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Runway modeling

I, Irina Melnik, head of the photomodel studio “Zvezdy Yaroslavna”, would like to tell you a little about the fashion show technique. Of course, it’s better to show it once than to read it and try to do it yourself, but we’ll try...

It's nice to see our Pupils Models on world catwalks!!!

Before you can learn how to walk, you must learn how to stand correctly. And we will begin our training by working on your back.

Stand in profile in front of the mirror and see what your back looks like. Ninety percent of the time you will see that she looks quite slouched. If this is the case, you should definitely fix it and learn to keep it as straight as possible. And not just straight, but what is equally important - flat.
The most common mistake for many models is when they try to keep their back straight, opening their shoulders too much. In this case, protruding shoulder blades are always visible on the back. In addition, all the muscles, and not just the back, become tense and do not allow the model to move freely.

It is very easy to control your back position without a mirror.With the correct position of your back, you always feel a slight tension in your chest.If you don't feel it, then you're slouching. Please study and practice.

And under no circumstances forget about your neck. Long neck is a big plus for the model. If your neck is not slender enough, you must learn to make it look slimmer and longer.
Don't forget that a real professional model always knows her strengths. She knows perfectly well how to hide her shortcomings and how to show her strengths.

Now we will move on to the first exercise.
It will help you develop good balance. Simply put, you must learn to stand on your own two feet. It is always extremely unprofessional when a model walks down the runway with shaky and wobbly legs.
Wear comfortable shoes with flat or low heels. Stand up straight and keep your back correctly, with your head and neck also straight. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Make swinging movements with each leg forward and backward in turn. Raise your leg as high as possible. A good result is if you can lift your leg 10 times in a row without losing your balance or touching the floor with that leg. It is very important not to lower your head or look down during this exercise.

Now let's put the shoes on high heels and continue to do the same exercise.

Let's move on to the second exercise.
Learn basic model position. This position begins and ends the model’s work on the catwalk. This position is quite easy to learn. One leg is in front and pointing absolutely straight. The leg is relaxed and slightly bent at the knee. The other leg is behind and turned about 45 degrees. Main mistake Some models are that they place their legs quite wide. This is both inconvenient and looks bad. Put your feet up closer friend towards a friend with emphasis on the back leg. Hind leg, and must be absolutely straight. Getting into this position should not present any difficulty, however, some models use several steps and other movements to achieve this. Please remember: just one step is enough to get into this position. Both your legs are together - take a tiny step back, transferring the weight of the body to this leg - leave the other leg in place, slightly bending at the knee. And nothing more! Practice and you will succeed.

Once you can get into the basic position easily and comfortably, we will move on to the next exercise. We will begin to learn how to make a simple but very important turn (Base turn). This turn is basic - the basis of all turns that models make on the catwalk. In class we call it a “half-turn”.

Get into the basic position, and then simultaneously rotate both legs 180 degrees. As a result, you again find yourself in the basic position, but turned in the opposite direction. If your left leg is in front, turn to the right. If your right leg is in front, turn left. Don't lift your heels too high off the floor, just enough to make a turn.

Very important point:
In this turn, as in any other turn, your gaze should not be directed down at your feet. Please practice making this turn so that you get it correctly and very confidently. Once you learn how to do this turn well, you will be able to master other turns much easier. Conversely, without mastering this turn, you will never learn how to make more difficult turns correctly. In class, I tell the girls to find a point in front and look at it without taking their eyes off, but it’s not easy the first time!

Get into the basic model position. The back and neck are straight. The gaze is directed forward. Try, if possible, not to look at your feet. I know it's difficult, but try.

First rule:
Always take the first step with the foot that is in front.

Second rule:
The first step should not be wide, but all the rest, except last step, should be wide, but not so wide that it becomes clearly inconvenient for you.

Third rule:
Never begin your stride by moving your hip forward! Many models make this mistake because they completely misunderstand the term “hip-driven gait.” You shouldn't make this mistake. So let's do things right from the beginning. Take a step with your foot first and accompany this step with a movement of your hip. Leg - thigh - leg - thigh. And in no case is it the other way around.

Fourth rule:
Don't sit on your hips! This usually happens when you lose proper back alignment and your stomach pushes forward. This is a very significant mistake

Fifth rule:
Do not turn your feet in any direction. When you turn them inward, you begin to clubfoot, and when you turn them outward, you acquire the gait of a ballerina, which is absolutely unacceptable when working as a model on the catwalk. The ideal option is if you place your foot absolutely straight, and if you turn it out, then just a little. In class, we mentally imagine a straight line and start moving!

