What awaits an Aquarius woman in the year of the pig. Full characteristics of an Aquarius child born in the year of the Pig

Those born during this period know how to distribute their tasks practically and like to make sense of everything. They are open to others, receptive to events happening around them. Such men are gallant, tactful and friendly. They are more conservative and reserved than other Aquarians.

Personality Traits of Aquarius Year of the Pig

Representatives of this type value simplicity and predictability; they have little interest in gambling or extreme activities. At work, Aquarius-Pigs show themselves to be fully active if the work really inspires them. They are hardworking, efficient, smart and responsible. Their career can be very successful, since such people perform their duties very well and are quite capable of achieving promotion.

Character of the Pig-Men of the Aquarius sign

The owners of this combination are peace-loving, cold-blooded, calm and reasonable. Aquarius-Pigs are more prone to optimism or a neutral perception of reality than to pessimism or despondency. They are ready for difficulties and know how to overcome them, but a series of failures can throw them out of balance. When angry, Aquarius-Pigs are furious; they can endure attacks from the enemy for a long time, and then suddenly rebel and give him a tough rebuff.

Personal life of Aquarius-Pig Men

They like freedom, they look for the following qualities in a partner: insight, tact, wisdom, loyal attitude to controversial issues. Aquarius-Pigs can think about the need for marriage for years, but never decide to take this step. They are waiting for confirmation from their partner that their union can be durable. Aquarius-Pigs are romantic and charming, but it is difficult for them to take relationships to a more serious stage than flirting or cohabitation.

Eastern Zodiac– Yours zodiac sign gives you a certain set of characteristics, but also an annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and by interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called character of a combination. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Eastern signs:
signs of the zodiac:



You're very lucky here. For Pig, making a joke is a simple, pleasant and not at all burdensome thing. Natural optimism, powerful intellect, a keen eye, absolute inner freedom and hatred of everything pretentious and ossified. So joke, smile, have fun, mock. In a word, do what you want, but just don’t be sad and don’t be boring.

Valentina Talyzina (22.1.1935). One of the best comedic actresses. In the film “Zigzag of Fortune” she is first “dressed like a cleaning lady”, and then in full splendor, but this makes her even funnier and more absurd. It’s about the same in the comedy “Afonya”, where he plays a master.

Renee O'Connor (2/15/1971) Xena's loyal friend Gabrielle from Xena: Warrior Princess. Everyone notes her extraordinary optimism and love of life.


Rejoice people, the nature of laughter has been revealed! Laughter is born from a minimal discrepancy between the annual sign and the zodiac sign (a shift of plus or minus one). This is a theory, but in practice we are talking about an elementary parody. It is in parody and imitation that the basis of the funny in the Jester’s worldview.

If we take professional parodists, clowns and other entertainers out of the conversation, then what should everyone else do? Whom to make laugh, how and why? Make fun and make fun of everyone and everything. A jester is someone who is allowed not to have shrines and subject everything to the purifying fire of mockery, ridicule, and parody.

Any team needs a person who is allowed to criticize a boss at any level and nothing will happen to him for it. This is precisely why jesters were kept at the royal court, so that at least someone would not fall ill with sycophancy.

ABOUT healing properties there is a lot of laughter being said. For example, this: “Humanity, laughing, parts with its past.” That is why laughter is not just entertainment, it is a whole mechanism for the collapse of frozen dogmas, political, scientific, cultural. That is why Jesters are so needed in those places (in those groups) where everything is overgrown with moss, covered with dust and cobwebs.

It is clear that the Jester in such a situation is more of a satirist than a humorist, although for a satirist he lacks incriminating pathos. The jester is not a pretentious figure and mocks both his superiors and his subordinates with equal pleasure, but he can also mock himself. Irony, once again irony and no pathos.

In general, the moment of truth for the Jester is the presence or absence of a sense of humor. If it exists, it’s already a victory! It is already possible to distinguish funny from sad. Well, if you have an active sense of humor, then this is already a celebration of life and then everything will work out.

Finally, a few words about intelligence. Thanks to certain television programs, the business of laughter has come to seem like the apotheosis of cheerful stupidity. A true Jester is a brilliant intellectual, for his wit is evidence of his keen mind.


The Jester does not have an energy barrage similar to what the Leader creates. The Jester cannot run around and pull everyone in a row, charging them with vigor and enthusiasm. He has a different virtue, a different, more subtle tuning. The jester brings with him light, joy, a genetic smile that can illuminate half the world and finally drive away the night. The most striking example here is, of course, Yuri Gagarin (Dog, Pisces), with his fantastic smile. There was no second such smile in the history of mankind.

