Eclipse in a year by month. Karma is a universal cause-and-effect law, according to which certain actions of a person determine his fate, the suffering or pleasure he experiences.

Dear friends, a penumbral lunar eclipse awaits us on September 16, 2016 22:04:50 (Moscow time) in the sign of Pisces

This eclipse belongs to 147 Saros and is number 9 out of 71 eclipses in the series.

Moreover, we are in 9th month of the year and completing the 9th year universal cycle.

Therefore, the processes of completion, destruction of illusions, discovery of deceptions and secrets are now actively underway. This is the time when justice must prevail

During this eclipse, we are reaping what we have sown - it is time to pay the bills, and if you are playing foul, then you still have time to do everything right and correct the situation.

The lunar eclipse on September 16 informs us about the importance of the topic of relationships and all situations that are associated with it, and will lead to the understanding that in any relationship we need to take into account not only our desires, but also the interests of the people around us.

Luck will accompany only those who can find a balance between spiritual and material assets, combine self-interest with collective public interest, etc. that is, to be in balance.

At a time close to the lunar eclipse, both before and after it, opportunities will open up to finish things started earlier. Also, an eclipse in Pisces will reveal secrets that you would like to hide from prying eyes and ears. Any small misunderstandings can lead to big conflicts in love relationships. Relationships on the verge of collapse or outdated ones will come to their logical conclusion. Based on the situations of this period, it will be possible to understand what is the limiting factor in achieving the chosen goal, and immediately get rid of it.

An eclipse of the Moon in Pisces provides an opportunity to look into the depths of your soul and discover a “shadow” there. And what we learn about ourselves and others can be harsh and even shocking. You may find suppressed emotions inside yourself, including negative ones: fear, anger, jealousy, rage. Discovering them within yourself is the first step towards healing. If you are willing to take the good with the bad, you will be able to handle them successfully. This makes it possible to accept reality with all its advantages and disadvantages, to see where we are and in what new direction to grow.

The day when the lunar eclipse occurs, as well as the week before and after this date, can bring emotional reactions. Sensitivity and irritability are growing, so it is undesirable to make fateful decisions on such days. It is better not to plan anything important for this period, to continue doing your usual things.

But this is a good time for spiritual practices, meditation and reflection, inner work, and creativity.

The period of influence of this Lunar Eclipse is the most best time to develop your creative potential, your best qualities and abilities, as well as personal growth. Do not ignore such desires, because they are what will lead you to success.

For people of creative professions, this is the most fertile period, since it is during this eclipse that inspiration will descend on you every now and then, you will have new interesting ideas and the desire to implement them. Don't miss this chance, because you can create one of your best works.

During the eclipse on September 16, 2016 full moon is located in Pisces. This sign is associated with compassion and spirituality, creativity and intuition. His energies are capable of blurring the boundaries between people, showing that we are all connected through invisible spiritual forces, that we are all parts of the One...

To harmonize possible negative consequences eclipse, I give you the activation of Merging with the Source.

At all times, eclipses have been given special attention - they were studied as a phenomenon, used in various mystical rituals, taken into account when planning important matters, etc. In the Middle Ages, many interpreters saw eclipses as an evil omen and believed that they caused negative events and phenomena, such as war, famine or natural disasters. Nowadays, eclipses are perceived completely differently. Modern astrology claims that eclipses also have a positive meaning. Eclipses bring us opportunities!

In 2016, we expect 5 eclipses: 3 lunar and 2 solar.

Total solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 at 04:54:14 (Moscow time) at 18°56″ sign Pisces

This will be the 52nd eclipse of 130 Saros. Its previous “analogue” occurred on February 26, 1998. This eclipse cycle is associated with the completion of something important. If we go back to Russia's past, then after this eclipse on March 23, 1998, the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin, as unable to cope with the economic crisis, was dismissed. President Yeltsin appointed acting Prime Minister S.V. Kiriyenko. A.B. Chubais was also relieved of his post. Among other things, active opposition efforts were carried out to force the resignation of President B.N. Yeltsin. Some trends of the hot political spring of 18 years ago may repeat again, but the main political figures will be different people.

The eclipse will be total and therefore very significant, fateful for the whole world. The eclipse accentuates the Virgo/Pisces axis—the axis of service. Order and love, people and God. This eclipse continues the cleaning program in the territory of one’s own life. There may be light on the horizon new perspective, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away.

The Eclipse in Pisces on March 9, 2016 will bring a lot of mystery and mysticism to a number of important events. High-profile revelations and scandals based on intrigue and deception are possible. Completely unpredictable and unexpected situations can occur. Situations related to the spiritual world, self-knowledge and intuition will come first. Also, the sign of Pisces is associated with people of creative professions, which increases the likelihood of very talented works appearing during this period.

