May 2 is the church holiday of Matrona. Church Orthodox holiday of May

What is marital duty? Marital duty is usually understood as a moral category related to such concepts as fidelity, duty, motive, conscience, responsibility, etc., which fully characterize the interaction and appearance of spouses. Partially, the obligations relating to the fulfillment of marital duty have legislative confirmation, partially they have the status of moral unformalized rules, in the form in which they appear before spouses as individuals and are determined by their moral foundations.

Legal point of view

After the spouses legalize their relationship in the registry office, they receive a number of marital duties and rights, which are legally regulated, which are directly related to the spouses’ choice of place of residence, profession, occupation, material and moral support for the spouse, and the manifestation of responsibility in relation to upbringing children, compliance marital fidelity etc.

Considering the sphere of intimate relationships, then, from a legal point of view, there are no established obligations regarding the fulfillment or refusal to fulfill marital duties. The exception is rare situations, for example, the presence of sexual perversions with which one of the spouses does not agree. In this case, it all depends on what moral principles are inherent in the spouses. And in order not to destroy the harmony in married life, the sex life of the spouses will not be enough, as an indicator of the integrity of the social unit.

Moral point of view

Marital duty together with love is the basic prerequisite for intimate relationships the spouses were completely satisfied. Only with the combination of these factors will the psychological orientation towards the fullness of sexual experience, sexual harmony and preservation of the family be observed. Thanks to this marital sense of duty, the chances of the marital relationship breaking up, developing dissatisfaction in one's sex life, or committing another untoward act such as cheating are minimized.

Considering the sexological plan, the elements of marital duty include the ability and knowledge to correctly use each other’s mutually satisfying capabilities and sexual needs. In order for the marital duty in relation to sexual intimacy to be fully realized, it is necessary to realize sexual intimacy motivated by a feeling of mutual respect and love, the culture of sexual intercourse, mastery of technology, psychology, aesthetics, ethics, and not simply the performance of sexual intimacy.

Most often, the fulfillment of marital duties is influenced by various reasons, such as the presence of parents living with their spouses, the age category of children, and limited time for sexual contacts. When such problems arise in the family, a certain sexual climate is formed, the so-called adjustment, regarding the social and everyday aspects of family life, raising children and other nuances.

So, marital duty related to sexual intercourse is not such a simple duty as it seems at first glance. Some couples who have lived together for quite a long time were able to understand the full extent of the importance of fulfilling their marital duty only after a few years. It is not surprising that many spouses begin to overreact to problems in their marital relationship. Sometimes couples facing problems in intimate life, decide to sleep separately.

Church Orthodox holidays are days on which one or another sacred event is solemnly remembered or the memory of saints is venerated. Orthodox holidays are divided into categories depending on the degree of their importance.

There are great holidays, there are medium ones, and there are also small and everyday ones. Depending on the category, the service will be more or less solemn.

A great holiday is always associated with those events that describe earthly life such personalities as Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, John the Baptist and the supreme apostles Peter and Paul.

The great ones are, of course, Easter, as well as the holidays called the twelfth and non-twelfth. The service in the church these days is especially solemn. During the period of medium and small Orthodox holidays, services are held in a less solemn atmosphere.

Everyday ones are, in fact, not holidays at all, but simply days of remembrance on which saints are remembered.

During Orthodox posts You should abstain from food that is of animal origin. The duration of posts can be different - one-day or multi-day. In just one year there are 4 multi-day fasting, and one-day ones - 3.

Orthodox Christians also observe one-day fasting on a weekly basis - on Wednesdays and Fridays, only on whole week These days are not fast days. Fasting can be relaxed, strict, and on some days you should abstain from food altogether.

Continuous weeks are those weeks in which there is no need to fast on Wednesday and Friday. There are 5 such weeks per year.

During the year there are also 8 days on which departed Christians are commemorated. They are called days of remembrance.

The church holiday of May 2 is associated with the names of two historical figures

May 2 is the day on which believers celebrate an Orthodox holiday in memory of two deceased Christians:

1. According to Ivan the Old Cave

Venerable John Palaeolavrite of the Ancient Cave, hieromonk. Hieromonk John lived in the 8th century and served as a presbyter at the Lavra, whose name was given by the Monk Chariton. It is called Old, that is, ancient.

2. According to the Blessed Matrona of Moscow

On this day the memory of this saint is honored. Her real name was Matrona Dimitrievna Nikonova. She was born in 1881 and died in 1952.

From birth, Matrona was blind, but she could predict the future and heal diseases. At the age of 17, the girl lost her legs and could only lie or sit.

Her predictions regarding the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War completely come true. The grave of this saint is located on the territory of the Danilovsky Moscow cemetery.

