What to bring to the funeral service. On the remembrance of the dead: memorial service, memorial prayer, parental Saturdays

Years in the village of Varnitsy, near Rostov, in the family of pious and noble boyars Kirill and Maria, he received the name Bartholomew at baptism.

From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting; on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept mother’s milk; on other days, if Maria ate meat, the baby also refused mother’s milk. Noticing this, Maria completely refused to eat meat.

At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study with his two brothers - the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. His brothers studied successfully, but Bartholomew lagged behind in his studies, although the teacher worked with him a lot. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished him, and his comrades mocked him for his stupidity. Then Bartholomew with tears prayed to the Lord to grant him book understanding. One day his father sent Bartholomew to fetch horses from the field. On the way, he met an Angel sent by God in a monastic form: an old man stood under an oak tree in the middle of a field and prayed. Bartholomew approached him and, bowing, began to wait for the end of the elder’s prayer. He blessed the boy, kissed him and asked what he wanted. Bartholomew replied: “With all my soul I wish to learn to read and write, Holy Father, pray to God for me, so that He will help me learn to read and write.” The monk fulfilled Bartholomew's request, raised his prayer to God and, blessing the youth, said to him: “From now on, God gives you, my child, to understand literacy, you will surpass your brothers and peers.” At the same time, the elder took out a vessel and gave Bartholomew a piece of prosphora: “Take, child, and eat,” he said. “This is given to you as a sign of God’s grace and for the understanding of Holy Scripture.” The elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew asked him to visit his parents’ house. The parents greeted the guest with honor and offered refreshments. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place in their son. Saying goodbye, the elder prophetically predicted about St. Sergius: “Your son will be great before God and people. He will become the chosen abode of the Holy Spirit.” From then on, the holy youth easily read and understood the contents of books. With special zeal, he began to delve deeper into prayer, not missing a single service. Already in childhood he imposed on himself strict fast, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water.

For centuries, the relics of St. Sergius rested in the Trinity Lavra founded by him, being one of greatest shrines Russian Church. Naturally, they were one of the first targets of the anti-church struggle unleashed by the atheists who came to power after the October Revolution in the year. The closure of the Lavra was preceded by the blasphemous opening of the relics of St. Sergius in the year, which was one of the main links in the authorities’ broad campaign to open the holy relics. When the Lavra was closed in the year, the holy relics were placed in a museum. Before this, priest Pavel Florensky and Count Yuri Alexandrovich Olsufiev, with the blessing of Patriarch Tikhon, secretly hid the honest head of the saint from everyone. Only in the year, after the Lavra, along with the holy relics, was returned to the Church, the honest head was reunited with the body.


Troparion to Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh, Wonderworker of All Russia, tone 4

An ascetic of virtues, / like a true warrior of Christ God, / you labored in the passion of great men in the temporal life, / in singing, vigils and fasting, you became your disciple; / In the same way, the Most Holy Spirit dwells in you, / By whose action you are brightly adorned. / But as having the boldness to Holy Trinity, / remember the flock that you have gathered, wise, / and do not forget, as you promised, / visiting your children, / Reverend Sergius, our father.

Troparion, tone 8

From your youth you received Christ in your soul, reverend, / and most of all you desired to evade worldly rebellion, / you courageously moved into the desert, / and you raised the children of obedience in it, the fruits of humility. / Thus, having lived in the Trinity, / through your miracles you enlightened everyone who came to you with faith, / and abundantly provided healing to everyone. / Our Father Sergius, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Troparion, voice of the same

In the purity of your life, you have collected the source of your tears, / confessions, the sweat of labor, / and you have poured out a spiritual font, O holy Sergius, / washing away the defilement of both your soul and body in the depravity that creates love in your memory. / For these sake, thy children, we cry unto thee: / pray, Father, to the Holy Trinity for our souls.

Troparion for the Finding of Relics, Tone 4

Today the reigning city of Moscow shines brightly, / as if we are illuminated by the lightning dawns, lightning of your miracles, / the whole universe is convening / to praise you, God-wise Sergius, / your most honorable and glorious abode, / even in the name of the Holy Trinity you created your many works, Father, / if your disciples have your flocks within you, / you will be filled with gladness and joy. / We, celebrating the glorious acquisition honest relics yours, in the hidden lands, / as the flower is fragrant and the censer is fragrant, / I kindly kiss, various healings are acceptable / and through your prayers we are honored with the forgiveness of sins, / Father Reverend Sergius, / pray to the Holy Trinity to save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8

Having been wounded by Christ’s love, reverend, / and following that irrevocable desire, / you hated all carnal pleasure, / and like the sun of your Fatherland you shone, / with this Christ enriched you with the gift of miracles. / Remember us, who honor your blessed memory, and we call to you: / Rejoice, Sergius the God-Wise.

In kontakion, voice the same

As an equal to the incorporeal, / you have surpassed all the saints through the labors of fasting and vigils of prayer, the wise Sergius, / therefore you have received from God to heal ailments and drive away demons / and for this reason we cry out to you: / Rejoice, Father Reverend Sergius.

Kontakion for the Finding of Relics, Tone 8

Today, like the sun, your venerable relics have shone forth from the earth, appearing imperishable, / like a fragrant flower, shining with many miracles, / and exuding various healings to all the faithful, / and cheerfully your chosen flock, / you have gathered wisely and shepherded them well, / For them even now you stand before the Trinity, praying, / and let us all cry out to you: / Rejoice, O Sergius the God-Wise.

