What name to give a boy born in November

Choosing a name for a child born in November

The last autumn month corresponds for the most part to the sign of the zodiac Scorpio. People born under the sign of Scorpio are prudent and cunning, thanks to which they are quite successful in almost all professions.

People whose birthday falls in November value material gain above all else. Their prudence often borders on stinginess, although they do not spare money for their own needs.

November men and women are pronounced individualists, secretive and distrustful. They act without looking back public opinion and the interests of others, for the sake of their goals, can "go over their heads." In addition, they are distinguished by increased conflict, while being able to skillfully weave a network of intrigues and manipulate other people.

They take any business as seriously as possible and do not know how to rely on other people and trust their colleagues and partners at all. It is extremely difficult for such people to work in a team, and even more difficult for a team with them.

The best area for the application of their sharp mind and other talents is individual activity, in which they endlessly strive for perfection. Noyabrsk people successfully realize their abilities in business, law, programming, art, in some cases they can successfully teach or engage in scientific research.

In interpersonal relationships, men and women born in November are quick-tempered and stubborn. They are passionate lovers, but because of the tendency to manipulate, they do not know how to build trusting relationships in the family. At the same time, they have developed intuition and extremely rarely make mistakes when choosing a spouse. In relationships, they prefer to dominate.

Natural secrecy and distrust prevent the November people from establishing friendly ties. It is useless to turn to them for sympathy - they despise the weakness of others no less than their own. In some cases, they can show generosity, but only once, fearing that the person who received help will ask for it all the time.

To soften the character of a man born under the sign of Scorpio, such names as Philip, Maxim, Grigory, Artem, Victor, Konstantin, Mikhail, Ivan, Yakov, Stepan, Sergey, Alexander will help. most happy female names are: Irina, Elizabeth, Anna, Maria, Natalia, Elena, Anastasia, Vera, Lyubov, Claudia.

Astrologers do not advise children born in November to be called names such as Nikolai, Dmitry, Margarita, Marina, Ekaterina.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Women's names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with the character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. The name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

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How to name a boy born in November will tell you tochka.net. Our advice will help you if you are waiting for the appearance of your son in the next month and, going through the possible options, how to name the boy in 2016, you still have not decided.

How many boy names can be found in November. But after all, for your child, you want to come up with the best, the most sonorous, the most beautiful name in the world! And besides, the name of your son must be happy for him, a kind of amulet chosen for life.

What is the name of a boy born in November? It has long been a good tradition to name a child in honor of the saints. People believed that the saint, whose name the baby received, would become a guardian angel, helper, intercessor and patron of a person throughout his life. In addition, having received name, the child also adopts everything best qualities his saint: his strength, courage, kindness, justice, wisdom.


In the old days and to this day, parents or clergymen decided what to name a boy or girl by looking at Christmas time. In that church calendar the names of canonized saints are listed for each month. The names of boys and girls are chosen by the name of the saint who was revered directly on the child's birthday or on the dates closest to it. Thus, a person can celebrate not only a birthday, but also a name day.

But when choosing how to name a boy in 2016, do not forget that the male name should be in harmony with the patronymic and surname, be courageous and at the same time suit the baby in terms of his appearance and character.


Most suitable names boys born in November:

Mikhail, Felix, Maxim, Kuzma, Anatoly, Flor, Ivan, Trofim, Dmitry, Artem, Alexander, Evgeny, Alexei, Gerasim, Athanasius, Porfiry, Peter, Yegor, Valery, Arkady, Mark, Vasily, Cyril, Nestor, Vladimir, Gabriel, Nikita, Hilarion, Stepan, Fedot, Denis, Grigory, Pavel, Artemy, Konstantin, German, Fedor, Nikifor, Boris, Nikolai, Ilya, Matvey, Julius, Victor, Philip, Andrey, Timofey, Yakov, Averky, Bogdan, George, Leonid, Vsevolod, Semyon, Savva, Joseph, Demyan, Sergei, Augustine, Tikhon, Pantelei, Anton, Foma, Gennady, Zakhar, Arseny, Makar, Ustin.


