Fortune telling for boys on the shelves. Interesting fortune telling with sticks

What is fortune telling? How can you tell fortunes with sticks? What is the meaning of stick combinations? How are they decrypted? We are ready to answer each of these questions, and you will find detailed and detailed answers that will leave no room for new questions!

To fortune tell by lines, you will need as little as a piece of paper and a pen. All! Nothing more is required from you. We will provide you with a transcript below. Let's just start with the fact that there are several fortune telling by lines - one simple and two complex.

Fortune telling by wish

For simple fortune telling you need to make a wish, take a piece of paper and draw any number of lines on it, not counting. When you feel that you have drawn a sufficient number of lines, start crossing out two sticks at a time: // // // // // // // // /

If you crossed out all the sticks, that is, drew an even number, then the wish will not come true; if you asked a question, the answer to it is “no”. And if one stick remains, the wish will come true, and the answer to the question will be “yes”.

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Fortune telling for the future

The principle of this fortune telling is similar to the previous one - you need to draw sticks, but cross out not two at a time, but three at a time. In this case, the sticks are drawn in six rows. After crossing out the sticks, at the end of the row write down the number of remaining extra lines, for example - 0, 1, 2. Now you need to add up the resulting six numbers. If the sum turns out to be more than nine, for example, eleven, then you need to add again: 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. Now you can decipher the fortune-telling using the interpretation data given below:

  • 0 – there will be no changes in your life in the near future - neither good nor bad;
  • 1 – negative changes await you;
  • 2 – be on guard with your partner (business, love), as in the near future he will organize problems for you;
  • 3 – expect unexpected joy;
  • 4 – you will have to break some rules;
  • 5 – you may have to change your place of work or place of residence;
  • 6 – a trip or journey is brewing;
  • 7 – expect a fateful meeting that will turn your world upside down;
  • 8 – you will soon receive important news;
  • 9 is love!

Difficult fortune telling by lines

Draw four rows of lines, and then cross out three and count the number of free lines in each row. The numbers of the remaining lines are reduced to one number, for example, the first row is 1, the second is 1, the third is 1, the fourth is 1, resulting in 1111, where 1111 is the key to the interpretation of fortune telling.

  • 0000 – your other half loves you.
  • 0001 – don’t ask stupid questions.
  • 0002 - you will be presented with flowers.
  • 0010 – don’t worry, your feelings are mutual.
  • 0011 – your MCH is too proud.
  • 0012 – don’t be frank.
  • 0020 – the person about whom all your thoughts are concerned is not indifferent to you.
  • 0021 – dreams of meeting you.
  • 0022 – simply loves you.
  • 0100 – you should think about your loved one more often.
  • 0101 – MCH has been in love with you for a long time.
  • 0102 - you will have a relationship.
  • 0110 - the guy is offended by you.
  • 0111 – wants a relationship, but doesn’t love it.
  • 0120 - you will be disgraced.
  • 0121 – you can tell him a secret.
  • 0122 – waiting for a date.
  • 0200 – you’re cheerful – he likes that.
  • 0201 – your walk drives him crazy.
  • 0202 – be more gentle.
  • 0210 - kiss.
  • 0211 – you need to guess.
  • 0212 – values ​​you and your name.
  • 0220 – you don’t need someone who is not indifferent to you.
  • 0221 – is engaged in “educating” your environment.
  • 0222 - quarrel.
  • 1000 - you will have it forever.
  • 1001 – going to the cinema.
  • 1002 - you are only friends.
  • 1010 – his thoughts are only about you.
  • 1011 - hugs.
  • 1012 – MCH is after you.
  • 1020 – wants only friendship.
  • 1021 – you shouldn’t laugh at the guy.
  • 1022 – you will marry him.
  • 1100 – loves another.
  • 1101 – you bring a smile to his face just by your appearance.
  • 1102 – thinks only about you.
  • 1110 – kiss when meeting.
  • 1111 – there will be no letter.
  • 1112 – be more gentle.
  • 1120 - meeting.
  • 1121 – loves your girlfriend.
  • 1121 – fell in love with you at first sight.
  • 1200 - you are fair, this is important.
  • 1201 – I can’t imagine life without you.
  • 1202 – in love with your legs.
  • 1210 – your face- his ideal.
  • 1211 – you love him for his character.
  • 1212 – don’t expect a gift in your birthday.
  • 1220 – wait for him to visit.
  • 1221 – he is happy with you, but sad without you.
  • 1222 - something separates you - views, beliefs, social circle, upbringing.
  • 2000 - you enjoy his sadness.
  • 2101 – no longer thinks about you.
  • 2002 - you are in love with him, and he is in love with another girl.
  • 2010 – wait for recognition.
  • 2011 - in love.
  • 2012 - loves.
  • 2020 – crazy about you.
  • 2021 – you are destined to meet again.
  • 2022 – will send a letter.
  • 2100 – loves your lips.
  • 2101 – delighted with your figure.
  • 2102 – wait for news.
  • 2110 – separation awaits you.
  • 2111 will upset you.
  • 2112 – will ask about love.
  • 2120 – cold towards you.
  • 2121 – interested in friendship with you.
  • 2122 – don’t make him nervous.
  • 2200 – he likes it.
  • 2221 – jealous of you.
  • 2202 – try to behave more modestly and simply.
  • 2210 – will invite you on a date.
  • 2211 – wants to break off relations.
  • 2212 – doesn’t want to part with you.
  • 2220 – the person you are thinking about wants to forget about you.
  • 2221 – he is only interested in friendship.
  • 2222 – you often become the subject of his thoughts.