Troparion of St. Sergius and Nikon of Radonezh, tone 8

Like the three-bright sun of the luminous stars, / You illuminate the hearts of the faithful with the Trinity light, / the vessels of the Light of the Most Holy Trinity appeared, / and through your wonderful life as a monk, the establishment of the law was quickly established, / and the splendor of the churches, and the faithful, and the saint, and all people, / for all the demonic filth driven away from here / by yours pure teachings and deeds, / good care of the flock you have gathered, / but even now we pray to you: visit your children, / as they have boldness towards the Holy Trinity, / God-wise, Sergius with his wonderful disciple Nikon, / and pray to Christ God that he may save our souls.

Kontakion St. Sergius and Nikon of Radonezh, tone 8

In fasting, having joined the Great Anthony / and Euthymius of Jerusalem, jealous of the labors, / like angels, appearing on earth, / enlightening, reverend, faithful hearts / Divine signs and wonders always, / for this sake we joyfully honor you and cry out to you with love: / Rejoice, reverend Fathers Sergius and Nikon, / the fertilization of fasting men and the entire Russian land is a great affirmation.


  • Life (large)
  • Life (large, divided into separate chapter pages)

Materials used

  • Life (according to the "Handbook of a Clergyman"):
  • Complete Troparion, Publishing house "Trinity", 2006, vol. 1, p. 71-73, 81, 82.
  • Andronik (Trubachev), Abbot, "The Fate of the Head of St. Sergius", ZhMP, 2001, No. 4, p. 33-53.

The life of St. Sergius of Radonezh is filled with a large number of righteous and godly accomplishments and miracles. The saint is God's messenger, called by the Almighty Lord at critical times for the Church.

The meaning of Sergius of Radonezh for the Orthodox

Sergius of Radonezh came to Russian soil when the Tatar tribe had filled almost the entire territory of the fatherland, and the princes were engaged in fierce civil strife.

These enormous problems promised complete destruction for Rus', so the Lord called upon St. Sergius to free the people from cruel misfortune. To strengthen and raise moral forces that had been weakened for a long time, the saint set a vivid example of a pious life: honest and disciplined performance of work, restrictions of the flesh and tongue.

Saint Venerable Sergius Radonezh

The Monk Sergius of Radonezh demonstrated unprecedented philanthropy, patience and knowledge of psychological aspects. He knew how to devote all his time to the common cause, well-behavedly preaching true religiosity.

The saint did not hesitate to try on the responsibilities of any profession: he was engaged in cooking, baking, carpentry, chopping wood, grinding flour. He was a true servant of the brethren, not sparing himself and never falling into despondency.

Read about Sergius of Radonezh:

Biography of the Reverend

Bartholomew's parents (secular name Sergius) were called Cyril and Maria. They were Rostov boyars, lived in a village called Radonezh and led a humble home life, caring for horses and cattle.

Parents rejected licentiousness and luxury and were considered respectable, religious and fair people. They always gave alms to the poor and warmly welcomed travelers into their own home.

  • At the age of seven, Bartholomew went to learn to read and write. The child showed an undeniable desire, but his studies were not at all successful. Bartholomew prayed to God for a long time to help him open his heart and mind to accept true knowledge.
  • When the child was looking for the missing horses in a large field, he saw a monk in a black robe and approached him to tell him about his own grief. The elder, showing mercy, spent a long time in prayer for Bartholomew’s enlightenment. The monk treated the boy to blessed prosphora and promised that from now on the child would be able to understand the essence of the Scriptures. The youth truly felt great grace and began to easily perceive book teaching.
  • After the fateful meeting, young Bartholomew grew stronger in faith and desire to selflessly serve the Almighty Lord. He remained in the family, with loving parents, despite the desire for privacy. Those around him noted his modesty, silence, ability to be meek and affectionate; the boy never got angry or showed disrespect to his elders. His diet included only bread and water, and during his fasts he completely abstained from any food.
  • When his godly parents left the mortal world, Bartholomew left an inheritance to his younger brother and settled in a deep forest, several miles from his native Radonezh. His older brother Stefan kept him company, and together they built a wooden cell and a small chapel. This place was soon consecrated in honor of the Trinity.

Venerable Sergius. Construction of the monastery

Note! The monastery of the majestic abbot was distinguished by simplicity and beggary. Parishioners noted the poverty of food and furnishings, but learned to unite even in years of difficult conditions. When the brethren did not have even a piece of bread, they did not lose heart, but continued to work and humbly read their prayers. In each of the monks one could feel the hidden fire of self-sacrifice and the desire to give all of oneself for the good of religion.

Took monastic vows

After some time, Stefan leaves his younger brother and becomes the abbot of the Moscow monastery. Bartholomew is tonsured a monk and receives the spiritual name Sergius; he spends two years alone, living in a dense forest.

  • Thanks to prayer and courageous patience, the young monk was able to overcome the flattering temptations attacking his consciousness. Animals of prey ran near Sergius’s cell, but not one dared to harm the true servant of the Lord.
  • The fame of the monk’s ascetic deeds spread beyond his monastery and attracted other humble monks who wanted to receive instructions righteous life. Soon the disciples persuaded St. Sergius of Radonezh to accept the priesthood.
  • Some time after the founding of the monastery, ordinary peasants began to settle nearby. Thanks to the nearby road to Moscow, the funds of the Holy Trinity Monastery began to increase, which allowed the monks to distribute alms and take into the care of the unfortunate sick and wandering pilgrims.
  • I learned about the holy life of Sergius of Radonezh Patriarch of Constantinople Philotheus, who blessed the work of the saint and sent approval of the rules of the desert community created by the monk. Metropolitan Alexey extremely revered the founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery, treated him with friendly love and entrusted the task of reconciling the Russian princes, and also counted on him as his successor. However, Sergius humbly refused the offer to take a high church post.
Note! Even when the monastic community ceased to need bread, the monk remained faithful to his asceticism, recognizing poverty and denying all benefits. He was not at all interested in distinctive features, high ranks or titles. This saint had a desire to introduce strict orders closer to the realities of the first Christians. For him, his whole life was poverty.