Sixth rule:
When completing a step, the leg should be fully straightened. Unfortunately, we sometimes see models walking the runway with slightly bent legs. This is unacceptable for a cool model!

And for that you need to train your legs!!!

Seventh rule:
Try to step in one line. Some models bring their feet inward, meaning their feet cross the line with every step. Others do much worse - they place their feet wide, that is, with each step their feet are placed on the same side of the line and, sometimes, at a considerable distance. It's a complete nightmare. For control, you can first stick a strip of white plaster or something else on the floor.

Eighth rule:
Don't forget about your hands. A very common problem for models is terrible hand work. They just don't know what to do with them. Often it looks as if the hands exist separately on their own. Therefore, I would ask you to constantly pay attention to the work of your hands. They are the most important part of your professional tool and should work in the same rhythm and with the same amplitude as your legs.

We don’t march or wave our arms wildly, as in everyday life!

And finally, the ninth rule:
Do not raise your legs high above the floor. This is called a heron walk and is an indicator of the model's lack of professionalism. Your heels should only be a couple of centimeters off the floor.

Come to our classes and we will practice together, because gait is important not only on the podium, your personal life also depends on it!

Aspiring models ask me very often: How many different turns should a high-level professional model be able to do? Let's talk about this in more detail.
In order to understand the need for twists in fashion shows, it is necessary to understand the nature of fashion shows in general. Why do models turn during fashion shows? Because it's beautiful? But a fashion show is not a ballet. A fashion show is not just a show. The main task of any fashion show is to advertise, promote, sell. The main goal when staging any fashion show is that the collection should be presented perfectly! A fashion show can play a huge positive role in promoting a product or brand, but a bad show can, on the contrary, ruin even a good collection.

So why do models do turns during shows? Only in order to show any thing in the most at its best! Only collections, only the things themselves dictate the style of display, types and number of turns. Some things require several turns to show, while others require no turns at all. For example: showing off a business suit requires one twist, but showing off an elegant flowing evening dress well requires several twists.

And now it's time to talk about stops. The so-called points (stops).
For all types of modeling work, points are incredibly important. They are the most powerful weapons and greatly help in development. successful career models. Unfortunately, many models do not make stops/points, or do them incorrectly. These models are losing a lot! Therefore, it is very important that now during classes you do not just walk and make turns, but use everything that you have already studied for working in a photo studio.

Stops (points) on the runway give the model great chances to show off her clothes and herself in a much better way. They give you a chance to show that you are a cool model. Dots on the podium are a great place for them.
During serious fashion shows, you can always see photographers around the catwalk. For your own benefit you should make stops/points. This way, you give photographers the opportunity to take good pictures. Photographers at any fashion show are under great stress, as they may not have time to shoot something very important. By making stops/points, you help the photographer, and therefore the client and yourself. Your chances of appearing in magazines and other media greatly increase, which makes the client happy and your career much more successful.

You must have contact with the public. Remember the golden rule: Love the public and the public will love you!

You will work in front of large audiences. Learn not to be afraid! Serious studies are the only way to success. You must reach a level where, while working, you don’t think about how to do it, but naturally use your professional arsenal. Everything you have learned. Let me remind you that learning is a never-ending process, and you will continue to learn in any job throughout your career, discovering more and more aspects of your talent. Exercise! Practice like a musician playing scales every day. Exercise at home, on the street, at school. Everywhere! Always!

Updated 15 Aug 2014. Created 14 Aug 2014

The key to a beautiful gait is correct posture. A choreographer, a professional dancer and a fashion model will tell you this in one voice. In modeling school, a huge role is given to the fashion show, that is, gait, and models have been studying this art for many years. Walking from the hip on the catwalk looks somewhat defiant; in everyday life, fashion models move differently. Today we offer you a master class on fashion shows and exercises that begin learning to walk as a model.

So, the first and main exercise that needs to be repeated an infinite number of times until you bring it to automaticity.

Stand in profile in front of a mirror and look at where the wall meets the ceiling directly in front of you.

Raise your chin in the direction of your gaze. It appears at right angles to the body. Following the chin, we raise our chest and straighten our back, standing in line.

Straighten your shoulders: take them back and lower them down. We pull the rolled out stomach into ourselves. Let's remember the position.

Now we draw a straight line and walk along it in high heels until our legs begin to give way from fatigue.

It is very important to see yourself from the outside, so naturally it is great to train in front of a large mirror in which you can see yourself from floor to ceiling. Having memorized the position, try to always walk like this, constantly correcting yourself if you begin to slouch, stick out your stomach or lower your chin.

