What is hex. Hexes

DIVIDE 1, (What). (What). Same as . Fate separated the friends. 3. whom (What). spouses. Divorced wife. 4. What. saw Dilute I’ll take away someone else’s misfortune with my hands imperfect viewbreed,- I'm watching, - I'm watching. || nounbreeding,-I, Wed(to 4 value), divorce,-A, m.(to 1 and 4 value) Andwiring,-And, and.(to 4 meaning; special). || adjectiveone-time,-th, -th (to 4 meaning). R. key. R. bridge(with a movable span).

Blog code:

DIVIDE 1,-I'm going, -you're going; -ate, -eat; -eaten; -eaten (-yon, -ena); -eating; soy 1. whom (What). Leading, delivering (many) to different places. Dilute children home. Separate the sentries(arrange by post). 2. whom (What). Same as . Fate separated the friends. 3. whom (What). Dissolve someone's marriage. Dilute spouses. Divorced wife. 4. What. Point parts of something in different directions. Raise the bridge. Dilute saw(give the teeth a slight tilt to the side). Dilute hands - move your hands to the sides as a sign of surprise, as well as generally express bewilderment or surprise about something I’ll take away someone else’s misfortune with my hands(ate about the fact that someone else’s misfortune seems not terrible). || imperfect viewbreed,- I'm watching, - I'm watching. || nounbreeding,-I, Wed(to 4 value), divorce,-A, m.(to 1 and 4 value) Andwiring,-And, and.(to 4 meaning; special). || adjectiveone-time,-th, -th (to 4 meaning). R. key. R. bridge(with a movable span).

What it will look like:

DIVIDE 1,-I'm going, -you're going; -ate, -eat; -eaten; -eaten (-yon, -ena); -eating; soy 1. whom (What). Leading, deliver (many) to different places. Dilute children home. Separate the sentries(arrange by post). 2. whom (What). Same as . Fate separated the friends. 3. whom (What). Dissolve someone's marriage. Dilute spouses. Divorced wife. 4. What. Point parts of something in different directions. Raise the bridge. Dilute saw(give the teeth a slight tilt to the side). Dilute hands - move your hands to the sides as a sign of surprise, as well as generally express bewilderment or surprise about something I’ll take away someone else’s misfortune with my hands(ate about the fact that someone else’s misfortune seems not terrible). || imperfect viewbreed,- I'm watching, - I'm watching. || nounbreeding,-I, Wed(to 4 value), divorce,-A, m.(to 1 and 4 value) Andwiring,-And, and.(to 4 meaning; special). || adjectiveone-time,-th, -th (to 4 meaning). R. key. R. bridge(with a movable span).

In patch 6.84, which came out more than two years ago, Hex got one of biggest nerfs throughout the history of Dota 2. Since then he stopped blocking passive abilities, thereby Hex stopped being the best disable in the game. Moreover, with the release of this patch, a new item was added Lotus Orb, which allowed the use dispel on an allied hero. Two years later Hex has become almost like a camp, but with equal disable duration, the stun simply looked better.

IN 7.07 everything has changed radically, namely, Hex became a very strong disable. It still does not block passive abilities and its duration can also be reduced due to the addition of the ability reduction stat. However, now he cannot be dispelled, which means that there is no pronounced opposition. You can use Force Staff on an ally, in order to save him from being focused by the heroes of the enemy team, you can speed up using Surge y, and also prevent the death of an ally with the help Shallow Grave, but there is no way to shorten the action Hex. This fundamentally changed the game, making many heroes much less useful and also easier to deal with.


Two carry heroes were seriously affected by the changes in the patches 7.06 And 7.07 . One of them has an innate dispel in the form of an ability, and the second has always been someone who is difficult to kill. Slark And Ursa have become much weaker in the new patch, despite the fact that there are only three sources in the game Hex. As previously noted, Slark was more affected. Previously with Slark fought in any way AoE disables, kites, or place a lot of wards. Now normal Hex on your team will allow you to catch Slark into a chain of camps, without even giving him the opportunity to go into Shadow Dance. Also, and Lion They can prolong their disable quite well, while also dealing good damage.