The light modification of the Jester is perhaps even more valuable than the laughter modification, because it is practically impossible to falsify. You can play a funny joke teller by memorizing a couple of collections of jokes. But it is almost impossible to teach a person to shine with light. An energetically sincere smile is the most difficult action in the world of virtual technologies. False and forced production smiles of clerks at various levels do not count.

The Jester's smile can rise so high that it seems to pierce the boundaries of what is permitted, becoming stupid. Well, this is not scary for the Jester. If you couldn't become bright, you'll be funny again.


The jester may seem like an absurd and awkward figure. Everyone is ready to throw their own stone at the Jester, everyone is ready to downplay the Jester’s abilities. Nevertheless, the Jester has an ability that is absolutely impossible to keep silent about. It's about about the psychological insight of the Jester.

Psychologists-theorists, as a rule, fight not for a person, but for some latest fashionable doctrine. But a practical psychologist, a person who really knows how to get into the skin of another person, is always at a great price. So, this kind of talent is most developed in the Jester.

This is not difficult to understand. If the Jester was able to become a parodist, if he has the gift of imitation and the talent of a mockingbird, if he was able to really make fun of a person, then it means that he was able to unravel the psychology of this subject. A simple exercise: try to copy the facial expression of another person, and you will immediately understand the structure of his thoughts. This is the thing that the Jester does masterfully.

In short, as it should be, in a good fairy tale the fool turns out to be, if not the smartest, then at least the most insightful character.

As for the psychologist’s ability not only to understand a person and sympathize with him, but also to find a way out of a difficult situation, the Jester’s sense of humor can provide invaluable help here, because it is known that most psychological problems arise precisely where we cannot laugh, cannot look at yourself with humor from the outside.

(from 02/08/1959, from 01/27/1971, from 02/13/1983, from 01/31/1995)

He doesn't attract anyone's attention. He is simple and undemanding, but this lasts as long as the matter does not concern his interests. In this case, he demonstrates an explosive temperament, as well as rage that his plans are not being realized. He is full of new ideas that he can implement if the idea is really interesting to him. Moreover, his ideas are new, but he can implement them in the present with ease.

Characteristics of an Aquarius - Pig (Boar) man in LOVE

Love is an important feeling for him that must be experienced. He falls in love at first sight, forgetting about everything. He burns and breathes with this feeling, but never forgets about the practical side of things. On rare occasions, he forgets about the ground under his feet. In all other cases, it distinguishes well between love and other relationships. That is why he is rarely unhappy in relationships with women.

He can sacrifice love if he plans to implement some idea into life. At this moment he is ready to give up even love. A girl can only attract him if she offers him an even more interesting idea. In this case there will be both love and work. This is the scenario that is most acceptable to him. Usually he stops rushing about and stays with his chosen one.

Aquarius born in the year of the Pig (Boar) in BED

The intimate sphere is important to him and he usually tries to bring such relationships closer in life, as he is incredibly sensual. However, for him intimate relationships possible when he loves a woman or is in love. He won’t waste himself on many partners for the sake of experience. Most often he will look for the opportunity to combine love and bed. This is exactly what he achieves in most cases.

He always likes to develop strategies and the intimate sphere is no exception. He loves romantic dinners and preparation for the action. He loves everything traditional, but is not at all against fantasies and new ideas. That is why it is always easy to agree with him in this regard. However, you cannot force him to do anything; he will not perceive his partner as a necessary part of his life.

Horoscope of Aquarius man - Pig (Boar) in MARRIAGE

He is very loyal, so he rarely cheats. He needs serious reasons to cheat. If a woman infringes on his freedom and rights, he will not tolerate such a relationship and, most likely, will refuse and break off the painful relationship. He is especially attentive with children and can teach them everything good. With him they can be truly strong and courageous individuals.

In friendship and love, a man always relies on the basic principles - equality, independence and personal freedom. This approach allows him to be simply happy. However, not every girl is ready for such a relationship, so it may be difficult for him to find a suitable partner. If such relationships are realized in marriage, then he will be an excellent husband and father and will please his wife with all his might.

The most important thing! What kind of girl does he need?

Thus, he is very attractive and smart, knows his worth and is full of new ideas. That is why he can achieve a lot in life. You should carefully weigh your attitude towards your loved one, and then be guided by your principles, since everything can be changed under his influence on you. That is, it is necessary to be flexible and attentive to the events in his life. This approach is the key to your happiness with him.

Character of men Pig "Boar" - Aquarius: They are distinguished by multifaceted talents, they are well developed, fickle and freedom-loving. Because of these qualities, they often enter into many marriages without having time to study their partner before breaking up. Carelessness prevents them from becoming successful faster and in a shorter way. Laziness is another problem that can also lead to undesirable results in their lives. They will have to constantly control themselves.

