Taurus girl Capricorn guy horoscope. Reliable and serious: compatibility of Taurus man and Capricorn woman

Many people think that there will be no romance in the relationship between Taurus and Capricorn. To some extent this is true. Both zodiac signs belong to the earth element. The Taurus woman and the Capricorn man do not understand the sweet nonsense that many lovers suffer from. In such a couple there will be no walks in the pouring rain, no cute postcards with declarations of love. But the Capricorn man and Taurus woman don’t really need this. It is very important for Taurus and Capricorn to be confident in their partners. They are not looking for a romantic person to start a family, but a reliable one. Their romance will not be like the characters from the books. Important aspect their relationship is patience. The love of both grows into devotion, faith and understanding. Over time, their feelings become deep. Despite the fact that the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man silently declare their feelings, they are given the gift of hearing with their hearts. This only makes the union stronger.

The Taurus woman loves serious gentlemen. She needs a partner who will provide her financially and will not have her head in the clouds. A Capricorn man will also appreciate a girl with similar life guidelines. These people have a lot in common. The same traits of character and temperament can be found in both of them. Taurus woman and Capricorn man have a wonderful sense of humor. In addition, they have the same ideas about marriage and family. Of course, their union cannot be called ideal, but they are happy together. As a rule, they stay together for the rest of their lives. At the same time, both remain satisfied with their choice.

The Taurus woman is very practical; she does not immediately show her feelings. Her sentimentality hides behind her household chores. She is strongly attached to her home and children, but will carefully keep old love letters. Taurus finds it difficult to adapt to both small and big changes, she is very attached to the past. Such a girl will never lose common sense. She knows well what is needed for happiness. The path to it will be quiet and leisurely. She agrees to wait and not make rash decisions. Capricorn sees in this femininity and submission to the masculine principle. The Capricorn man is very happy about this. Only over time can a partner feel like a conqueror in the eyes of his beloved.

If the Taurus woman does not require public recognition, the Capricorn man would be happy to receive it. Deep down, he wants to reach the pinnacle of power, but secretly from everyone, without showing it. The more humble a person is, the stronger his desire to be a leader. The Capricorn man is very concerned about his image. He needs to make a good impression on everyone. He wants to be admired by his relatives, friends, neighbors, and business partners. Unlike her partner, the Taurus woman takes criticism calmly. Thanks to her kindness and tact, she can appreciate her life partner.

Taurus woman and Capricorn man belong to thrifty people. Without their own home, they will work together to get one. In the process of overcoming life's difficulties, they will retain their true feelings. Their relationship becomes stronger as they solve problems together. These are hardworking people who will make every effort to live in abundance. They know how to distribute the family budget and not spend money on unnecessary things. A couple with a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man needs to learn to enjoy the little things and allocate more funds from the family budget for entertainment and relaxation. There is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure. Sometimes you need to turn off logic and pamper yourself. You cannot limit yourself to the standard purchase of an apartment and a car.

The Taurus woman and the Capricorn man understand well that sometimes you need to really relax. They love to relax together. There is mutual understanding in their union. The Taurus woman is a good housewife; she devotes a lot of time to the house. Her apartment is always in order: the floors are washed, the closets are tidy, the children are fed. She is an excellent cook and always strives to please her husband. A Capricorn man can understand in time when his wife needs help, and he is not shy about helping with the housework. For these qualities, the spouse appreciates her partner, worrying about his condition. Representatives of these two earth signs know how to take care of each other.

Problems in the union of Capricorn man and Taurus woman I can Capricorn man Taurus woman compatibility

    t be associated with their difficult character. These are two stubborn people who are used to last word must be behind them. They don't like to give in. In marriage, a Capricorn man and a Taurus woman will not strive to overtake each other by taking leading positions in the family. The role of head of the family is most often taken by the Capricorn man. But if the Taurus woman does not agree with something, the wife can show her horns to her husband. She will not allow herself to be put under pressure, she needs to feel independent, while her partner must admit that she is right. To avoid quarrels for this couple, they need to be able to find a compromise. It is best to clearly distribute the responsibilities that each member of the love union will perform. This is the only way for a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man to escape family scandals and problems.