Similar to this, many other core heroes were nerfed because Abbadon and are no longer the best heroes to save their team. Especially noticeable in the example Abbadon, who can no longer prevent disables in his direction by activating his ultimate. also falls into this category, although Repel was always useful, so the usefulness of this hero was not so significantly reduced.

Finally, there is also , which looks very suitable for this occasion, after presentation Refresher Shard, but at the same time this hero can also be countered by a simple Hex, without even having time to use yours Ravage. All other debuffs can also be dispelled, many abilities that deal DoT the damage will be quickly negated, but 3.5-4 seconds Hex will allow the team to quickly kill an enemy target that is capable of counter-initiation. This is a very risky move, but very rewarding if your team has enough damage to destroy .


Mechanical changes Hex Supports were affected just as much as others, but there were fewer losses here. In fact, he only lost his potential to fight Hex, with its two displays from Fortune's End And False Promise. There is a counter-argument against Hex, these are heroes like Chen and that can take control Satyr Banisher and use it innate Purge, but this very rarely happens even on the pro scene, not to mention the public.

Also, there is Lotus Orb, which is assembled by heroes standing approximately on the border of core characters and supports. After adding the item, people did not immediately understand its usefulness against Hex. You may not always be able to use the item at the right time, but at the same time you save your heroes in need of mobility from taking unnecessary damage. Now this artifact is more useful, unlike how it was previously collected as a backup in the late game.

The biggest benefit of the change

When the conversation turns to change Hex, we can identify two specific winners in this situation. With minor changes and Lion became a direct counter to such heroes as Slark, which used to be a support's worst nightmare. On top of all this is their potential to capture mobile targets, which can no longer be countered by an item behind 4.000 gold, which greatly increases the usefulness of heroes in long games. There is no doubt that both heroes are good picks for the current meta.

Besides these two heroes, there is another, more frightening hero on at the moment. This hero's win rate increased by 5% after release 7.07 . is not the king of the meta or a consistent first ban in professional games, but he has very good potential in the right hands. With enough mana, this hero can turn a situation into 4 vs 5 or even 3 vs 5, causing large number damage and having a small number of opposing heroes and items. Moreover, the hero can provide farm for himself and, in theory, one of his teammates for quite a long time. was good a year and a half ago, but all changes only lead to an improvement in his performance.


7.07 brought a lot of changes to the game and this small line of text about Hex could go unnoticed. But this very line has a huge impact on the meta and the balance of the patch in general.

Hex is now the best disable in the game and this is worth understanding. You shouldn’t be afraid of it, but on the contrary, be ready to use it in public to preserve your MMR and its stable growth.

Hex signs in the northern tradition

What are Hexes? We are more or less familiar with runes and know what each symbol means and how it is used in magic. But there are also such signs as Hexes.

Hexes are one of the directions in Northern magic. These catalysts are used when it is necessary to quickly move things forward with dead center. Depending on the situation and problem, the symbolism changes, but the basis remains the same. You need to draw the hex yourself. There is not a single meaningless sign or extra line here. They work with hexes in the same way as with runes, they illuminate and appeal to the gods. Hexes are used in any area where it is necessary to change the situation.

If it comes to love, then you can add hearts to the middle of the leaves. The main thing is intention and awareness of what we draw. If you can, for example, redraw a stav without fully understanding it, and it will work in some way, then with hexes you need to clearly know why we are currently drawing one or two circles, why we have four rays, and green leaves , why do we need lightning and do we need waves here. Those. a complete understanding of what we are doing and why. A hex is essentially our intention expressed in symbols.

Using hex characters

Theoretically, the magic of hex signs is similar to the Icelandic magic of the Galdrastavs. The magician develops a sign, creates it, manifests his magical will, and casts a spell.