This is where all fashion models start. Kate Moss, for example, at the beginning of her career slouched heavily, drooped her shoulders and tangled her legs.

Everything doesn’t come right away, the main thing here is training.

Many girls stick out their butt when they walk. Some do it deliberately, as they say, for show. From the outside it looks forced and comical: when walking, you need to move your hips forward, and not push your butt back.

Model school instructor Alexandra Ranevskaya advises doing the following exercise for beautiful posture: lean against the wall with five points - your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head.

Now try to “bring” this position into your “muscle memory”, this is exactly how you should walk.

In addition to posture, correct foot placement is important - toes should be slightly turned in different directions. Perfect line movements for a woman when the heels seem to go in one straight line.

On the catwalk, models walk in a figure eight, that is, their legs overlap and their steps are very wide.

To look beautiful, you need to remember: first the leg moves forward, and then the body. In no case is it the other way around, otherwise you will end up with a nervous, jerky gait.

The length of the correct step should be equal to the length of your bare foot. Do you think that in this case the gait will be mincing? Nothing like that, you will understand that it is even more convenient.

Walking correctly and beautifully in high heels is a special science. Many girls begin to have club feet or walk in a bent position.

Such girls in stiletto heels do not evoke feelings of admiration. Pay attention to how you place your feet - it’s correct to place your toes apart, not inward.

In shoes with very high heels, the foot must first be placed on the heel.

The main mistake is when you step on your entire foot at once.

And one more thing: the leg on which you are at the moment moved the center of gravity, it should be straight. Usually those who do not have developed calf muscles do not extend their legs.

You can train your leg muscles using exercise machines in the gym, cycling, jogging and swimming.

If you set yourself a goal, you can develop a beautiful gait in a month, and then improve it all the time.

The main thing is to practice as much as possible in front of the mirror, and then constantly pull yourself back when the desire arises to shrink and walk with your usual gait.

Incorrect posture and an ugly gait create self-doubt in women, which over time degenerates into low self-esteem and other personality complexes, Italian psychologists have already proven this.

After this, free courses were opened in Italy, where housewives and others who had free time began from scratch to learn how to walk and hold their back correctly.

It's hard to imagine the fashion world without showing off clothes at shows. I wonder when the first fashion shows appeared, in lingerie, for example, or at least in clothes? You will learn about this in this article.


What is a fashion show? This is a vibrant show that represents the main aspect of product promotion. It was invented by what is called the most popular fashion designer of the 19th century: Charles Frederick Worth. He was the first to create private clothing demonstrations for the wealthiest clients. Girls walked around in a specially equipped room, showing clients live the outfits created by Charles.

Many famous fashion houses picked up this idea. The first fashion show of models in a format that was similar to modern shows was organized by Lucille Green in 1905 in London. The show was a resounding success and increased the sales of the famous designer many times over.

Development of clothing display

The idea of ​​fashion shows spread and in the 20th century already gained enormous popularity in America. Fashion designers collectively organized such shows and used mannequins on the catwalks for demonstration, and a little later, live models. Following this, the first fashion shows in underwear took place.

Thus, in the 1920s, displaying clothes was quite commonplace. At first they paraded only to show women's clothing. But 30 years later, the Brioni brand began to demonstrate the men's wardrobe.

What is a fashion show these days? In the fashion industry, this is an integral part of it. Often, the costs of such shows reach over a million dollars, but the subsequent profit from sales exceeds the investment.

Models showing clothes

The appearance of fashion models was an important requirement for admission to shows, but by no means the main one. The main selection criterion was a model gait. She had to be feminine and attractive and carry grace. Having learned this skill, models could count on further job offers from famous couturiers. One example of a graceful gait was the film star of that time, Marilyn Monroe. Later, the defile skill of professional models became a role model.

Main types of gait

Each couturier has his own ideas about the correct movement of models along the catwalk. Decoration for different houses can be completely opposite. So, at Louis Vuitton, models make a walk while looking at one point. At the same time, they behave confidently and nobly. And Versace or Victoria's Secret allow models to parade with free hands and smooth steps.

At the same time, the movements of their hips resemble a figure eight. The first type of gait is more classic, the second demonstrates lightness and ease.

What is a fashion show at home?

