What does the word christina mean? Meaning of the name Christina

Inexplicable mysteries and secrets that are rich in the world around us, not so few, and most of them humanity cannot solve for thousands of years. One of the problems that also has no solution is whether it is possible to influence the future and what factors can play a role important role in the creation of fate. Strange as it may seem, this can be done by unraveling the secret meaning of the name, therefore, parents who have chosen the name Christina for their daughter study the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls extremely carefully and thoroughly.

The meaning of the name Christina for a girl is brief

What is the right thing to do if, from the birth of a child, you want to hope that everything in the future will be cloudless and smooth? Ancient books advise you to penetrate into the secret meaning of the name and try to unravel it - this will certainly help you predetermine a good, comfortable fate for your little one. When choosing the name Christina, the meaning of the name, character and fate can correspond to the hopes of adults - everything will be fine, and there is a lot of evidence on this matter.

The meaning of the name Christina for a girl is briefly “follower of Christ.” In ancient times, this was most often the name given to women who completely devoted themselves to serving the Lord. Most of them preferred to die martyrdom, but do not betray your Teacher.

If you study ancient books, you can see what meaning people betrayed secret meaning, embedded in the name. It was believed that too much depended on this, and often even fate was predicted by name; huge books were dedicated to these interpretations, which are still very popular and are carefully studied by parents.

What does the name Christina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

One of the most important points, which adults who are choosing a name for their little daughter should definitely know about - it depends on them whether their baby will have patron saints and how many times a year she can celebrate name days. To do this, it is not necessary to study the relevant literature - just look at the calendar or the church calendar, in which everything is described in detail and clearly, and even the dates of name days are noted.

Christina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - these features should worry adults in the first place, which is why the study of the church calendar should be done carefully and thoroughly. First you need to decide what is more preferable for the baby’s relatives - the number of patron saints or the secret meaning embedded in the chosen name.

What does the name Christina mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and what does it talk about? In its interpretation, Christian literature does not differ from Greek meaning- “Christian” or “follower of Christ.” Just by the secret meaning, one can determine that the patron of the baby from the first days after baptism will be Christ himself, so you don’t have to worry about the girl’s future - everything will be cloudless for her.

The secret of the name Christina, name day

Despite such a powerful patron, the girl will not have a shortage of guardians, because she will be able to celebrate her name day almost every month. Christina is one of the most common church calendar names The baby will be able to celebrate her birthday in the following months:

  1. January (6th);
  2. February (19th);
  3. March (13th);
  4. May (31st);
  5. June (13th);
  6. July (24th);
  7. August (6th);
  8. October (270th);
  9. December (15th).

The mystery of the name Christina is shrouded in a mysterious curtain, because a lot of inexplicable and strange things are connected with it. In many countries, these saints are revered at many celebrations, and some of them are even considered the patroness of doctors and psychiatrists.

Origin of the name Christina and its meaning for children

How important and even necessary information may be the origin of the name Christina and its meaning for children? If you delve carefully into old books, you can find interesting information that not everyone considers this name to be ancient Greek. Often they find Slavic roots in it and assume that it comes from the word “peasant”. It is for this reason that for many years noblemen avoided giving their daughters this name, considering it plebeian. Only recently has it become popular among all segments of the population, and many famous women bear this name.

How important can a baby's name be? Parents can observe her behavior immediately after baptism and notice how quickly she began to change. Whims, sleepless nights, and causeless hysterics disappear. The baby becomes calmer, is happy to stay alone in the room for a while, and shows interest in toys. This is evidence that the baby’s patrons have taken custody of her and are closely monitoring her development and success.

Character of a girl named Christina

What could be the character of a girl named Christina, who has so many patron saints? Parents will certainly be able to be proud of their daughter, because positive traits she will have a lot:

  1. strength of character;
  2. ingenuity;
  3. kindness;
  4. responsiveness;
  5. the desire to be the best;
  6. friendliness;
  7. ability to listen carefully;
  8. determination;
  9. wit.

What difficulties can await adults in raising a child, and what character traits will bring greatest number problems? One of the most unpleasant flaws a girl has is arrogance. This can manifest itself not only in relation to peers or classmates, but even parents. That is why every effort should be made to eradicate the unpleasant trait in childhood, otherwise the adult Christina may withdraw into herself and become gloomy and irritable.

Another unpleasant and even dangerous trait for the future is causticity. The girl will learn to play evil jokes on friends, family, even strangers. Parents will have to have numerous conversations that will partially help get rid of this unpleasant property. Most often, this is enough for the baby to understand that doing this is not only ugly, but also extremely painful for the interlocutor.

