Horoscope for August by week. Love horoscope according to zodiac signs

August is the last month of summer, most of which passes under the sign of Leo. Leo is the Sun, royalty, radiance, joy, creativity, fun. The best time for vacations and trips to unfamiliar places. But this August can hardly be called easy and joyful, especially for Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius. First things first.

August 1 – 4. You can safely plan new projects, consider options, opportunities and prospects, and make purchases. Favorable aspects will have a positive impact on business negotiations, interviews, and major acquisitions.

August 1-5. Loss of strength, attacks of irritation, but at the same time things are not going well. At this time it is better to reduce physical activity, slow down with sports to avoid overexertion and injury.

August 23. Square the Sun with Poseidon. A time of inspiration, new ideas, heightened intuition and spiritual development.

5th of August. The planet of love and beauty, Venus, moves into the sign of Virgo. The volcano of emotions subsides, and household chores, order, preparations, updating your wardrobe, as well as taking care of your health and well-being come to the fore.

August 4 – 8. Venus tau square Admetus and Mars. Discord between reason and feelings, between desires and possibilities. Work does not bring joy, conflicts between men and women, distrust of others. Women may experience misgivings, fears and a tendency to save. Men may feel the pressure of circumstances and want to run away from obligations.

August 5 – 7. The planet of communication, information and communication, Mercury forms a tau square with Saturn and Neptune. Errors in documentation, difficulties in communication, confusion, delays, absent-mindedness, incorrect information. Be careful with money and contracts, there is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers. Problems on water and water transport.

August 8 – 9. Mercury conjunct Rahu. good time for dating, meetings, get-togethers.

August 9 – 11. Great time for any financial transactions, concluding transactions and contracts, negotiations, staff expansion, purchasing materials, equipment, repairs.

August 13. Saturn exits Retrograde and returns to its direct motion. Retribution for Karma will no longer be so harsh. Read more about this.

August 12 – 15. Venus tau square Saturn and Neptune. If you are experiencing problems in relationships, then this period may be turning point. Suspicions, resentments, quarrels, mistrust and all this mainly on the part of women. Saturn will highlight the problem, clarify details and the future, and outline goals. The result may be disappointment, pain, and betrayal. But it is important to understand that through such events we gain wisdom. Watch your language and behavior, show kindness and care to your loved ones.

Rethinking life, losses, finding a flashlight in pitch darkness will come August 16-18, when Venus is in trine with Pluto, and the Sun with Uranus. The tears have dried, the strength is coming, the hands are working.

August 18 At 12:20 Moscow time there will be a Full Moon at 26 degrees Aquarius. I want to throw off the extra weight from my shoulders, solve all problems at once or get away from them. Be reasonable and try not to snap at people.

August 18 – 25. The planet of happiness, good luck and opportunities, Jupiter in conjunction with Mercury. An excellent period for business contacts, negotiations, meetings, and appeals to various authorities. Time for trips, travel and harmonious communication.

August 20 – 27. Conjunction of Mars with Saturn on the star Antares (point of catastrophes). Emergency situations, equipment breakdown, injuries, exacerbation chronic diseases, mental discomfort, increased conflict. Temptation by possibilities and complete collapse. Don't start any new things, take a break, don't make important decisions.

From August 24. Saturn square Neptune. Psychological uncertainty, sudden problems, losses from deception, the possibility of poisoning. This is especially true for people born at the end of February, May, early March, June, September, December.

August 25 – 26. Venus conjunct Cupid. Previously, you had a fight and destroyed your relationship, now it’s time to show care, sympathy, support and make peace with the people who are important to you. The period of restoration of warmth and comfort in relationships.

August 26 - 29. Venus conjunct Mercury and Jupiter. Romantic and friendly communication, delicious dinners, sunny picnics, pleasant trips, creative activities. Seize the opportunity and strengthen your relationship.

August 29 - 31. Mercury conjunct Jupiter. The period for business contacts, negotiations, meetings, appeals to various authorities. Time for trips, travel and harmonious communication.

August is a difficult month, but you will easily survive it if you learn to change from within, make sacrifices, listen carefully to people and be silent in time.

Tips for the month

August 18 At 12:20 Moscow time there will be a Full Moon at 26 degrees Aquarius. We carry out various and charge our amulets, talismans, crystals.

From August 28 to September 22 – the period of eclipses and Mercury retrograde. Don't start important things!

Tartar removal is optimal between the 20th and 31st.

Perform manual therapy on the 5th, 14th, 15th, 23rd, 24th.

