Flowering trees in a dream. Dream Interpretation: a flowering tree is a sign of good luck

In many dream books, a tree symbolizes development and growth. But this is far from the only explanation for why such a plot is dreamed. It is very important what breed you saw in your dream, how lush the foliage was, and what exactly happened to the trunk. Read all the explanations for this dream listed below. Surely, you will find what you saw in your night dreams.

Tree species and fruits

If you dreamed of an apricot tree, then you will soon have to change your place of residence. The move will most likely be a necessary measure. Large ripe apricots for new sexual adventures. Eastern dream book promises new experiences and previously unknown pleasure.

Seeing a lemon tree in a dream means severe mental suffering, which will be caused by unreasonable jealousy. Stop harassing your partner. Trust will only strengthen your difficult relationship, but constant quarrels, on the contrary, will destroy it. Another option for why you dream about lemon is finding yourself in a humiliating situation.

Did you dream that there were pears hanging on the branches? Modern dream book warns of hypocrisy and falsehood in the environment. Enemies try to dampen your vigilance with sweet speeches in order to get what they want through deception and cunning.

To see cherries in a dream means to face unfulfilled hopes and bitter disappointments in reality. The larger and riper the berries you saw in your night dreams, the deeper your sadness will be.

The Universal Dream Book contains an explanation of why an apple tree is dreamed of. Picking apples means achieving your plans. You will finally get what you have dreamed of for so long. You can celebrate your long-awaited victory! Apples can also dream of fun and joy.

A dream about a cherry promises wealth and all kinds of material profit. There is another explanation for why you dream of a cherry tree. Miller's dream book believes that cherry blossoms are a sign of happy changes in life.

Finding a nut in a dream means fragile happiness in real life. Yes, now you are experiencing strong joyful feelings, but any unpleasant event can destroy this bliss.

The plum tree predicts a successful development of events. Plums can also appear in the night dreams of a restless and hard-working housewife. Seeing a tall and thick plum tree with fruits in a dream is a sign that you will be able to achieve the heights in life that you dream of.


Why do you dream flowering tree Miller says. If you dreamed of a tall tree strewn with flowers, then life will be incredibly happy. Relationships with your loved one will develop harmoniously, colleagues will respect you, and your superiors will reward you with cash bonuses.

If in a dream the branches are strewn with white flowers, exercise maximum caution when communicating with your old friend. Grishina's dream book warns of betrayal that will come precisely from a faithful comrade.

Did you dream of a large garden and trees in bloom? An explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is available in the Spring Interpreter. It is believed that flowers on branches seen in a dream predict happiness in your personal life. Singles will meet their other half, and married people will enjoy communication with their spouse.

Falling, cutting and landing

Seeing a falling tree in a dream is not a good sign. If the trunk falls, then soon a misfortune will happen in your life. The esoteric dream book advises not to get upset ahead of time. The problem that arises can be dealt with promptly.

Dreaming of a tree being cut down is a symbol of the collapse of hopes. Cutting a trunk yourself in a dream means personally being to blame for your own troubles. Universal dream book recommends discussing everything important decisions and actions with an experienced person. This measure will minimize the risk of making a mistake.

In your dream, cutting down a tree means financial difficulties. Prepare for the impending need in advance. Save at least a small amount of money.

Cutting the trunks of dry trees means in reality getting rid of an unnecessary burden of things and memories. Having gotten rid of the past, you will immediately feel incredible relief.

Planting a money tree in a dream means finding new sources of income in reality. If in your night dreams you planted not one, but several plants at once, then your upcoming earnings will be impressive.

Various interpretations

Did you dream about thick green trees? Luck will be incredibly favorable to you in the coming months. Climbing to the very crowns of majestic giants means great luck. It is possible to win the lottery, win a lawsuit, or gain a strong patron.

Another explanation of why you dream of climbing trees can be found in Vanga. Vanga's dream book says that such a plot foreshadows a promotion career ladder, moreover, due to his own hard work.

Seeing roots in a dream big trees- to trouble. To avoid it, the Modern Dream Book advises paying more attention to the material side of your life.

If you dreamed of a burning tree, be prepared to suffer losses. The stronger the flame seen in the dream blazed, the greater the upcoming losses will be.

Sitting on a broken trunk means coming to terms with the failures you have experienced. Thoughts of defeat will no longer torment your soul.

Tree with fruits according to the dream book

A tree seen in a dream reflects the state of the dreamer’s soul, his vitality. But a tree with fruits is the growth of a person, both internal and external. In order to correctly interpret the images in your dreams, you need to take into account the type of fruit, its condition and your actions in relation to it. Knowing all this, dream books will quickly and accurately determine what a fruit tree is for in a dream.

Brief interpretations

Let's move away from the standard interpretations - those with a lot of small details - and try to understand what a tree with fruits means in short interpretations. Here's what the dream books say about it.

  • Seeing a young fruit tree means you are standing at the origins of your personal growth.
  • Planting fruit seedlings leads to new sources of income.
  • For a young girl to see a mulberry tree in a dream is a sign of an adventure related to love.
  • Seeing beautiful fruits on the branches is a sign of success.
  • Picking berries from a tree and eating them means quick enrichment.
  • I dreamed of a pear with yellow fruits - beware of hypocrites.

Dream book of Gustavus Miller

Miller's dream book, known throughout the world, gives clear definitions of what a tree with fruits means in a dream. One of them says: a dreamed tree with juicy fruits between the emerald leaves is a sign of the fulfillment of dreams and the realization of plans. And if you see that a fruit-bearing tree has fallen or dried up, then this vision prophesies a waste of strength and energy.

