Here in our earthly. Belief in God and the meaning of human life


“He who does not examine the movement of his thoughts cannot be happy.”
Marcus Aurelius

Research conducted by Rossilber® is based on 3 stages.

Stage 1 - Research and diagnostics.

Includes analyzes carried out at sites using technical, physico-chemical and mathematical methods. At the 1st stage, technical specialists analyze information from the customer, put forward hypotheses, identify significant factors in the occurrence of complications, substantiate problems and determine possible ways to solve them. For the 1st stage, information is needed that allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and subsequently copy and simulate the process in the laboratory, and then select the appropriate engineering solution.

Stage 2 - System modeling and selection of the optimal solution.

Correct and highly professional process modeling is a 50% solved problem. The remaining 50% comes from economic benefits and opportunities to implement the technology. At the 2nd stage, processed information and knowledge about the essence of the problem form the basis for many creative experiments. Talent, intelligence and skillful hands are in search of the optimal recipe and technology.

Stage 3 - Scaling.

Selection of technology for implementing the found solution at client sites is a scaling stage that moves know-how from the area of ​​laboratory research to the area of ​​real production scale. What is important here is an active dialogue between technologists, engineers and scientific specialists so that the secretion from the test tube becomes the driving force of the reactor.

Step 2.


The powerful production potential of the Rossilber ® group of companies and its partners, focused on complete automation of processes, is a guarantee of the successful completion of orders of any complexity.

Production principles of Rossilber®:

  • A significant supply of raw materials, allowing the uninterrupted supply of products of the required quality to customer sites;
  • A high rate of production, which does not consist of a 24-hour sweatshop, but the introduction of innovative technologies that make it possible to obtain the required product 2-6 times faster than usual through the use of both automated systems and complex dynamic and kinetic patterns;
  • Flexibility, alternativeness and versatility. To implement the creative plans and production program of the enterprise, the equipment park provides the ability to produce a very wide range of products (powders, granules, liquids, pastes, colloids, etc.), as well as the mobility of the transition from one technology to another;
  • High reward for high professionalism. Rossilber ® values ​​its team - employees who are sincerely interested in the results of their work, and always finds optimal mechanisms for material incentives and wide recognition.

Step 3.


“Life is a severe test, and the first hundred years are the hardest”
Wilson Misner

Tests at Rossilber ® are a test of the safety margin and effectiveness of the developed recipes and manufactured products of the company. Tests are carried out on the terms and criteria of the customer (at his industrial facilities).
Pilot and industrial tests can be carried out both of new Rossilber ® developments and of those company products that are already used at customer sites, but require expanding the scope of their application.

The objectives of the 3rd step are to prove the fundamental possibility of using the product and its potential at the facility, confirming the optimal working dosages and the effectiveness of the proposed technologies.

Test tactics.

Rossilber ® specialists, moving along this path, use the following tactics:

1. Study of the industrial facility before testing the product by tracking the background performance of the system over the past 1-3 years;

2. Study of an industrial facility at the time of testing and determination of the effectiveness of the product at the initially specified dosing parameters, with further optimization of both dosages and technology for using the product.

3. Based on the test results, a short report is developed, which reflects the achieved indicators and the degree of compliance with their established test success criteria, as well as conclusions about the advisability of further use of the tested product.


The customer, by introducing Rossilber® technologies, improves its environmental policy by moving into the regulatory environmental field of the Russian Federation.


The customer, using Rossilber® comprehensive service programs, increases its economic performance by reducing economic costs, environmental risks and increasing its own production.

Why does a person live?.. Man has been thinking about the meaning of life since ancient times. Most people are not satisfied with their lives and want to change it.

Some see the reason in the lack of earthly goods and, not realizing their blindness, spend all their energy and time on multiplying them. And the more they drink this salt water worldly life, the more painful the thirst. In our time of mass disbelief, most people try to live in illusions and find meaning only in earthly life. But in the world of finite realities it is impossible to find it. Mathematicians know that any finite number divided by infinity is an infinitesimal quantity, that is, its limit is zero. That is why the attempts of non-believers to explain the meaning of their lives are so naive. If everything disappears in a few decades, can such a life have meaning?