On the days of the Full Moon 17-19, refrain from overload, fitness and allow yourself to rest more.

General cleaning will go well on the 25th and 26th.

Plant flowers on the 7th, 8th, 17th.

When reading information on your sign, pay attention to the name of the card. If it contains a King, Queen, Knight or Page, numeric value and suit (swords, pentacles, cups or wands), then this is an ordinary month. If the card has a specific name like “Moderation”, “Devil”, “Lovers”, etc., then May will be very important month, and you should be doubly careful the entire period.


10 swords. Delusions, false hopes. Do nothing, all actions will bring the opposite result. If something goes away, just let it go. Wait this one out difficult period, leave everything unnecessary in the past.


King of Swords. A time of self-restraint and self-discipline. Colliding with the law or its representatives. Meeting with an authoritarian, strict and smart person. Adhere to strict rules, do not violate the laws of the physical and karmic plane. Take responsibility. Be reasonable and fair. The end of something important is coming life stage or some business.


9 of Wands. Threat from ill-wishers. Unfavorable circumstances, delays, obstacles. Be prudent and careful. Fatigue, irritability, tense anticipation. Save your energy, take a closer look at the people who surround you. It's time to carry out protective rituals.


10 of wands. A lot of work. The end of the matter. Make an effort to achieve your goal, but don't put everything on your shoulders. Objectively assess your capabilities. Find helpers. Organize your time. Otherwise, depression, fatigue and overwork are possible.

A lion.

Ace of Pentacles. Clarification of the situation, first harvest, gift and receipt of a fee. Take advantage of favorable circumstances. Rejoice and have fun, now is not the time to be discouraged. Feel free to implement your plans.


6 swords.

The period of tension will pass, and a solution will be found. Emotions give way to reasoning and planning. Getting help from loved ones. The card speaks of leaving the zone of conflict, discomfort and finding peace. May indicate travel, moving, earning money away from home and business trips.

Scales. 5 cups.

You will have to face some disappointments. Don’t get discouraged in advance; observe your sadness from the outside: how you feel, what you think about, analyze the mistakes you’ve made. This way, sadness, melancholy, hopelessness will not be able to suck you in, and you will sooner return to life.

Scorpion. Queen of Pentacles.

It’s either you, or you are about to meet with a self-sufficient, strong, economic woman. Show care, attention and generosity. Organize priorities and resources correctly. Carry out all your plans consistently, there is no need to rush. Take good care of your flower, and the day will come when it will bloom. Avoid hasty decisions.

In August 2016, strong-willed and purposeful people who are capable of quick decision-making and have lightning-fast reactions will demonstrate their qualities. During this period, Mars will be in Sagittarius, so haste and thoughtlessness may take a leading position in life, and this will undoubtedly entail unforeseen reactions and events. The struggle for justice can be quite fierce, which indicates an unreasonable approach to resolving problems. Honesty will not always be justified, because in some situations it is more expedient to show agility and flexibility, but certain circumstances will prevent such measures from being carried out. This month, clairvoyants, psychics, and arbiters of destinies (judges) will demonstrate their talent and abilities. And compassionate and merciful people will strive to fill the emptiness in their souls by helping those in need. In the first ten days of August 2016, Venus will pass through the zodiac sign Virgo, and this period is ideally suited for reconciliation between loved ones, as well as finding harmony and balance in the family. Humble and tactful people will achieve the greatest success without resorting to assertiveness and persistence in achieving their goals. It is patience that will make the most difference in the process of catching up and achieving what was planned. Judgment in solving difficult issues will save time, effort and energy without wasting it. At this time, men are ready to present their beautiful ladies with the best bouquets, showing increased interest. The female half of humanity will feel its charm and attractiveness, using flirting and other methods of seducing the stronger sex. These days the motto is relevant: “Patience and work will grind everything down.” Patience and a loyal attitude not only towards loved ones, but also towards everyone around you, will allow you to reap exceptional benefits.

The second ten days of August 2016 will pass under the influence of the Moon, which will be in Pisces. This period can be called emotional and hypersensitive, which means that it will not be easy for psychologically vulnerable and unbalanced people to struggle with their inner worldview. You can easily be left penniless by showing compassion to the poor and needy people. These days it is necessary to stick to the “golden mean” and not go to extremes. Even good intentions giving practical advice to a friend can turn against the “psychologist” himself, so every decision should be made carefully and avoiding haste. Peace can come in the lap of nature or when communicating with “ soul mate" You need to learn to adapt to environment and make efforts to unite with the Universe. The concepts of “friendship” and “love” are able to move to the same level, which indicates the strength and sincerity of feelings.

