Do what awaits you next week.

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Dane Rudhyar

We encounter astrology literally everywhere, literally every day: in the morning at breakfast, turning on the TV, we hear the forecast for the current day and already know whether it’s worth leaving the house at all. On the road, having tuned the radio to any wave, we will definitely get to the horoscope - maybe it’s not too late to return to a safe home? During a lunch break, opening a magazine or newspaper, somewhere on the last page we will certainly come across the most popular prediction page.

You enjoy a simple and comfortable lifestyle. The layout is drawn, the rules are known to you, so you feel confident. Plus, many other travelers have traveled this road, so you feel like this is the right path. When you learn the rules of life's movement, you will change your life according to the direction, skillfully avoiding obstacles in your path.

Pioneers are fearless and brave people. You are the one who is able to open a new path and become the leader of the people. You are happy to take responsibility in your own hands and don't like excuses. The main thing for you is the goal with which you walk with a confident step. Difficulties only make you try harder. And even if no one dares to follow you, it will not diminish your passion and desire to move forward to conquer new spaces and places! However, astrological forecast does not always portend trouble. Sometimes, on the contrary, it gives us confidence, even if we are extremely skeptical about it. A good mood

- recipe for success. And for the first time on our website you can find out if the stars are smiling at you this week, from May 14 to 20.

If you, Aries, show the persistence inherent in you by your astrological nature, then the week will turn out to be fruitful in all areas of life. Set yourself Napoleonic plans and act. Only the strategy must also be Napoleonic. Your health will not let you down - the risk of catching some kind of disease or getting injured is minimal, but it still won’t hurt to take preventive measures. It would be a good idea to throw out the excess junk from your home and do some minor renovations. Order in the house means order in the head. Also this week, people with whom you had close relationships in the past may catch your eye. By renewing communication, you risk stepping on a rusty rake, so it’s better to get off with mutually polite remarks. If you had any conflicts with your life partner, then in the middle of the week - best time for reconciliation.

Your life is a kaleidoscope of adventures. You find your own path and overcome obstacles. You are confident in your abilities and know how to find a way out of any situation. On the one hand, such a road will usually lead you to your destination. But at the same time, it is inconvenient to walk on such a road, because it is difficult to adjust the distance between the rails. You need to take small steps or big steps.

Walking along this road, you quickly get tired, deviating from the dimension of life. But do not forget that at any moment a train may appear that can radically change your life. A paved hard road can be done without much risk. There are no strict markings: you can go anywhere. But there are still some rules that you must follow so as not to suddenly give up on the side of life. You seem to be a maverick. But if you are more objective about yourself, you will see that you easily prefer individuality to the “favorable conditions of the group.”

Taurus (20.04-20.05)

For Taurus, there comes a time when energy overflows. The main thing is to direct it to the right direction. And no, not for work or study, but for an exciting pastime. Put everything aside and use the days of May for walks in the fresh air, going to the cinema or playing sports. Do everything you've been planning for so long. This week is favorable for travel, a romantic acquaintance is possible. Don't forget to do pleasant surprises to your loved one, surprise him and show concern. If you are planning large purchases, then postpone them until the second half of the week.

You enjoy comfort and relaxation in life. The desire to be different prevails in your decisions. For the sake of the path that is for your heart, you can give up the comforts in your life. You're bored of following the beaten path. Only unexplored horizons can inspire you. And even if no one knows where this path can lead, you will take it. You are happier walking among the sounds of nature on an unfamiliar path than slowly following the crowds along a comfortable road.

Not the closest, not the most convenient and not the easiest way. But you are happy that you will go a long way among the open space. Not many people go down this path, so there is an opportunity to reflect and slowly move forward. You value solitude, and temporary solitude even heals you.

Gemini (21.05-20.06)

No matter how much you feed the wolf, it still looks into the forest. Geminis are trying with all their might to be exemplary family men, but the craving for freedom from earthly worries during this period is so strong that all efforts will be in vain. Don't torture yourself. Allow yourself at least a couple of days of carefree rest. This also applies to those twins who have small children. Feel free to leave all your worries on your other half and go meet old friends. Otherwise, accumulated fatigue can cause a nervous breakdown or prolonged depression.