Fruit boom as a symbol of change

To explain why cherries are dreamed of, take Slavic dream book. In his opinion, cherries mean material wealth. And when the cherry has both berries and flowers, get ready for changes for the better.

Did you dream about a peach tree with fruits? Peach is positive symbol. For lonely people, they prophesy finding their soul mate, but if peaches are seen by a person who is connected family ties, then this means a well-fed and prosperous life.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, to see in a dream apricot tree with fruits - this is a sign that very soon you will change your place of residence. Did you dream about the apricot garden? You will make the decision to move under pressure from loved ones. The apricot tree dried up in a dream - wait a while before moving.

A little more about fruits, or Both success and hypocrisy will enter the familiar world

The plum tree predicts no less pleasant events. A dream in which you see large plums on branches in a plum orchard warns: you will achieve success only if you work tirelessly.

The gypsy dream book will easily answer you why you dream of a pear tree with fruits. The interpretation of the dream sounds like this: beware of losing your vigilance, if in a dream you saw pear plantations, there is a traitor in your environment.

Citrus paradise, or Either love or jealousy...

A dream about a lemon tree with fruits carries a not very pleasant omen yellow. You will quarrel with your lover if you do not stop being jealous. But, green lime on a lemon tree symbolizes trust, which will strengthen your feelings with your loved one. Another interpretation about the lemon bush says: if the plant grows in a pot, it means that someone will humiliate you.

Why do you dream of an orange tree with fruits? The beloved will send news. Has the orange tree dropped its fruit? To happy family life. Did you dream about its citrus relative - the tangerine bush? Rejoice, you will easily solve all your problems. For a pregnant woman, a tangerine tree promises the birth of a strong and healthy baby.

Gardening work – We remove the excess, add what is missing

Seeing yourself in a dream working in the garden means getting rid of unnecessary “baggage”: relationships, acquaintances, work, etc. Picking an apricot in a dream means you will change your sexual partner and experience hitherto unknown sensations, suggests Freud’s dream book.

Collecting red fruits from the branches in a dream means you will attract good luck to yourself with your temperament. Gathering the fruits lying on the ground - the time has come to “put” everything in its place.

Dream Interpretation Trees, why do you dream about seeing Trees in a dream?

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Trees:

Trees - A dream in which you see a tree with young green foliage symbolizes the fulfillment of your secret desires. You are about to experience new sensations that will reawaken passion and sensuality in you. Why do you dream of trees? A tree with falling or fallen leaves, on the contrary, means the loss of a former relationship. Love and sex will disappear from your life for a while, you will be completely immersed in work.

Muslim dream book Why do you dream about Trees:

Why do you dream of Trees - The devastated state of trees is a deterioration of women’s morals, and the freshness and purity of the foliage of trees with flowers and fruits on them is a sign of a woman’s good condition. The leaves of the trees represent gold and silver coins.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing trees in a dream

Why do you dream of Trees - Blooming - success, joy, felled - loss

Persian dream book Taflisi Dream book: Trees in a dream

What does it mean to see Trees in a dream? The devastated state of trees is a deterioration of women’s morals. Freshness and cleanliness of tree foliage with flowers and fruits on them means good condition women's health. Please note that in some cases tree leaves are interpreted as gold and silver coins.

Dream Interpretation Trees to see - In summer - joy, success - in winter - melancholy, sadness - blooming - success, joy - cut down - loss - naked - difficult old age - covered with snow - family troubles - climbing them - success in business

Dream Interpretation Flowering trees - Luck, joy, prosperity, cut down - loss, with fruits - profit, naked - difficult old age, covered with snow - family troubles, climbing trees - good luck in business, fame. Trees in summer - joy and pleasure, in winter - boredom and depression

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about blossoming trees - luck, joy, prosperity, cut down - loss, with fruits - profit, naked - difficult old age, covered with snow - family troubles, climbing trees - good luck in business, fame. Trees in summer - joy and pleasure, in winter - boredom and depression

Dream interpretation of climbing a tree

Why do you dream of climbing a Tree in a dream according to the dream book?

Do you have to climb a tree in a dream? A picture of this nature predicts the receipt of a new long-awaited position. Following this, prosperity and happiness will literally burst into your life.

All your successes will be associated with exceptional hard work and accuracy in business.

Falling trees

Dream Interpretation Falling Trees dreamed of why you dream about Falling trees? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Falling trees in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Falling stars, meteorites

