The famous statement of Descartes. Rene Descartes: aphorisms, quotes, sayings

Sayings of Rene Descartes

René Descartes was a Frenchman who most of spent his life in Holland and died in Sweden. "Father modern philosophy", a scientist and mathematician, he was the most brilliant genius of the 17th century. Rene Descartes was a skeptic who doubted any statement, and, nevertheless, he tried to scientifically substantiate the existence of God.

Fatherhoped thatwill become a lawyerand hereceived his bachelor's degree in jurisprudence in 1616. But Rene Descartes devoted his free time to mathematics. Today the philosopher is also known as the founder of analytical geometry. From his reasoning, he came to the conclusion that only science can be the key to true wisdom.

René Descartes published most of his works during his 20-year stay in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, most of his works were banned by the Vatican for the theories they contained. In 1628, Descartes published his first essay, “Rules for the Guidance of the Mind,” which outlined the correct method of scientific and philosophical thinking. But Descartes's mind was directed not only towards philosophical spheres, he was also superbly versed in financial matters: He was selling his real estate. investing in bonds, which provided him with a constant income throughout his life.

In “Discourses on Method” the most famous saying Rene Descartes:“I think, therefore I exist.” What's more in simple language means: if someone doubts existence, the very fact that he thinks about it is proof of his existence.

. Reading good books- this is a conversation with the most the best people past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

. In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize.

. Solitude should be sought in big cities.

. Doubt everything.

. All my physics is just geometry.

. Clarify the meaning of words, and you will save humanity from half of the misconceptions.

. I know myself as a thought, but I certainly do not know myself as a brain.

. I learned at school that it is impossible to invent anything so original and unlikely that it would not have already been expressed by one of the philosophers.

. One person often has a better chance of making a discovery than several people working on the same problem.

. Those people who are especially passionate about passions can enjoy life the most.

. Nothing comes of nothing.

. People of strong and generous character do not change their mood depending on their prosperity or their misfortunes...

. An ordinary mortal sympathizes with those who complain more, because he thinks that the grief of those who complain is very great, while main reason the compassion of great men is the weakness of those from whom they hear complaints.

. The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold.

. Common sense seems to be the only thing that is evenly distributed throughout the world - no one wants it more than he has.

. It is better not to think at all about finding any truths than to do it without any method.

. The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by greater right than the control of his own desires.

. In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two views defended, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more passionately it argues.

. Despair is fear without hope.

. Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

. Hope is the desire of the soul to convince itself that the desired will come true... Fear is the inclination of the soul, convincing it that the desire will not come true.

. The curious seeks out rarities only to be surprised by them; inquisitive in order to recognize them and stop being surprised.

. Arrogance is always a vice, if only because arrogant people have no serious reasons to respect themselves.

. People would not have to be ashamed so easily if they, highly valuing their own personality, considered the possibility of anyone's contempt excluded.

. Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.

Rene Descartes was a Frenchman who spent most of his life in Holland and died in Sweden. “The Father of Modern Philosophy,” a scientist and mathematician, he was the most brilliant genius of the 17th century. Rene Descartes was a skeptic who doubted any statement, and, nevertheless, he tried to scientifically substantiate the existence of God.

Fatherhoped thatwill become a lawyerand hereceived his bachelor's degree in jurisprudence in 1616. But Rene Descartes devoted his free time to mathematics. Today the philosopher is also known as the founder of analytical geometry. From his reasoning, he came to the conclusion that only science can be the key to true wisdom.

René Descartes published most of his works during his 20-year stay in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, most of his works were banned by the Vatican for the theories they contained. In 1628, Descartes published his first essay, “Rules for the Guidance of the Mind,” which outlined the correct method of scientific and philosophical thinking. But Descartes's mind was directed not only towards philosophical areas, he was also superbly savvy in financial matters: he sold his real estate. investing in bonds, which provided him with a constant income throughout his life.

Rene Descartes' most famous statement was published in Discourses on Method:“I think, therefore I exist.” Which in simpler terms means: if someone doubts existence, the very fact that he thinks about it is proof of his existence.

. Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

. In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize.

. Solitude should be sought in big cities.

. Doubt everything.

. All my physics is just geometry.

. Clarify the meaning of words, and you will save humanity from half of the misconceptions.

. I know myself as a thought, but I certainly do not know myself as a brain.