An eclipse in Pisces gives us hope for peace, humanity and spiritual harmony (the highest manifestation of Pisces). But we must not forget that along with the highest there is always a wrong side - for Pisces these are deceptions, forgeries, behind-the-scenes games, stupefactions, mass delusions and illusions.

During the days of a solar eclipse there is a lot of energy, which can make us take rash actions. To survive the solar eclipse in Pisces with minimal losses, we will have to give up hopes for a favorable outcome and abandon rose-colored glasses. It is important to maintain purity (at the level of matter, feelings and mind). It is better to observe the events taking place with a calm heart and eyes wide open, without turning away or becoming emotionally involved. You can remind yourself that everything around you is nothing more than a matrix.

Our “great” plans may actually turn out to be an illusion, and confident promises will turn out to be impossible. Therefore, try not to make serious conclusions throughout the week, do not start new projects, and beware of sudden movements and urgent decisions. The decisions made during the eclipse will indeed come true, but in reality they may turn out to be unnecessary, reckless and even capable of harming you.

Eclipses in Pisces usually bring water-related disasters (from tsunamis to extreme rainfall) and problems for the fishing industry. Presage premature death famous personalities. Perhaps on the eve of the eclipse, immoral actions of people on religious grounds or in connection with the law will become known.

2) People - the impact of the eclipse will be felt especially acutely by people whose significant horoscope elements are in the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. For those who have mutable signs in the range from 14 to 24 degrees natal chart personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) are located, it will also have a significant impact.

Penumbral lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016 at 14:59:11 (Moscow time) at 03°17″ of the sign Libra.

The eclipse belongs to 142 Saros and is number 18 of the 74 eclipses in the series. All eclipses in this series occur at the waxing node of the Moon.

On a global level, the lunar eclipse on March 23, 2016, which will occur on the Libra/Aries axis, will raise legal issues. International laws, regulations, agreements, pacts and treaties adopted and concluded at this time will have major consequences for the development of the state in the future.

The lunar eclipse, which will occur on March 23, 2016, will reveal the need for a peaceful resolution of military conflicts. This eclipse may well lead to significant negotiations on the fate of individual states and the world as a whole. To ordinary people we must strive for cooperation, not oppose ourselves to others, and try to resolve emerging conflicts using civilized methods.

Under the influence of an eclipse, a desire for independence and freedom may suddenly arise, a desire to undertake non-standard solution. However, even if you think that you are completely ready to accept new realities, you should not rush to act; it is better to try to restrain yourself from hasty decisions.

Who will be most affected by the eclipse? strong influence:

1) Countries and territories - Syria, Saudi Arabia(Mecca), Libya, China, France, England, Venezuela, New Zealand, Moldova, Slovakia, Austria, Burma, South Africa, Hawaii, Greece (islands), Monaco, USA (south), Australia, East and South Asia, Central and South America, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Part of Russia - Eastern Siberia, Sakhalin and Kamchatka; Arctic, Antarctica.

2) People - the most sensitive to the influence of the eclipse will be people of the cardinal signs: Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, and Aries. If your natal chart contains personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) at 9-19 degrees of cardinal signs, then you will also be affected by it.

Penumbral lunar eclipse on August 18, 2016 at 12:25:37 (Moscow time) at 25°52″ sign Aquarius.

This lunar eclipse carries signatures of emotional sensitivity, spiritual knowledge, psychic openings and the recognition of hidden creative and artistic abilities. It promotes themes of global unity, humanity, creativity and ingenuity. The issues of transformation that bring new perspectives to old situations will be relevant now. Spiritual commitments can manifest easily and effortlessly during this time. This is especially true for literary and creative endeavors that carry the intention of helping others on a global scale. Humanitarian activities will receive greater support. Anything undertaken with the intention of helping or bringing the greatest benefit to all will gain wings during this August lunar eclipse.

Like all things, the old must be cleared away to make way for the new. This lunar eclipse in Aquarius has the power to disrupt situations that are not aligned with the energies of the New Time.

Eclipses in Aquarius often bring tornadoes, storms, hurricanes, torrential rains, social upheavals and revolutions, military events, and technical disasters.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that Russia belongs to zodiac sign Aquarius. Naturally, cosmic phenomena occurring in this sign influence political events in Russia. Let us note that eclipses, as a rule, do not bring anything good to the states in whose sign they occur. To “look beyond the horizon,” let’s consider previous eclipses, because according to logic, what has been will be in the future.