When this fortune-telling appeared, no one will say for sure, but the fact that it is very popular all over the world has been for a long time known fact. It achieved such popularity due to its simplicity and accessibility.

All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Note that this female fortune telling and with its help, you can learn about your relationship with your loved one.

Before you start making a prediction, remember that the main thing for you is a sense of proportion and your feminine intuition, which will help you not to draw extra sticks.

In the first line, start placing the sticks vertically until you realize that it is enough. So you have to draw three rows of sticks. Now we proceed to the second stage: cross out 3 sticks with one horizontal line. In any of the three rows, you may have “extra” sticks left or no sticks left at all, which we will use to guess. For example, in the first row you have 1 stick left, in the second row you have 0 sticks, and in the third row you have 2 sticks. As a result, you have the number 102.

Let's look at the combinations, i.e. fortune telling with sticks meaning:

000 – the young man wants a relationship with you

001 - wants to see you

002 – he has a genuine interest in you

010 - you have strong love

011 – he loves, he just doesn’t know how to show his feelings

012 - there is no love, but there is friendship

020 - he has no feelings for you

021 - wants to meet you

022 - he hopes for friendship

100 - he has warm feelings for you

101 – he’s just a womanizer and his feelings are not real

102 - he has a lot of people like you

110 - wants a kiss

111 – his love is sincere, but he is silent about it because he is afraid of losing you

112 – doesn’t want to live without you

120 - wants to marry you

121 – expect a beautiful bouquet

122 - there will be news from him

200 – you are very attractive to him

202 - you like him very much

210 – he’s only thinking about you now

211 - you have mutual love

212 - jealous, loves very much

220 - expect a date

221 – change your behavior, otherwise you will break up

222 - separation awaits you.

There is another fortune telling with sticks, but here you will need seven wooden or plastic sticks. One of the sticks should be longer than the others and painted in a different color - this stick symbolizes you and has great value in this fortune telling.

Sit down on a chair, place your wand (which is longer) near your right leg on the floor, take the rest in your hands and move them, closing your eyes and mentally asking your question. Now lower your hand with the chopsticks and open your palm so that the chopsticks fall to the floor.

Open your eyes and look at the fortune telling on sticks meaning:

If the sticks fell far from the one that was lying– the answer to the question is “no”, if nearby – yes.