Miracles and visions of the saint

Prince D. Donskoy greatly revered Sergius of Radonezh and asked for blessings for victory in the fight against the hordes of the Tatar-Mongols. The saint approved of the heroic impulse of the Russian army and ordered two ascetics to take part in a grandiose battle.

St. Sergius blesses D. Donskoy

  • The Mother of God repeatedly came to Sergius, accompanied by the first apostles of Christ. The Virgin Mary promised to make sure that the meager monastery would never again need housing and food.
  • One day an indescribable light illuminated him, and hundreds of birds circled in the sky, filling the area with harmonious singing. Immediately he received a revelation promising the imminent arrival of large quantities monks to his monastery.
  • When Kazan still belonged to the Tatar horde, many residents of the city saw St. Sergius walking along the walls with sign of the cross, sprinkling them with holy water. The Tatar sages announced that Russian soldiers would soon capture them and the Tatars would lose power over the city.
  • When enemies were approaching the Trinity Monastery, Sergius appeared in a dream to the monastery’s resident and warned of an imminent siege. The saint walked around the walls and sprinkled them with holy water. The next night, the Tatar hordes, wanting to attack unexpectedly, met courageous resistance and left this place.
  • One person had severe eye pain and could not sleep at all. When he fell, exhausted from illness, the venerable elder appeared to him and ordered him to come to the temple and serve a prayer service. He received his sight after he saw the holy abbot riding on a white horse. Realizing that the illness had gone away by the grace of God, he hastened to thank Him in the Church.
  • Once Sergius healed a possessed nobleman who was shouting curse words, raging and biting. They brought him by force to the holy elder, who cured him with the help of strong prayer and the cross. The nobleman later said that he saw a terrible flame and escaped from it in the water.
  • Three decades after his death, his remains began to flow myrrh. After a while, an icon of the appearance of the Virgin Mary was solemnly placed on Sergius’s tomb. This shrine is extremely revered in Orthodox world and performs various miracles.
  • Reverend Elder learned from my own experience the truth Christian life, united with God and became a partaker of the religious nature. Everyone who communicated with Sergius gained faith and joined the Holy Trinity. The monk received from the Almighty the gift of prophecy, miracles, heartfelt consolation and dispassion. He had no differences in the vision of the three times; people from other cities, as well as foreigners, came to him.

Read about prayers to the saint:

Interesting! The Russian army, led by D. Donskoy, stopped in some doubt and fear, seeing the superior forces of the cruel enemy. At the same moment, a messenger appeared bringing a blessing from St. Sergius. Then the entire Russian army was filled with indestructible courage, as they believed in the help of the Almighty. The Tatar hordes were defeated and fled in panic. Prince Donskoy thanked the saint and made large investments for the needs of the monastery.

Farewell to the world

The sight of death never frightened the holy monk, since ascetic life taught him to have a courageous perception of what was happening. The incessant work exhausted his body, but Sergius never missed a church service and set an example of diligence for his young students.

Vision of St. Sergius about the disciples

Six months before his death, the monk received a vision of the exact time of death. He gathered his students around him and transferred managerial rights to the monk Nikon. In September 1391, the elder became seriously ill and, having again convened the brethren, began to give the last paternal teaching. His words conveyed endless love, strength and simplicity.

Sergius of Radonezh preached to his disciples the path of benevolence towards everyone, maintaining unanimity, observing Orthodox principles, as well as the absence of high-mindedness.

Before his death, the saint desired his final communion with the Body and Blood of Christ. With the help of his disciples, he rose from his wretched bed and drank from the cup. Experiencing grace-filled peace, the monk raised his right hands to heaven, pronounced a blessing to the Lord and departed with a pure soul.

As soon as Sergius gave up the ghost, a divine aroma spread inside the cell, and his face shone with a beautiful light.

Finding the relics

All the disciples cried and sighed, walked around drooping, pouring out to each other their grief of irreparable loss. They often visited the elder’s grave and talked with his image, asking for mercy and salvation. The brethren sincerely believed that the spirit of Sergius was constantly nearby and guided the disciples along the true path.

Once the pious abbot saw the saint at an all-night vigil: he was singing hymns of praise to the Lord along with others. This episode instilled joy in the disciples and was a mystical response to the mourning over his grave.

In July 1422, during the creation of a new stone monastery, the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh were discovered. Having opened the coffin, eyewitnesses felt a fragrant fragrance; the body of the monk and his clothes remained completely untouched by decomposition. Four years later, the miraculous remains were transferred to the Trinity Cathedral. The Church gives praise to St. Sergius on July 5, the day of the discovery of the relics.

Parts of the saint's remains can be found in several churches in Moscow.

  1. In the Cathedral Life-Giving Trinity- the local courtyard looks like a small monastery in which the necessary services are performed.
  2. The relics of Sergius of Radonezh are also located in the church of St. Nicholas, located in Klenniki. During the Time of Troubles, a famous community was created here under the leadership of St. Alexis.
  3. In the temple, illuminated in honor of Elijah the Ordinary, Orthodox believers observe the icon of Sergius and particles of his miraculous remains.
  4. In the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Virgin Mary there are relics and one consecrated chapel.