A falling star is a flying and quickly passing joy. A brilliant meteor leaving a trace is an illusion of success, success from deception. A shower of falling stars is a deep trace of phenomena outside world on your inner way of life. Seeing a falling star is a fantasy game that has turned into real success. A meteorite destroys something by falling - a strange event / obvious interference otherworldly forces into your life.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in men's dreams a tree can symbolize a woman’s body and desires directed at it. Most often, what you do with a tree affects your loved ones. What someone else does with a tree affects you. A green tree is your well-being, happiness in marriage / a person in the prime of life / visible in man - as opposed to the spiritual - invisible. The flowering tree is yours happy days/ person preparing for life path/ a bride of marriageable age. Before our eyes it became without leaves, it was easily pulled out - the husband and beloved died. A tree with fruits is your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty. A leafless dry tree - misfortune, difficult time in your life, broken life, despair. Withered tree - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person. Yellow autumn tree - sad old age / young elderly woman / ancient wisdom extinct races. A red autumn tree is a drunkard / a person absorbed in himself / a cheerful, happy old age. A tree in the snow is variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times. A broken tree - illnesses, quarrels. A broken tree by lightning - misfortunes generated pride. A tree torn out by a storm is irrevocable misfortune for a person’s fate. What happens to a tree: a tree becomes covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - unexpected joy / to experience a second youth. A storm tears off all the foliage from a tree - temporary misfortunes. Before our eyes, a tree instantly withers and flies away - sorrows .A tree easily pulls out of the ground - you will lose a friend. The tree itself unexpectedly falls - misfortune, someone's unexpected death, unjustified fear for one's health. A tree falls, washed away by water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness. A tree falls, undermined by an animal - misfortune from unbridled passions and licentiousness. A flaming tree is health dying in labor. A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to experience an evil feeling towards another person. dry tree to cut down - to say goodbye to someone in your life with whom it is high time to part with long ago / to acquire an illness / to touch the memory of the dead is impermissible. To move a tree - losses. To tear out a green tree from the ground - to nourish vengeful feelings; your evil feeling towards a certain person in vain spreads to others. A cut down tree - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person. A fallen dry tree - a certain deceased / the death of the spiritual principle in a person. A rotten trunk on the ground to see - oblivion of your works. To see a log on the road - you will have to remember a deceased or long-forgotten person. Planting a tree - wealth. Grafting a rootstock - wealth. Cutting branches from a standing tree - unfairly slander or think poorly of a person / benefit at the expense of health. From a cut down tree cutting down tree branches is a sad duty; work that contradicts your conscience and sense of duty. Sitting under a tree means protecting your happiness, fearing for it. Climbing a tree is an honor. Climbing high and feeling fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future. high tree sitting is good news. Climbing to the top of a tree is melancholy; to be burdened by gray everyday life. To climb down from a tree upside down is to mentally penetrate into a certain world. To fall from a tree is a danger to the life of the wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

Reflects a person’s sense of self. The trunk represents a person’s place in society. Foliage - relationships with other people. Roots reflect the stability and seriousness of the goal. Bark is a symbol of your vulnerability or protection. A forest, several trees represent a group of people, a family. A tree with a green lush crown - to well-being, friendly support. Dry trees without leaves - to difficulties, loneliness. Fruit trees - profit, prosperity. Flowering trees - love, feelings. Dry branches - dead feelings and relationships. Damaged bark - someone will take advantage of your trust. Firewood, logs – dead or long ago forgotten people will remind us of ourselves in some way. But for this we need to understand what the individual parts of the tree tell us. Let’s highlight the individual characteristics of the tree. Let's see what they tell the dreamer. The size of the tree. A tree that is too small indicates your insecurity and dependence on the powers that be. A tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent. A huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions (as in the above example).Trunk. The trunk speaks of the dreamer’s strength: physical and moral. The thick trunk of the tree you see foretells that you will gain social weight. If the trunk is thin and swaying, then difficult things await you. life situation, which will not be easy for you to cope with. The trunk may be forked. If this is so, then the dream concerns the problem of relationships with a person close to you. Scars and hollows on the trunk remind you of diseases and operations previously suffered. But, as a rule, they belong to the past. However, a broken barrel should alert you. This is a harbinger of future troubles and life upheavals. What if you dream of a tree stump? This sign is not scary (if the tree did not break before your eyes). More likely this dream emphasizes that, as usual, you will show conservatism in affairs and relationships, and will not accept the changes promised by the dream. Branches. Remember where the branches of the tree you dreamed of were directed? If they stretched upward, it means your immediate plans will be realized. Branches hanging down indicate that you may not have enough energy to solve the problems that arise. Pay attention to broken or cut branches. This is a sign that you feel inferior in some area. Sometimes such cut branches, like hollows, appear in dreams after surgery. The only bad omen for the future is a branch that is broken off before your eyes. The crown. A very favorable dream is in which you see a tree with a lush, green crown. This portends you many contacts and friendly communication. But if the crown is small and the foliage is sparse, then you are having difficulty finding partners and friends. And the problems indicated by the dream will have to be solved alone. And the most unfavorable case: seeing a tree with fallen leaves. This is a sign that you will experience a period of depression, loss of strength, loss of vital energy, and loss of faith in the future. Or maybe you saw flowers on the tree in your dream? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the blossoming of new feelings. You should pay close attention to such a message as fruit on a tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams fruits often fall, are wormy, and unripe. This means that someone else can take advantage of the results of your activities. Roots. It is better for the dreamer if the roots of the tree are in the ground. If you dig them up, looking for something, you may discover some secret or strengthen your spiritual strength. But seeing roots on the surface of the earth is a sign that you are looking for support. In such a dream, you may be shown something or someone on whom you can rely. The tree of life is the symbolic axis of the world. The meaning of this Tree is that it unites such different elements as air, earth and water, i.e. those elements that are necessary for the existence of all life on earth. The tree of life is often depicted as a cross entwined with leaves. But human life is inseparable from the Tree of Knowledge. This Tree “tempts” a person with both the fruits of good and evil. The story of the Fall of Adam and Eve is connected with this Tree. The Tree of Light, with which the legend of the rebirth of souls is associated. The connection with this tree is reflected in the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with candles and light bulbs. These lights are symbols of wandering souls. And gifts - toys on the Christmas tree - are sacrifices to the gods. Thus, a tree seen in a dream is sometimes correlated with these original trees. In such cases, it matters what the tree looks like, how its branches grow, and where the roots are facing. A very interesting symbol is a tree turned upside down. This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected with the higher, spiritual. An inverted tree can also foreshadow the death of a person. And there is no contradiction here, for the death of the body is the breakthrough of the Soul to heaven. You may often dream that you are climbing a tree. This is the same lucky sign, like climbing a mountain. If climbing a mountain is more a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level. In ancient rituals, such an action as climbing a pole was used. Not so long ago, at Russian folk festivals, a clever guy, climbing to the top of the pole, received a pair of boots as a reward. Often, the consequence of this little sporting success was luck in life. The tree is correlated with the original trees. In such cases, it matters what the tree looks like, how its branches grow, where the roots are directed. Such a symbol is very interesting, like a tree turned upside down. This means that the basic, earthly foundations are connected with the higher, spiritual. However, sometimes an inverted tree can also foreshadow the death of a person. And there is no contradiction here, because the death of the body is a breakthrough of the soul to heaven. Climb on tree - This is the same auspicious sign as climbing a mountain. But, if climbing a mountain is more likely a symbol of material growth, then climbing a tree is a transition to a new spiritual level. In ancient rituals, such an action as climbing a pole was used. Not so long ago and at Russian folk festivals, a clever guy, climbing to the top of a pole, received a pair of boots as a reward. Often, the consequence of this little sporting luck was luck in life. In most dreams, where trees are seen, these are trees without signs of a species. But they, these faceless trees, turned out to be the most informative signs of sleep. A tree that is too small indicates your uncertainty, dependence on the powers that be. A tree of normal size will emphasize that you feel free and independent. A huge tree encourages you to reduce your ambitions. Or maybe you saw in your dream flowers on the tree? Then, perhaps, a sentimental relationship with someone awaits you, the blossoming of new feelings. You should pay close attention to such a message as fruits on a tree. On the one hand, they portend success and effectiveness in business and feelings. On the other hand, in our dreams fruits often fall, are wormy, and unripe. This suggests that someone else can benefit from the results of your activities.