If one stick lies across your– there will be obstacles, but they will be easy, you will overcome everything perfectly.

If two sticks lie across your- It will be difficult to solve the issue, but you can handle it.

If three sticks lie across– you shouldn’t take on this matter, nothing good awaits you, it’s better to switch your attention to something else.

All the sticks fell scattered around your– your thoughts and plans correspond to reality, you are simply “with your head in the clouds”, it’s time to look at everything from a different perspective.

The sticks lie in a neat pile- expect good news, news, perhaps financial affairs will improve.

Sometimes you can carry out this fortune telling in another way: if you carry your sticks with you in your bag, then mentally ask a question and take out the first stick you come across from your bag. If you got “yours”, the answer is positive, but if you got one of the same ones, then the answer is negative. This can be done three times.

Many people believe in signs of fate and like to look into the future. There are many ways to do this. Some turn to astrologers or horoscopes, but the easiest way to tell fortunes about a guy is with sticks. There are several methods of such fortune telling. The simplest one is fortune telling with sticks on paper. Mostly young girls wonder about the guy. The following tips will be useful to them.

The meaning of fortune telling for girls

Finding out about your future lover is an ancient pastime for young beauties. Representatives of the fair sex began to engage in divination even when their parents chose their chosen one. But they really wanted to marry for love, so they managed to resort to divination. There are so many grandma's ways to find out the future. Fortune telling on a splinter, with salt, on cards, and on coffee is widely known. Love fortune telling on sticks is gaining popularity among young girls. The meaning of this fortune telling will be described below.

Is it worth believing in fortune telling?

Whether a person believes in magic or not, it is still present in his life. Some also call it fate or destiny. Nowadays, it is common to turn to witches, sorcerers, healers, of whom there are a lot. Astrology is also part of esotericism and magic, because many turn to horoscopes. You don't have to be a psychic or a skilled magician to perform fortune telling. The most important thing in this matter is the correct sequence of actions. Each magic has its own rules. The easiest personal way to tell fortunes for a guy is with sticks. All you need is a pen and paper.

The simplest fortune telling for a guy on sticks

If a girl likes a guy and wants to find out whether they will have a relationship in the future or not, you can use an elementary method. Fortune telling for a boy using sticks in in this case will only show the option "yes" or "no". To do this, the girl needs to draw a certain number of sticks with a pen on a sheet of paper, at her discretion, until she gets bored. Then, starting from the first line, she should cross them out three at a time. At the end there may be one uncrossed stick left, two or none. One stick means that her lover will be with her, her dream will come true. Two sticks indicate a negative result. If there are no uncrossed sticks left, then the chances of being with your loved one are 50 to 50.

Fortune telling with sticks for a loved one with meanings

There is a more complex test of fate with lines on paper, only with meanings. For this procedure you will need a pen, a notebook piece of paper and a friend (can be anyone who wants to help). Many girls believe that this truthful fortune telling on sticks. Before the ceremony, it is advisable for the girl to imagine what information worries her most. After this, she needs to start putting the sticks in a row until the assistant gives the command “stop”. After this, starting from a new line, the exact same procedure is repeated three more times. In each line, all the sticks must be crossed out three at a time. In each line there will be a certain number of uncrossed sticks - 0, 1 or 2, from which a four-digit number will be formed, according to which the meaning of fortune telling is interpreted.

