What does sayid mean in Arabic. The history of origin and interpretation of the name Said

The name Saida has Arabic, Muslim roots and means - happy or marked with a star of happiness. This is a derivative of the name Said. Saida does not celebrate the day of the angel, since he is not listed in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar saints.

  • Zodiac signs, suitable names- Aries, Leo;
  • The planet patronizing Saida is Jupiter;
  • The color that attracts good luck and prosperity is red, purple;
  • A flower that nourishes health - a tulip;
  • A tree that gives strength and energy is a plane tree;
  • Charm stone - chalcedony.

Childhood and youth of Saida - the main features and characteristics of behavior

Baby Saidushka is an obedient and inquisitive child. Since childhood, she has been distinguished by her love for creativity: painting landscapes, writing poetry, choosing music, modeling clothes for dolls - these are the favorite activities of the young craftswoman.

This temperamental and proud child can grow up to be very selfish if there are no brothers and sisters around. She was not used to sharing parental love with anyone, borrowing toys or treating her with sweets. A little later, the girl will show herself as the unconditional owner in relations with men.

During her school years, Saidochka manifests herself as an erudite child, with a good memory and a broad outlook. She can easily perceive information and transform it into that baggage of knowledge, on the basis of which she will create her own opinion about the surrounding reality.

A girl named Saida has been well brought up since childhood, she has high moral values ​​​​accepted in society. But she is not without ambition, her own views on life and some independence.

During her studies, she is passionate about those sciences that are closer to her. The remaining subjects will be studied superficially by Saida. But thanks to her ability to speak beautifully, use visual memory and imagination, she is successful in school.

Matured Saida is already a freedom-loving girl who has her own independent point of view, she does not care about the opinions of others. She is in no hurry to choose a profession, does not want to follow in the footsteps of her parents or choose a practical specialty for which she will certainly be in demand.

During this period, a rebellious spirit wakes up in her and Saida hurries to choose a difficult, unbeaten path, where she can realize her originality and artistry. This person is not accustomed to being submissive to fate or the powerful persons of this world.

Often such individuals live interesting life by choosing an original way of self-realization. Saida is energetic, literate and practical. Already in student years she can pursue her career. It is difficult for her to sit idle in one place and she wants to constantly change her life for the better.

A girl named Saya has one feature, she does not know how to be far-sighted and plan her actions for the future. She wants to live one day, enjoying moments of happiness here and now. This fact may be decisive in that Saida is not inclined to become a high-ranking leader, famous politician or organize your own successful business alone.

But this talented girl can successfully realize herself in the theatrical field, culture, music, and art. She is able to be a quality imitator of something good and necessary, able to notice all the subtleties and nuances of the task assigned. This gives her a chance to become a rare narrow profile specialist. A well-known jeweler, designer, choreographer, designer - in many areas its qualities will be in demand.

Options for the fate of adult Saida: profession, personal life and health

Over time, Saida becomes an established personality, recognized in certain circles. Whatever specialty she chooses, it can often be associated with the musical or theatrical sphere, requiring a creative, non-standard approach to business. Just what causes a storm of emotions in her and relieves the everyday routine of an ordinary person.

AT adulthood a great reformer and generator of ideas wakes up in this girl. The period when she can be offered a promising job in the field of innovation. Despite her some daydreaming and immersion in her ideas, Saida is a person tuned to a specific result, and can perfectly show herself in a new field for her.

Love or professional realization

The personal life of the beauty does not stand aside. There are always many worshipers around Sai. If she hurries to get married, then it is desirable that this person be older, more experienced and wiser than her. He needs to suppress the temperamental and obstinate Saida with his calmness, endurance and stable nervous system. In addition, this man must be loyal or indifferent to the often unreasonable jealousy of his wife.

Despite her age, Saida is still full of youthful maximalism. When she is offered to officially marry, she is able to quickly make a decision not to torment the groom with various trials. But it will be very difficult for the spouse if he is not ready to accept her possessive nature.

With a kind, accommodating and not scandalous husband, Saida can live a happy and long life. Her family will not be considered particularly indicative, but relatives and friends will be pleasant and comfortable in her house.

Saida's family life is full of pleasant joys and surprises. After all, she is still that entertainer and it is never boring with her. She is ready to come up with a joint original vacation, to master the new kind sports. It is pleasant for those around you to look at any activities and tricks of this friendly family.

Also, Saya good mother and mistress, she has deep family traditions, she knows old recipes for various goodies, she will be able to quickly cure children of ailments using alternative medicine.