In 2016, the first penumbral eclipse in Aquarius, in 2017-2018. There will be one solar and two lunar eclipses in Aquarius. During previous eclipses in Aquarius in Russia, the leader of the country changed 9 times (in 1917 - three times!). In four eclipse periods in Russia (USSR), there was chaos or a serious weakening of power. Most likely, this will happen in 2016-2018. Naturally, military events are also possible, as they have happened before.

Who will be most affected by the eclipse:

1) Countries and territories - Russia (northern and European parts), Serbia, Lebanon, Iraq, Lithuania, Poland, New Zealand, Finland, Scotland, Chile, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, Ethiopia.

2) People - the eclipse will affect the destinies of people born with personal planets and points (Asc, MC) at 21-30 degrees of fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and at 0-1 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius , Fish).

Annular solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 at 12:02:50 (Moscow time) at 09°21″ sign Virgo.

This will be the 39th eclipse of 135 Saros. The axis of the shadow will pass between the center of the Earth and the south pole. This Saros series talks about realism, about trying to get down to earth. People will begin to realize the old situation and see it as it is, and not as they thought it was. This can be a constructive time to discover the truth.

At the previous eclipse 18 years ago, Russia experienced a technical state default. The ruble to dollar exchange rate has fallen three times. The government of S. Kiriyenko was dismissed, and the candidacy of E. M. Primakov was approved as the new prime minister on the third attempt, who was subsequently able to lead the country out of the deepest economic crisis.

History never literally repeats itself, so absolute repetition difficult situation We shouldn't wait for 1998, but some trends may repeat themselves. Perhaps around September 1, 2016, we can expect major changes in Russian government and changing the economic course for the benefit of the country.

On a personal level, the 2016 solar eclipse will bring grounding energy, helping you see things with perspective. practical point vision. If you are considering plans for the future, ask yourself how realistic they are. Castles in the air might be inspiring at other times, but not now. Virgo is critical and picky, so new plans need to be considered taking into account all the details, all the pros and cons must be analyzed.

Solar eclipse in Virgo there is enormous potential for healing sanity and returning to reality. Its energy makes it possible to look at the world with new eyes, as if awakening from one’s sleep. It kicks off a period of trial and error that will lead to a new balance of power and subsequent transformation.

The influence of Pluto, the planet of transformation, is clearly expressed here, indicating the radical nature of subsequent changes and their inevitability. Most likely, they will be timely and will lead to the best, but they will not be easy, causing tension.

Who will be most affected by the eclipse:

1) Countries and territories - Gulf of Guinea, Africa (Gabon, Congo, DRC, Tanzania and Mozambique), Madagascar, Indian Ocean, South Asia. Brazil, Crete, Kurdistan, Croatia.

2) People - the interests of people born with personal planets and points (Asc, MC) at 4-14 degrees of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will be affected.

Penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 22:04:50 (Moscow time) at 24°20″ in the sign of Pisces.

This eclipse belongs to 147 Saros and is number 9 of the 71 eclipses in the series. On the Pisces/Virgo axis, this is the penultimate eclipse (the last one will take place on February 26, 2017). During an eclipse in Pisces, important issues may arise from the past and need closure. Long global processes are coming to an end, and our progress needs to be checked.

The past is gone. Lost opportunities will never come back. On the energies of this eclipse, many problems and contradictions that have accumulated over the past years will become visible, many illusions will be destroyed, unsolved mysteries will disappear, and some things will lose their value.

The eclipse will affect issues governed by the signs of Pisces and Virgo - healthcare, science, everyday work, customer service (Virgo) and religion, culture, mysticism, alcohol and tobacco products, oil and gas production (Pisces). Changes will occur in the life of every person and in the social sphere of the state as a whole. Around the eclipse, questions in the field of medicine may be raised again. Will be disturbed, painful enough for modern society problems - loneliness, lack of spirituality, selfishness...

During the eclipse of the Moon in Pisces, everything you have sown will return to you: you may encounter minor or major deception. You will be very irritated and lose control of yourself. The result is permanently damaged health. The tendency to imagine escape is another problem with this eclipse.

Who will be most affected by the eclipse:

1) Countries and territories - Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Portugal, Korea, Ceylon, Finland, India (eastern), Malta, Uruguay, Romania, Venezuela, Hawaii, Nepal, Asia, Australia, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania, western USA , Pacific Ocean, eastern part of Russia (Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Primorye).

2) People - the impact of the eclipse will be felt especially acutely by people whose significant horoscope elements are in the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius. For those who have personal planets and important points (Asc, MC) in the natal chart between 19 and 29 degrees of mutable signs, it will also have a significant impact.

Midpoints between eclipses:

In addition to the eclipses themselves, the midpoints between eclipses are no less important. The middle point is the point of calm, the point of complete inaction, ignorance, incomprehensibility and unpredictability. This is the point of almost zero fate, the zeroing of fate. At midpoints, you should be prepared for the most unexpected “gifts of fate”, because regardless of the quality of the events occurring on this day - good or bad, they carry the dynamics of the blow.