The fate of a girl named Christina

How will the fate of a girl named Christina develop over time and how positive and promising will she be? The first thing that deserves attention in a girl’s future is her choice of profession. She will certainly prefer a specialty in which she can make an excellent career and achieve significance in society. It is likely that Christina will become a good politician or diplomat, public leader or even a banker. Regardless of what profession she chooses, the girl will cope with it wonderfully and achieve dizzying success in a short time.

How will the search for your soulmate end? For financial security young man Christina is unlikely to pay attention - she makes good money herself, so she can afford the luxury of following only the call of her heart. Usually she chooses a modest and reliable husband, who will certainly be a support in life and support her in any endeavor. Thanks to such a careful choice, a break in relationships is extremely rare - Christina’s family is strong and friendly. This is greatly facilitated by children who appear soon after the wedding, bringing many pleasant moments to the life of a married couple.

Career, business and money

Christina is a true workaholic. Her ambition allows her to achieve professional heights in the field of diplomat, doctor, politician, teacher, and engineer. Work should bring her real pleasure, success should please her self-esteem.

In building her career, Christina adheres to a clear plan; there is no place for emotions in her work. A woman never asks or listens to the advice of others. Failures do not scare her, but inspire her to go to the top with redoubled strength. Christina is an excellent leader who demands that her subordinates strictly follow her orders.

She doesn’t have to go work for someone at all. An analytical mind, determination and assertiveness will allow her to become a successful entrepreneur. She will not need partners for a profitable business. She knows a lot and is ready to deal with all the unknowns in the process. The woman is not afraid of difficulties; she is used to handling money carefully, but is not afraid of losing it.

The family budget is completely in her hands. She usually earns more than her husband, but she will not stoop to reproach him in case of a quarrel.

Marriage and family

The house is an indestructible fortress. This expression fully reflects Christina’s attitude towards her family. To arrange the “fortress” she spares neither physical nor mental strength. I am not happy with strangers in my home.

Christina is a woman who excels at combining housekeeping and building successful career. She requires identical organization and dedication from her spouse. If this is not the case, conflicts cannot be avoided. Divorce for a woman with that name is an extraordinary decision. She is ready to compromise in almost any situation. Only treason is considered unacceptable. Raises children in strictness, teaching them independence and responsibility from early childhood.

Sex and love

Christina is a girl wise beyond her years. She evaluates each potential contender for her position in terms of prospects. To create a couple with Christina, a young man must have potential. For the sake of perspective, she is ready to forgive her chosen one for minor flaws in appearance and character. In a relationship with a man, he sometimes becomes a tough manipulator. She always has a lot of fans, Christina is not indifferent to compliments, but she cannot always recognize flattery.

Behind the coldness and restraint of a woman with this name hides incredible sensuality and tenderness. She treats sexual relationships with care; throughout her life they remain a sacrament for her. Christina will show her sensual nature only to her legal husband and only after she understands that he is worthy of her complete trust. If troubles begin in the relationship, Christina instantly retreats. She should always feel that her partner needs her. This woman will definitely not run after anyone; she values ​​and loves herself above all else.


In early childhood she often suffered from colds. IN adolescence Parents are advised to pay attention to their daughter’s respiratory system; she may have problems with her lungs. The best prevention is daily walks in the fresh air.

Sedentary work is not suitable for a girl, since with age there will be a predisposition to joint diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis. Throughout your life you need to pay attention to your teeth - this is one of the weakest areas.

Interests and hobbies

Christina has two passions in her life: family and work. If she is interested in fulfilling her work duties, she can devote the maximum of her available time to them.

She has no equal in creating a comfortable life, for this she is ready to master all girlish hobbies: from embroidery to remaking old furniture.

The name Christina means “dedicated to Christ,” “Christian.” The name has its own special history of origin, times of complete disappearance from use and a relatively recent return...

The name characterizes the owner with interesting character traits and has a beneficial effect on fate, fulfillment in the family and society, and professional activity. And much more.

About everything - in this article.


What does the name Christina mean? Greek language? Christina comes from the Western name Christinia, which echoes the word “Christianos”, that is, “Christian”, “Christian”.

In addition to the Greek meaning, the name also has Latin roots - Christ (as one of the names of Christ). What does the name Christina mean in Latin? It is translated as from Greek - “Christian”.

Its owner is aristocratic, stylish, elegant. The most striking character traits are: firmness, cheerfulness, loyalty, responsiveness, sociability, developed intelligence and quick wit. And also touchiness, uncertainty, arrogance.

