Water tiger horoscope for April. Money, material well-being

The Rooster will change its value system in 2016. Born under this sign Chinese horoscope will suddenly understand that life is not only work, and will begin to take a more responsible attitude towards family life. Your soulmate will definitely appreciate it, don’t doubt it.

Love horoscope for 2016 Rooster

In love, Roosters will experience positive changes in the year of the Rooster. So, in the first half of the year, a romance with a person living in another city or in another country will continue. Moving is quite possible, but you should approach it with caution, since in the second half of the year a noticeable cooling may appear in your clothes. And the next year, 2017, which will be ruled by your sign of the Rooster, will show how it all ends.

Friendly couples can overcome family difficulties and complex everyday problems together.
It is quite possible to move - to another country, another city, and in a more modest version - to another apartment or new home. Relationships with relatives become very important; in the first half of the year, one of the relatives may play important role in all your affairs.

Horoscope of work, career and business for 2016 for the Rooster

The first half of 2016 will bring a lot of organizational work to the Roosters. Entrepreneurs and bosses will begin to expand their business and may purchase real estate for this purpose. Particular success awaits those involved in construction, land, agriculture, and various real estate transactions.

Despite the generally calm background of the year, relationships with individual partners may not work out. Tension will be felt from January to September, and the most acute conflicts will occur at the end of March, April and May. The reason for the dispute may be different views on the business and its further development, as well as on common property.

In the second half of the year, some problems will be successfully resolved, and the rest will be dealt with later. The employee can think about his own business and take the first steps in this direction. It also seems logical to go into the family business. Those who remain in the same place may find it difficult to solve the complex problem of how to combine personal interests and professional matters. It will be difficult, but possible. Sometimes such periods happen, and there is nothing insurmountable.

The second half of 2016 is a more creative and easier period. There will be a long truce with hostile partners, but at the same time disagreements with other people will begin - in one case they will be friends, and in the other - one of the high patrons. The cause of disagreement will be finances, and, one way or another, you will have to look for an acceptable compromise.

Beginning of 2016 in financially will be quite stable. Money will arrive regularly. And not only from official place work. Profits from successful real estate transactions, inheritance, and a profitable loan are possible. If you are not involved in the business world, you can count on the help of your parents or a loved one.

Those born under the sign of the Rooster are already accustomed to the ups and downs of life that fate has in store for them. However, Roosters are not used to despair; they know how to adapt to any situation and benefit from it.

These people are sociable, smart, sociable, although they like to embellish reality. Roosters make excellent diplomats. The peculiarity of the Roosters is that they never keep a stone in their bosom and are always open to outsiders.

General information

The horoscope for the Rooster for 2016 promises many interesting events. The stars favor you, and you can get quite a lot in the new year pleasant surprises. Significant financial replenishments, opening of new money channels and additional earnings. In their personal life, everything will be a little foggy, but optimism and charm will help the Roosters dispel the gathering clouds.

New Year 2016 is a great opportunity to prove yourself at work and rise in career ladder. Be careful with new things, as you may find yourself on the edge of a financial abyss. Tame your stubbornness and learn to admit when you're wrong.

Your harsh statements and overly categorical actions can lead to the rupture of a long-term relationship. The Rooster is very sensitive, so when he is worried, he can find solace in bad company and wine.

Rooster Man

Born commanders in everything and everywhere. The main problem of representatives of this sign is the inability to find the essence of the problem and rush to extremes. Sometimes failures can seriously unsettle the Rooster and throw him into the abyss of passions. Eastern horoscope for the Rooster for the New Year 2016 recommends that men not show their weaknesses and not demonstrate their insecurities.

Remember your old skills, as your previous experience will help in new endeavors. As summer approaches, you will face serious obstacles when you need to decide what is more important to you: family or career. You should not focus only on physical or intellectual work, learn to maintain balance.

Rooster Woman

Irresistible, original and bright representatives of the sign can change their image three times a day and remain dissatisfied with themselves. These ladies are very artistic and may well find success in the theatrical field. The peculiarity of the Rooster woman is her erudition and kindness, which makes her the soul of any company.

Often, women of this sign have a masculine grasp, which allows her to occupy leadership positions and be successful. The Rooster horoscope for 2016 recommends that women moderate their jealousy in order to avoid quarrels and scandals in the family. In the new year, women can fully count on male support, using their best feminine qualities. All help should be accepted with gratitude, and not as a tribute, otherwise the support will dry up like a haze.