Planning for the midpoint is completely useless, because on such a day everything will turn out completely differently, not as you expected. No projects or plans that happen to be planned at the midpoint are destined to come true. How to behave in such special days? For example, at the middle point you can allow yourself to do what you think you will never be able to do.

Midpoint energizes only the most incredible events. She does not favor the planned, predictable and proven - it immediately goes to waste. Try it, check it out. Take risks at this time, play with fate. Our life is full of mysticism and secrets, and such strange moments of the year become an opportunity for us to change something in life, even if we don’t really believe in it.

How does a solar eclipse differ from a lunar eclipse?

Solar eclipse reveals new life cycle. It highlights matters that require urgent attention and brings the beginning of something new. A new perspective may appear on the horizon, and something important will begin to lose its former significance and move away.

Don't make the final choice or make the final commitment. If the eclipse leaves the choice up to you, it is better to postpone all important decisions until a week after it. At this time, you do not have all the information, and you will have to pay for haste now later.

Unlike a solar eclipse, lunar is the completion of some stage in our life.

The luminaries have reached opposition - after passing this point, the Moon begins its return journey to the Sun.

A lunar eclipse is a time of maximum illumination, the manifestation of questions and problems. This is a crisis as a result of which something will be radically changed or abandoned. One way or another, the circumstances will no longer remain the same. This is a time when relationship issues, legal disputes and open conflicts come to the fore. It is the most public and public time of the year, revealing information that may have remained hidden for a long time.

What is destroyed during this period is difficult to restore.

These days, the general energy-informational background of space is always tense. Most people experience a state of unconscious anxiety, tension, and stress. Animals, birds and plants feel the same.

10-15 minutes before the solar eclipse, the heart(4th energy center) is blocked, the legs weaken and become weak. Upper energy centers(head) are blocked. Gradually all energy centers become blocked. This is how all living beings react to a solar eclipse.

Cases that are nevertheless started may be withdrawn even after 18 years. However, if you are confident in success and your thoughts are pure before people and before God, and also if general characteristics The day of the replacement is favorable, you can act, but remember that sooner or later you will have to answer for all actions and even thoughts associated with the day of the eclipse.

The influence of an eclipse on a person begins to appear 2 weeks before the exact moment of the eclipse and 2 weeks after it. This is especially felt by older people; illnesses worsen; poor health forces them to limit their activity and be more attentive to their diet. Meteorologically dependent people are especially affected.

A lunar eclipse can have an echo for three months, and more than most the luminary was closed, the more powerful and lasting the impact.

The moon is responsible for intuition, the subconscious, premonition, unconscious behavior, symbolizes the mother, maternal instincts, fertility, life, family, a wife for a man, real estate

The sun is our spirit, consciousness, willpower, volitional actions, creative energy. Symbolizes a father, a husband for a woman, the man himself, his vital energy.

At the moment when the sun's rays are suddenly interrupted, darkness falls on the Earth, both literally and in the sense that “absolute evil” comes into its own. At this moment, people, animals and all living things experience extreme suffering, consciousness and logic do not work, the brain itself seems to be experiencing an eclipse. Wrong decisions are made, intuition is not activated and does not help in difficult situations. Any events are perceived as life-threatening.

On the day of the eclipse itself you should read prayers (any kind you know), mantras, books on spiritual development, meditate, be in the water (take a bath, swim in the sea, river), and fumigate the room in which you are

It is not recommended to look at the eclipse itself. It is advisable to be indoors at the time of the eclipse. If you are on a trip, then at the very moment of the eclipse of the Sun or Moon (find out the time of the eclipse in your area in advance), go indoors or park your car.

Sit for 5-10 minutes, stop thinking, mentally forgive those who offended you, and mentally ask for forgiveness from those to whom you feel guilty.

Don't make deals All financial matters postpone until the next day, it is also advisable not to make important purchases.

Prohibited on the day of eclipses, perform any operations on the body. Avoid places with large crowds of people.

We can start“quit” smoking and work with bad habits.

Pregnant women It is not allowed to go out during solar or lunar eclipses, this is fraught with the appearance of pathologies in the fetus.

The moon is a luminary, which is very close to us.

The Sun gives energy (masculine) and the Moon absorbs (feminine). When two luminaries are at the same point during an eclipse, their energies have a strong impact on a person. The body is under a powerful load on the regulatory system. Health is especially bad on the day of the eclipse for people with cardiovascular pathologies and hypertension. People who are currently undergoing treatment will also feel unwell.