Hexenmeister (hex master) was the name given to the designer of traditional Pennsylvania (Dutch or German) hex signs, usually attached under the ridge of barns, granaries, and sheds in Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. These round hex signs are surrounded by secrets, myths and speculation about them. They were believed to be "painted prayers", spells and messages made visual, visible, asking God for blessings and protection for home and farm, good luck, abundance and prosperity, hospitality.

These bright patterns have a certain meaning and legend. The family chooses the hex sign based on color, shape, meaning.

The most popular symbols include: heart for love, birds (called distelfinks) for luck and happiness, tulips for fidelity and stars for good fortune. The colors used for the designs are also carefully chosen as each one has its own meaning. Blue expresses protection, white - purity, green - prosperity, abundance, red - strong emotions. Hex signs were made by hand, individually.

Horse- to protect pets from illness and weakness.

Ritual for using hex signs

1. Preparation.

We need to make sure that we have all the necessary tools and materials at our disposal. You also need to be sure that you were able to develop necessary sign. Before applying and decorating the sign, it is necessary to take time for conscious concentration before the work ahead.

2. Drawing and coloring.

When you first touch the material that you are ready to turn into a hex sign, say or think: “This is the universe, it surrounds me. The sign generated by my limited mind will be born according to its laws.” Draw the lines of the sign you came up with. When drawing a sign, focus on the meaning of each geometric detail. Having created a geometric image, concentrate on the fact that you are sending your sign through the entire Universe. When you have finished drawing, color the sign with colors that are in harmony with its symbolic purpose. Some hex magic masters believe that coloring symbols is for purely aesthetic purposes, while others give the colors a special magical meaning. In any case, the sign must be painted in at least two colors for your design to take on its final form.

3. Blessing.

Once the sign is fully colored, the sorcerer extends his hands over the symbol, palms down, and pronounces aloud a blessing or prayer that should “charge” the sign with the purpose for which it was created. Hex signs affect the world around us and without spells, just as spells work even without being “imprinted” in signs. However, their combined use is very effective. The blessing can also be written on a piece of paper and attached to back side sign. Such a written formula is called in Dutch a Himmelsbrief (“letter to Heaven”).

4. Accommodation.

In order for the hex sign to work the way you want, you need to find a suitable place for it. If you want to protect your home from outside danger, it is best to hang the sign outside (under the gable). If the purpose of the sign is to maintain harmony family life, the symbol must be placed in a visible place in the living room or bedroom (above the fireplace or above the bed). For some secret purposes, the sign must be hidden from prying eyes, but this is too complicated a matter.

The secret language of heck signs

The disk or circle of the hex symbol symbolizes the entire universe. This is why all hexes must be round. The background color of the circle is almost always white, symbolizing the absolute vacuum of space. This is the vacuum where the hexmaster's will and thought must travel freely to do his work.

Signs devoid of a geometric pattern contain pictographic symbolism, which is aimed at strengthening the sign itself. (Geometric figures enable the power of a sign to be projected over an almost infinite distance.) Signs without central geometric shapes usually perform a generally blessing function or have the ability to directly “permeate” space with themselves.

Signs with three-ray symmetry belong to the spiritual sphere and contribute to the creation of a dynamic, continuous and at the same time balanced flow of energy.

Sign "Love and romance".
Signs with four-ray symmetry are dedicated to questions material well-being and prosperity. They are a reliable guarantee of fulfillment of desires.

Signs with six-ray symmetry seem to be the oldest and most popular type of hex. Six is ​​a derivative of three; in this way it leads a person to the highest levels of spiritual reality, but at the same time provides stability, since it is the sum of two and four. The number six demonstrates the relationship between God and man, and God and nature, with their one law and order. Another important aspect The six-pointed sign is its ability to interact with the forces that create form and matter directly from energy. The Triangular sign has these same abilities on a more fundamental level.