Studying the life of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the believer is imbued with great respect and love for this saint. From an early age, his whole nature showed mercy, meekness and selfless love for the Lord. He became the founder of the Trinity Monastery, where crowds of pilgrims and monks flocked who wanted to join the simple way of life of St. Sergius.

Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Biography and episodes of life Sergius of Radonezh. When born and died Sergius of Radonezh, memorable places and dates important events his life. Quotes about the saint, images and videos.

Years of life of Sergius of Radonezh:

born 3 May 1314, died 25 September 1392


“He was a lamp, burning and shining; but you wanted to rejoice in its light for a little while.”

Gospel of John, 5:35


Few saints are as highly revered on Russian soil as St. Sergius of Radonezh (baptized Bartholomew): wonderworker, monk, ascetic and founder of the Trinity Monastery. And this is in no way diminished by the fact that due to the long-standing period and the absence of reliable sources, historians cannot even come to a consensus regarding the year of birth of the saint. Sergius of Radonezh became a symbol of service not only to God, but also to his neighbors, to his Fatherland.

In all likelihood, Sergius of Radonezh was born into the family of a boyar, near Rostov, in the present village of Varnitsa. A well-known legend concerns the inability of the future saint to read and write: the life says that a boy sent to look for horses saw a holy elder praying to God. The boy asked to pray for him to learn to read and write, and the elder fulfilled his request, and then predicted that from now on the boy would know reading and writing better than all other children - and this prophecy came true. Since then, Sergius of Radonezh has also been considered the patron saint of those who are in learning.

According to the biographer of Radonezh, Epiphanius the Wise, even before the age of 12 the boy began to fast and devote a lot of time to prayer. Then his family became poor and moved to Radonezh. Bartholomew strove to monastic life, but listened to the requests of his parents to wait for their death. After this sad event, he went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, to his brother Stefan, with whom he later founded a hermitage in the middle of the Radonezh Forest. There, on Makovets Hill, the brothers built the Church of the Holy Trinity, which later became the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Here Bartholomew took monastic vows at the age of 23.

Trinity Lavra of Sergius, Sergiev Posad

Sergius of Radonezh founded other monasteries - Annunciation, Vysotsky, Georgievsky. The abbots of each of them were his disciples, who themselves founded monasteries later. In those days, Russia was torn apart by princely civil strife, but the Monk Sergius, with humility and meekness, often persuaded his enemies to agree to peace. Thanks to him, almost all the princes agreed to submit to Moscow, Dmitry Donskoy, and only because of this the united Russian army won the Battle of Kulikovo.

According to Epiphanius the Wise, Sergius of Radonezh, who lived to a ripe old age, foresaw his death six months in advance and transferred the abbess to his disciple Nikon. The remains of the saint were found in the monastery he founded. 30 years after the death of the saint, his relics and even his robe were found incorruptible, which was considered the highest manifestation of God's mercy.

“Saint Sergius of Radonezh”, painting by V. Nesterov, 1891-1899.

Life line

May 3 (May 16, old style) 1314 Date of birth of Sergius of Radonezh.
1330 Relocation to Radonezh.
1335 Construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity.
1342 Foundation on the site of the monastery church, the future Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
1382 Temporary resettlement to Tver due to the invasion of Tokhtamysh's troops.
September 25 (October 8, old style) 1392 Date of death of Sergius of Radonezh.
July 5 (July 18, old style) 1422 Finding relics.

Memorable places

1. Trinity-Sergius Varnitsa Monastery, founded in 1427 on the site where the house of the parents of Sergius of Radonezh stood.
2. The village of Radonezh (Moscow region), where the youth Bartholomew lived until the death of his parents and departure from the world.
3. Holy Trinity Lavra of Sergius, founded by the saint, where his relics are kept.
4. The temple-monument of St. Sergius of Radonezh on the Red Hill of the Kulikovo Field, built in 1913-1918, is now a monument of federal significance.

Episodes of life

The personality of Sergius of Radonezh in the popular consciousness has always been associated with miraculous events. It is believed that the saint himself performed many miracles with the help of prayer, and, in addition, many visions were revealed to him. The first life of the saint, written by Epiphanius the Wise, a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, is replete with retellings of similar events. Subsequently, stories about posthumous miracles were added to it, of which there were much more.

The official canonization of Sergius of Radonezh was never carried out. The venerable elder was so revered by the people that his holiness was accepted by itself. Metropolitan Jonah calls Sergius a venerable in a charter of 1450, and this is the earliest documentary evidence of his recognition as a saint.

In 1919, for propaganda purposes soviet government revealed the relics of the saint. Pavel Florensky learned about the upcoming autopsy, and with his help the head of Sergius of Radonezh was separated from the body, and the head of Prince Trubetskoy was placed in its place. During the Second World War, the relics were taken far to the rear, and only after their return in 1946 was the head of the saint placed in its place.

Reliquary with the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra


“Take heed to yourself in everything, my brethren, I pray to you all, have the fear of God, spiritual purity, unfeigned love, and for these things a love of strangers...”

Documentary film “Sergius of Radonezh. Earthly and heavenly."