Even doctors advise, on the day of the eclipse it is better not to engage in activity - actions will be inadequate and there is a greater likelihood of mistakes. They advise you to sit this day out. To avoid health discomfort, it is recommended to take a contrast shower on this day (which, by the way, would be good to take not only on the days of a solar eclipse, but regularly, every day). In the morning, dousing should be completed with cool water, it tones, and in the evening - with warm water.

The hours of a solar eclipse are used to influence the human physical body.

Lunar clock- to influence the psyche and emotions.

This is the most general principle.

If these are cleansings, then in the sun they relieve diseases physical body, and during the lunar period they wash their brains, get rid of melancholy, unnecessary emotional attachments, depression, etc.

Eclipses in your horoscope.

An eclipse always has special meaning in the event that the degree of the current eclipse affects a planet or other important element birth horoscope.

If the eclipse coincides with an important point in the horoscope, changes and important events can be expected. Even if the events that occur may not seem significant at first, over time their importance will certainly manifest themselves.

If planets or other important points of the birth horoscope find themselves in negative aspects to the degree of the current eclipse, then sharp, radical events can be expected, crises, conflicts, complications and even breakdowns in relationships, unfavorable business circumstances, and deteriorating health are likely. If the planets or other important points of the birth horoscope are in favorable aspects with the degree of the eclipse, then there will be changes or important events, but they will not cause strong shocks, rather they will turn out to benefit the person.

Check your horoscope. If the Sun or Moon eclipses:

- in the 1st house - expect changes in your personal life. You may want to change your image, become a leader. You won't have to sit idly by. This house is symbolically associated with the sign of Aries, which means that you will become something of a pioneer, an active creator and an individual;

- in the 2nd house - changes will affect your finances. This area of ​​life can become unstable, and if this does not scare you, you will always find an opportunity to improve your situation;

- to the 3rd house - the situation may force you to work with the problems of close relatives (brothers, sisters). There is an opportunity to study, get an additional specialty or improve your qualifications. Business travel can bring new opportunities and useful information;

- to the 4th house - changes will affect the place of residence. You can buy or sell an apartment, a house, or move to a new place of residence. More attention may have to be paid to the parents, especially the mother;

- in the 5th house - changes can occur in love affairs. Also pay special attention to your children - in their fate there may be important event and this will directly affect you;

- in the 6th house - if you were looking for a job, you will definitely find it within a year. If you have worked consistently, there is an opportunity to change your place for a better one;

- to the 7th house - changes can occur in family life, in the life of a marriage partner. It is possible to meet a future partner and formalize the relationship, and for those who want to gain freedom, a long-awaited divorce;

- in the 8th house - changes are possible financial situation Your partner (husband, wife). You may have to risk something, but don’t worry - this experience is vital for you;

- in the 9th house - you can get another higher education, go on holiday abroad and further expand your worldview;

- in the 10th house - the sphere of career and goals is also awaiting transformation. It is possible to change goals, set new tasks;

- in the 11th house - changes can occur in your plans, projects and with friends, as well as in working with groups of people (for example, in network marketing);

- in the 12th house - a revolution in your life is possible spiritual world, re-awareness of true values ​​in life. And so that the growth of the soul does not occur through crises, it is simply necessary to meet it halfway (for example, attend psychological seminars, trainings, read spiritual literature and think about the meaning of life).

Rituals and ceremonies for the eclipse:

What should you pay attention to during the New Moon?

During a solar eclipse, you can not only get rid of negative feelings, but also formulate a program for fulfilling your intentions for the whole year.

Therefore, when thinking about your future, think only about what you really want to attract into your life. Thoughts must be clear and specific.

In our thoughts we must allow for the influence of unforeseen factors, and not be capricious: I want that and that’s it….

When setting a goal, be sure to take into account the reality of achieving your goal, for example: I want a million by the evening.

Please note The Universe also needs time to put together the pieces of the puzzle of your dreams. Your dreams should not bring negativity or destruction to anyone. And don’t forget when formulating your dreams that the word “NOT” is not acceptable in any form!

To understand how the situation will unfold in the future, I advise you to keep a diary of the most significant events in the period 3 days before and 3 days after. What happens to you during this period will influence your destiny and life until the next

It is necessary to attach special importance to dreams, intuitive sensations and accumulations of spiritual knowledge. The aspect of strengthening faith will keep us from unnecessary unnecessary actions and from erroneous reactions and decisions

The most important rule during the eclipse- only good thoughts and desires. Give thanks for everything that fate sends you, wish everyone goodness and light, and then you will see that your thoughts create your life. You become the magicians of your destiny and create a program for your success and happiness.

When the heart is filled with gratitude, there is no room for problems in the head.