* Venerable John of the Old Cave (VIII). * Blessed Matrona of Moscow (1952).
Martyrs Theona, Christopher and Antoninus (303). Hieromartyr Paphnutius, Bishop of Jerusalem. Saints George the Confessor, Bishop of Antioch of Pisidia (813-820); Tryphon, Patriarch of Constantinople (933). Venerable Nikephoros Abbot; Simeon Bosogo, Athonite. Venerable Martyr Agafangel of Esphigmen (1819). Saint Victor (Ostrovidov) confessor, Bishop of Glazov (1934). Hieromartyr Demetrius (Vlasenkov) presbyter, Alma-Ata (1942).

Venerable John of the Old Cave

The Monk John is called the Old Caveman because he was saved in the Lavra of St. teacher Chariton, which was called ancient, or ancient, like the eldest of the Palestinian monasteries. This Lavra was located not far from Bethlehem, near Dead Sea. St. John left the world in his young years and settled in the Lavra, where he achieved high degree holiness. He lived in the 8th century.
St. George the Confessor was the bishop of Antioch in Lysidia. When Leo the Armenian initiated a persecution of icons, he, along with other bishops, was summoned to Constantinople to renounce icon veneration. But the saint convinced the king himself to obey the traditions of the holy fathers, for which he was exiled to prison, where he died around 820.

On this day the repose of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow is celebrated.

Blessed Matrona (Matrona Dimitrievna Nikonova) was born in 1881 in the village of Sebino, Epifansky district, Tula province. She was the fourth child in a poor peasant family, and so her mother Natalya thought of sending her to an orphanage. However, a miraculous vision in a dream diverted her from this intention.
The girl was born blind, her eyes were tightly closed, and there was a convex natural cross on her chest.
From birth it was clear that this was not an ordinary child. When Matronushka was baptized village priest Father Vasily, a revered righteous man who had the gift of clairvoyance from God, during the celebration of the Sacrament, a column of fragrant steam rose from the font. Her parents would find her at night in the red corner, talking to the icons in her own way.
Even in childhood, Matronushka was revealed by the Lord that an image should be painted for the village temple Mother of God"Recovery of the lost", which will be miraculous. Money was collected from surrounding villages. Two icons are known - one Matronushka always kept with her, now it is in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, and the second was in the rural Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and now in the Holy Dormition Monastery in the city of Novomoskovsk.
Matronushka knew in advance that a new cross awaited her: one day in the church a woman approached the girl, after which the young sufferer’s legs became paralyzed, and she has not walked since then.
Even in her adolescence, Matronushka received from God the grace-filled gift of healing and insight; she provided a lot of help to her fellow villagers, people came to her from afar.
In 1925, Matronushka had to leave the village for Moscow, which she loved very much and called the holy city. Her life in Moscow was wandering and long-suffering. Many times the authorities tried to arrest the saint, but the Lord protected her.
Blessed Matrona carried out the difficult feat of fighting dark force who received great power over people for unbelief and grave unrepentant sins.
She healed many who suffered from spiritual illnesses, helped many with her prayer in everyday needs. She carried great feat of prayer, but carefully hid it from people.
Blessed Matrona died on May 2, 1952 and was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. The grave of the blessed one has always been revered by believers; V recent years veneration of the blessed one intensified - help from her grave came continuously. May 1, 1998 (or May 2, 1999) according to the new style Russian Orthodox Church with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, she glorified this ascetic of piety of the 20th century. Now the relics of the Holy Blessed Matrona rest in the Pokrovsky Convent.

* Venerable John of the Old Cave (VIII). * Blessed Matrona of Moscow (1952).
Martyrs Theona, Christopher and Antoninus (303). Hieromartyr Paphnutius, Bishop of Jerusalem. Saints George the Confessor, Bishop of Antioch of Pisidia (813-820); Tryphon, Patriarch of Constantinople (933). Venerable Nikephoros Abbot; Simeon Bosogo, Athonite. Venerable Martyr Agafangel of Esphigmen (1819). Saint Victor (Ostrovidov) confessor, Bishop of Glazov (1934). Hieromartyr Demetrius (Vlasenkov) presbyter, Alma-Ata (1942).

Venerable John of the Old Cave

The Monk John is called the Old Caveman because he was saved in the Lavra of St. teacher Chariton, which was called ancient, or ancient, like the eldest of the Palestinian monasteries. This Lavra was located not far from Bethlehem, near the Dead Sea. St. John left the world in his young years and settled in a monastery, where he achieved a high degree of holiness. He lived in the 8th century.
St. George the Confessor was the bishop of Antioch in Lysidia. When Leo the Armenian initiated a persecution of icons, he, along with other bishops, was summoned to Constantinople to renounce icon veneration. But the saint convinced the king himself to obey the traditions of the holy fathers, for which he was exiled to prison, where he died around 820.