In the third ten days of August 2016, the Sun will move into the Zodiac sign Virgo, which indicates feminine in all areas of life. A difficult period in terms of expressing feelings and expressing thoughts. Each word can be re-qualified against the bearer of the message, so disagreements and discontent can often arise at the level of intimate contradictions. At the same time, caring and comfort will have a beneficial effect on any relationship, which means that gentleness and tenderness should be present everywhere in communication. Insight and far-sightedness in your views will protect you from negative consequences hastily made decisions, which in turn will in no way disrupt peace and harmony within the family. Couples in love will be imbued with trust and will be able to put into practice their dreams and desires for a happy and cloudless life.

Month of August 2016, monthly horoscope

Read zodiac horoscope for the month of August 2016 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

Waxing Crescent:

Forecasters often disappoint us by making mistakes in their forecasts. How to learn to see and feel your future yourself?


In the raging whirlpool of events, your immediate surroundings will become an island of calm for you. Thanks to the support of family and close friends, you will be able to relax and allow yourself small breaks along the well-trodden “home-work-home” route. A pleasant surprise may become acquisition .


“Strike while the iron is hot” says folk wisdom. In your case, you will have to “forge” business proposals that will rain down on you like from a cornucopia. Try to separate the wheat from the chaff in time, and then everything decisions made will bring you unprecedented success.


“Plant a tree, build a house and raise a child” - you can begin to complete any of these tasks. Wonderful prospects open up for you to relax, purchase and arrange housing, or think about procreation. The choice is yours!


You will have an irresistible desire to retire somewhere in nature with a good book to fully enjoy the silence of the warm evenings of the passing summer. Allow yourself this pleasure. Only those who are not in a hurry succeed everywhere.


As in July, the main objects of your attention are children and career. And so that you don’t get bored from such monotony, your friends will certainly try to lure you to a fun party. Do not refuse the invitation, a sea of ​​​​communication and new pleasant impressions.


“As you drown, so will you burst” is your motto for the coming month. All dreams are quite achievable, but to realize them you need to put in a lot of effort. However, you are no stranger to taking risks and winning, so feel free to catch your luck by the tail!


Collect fun company and go to . You can choose any route, but most of all pleasant surprises and entertainment awaits you while conquering the waters. Study the schedule of the nearest cruises, and full speed ahead to distant uncharted shores!


Give up your love of adventure for a while and try to be extremely careful. Avoid sharp turns on bike paths and even banal drafts, then August will pass calmly.


“Be afraid of appearing cruel to your loved ones...” - the stars remind you. Restraint and attention to your own words and actions are the main line of your behavior for the near future. Remember that harsh judgment and careless action can cause serious offense.

Any sympathy, even barely emerging, is accompanied by doubts, fluctuations in self-esteem, and unnecessary comparisons. The temptation to forget about logic and succumb to emotional impulses is strong, but still not so strong as to follow the lead of passion, the circumstances seem too unfavorable. Hence, a situation arises when, on the one hand, “the soul asks,” and on the other, common sense forbids, but it seems not so strictly as to completely discard dreams. Only very integral and pure natures will be able to avoid making mistakes and avoid problems.

At the end of August we will feel the approach solar eclipse(it will happen on September 1). Although this eclipse itself does not pose a threat to personal relationships, there are several unfavorable aspects associated with it. They give rise to strong fluctuations in the emotional sphere, which leads to quarrels between lovers, family conflicts, and discord in couples. To overcome these difficulties, you will need to turn to the past. You can use not only your own experience, but also universal human experience. Those who are interested in psychology and know how to analyze other people’s mistakes will find it much easier to cope with the difficulties that arise.

Sagittarius in August you will have to fight with yourself: there will be a lot of temptations, it will be difficult to resist them. You generously shower those around you with your sympathy, willingly show attention to people; as a result, ambiguous situations arise, and relationships with your loved one can be overshadowed by jealousy.

Capricorns you should be more decisive - the time has come when you can change your life radically, and romantic relationships this also applies. If you have strong feelings, do not hesitate to admit them; if you like someone, take the initiative. And don't be afraid to overdo it: your intuition will tell you when to stop.

For Aquarius August will be quite tense, and this will also affect personal relationships. Those who are already in love will find it difficult to understand their “other half.” The rest will hardly be able to correctly interpret the behavior of others, to understand who is sincerely interested in communication, and whose interests are of the most prosaic (and, possibly, mercantile) nature.