Others say that they see their purpose in leaving a mark on the earth through their deeds. Usually one hears such explanations from people who are not involved in serious creativity and do not leave a real trace. The outstanding creators themselves, with all their passion for their work, well understood and understand the incompleteness and limits of this activity. The great mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal wrote to the mathematician Pierre Fermat two years before his death that he saw mathematics as nothing more than a craft. The true purpose of human existence, in his opinion, can only be revealed true religion: “To make a person happy, she must show him that there is a God, that we are obliged to love Him, that our true good is to abide in Him and our only misfortune is to be separated from Him; that we are full of darkness that prevents us from knowing and loving Him, and that, therefore, we are ultimately wrong in not fulfilling our duty of love for God, but in submitting to the desires of the flesh. It [true religion] must explain to us the reason why we oppose God and our own good; show us the remedies for these infirmities and thus acquire these remedies. Test all the religions of the world in this regard, and you will not find one, except the Christian, that would satisfy these requirements” (“Thoughts on Religion”). In our age, everything remains the same. People having healthy moral sense Having achieved even the most outstanding results in creativity, they do not perceive this as the main goal of life.

If you don’t believe in God, don’t believe in the immortality of the soul, human life has no meaning, and vice versa, faith in the Lord, love for Him, live communication with Him, gratitude to Him for everything that He sends to us, fill our lives with meaning, give us real joy and fullness of being - after all, God created us for happiness. Only that life has true, and not illusory, meaning, which leads us into the eternity of God and connects us with Him - the only Source of endless joys, light and blissful peace: I am resurrection and life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die(John 11:25-26).

The Lord Creator has placed in man the need to believe in God. This is experimentally confirmed by observation of children raised in pious families. Target human life- eternal life with the Lord and eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven. This requires knowledge of the True God, love for Him and correct faith in Him, as well as life by faith and fulfillment of the Divine commandments. We acquire love for God through communion with God, prayer and through love for people. John the Theologian, the apostle of love, as the Church calls him, says: he who does not love his brother whom he sees, how can he love God whom he does not see?(1 John 4:20). And one more thing: He who does not love has not known God; because God is love(1 John 4:8).

In our earthly life we ​​must prepare for eternity. To eternity Neither fame, nor wealth, nor career will go with us, but only our good deeds, our faith and spiritual and moral state of soul. Everything we do here on earth has meaning only from the point of view of eternity. Faith is the source and focus of all religious life Christian. How more people knew God, the deeper and stronger his faith.

If a person has not received religious education, then he can come to God even as an adult. To do this, it is necessary that a person sincerely wants to live spiritually and not limit himself only to earthly needs. Then help will come from God. The Lord sows the seed of faith, and a sprout of faith will be born in the soul. The purpose of life in the Church is to work on oneself to cultivate this plant so that it will eventually bear fruit.