Signs with eight-ray symmetry are symbols higher powers quadrangular figures. They provide stable and inevitable fulfillment of what they were created for. Quadruple and octagonal signs are most effective in matters of material well-being, happiness, physical health, sexuality and fertility.

Hex symbols

Earth Star ensures goodness on earth and sustainable harmony.

Tulip- a symbol of faith and devotion. In more late period it became a symbol of triple faith - faith in oneself, faith in one’s own work (hope) and faith in loved ones (love).

Heart- a symbol of love. It can be both spiritual and erotic. (The difference between these two types of love is obviously determined by the geometric frame in which the heart is placed.)

Distelfink(golden finch) - a sign of good luck and success.

Eagle- a symbol of strength and courage.

Rooster- the personification of vigilance (including spiritual).

Diamond- a sign of the four seasons.

oak leaf symbolizes masculine character traits. In general, leaves are a symbol of life and vitality.

Acorn- a symbol of male sexuality.

Pomegranate fruit means fertility, prosperity and happiness.

Raindrop symbolizes the movement of water and life-giving moisture. Her image can be used for worldly (invoking rain) and spiritual purposes (revitalizing a person’s internal forces).

Lightning- a sign of storm and tension, destruction and unleashed elements. This symbol can be used to make clouds burst into rain. Sometimes he appears in hexes that cast a curse.

Grape- a symbol of female fertility.

Clover symbolizes modesty and tenderness.

Hex color colors

White: innocence, purity, ability to resist evil, eternal life, protection from evil magic, joy. This color can also symbolize the neutral background of a magical act.

Red: passion, love, strong emotions (love or hate), action, vitality, freedom, high power, but also social ostracism.

Black: death, despondency, witches, black magic, lust. This color can also be used to set off a neutral white background (vacuum) in simple contrasting motifs.

Blue: heavenly love, truth, protection, holiness, beauty, spiritual strength. This color reliably protects against hostile magical will.

Violet: dignity, strength, pride of the owner. Also a symbol of suffering and humiliation.

Yellow: this color has two completely different meanings. It can symbolize illness, jealousy, betrayal and despair. But it also points to holiness, divinity, the sun, revelation of truth and brotherly love.

Green: abundance, luck, fertility, luck, victory of life over death.

Brown: degradation, sensual pleasures, harvest. Can also refer to humility and renunciation.

Examples of hex characters

This sign brings good luck to the world around you. The distelfink reigning over the heart brings good luck in matters of the heart, and the tulip symbolizes faith and devotion in love. If you color this sign, the distelfink's body should be yellow ( divine love), the head and wings are red (emotions), and the tail is green (luck). The heart should be red around the edge and yellow in the middle. Tulips should also be red and yellow. The sign should be placed in a conspicuous place in the residential area of ​​the house.


This sign is meant to bring into your life big changes. Use such signs with great caution. The core of the personality of the person for whom this sign was created is fixed in a symmetrical protective blue rosette. But the inner, subjective world is saturated with active spiritual life - these are four flying raindrops. Their color depends on the type of changes you want to see in your life. The four lightning bolts should be red (action) and yellow (life). The numerology of the design means that the controlled dynamism of the symbols leads to orderly results - 4 (mundane) + 4 (mundane) = 8 (long-term stability and balance). The waves around the inner edge create a soft buffer zone between the dynamism of change in inner life and trials in the outside world. This sign should be kept with you or displayed in your personal room.

Magic power
All the energy of this sign is directed outward from the dynamic and balanced three-ray spiritual core (blue with and white) through the eight-pointed star (permanent and manifested order) into inner world. The inner world is full of faith and trust (tulips). The star is purple (power) with blue (truth), and the tulips are red ( life force). In this combination, a dynamic core and an orderly inner world, full of energy, truth and faith, are projected into outside world through the red (action) teeth. This sign should be kept with you or displayed where you work.