"Here is a good and blessed elder ours left us, went to the Lord, left us orphans... He went to where a great reward and reward awaited him for all his labors and exploits, he left in peace to the Lord, Whom he loved!..”
Author of the life of the saint, Abbot Nikon (Rozhdestvensky)

“Reverend Sergius, with his life, the very possibility of such a life, made the grieving people feel that not everything good in them had yet extinguished and froze; by his appearance among his compatriots, who were sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, he opened their eyes to themselves, helped them look into their own inner darkness and see there the still smoldering sparks of the same fire that burned the light that illuminated them.”
Historian Vladimir Klyuchevsky

“Earlier than all and more than all the saints who appeared in the Moscow land, St. Sergius, the founder of the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra, gained the popular respect of all Rus', who in the eyes of the Great Russian people received the significance of the patron, intercessor and guardian of the state and the church.”
Historian Nikolai Kostomarov

“He was just outstanding public figure. He understood the turning point in the history of the Russian Land and turned its course in the proper direction, taking upon himself great responsibility for the outcome of the battle on the Kulikovo Field. He blessed Prince Dmitry and his army for her. One had to feel and understand this decisive turning point and put one's spiritual authority on the scales of history. And He did it."
Russian religious philosopher Helena Roerich

“Looking into Russian history, into the very fabric of Russian culture, we will not find a single thread that would not lead to this first node: the moral idea, statehood, painting, architecture, literature, Russian school, Russian science - all these lines of Russian culture converge to the Reverend."
Pavel Florensky

Birth and childhood

The Monk Sergius was born in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, May 3, 1314 in the family of pious and noble boyars Kirill and Maria.

The Lord chose him from his mother's womb. The Life of St. Sergius tells about what Divine Liturgy Even before the birth of her son, righteous Mary and the worshipers heard the baby’s exclamation three times: before the reading of the Holy Gospel, during the Cherubic Song and when the priest said: “Holy to saints.” God gave the Monk Cyril and Mary a son, who was named Bartholomew. From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting; on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept mother’s milk; on other days, if Maria ate meat, the baby also refused mother’s milk. Noticing this, Maria completely refused to eat meat. In those days, children were accustomed to work from an early age; each had their own household responsibilities: fetching water, herding geese, chopping wood. The family attended church every Sunday.

At the age of 7, young Bartholomew was sent to learn to read and write at a church school with his brothers: the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. Unlike his academically successful brothers, Bartholomew was significantly behind in his studies. In the old days, the alphabet was more complex than in our time. Literacy was then taught not from primers, but from the Psalter and other books Holy Scripture. Little Bartholomew was not good at reading and writing. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished him, and his comrades mocked him for his stupidity. He himself prayed with tears, but his studies did not move forward. And then an event occurred, which is reported in all the biographies of Sergius.

Boyar Kirill had several horses. The sons' duties included driving them out to pasture and bringing them back to the stable. One day, on instructions from his father, Bartholomew went into the field to look for horses. During his search, he came out into a clearing and saw an old schema-monk under an oak tree, kneeling down and praying. Seeing him, Bartholomew first bowed humbly, then came up and stood close, waiting for him to finish his prayer.

The elder, seeing the boy, turned to him: “What are you looking for and what do you want, child?” Bartholomew told him his grief and asked the elder to pray that God would help him overcome the letter. Having prayed, the elder took out the reliquary from his bosom and took a piece of prosphora from it, blessed it and ordered it to be eaten, saying: “Take this and eat. This was given to you as a sign of God's grace. Know that from now on the Lord will grant you good literacy skills. You will surpass your peers in success. You will also teach others.”

After this, the elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew begged him to visit his parents’ house. The parents greeted the guest with honor and offered refreshments. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place in their son. During the meal, Bartholomew’s parents told the elder many signs that accompanied the birth of their son, and he said: “A sign of the truth of my words will be for you that after my departure the boy will be well literate and understand holy books. And here is the second sign and prediction for you - the boy will be great before God and people for his virtuous life" Having said this, the elder got ready to leave and finally said: “Your son will be the abode of the Holy Trinity and will lead many after him to the understanding of the Divine commandments.” And then they realized that it was the Angel of the Lord, disguised as a monk, who appeared in their house to reveal to them God’s will.

From that day on, Bartholomew began to study so well that he soon surpassed all his comrades at school. He loved to pray to God more and more. Already as a child, he imposed a strict fast on himself, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water. And the older he got, the more he was drawn to the forest, to be completely alone there and pray to God. Often at that time, religious people went into the dense forests, built huts there and stood in prayer all day long. So Bartholomew wanted to leave like that, but his parents did not allow it.

Beginning of monastic life

It so happened that Bartholomew’s father lost all his fortune. From a rich boyar he turned into a beggar. And in 1328, in search of a better life, Bartholomew’s impoverished family moved from their native places to the Principality of Moscow, to the city of Radonezh.

Brothers Stefan and Peter got married and started families. But Bartholomew vowed to go to a monastery and serve God.

Shortly before their death, the aged parents Kirill and Maria themselves accepted the schema in the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stefan also accepted monasticism in this monastery.

After the death of his parents, Bartholomew also went to the Khotkovo-Pokrovsky Monastery, but striving for solitude, he did not stay here long. Having convinced his brother Stefan, he retired with him to live in the wilderness in the forest (12 versts from Radonezh). On the banks of the Konchura River, on Makovets Hill in the middle of the remote Radonezh Forest, they built (around 1335) a small wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity, on the site of which now stands a cathedral church also in the name of the Holy Trinity. First they built a cell, and then a small church, and, with the blessing of Metropolitan Theognost, it was consecrated in the Name Holy Trinity.

But soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stefan left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to the monk Alexy, later Metropolitan of Moscow). A few years later he became abbot of this monastery.