We, called by God to the light, live in darkness! Called by God to life, we do not have it, but we mistakenly call our biological stay between our conception and death life. We are seduced, deceived, robbed! We are pathetic slaves of our sinful passions and evil spirits! We are lost, we are lost and we are not going where our God and Creator is calling us! Even those who learned about Christ and accepted Him Good News Those who have entered His Church do not live pleasing to God and are not useful to themselves. For some reason, people in the church and those around the church have the false idea that the main thing in this life is to get there, into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, and everything else will work out there by itself. But where did you get this from? Why did they believe this monstrous lie? After all, in our earthly life nothing develops or happens by itself. If one of us is going to go to a new country for the first time, won’t such a person first take care to obtain truthful information about this country? Who lives there? How and what do people live there? What language do they speak? What is the climate and weather conditions like there? What is the political, economic and social situation there? No one thinks that the main thing is to cross the border and get into this country, but they take with them the money that goes around in that country, things, etc. But when we're talking about not about a temporary stay, but about an eternal one, and not in an earthly country, but in the Kingdom of Heaven, for some reason the thought does not occur to us that we need to prepare for entry and stay in the Kingdom of Heaven even more carefully than for a trip to some or the country here! But the Kingdom of Heaven is not just some country, it is an endless and amazing new world, in which everything is completely new, unknown, incomprehensible, mysterious for us! There is a new environment, a new “space”, new laws of the universe, new orders and conditions, a new “time” (or rather what replaced it), new meaning, new goals in life, etc. We don’t know anything about this Kingdom and don’t know how to live, stay and act there. To gain knowledge of this fallen world, we spend decades of our lives studying. Why don’t we want to study at least the most accessible little of that life in the Kingdom in which we hope to live forever? Why do we cling so tenaciously and become so tightly attached to this temporary, fleeting, perishable life, a life of sins, illnesses and sorrows, which ends with our death? Accept a simple but very important truth: our earthly life is finite and will stop soon! An eternity will open up for us, for which we are not at all ready.

For a person who believes in Christ as God and the Savior of people, the main goal of earthly life is the salvation of his soul. The salvation of our soul consists of two sequential actions:

1) cessation of communication with the enemies of God evil spirits, called demons or demons;

2) reconciliation with God and living communication with Him.

This is truly the most important task of our life, the solution of which saves us from all the horrors of hell and gives us access to God's Kingdom Heavenly. However for eternal life In this Kingdom, salvation alone is not enough! Salvation is only a pass to the Kingdom of Heaven, a guarantee of entry into It. Let's say you are lucky and entered the Kingdom of Heaven. What will happen to you after this? What will you enter with and what will you do there? Let me give you this example: a person crossed the border of a state that was not his own in this form - naked, without a passport and other documents, without things and money, without knowing the language and not knowing anything about this state, without having any acquaintance in it. What do you think awaits him there? So, in addition to saving our souls, we need many more important things. Let's touch on just a few of them.

In the modern church environment there are many various myths and widespread false opinions, which for some reason are taken on faith as undoubted truths. There is one such erroneous opinion that supposedly in the Kingdom of Heaven there will be endless development of every person who ends up there. This lie grew out of the religion of naturalism, in which the main article of faith is Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. The churchmen adapted this theory of evolution to eternal life, turning human life into endless development and change. In fact, there is no evolution, there has not been and cannot be! God created every type of living creature the way He wanted it. And He wanted to create in such a way that all creatures were immediately in their finished form. It will be exactly the same with eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Everyone will go there ready people and each of them will be the same as he will remain for all eternity! Only knowledge of the infinite God and creativity will be infinite there! There will be no growth, development and improvement of human “nature” and “breed” there! With regard to spiritual “age,” saved humanity is divided into three groups: child humanity, adolescent humanity, and the humanity of perfect men. This separation is not temporary, but eternal and forever! For each group, God created its own Heaven - the first, second and third. The first Heaven will be lowered on new earth, on which truth will dwell. All those people who have reached a child’s spiritual level on earth will live there. In our earthly life, we all go through childhood, but we do not remain in it. Spiritual childhood is forever. In appearance these people will all be young, beautiful, etc., but in spirit they will be children. In the second Heaven there will live people who have grown to the level of youths and youths. Most of them testified to their faith, loyalty and love for God through their torment and martyrdom for Christ. In the third Heaven will live all those who in their earthly life have reached the level of perfect men or the measure of the age of Christ. These are the Apostles of Christ, prophets of God, saints, saints and holy fools for Christ's sake. Each of the three divisions of the Kingdom of Heaven will represent a unique and endless world, with its own habitat, its own laws, etc. The higher inhabitants of the Kingdom of Heaven can descend to the lower worlds at will, but the lower ones cannot ascend to the upper worlds for them, except for an introductory excursion in special protective equipment. As an example, let me give you a similarity: we live in our own air environment and cannot live in the world’s oceans. However, we can get into the ocean using special means that allow us to dive and stay in the ocean for some time. We can visit there, but we cannot live there! The same will happen with the higher worlds for the inhabitants of the lower ones.