More than two years ago, in patch 6.84, Hex received one of the biggest nerfs in the history of Dota 2 - he stopped blocking passive abilities, while losing the title of the best disable in the game. This patch also introduced Lotus Orb, a source of regular dispel that can be cast on an allied hero. This further reduced the usefulness of Hex. Almost two years later, Hex became almost like a stun, but with equal disable duration, the stun simply looked better.

IN 7.07 everything has changed radically, namely, Hex became a very strong disable. It still does not block passive abilities and its duration can also be reduced due to the addition of the ability reduction stat. However, now he cannot be dispelled, which means that there is no pronounced opposition. You can use Force Staff on an ally, in order to save him from being focused by the heroes of the enemy team, you can speed up using Surge y, and also prevent the death of an ally with the help Shallow Grave, but there is no way to shorten the action Hex. This fundamentally changed the game, making many heroes much less useful and also easier to deal with.


Two carry heroes were seriously affected by the changes in the patches 7.06 And 7.07 . One of them has an innate dispel in the form of an ability, and the second has always been someone who is difficult to kill. Slark And Ursa have become much weaker in the new patch, despite the fact that there are only three sources in the game Hex. As previously noted, Slark was more affected. Previously with Slark fought in any way AoE disables, kites, or place a lot of wards. Now normal Hex on your team will allow you to catch Slark into a chain of camps, without even giving him the opportunity to go into Shadow Dance. Also, and Lion They can prolong their disable quite well, while also dealing good damage.

Similar to this, many other core heroes were nerfed because Abbadon and are no longer the best heroes to save their team. Especially noticeable in the example Abbadon, who can no longer prevent disables in his direction by activating his ultimate. also falls into this category, although Repel was always useful, so the usefulness of this hero was not so significantly reduced.

Finally, there is also , which looks very suitable for this occasion, after presentation Refresher Shard, but at the same time this hero can also be countered by a simple Hex, without even having time to use yours Ravage. All other debuffs can also be dispelled, many abilities that deal DoT the damage will be quickly negated, but 3.5-4 seconds Hex will allow the team to quickly kill an enemy target that is capable of counter-initiation. This is a very risky move, but very rewarding if your team has enough damage to destroy .


Mechanical changes Hex Supports were affected just as much as others, but there were fewer losses here. In fact, he only lost his potential to fight Hex, with its two displays from Fortune's End And False Promise. There is a counter-argument against Hex, these are heroes like Chen and that can take control Satyr Banisher and use it innate Purge, but this very rarely happens even on the pro scene, not to mention the public.

Also, there is Lotus Orb, which is assembled by heroes standing approximately on the border of core characters and supports. After adding the item, people did not immediately understand its usefulness against Hex. You may not always be able to use the item at the right time, but at the same time you save your heroes in need of mobility from taking unnecessary damage. Now this artifact is more useful, unlike how it was previously collected as a backup in the late game.

The biggest benefit of the change

When the conversation turns to change Hex, we can identify two specific winners in this situation. With minor changes and Lion became a direct counter to such heroes as Slark, which used to be a support's worst nightmare. On top of all this is their potential to capture mobile targets, which can no longer be countered by an item behind 4.000 gold, which greatly increases the usefulness of heroes in long games. There is no doubt that both heroes are good picks for the current meta.

Besides these two heroes, there is another, more frightening hero at the moment. This hero's win rate increased by 5% after release 7.07 . is not the king of the meta or a consistent first ban in professional games, but he has very good potential in the right hands. With enough mana, this hero can turn a situation into 4 vs 5 or even 3 vs 5, causing a large amount of damage and having a small number of opposing heroes and items. Moreover, the hero can provide farm for himself and, in theory, one of his teammates for quite a long time. was good a year and a half ago, but all changes only lead to an improvement in his performance.


7.07 brought a lot of changes to the game and this small line of text about Hex could go unnoticed. But this very line has a huge impact on the meta and the balance of the patch in general.

Hex is now the best disable in the game and this is worth understanding. You shouldn’t be afraid of it, but on the contrary, be ready to use it in public to preserve your MMR and its stable growth.