Rooster Love

A lot awaits the Rooster in love pleasant moments. Free representatives will make many acquaintances, and perhaps one of their new acquaintances will be dear to their hearts. Family Roosters will be happily married and will receive plenty of evidence of love and devotion from their partner.

It is worth saying that Roosters are very picky about their other halves and want to get everything at once. At the same time, they know how to take a lot and give practically nothing in return. For this reason, they often hear words of dissatisfaction from their other halves, who want to receive more love and tenderness. The problem is that Roosters lack gentleness and good-heartedness; it is difficult for them to understand that ideal people does not exist in the world.

Rooster Finances

The eastern horoscope for the Rooster for 2016 of the Monkey recommends paying close attention to your savings and avoiding thoughtless spending. Do not invest money in any investment under any circumstances, as the risk of failure is very high. Also avoid gambling, and do not put money in banks at interest.

The New Year is not favorable for large purchases, so before you go to the store, make a list of the essentials and do not buy anything unnecessary. The peculiarity of the Rooster is that he can go for bread and come back with a bunch of bags of completely unnecessary purchases.

Only at the end of the year is it possible to invest in a good investment, but only if you study the project well and are guided by reason, not emotions.

Rooster Health

The Rooster horoscope for 2016 recommends taking care of your internal organs, and if there are problems, it is better to consult a doctor immediately. Special serious problems on astrological chart is not visible, but this does not mean that you do not need to take care of yourself and behave healthy image life. Remember, yours main problem is a weak immune system that needs your support.

Try to give up junk food and alcohol, otherwise you risk ending up in a hospital bed. Have at least one fasting day a week. If you feel pain, do not suppress it with pills, so as not to drive the disease even deeper. It is not recommended to get carried away with traditional medicine; it will not help you much.

People born in the year of the Rooster eastern calendar, promises to be mischievous and restless, like the monkey itself. Throughout 2016, the “swing” principle can be observed: sometimes ups, sometimes downs, sometimes wild fun and good mood, sometimes stress and periods of apathy. However, the latter will not last long.

The sociability and sociability of Roosters will more than once help them in solving important problems this year, however, straightforwardness and excessive persistence can cause not very pleasant situations and scandals. Therefore, it is recommended to learn to feel moderation in trying to put pressure on others, and then the results will be excellent.

This year you need to be careful about making quick and rash decisions - haste threatens the Roosters to be left with nothing. However, if you approach things carefully and wisely, the year will be good for making large planned purchases that you have long dreamed of. The best period for this is late summer-early autumn.

According to astrological forecast, 2016 is a wonderful period in terms of love. The beginning and middle of spring, as well as the months of July and November, will be especially favorable in this regard. Married roosters will have the opportunity to make their family more united and their relationship with their spouse more passionate, while single representatives of this eastern sign There will be a great opportunity to find your soul mate.

Knowing his horoscope for 2016, the Rooster will easily cope with situations where patience and endurance are required. In general, the Fire Monkey will treat the Roosters very kindly and will provide many opportunities to accomplish important things.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Rooster man

The mood of men under the sign of the Rooster often changes, resulting in frequent breakdowns and conflicts with business partners and loved ones. You need to try to curb your violent temper, learn to communicate tactfully and politely with colleagues and clients, and put touchiness and selfish motives aside.

Men also need to more adequately evaluate flattery and learn to accept the truth, no matter how bitter it may seem. In a work environment, you should brag less, talk about your exploits, and put yourself above your colleagues and team. All these qualities can play a cruel joke and, in case of failure, lead to failure and ridicule from others.

Horoscope for 2016 for Rooster woman

Bright, extraordinary, irresistible - these are mostly Rooster women who can change their image three times a day. They are very artistic, and it is not difficult for them to get used to any role. They love to educate themselves, they are unusually erudite, they always become the life of the party.

Although it is very difficult to determine where the Rooster woman is telling the truth and where she is lying, she is perceived positively in society. Usually these women have masculine acumen and are able to achieve their goals.

2016 is favorable for those women who have set themselves a specific task - they will be able to realize all their plans.

In the year of the Red Monkey, women of this sign need to moderate their jealousy, otherwise the whole year will pass with scandals and showdowns.

Love horoscope for 2016 for the Rooster

Roosters should spend the Year of the Fire Monkey rethinking their attitude towards their partner (or opposite sex in general, if things haven’t worked out with your partner yet). The fact is that Roosters are more often to blame for problems in their personal lives than anyone else. And in a situation where the relationship with the Mistress of the Year is not ideal, this can lead to unpleasant consequences

So, it is advisable for married Roosters to stick to their spouse, even if the relationship leaves much to be desired. Times will change and the problems that 2016 may bring will seem insignificant; Having broken your union, it may not be possible to bring your loved one back. Single Roosters should try not to make serious commitments and not to rush into marriage.