Decoding the results

So, fortune telling for a guy on sticks will ultimately consist of ones, twos and zeros. There are interpretations for any result. What can fortune telling for a guy on sticks portend? Its meanings are as follows:

Magic with real wooden sticks

Fortune telling for a boy using sticks is possible not only on paper. Less known is the English fortune-telling "Queen" on small real sticks. You need to take seven of them. Three sticks should be the length of the little finger, the rest should be equal index finger. One stick should be thicker than the others, and it will be called the “queen”. The main stick is placed on the floor in front of you, the rest are held in front of you. WITH eyes closed imagine what they want to know about. Then the sticks are transferred to right hand, from it they are lowered onto the floor to the “queen”, holding one in the hand. The interpretation will be as follows:

The method of divination with Druid sticks

The ancient Druids attributed their own character to each tree. For fortune telling according to Druid traditions, you need to find 10 sticks from different types of trees, or even better - 19. The sticks are put into a bag, and the one who casts a spell must pull out one of them. Each type of wood has its own meaning. Here is the basic breakdown of known breeds:

  • Oak - no need to doubt your capabilities.
  • Birch - it’s worth taking a pause so as not to make a mistake.
  • Rowan - listen only to your intuition.
  • Alder - be assertive, don’t back down.
  • Willow - only good changes are ahead.
  • Ash - you need to beware of enemies.
  • Poplar - defend your opinion.
  • Apple tree - accept circumstances as they are.
  • Nut - don’t focus on problems, pay attention to your family.
  • Linden - give in to passion and love.

How to use Chinese chopsticks

In order to learn how to cast spells with Chinese sticks, you need to go to an oriental store and buy them there. For this process, 10 pieces will be enough. They need to be folded in a small container, then turned over and poured onto a white or red cloth. If the main number of sticks are located on the right, then the person is waiting successful outcome, if on the left, then one of the relatives will intervene in the matter. Crossed sticks mean happy event. A chaotic position indicates trouble.

Fortune telling requires you to first make a wish, but formulate it in such a way that you can answer whether it will come true or not.

What is fortune telling? How can you tell fortunes with sticks? What is the meaning of stick combinations? How are they decrypted? We are ready to answer each of these questions, and you will find detailed and detailed answers that will leave no room for new questions!

To fortune tell by lines, you will need as little as a piece of paper and a pen. All! Nothing more is required from you. We will provide you with a transcript below. Let's just start with the fact that there are several fortune telling on lines - one simple and two complex. We will tell you about everyone. So, let's transgress!

Fortune telling by wish

For simple fortune telling, you need to make a wish, take a piece of paper and draw any number of lines on it, not counting. When you feel that you have drawn a sufficient number of lines, start crossing out two sticks at a time: // // // // // // // // /

Taking a sheet of paper and a pencil, make a wish and begin, without counting, to draw sticks on the paper

If you crossed out all the sticks, that is, drew an even number, then the wish will not come true; if you asked a question, the answer to it is “no”. And if one stick remains, the wish will come true, and the answer to the question will be “yes”.

Fortune telling for the future

The principle of this fortune telling is similar to the previous one - you need to draw sticks, but cross out not two at a time, but three at a time. In this case, the sticks are drawn in six rows. After crossing out the sticks, at the end of the row write down the number of remaining extra lines, for example - 0, 1, 2. Now you need to add up the resulting six numbers. If the sum turns out to be more than nine, for example, eleven, then you need to add again: 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. Now you can decipher the fortune-telling using the interpretation data given below:

You will need paper, pen and good friend who can stop you in time by saying “stop”
  • 0 - there will be no changes in your life in the near future - neither good nor bad;
  • 1 - negative changes await you;
  • 2 - be on guard with your partner (business, love), as in the near future he will organize problems for you;
  • 3 - expect unexpected joy;
  • 4 - you will have to break some rules;
  • 5 - you may have to change your place of work or place of residence;
  • 6 - a trip or journey is brewing;
  • 7 - expect a fateful meeting that will turn your world upside down;
  • 8 - you will soon receive important news;
  • 9 is love!

Difficult fortune telling by lines

Draw four rows of lines, and then cross out three and count the number of free lines in each row. The numbers of the remaining lines are reduced to one number, for example, the first row is 1, the second is 1, the third is 1, the fourth is 1, resulting in 1111, where 1111 is the key to the interpretation of fortune telling.