Currently, the name Christina is very popular in American and European countries.


Appeared back in the era early Christianity. In the 3rd century AD, there lived in Rome a woman who believed in Jesus Christ named Christinia.

Just in those days main religion many had paganism - idol worship. And therefore there was a persecution of a new religion - Christianity.

The father of the girl Christinia was also an adherent of paganism. As a sign of protest and proof of faith in Christ, she destroyed all the statues of gods in the house.

For this, Christinia was given over to torture and died a martyr’s death.

To late XVIII For centuries, many girls have been called by this name, regardless of origin. It was common in Russia and other countries. But by the beginning of the 20th century it ceased to be popular; many simply erased it from memory.

And in the 80s of the 20th century, a new round of revival of the name Christina began as an old canonical name. And to this day it is very popular all over the world. Although it is considered quite rare.

Name day

The memorable day when they remember the martyr Christina and her sacred feat for the Christian faith is August 6. On this day, special services are held in churches and prayers are read.

Other holy women named by this name are also venerated. This happens throughout the year on the following days: February 19, March 26, May 31.

IN Orthodox religion This name sounds like Christina. When a newborn girl is baptized, she is named this way. Or choose any other church name to perform the sacrament.


What does the name Christina mean for the young owner? She is growing up as a communicative, affectionate, kind and sympathetic child. In the familiar environment in which Christina constantly moves and where she is accepted, she opens up to the very depths of her soul and easily communicates with others - children and adults. If one of her relatives and friends offends her, teases her, becomes upset and remembers this situation for a long time.

At school, Christina is a patient and flexible student, studying subjects with pleasure, conscientiously and persistently (even if something doesn’t work out right away).

Most of all, her creative potential is revealed in the humanities, languages, and economics.

During adolescence, minor problems with studies and classmates may appear. During this period, parents need to treat Christina especially carefully and with understanding. Gradually all problems go away. And she again has a desire to learn, communicate, and make friends.

Since childhood, the girl has been quite healthy, especially if she plays sports (gymnastics, aerobics). But there are problems with the respiratory tract and allergies. Therefore, it is necessary that the air of the area in which she lives suits Christina. Regular physical activity is also recommended.

Kristina in childhood can also be called such affectionate derivatives of the name: Kristinka, Kristinochka, Kristyusha, Kristinushka, Tinochka, Khristinka.

Educational moments

Christina really needs the love of her parents. She needs to feel it. Since the girl has excellent intuitive abilities from birth, she will not ask her parents about this, but will feel their attitude towards her. Christina cares about love without any special external manifestations.

And a girl with this name needs to be praised more often, even for the slightest good deed or demonstrated good quality of character.

Adult Christina

Since studying comes quite easily to the owner of this name (due to the high level of intellectual abilities), and her innate sense of intuitively feeling many aspects of her life is well developed, Christina can sometimes afford to be lazy. And even her favorite hobby will not be able to force her out of this state until she makes an effort on herself.

Adult Christina benefits from walks in the fresh air and activities. different types sports: athletics, horse riding. This will help her be more disciplined and improve her health.

When communicating with people, the owner of the name is very generous in expressing positive emotions, sociability, and responsiveness. Christina, if necessary, can easily put a person in his place if he has offended her.

The secret dream of a woman named Christina is popularity and universal recognition. Therefore professional activity she most often carries out in some newfangled field. Tries to communicate with famous and successful people.

IN family life Christina is usually happy. She is a reliable partner for her husband, a good housewife and mother. Raises children strictly, but fairly and with love.

The adult owner of this unusual name is often also called: Chris, Christy, Kristya, Kriska, Tina.

Energy name

What does the name Christina mean for a woman? In its subtle vibrations it carries notes of aristocracy, elitism, style, and attitude towards a high position in society.

Sometimes Christina needs to prove this: to behave correctly, to be able to stand up for herself, to defend her interests, and so on.

Sometimes it may seem that if this is not done, the woman will turn into a notorious lady. But still, the benevolent energy of the name allows Christina to be herself, without falling under the influence of other people who can provoke her and test her strength.

It is the ability to “stand firmly on the ground, on four legs” ( eastern wisdom) helps the owner of the name to resolve any, even very conflict situations, quickly make new acquaintances. Although, as a rule, she has several friends - for life.

And Christina does not take rash actions and does not dream in vain. This is one of those women who is able to truly be friends with men.