. I learned at school that it is impossible to invent anything so original and unlikely that it would not have already been expressed by one of the philosophers.

. One person often has a better chance of making a discovery than several people working on the same problem.

. Those people who are especially passionate about passions can enjoy life the most.

. Nothing comes of nothing.

. People of strong and generous character do not change their mood depending on their prosperity or their misfortunes...

. An ordinary mortal sympathizes with those who complain more because he thinks that the grief of those who complain is very great, while the main reason for the compassion of great people is the weakness of those from whom they hear complaints.

. The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold.

. Common sense seems to be the only thing that is evenly distributed throughout the world - no one wants it more than he has.

. It is better not to think at all about finding any truths than to do it without any method.

. The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by greater right than the control of his own desires.

. In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two views defended, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more passionately it argues.

. Despair is fear without hope.

. Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

. Hope is the desire of the soul to convince itself that the desired will come true... Fear is the inclination of the soul, convincing it that the desire will not come true.

. The curious seeks out rarities only to be surprised by them; inquisitive in order to recognize them and stop being surprised.

. Arrogance is always a vice, if only because arrogant people have no serious reasons to respect themselves.

. People would not have to be ashamed so easily if they, highly valuing their own personality, considered the possibility of anyone's contempt excluded.

. Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.

(1596-1650) philosopher, mathematician, physicist and physiologist

...In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two defended views, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more passionately it argues.

...Great people believe that there is no greater evil than the cowardice of those who cannot endure adversity with firmness, and although they hate vices, they do not hate those who are subject to these vices, but only have pity for them.

In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize.

...If fate bestows upon someone goods that he is truly unworthy of, and when envy awakens in us only because, loving justice, we are angry that it was not observed in the distribution of these goods, then this envy can be excused...

...The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by greater right than the control of his own desires.

People of strong and generous character do not change their mood depending on their prosperity or their misfortunes...

People would not have to be ashamed so easily if they, highly valuing their own personality, considered the possibility of anyone's contempt excluded.

It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well.

Hope is the desire of the soul to convince itself that the desired will come true... Fear is the inclination of the soul, convincing it that the desire will not come true.

Arrogance is always a vice, if only because arrogant people have no serious reasons to respect themselves.

...Arrogance and generosity consist only in a high opinion of oneself... They differ from each other only in that this opinion of an arrogant person is not based on anything, while for a generous person it is quite fair...

... They are usually indignant at those who do good or cause evil to persons who do not deserve it; they envy those who in such cases receive some benefit.

There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others.

There are no such distant phenomena that cannot be understood, and there are no such mysterious phenomena that cannot be understood.

…An ordinary mortal sympathizes with those who complain more, because he thinks that the grief of those who complain is very great, while the main reason for the compassion of great people is the weakness of those from whom they hear complaints.

First of all, I would like to find out what philosophy is... The word "philosophy" denotes the practice of wisdom and that by wisdom is meant not only prudence in affairs, but also a perfect knowledge of everything that a person can know; this same knowledge that guides life itself, serves the preservation of health, as well as discoveries in all sciences.

The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold.

Shame... is a type of sadness based on self-love, resulting from the fear of censure.

…Those people who are especially concerned about passions can enjoy life the most.

Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

...Cowardice comes only from the absence of a certain hope or desire...

Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.

Solitude should be sought in big cities.

Those who have... consciousness and self-esteem... They... are not afraid that others are smarter than them, more educated or more beautiful... Likewise, they do not consider themselves significantly superior to those whom they in turn are superior, because all this seems to them to have very little values ​​compared to good will, for which they only respect themselves and which they assume in every person.

…Philosophy (since it extends to everything accessible to human cognition) only one thing distinguishes us from savages and barbarians, and each people is the more civilized and educated the better they philosophize; therefore, there is no greater benefit for the state than to have true philosophers.

The aim of scientific pursuits should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes sound and true judgments about all objects encountered.

Reading good books is like a conversation with the most respectable people of past centuries - their authors, and moreover, a learned conversation in which they reveal to us only the best of their thoughts.

I think, therefore I exist.

Purpose scientific knowledge the mind must be directed in such a way that it makes sound and true judgments about all objects encountered.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of the past, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

Watch your body if you want your mind to work properly.

Despair is fear without hope.

Define words correctly and you will free the world from half the misunderstandings.