Bartholomew, left completely alone, called upon a certain abbot Mitrofan and on October 7, 1337 received tonsure from him under the name Sergius, since on that day the memory of the martyrs Sergius and Bacchus was celebrated. He was 23 years old.


And for several more years Sergius lived alone among the dense forest. In the autumn it rained, in the winter the hut was covered with snow right up to the roof. Wild animals roamed around. At times Sergius felt terrified, but he prayed day and night and through prayer drove away fear. One day in early spring, Sergius went out onto the porch and saw - and saw a bear lying near the porch. The monk was not afraid of the terrible beast; he returned to his cell, took out a piece of bread and fed it to the bear. A day later the animal was again sitting at the porch. And again Sergius shared his lunch with him. After a few months, the bear became almost tame. He came from the forest, sat down at the cell and waited for a treat.

St. Sergius did not spend a single hour of time in idleness. Wisely combining prayer and work, psalmody and reading divine books, he rose from strength to strength, every day of his life getting closer and closer to Christ. The Monk Sergius followed the path of the ascetics of the first centuries of Christianity - the Monks Anthony and Macarius the Great, John Climacus, Abba Dorotheus and many others. He checked every step of his monastic life against their writings. The holy elders and hermits of the distant eastern deserts showed the God-loving Russian youth the way to the heavenly abodes. St. Sergius also revered the first ascetics of Russian monasticism - Anthony and Theodosius of Pechersk and their numerous followers. The monk strove to achieve in his life that ideal of holiness, which they had already achieved, walking towards God along the narrow path commanded by the Savior once and for all time. Courageously enduring temptations, he directed his gaze to the Highest and with all his might strived for unity with God - the goal of every person’s life.

The Lord sometimes sends special visions to holy people. So it was with St. Sergius. One day, late in the evening, he was praying in his cell. Suddenly he hears a voice: “Sergius!” The monk opened the window and saw a wonderful light pouring from the sky, and some extraordinary birds were flying, so beautiful that he had never seen before, and they were singing unusually sweetly. The voice that called him said again: “Sergius, look around! As many birds as you see, you will have as many students, and if they live as you do, their number will never decrease.”

Formation of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Time passed, Sergius had already become accustomed to his loneliness. But after two or three years people began to flock to him and settle near him. Sergius accepted everyone, but warned them that their life would be difficult and full of hardships. Soon 12 people gathered. They cut down new cells, surrounded them and the Church of the Holy Trinity with a fence so that animals would not run in, and made gates. And this settlement became a small monastery. The monks called each other brothers, prayed together, worked together. Sergius set an example in everything: he himself chopped wood, carried water, planted a vegetable garden, and did carpentry.

A monastery was formed, which in 1345 took shape as the Trinity-Sergius Monastery (later the Trinity-Sergius Lavra) and Sergius was its second abbot (the first was Mitrofan) and presbyter (from 1354), who set an example for everyone with his humility and hard work.

Having forbidden accepting alms, Sergius made it a rule that all monks should live from their labor, himself setting an example for them in this. Gradually his fame grew; Everyone began to turn to the monastery, from peasants to princes; many settled next to her and donated their property to her. At first, suffering from the extreme need of everything necessary in the desert, she turned to a rich monastery.

The glory of Sergius even reached Constantinople: Ecumenical Patriarch Philotheus sent him with a special embassy a cross, a paraman, a schema and a letter in which he praised him for his virtuous life and gave advice to introduce kinobia (strict communal living) in the monastery. On this advice and with the blessing of Metropolitan Alexei, Sergius introduced a community life charter in the monastery, which was later adopted in many Russian monasteries. Metropolitan Alexei, who highly respected the Radonezh abbot, before his death, persuaded him to be his successor, but Blessed Sergius, out of humility, refused the primacy.

Battle of Kulikovo

Humility, patience, love for God and neighbors made the Reverend a great man of prayer and mourner for the Russian land even during his earthly life.

There was a rumor that the great Horde army of Khan Mamai was coming to Rus'. Never since the time of the invasion of Khan Batu has there been such a strong threat of the destruction of the Fatherland and the Holy Orthodox faith. At that time, the Grand Duke of Moscow was Dmitry Donskoy, so nicknamed for his victory over the Tatars. Prince Dmitry Donskoy planned to free Rus' from the Tatar yoke. He came to Sergius to ask for his blessing for the battle with the Tatars, and the monk blessed him. He sprinkled the prince and his squad with holy water, served a prayer service and gave two monks, schema-monk Alexander (Peresvet) and schema-monk Andrei (Oslyabya), who had previously been warriors. The news of the holy elder’s blessing for the battle spread throughout the army and raised the morale of the warriors.

Two days later, the Battle of Kulikovo began with a duel between the Tatar hero Chelubey and the Russian warrior-monk Peresvet. Both warriors fell lifeless. And then the two armies clashed in a terrible battle. And at this time, St. Sergius, together with the brethren of the Trinity Monastery, prayed for the granting of victory to the Russian army. Although many Russian soldiers fell in this massacre, the Lord saved Rus' from destruction. On September 8, 1380, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Russian soldiers won a complete victory over the Tatar hordes on the Kulikovo field, marking the beginning of the liberation of the Russian land from the Tatar yoke. Dmitry Donskoy returned to Moscow as a winner.

From September 9 to 16, the dead were buried; a church was erected on the common grave, which had long since ceased to exist. The Church has legalized commemoration of the murdered on Parental Saturday of Dmitriev, “while Russia stands.” Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo on September 21, since September 21 according to the current civil Gregorian calendar corresponds to September 8 according to the Julian calendar used by the Russian Orthodox Church.