Financial horoscope for 2016 for the Rooster

2016 will start quite well for the Roosters. They will not have a shortage of money. However, this can create a feeling of ease and make them frivolous. And some of the Roosters will completely forget that in good times it is advisable to save for a rainy day and generally plan their expenses. As a result, just a few months after the start of the year, they may experience regular “interruptions” with their finances.

Roosters need to try not to borrow money. And do not try to benefit all those in need, which representatives of this sign are prone to. Only reasonable planning of expenses, setting long-term goals and efforts to save (even if little by little) for their implementation is what will provide Roosters financial stability and a good foundation for the future.

Health horoscope for 2016 for the Rooster

The health of people born in the year of the Rooster in 2016 will become a very important factor on which well-being in all other areas of life will depend.

There are no serious problems visible on the astrological chart, but you must remember that the body is your main tool through which you communicate with this world.

It is especially important to take care of your health in the summer. At the end of the year, it would be nice to cleanse the body both on a physiological and spiritual level.

Horoscope for Tiger for 2016 Year of the Monkey

The first half of 2016 will be a test of strength for those who find themselves next to the Tiger. Tigers will be unbalanced and nervous, irritable and capricious, aggressive and full of contradictions. But in the summer the situation will change and the Tigers will become affectionate like kittens. So be patient and it will pay off handsomely. The tiger will withstand all trials and overcome troubles, rise to the pinnacle of success and treat those nearby with attention and care, be generous and generous. Tigers are strong and resilient, so they will move forward, moving towards victory. In terms of career, the year will turn out to be very successful for the Tiger if representatives of the sign stick to the team and do not go against it. The Year of the Monkey is not best year for Tigers who want to start their own business. It is better to hold off on entrepreneurship. The powerful intuition inherent in cats will be an excellent help in financial affairs and the Tiger will reach considerable heights in financial field, the main thing is not to listen to anyone. The inner voice of the Tiger will be more insightful than any analysts and astrologers.

What is especially interesting is that in 2016, little depends on the Monkey, the mistress of the year. The tiger will independently solve complex problems, look for a way out of different life situations and resolve conflicts. The tiger will be helped by straightforwardness and a clear understanding of where to move. The ability to bypass obstacles, look for loopholes and secret passages will also be important. The tiger will improve relations with the right people and this will help you succeed.

In the year of the Monkey, Tigers, who refuse to help anyone, can themselves count on friendly support. You shouldn't give it up. Don't give up on things you've started if it turns out that you can't handle them. Just find a like-minded person who will help you solve your problems. What you definitely shouldn’t do is quit a prestigious job. The Year of the Monkey is not best time for a startup. You run the risk of simply wasting your extraordinary ideas and creative ideas without receiving any return.

In 2016, Tigers will be charming and will attract the sympathy of the opposite sex. Tigers will change partners, will shine, leaving fans and making new ones. In the summer, it is likely that the loving Tiger will learn that a child will be born very soon.

But those Tigers who are already in a relationship will regularly quarrel and conflict. Part of the reason for this will be the popularity of the Tigers, partly their lack of self-confidence. As a result of conflicts and quarrels, there is a high probability of divorce. So if you want to avoid a breakup, don't say anything rashly. Otherwise, it will worsen the conflict. Better be patient and go on a trip to an exotic country together. Moreover, you will be able to afford both the trip and the purchase of real estate. If you are offered a profitable investment and it seems like a good idea to you, agree, your intuition will not let you down.

Horoscope for Tiger woman for 2016
The Tiger woman will be popular and in demand in 2016. There will be no end to the fans. The main rule for representatives of the fair sex born in the year of the Tiger is honesty and frankness. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid conflicts, quarrels, and separations.

The life of a Tiger woman will be bright and eventful in all areas. Efficiency and the desire to make a career will be fully realized this year. You will work to the limit of your capabilities, you will be ready to carry out the most difficult assignments and go on business trips. And, quite naturally, you will make a dizzying career. If you help others, you can count on reciprocal support. But you shouldn’t solve problems alone. The motto of the Year of the Tiger is mutual assistance, consolidation, community.

Horoscope for Tiger men for 2016
Tiger men often lack self-confidence. What prevents you from achieving success. After all, in order to act you need faith in own strength. Lack of self-confidence forces the Tiger man to vegetate in low positions. If you want to achieve success as soon as possible, and for this in the year of the Monkey you have all the prerequisites, it is best to contact a specialist. A psychologist will help you overcome your insecurities. Financial acumen, efficiency, desire to make a career, responsiveness and others positive qualities will help the Tiger man make a career. There is a high chance that one of your many fans will announce to you that she is pregnant. In relationships, it is better to show restraint and not quarrel with your other half.