Having calculated your result at the end of each row, all that remains is to turn to the decoding and find out what fortune telling for love on sticks predicts
  • 0000 - your other half loves you.
  • 0001 - don't ask stupid questions.
  • 0002 - you will be presented with flowers.
  • 0010 - don’t worry, your feelings are mutual.
  • 0011 - your MCH is too proud.
  • 0012 - don't be frank.
  • 0020 - the person about whom all your thoughts are concerned is not indifferent to you.
  • 0021 - dreams of meeting you.
  • 0022 - just loves you.
  • 0100 - you should think about your loved one more often.
  • 0101 - MCH has been in love with you for a long time.
  • 0102 - you will have a relationship.
  • 0110 - the guy is offended by you.
  • 0111 - wants a relationship, but does not love.
  • 0120 - you will be disgraced.
  • 0121 - you can tell him a secret.
  • 0122 - waiting for a date.
  • 0200 - you're funny - he likes that.
  • 0201 - your gait drives him crazy.
  • 0202 - be more gentle.
  • 0210 - kiss.
  • 0211 - you need to guess.
  • 0212 - values ​​you and your name.
  • 0220 - you don’t need someone who is not indifferent to you.
  • 0221 - is engaged in “educating” your environment.
  • 0222 - quarrel.
  • 1000 - you will have it forever.
  • 1001 - going to the cinema.
  • 1002 - you are only friends.
  • 1010 - his thoughts are only about you.
  • 1011 - hugs.
  • 1012 - MCH is after you.
  • 1020 - wants only friendship.
  • 1021 - you shouldn't laugh at the guy.
  • 1022 - you will marry him.
  • 1100 - loves another.
  • 1101 - you bring a smile to his face just by your appearance.
  • 1102 - thinks only about you.
  • 1110 - kiss when meeting.
  • 1111 - there will be no letter.
  • 1112 - be more gentle.
  • 1120 - meeting.
  • 1121 - loves your girlfriend.
  • 1121 - fell in love with you at first sight.
  • 1200 - you are fair, this is important.
  • 1201 - I can’t imagine life without you.
  • 1202 - in love with your legs.
  • 1210 - your face is his ideal.
  • 1211 - you love him for his character.
  • 1212 - don’t expect a gift in your birthday.
  • 1220 - wait for him to visit.
  • 1221 - he is happy with you, but sad without you.
  • 1222 - something separates you - views, beliefs, social circle, upbringing.
  • 2000 - you enjoy his sadness.
  • 2101 - no longer thinks about you.
  • 2002 - you are in love with him, and he is in love with another girl.
  • 2010 - wait for recognition.
  • 2011 - in love.
  • 2012 - loves.
  • 2020 - crazy about you.
  • 2021 - you are destined to meet again.
  • 2022 - will send a letter.
  • 2100 - loves your lips.
  • 2101 - delighted with your figure.
  • 2102 - wait for news.
  • 2110 - separation awaits you.
  • 2111 - will upset you.
  • 2112 - will ask about love.
  • 2120 - cold towards you.
  • 2121 - interested in friendship with you.
  • 2122 - don't make him nervous.
  • 2200 - he likes it.
  • 2221 - jealous of you.
  • 2202 - try to behave more modestly and simply.
  • 2210 - will invite you on a date.
  • 2211 - wants to break off relations.
  • 2212 - doesn’t want to part with you.
  • 2220 - the person you are thinking about wants to forget about you.
  • 2221 - he is only interested in friendship.
  • 2222 - you often become the subject of his thoughts.

One of the simplest and interesting fortune telling love can be considered fortune telling on sticks. This is the most affordable way find out how the person you have in mind feels about you. This is the most popular fortune telling among schoolgirls, which is harmless because it does not concern a person’s fate, it simply describes the present.

In order for it to be fruitful love fortune telling on sticks, the presence of two people, a piece of paper, a pen and a table of values ​​is required. The one who is being told fortunes and the fortuneteller sit close, but at the same time the person being told fortunes should not see the leaf. You should think of a name for a person of the opposite sex. The fortuneteller draws sticks on a piece of paper until he is told “stop.” This is how four rows of sticks are drawn.