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Children born in autumn have a clear character and the ability to issue firm decisions. Quite often, such children seem to others formidable and tough, but deep down they have a kind and sensitive heart. It is very important to choose the right name for your baby so that it helps him move along the life lines, and does not harm him in any way.

In recent times, people paid special attention to the future character traits of a newborn child, because every person has negative qualities that need to be softened in some way. Moreover, every person has positive characteristics that are important to highlight. The right name for the baby perfectly copes with these tasks. After all, since the most ancient times it has been indicated that the naming determines further fate any person. Choose a name for the baby in November 2018- this is a simple task, it is only important to study the characteristics of the baby.

The nature of children who are born in November

It is believed that people who are born in the autumn period completely repeat the habits of the specified time of the year. Kids, just like autumn, have at the same time softness and severity, warmth and rigidity. November kids are more like late autumn, they are realistic people and not prone to constant change.

Children born in November 2018 (the year of the Dog) are distrustful, it is very difficult to deceive them, because they will first check everything, and only then they will believe the person. November kids have a calm disposition, in most situations they are balanced. A light character helps children to have many true friends and good comrades, it is easy and simple to communicate with such people. From early childhood, November children will know the value of money and valuables, even when they live in abundance. This quality helps them to be thrifty, but to some extent prudent. Parents can be sure that adult life their children there will be practically no circumstances when their children will need money.

The names of girls and boys born in November should be chosen taking into account the fact that such babies are extremely serious and reasonable. Toddlers will have to make a lot of mistakes and go down the wrong path, but all these circumstances will help them choose only the path they need in life. November children always learn from their own mistakes and almost never repeat these same mistakes.

The choice of a name for those born in November 2018 should lean towards romance and tenderness. Such kids are obvious realists from childhood, and a romantic name will help them to be more down to earth and sensitive to life. Another positive quality is the purposefulness of such children, therefore the chosen name should in no way prevent a person from moving along successful lines of life.

It should be noted that in most cases, November children grow up famous people. From this we can draw the correct conclusion that the naming should not interfere with a popular person. It is very important to observe the conventions so that the surname and patronymic are harmoniously combined with the chosen name.

Among negative qualities prudence can be distinguished. Very often, for the benefit of themselves, November people will act badly and inhumanly. Material need will make them behave inappropriately, and it is important for parents to designate this quality as negative and help the child get rid of excessive prudence.

What distinguishes such children is envy. It will not always be displayed in black, but November children do not know how to feel someone else's pain and respond sincerely to someone's misfortune. Envy will manifest itself when they see a person in front of them who is more successful and happier than themselves.

Names for babies born in November

As already mentioned a little above, the names of those born in November should be somewhat romantic and soft. Autumn kids have an easy character, but some life situations they are forced to become tough and formidable.

The name must necessarily sound harmonious and not be exotic or funny to the ear. It is important to remember that the baby will need to find his right path in life, and the naming should in no way negatively affect their plans and determination.

Women's and male names those born in November must be selected from the following list:

  1. boys - Stepan, Evgeny, Rodion, Anton, Andrey, Pavel, Arseny, Valery, Taras, Viktor, Artem, Fedor, Grigory, Yuri;
  2. girls - Elizabeth, Claudia, Anna, Anastasia, Elena, Maria, Ulyana.
If we study the statistics of last year's periods of the same time, then the most popular names were:
  • boys - Nikita, Roman, Kirill, Maxim, Gleb, Arseniy, Savely, Stepan;
  • girls - Kira, Veronica, Sophia, Anastasia, Daria, Lyubov, Marina.

Orthodox calendar of names for November

The Christian foundations have their own recommendations on which names should be given to newborn children. The main thing to be observed in this case, this is a coincidence of the name day of the saint and the birthday of the baby. Naming a child according to the holy calendar helps the little man find a guardian angel who will always protect and protect the baby.

The Orthodox calendar of names for November 2018 contains names for children for every day of the November month. Any clergyman in church temple help parents decide the right choice and advise best name for a newborn baby.

The most popular and common among believers names for newborns are the following:

  1. boys - Philip, Orest, Nikon, Fedot, Grigory, Ignat, Dmitry, Kirill, Yegor, German, Mikhail;
  2. girls - Ulyana, Kapitolina, Nelly, Matrena, Natalya, Alena.