If you want civilization and dynamism, go to the shining lights of life's fast lane, and if your soul yearns for peace, you will find a quiet corner in a small community. Walking along this road can easily tire your legs. If this is a temporary situation, there will not be any major problems. You have the opportunity to compare this path with other roads and find what really suits you.

But walking for a long time on this rough surface can be tiring and painful for you and may lead to frequent bad mood and dissatisfaction with life. Is this road worth the eternal melancholy in your heart? You prefer choices to be made for you rather than to be accepted important decisions. You are quite satisfied that the path of the park has been determined by someone in a certain way. At the same time, you like to receive aesthetic pleasure without risking anything.

Cancer (21.06-22.07)

Cancers will be overly intrusive interlocutors this week. They want to express their opinions and challenge others more than ever. However, this can come at a cost. Your bold judgments and harsh criticism can provoke a verbal altercation and, as a result, a conflict that will escalate into a real war. But on the battlefield you risk getting into trouble. So maybe we should hold our tongues while we have something to hold on to? Towards the end of the week, exacerbations are possible chronic diseases. Refrain from accepting alcoholic drinks and fast food.

You are often afraid to take responsibility. And at this moment you are happy with yourself and your choice. In Sortiraparis we have a lot of ideas for you, so don't waste your time and open now the animations you should visit in Paris this week!

A show featuring circus performers, dancers and actors - one of the scenes inspired by the movie Metropolis. If you like unusual shows, don't miss this one! This fall, Kasabian returned with a new opus and a series of concert stops across Europe. However, the three's hopes seem to have exploded faster than expected as they are suddenly faced with their worst Christmas nightmare: their mothers! They don't just appear out of the blue, but drive everyone to the brink of madness with their quirks and quirks. He comes to the ultimate showdown between mothers and daughters.

Leo (23.07-22.08)

It's time for the lions to reap the harvest. You worked hard day and night, without knowing a rest, and now you can proudly eat the ripened fruits. But don't stop there. If you continue like this, you will double or even triple your results. Fate is preparing you to meet the right people who can become reliable employees. At the end of the week, disagreements will arise in the family - loved ones desperately demand your attention, but, carried away by your work, you do not notice anything that is happening around.

Master detective Hercule Poirot is on his way back from one of his cases on the legendary Orient Express. But instead of enjoying a luxurious train ride, the investigator was faced with the next corpse of his career - the victim was murdered home life. Poirot has thirteen other passengers on board, and any one of them could be the killer. The detective must deliver the killer as quickly as possible before slamming him down again.

Inspired by director Luis Busuel's film of the same name, conductor and composer Thomas Adish created a surreal scene that tells the story of a never-ending dinner party. Modern musical lighting, in which Adi himself stands on the podium. Direction: Tom Cairns.

Virgo (23.08-22.09)

If the week from the first day did not go well, then you should not think that the next six will go the same way. Blame all failures on Monday, which, according to folk myth, can't be easy. And starting from Tuesday, your mood will begin to rise, new ideas and plans will appear, and most importantly, the strength to implement them. Rely on your intuition - it will tell you in which direction to move towards your goal. All past troubles are in the past - relations with relatives are improving, mutual understanding reigns in the house again.

In anticipation of Aunt Lucy's birthday, Paddington is looking for a suitable gift. He finds his way into the antique store of the wonderful Mr. Gruber, who has all sorts of treasures: a unique pop-up book made by Paddington. However, small, clumsy Bdar must do several side jobs - chaos is inevitable.

And then the book is stolen too! Parisian broker Paul Gauguin is a happy husband and father of four children. But when Camille Pissarro discovers his artistic potential, he without hesitation abandons his bourgeois existence and devotes himself to painting. Torn between the loss of his family and the fulfillment he finds in his new Passion, Gauguin passes through years of high and low levels, until one day he decides to go to Tahiti and stay there forever.

Libra (23.09-22.10)

In the middle of the month, Libra will be drawn to philosophical reasoning. During this period, you will want to indulge in nostalgia, leaf through the book of your life and rethink some chapters. Don't dive headlong into the past. But look not only ahead, but also under your feet - there may be dangerous holes or stones on the roads. Listen to the advice of others - this will help you avoid many mistakes. The middle of the week will be successful financially: perhaps an old debt that you forgot about will be returned to you. On the personal front, no change.