After the Battle of Kulikovo, the Grand Duke began to treat the Radonezh abbot with even greater reverence and invited him in 1389 to seal a spiritual will legitimizing new order succession to the throne from father to eldest son.

Public ministry of Sergius of Radonezh

In addition to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Sergius founded several more monasteries (Annunciation Monastery on Kirzhach, Staro-Golutvin near Kolomna, Vysotsky Monastery, St. George's Monastery on Klyazma), in all of these monasteries he appointed his students as abbots. More than 40 monasteries were founded by his students: Savva (Savvo-Storozhevsky near Zvenigorod), Ferapont (Ferapontov), ​​Kirill (Kirillo-Belozersky), Sylvester (Voskresensky Obnorsky), etc., as well as his spiritual interlocutors, such as Stefan of Perm.

During his lifetime, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh was awarded the grace-filled gift of miracles and performed many miracles. People came to him from different cities for healing, and sometimes even just to see him. One day he resurrected a boy who died in his father's arms when he was carrying the child to a saint for healing. The fame of the miracles performed by St. Sergius began to quickly spread, and sick people began to be brought to him both from surrounding villages and from distant places. And no one left the Reverend without receiving healing of ailments and edifying advice. Everyone glorified St. Sergius and reverently revered him on a par with the ancient holy fathers. But human glory did not seduce the great ascetic, and he still remained a model of monastic humility. Gradually, the monks began to witness other similar phenomena. Once during the liturgy, an Angel of the Lord concelebrated with the saint, but out of his humility the Monk Sergius forbade anyone to tell about this until the end of his life on earth.

During his angelic life, St. Sergius was awarded such a vision from God. One night, Abba Sergius read the rule in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Having finished reading the canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to rest, but suddenly told his disciple, the Monk Micah, that a miraculous visit awaited them. A moment later, the entire cell was sanctified by a wonderful light and appeared Mother of God accompanied by the holy apostles Peter and John the Theologian. From the unusually bright light, St. Sergius fell on his face, but Holy Mother of God She touched him with her hands and, blessing him, promised to always patronize his holy monastery.

Old age and death of St. Sergius

Having reached a very old age, the Monk Sergius, having foreseen his death within six months, called the brethren to him and blessed a disciple, the Monk Nikon, experienced in spiritual life and obedience, to become abbess. On the eve of his death, St. Sergius called the brethren for the last time, took communion of Christ’s Mysteries and addressed the words of his testament: “Take heed to yourselves, brethren. First have the fear of God, spiritual purity and unfeigned love...”.

September 25, 1392 The Monk Sergius of Radonezh peacefully departed to the Lord, and 30 years later, on July 5, 1422, his relics were found incorrupt.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The Monk Sergius was born in the village of Varnitsa, near Rostov, on May 3, 1314, into the family of pious and noble boyars Kirill and Maria. The Lord chose him from his mother's womb. The Life of St. Sergius tells that during the Divine Liturgy, even before the birth of her son, Righteous Mary and the worshipers heard the baby exclamation three times: before the reading of the Holy Gospel, during the Cherubic Song, and when the priest said: “Holy to Holies.” God gave the Monk Cyril and Mary a son, who was named Bartholomew. From the first days of his life, the baby surprised everyone by fasting; on Wednesdays and Fridays he did not accept mother’s milk; on other days, if Maria ate meat, the baby also refused mother’s milk. Noticing this, Maria completely refused to eat meat. At the age of seven, Bartholomew was sent to study with his two brothers - the elder Stefan and the younger Peter. His brothers studied successfully, but Bartholomew lagged behind in his studies, although the teacher worked with him a lot. The parents scolded the child, the teacher punished him, and his comrades mocked him for his stupidity. Then Bartholomew with tears prayed to the Lord to grant him book understanding. One day his father sent Bartholomew to fetch horses from the field. On the way, he met an Angel sent by God in a monastic form: an old man stood under an oak tree in the middle of a field and prayed. Bartholomew approached him and, bowing, began to wait for the end of the elder’s prayer. He blessed the boy, kissed him and asked what he wanted. Bartholomew replied: “With all my soul I wish to learn to read and write, Holy Father, pray to God for me, so that He will help me learn to read and write.” The monk fulfilled Bartholomew's request, raised his prayer to God and, blessing the youth, said to him: “From now on, God gives you, my child, to understand literacy, you will surpass your brothers and peers.” At the same time, the elder took out a vessel and gave Bartholomew a piece of prosphora: “Take, child, and eat,” he said. “This is given to you as a sign of God’s grace and for the understanding of Holy Scripture.” The elder wanted to leave, but Bartholomew asked him to visit his parents’ house. The parents greeted the guest with honor and offered refreshments. The elder replied that first one should taste spiritual food, and ordered their son to read the Psalter. Bartholomew began to read harmoniously, and the parents were surprised at the change that had taken place in their son. Saying goodbye, the elder prophetically predicted about St. Sergius: “Your son will be great before God and people. He will become the chosen abode of the Holy Spirit.” From then on, the holy youth easily read and understood the contents of books. With special zeal, he began to delve deeper into prayer, not missing a single service. Already as a child, he imposed a strict fast on himself, did not eat anything on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on other days he ate only bread and water.