René Descartes (1596-1650) was a Frenchman who spent most of his life in Holland and died in Sweden. “The Father of Modern Philosophy”, scientist and mathematician - he was the most brilliant genius of the 17th century. Descartes was a skeptic who doubted any statement and tried to scientifically substantiate the existence of God. But Rene Descartes is most famous for his saying “I think, therefore I am.”

His father hoped that his son would become a lawyer, and received a bachelor's degree in jurisprudence in 1616. But free time Rene dedicated to mathematics, becoming the founder of analytical geometry. A funny incident in his life is connected with this: during the cold winter of 1619, he hid from the cold in a well-heated room. Perhaps due to the sudden change in temperature, the philosopher had visions, and he left the room with a ready-made concept of analytical geometry, as well as the application of mathematics to philosophy. From his visions he came to the conclusion that only science could be the key to true wisdom.

Most of my work Rene Descartes published during his 20-year stay in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, most of his works were banned by the Vatican for the theories they contained. In 1628, Descartes published his first essay, “Rules for the Guidance of the Mind,” which outlined the correct method of scientific and philosophical thinking. But his mind was not only directed towards philosophical areas, he was also superbly savvy in financial matters: he sold his real estate, investing in bonds, which gave him a constant income throughout his life.

IN "Reflections on Method" the most famous saying was published Rene Descartes: “I think, therefore I am”. Which in simpler terms means: if someone doubts existence, the very fact that he thinks about it is proof of his existence.

25 best sayings by Rene Descartes

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize.

Solitude should be sought in big cities.

Doubt everything.

All my physics is just geometry.

Clarify the meaning of words, and you will save humanity from half of the misconceptions.

I know myself as a thought, but I certainly do not know myself as a brain.

I learned at school that it is impossible to invent anything so original and unlikely that it would not have already been expressed by one of the philosophers.

One person often has a better chance of making a discovery than several people working on the same problem.

Those people who are especially passionate about passions can enjoy life the most.

Nothing comes of nothing.

People of strong and generous character do not change their mood depending on their prosperity or their misfortunes...

An ordinary mortal sympathizes with those who complain more because he thinks that the grief of those who complain is very great, while the main reason for the compassion of great people is the weakness of those from whom they hear complaints.

The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold.

Common sense seems to be the only thing that is evenly distributed throughout the world - no one wants it more than he has.

It is better not to think at all about finding any truths than to do it without any method.

The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by greater right than the control of his own desires.

In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two views defended, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more passionately it argues.

Despair is fear without hope.

Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

Hope is the desire of the soul to convince itself that the desired will come true... Fear is the inclination of the soul, convincing it that the desire will not come true.

The curious seeks out rarities only to be surprised by them; inquisitive in order to recognize them and stop being surprised.

Arrogance is always a vice, if only because arrogant people have no serious reasons to respect themselves.

People would not have to be ashamed so easily if they, highly valuing their own personality, considered the possibility of anyone's contempt excluded.

Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.

There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves. but they also darken the joy of others.

Reading good books is a conversation with the best people of past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

Hope is the soul’s desire to convince itself that what it wants will come true. Fear is an inclination of the soul that convinces it that the desire will not come true.

The purpose of scientific knowledge should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes sound and true judgments about all objects encountered.

The mind is a burning glass, which, while ignited, itself remains cold.


In most disputes one can notice one mistake: while the truth lies between the two defended views, each of the latter moves further away from it, the more heatedly it argues.

Those people who are especially passionate about passions can enjoy life the most.

Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions.

Respect for others gives rise to respect for yourself.

It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well.

Watch your body if you want your mind to work properly.

In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize.

Philosophy provides a means of speaking truthfully about all sorts of things and surprising the uninformed.

Philosophy (insofar as it extends to everything accessible to human knowledge) alone distinguishes us from savages and barbarians, and each nation is the more civilized and educated the better it philosophizes; therefore, there is no greater benefit for the state than to have true philosophers.

First of all, I would like to find out what philosophy is. The word "philosophy" signifies the practice of wisdom, and that by wisdom is meant not only prudence in affairs, but also a perfect knowledge of all that a man can know; this same knowledge that guides life, serves the preservation of health, as well as discoveries in all sciences.

People of strong and generous character do not change their mood according to their prosperity or their misfortunes.

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They are usually indignant at those who do good or cause evil to persons who do not deserve it; they envy those who in such cases receive some benefit.

There are no such distant phenomena, the knowledge of which cannot be understood.

I think, therefore I exist.