Dream Interpretation - Tree (plant)

The tree, the main part of which should still be considered the trunk, is a symbol of the male genital organs. If a man sees a tree in a dream, then this indicates his interest in homosexuality. If there are several trees (but this is not a forest yet), then the dreamer may also strive for group sex, and he is interested in the option: several men and one woman. The man sitting under the tree has a desire for same-sex relationships, and the woman sitting under the tree is not satisfied with hers. sexual partners and dreams of a man who is ideal in every way. If you are planting a tree or caring for a growing tree, then you are striving for a new (or first) sexual relationship. Sleep is characteristic of periods of puberty, as well as the decline of sexual activity. If you cut down a tree, then you doubt your sexual activity and viability. If you cannot cut down a tree, then this means that your fears are unfounded and you are absolutely healthy. If the tree is cut down, then you may experience disturbances or disorders in the activity of the genital organs. The process of cutting down trees can also indicate the dreamer's hidden homosexuality. A broken or dried tree portends failure in love affairs, possibly due to diseases of the genital organs. If a man waters a tree, then he is inclined to self-satisfaction. If a woman waters a tree, then she strives for joy family sex and wants to have children. A torn tree speaks of your penchant for self-satisfaction and fear of being exposed. Lightning striking a tree or a burning tree warns you against entering into casual connections. If you watch others take care of a tree(s), then this indicates that you have an Oedipus complex. It may either be suppressed or exist in your dreams.

Dream Interpretation - Trees

Seeing green, lush and majestic trees in a dream is a sign of happiness and quick success. The thicker their trunks, the more money , the benefits you will receive and the stronger your position will be. A lush crown of a tree in a dream is a harbinger of big profits in the future. A tree without leaves, on the contrary, foreshadows imminent losses and failures in business, followed by large material losses. Sitting under a tree in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive long-awaited news that will finally calm you down. Floating on a log on the water is a harbinger of disappointments and unfulfilled desires. See interpretation: bushes, branches, stump, rotten. Seeing trees growing before your eyes is a harbinger of quick creative success that will bring you satisfaction. To see flowering trees in a dream is a harbinger of imminent great happiness and a harbinger of a quick improvement in affairs, joy and prosperity. Trees with fruits that you saw in a dream mean that soon you will have success in business and profit according to the number and size of the fruits you see. However, at the same time, it should be taken into account that fruits can be different - sour, sweet, inedible, etc. Picking fruits from trees (or collecting cones) is a great and lasting success that will strengthen your position for a long time. Planting trees or seeing them grow before your eyes is a harbinger that your wildest hopes may come true in the very near future. See interpretation: trees by name and fruits. Withering, withering, barren, dried out, torn out trees that you saw in a dream mean that disappointment, creative crisis, failures in business, and collapse of hopes await you soon. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows betrayal or deception. For lovers, such a dream predicts that their love will soon pass. For the elderly and sick, such a dream can threaten imminent death. A tree that is rotten or eaten away by worms means losses. Such a dream warns that your affairs are not going well, which is greatly facilitated by your frivolous attitude towards serious subjects. Seeing a burning tree in a dream warns you of possible material losses or a spiritual crisis. Sometimes such a dream can warn lovers that their passion can have a detrimental effect on their health, state of mind and material well-being. Setting fire to a tree in a dream is a harbinger of deep sadness and experiences for which you will have no one to blame but yourself. Cutting down a tree in a dream means that through rash actions you yourself will contribute to the loss of your own property, well-being or peace in the family. Sometimes such a dream warns that you are bringing trouble upon yourself. A tree uprooted is a sign of great losses, the collapse of plans and hopes. And most often such a dream predicts death and mourning. Sometimes such a dream predicts death loved one, divorce of spouses or breakup with a friend. Climbing a tree in a dream is a sign of great honors and quick rise above others, a sign of happiness and prosperity in all matters. Falling from a tree in a dream and getting hurt is a warning that the mighty of the world Those who cross your path will soon be dissatisfied with you, you may lose their favor and lose your place. For businessmen, such a dream foreshadows the loss of their fortune and the complete collapse of their enterprise. To see a tree stump in a dream - if not rotten - means laying the foundations of a solid business. The dream in which you uproot stumps has the same meaning. However, in this case, the dream suggests that success will come to you with great difficulty. A rotten stump in a dream means failure in business. A tree branch in a dream is a harbinger of a solid income. Sitting firmly on it means the strength of your position. If the branch seems fragile and you are afraid that it will not stand, then the dream warns you of possible changes and instability of your position. This dream warns against frivolous actions, risky undertakings and ardor in sorting out relationships. A dream in which you dream that something is growing out of your daughter's or wife's belly. huge tree, which obscures the firmament, then expect the birth of a child who will have a great future, honor, fame and wealth. A man seeing a beech tree in a dream predicts that his wife is unfaithful to him. For a patient, such a dream foretells an improvement in health. For a merchant, a dream about a beech tree predicts big profits. For the rest, this dream is a sign of wasted time, disappointed hopes, futility of efforts. See interpretation: also forest, fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Trees