Around 1328, the parents of St. Sergius moved from Rostov to Radonezh. When their eldest sons got married, Cyril and Maria, shortly before their death, took the schema at the Khotkovsky Monastery of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, not far from Radonezh. Subsequently, the widowed elder brother Stefan also accepted monasticism in this monastery. Having buried his parents, Bartholomew, together with his brother Stefan, retired to live as a desert in the forest (12 versts from Radonezh). First they erected a cell, and then a small church, and, with the blessing of Metropolitan Theognostus, it was consecrated in the Name of the Holy Trinity. But soon, unable to withstand the difficulties of life in a deserted place, Stefan left his brother and moved to the Moscow Epiphany Monastery (where he became close to the monk Alexy, later Metropolitan of Moscow, commemorated February 12).

Bartholomew, on October 7, 1337, took monastic vows from Abbot Mitrofan with the name of the holy martyr Sergius (October 7) and marked the beginning of a new residence for the glory of the Life-Giving Trinity. Enduring temptations and demonic fears, the Reverend rose from strength to strength. Gradually he became known to other monks who sought his guidance. The Monk Sergius received everyone with love, and soon a brotherhood of twelve monks was formed in the small monastery. Their experienced spiritual guide was distinguished by rare diligence. With his own hands he built several cells, carried water, chopped wood, baked bread, sewed clothes, prepared food for the brethren, and humbly performed other work. Hard work St. Sergius combined it with prayer, vigil and fasting. The brethren were surprised that with such a severe feat, the health of their mentor not only did not deteriorate, but became even stronger. Not without difficulty, the monks begged St. Sergius to accept the abbess of the monastery. In 1354, Bishop Athanasius of Volyn ordained the Rev. a hieromonk and elevated him to the rank of abbot. Monastic obediences were still strictly observed in the monastery. As the monastery grew, so did its needs. Often the monks ate meager food, but through the prayers of St. Sergius, unknown people brought everything they needed.

The glory of the exploits of St. Sergius became known in Constantinople, and Patriarch Philotheus sent the Rev. a cross, a paraman and a schema, as a blessing for new exploits, a Blessed Letter, and advised the chosen one of God to establish a cenobitic monastery. With the patriarchal message, the Reverend went to Saint Alexy and received from him advice to introduce a strict community system. The monks began to grumble about the severity of the rules, and the Reverend was forced to leave the monastery. On the Kirzhach River he founded a monastery in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Order in the former monastery began to quickly decline, and the remaining monks turned to Saint Alexis so that he would return the saint.

The Monk Sergius unquestioningly obeyed the saint, leaving his disciple, the Monk Roman, as abbot of the Kirzhach Monastery.

During his lifetime, St. Sergius was awarded the grace-filled gift of miracles. He resurrected the boy when the desperate father considered his only son lost forever. The fame of the miracles performed by St. Sergius began to quickly spread, and sick people began to be brought to him both from surrounding villages and from distant places. And no one left the Reverend without receiving healing of ailments and edifying advice. Everyone glorified St. Sergius and reverently revered him on a par with the ancient holy fathers. But human glory did not seduce the great ascetic, and he still remained a model of monastic humility.

One day Saint Stephen, Bishop of Perm (April 27), who deeply revered the Monk, was heading from his diocese to Moscow. The road ran eight miles from the Sergius Monastery. Intending to visit the monastery on the way back, the saint stopped and, having read a prayer, bowed to St. Sergius with the words: “Peace be with you, spiritual brother.” At this time, the Monk Sergius was sitting with the brethren at meal. In response to the blessing of the saint, the Monk Sergius stood up, read a prayer and sent a return blessing to the saint. Some of the disciples, surprised by the Saint’s extraordinary act, hastened to the indicated place and, having caught up with the saint, became convinced of the truth of the vision.

Gradually, the monks began to witness other similar phenomena. Once, during the liturgy, an Angel of the Lord concelebrated with the Saint, but out of his humility, Saint Sergius forbade anyone to tell about this until the end of his life on earth.

Close ties of spiritual friendship and brotherly love connected St. Sergius with St. Alexis. The saint, in his declining years, called the Venerable One to him and asked to accept the Russian Metropolis, but Blessed Sergius, out of humility, refused the primacy.

The Russian land at that time suffered from the Tatar yoke. Grand Duke Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, having gathered an army, came to the monastery of St. Sergius to ask for a blessing for the upcoming battle. To help the Grand Duke, the Reverend blessed two monks of his monastery: schema-monk Andrei (Oslyabya) and schema-monk Alexander (Peresvet), and predicted victory for Prince Demetrius. The prophecy of St. Sergius was fulfilled: on September 8, 1380, on the day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Russian soldiers won a complete victory over the Tatar hordes on the Kulikovo field, marking the beginning of the liberation of the Russian land from the Tatar yoke. During the battle, St. Sergius stood with his brethren in prayer and asked God to grant victory to the Russian army.

For his angelic life, St. Sergius was awarded heavenly vision from God. One night, Abba Sergius read the rule in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Having finished reading the canon of the Mother of God, he sat down to rest, but suddenly told his disciple, the Monk Micah (May 6), that a miraculous visit awaited them. A moment later, the Mother of God appeared, accompanied by the holy apostles Peter and John the Theologian. From the unusually bright light, the Monk Sergius fell on his face, but the Most Holy Theotokos touched him with her hands and, blessing him, promised to always patronize his holy monastery.

Having reached a very old age, the Venerable One, having foreseen his death six months before, called the brethren to him and blessed a disciple experienced in spiritual life and obedience, the Venerable Nikon (November 17), to become hegumen. In silent solitude, the Monk reposed before God on September 25, 1392. The day before, the great saint of God called the brethren for the last time and addressed the words of his testament: “Take heed to yourselves, brethren. First have the fear of God, spiritual purity and unfeigned love...”