On this day the repose of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow is celebrated.

Blessed Matrona (Matrona Dimitrievna Nikonova) was born in 1881 in the village of Sebino, Epifansky district, Tula province. She was the fourth child in a poor peasant family, and so her mother Natalya thought of sending her to an orphanage. However, a miraculous vision in a dream diverted her from this intention.
The girl was born blind, her eyes were tightly closed, and there was a convex natural cross on her chest.
From birth it was clear that this was not an ordinary child. When Matronushka was baptized by the village priest Father Vasily, a revered righteous man who had the gift of clairvoyance from God, during the celebration of the Sacrament a column of fragrant steam rose from the font. Her parents would find her at night in the red corner, talking to the icons in her own way.
Even in childhood, Matronushka was revealed by the Lord that for the village church an image of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost” should be painted, which would be miraculous. Money was collected from surrounding villages. Two icons are known - one Matronushka always kept with her, now it is in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, and the second was in the rural Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and now in the Holy Dormition Monastery in the city of Novomoskovsk.
Matronushka knew in advance that a new cross awaited her: one day in the church a woman approached the girl, after which the young sufferer’s legs became paralyzed, and she has not walked since then.
Even in her adolescence, Matronushka received from God the grace-filled gift of healing and insight; she provided a lot of help to her fellow villagers, people came to her from afar.
In 1925, Matronushka had to leave the village for Moscow, which she loved very much and called the holy city. Her life in Moscow was wandering and long-suffering. Many times the authorities tried to arrest the saint, but the Lord protected her.
Blessed Matrona carried out the difficult feat of fighting against the dark force, which gained great power over people for unbelief and grave unrepentant sins.
She healed many who suffered from spiritual illnesses, and helped many with their prayers in everyday needs. She carried out a great feat of prayer, but carefully hid it from people.
Blessed Matrona died on May 2, 1952 and was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery. The grave of the blessed one has always been revered by believers; In recent years, veneration of the blessed one has intensified - help from her grave came continuously. On May 1, 1998 (or May 2, 1999) according to the new style, the Russian Orthodox Church, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, glorified this ascetic of piety of the 20th century. Now the relics of the Holy Blessed Matrona rest in the Pokrovsky Convent.

Published 05/02/18 00:22

What holiday is today: May 2, 2018 marks the church holiday of Ivan the Old Cave

Celebrate May 2, 2018 folk holiday Ivan the Old Cave. The church remembers on this day St. John Old caveman, hieromonk, presbyter.

John received the nickname of the Old Cave for living in the caves of the Old Lavra. The saint is also known to the people as Paleuritis, or Paleolavrite. Little information has survived about his life.

John lived in the 8th century. In his youth, John went to Jerusalem to the holy places. Then he settled in monastery Reverend Khariton. This monastery is better known as the Sukkah monastery intkbbach Lavra It is located near Bethlehem, near the Dead Sea. This monastery is the oldest in Palestine. Therefore, it is also called the Old (Ancient, Old) Lavra. Here John led an ascetic lifestyle and reached spiritual heights. Over time, he was elevated to holy orders.

According to signs, if the day is gloomy and rainy, it means that June will be dry and sunny.

Warmth on Ivan the Old Cave - the end of the month will be cold.


The national holiday Midsummer is celebrated on the 25th day after Easter. In 2018 it falls on May 2.

Pre-sexuality is one of the oldest Christian holidays. The first mention of it dates back to the end of the 4th century. In church literature it is mentioned for the first time in the Georgian translation of the Jerusalem liturgical book, which contains fragments Holy Scripture VII-VIII centuries.

Since the 5th century, there have been solemn songs and hymns dedicated to this holiday. Many of the hymns are still used in worship today.

The holiday is celebrated for eight days, starting on the fourth Wednesday after Easter. The day is located midway between Light Christ's Resurrection and Holy Trinity Day. It serves as a kind of link between these two great Christian celebrations.

Madrid Day

On May 2, the whole of Madrid celebrates Madrid Day. According to researchers, on this day a fortress called Majerit was founded. At that time, the Arab Emir Mohamed the First ruled, who ordered the territory to be fenced off to protect against attacks by Christians. During the celebration of this event, the government organizes a parade and brings out its soldiers. On main square tourists gather to watch the march of soldiers. There are exciting events, theatrical performances and, of course, concerts.

Ivan, Semyon, Victor, Georgy, Dmitry.

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