    The Taurus woman is created for earthly love. She has developed hearing, vision, smell, touch and taste. The girl expresses her love exquisitely. This is what Capricorn needs. If the partner directly stated her feelings, he would not be able to restrain his desires. Very often he is driven by passion, tenderness is securely hidden in him. A Taurus woman must be persistent with her partner. Thanks to her gentle and patient character, she learns to understand and hear her soulmate. This is the only way to achieve beautiful unity in love. Capricorn man faces problem of expression own feelings. But the Taurus woman helps him free himself from emotions that he cannot cope with on his own.

    Because of Saturn, which rules Capricorn, the love of a union of earth signs can be unhappy. Often the Capricorn man and Taurus woman face romantic disappointments. The Capricorn man has the same strong physical desires as all representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Sometimes they identify love with carnal desires. At the same time, they do not want to offend their girlfriend. Venus, which rules Taurus, helps her explain to her shy partner that love and sex are one thing.

    Despite the fact that the Capricorn man is a practical and ambitious egoist, and the Taurus woman is sensible and stubborn, they can open their hearts to each other. They can express their true feelings without words. There is a mystery in the pair of Taurus woman and Capricorn man. Having revealed each other's secrets, they give each other their hearts. These two earth signs complement each other perfectly.

Taurus woman and Capricorn man

Love compatibility

A touching and faithful union awaits the Taurus woman and Capricorn man in the future. The stars have prepared a gift - compatibility in love. These hard workers choose their lifelong partner (very often) once and for all. It is difficult to say why there is a song about swan fidelity, but not about Capricorn and Taurus. These titans of thought are capable of taking a responsible approach not only to choosing, but also to “participating in the casting” of their person.

A man of the winter zodiac will sometimes try to correct some of his wife’s traits (just a little, Taurus is almost an ideal wife for him), which will not bother the woman at all. She, in turn, will even try to cheer up her husband, who is periodically “visited” by melancholic depressions due to frequent fatigue. But in sex, these two signs need to understand their compatibility and issues.

Yes, under the mask of plowmen and good-natured people with a calm smile on their faces, sometimes oceans of deep feelings, experiences and complexes are hidden. These people are obliged to help each other be what each partner is inside! Even if it’s in a shared home, with the kids. And let others see such a couple as unemotional and restrained. The main thing is how “rich” these “oak caskets” turn out to be inside. Such a treasure is predicted by high compatibility of zodiac signs - beautiful woman Taurus and attractive man Capricorn.

Sexual compatibility

The horoscope of existing compatibility can additionally bring success to their violent sexual pleasures. An excellent man in every sense, who may turn out to be a subtle connoisseur of female nature, is pleased to see a worthy partner.

She, in turn, can “drive” him, since a skilled mistress is capable of working in this area to the last. Capricorn and his chosen Taurus, who has the magnetism of Venus, have amazing compatibility in sex! And they still have time to train...

At work and at home

The potential of these employees, hidden from external gossip, can increase their capabilities beyond words. The compatibility of Taurus and Capricorn at work can easily develop into something friendly, and then even family. Responsible by zodiac nature, these calm and obligatory partners will always find a way out of dead-end situations, although where would they come from!

If this small union of two requires an ideological inspirer who feels confident in the company of such a Taurus, Capricorn will take on this mission. Taurus won't mind. The result will be the same excellent work as all the compatibility of these signs.

According to the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man, this is the most difficult, but also the most creative union of the three couples Earth element. He can bring more problems than any other, and what’s especially bad is that it immediately attracts with excellent compatibility, and only then difficulties appear.

But, on the other hand, in this union there is a lot of internal energy, many opportunities for self-improvement for each partner and many chances for life success And material well-being.
For the melancholy heart of the Capricorn man, . In both one and the other, feelings are constant and lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is faithful and devoted to each other. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise “at first sight” or in the form of a “forest fire”, but over the years, mutual understanding and agreement deepen, and the feeling of affection grows stronger.

But there is still one “but” here. Here is both love itself and marriage union must be backed by money or other material benefits. Both partners are imbued with and saturated with life's reality and practicality. Marriage compatibility of Taurus-Capricorn is dominated by perseverance and endurance, endurance and perseverance, thinking and planning, a normal attitude towards frugality, that is, all those human properties and qualities that contribute to the implementation life goal. Immediately after celebrating the wedding, they identify common interests, and common plans, tasks, goals, which in the future move them forward and upward. And if Capricorn in this union brings his own own house, then Taurus decorates it in the full sense of the word, at the same time combining business with pleasure.