Seeing flowering trees in a dream foreshadows the onset of perhaps the happiest moment in your life. A burning tree in a forest engulfed in fire portends that in reality you will suffer significant losses. Dry trees do not bode well; they will no longer respect you for something that, in your opinion, does not deserve condemnation at all. Trees in the garden, hung with ripe fruits, indicate that you will be lucky enough to find a new good friend. A felled tree portends regret over unfulfilled hopes. A large old tree with a huge crown is a promise of significant profit. Trees without leaves in winter, dusted with snow or covered with frost are a sign that the loss you have incurred is irreparable. To see in a dream exotic trees during an exciting journey - to the fact that all sorrows and sorrows will quickly be forgotten, giving way to a cheerful mood and cheerfulness. A tree uprooted from the ground as a result of a hurricane portends sadness, melancholy and despair. A tree split by lightning means a quarrel with friends. A tree without bark on its trunk portends a painful, feeble old age in loneliness and poverty. Wet after a shower - a change in marital relations in negative side. A tree cut down and cut into logs is a sign of death and mourning. A valuable ornamental tree means troubles that will be rewarded a hundredfold. Breaking or cutting down trees in a dream means losses and regret. Planting trees under a house is a harbinger of imminent wealth and prosperity. Climbing a tree means gaining power. Falling from a tree means experiencing humiliation, ridicule and insults in reality. Cutting down trees means fortunately, carrying it with someone means overstraining yourself from physical activity. Sitting under a tree means receiving valuable information that will significantly advance your business. Burning trees means succumbing to a depressing mood. To extinguish - to the loss of property and deprivation of rights. Floating on a tree on the water means the end of hopes and a complete change in views. Counting trees in a dream - in reality you will be concerned about your children. Buying tree seedlings means having additional troubles. Seeing sick trees infested with worms is a sign of waste where you were supposed to save money. Seeing someone turned into a tree in a dream is a sign of illness.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

A large tree unexpectedly breaks down - portends trouble, misfortune. Climbing a large tree - glory, fame, luck, happiness. Seeing dry and dead trees - something is unlucky in the house. A fruit tree grows in the yard - portends the birth of a son. A fruit tree grows in the yard tree - the birth of a son. A dried tree turns green again - prosperity and happiness for children and grandchildren. A tree is broken - unfortunately. A tree you are climbing unexpectedly breaks - a mortal wound, an illness. Leaves fall from a large tree - happy event in the house. Trees grow in the palm of your hand - grief due to the death of the father and mother. on the grave a tree is broken - unfortunately. Flowers bloom on a dry tree - portends happiness and prosperity for children and grandchildren. There are a lot of fruits on fruit trees - indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition. Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house. A rooster sits on a tree - portends wealth, profit. A tree grows in the middle of the forest - another noble son will be born. A tree grows in the middle of the forest - another noble son will be born. Coming home, carrying a tree on your shoulder - joy in connection with material gain, acquisition. Flowers blooming on a dry tree - portends the happiness and prosperity of children and grandchildren. A tree growing on a grave - fortunately. Planting a tree - great happiness and prosperity. Are you going to cut down a large tree - portends great profit, material well-being. Standing under a tree - a noble person remaining in the shadows, unknown to anyone. Fallen or withered trees - portends misfortune for someone.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

Tree - to climb a tree high - to climb out to the authorities. Climbing a dry tree is a bit of a nuisance; climbing a flowering tree - for an employee - profit in the household, property; if you climb a green tree - the road: although difficult, but favorable; dry wood is a difficult and unfavorable road. One tree, tall - you will have an unpleasant deal with someone, a quarrel. A tree in bloom means unexpected happiness. To break a tree, a mallow (mallow) is bad, but if a rose (rose) is great love. Seeing a tree fall is a sign of misfortune, a quarrel in the family; how to float on water - to survive difficult days of troubles and uncertainty; cutting down a tree means loss. Green tree - health, joy, wealth. Dry tree - sadness. One tree in an open field is your future loneliness. Light noise of wood - pleasant conversations.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

trees indicate women. Also, seeing trees in a dream is a sign of a quarrel and dispute. And unfamiliar trees are a sign of anxiety and trouble, especially if you see them at night. And a good tree, such as a palm tree, is good and nice word, a disgusting tree, like a coloquint, for example, is a bad word. Sometimes, a tree is interpreted as a person whose character is similar to this tree, as for example: if someone sees in a dream that he has received a lot of fruits from some tree, then he will receive many gifts and riches from a person whose character is similar to this tree . Seeing a flowering tree in a dream is a sign of success, good luck and joy; bare trees - to sadness and disease; trees with hanging fruits - to prosperity and well-being. A felled tree is a harbinger of great loss and misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Tree