Christina's character depending on the time of year

The life and fate of a woman with this name can be influenced by the season when she was born:

  1. If in the winter, then she is an extrovert; the most striking character traits are independence, touchiness, temper, and stubbornness.
  2. In autumn - rigor, discipline (which she demands from herself and those around her), low emotionality, good teaching abilities.
  3. In the summer season - a softer disposition (compared to other seasons), friendliness.
  4. Spring - flexibility, towards life, romanticism, sophistication.

Famous women named Christina

The most striking of them:

In addition to what the name Christina means (meaning of the name, influence on character and destiny), there are several more noteworthy points that relate to it:

  • auspicious sign zodiac - Virgo;
  • lucky colors - yellow, orange, steel;
  • patron saints - Christina of Persia, Christina of Tire, Christina of Caesarea, Christina of Lampsaki, Christina of Nicomedia;
  • lucky day of the week is Wednesday;
  • lucky mascot stones - amber, jasper.

This is the basic information about the name Christina.

Christina is a female name that Wikipedia defines as Russian, Greek, Orthodox and Catholic. Female name Christina really has Greek origin, it has a fairly extensive description and decoding, but in short, the meaning of the name Christina is “Christian.”

The history of the name is very ancient. In Rus' this was originally called ordinary people Christian faith, and only much later the word became an independent name, and acquired an aristocratic connotation, and the meaning of the name Christina was partially erased, losing its main essence.

The name has different options. For example, Catholic calendars mention him in the form of Christian (the male version is Christian), and according to Orthodox calendar it sounds like Christina. But origin and translation are one, unchanged.

There are a variety of foreign synonyms for the name: Christiana, Kristel, Christiana, Kristel, Krista and others. You can affectionately or abbreviately say Kristyusha, Chris, Krista, Kristinka, Kristya, Kresya, Krestya, Tina.

The interpretation of the name Christina indicates that the girl has a simple character, an open soul and a very kind heart, as befits a Christian. As a child, the baby looks like a radiant angel with large, wide-open eyes and a charming smile.

The girl has a very flexible character, she is obedient, loves her parents, never contradicts them, and is not capricious. She sincerely rejoices at gifts and small everyday joys.

The girl, whose name is Christina, has an extremely kind heart, she knows how to empathize, and deeply understands what people feel. Also, since childhood, the girl has excellent intuition, excellent memory, she is smart, observant and very attentive to detail.

She studies better than others at school, is very neat, and polite with adults. All of the above does not mean that Christina is an upstart or a “nerd”; the girl has excellent time to hang out with her friends and play, she is interested in various hobbies.

Growing up and life path

Having graduated from school - most likely with honors - Christina chooses her life path herself, without consulting anyone. Over the years, firmness, self-confidence and a certain aristocracy appear in her character, despite her background and family.

She no longer looks like a sweet little angel, but rather resembles a lady from a noble family. Christina's fate is usually prosperous, luck is always nearby, and difficulties and sorrows bypass the girl. It's like she's pulling me towards her good people, pleasant events and luck.

Every day the girl finds a reason for joy, tries to help people, make the world a little better, but at the same time does not forget about her own happiness, which she builds herself, realizing that fate is in her hands. The secret of the name Christina is that the girl combines perfectly different qualities: firmness with kindness, confidence with shyness, courage with modesty.

When choosing a profession, Christina wants to be useful, wants every day to be interesting and bring new emotions, wants to develop and grow as a person. She can become both a scientist and an artist, both a teacher and an actress.

He often chooses to work on television or radio, or journalism, in order to be in the thick of things. He can also become a stylist, doctor, psychologist, translator, work in the restaurant or hotel business or in tourism.

The characteristics of the name Christina, and especially its translation, mean that Christina is not indifferent to spiritual development, her faith, religion, family and spiritual traditions are important to her.

This does not mean that the girl goes to church and prays every day - it is not at all necessary. But she is probably engaged in her own spiritual development, is interested in questions of destiny, she is interested in such questions as fate, the meaning of life, the place of man in the world, the girl is inclined to esoteric teachings and comprehension of the mysteries of existence.

For Christina, money is a means to a fulfilling life, but nothing more. She loves to travel and learn new things, is partial to art, loves going to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, and cultural events.

So money is important to a girl, and she earns it honestly, hard work. But still, in her work, what is more important for Christina is the realization of her own ambitions and personal growth, as well as the benefits for people and the world as a whole.

Love and family ties

Christina enjoys success among the stronger sex, and with early youth. She takes the topic of family and relationships seriously and one day, having fallen in love, she gives her heart to one and only person forever.