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Capricorn man – PROS

The ideal couple of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man is a developing couple with constant internal growth. The characters of Taurus and Capricorn are sometimes intertwined, complementing each other, sometimes they contradict, and everyone is interested in resolving the conflict. Inside the couple there is a very active, stormy life, although outwardly they look calm and happy and never amuse others with stormy scenes and family scandals. They have a lot common features such as practicality, perseverance, loyalty, determination. Most often, they are both committed to a long, serious relationship.

They both hate family conflicts and showdowns, and the Taurus woman knows how to soften the rough edges with a joke and at the same time calmly allows Capricorn to take his place as the head of the family. In the most perfect couple, the leader is Capricorn, and the Taurus woman calmly adapts to him and changes her behavior and attitude towards situations that are unpleasant for her. As a rule, Capricorn can calmly devote time to work, knowing that he has a reliable rear behind him: and about children. Capricorn in this union brings wisdom, and the Taurus woman brings tenderness and thriftiness. Taurus also softens Capricorn and teaches him to enjoy life. Sometimes, on the contrary, Capricorn teaches Taurus to be tougher and more assertive.

If Taurus managed to fully awaken Mars Capricorn, then the couple is also guaranteed a harmonious and passionate relationship. intimate life for all the years they are together.

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Capricorn man – CONS

Harmony in a Taurus-Capricorn couple will last only as long as both have a goal, which Capricorn most often sets, and they go towards it together. For both the Taurus woman and the Capricorn man, the result is very important. But when it happens that a couple has no goal, the most worst traits both. , absent-minded, and does not fulfill the role of leader in the family. The Taurus woman, most often, voluntarily gives the palm to her husband, but at such moments she also cannot rebuild herself in order to lead the family out of the impasse. She is characterized by inertia and the inability to change habits. Her tenderness and care will break against the cold wall that Capricorn is building. It is worth noting that it is especially difficult for a man in this union, since the Taurus woman will be able to find an outlet in pleasures, good food, beautiful clothes and have a nice holiday, but a strong and smart Capricorn without a goal goes into depression.

Horoscope Taurus-Capricorn – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Taurus and Capricorn, the family idyll is disrupted when the couple loses their goal, especially Capricorn, who, as the leader, chooses the desired direction for the family to move. At such moments, he especially urgently needs support from a woman. Show him your loyalty and devotion. He must know and feel that you will not leave him.

If you have a strong and trusting relationship, then in such cases we can recommend the “knock out wedge with wedge” method. Each zodiac sign reacts most sharply to its opposite. For Saturn, the antipode planet is the Moon, which is very strong for the Taurus woman. Therefore, all your lunar manifestations: capriciousness, mood swings, caring, homeliness and impressionability - will evoke a warm response from him. This way you will “wake up” his Saturn, which is responsible for setting tasks, and. But you need to be careful with this method: the antipodean planet can be perceived both as a partner and as an enemy if you did not have trust in the family.

How can a Taurus woman win a Capricorn man?

From the very first day of acquaintance, Taurus is attractive to Capricorn. But, despite this, he remains dry and rational, and also ascetic, which completely frightens the comfort-loving Taurus woman. To win a Capricorn guy, a Taurus girl should not rely on her brightest character traits - love of comfort, a reverent attitude towards money, good taste and the importance of the little joys of life. Capricorn, who strives for rigor, will be scared off by this. IN in this case a Taurus woman should focus on developing her Venusian traits - the more feminine, softer and gentle you are, the more beautiful you make the environment, the more attractive you yourself are - the faster Capricorn will be drawn to you. Of course, it is possible that Capricorn will teach Taurus asceticism in everyday life and restraint in feelings. But this is the highest meaning of the union: Taurus must learn to show the traits of Venus, regardless of how favorable the environment is for them. In this marriage relationship, Taurus will have to improve himself and discover new talents in himself, otherwise...

Compatibility of Taurus woman and Capricorn man in friendship

According to the compatibility of the zodiac signs Taurus and Capricorn, they are often friends with each other. And the most important thing that holds this friendship together is reliability and willingness to help each other. In a pair of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man, it will be difficult to see spiritual affection, and their communication often resembles business. But the main thing is that they themselves have enough emotions and interesting communication in it. They may not see each other for a long time, but their friendship lasts for years.