Talents and health

Saida is an elegant nature, sometimes requiring publication. She likes to attend premieres of performances, attend social events. She quickly manages to create a relaxed, positive image, maintaining a light, but interesting conversation. She has refined manners and a progressive outlook on life. This creates a very positive impression and attracts the environment.

The health of little Saida is no different from the health of her peers. She is also sick colds and picks up seasonal viruses, but it passes quickly and without complications.

In adult life Saida tries not to notice the problems of her own body or fight the disease on her own. But sometimes such an attitude towards oneself can provoke the appearance chronic disease associated with the bronchi or the respiratory system.

Talented women named Saida

  • Saida Rametova - theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan;
  • Saida Medvedeva is a producer, screenwriter and director of more than a hundred scientific and educational films for popular Russian channels, the head of her own production company, more than eighty of her works have been recognized as highly professional and awarded national film awards;
  • Saida Al-Hurra - royalty Tetuana, after the death of her husband the king, ruled for a long time in an Islamic state, controlling the entire Mediterranean coast, later became a wife famous king Morocco, was a very wayward, vain and freedom-loving lady;
  • Saida Menebi is a famous poetess from Morocco, a teacher by profession of English language, had progressive revolutionary views, was distinguished by courage and special audacity in her statements.

What does the name Said mean?: happy (the name of Said is of Tatar origin).

The name Saida has Arabic origin and translates as "happy". The meaning and beauty of the name in every possible way contributed to its popularity throughout the world. But the name of Sabrina is especially loved among Muslims.

The short meaning of the name Said is: Ida, Saya, Saidushka, Saidochka.

Saida's Angel Day: the name Said does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

Said zodiac: a lion

The meaning of the name for a girl

Usually the meaning of the name Said is also determined by the time of birth of its owner. For example, Saida, who was born in autumn, is very slow and not inclined to trust people unconditionally. It takes her a long time to make a decision. But, the "winter" Saida is very eccentric, emotional, extremely jealous. She speaks quickly, makes sudden movements, and her appearance as a whole can look casual.

The nature of the name Said

Positive features: A girl named Saida is distinguished by curiosity, creativity, and a broad outlook.

Negative Traits: She has ambitions in moderation, but they are not so great as to push Saida to serious actions. Although when Saida sets a goal for herself, she goes to it for a very long time and stubbornly, if she can force herself to do it.

Name Said in love and marriage

As for her personal life, there are always a lot of fans around Saida, because she likes to be in the spotlight. When choosing a spouse named Said, it is worth paying attention to the fact that her husband is patient and calm, since only he can endure her attacks of jealousy.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In general, we can say that Saida is a very freedom-loving and independent person. She is not accustomed to submit to fate, does not recognize any rules. Regarding the choice of profession, the name of Said always thinks about the theatrical, musical sphere, since this just involves creative activity. allows you to get rid of the routine in life. Since Saida has an out-of-the-box thinking, a job in the field of innovation is perfect for her, since such a woman is able to generate ideas.

Business and career: The meaning of the name Said from the position of numerology is determined by the number 1, which usually characterizes people full of strength, energy, desire to constantly act and change their lives, making it better. The name of Said shows itself perfectly in extreme situations when it is necessary to make decisions quickly. However, it is for this reason that she is not recommended to engage in business, politics, commerce. The thing is that Saida is used to living one day and is not prone to long-term planning, which is required in the implementation of the above activities.

Also, the name of Said is not the best example of a leader. As a subordinate, she is more useful. Such people are prone to imitation in the good sense of the word - it is enough to explain to them what needs to be done, showing it with an example, how the name of Said can easily cope with the task. Especially if he works with a partner or companion.

The fate of the name Said

  1. Saida al-Hurra, along with the Turkish corsair Barbarossa of Algeria al-Hurra, exercised control over the Mediterranean and became the last queen of Tetouan in 1515.
  2. Saida Rametova is an actress of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater and Cinema, who was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Uzbekistan.
  3. Saida Menebi - English teacher, Moroccan poetess, member of the revolutionary movement "Forward", activist of the women's movement.
  4. Saida Medvedeva - director, producer, screenwriter. She took part in the creation of more than 100 films for the ORT, NTV, RTR channels. The owner of "TEFI".

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Saida
  • Genitive: Said
  • Dative case: Said
  • Accusative: Sayidu
  • Instrumental case: Saida
  • Prepositional case: Said

Many may wonder what nationality the name Said belongs to. The man, whose name is Said, most likely has an Arab nationality. And if not, then at least he should know about the origin of his name. Moreover, this name is quite highly regarded. Arab people. The fact is that given name is a generic name form of descendants who was one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad. To be named this way is an honor for a man. It is also believed that it means belonging to a great noble family.