U Pisces Problems may arise in personal relationships, but for representatives of the sign, love and romance will fade into the background in August, priorities will be different. Only at the very end of the month is a real revolution possible: you will listen to what your heart says, and then something very interesting and pleasant will happen.

To get detailed and accurate forecast romantic relationships for August 2016, order a personal horoscope. The astrologer will tell you what to expect and what to do.

The horoscope for the month of August 2016 promises harmony in the spiritual and financial sector. You need to find a middle ground between these directions in order to move forward without problems. This month is suitable for establishing love affairs. The horoscope for the month of August 2016 does not advise entering into frivolous relationships that will not lead to anything good. This month it would be a good idea to engage in charitable and social activities.

Aries. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 does not recommend that you make mistakes in your work, since it will take a long time to correct them. And, shortcomings will lead to serious problems in the work sphere. The monthly horoscope recommends understanding your feelings for your chosen one. If there is a misunderstanding between you, then you should break up for a while. To avoid catching a cold in the hot summer, you should not swim at the end of August.

Calf. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 cannot be called successful and financially prosperous for you. Everything will go smoothly, but you shouldn’t plan new things. The monthly horoscope promises you a fateful meeting with the person with whom you will fall in love. The acquaintance will take place in a banal setting. Family Taurus people need to spend more time with their children. Take them to the zoo or ride on the carousel.

Twins. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 warns that you will be fired from your job or transferred to new area activities. At the same time, you will be at your best in the financial sphere. Finally, you can relax and enjoy your shopping. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 predicts a meeting for you that will develop into a wonderful romance. If family Gemini If a conflict arises with your spouse, your children will help, they will save the situation. Injuries, bruises and abrasions are possible.

Cancer. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 advises you to be practical and smart in your finances. Try to spend money on what is necessary. This month you will take an active part in cultural events. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 predicts a sea of ​​charm for you, thanks to which everyone will be delighted with you. Family Cancers They will start repairs and deal with everyday issues. This month, be careful not to get injured.

A lion. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 believes that if you do not ignore the advice of influential personalities, you will easily achieve success. All your financial expenses will be related to household issues. Strange things will happen in your personal life. There may be emotional outbursts that will negatively affect the relationship with your significant other. Try to control your mental state so as not to become depressed.

Virgo. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 promises you a tempting offer regarding your work. Think several times about what your decision will lead to. On the love front, a wonderful period awaits you. You should take care of your elderly relatives. The younger generation will consult with you about further studies at the institute. This month you should go to bed earlier to feel refreshed in the morning.

Scales. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 advises that if you are not on vacation, work tirelessly, and this will be a joy for you. You will spend all the money you earn on purchases for your home and gifts for your family. This month you should go on a romantic trip with your significant other. If you are single, then you will meet the person with whom you will connect your life. This month, don't be afraid to change your style and image.

Scorpion. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 warns that your colleagues will be openly jealous of you. You shouldn’t be surprised, because you show yourself as a true professional. This month you should take training courses in a new specialty. Try to go to the sea with your loved one, it will benefit your relationship. Use personal example to show children how to achieve their goals.

Sagittarius. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 believes that many of you will get a long-awaited job. If you have own business, then it will bring a decent income. This month there may be a love affair with a foreigner. The monthly horoscope does not advise starting a relationship with a colleague. Everyone will know about this, which will reflect badly on you. If you feel unwell, then “sport, air and water are your best friends”!

Capricorn. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 recommends that you beware of major frauds. Be careful when communicating with colleagues - they want to “sit” you. IN financial matters It will be a little difficult, but this is a temporary phenomenon, so hold your tail with a gun. You may have a pleasant trip where you will meet your lover. And here, at family Capricorns Difficulties may arise with your spouse. The main thing is not to let things get to the point of divorce.

Aquarius. This month you will be focused on career, and not to increase finances. But you should try to streamline and harmonize everything. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 believes that you will work on new projects that have been approved by your superiors. This month you shouldn’t rush into love like into a pool. Be smart and don’t create illusions about your new chosen one. You will help older relatives make a major purchase for their home.

Fish. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 promises that you will have a sea of ​​interesting and promising ideas in your head. Just don’t put off implementing them until tomorrow, otherwise you’ll harm yourself. The monthly horoscope for August 2016 predicts a short-term romance with a person who, at the beginning of the relationship, will seem ideal to you. But, your illusions will soon disappear like smoke. This month you should devote time to yourself and your appearance. Visit the massage room, go to the swimming pool and beauty salon. This will do you good!