They are strong, smart and ambitious individuals. However, they are often hampered by the inability to focus on one thing and the reluctance to look for easy ways to achieve goals. Many things come easily to them, which leads to irresponsibility, so they may find themselves in a difficult situation. Having a wealth of experience and knowledge, these men may find themselves at the very bottom if they do not develop, reducing negative traits character.

Men Pig "Boars" - Aquarius in love and relationships: Romantic relationships they often develop depending on their moods. They can fulfill many obligations, doing everything well, but frequent changes of mood do not allow them to behave correctly with their partner. They should work on this quality in order to be able to become part of strong relationships, and perhaps a serious marriage. For them, the partner always becomes a support and rear force.

Pig "Boar" men - Aquarius in finance and career: They climb easily career ladder. Everything is easy, everything is accessible. But often this feeling leads them to euphoria, and this has a detrimental effect on career advancement. They can turn things back, but at this stage it is worth analyzing your mistakes and accepting the right decision. Financial well-being for them important point, but career and well-being are often linked together for them. Therefore, they make a career to get material benefits.

Men Pig "Boars" - Aquarius in family and marriage: Family relationships will depend solely on their moods. They can be soft and inattentive within a minute. Their partner will have to adapt to their moods in order for the relationship to be as smooth as possible. In family life, they should adhere to two basic rules - stability and constancy, so that the relationship does not fall apart in the first year of marriage. Their ability to achieve this will make them happy.

Advice to men Pigs “Boars” - Aquarius: These men are advised to set global goals for themselves. Having set a goal, you need to give up small goals. If they focus their energy, they will be able to achieve excellent results. All actions should be performed with ease. These men should not be allowed to behave frivolously, so as not to end up in difficult situations. By adopting these recommendations, they will definitely achieve good results in life.

Being on the wings of love, it is difficult to notice any shortcomings in a partner. The person doesn’t even feel like he doesn’t fit in. Although his friends and relatives talk about this. Often a person in love perceives their criticism as subjective envy. Only astrological horoscope can give an objective assessment in this case. Characteristics and compatibility in love with a partner will help put everything in its place.

Characteristics of an Aquarius – Pig man

The Aquarius Pig man is a man with many different talents. The representative of this sign is always multifaceted. Don't be surprised if this is a mathematician who plays a musical instrument masterfully. The Aquarius Pig man loves freedom. They are inherently impermanent. It is very rare that a representative of this sign spends his entire life doing one thing. Even in their personal lives, everything is constantly changing. This is one of the signs that marries multiple times.

In addition to inconstancy, they also have another bad character trait. This is laziness. It prevents them from achieving everything they plan in life. In fact, these are only dreamers, and not practical implementers of what was planned. To overcome laziness, an Aquarius-Pig man must constantly control himself in everything. Then their talent will bring results to them.

The Aquarius-Pig man has his own ambitions. He wants to achieve his plans. But the difficulties he faces prevent him from doing this. Laziness also comes into play here. It can also lead to the fact that, while occupying a high position in society, a representative sharply slides to the very bottom. Only lifelong self-control will help you go straight to your intended goal.

Giftedness helps you easily move up the career ladder. However, the Aquarius-Pig man does not always want this. He's just lazy. Therefore, he begins to invent himself with interfering circumstances. He always comments on all excuses, looking for solid evidence that he is right.

The financial side of the life of an Aquarius – Pig man stands on important place. They associate the increase in income only with professional activity. Therefore, they start moving up the career ladder just to get a higher income.

Compatibility in love between Aquarius and Pig men

Inconsistency also manifests itself in the feelings of the Aquarius-Pig man. He goes to romantic dates, beautifully looks after a girl when everything is good in his soul. As soon as the mood changes, he begins to behave differently with his chosen one. It might be colder, friendly attitude. A girl in love often does not understand this at all. It destroys relationships. If an Aquarius-Pig man wants to start a family, then he must reconsider his character and learn to control his inconstancy.

The mood in the family of the Aquarius-Pig man is completely dependent on him. He is the head of the marital union. All family members carefully adapt to his character. They completely change their behavior if their father and husband Bad mood. They already clearly know how to behave in this case. However, this will happen if a representative of this zodiac sign finds himself suitable woman. Otherwise, everything will very quickly end in scandals and divorce.

Astrologers recommend that Aquarius-Pig men adhere to stability and constancy in everything. They will have to learn this if they want to have loved ones around them all the time. If they can realize this, they will become the happiest husbands and fathers.

An Aquarius-Pig man will be able to enter into a strong and reliable marriage with a representative of the year of the Rabbit, Goat or Pig. But girls born in the year of the Rooster, Bull and Snake do not tolerate inconstancy. It is impossible to conclude a successful family union with them.

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