You can also get acquainted with the meaning of another ancient - -.

  • We know very well that ideal people does not happen, and everyone has positive and negative qualities. Therefore, Said was no exception. The value endowed him with a lot of qualities, but not all of them are as good as we would like.
  • To positive qualities include perseverance, a sharp mind and honesty. This guy always gets things done. Since childhood, he has been accustomed to keeping his word given to him, and he never renounces what was said.

    Before promising anything, he weighs all the pros and cons, and only then gives an answer. You can rely on such a person in business. He won't lie either.

  • His negative qualities are such - authoritativeness, rigidity and excessive aggression. Since childhood, Said has good leadership qualities, but they rarely manifest themselves in the field of career. He is used to being a leader in his own family, and in the company of acquaintances and friends. He satisfies his ambitions with hobbies.
  • The value has determined so that at times he can put the achievement of the goal in the first place, despite the fact that people may suffer from the methods of achieving. Such a person cannot be trusted with too much power. He tends to idealize the relationship between subordinates and superiors, and demands unquestioning obedience. To show rigidity in the family and at work is normal for him. Often he can demand the impossible.

Boy character

  • Name Said for little boy means that he will become a real why. It's just a volcano of questions. He asks everything and everything. And he is really interested in the answers, because he remembers everything and absorbs information like a sponge. Such children enjoy going on all sorts of excursions. For him, going to a museum, a botanical garden, a zoo and similar institutions will be an ideal pastime.
  • Already from the first years of his life, such a boy is able to surprise not only parents, but also teachers with his knowledge and capabilities. He will attend various circles and sections with great pleasure.

In school years, teachers will not be able to rejoice at such a student. He studies school literature with genuine interest and school items. Already in the lower grades, he will noticeably stand out against the background of classmates. His mental abilities far exceed the required level.

  • Due to the meaning of the name, adolescence he literally does everything. The surrounding people are surprised where he has so much strength, time and energy to be everywhere and always. Sports, studies, self-development, walks with friends and close communication with family are just a few of his daily schedule.
  • The only quality that interferes with Said is his temper. At times, he cannot control his emotions and says everything he thinks to his face. He does not look who is in front of him: a teacher, mother or friend. Because of this, his relationship with others may not work out.

During his school years, teachers will not be able to get enough of Said. He studies school literature and all school subjects with genuine interest.

The character of a man

The name Said for an adult man means that his character will not change much when he grows up. He will also grab onto everything at once, and will be in time for everything. But over time, he can curb his uncontrollable emotions and learn to control outbursts of aggression.

He becomes more socialized, finds good friends and creates a friendly family.

Said Talgatovich Dashuk-Nigmatulin - actor of drama theater and cinema


Said is a man who strictly adheres to healthy lifestyle life. This man is not at risk of addiction to alcohol or nicotine. Simply because he does not even think about the possibility of using something harmful to the body. Therefore, his health is in good condition. He rarely has to go to the doctor. But if such a need arises, then he does it with great reluctance. Before going to the doctor, Said will choose the best specialist.

With age, minor joint problems and headaches may appear. A man with this name needs to watch his mental health and the nervous system. Since the meaning of the name form rewarded him with irascibility and excessive emotionality, outbursts of anger and temporary aggression adversely affect the nervous system. He needs to learn to suppress negative emotions and keep feelings in balance.

Said Abdurakhmanovich Atsaev, better known as Said-afandi of Chirkey, is an Islamic theologian, Sufi sheikh Nakshbandi and Shazali tariqats, since the early 1980s one of the spiritual leaders of the Muslims of Dagestan, Shafi'i, Ashari

Marriage and family

Said likes girls who have an easy and simple character. With whom you can talk on serious topics, and laugh at a stupid joke. Arrogant, overly narcissistic women are never attracted to such young man. He needs an easy-going and calm girl. But in addition to simplicity, calmness and optimism, she must also have a good intellect. With a stupid lady, he will not start a relationship.

As a wife, such a man chooses a wise companion. Wisdom is manifested in the fact that she must find an approach to her quick-tempered husband and his changeable mood. A woman in such a family is the heart. It should hold and keep all family members in unity.

Said needs an easy-going and calm girl. But in addition to simplicity, calmness and optimism, she must also have a good intellect. With a stupid lady, he will not start a relationship.

In everyday life, Said is not too picky, but he likes it when the house is clean and comfortable. He won’t help his wife, but he won’t force her to work like a Cinderella either. If his wife wants to work and develop some of her talents, then he will not oppose this, and will even help her in realizing her dream. But if his chosen one begins to earn more than him, then a scandal may break out on this basis. Said wants to dominate the family, so he takes all financial obligations solely on himself.