To learn to walk correctly, you will need a room with a large area or at least a long corridor. A mandatory attribute is a full-length mirror, which must be located in front of the model. It will give you the right direction and show you any weaknesses in your walking that you need to work on. Without such an attribute, it is impossible to achieve perfection in a skill. Clothes should be tight-fitting, for example, a T-shirt and leggings. And shoes should have a medium-sized heel, ideally seven centimeters. High altitude suitable for professional defilement: for beginners, it will distort the gait and can lead to falls and injuries.

You need to start by drawing a straight line to the mirror. It is important to maintain posture, shoulders should be down, neck elongated, head level, and gaze directed ahead. To check these points, you need to stand with your butt against the wall and press your heels, buttocks and upper back against it. Maintain this position and parade. Difficulties will accompany you only at the beginning, then your posture will become straight.

To avoid mistakes, beginners should remember the rules:

  • The gait begins with the toes positioned slightly diagonally from each other.
  • The step should be measured and identical.
  • As for the arms, bending them at the elbow is unacceptable for a classic gait. They are relaxed and sway moderately.

Tyra Banks has invented a method that is universal for fashion models. At the end point, the model always stops and lingers for a couple of seconds, giving photographers the opportunity to capture the moment. During the pause apply different ways posing.

In a classic gait, the support rests on the straight left leg, while the right leg is slightly bent. This is how dresses and negligees are usually shown. With the standard, the legs are located along one horizontal line. They lean on them alternately, shifting the center of gravity from one hip to the other.

While following these principles, don't forget about your muscles. Regular exercise is necessary to maintain a model look. A reference point can be taken from the catwalk model Gisele Bundchen, who maintains and improves her shape through cycling and swimming. This helped her become the most expensive model and gain the status of show queen.

What is a fashion show for children and why do they need it?

Today, modeling schools teach the art of fashion models not only to adults. Children are also taken to such clubs. These are mainly sections for fashion shows. Learning to walk gracefully helps you gain correct posture and achieve a graceful gait. These courses instill in children good taste in clothing. On them you can get rid of complexes and tightness, join society.

Self-confidence and modeling skills help the child to successfully build his life and career in the future. Participation in a play fashion show for children gives pupils a bright and rich experience and positive emotions. While studying at a modeling school, they reveal creative nature, acting skills and are aware of their individuality and beauty.

However, don't worry because practice is half the fun. Next, learn how to work on your technique for walking in high heels, keeping one foot in front of the other. Then learn techniques for maintaining a focused and balanced expression. Finally, express your personality with a rhythmic and confident walk.


Part 1

Development of facial expressions

    Lower your chin slightly. Don't lower or tilt your head back, as if you were being supported by an invisible rope attached to the top of your head. Since you will be above the audience on the podium, keeping your chin slightly down will allow the audience to see your face better. In addition, a slightly lowered chin will give an angle to the face and allow you to attract more eyes.

    Don't smile and keep your mouth naturally closed. You don’t want to distract attention from your outfit with a smile?! Look in the mirror and try not to smile to see how it looks from the outside. Ask someone about what your facial expressions look like. Sometimes strangers manage to see something that you usually don't notice.

    • For example, ask your friend, “Do I look fierce?”
    • If your lips don't come together naturally, you shouldn't try to close them.
  1. Focus your attention on something in front of you. When it comes to good modeling, the emphasis in facial expressions is on the eyes and eyebrows. Fix your gaze on a certain point, and do not look around. Concentrate on where you are going, be careful and attentive. Focus on something that makes you feel determined and it will show in your gaze.

    • Making eye contact with someone in the audience can be tempting; however, control your facial expressions and avoid eye contact.
    • Be careful not to trip when walking. You should check your gait periodically to maintain balance and confidence as you walk.
    • Use a mirror or ask a friend to double-check how you look. Experiment with different modeling looks until you find one that makes you feel natural.

Part 3

Gait training
  1. Feel the rhythm and match it with your gait. Listen to the music you like with a strong beat while parading in high heels. Try to concentrate on the image that you are going to present and hold on to it for as long as possible during the fashion show. If you can put a sense of rhythm and pattern into your walk, it will come alive and exude a fantastic modeling energy.

  2. Assume your pose. Once you've walked to the end of the runway, wait a few seconds and rest on one hip with all your confidence and composure. At this moment, you can look at the audience and let their attention wander for a moment. You don't need to move your head much, your image should mostly come from your eyes. Then return to your previous facial expression and gait, and step off the podium.

    • Practice your pose in front of a mirror. Consider carefully how long you will pose and make eye contact with the audience. When you're in front of an audience, your anxiety can turn a few seconds into an eternity. Get into the habit of holding the pose for a few seconds in front of the mirror so you can rely on muscle memory in front of an audience.