Prospect in any business: several trees grow together - a family business will bring positive results; a tree with a lush green crown - in a difficult matter you will receive the support of friends; dry trees without leaves - wasted time on a task doomed to failure; a tree strewn with fruits - diligence at work will bear fruit, you will be noticed and promoted; flowering tree - your feelings will be reciprocated; the tree's bark is damaged - you put a lot of trust in your business partners and let things take their course; old gnarled tree - don't neglect it wise advice; a felled tree - to great losses of money, friends, relatives or a powerful patron; climb trees - you will be warned in time about dangerous traps and difficulties; climb to the top of a tree - swift career growth; a hurricane tore a tree out of the ground - it will not be possible to meet the scheduled deadlines due to a sudden illness; falling from a tree - symbolizes the loss of a job; hiding behind a tree - you will find an influential protector. Mentally extend your dream and imagine that the tree you see is growing in a dense green forest. Feel the peace of being in contact with nature (see Forest). The meaning of the dream also depends on the type of tree. If the action had a negative meaning (chopped, turned inside out, etc.), then the meaning of the dream with a certain type tree changes to the opposite.

People have long been accustomed to perceive what they see in dreams as signs of fate. Today, many objects, people and various emotions experienced in dreams are already included in the dream book. Sometimes the same object, depending on its state, location, is interpreted completely differently and has both positive and negative values. The first person to come across flowering trees is more likely to be considered a harbinger of positive events.

Trees in a dream

Trees are a sign of life, which is why a tree seen in a dream is perceived as certain sign over. Based on many years of observations, it was noted that a tree at the stage of flowering or withering promises important changes in a person’s life.

Dreams are considered good when the tree is at the flowering stage, has a lush crown, rich green foliage or large beautiful fruits. TO bad signs dreams include dry, gnarled and diseased trees. Similar dreams can become harbingers of illness, major troubles, betrayal and other losses.

In dream books there are entire sections dedicated to trees, because trees come in different types. They differ in the width and height of the trunk, location and growth. Having seen wild spring greenery in a dream, it is worth looking into the dream book. A flowering tree can be interpreted very differently depending on the type of tree, who dreamed about it (man, woman), and the accompanying events. Each one is put into a separate category.

How dreams with flowering trees are explained in psychology

The science of psychology has made great progress in the study of dreams. Scientists observe the relationship between life events, a person’s thoughts and his dreams. People who are on the verge of life changes have a direct association with the opening of leaves, the appearance of buds and flowering.

The period in which the rebirth of all living things after the winter cold occurs is spring. Spring is characterized by the onset of warmth, sunny days and the appearance of greenery. In this way, time is consolidated on a subconscious level as the onset of positive changes. Psychological dream book trees in bloom are interpreted as a sign of the embodiment of expected hopes, a successful outcome of fruitful work and possible creative development.

The meaning of flowering trees in popular dream books

One of the most popular types, which are often resorted to, are ancient folk, or so-called grandmother's, dream books. Why are these dream books popular? The answer to this question is very simple: the information presented on paper is collected on the basis of popular experience, and in such publications you can find recommendations and advice.

Most publications agree that flowering in a dream is good sign. For example, the “Self-Instruction Manual for the Interpretation of Dreams” says that each part of a tree has a separate meaning: the trunk is a person in society, the leaves are relationships with people, the roots are stability in society, the bark is protection and a good psychological state. This dream book A flowering tree refers to the emergence of new feelings and love.

The English dream book refers to a flowering tree as a sign of the imminent onset of good luck, happiness, and love affairs.

The esoteric dream book interprets a flowering tree and lush greenery, on the contrary, as the possibility of health problems.

In some dream books special meaning is given specifically to the type of flowering tree. So, flowers are a harbinger family well-being, a is a harbinger of great luck and happiness.

IN modern world Astrological dream books are also gaining popularity; they show a clear relationship between an event in a dream and the zodiac sign under which a person was born.

Who dreams of flowering trees

As mentioned above, the meaning of sleep may differ among people depending on gender and age category.

If you keep track of dream books of various editions, then old dream books More often they adhere to the following data:

    A young girl’s dream of a flowering tree means an imminent wedding.

    Flowers on a tree, dreamed married woman, indicate problems in the family and possible imminent quarrels with your spouse.

    A man's dream about a flowering tree means solving problems.

If a person smells flowers on a tree in a dream, then this means a quick resolution of problems that cause inconvenience.

In general, if you combine dreams of various events against which trees bloom, the dream book describes joy and positive events. The exception is esoteric dream book, a flowering tree in which has a negative meaning.

Dreams– an amazing phenomenon that carries the information we need.

They can predict events occurring in the future; suggest what psychological problems lie deep in our subconscious.

Even though we encounter this phenomenon every day, it still remains an absolute mystery.

In order to understand what information carries a dream, you need to interpret those symbols that appear in the dream. Let's look at the meaning of flowering trees according to different dream books.