Due to the meaning of the name, as a father, he shows himself to be caring and understanding. Easy to find mutual language with their children and their comrades. But if children's pranks go beyond what is permitted, then the punishment will not keep you waiting.

Career and hobbies

In terms of career, the man named Said has no special ambitions. He prefers to occupy middle positions, and does not aspire to the chair of the head. He does not like to take responsibility and make important business decisions. He also does not seek to receive a lot of money. He earns just enough so that he and his family have enough for a comfortable life. It's hard to call him a workaholic. He will never work overtime for the sake of increasing income or increasing production. Said values ​​his free time too much and allocates it to his hobbies and communication with his family.

This person spends a lot of time on hobbies. Doing what he loves, he rests and gains strength. Also, his hobbies can become the main way of earning, and then his favorite work will take almost his entire life.

Said devotes a lot of time to his physical form, and sport for him is an integral part of life. If he moves in this direction, he can achieve professional results and link his career with sports.

Said Gobechia - opera singer

Famous name bearers

Said ibn Zeid al-Qurashi- one of the most famous companions of the Prophet Muhammad
Said Mohammed Abdille Hassan- Somali religious figure, founder of the state of dervishes
Said-Girey Said-Yagafarovich Magazov- ensign, chief officer
Said Abdullo Nuri- Tajik politician

Said Tagmaoui - French actor

name day

In the Orthodox church calendar saints with the name Said are not mentioned. Therefore, if a child with that name is baptized in Orthodox Church, then he will be assigned the second secret name Holy Protector. And he will be able to celebrate name days according to the second name.

So we learned everything about the meaning and influence on the fate of the name Said. Agree, quite unusual name, and the same unusual meaning. You can also read about. Or perhaps you know a person whose name is Semyon. In any case, this information is very important and useful.

Or maybe you have met a man whose name is Said, and can you add something about his personality and character? Let us know in the comments and we'll be happy to discuss it!

When a child is born, he must be given a name. But not everyone knows that only the right one will help you find yourself and bring your particle into the list. Among the many names there are Slavic, Jewish, Mongolian, Indian, Arabic, and so on. We will talk with you about the name Said. Initially, it was believed that it was of Turkic origin, but this version was refuted not so long ago. Now they say that Said has Arabic roots and means "happy" or "blissful" in translation. There is also a slightly different translation - "hunter". What kind of person, whose name is Said, has? The meaning of the name is characterized by a certain number. In numerology, each of them shows the features that this or that person possesses.

The number of the name Said is eight. The main feature of people with this figure is purposefulness. From early childhood, little Said sets himself certain tasks that he strives to fulfill, despite the difficulties. Due to the increased determination, the owners of this name are quite demanding both to themselves and to those around them. This already begins to manifest itself from the school period. It was at this time, which is characterized by the figure eight, that he tries to surround himself only with those children who meet his requirements.

But if in adolescence this does not cause any particular complications, then later such a person may have problems, since not everyone loves overly demanding people. However, this is not all the features that Said possesses. The meaning of the name endowed its owner with prudence and rationality. He makes his decisions, guided by logic and cold reason. He will never act under the influence of emotions. All his actions are calculated to the smallest detail.

Describing this name, one cannot but say about the professional directions that are most suitable for Said. He is endowed with an excellent analytical mind, excellent natural intuition, which helps him find a way out of any, even from the very one. When choosing a profession, it is these qualities that Said should take into account. The meaning of the name suggests that he will feel great and can work as a teacher. He can do some scientific activity. Such people make successful politicians.

As for the female version, it has completely different characteristics. But at the very beginning it is necessary to say what the name Said means. The answer is completely different from the meaning of the male version, since it means "happy." Such girls are active and very mobile. With all the children they are quite friendly and sociable. From early childhood, girls show curiosity to everything around them. Perhaps this helps them achieve high academic performance in school. With age, they clearly express scrupulousness in business and organization. These qualities help to achieve a lot in life. Not last in the list of characteristics is the sociability that Saida possesses.

The name makes some differences for persons whose birth occurred at a certain time of the year.

So, for example, autumn girls with a similar name are distrustful. They have endurance and calmness. They are difficult to anger or piss off. But those who were born in the winter have an explosive character.


The meaning of the name Said

Said is an Arab. happy, source (female Sayda).

Numerology Of The Name Said

Soul Number: 8.
For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G-8s are for the most part very strong personalities that prioritize practicality and material gain. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to start a large number friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 6


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

The name Said as a phrase

C Word
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
D Welcome

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Said

C - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
D - reflection, reflection before starting a business, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes capriciousness. Often - the ability of a psychic.