The small but brave donkey Bo wants nothing more than to leave his daily life and endless hard work in the village mill behind forever. For the adventure of his dreams, he one day gathers his courage and jumps out without further ado. Finally free, Bo meets the beautiful sheep Ruth, who has lost her flock, and Dave, White dove with very ambitious plans. Together with three stupid camels and a bunch of eccentric stable animals, the unequal friends follow the big star on the horizon.

Nina and Ferdinand were best friends since they were born. On the farm where they live, the little girl is always accompanied by a giant bull who, despite his strength, has a very soft heart that fights for flowers and music. But one day Ferdinand was suddenly taken away because from now on he would fight like many other bulls in Spain.

Scorpio (23.10-21.11)

This week will be quite successful. You will be able to successfully advertise your previously completed work. Meetings with classmates and fellow students are possible. You should not avoid them; it is likely that they will bring positive emotions. It is better to spend the end of the week and possible parties with your family. The week as a whole is favorable for conducting such matters as paperwork and other legal matters. Be careful about large financial expenses.

In a surprising and unexpected way, Star Wars: The Last Jedi continues the story of " Star Wars: The Power of Awakens.” An epic new adventure in the Skywalker saga reveals ancient secrets of power and reveals devastating revelations from the past.

Fresh out of college, Bellas has a harder time hitting the right note in the cutthroat world of work than on the cappella stage. The euphoria after winning the World Cup quickly fades as each of them is on their own, finding correct work. All the more attractive is the opportunity for them to meet for the last time in international competitions. He has created a new musical light that will once again inspire the masses.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

This week Sagittarius will not have to catch luck by the tail - it will hang itself around their neck and accompany them everywhere. Don't miss the moment! The time has come for you to achieve great things. Achieve a promotion at work, make a profitable deal, defend your diploma brilliantly, or finally pass your driving exams - during this period, everything you have wanted to achieve for a long time will become easily achievable. But keep your eyes open - not all people will be able to rejoice at your success.

His success was not only in his sensational performances, but also in his creativity, including his personality and the strength with which he believed in himself, with his exciting idea of ​​great entertainment. What he did: He shared his vision with audiences and founded a world-famous entertainment empire that has delighted generations of viewers.

The earth's resources are running out and the planet is tearing apart at all its seams. To solve the problem of overpopulation, Norwegian scientists have developed a method by which they can downsize people and thereby significantly reduce their needs and consumption. 12 cm small man ultimately consumes less water, air and food than a large one. In hopes of a happier and more financially secure life in better world Average citizen Paul Safranek and his wife Audrey decide to leave their busy life in Omaha and seek their great fortune in a new, shrunken community.

Capricorn (12/22-01/20)

When doing good to your loved ones, do not expect much gratitude. Actually, that’s not why you helped them. But after that the curve good luck will go up, emotions will subside, you will be calm. This is why there will be time for hobbies and communication with colleagues or friends. But still, don’t forget about your parents and own health. The end of the week can be remembered for a short hiking trip or a romantic evening.

Tosca has been an integral part of the operatic repertoire since its inauguration and is one of the five most frequently performed operas in the world. As a thriller, the story grabs you from the first second. Stage: Sir David McVicar. The little witch has a big problem: She is only 127 years old and is still too young to dance with the other witches on Walpurgis Night. So she sneaks around the most important of all witches' parties - and takes off! As punishment she must remember everything magic spells from the great magic book for a year and show everyone that she is a good witch.

Aquarius (21.01-18.02)

The glasses in the frames of Aquarius' rose-colored glasses have cracked. Everything that the representatives of the air element rejoiced at took on more realistic outlines. Welcome to earth. The accumulated load of postponed tasks has been released freedom-loving Aquarius from heaven and requires immediate permission. Now is the time to work, not to rest. If you find yourself in this position, you will feel depressed. But towards the end of the week you will again be able to take a life-giving breath of freedom and escape from the bustle of the world into your transcendental dreams. Spend the weekend in nature - it will help you regain lost strength.