Try the next one MONEY RITUAL to attract love, money, new job, positions, significant acquisitions in your life.

You need to start the ritual 3 days before the eclipse.

First day- give alms, help those who are engaged in driving, for example, give a taxi driver a good tip, study - give the student something valuable for him, just give money.

In September 2016, earthlings will pass through a corridor of eclipses, which will open with solar eclipses, September 1, and end with lunar ones, September 16.

The solar eclipse in September will occur at 12:07 Kyiv time. Refers to the 39th eclipse of the 135th cycle
Soros. The eclipse will be projected at 10 degrees Virgo. The phenomenon can be observed in the Atlantic region, Central Africa and Madagascar. Its duration is 3 minutes 6 seconds. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon (Eclipse point) opposes Neptune in Pisces on the zodiac axis.

What can be marked by the period during and for three months after the eclipse? First of all, it is worth noting the opposition of the Moon and the Sun with Neptune, which gives us the opportunity to illuminate some important current situations in our lives without illusions, to look at them more rationally and soberly. Virgo is the sign of pragmatists. Its influence enhances our practicality and concentration on everyday, important matters, makes it possible to discard laziness and previous unfulfilled dreams, everything unreal and ephemeral, and further move towards our goal. This is a period of conflict between the rational and emotional principles in a person.
Many people during this period will be skeptical about their emotions and feelings; a crisis in personal relationships can be caused precisely by the influence of this eclipse, when we clearly see whether our relationships are viable, distinguish between their prospects and goals. The influence of the eclipse makes it possible to reevaluate and discard unnecessary relationships, get rid of boring and useless connections (both personal and business).

Perhaps, best advice This period is to rethink the strategy of your life and draw up a plan of practical actions (be it work or something else). Also, the Eclipse in the sign of Virgo raises the topic of health and is favorable for choosing a strategy for further recovery.

The eclipse will have the strongest impact on people born under the Sun in the signs of Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Gemini or who have key planets and points in these signs. And especially for people born between September 1-3, December 1-3, February 27 - March 1, May 30 - June 2 of any year. In the lives of these people, within six months after the eclipse, there may be serious changes. In which specific areas - it will show personal horoscope person.

This lunar eclipse will occur at 21:54 Kyiv time. Duration - 1 hour 55 minutes. Refers to the 9th Eclipse of 147 Saros. It will be clearly visible on the European continent, Russia, Africa, Asia and Australia. The lunar eclipse will be projected at 24 degrees Pisces.

The confrontation between the Moon and the Sun on the Pisces-Virgo axis is, as mentioned above, a conflict between the emotional and rational principles in a person. Under the influence of an eclipse in Pisces, many unexperienced emotions and unclear feelings “pop up”; vivid memories of past relationships are possible with some return to those emotions when “life, tears, and love” are resurrected. Therefore, one of the tasks of the current eclipse may be to bring to the surface the “under-experienced” and reassess its importance for us.

However, under the influence of Pisces, we can literally flounder in our feelings and not find the shores. It's difficult to rationalize and organize our thoughts during this time. Therefore, this period is highly not recommended for adoption. important decisions. With a high degree of probability, all this may later turn out to be ill-conceived and premature. Particular caution should be exercised by people who have any kind of addiction - the period of the eclipse brings the temptation of a new immersion in their old patterns. You should be very careful when choosing food during this period - there is a risk of poisoning and overeating.

The lunar eclipse on September 16 will have the strongest impact on people born between September 16-18, December 15-17, March 14-16, June 14-16 of any year. Also, this eclipse may be significant for people who have important planets and points in the sign of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Solar eclipse

The day of a solar eclipse is a favorable time for practicing spiritual practices that will allow you to achieve complete harmony with yourself and the world. During this period it is favorable to launch your long-term goals, because... With astrological point vision, solar eclipses set the program for a new cycle of social and personal development. An ejection occurs during an eclipse huge amount energy, but how it will be used depends on the individual and his personal efforts. Therefore, the results can be both positive and negative.

Before the eclipse, take stock, track what you are afraid of, what you are worried about. Thoughts are material, and like attracts like. Fears can attract unfavorable situations into your life. Fear of loneliness leads to loneliness, doubts and uncertainty lead to despondency and depression... You can gratefully transform these experiences and fears into positive thought forms, realizing their lessons. Write down your feelings on paper and think about why they were given to you, what they teach, thank you for the lesson and accept them. Imagine letting go of everything you wrote down on paper, then tearing up the paper with notes and flushing it down the toilet. If you are sincere in your feelings, your problems will be resolved. Take a shower and cleanse yourself with incense or aromatic oils. Wear everything clean. 10 minutes before the peak of the eclipse, light a candle. Meditate on the fire, imagine that as you exhale, all impurities come out of you and are burned in the fire, and as you inhale, you let in pure light.