It is very important for us to understand that preparation for life in the Kingdom of Heaven, the achievement by each of us of our eternal spiritual age, our quality, our abilities and everything else that will be revealed there in all its fullness and beauty is achieved only here and now in our earthly life! That is why this sorrowful and short earthly life of ours is so dear and important to us! After all, in it we not only achieve salvation, but also form from ourselves that “grain” or “seed” that will sprout there with a specific and unique type of life, qualities, properties and abilities! That is why every memory of God, every invocation of His Name, every visit to His temple, every communion of His Holy Sacraments, every prayer we pray to Him, every sigh of repentance, every tear of repentance, every humility and every patience with something unpleasant is extremely dear to us. , sorrowful, painful and painful for the sake of Christ, our every communication with Him, every His visit to us, etc.! Everything that we lose from this here, we lose there in eternity! When one of us gets there, he will very much regret that he did not take the trouble to purchase here what he would see from other people there! God has called each of us to become and be God by His grace, but in fact, few people have desired and achieved this! There, ours does not come out of nowhere, but everything that we have collected and formed here is revealed!

Unfortunately, all of us, with rare exceptions, do not live in a way that is good for ourselves! We do not live what we need to live and not the way we need! Caring for the maintenance of our biological life, with all its “delicacies” and “pleasures,” takes up all our time, takes all our strength and abilities! But this gives us nothing for our eternal life. Whoever has spent his life only on this temporary pastime and achieving only his earthly lusts will find himself empty and with nothing in eternity! Each of us can see what we live today and understand what it will or will not give us in eternal life. To do this you do not need to be either a prophet or a seer. It is enough to watch yourself carefully. What will we see? And we will see what we do every day and hour, what we fill our mind, spirit and soul with, what we are in, what we strive for, what we love, and therefore what we actually live with. If all day long your thoughts are only about earthly affairs and problems, if all your words and deeds are aimed only at earthly and corruptible things, then you have nothing in eternal life, even if you avoided mortal sins. If during the day you remember little and rarely about God, about Heaven, about God’s providence, about redemption and salvation and other divine things, then you are losing a lot for eternal life! One must live only by God, only for God, for the sake of God, with God, in God and in God’s way, i.e. it is pleasing to Him and beneficial to you! This means that most of the day you should think about God, read about God, talk about God and the divine, learn about God, dream about God, strive for God, be saturated with God, the truth and light of God! Prayer, going to temple, reading Scripture, fasting, almsgiving and everything else are just tools for cultivation. The most important thing for us is to remember God every day and every hour, and to achieve reconciliation with Him through repentance and correct church life to go out with Him for live communication and co-creation in relation to yourself! Let me give you a simple example or similarity: in this life, when young man the first time he likes a girl, he begins to think about her, strive to see her and communicate with her as often as possible. Then he reveals his love to her and asks her to become his bride and wife. And all his life with her, he tries to please her and talk about his love for her. Is this the case with our Lord God? Do we try to please Him at least as much as a young man in love with his girlfriend? Do we tell Him every day about our love, that we love Him very much, appreciate Him, strive for Him, etc.? It is clear that such words alone are not enough, but we don’t even have them! Why is this so? Because in fact, we don’t love God, don’t strive for Him, don’t live only in Him, don’t believe Him completely and don’t trust ourselves, each other and our whole lives to Him! If we want to be enriched for eternity, then we must love God, according to the word of Christ, with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our thoughts and with all our strength! And Whom we love, we want to be with Him constantly! We want to know as much and better about Him as possible! We want to communicate and enjoy communication with Him! We will regret all those inevitable everyday things that tear us away from our God! God and His Kingdom are not of this world! And we must become not of this world in our lives, in our deeds, words and thoughts! And may our Almighty Lord and God Himself help us in this!