But diligence and ambition are not really theirs strengths, and besides, evil witch Rumpumpel tries his best to prevent her success. Together with her talking thief Abraxas, the little witch thus sets out to discover the true meaning of a good witch.

“We have a German prima donna, a stuttering tenor, a baffo with the voice of a goat and a French bass who is useless,” Donizetti complained before the premiere. Thanks to the Met's stellar ensemble, the continuation of this success is guaranteed! Direction: Bartlett Sher.

This is probably why Puccini succeeded in captivating audiences with his opera. Everyone can dive into the game and share in Everyday life, care and love for the performers. There is no experience without tears! Production: Franco Zeffirelli. Semiramis is haunted by the shadows of her past. Along with her lover Assur, she once killed her husband, King Nino. She hopes for peace of mind from marrying Arsas, but not only Arsas loves another, he is also Semiramis and Nino's son, who is considered dead.

Pisces (19.02-19.03)

For lonely Pisces, this week promises to be measured and monotonous. Your peace of mind is unshakable. But for the representatives of the sign associated family ties, a real storm begins. Showdowns can throw you out of your natural element onto the shore, so now it is very important for you to be able to find a compromise and stay afloat. Give up the palm to your partner; do not swim against the current - it is stronger than you. Take a closer look at your passion. Perhaps you will discover a lot in it positive qualities, which had not been noticed before. It will be difficult to overcome your pride, but by showing flexibility in relationships, you will win.

According to the already established tradition, we publish the most accurate horoscope for the week from July 6 to July 12, 2015, which was compiled by Pavel Globa’s Ulyanovsk colleague, astrologer Andrey Pupyshev.


This good period for interaction with other people, for joint recreation, romantic meetings, implementation of joint creative projects, for social activities. You should not make large purchases for your home; unpleasant surprises are possible. Take care of your health.


This is a good time for home transformations, for working from home and family events, but also for long-distance travel. Continue to work actively (you will have such an opportunity, and this should be appreciated), and you will get what you deserve. Thursday is a bad day for contacts and travel.


You shouldn’t go to friendly parties now, you need to take care of your health. Short movements will be successful, important purchases will be unsuccessful; you should not make important decisions now. Spend more time with your children and people close to your heart.

Continue to implement your plans, earn money, you will have favorable opportunities for this, especially away from home (but there may also be unpleasant surprises). It’s better not to talk about money with your boss; the effect may be most unexpected for you.

Your initiatives in business sphere may be quite successful now, there will be opportunities to earn money. Just don't let your guard down. On Wednesday and Thursday you should not go on long trips, take care of your health. There will be quite a lot of forced work, and you have to put up with it.


An excellent time for teamwork, cooperation, and to clarify vague issues and situations. Now you can take stock of previous activities and make plans for the future. This is not a good time for large purchases. Be especially careful on Wednesday and Thursday.


Continue to work actively, and the results will not be long in coming. Although it will be difficult (and you can expect unpleasant surprises in the middle of the week). Collective actions, working in a group, with friends will be successful. But you shouldn’t “roll your lip” too much; your possibilities, alas, are not limitless.


This is a great time for love. Now you shouldn’t stay at home, isolate yourself in your own world, or isolate yourself from society. Your main achievements are possible in outside world, at work, although they will not be obvious to everyone. Be very careful on Wednesday and Thursday.


Now it is best to work actively in partnership, in a group, in a good team, with friends, and not alone. This is not a very good period for important events, life changes, for risk. On Wednesday and Thursday you should not make important purchases or make serious decisions.


This is a good time for contacts, travel, the world is coming to meet you halfway. Make decisions, intuition will be strong. Partners are also very wise and have the information you need. If your soul is confused, do not give up your principles, stand your ground. Take care of your home, help your parents and relatives.


You will have the opportunity to make pleasant and valuable acquisitions. Communicate more with your children and loved ones. This is a romantic period. True, there is a danger of losing all your money. Invest in family affairs and home transformations. It's not a good time for travel.

During this period, you should not get involved in financial adventures, make large purchases, or invest money in dubious projects. But income from past successful investments is possible. Success at work is also possible if your creative enthusiasm has not yet disappeared and you are still active.