Is it possible for this couple to cheat on their “halves”? If Taurus consciously begins to conquer Capricorn, and he sees his benefit in love with Taurus, then yes. But this rarely happens: both take a responsible approach to choosing a partner and are completely satisfied with him, so that they can look for something else.

Compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man in business

This is a great pair for business cooperation. They will achieve all their goals, and without taking risks or embarking on adventures. The Taurus woman and the Capricorn man understand each other well, work harmoniously and are perfectly compatible psychologically.

When a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man are colleagues or partners, it is a very good combination. They both do not like scandals, they are purposeful, hardworking, they work without unnecessary stress and rush jobs. The Taurus woman brings gentleness and psychological comfort to the work in this business union, and the Capricorn man more often takes responsibility.

When a Taurus woman is a boss and a Capricorn man is a subordinate, this is not the best combination. Capricorn knows how to be responsible and executive, but he strives for a career. And stability-loving Taurus forgets not only to promote himself, but also abandons the prospects for business development as a whole. Therefore, they work well together until Capricorn finds something better.

When a Taurus woman is a subordinate and a Capricorn man is a boss, this is one of the best business alliances. They understand each other perfectly; Capricorn cannot get enough of the hardworking and practical Taurus woman. In addition, she does not make noise around herself, does not engage in personal matters while working, and maintains smooth relationships with colleagues. She, like no one else, is able to understand Capricorn’s plan and work in the right direction.

The compatibility of zodiac signs attracts quite a lot of attention. This is due to the fact that only with suitable partner You can create a fairly strong, happy and prosperous union.

It is quite difficult to find a person with whom you will experience happiness in life together. AND wrong choice can be a mistake serious enough to cause suffering. Using a horoscope, you can find out how compatible different zodiac signs are with each other. And in this review we will consider one example of a complex, but quite successful union.

A difficult couple can form a successful tandem

Taurus woman - Capricorn man together form a rather complex couple. But regardless of this, this tandem can be called one of the most successful in the creative field. This is if you compare the compatibility of couples of the same element. There can be quite a lot of problems. But at the beginning of its formation, the union will be distinguished by excellent compatibility.

Positive features of the union

What are the positive aspects of such a couple as Taurus woman - Capricorn man? They are as follows:

  1. Simply enormous reserves of internal energy.
  2. A large number of the most different possibilities for personal growth.
  3. A considerable number of chances for success.
  4. Well-being in material terms.

Needless to say, representatives of such an element as the Earth are always attracted to each other. For this reason, the Taurus woman is initially in a higher position compared to her competitors. But you need to think about whether the representative of this zodiac sign needs to fight at all? What awaits such a couple as Taurus woman - Capricorn man?

Characteristics of a man

He is characterized by excessive rationality, dryness, asceticism and determination. And with all this, he is quite attractive. A woman appreciates to a greater extent comfort. She is characterized by frugality in relation to money and impeccable taste. In addition, she attaches special importance to the small joys in life. And if each of the partners bases everything on the clearly expressed traits of their character, then common language will not be found. In this regard, from the very beginning, relationships in such an alliance as Taurus woman - Capricorn man are a kind of incentive for the girl’s self-development.

The constellation Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is characterized by severity and rigidity. But we should not forget about the influence from Mars. Thanks to him, the representative of the zodiac sign is endowed with such traits as:

  1. The desire to be the first in everything. He is characterized by leadership.
  2. Responsibility for actions and deeds performed.
  3. Perseverance and determination in achieving your goals.

What traits does a woman have?

Who can ensure that all these traits manifest themselves in full? Naturally, we're talking about about Taurus women. And Capricorn men fully open up, as soon as girls show their natural abilities. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which does not conflict with Mars. Capricorn will open up if the partner shows her femininity, softness, tenderness, and attractiveness.

However, Saturn will not like such changes. He will try to teach the Taurus woman how to restrain her feelings. And if she wants the couple not to break up, then she does not need to deviate in her behavior from the rules that were dictated by Venus.

Relationships between partners. What do the reviews say?

