and are inclined to justify themselves.

courageous and always striving for higher goals, stable under external pressure and continue to stick to their line. They can be tight-fisted, straightforward, carefully weigh all circumstances, and be truthful even to their detriment. They have a constant interest in education, distant countries, and a generally spiritual mindset. They easily perceive information, fight against injustice, do not like control, can change their views, and devote a lot of time to their family and children.

systematic, fast at work, can do several things at once, afraid of criticism and complaints. On the one hand, they strive for independence, on the other - for long-term friendly relations. They do not relax even after achieving their goals; they constantly strive for wealth, fame and success. They have a constant and certain income, manage finances well, are thrifty, and sometimes stingy with emotions.

They are original, can perform different actions and justify themselves for them, are smart and hardworking. Failures never stop them. They weigh the pros and cons, are slow to accept ideas, but once accepted, stick to them. They generously help others, speak openly, are not selfish, strive to stand out, but rarely change their views.

- This philosophical reflections and adherence to traditions, ability to meditate, impressionability, goodwill, honesty, absolute trust in people, literary taste and love of justice. They do many things at once and find it difficult to concentrate on one thing. At the same time, Pisces have a subtle understanding of beauty, they are emotional and intuitive. Pisces are also characterized by carelessness, a tendency to feel sorry for themselves, daydreaming, laziness, and sometimes a tendency toward hypochondria.

The Ascendant by date of birth will be your best hint and pointer on which path to choose in order to ultimately achieve success! It has a huge influence on a person, allows you to build an individual natal chart and correct data astrological sign in the zodiac.

The rising star in your horoscope is the ascendant, which can only be calculated professional astrologer. Why do you need to calculate the ascendant? Firstly, the exact degree allows you to learn more about a person’s nature, his aspirations, and true purpose. Secondly, it is likely that you will discover details about yourself or people close to you that you didn’t even know about!

How to determine the ascendant online for free?

Experienced astrologers know that determining the ascendant means seeing the true face of a person. It is the rising star that determines the appearance that we show to the outside world, how they see us. This is probably why many people who seek to understand themselves or their loved ones increasingly want to learn more about the Ascendant online. The rising sign is the real key to solving many puzzles that drive you into a dead end!

To determine the ascendant online and calculate which sign was ascendant at the time of your birth, an expert only needs to know the time of birth and date. Essentially, this is a sign of your “I”, which reflects many nuances of character and attitude to life in general. Having determined the ascendant, finding out the answers to many questions becomes easier than ever. Everything related to self-awareness, aspirations, life goals - the astrologer will reveal for you all the most hidden facets of your nature or the character of the person you are interested in, how the Sun and other planets influence him, and draw up an accurate horoscope.

Do you want to determine your Ascendant online for free? If you are new to the Astro7 website, your first consultation is a gift! Synastry, personal horoscope, horizon, choosing a good date for important event- you can find out all this from us. Our experts are ready to advise you and give you a transcript at any time - call!