As I already wrote, at the peak of the eclipse you can read out your goals. Read how to launch goals correctly.

Specific, realistically achievable within the specified time frame;

Limited in time (indicate the deadline);

Flexible (taking into account unforeseen factors, force majeure);

Eco-friendly (taking into account the interests of society and Nature);

Positive (the task is formulated without the prefix not).

If you write a lot of wishes, you will have to work harder. Therefore, be responsible not only to the world, but also to yourself when making plans.

Lunar eclipse

A lunar eclipse is a time to cleanse yourself and let go of everything old, unnecessary and outdated. It is advisable to observe on this day and the day before strict fast. An hour before the eclipse, it is good to take a bath with salt or a contrast shower. Wear everything clean. Sit in a quiet place, light a candle or candles. It is very good to burn some cleansing incense.

To harmonize the energies of the Moon, repeat the Moon mantra 108 times - Om Chandraya Namah. It’s also good to repeat after this at least 10 times: “I wish everyone love and peace!”

After that, think about the person you want to break up with. Close your eyes and see at what level you still have a connection with him or her. Perhaps this will be in the area of ​​the heart, stomach or throat. You can call on your guardian angel for help and imagine how he cuts this connection with a sword blazing with a blue flame, and then applies a healing balm to the place where this connection was.

Now it's time to say prayers of forgiveness:

“I grant (insert the person’s name here) complete forgiveness. My mind and my soul are completely free from bitterness. I forgive him (her), without any restrictions, for everything that happened to me in connection with this. I am free, and he (or she) is free. This is a great feeling! Today is amnesty day. I wish them and all their neighbors health, happiness, peace and all the blessings of life. I do this of my own free will, with joy and love, and now, as soon as I remember the name of the person who harmed me, I will say: “Not guilty of anything and may all the blessings of life be with you!” I'm free and you're free. May we live in happiness and joy!”


“I completely and voluntarily forgive myself for giving refuge to bad and destructive thoughts, and make the decision to clear them from my mind from now on. I yield and release ... (name) for God, and wherever he (she) is, I sincerely wish him health, happiness and all the blessings of God. I am now aligned with the Infinite Healing Power and feel Divine Love passes through every atom of my being. I know that Divine Love now penetrates and fills my entire body, making it healthy and perfect. I feel the peace that this understanding brings me. My body is the temple of the Living God and God is in His holy temple: now I am free.”

And forgiveness is common

I forgive with all my heart everyone I have ever held a grudge against, and I become absolutely free. And so be it! (speak sincerely and with confidence).

At the end of the process, we call and ask him to send a stream of cleansing violet flame to us. Introducing how purple flame penetrates into every cell of our body, cleansing it of all old karmic connections and traces.

During a lunar eclipse you can also cleanse yourself of:


Fears and phobias;

Accumulated emotions;


Templates and programs of the psyche.

Ritual of cleansing

Make a list of what you want to let go of in your life. Write each item on a separate strip of paper.

15-20 minutes before the peak of the eclipse, light a candle and place some metal container nearby.

Take each strip of paper and say:

“I let go or I clear from. . . (and read what is written on paper).”

After this, set fire to the leaf on the candle and throw it into a metal container so that it burns completely. And in this way you burn all the prepared leaves.

After this, call on Archangel Zadkiel again and ask him to send a stream of cleansing violet flame to you. We imagine how the violet flame penetrates every cell of our body, cleansing it.

If there is such an opportunity, do not extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end.

September 2016 will be good for finishing old things and starting new ones, since during this difficult period we will be able to see both a lunar and solar eclipse.

Total or partial lunar and solar eclipses occur approximately three times a year each. If the event can be seen with the naked eye, then it turns into an interesting performance, since the Sun or Moon transforms in a short time, completely or partially disappearing. From the point of view of astrology and bioenergy, these events are very important, so in one of the previous articles we told you how to get rid of debts, complexes and troubles during a lunar eclipse.

Lunar eclipses in September 2016

A lunar eclipse is a phenomenon when the Sun shines on the Earth, which blocks the light to the Moon. From the point of view of an observer on the night half of our planet, the Moon may partially or completely disappear due to the Earth's shadow. This event is pleasant because it is visible even without special equipment and is not scary to the human eye.

A lunar eclipse is expected on September 16, 2016. It will be almost invisible to the human eye, as it promises to become semi-shadow, and the trace of our planet will be very unclear. It will take place in the Zodiac Sign of Pisces, at 22:00 Moscow time.