Why do you dream of flowering trees?

Azar's Dream Book.
Flowering trees- joy, success. Apple tree in flowers - someone will get married soon.

Idiomatic dream book.
Trees symbolize any type of activity and the process of its development.

Flowering trees mean that the matter you are interested in is at the moment is in its prime and promises excellent prospects for the future. Your activities will bring useful results.

Small Veles dream book.
Blooming tree– an image of happiness, joy, unexpected success. Seeing flowers fall from a tree is a sign of impending trouble.

Symbolic dream book.
Tree– can show the condition of the body. A flowering tree in this case means full bloom, absence of health and appearance problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea.
Tree in her interpretation– people’s own feelings towards themselves and others. Flowering trees show the blossoming of love and sympathy.

Dream book for the whole family.
Blooming tree means an improvement in life in the near future, the onset of success, the coming of joy into your life.

Dream Interpretation of E. Tsvetkova - esotericism.
Lonely flowering tree- success in some business. Many trees in bloom - it begins successful period in life, when any task can be done and brings successful results.

Dream Interpretation of V. Kopalinsky.
Blooming tree- happiness that will come completely unexpectedly.

Ukrainian dream book.
Blooming tree- unexpected joy. Climbing a flowering tree means profit in property or household.

Lonely tree in flowers - a quarrel and disagreement with someone. However, the conflict will end with reconciliation and no consequences.

Break a tree blooming - sign big trouble. An activity that started well and promised great success, but ended in complete failure.

A tree, completely alone, standing in the middle of a bare field is a symbol of beginning loneliness. If flowers appear on this tree, this situation will completely suit you.

Dream book of the 21st century.
Flowering trees- a sign of success in business. Sitting under such a tree means fear for your existing happiness, a desire to protect your successful projects.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong - Prince.
Picking flowers from a tree and give them to some person - there will be a long separation from this person.
On a dead, dried tree they blossom beautiful flowers– happy, quiet life of younger generations, prosperity of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children.

Women's dream book.
Trees blossom and shrubs - the period of prosperity is already close.

Dream Book of G. Miller.
Flowering bushes and trees portend a happy period, successful prospects. It is especially good to have such a dream in the cold season.

Modern dream book.
Trees in flowers- This is a period of success and prosperity. However, if such a tree is covered with snow, this means a sudden onset of troubles in the family against the backdrop of complete well-being.

Vanga's Dream Book.
Trees in bloom herald the beginning of a fun period. But before that you will have to work hard to prepare for your vacation. Blooming magnolia - good news will come soon. A tree all strewn with flowers - all the relatives will gather together, and for a good, joyful occasion.

Picking flowers from trees - profit and material benefits from any activity. Cherry blossoms - sudden arrival new love, a new feeling. Bird cherry in bloom is a harbinger of peace in the home and family. Picking flowers from a bird cherry tree is the beginning of a family conflict.

Blooming willow- a serious illness that will end in complete recovery and relief.

Generally speaking, seeing a tree in a dream can have two meanings. A living, green tree has a positive color, and the thicker its crown, the better. In almost all dream books, a dry or broken tree does not bode well. What other interpretations do dream books offer?

Maly Velesov dream book

He examines the dreamed tree in the same way. A living, strong plant portends profit, while a dried or broken plant portends financial loss or illness. Planting a tree means wealth; to chop - to a loss in the family, an illness of a family member; breaking branches - to a quarrel, a break in relations. A dry tree can foretell failure, illness, funeral, sadness or betrayal.

If you saw in a dream a tree that had dried up in the yard of one of your relatives, then troubles should be expected in that family. A bent tree foreshadows need, a falling tree - quarrels in the family, a burning tree - loss and sadness, a bare tree - illness or widowhood. A shady tree foreshadows the fulfillment of plans, and a flowering tree portends success, profit and a happy event.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Associates the dreamed tree with the dreamer himself. The trunk is its position in society, the rhizomes are life attitudes and strategies, the foliage is its relationship with the environment, the bark represents the degree of resistance to hardships and protection from the outside world.

A strong green plant with lush, noisy foliage is dreamed of by people with a stable position in society, who have close family and friendly ties. A dry tree without leaves symbolizes loneliness, obstacles, and an unexpected break in existing relationships. If you dream about a tree blooming, it means love and the emergence of new affections.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a tree according to this interpreter? Just as in the previous explanations, a healthy tree predicts quick income, a blossoming tree predicts business achievements, and a fruit-bearing tree predicts goodness and tranquility. Dreams take on a negative connotation, where a tree is cut down - this means losses, and a tree torn out with its rhizome foretells death and mourning, a burning tree signals impending losses. Sawed logs and bars are harbingers of money or inheritance, and the thicker the trunk, the greater the possible profit.

Miller's Dream Book

He interprets dreams about trees in a somewhat more varied way. So, cherry promises material gain and profit, and cherry blossoms promise happy changes. An apricot tree warns of a change of place of residence, of a forced move. This dream book also talks about what dreams of trees in bloom mean. A tall flowering tree portends happy life, harmonious relationships with a partner, respect from colleagues and material incentives from superiors.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Examines dreams related to trees in more detail and provides answers to many questions. A bare tree without leaves, as in other dream books, warns of material and financial losses and failures in new endeavors. Well, whoever is forewarned is forearmed. Be attentive to yourself and those around you, try to keep the situation under control and do not relax.