It seems to others that a couple like a Capricorn man and a Taurus woman is absolutely calm and happy. The fact is that this union does not intend to entertain the people through constant showdowns. There will be no scenes of jealousy. However, the internal dissonance is so enormous that the partners will begin to improve themselves unnoticed.

Capricorn will take the leading position. He will take back the right to govern the union. But Taurus will not resist this, since it is much easier for her to adapt to her partner. However, if you look deeper, you will see a woman’s constant work aimed at softening the character of her companion. She can show him how to enjoy life. He, in turn, will be able to learn her assertiveness, determination and toughness.

In a couple like a Capricorn man and a Taurus woman, intimate relationships can be passionate. But to do this, she will need to awaken in her partner those character traits that were provided to him by Mars.

In a pair of a Capricorn man and a Taurus woman (reviews demonstrate this well), both partners are focused primarily on results. They are successfully moving towards their dreams. However, sometimes it happens that they do not have the same goals. But they are not capable of simply going with the flow, enjoying every day. Periods of living together can be characterized by complications in relationships. This is due to the fact that Capricorn, in a moment of confusion, begins to relinquish his authority. The woman, in turn, is not ready to show leadership qualities. And in such situations, tenderness, which is in large quantities present in Taurus women.

Both Capricorn men and their partners can improve themselves in love relationships

Between people born under the described zodiac signs, simple love can develop into a deeper feeling. This is due to attraction, which is based on common interests. Partners gradually begin to understand each other perfectly. A strong union is also favored by tenderness and mutual understanding.

However, you should know that partners imagine love differently. A woman by this word means the main feeling in life that helps her express herself. Capricorn understands love as an accompanying factor. But a man is able to meet his partner’s wishes. He will try to please her. The woman, in turn, will feel protected by him and will try to express her gratitude. It is next to a Taurus woman that Capricorn is able to feel like a real man.


How to win a Capricorn man over a Taurus woman? First of all, you should think about such a bright feeling as friendship. Friendship arises quite easily between these zodiac signs. It is based not on emotional attachment, but primarily on business interests. In addition, the relationship will not be devoid of expressions of emotion. Friendship between partners can turn out to be quite strong. This is due to reliability and willingness to help each other. And as mentioned above, even such feelings between a woman and a man can develop into a deeper relationship.

Should the halves of these signs be afraid and try to destroy the friendship of this union? Such fears will be quite serious if the Taurus woman wants to conquer the Capricorn man, and he sees benefit for himself in this. Basically, representatives of this zodiac couple take their choice of partners quite seriously. They remain satisfied with them until the moment they see no point in trying to find something on the side.

Constant work on relationships is needed

It should be noted that the union between a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man will be stronger and more harmonious if she regularly works on this issue. If Capricorn suddenly withdraws or starts to find fault, this will signal that he has no goal. And at such moments he begins to value loyalty and reliability to a greater extent.

You can get a man out of this state by playing on opposites. A girl can achieve this through character traits such as:

  1. Moodiness.
  2. Change of mood.
  3. Homeliness.
  4. Caring.
  5. Impressionability.

Due to all this, a woman will be able to wake up her partner and help him find his goal. However, this method should be used with great caution and only if the couple is strong enough.

Backward compatibility of characters

Let's consider another situation - Taurus man, Capricorn woman. Their compatibility in love is quite real, although it is characterized by the presence of certain difficulties. They lie in the fact that Taurus is constantly afraid that their partner is too eager to work.

This is how it really is. The woman is quite passionate about her profession. She simply cannot refuse it. In addition, Capricorn is used to working at full capacity, so that later she does not have to blush for the results of her activities. This is her top priority. This is exactly what Taurus men should know so as not to poison their lives. He should not show his persistence in this matter and try to force the woman to give up her work. She, in turn, must take care of her husband and children, and not just her career. However, we should not forget that women born under this zodiac sign, are able to organize and can keep up everywhere. This is the only way to save a marriage. Taurus man and Capricorn woman are capable of creating perfect union. But both will have to make every effort to achieve this.


We must not forget that there is no such horoscope, there are no such predictions that could guarantee not only long, but also bright feelings. Any relationship will have to be worked on. Feelings require constant improvement. They should not fade for a minute. If there is love between partners, then it must be regularly fed. In the end, even the strongest compatibility of signs may not survive. Taurus man and Capricorn woman are capable of creating strong relationships. They have everything for this.