In astrology, lunar eclipses are treated with some caution. Usually these phenomena turn everything upside down, preventing us from being ourselves. For example, being an ardent supporter of vegetarianism, a person can try meat. Another example: a person quit smoking, but during a lunar eclipse he decided to try a cigarette again. On September 16, he will not be able to explain his actions to you, but he will do it. In the future, such actions will bring a lot negative emotions. If you do something during a lunar eclipse that disappoints yourself, don't worry about the consequences. It's better to put your thoughts in order.

During the lunar eclipse on September 16, problems from the past may appear. In addition to troubles, it is possible to obtain truthful answers to long-standing questions that have tormented us. People may accidentally learn something important on this day, hidden from everyone else. As for the sharply negative consequences, it is worth noting that during the lunar eclipse in Pisces, many people learn what karma is. Yours bad deeds will return, taking with them health, luck and mood.

Solar eclipses in September 2016

From the point of view of astronomy, a solar eclipse is when the Moon appears in the place of the Sun in the firmament, obscuring its light. Sometimes it happens that night falls for a couple of minutes, but this time the eclipse will not be visible to the naked eye.

In September 2016, astrologers promise one solar eclipse. On September 1st there will be an annular solar eclipse, which can only be seen with the help of scientific technology, but, nevertheless, it will happen. It will pass under the influence of the Sign of Virgo. Exactly 18 years ago there was a similar eclipse, during which an economic default occurred. Let's hope nothing like that happens this time.

The energetic influence of Virgo will be pronounced, so problems of a financial nature are possible. To overcome them, use financial affirmations from Natalia Pravdina. They will set you up in the right way, creating favorable conditions for solving any monetary issues, including purchases, repayment of debts or concluding agreements, signing important contracts.

In your career life, the annular solar eclipse on September 1 will tell you the right way to an upward movement, but not everyone will be able to consider this. The Moon and the Sun seem to play with people, giving false hopes during solar eclipses. This time Virgo will stabilize the situation a little, but will not be able to correct it completely.

Small troubles will upset you, but you just need to get over them and not pay attention to them. On September 1, all people will have a great opportunity to change their future. This applies not only to private problems, but also to mass issues. A solar eclipse in Virgo is a dangerous time for those who do not want to understand what they desire most. On this day, it is better to decide on your desires, priorities and problems.

If you plan some things, then do not be discouraged by the impossibility of completing them. Try to come back to this later to learn how to solve these problems. In a word, any thoughts about the future may be false, so do not attach much importance to them.

We wish you good luck on September 1, the 16th and throughout this turbulent month. Energetically, the days of eclipses will be polar and unlike the rest. Be careful and save good mood. Natalya Pravdina’s advice on how to start your day correctly, so that luck does not leave you and your mood does not fall, will help you with this. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

24.08.2016 01:00

Mercury rules the environment. This planet has a number of features that anyone interested in...

IN lately users of the forum are actively interested in space phenomena. Therefore, we published material about that, and today’s article will be devoted to the second and last penumbral lunar eclipse, which will take place today, in. Read further about what astrologers say about this.

When: the lunar eclipse in September 2016, according to all forecasts, should surpass in scale. Ukraine will see the Lunar Eclipse 2016 on September 16, Friday, at 21:55 Kyiv time. The duration of the penumbral eclipse of the Moon is 1 hour 55 minutes, notes.

Lunar eclipse September 16: effects on the body

The last penumbral lunar eclipse today, September 16, 2016, will have a special impact on the human body and its behavior in general. Usually, a lunar eclipse disrupts peace of mind, makes it impossible to have a harmonious sense of self, and changes emotions. They say that the “shadow” side of a personality can come to the fore, which is why many people commit actions that they would not dare to do on ordinary days. Therefore, experts recommend being extremely careful in your statements and actions when there is a lunar eclipse on September 16, since the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

Astrologers say that the lunar eclipse of September 16, 2016, in addition to being a beautiful cosmic spectacle, will be remembered by people for increased irritability, dissatisfaction, and overall emotional instability. On this day, you should not start a showdown, since selfishness and defending a position that is not always correct can result in a break in the relationship and even physical injury. Scientists report that during the period of a lunar eclipse, the number of road accidents and other accidents also increases, so be extremely careful and attentive. To avoid getting caught unpleasant situation, during the lunar eclipse on September 16, do not plan any extreme events, but go about your usual activities.

Experts recommend trying to meditate under moonlight on the full moon: you will be charged with special energy. By the way, if you want to give up bad habits, is the most opportune moment. The moon will contribute to your plan. The penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 during the full moon, according to astrologers, will further polarize humanity, clearly demonstrating negative trends. On this day you will be able to see who is who in your surroundings.

Spend the lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016 in good company, so that these memories of this beautiful phenomenon will warm your soul for a long time.