In this dream book, a tree with buds means a favorable situation in your life, an opportunity to receive good news. Fruits among dense greenery predict amazing success and an exciting future. Also fruit tree hints at summing up some activity (harvesting).

Seeing a tree being cut down in a dream means quick, unexpected and drastic changes in your life. The atmosphere of the dream picture will tell you whether the changes will be good or bad. If after such a dream you wake up with good mood, then you shouldn’t be afraid of troubles. They felled a tree - yours rash actions in life can lead to collapse and problems. Watered - you are guaranteed respect from colleagues and people around you. Drawing a tree on paper - wait financial success or receiving a bonus or gift.

Descended from a tree - in real life you waste a lot of energy: you buy unnecessary things, you take everything too seriously, you fuss a lot. Hugged a tree - you will probably soon receive recognition and strengthen your position in society. Upcoming events will change your life for the better. You expect success, recognition and prosperity. A tree covered with snow warns that you are behind. modern life, you need to open your eyes to avoid trouble.

Dream Interpretation Tree, why do you dream about seeing a Tree in a dream?

Idiomatic dream book

  • Tree – “Genealogical (family) tree”, “tree of life”, “tree of knowledge”.
  • “barking up the wrong tree” - to become disoriented, to be active in the wrong direction.
  • “to fall (descend) from a tree” - to degrade.
  • “wooden”, “oak” - stupid, stupid, stubborn, strong.
  • “look at the root” - get to the essence;
  • “slim as a birch tree”, “give oak” (to die), “a hundred-year-old club” (fool);
  • “It’s all a phony” is a lie.
  • A tree is growing, green, dry, crooked, large, low... - this or that activity, perspective; see Add. Jungle, leaf, forest.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

Why do you dream of a Tree:

Tree - An image denoting the individual life and individuation of the subject. The shape of the tree represents almost exactly (literally) the situation the subject or someone else has.

Autumn dream book

Why do you dream of a Tree according to the dream book:

Interpretations of famous dream books

In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention to:

  • State of the plant.
  • Its species affiliation (both pine and apple trees are trees, but the meaning of the dream will be different in each case).
  • The parts of the plant that you focused on in the dream.
  • Manipulations that were carried out in a dream with a plant.

What was the tree like?

N. Grishina interprets the dream about trees most fully. In her noble dream book the tree itself is presented as a symbol of man, his life and health.

What do flowering trees mean in a dream? Intimate dream book

Modern dream book

Dream Flowering means

Hollow - Seeing a hollow in a dream means the collapse of your capabilities.

Climb a tree - Climb a tree or a fence - to panic.

Notches - Making notches on a tree in a dream means trying to remember something.

Cypress - Seeing this slender tree in a dream means meeting a slender girl.

Maple - Seeing this tree spreading and green is a sign of blooming youth.

Stain - Using stain in a dream means hiding some fact.

Break off a branch - Break off a branch from a tree - leads to divorce.

If in a dream you dreamed of one tree, then in reality you are sad and lonely, you are looking for soul mate. If you dreamed of a young tree blossoming, then in reality you need to look back at your loved ones or start organizing your personal life. Dreaming of an old tree with bare or broken branches sticking out means that in old age you will experience serious illnesses, loneliness, and poverty.

Dreams in which a person saw a falling tree (whether it was torn out by the wind, cut down or broken) foreshadow his death. If he cuts down a tree himself, then in reality he will take rash steps that could lead to the death of an acquaintance, work colleague, or even a loved one.

A flowering tree dreams of joyful events and success in any enterprise. If there are fruits growing on a tree, then suddenly a rain of money will fall on you.

Climbing a flowering tree means profit in life, prosperity and good luck. If the tree is dry and the branches break under the weight of the climber, then this is a hint that the road is likely to be thorny and difficult.

I beg you, please help me determine the meaning of my dream,
» the bride - she has her own son, goes to wedding dress from a handsome young man, he left her a wallet full of money, this handsome and young man stands and watches as a large, beautiful, green tree with large leaves is cut down, with this tree he has a memory of vows of love under this tree, remains a huge stump after cutting, he looks and tries to find out how old the tree is, the stump is very large, strong, light and they water it with a little water,”
PLEASE help me understand what this means, my daughter is getting ready to travel, I’m very worried, thanks for the answer

Daria 2015-10-23 11:08:56

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Good afternoon. I dreamed of my house, next to the house there are two trees, very tall, beautiful, green. One tree seemed older to me. I sat not far from the house and watched what was happening around me, how at that moment the weather changed and rose strong wind and started throwing everything away. Then I see my mother, she screams at me from the house to immediately run home. I throw all my things and run, the wind gets stronger, and suddenly a tree, which is older along with the roots, breaks out and falls on me, but I manage to move away, in the window of the house I see my mother, scared. Then together we approach the second tree, and my mother looks at the second tree with a smile and admiration, the wind still does not calm down, but nothing happens to the second tree. Please tell me what this dream could mean. Thanks in advance.


Did you dream about thick green trees? Luck will be incredibly favorable to you in the coming months. Climbing to the very crowns of majestic giants means great luck. It is possible to win the lottery, win a lawsuit, or gain a strong patron.

Another version of the explanation of why you dream of climbing trees can be found in Vanga. Vanga’s dream book says that such a plot foreshadows a rise in the ranks, moreover, due to one’s own hard work.

If a person smells flowers on a tree in a dream, then this means a quick resolution of problems that cause inconvenience.

In general, if you combine dreams of various events against which trees bloom, the dream book describes joy and positive events. The exception is the esoteric dream book, in which a flowering tree has a negative meaning.