Love horoscope for 2016 for Tiger
In 2016, Tigers should not expect success in love; the Tiger's character is too contradictory and unstable. So, excessive demands on a partner, which are dictated by self-doubt, will cause quarrels and disagreements. So the Tigers are in for a tense love relationship a year, a year full of partings. Perhaps if you consult a psychologist, you will be able to make your love life easier.

Career horoscope for Tiger 2016
In 2016, the Tiger should not plan to open his own business, since the Tiger will succeed only in a team. Here the Tigers will have no equal. They will work selflessly and with full dedication, taking care of their own reputation. Representatives of the sign will take on a variety of assignments, go on business trips and strengthen their business reputation. So, career growth in 2016 is quite natural.

Finance horoscope for Tiger for 2016
The tiger can afford to take risks, including playing in casinos and betting: winning is quite likely. If you want to succeed financially, then act on your own. Your financial intuition will work flawlessly, which cannot be said about representatives of other signs. If someone needs your financial help this year, do not refuse, and then your loved ones will help you too if you need it.

Health horoscope for Tiger for 2016
The cardiovascular and lymphatic systems will be especially vulnerable in 2016. So prevention in these areas would be useful. Monitor your cholesterol levels, move more, walk and play sports, as physical inactivity can be the main source of health problems. Take care to strengthen your immune system and then the Year of the Monkey will not bring serious health problems.

Assertive and domineering Tigers with the mistress of the coming year - Fire Monkey- eternal rivals, so get ready for a sometimes difficult, sometimes mysterious, and sometimes mega-active period that will require your full effort. To definitely win, temporarily give up the habit of gnawing tidbits from your competitors with your teeth, and instead use charm - and then the Monkey will respond to you with love and good luck.

Work and career will not let you get bored from the very beginning of the year. Having barely reached workplace after New Year's holidays, you will find a serious competitor - it may be an overly ambitious newcomer colleague, a boss who dislikes you, or a real business rival. To maintain the same positions as in 2015, you will have to really harness your responsibilities and even show your teeth. But, alas, it won’t be possible to sit it out: without entering the fray, by spring the Tigers risk finding themselves unemployed...

However, any changes! - don't be afraid. 2016 gives you a great chance for rebirth. Right now you can change your profession or field of activity, start own business or, on the contrary, leave independent voyage “under the wing” of some organization. But for success, two things are absolutely required: the ability to think original and work enthusiasm throughout the year. By mid-summer, the outlines of prospects will begin to emerge. Set a clear goal for yourself and move towards it without being distracted by other projects: a good hunt can only have one prey.

Financial sector will open up a sea of ​​opportunities for you, but at the same time - a lot of risks. At the beginning of the year, the stars recommend not investing money in serious projects such as buying real estate or changing vehicles. And subsequently, the secret of successful investments will be simple: invest in the future, not the past. For example, paying for advanced training courses, a subscription to a fitness club or, say, a romantic tour for two is strongly encouraged. But investing in projects that have been stalled for a long time or buying a TV that will “tie” you to your home will only deplete your budget. By the way, about the budget. To financial receipts have been smooth throughout the year, you will have to demonstrate your successes and breakthroughs to your superiors in every possible way - modesty in work matters is not welcome. At the end of the year, there are likely to be some delays in payments or simply bad decisions that will leave you financially stranded. Lay out the straws in advance at this time.

In matters of love Shocks are expected. Not necessarily harsh - for example, many Tigers will experience a bright, emotional, joyful romance closer to summer, which will be etched in their memory for a long time. Unfortunately, it is not a fact that the subject of this novel will pass a strict selection process and become your “soul mate,” but there is a chance of this. By the way, marriages concluded in 2016 will bring good luck and mutual understanding to the Tigers.

As for family Tigers, they will face a rather unstable year, during which quarrels with their partners and loved ones are likely. The main reason will be your irritability and mistrust. The stars warn: learn to restrain your emotional impulses, resolve conflicts with charm, because your strength is in the family.

Health in 2016, the Tigers will not be let down, but this is not a reason to forget about the right lifestyle. Meanwhile, as a person who gets carried away, you are prone to this: in the midst of life’s battles, you are quite capable of forgetting about a sore back, fever or stomach problems. It is important to stop in time and take care of yourself and your loved one.