She is not looking for an angel or a handsome prince, she needs a simple, kind and honest guy, not lazy, decent, who strives to build a strong family.

1. Perfect compatibility named Christina with such male names: Kirill, Taras, Gleb, Boris, Yulian, Artem, Rostislav, Leonid. These men seem to be destined for her, and together they will lucky fate. Andrei and Alexander have especially great chances; these names suit Christina flawlessly.

2. Good compatibility: , Valery, Lev, Nikolay, Oleg, Albert, Nikita, Grigory, Victor, Eduard, Evgeny. Good compatibility means that there is every chance of a lasting marriage, but in the early stages there may also be “grinding in”, during which you will have to show wisdom and learn to accept your partner with all his shortcomings.

3. Low compatibility: Maxim, Stepan, Ivan, Vasily, Fedor, Peter, Valentin, Ruslan, Konstantin, Alexey, Yan. Low compatibility is not a death sentence, it simply indicates that Sergey or Maxim are different in character from Christina, and they will not immediately be able to understand each other. But if you want, everything is possible!

Christina appears more than once on the church calendar, so she celebrates her angel day several times a year. Christina's name day on the following dates:

  • January 6 and 15.
  • February 19.
  • March 13 and 26.
  • May 31st.
  • July 24.
  • August 6 and 18.
  • October 27.
  • December 15.

Christina is a wonderful person and happy woman. This name combines a variety of qualities that form an unusual character. This woman will make the world a little better, leave behind a good memory and will certainly find great happiness in life!

The name Christina is beautiful and aristocratic. By naming their daughter this way, parents give the child incredible potential. The bearers of the name are unlike other ladies, as they differ in aura and energy. The name gives the girl more intelligence and unpredictability.

Health is not good. Regardless of her age, Christina is susceptible to regular infection with viruses and bacteria. At an older age, joint pain and pathologies of the respiratory tract begin to torment.

Meaning of the name Christina

A woman needs to be careful about her health. Don’t forget to constantly walk, get enough sleep, drive the right and healthy image life.

Christina's childhood

As a child, Christina was a reserved, taciturn person. Sometimes it seems that all her actions are a little inhibited. But if you get to know the little girl better, you will notice her ingenuity and observation. It’s just important for her to be in her own world, which she is not ready to show to others. Regardless of this, the baby needs to be constantly praised and encouraged.

As a child, Christina was a shy child

For a successful and prosperous life, a girl needs to overcome her shyness. Her parents should help her in this matter. It is very difficult for the baby to open up to other people. Her adaptation period takes much longer than that of her peers.

She has an innate neatness towards objects and things. Over time, he helps his mother run the house. Easy to learn, enjoy studying more humanities. He immerses himself completely in his hobbies. Adults should pay attention to the baby’s talents and try to develop most of them. The girl has good determination.

Christina's youth

Teenager Christina begins to change dramatically: she transforms, blossoms, and begins to constantly take care of herself. Own feeling style helps her dress with taste.

As a teenager, Christina devotes a lot of time to her appearance

There are not many friends, since the girl tries to maintain relationships only with those people she trusts. Friendship does not work out with everyone, as she strives to become independent, and sometimes stubbornness makes itself felt.

It's easy to get to know people.

Doesn't show feelings or emotions. Demands justice in everything. It is for this reason that the girl tries to defend her own principles to the last. Despite this in difficult situations remains calm and uses common sense. When defending a position, it can offend the interlocutor. Gradually the girl will learn to control her emotions.

Adult life of a woman

Christina is bright emotional woman. From an early age he dreams of a luxurious life. In the work team, and with strangers, he behaves with restraint. Only relatives and friends know what Christina really is like. Almost all women endowed with this name are arrogant and hot-tempered.

If you look at it in general, the fair sex is a sociable person who can get along with others.

The energy of the name gives a woman the maximum charge of vigor and stress resistance. It is for this reason that since childhood, Christina has felt her individuality and always strives to get into elite society.

He knows how to reason and achieves his goals. Before making a decision, he analyzes the situation and calculates several steps ahead. Actions in rare cases are thoughtless.

Beautiful, bright, emotional woman

Honors family values, moral standards puts him above the rest life principles. Will not undertake risky business. Christina has strong character. Criticism hurts pride, self-esteem, and is vindictive. He does not know how to be rude or rude during a conflict. She will not tolerate similar behavior from her interlocutor.

Christina is a conservative. It is sometimes difficult for people to communicate with her, since the girl rarely trusts others, trying to close her soul.