When the four rows are ready, the values ​​can be calculated. It is necessary to cross out three sticks in a row in each row. At the end of the row, you end up with one or two crossed out sticks. The remaining amount must be written out in a row. The result is a four-digit number of zeros, ones and twos. You can see the result in the table of values ​​(below).

Fortune telling "Queen"

For fortune telling you need to take 7 wooden sticks. Three of them should correspond in length to the little finger, and the remaining four should correspond to the index finger. In this case, one of the sticks should be slightly thicker than the others. In fortune telling, this will be the “queen”, which you should place near your feet, and hold the six remaining sticks in your left hand. Focus on the issue that interests you and close your eyes.

After this, mix the sticks in your left hand and transfer them to right palm. Hold any of the sticks with the fingers of your left hand and open your right hand. Five pieces should fall to the floor. You open your eyes and see the result. If there are more short sticks on the floor, the answer to the question will be “no,” and if there are more long ones, then “yes.” If one of the sticks touches the “queen”, this is a great success.

If one of the sticks is located across the other, then most likely the situation is complicated; it will take time to figure everything out. The problem will be solved without your participation if none of the positions are directed towards the “queen”. If all the sticks are pointed in her direction, then you will influence the outcome of events.

Fortune telling on paper

One of the most popular predictions is fortune telling on paper. If you need to find out whether a boy or young man loves you, take a pen and a piece of paper. Imagine your loved one and draw vertical lines in 4 rows until you feel the need to stop.

Then you cross out three sticks located next to each other (with the letter “H”). One or two sticks remain in each row (or none at all). The quantity in each row should be rewritten and you can look for a four-digit number in the interpretation.


  • 0000 - the intended person loves you.
  • 0001 – don’t be persistent.
  • 0002 - a surprise awaits you.
  • 0010 – love is mutual, but don’t rush things.
  • 0011 – shyness hinders her (him).
  • 0012 - your obsession can scare you away.
  • 0020 - you must be decisive.
  • 0021 - they don’t believe in your feelings.
  • 0022 – she (he) wants to introduce you to friends.
  • 0100 – your desires coincide.
  • 0101 - you are being deceived.
  • 0102 – you will be able to spend more time together.
  • 0110 - they are offended at you.
  • 0111 - they are angry with you.
  • 0120 - he (she) does not understand you.
  • 0121 – reveal your secret to your other half.
  • 0122 - wait for a date.
  • 0200 - you need to talk frankly.
  • 0201 – she (he) only cares about your appearance.
  • 0202 – show more affection.
  • 0210 - a kiss awaits you.
  • 0211 is a bad day for fortune telling.
  • 0212 – she (he) values ​​you.
  • 0220 - you are admired.
  • 0221 - your choice is not approved.
  • 0222 - a quarrel is likely.
  • 1000 - you will be disappointed.
  • 1001 – invite her (him) to the cinema.
  • 1002 – she (he) likes to be around you.
  • 1010 - they are thinking about you.
  • 1011 - be afraid of deception.
  • 1012 – hold off on making a decision.
  • 1020 - a serious conversation awaits you.
  • 1021 – joke more tactfully so as not to offend.
  • 1022 - wait for the wedding.
  • 1100 – she (he) has another love.
  • 1101 – don’t ask anything unnecessary.
  • 1102 - an unhappy union.
  • 1110 – don’t rush into intimacy.
  • 1111 – love letter.
  • 1112 – take more interest in her (his) affairs.
  • 1120 – romantic meeting.
  • 1121 – your friends will ruin everything.
  • 1122 - you are loved more than you are.
  • 1200 - you are respected for your justice.
  • 1201 is your destiny.
  • 1202 – she (he) likes your appearance.
  • 1210 - you are probably being deceived.
  • 1211 – give a gift.
  • 1212 – make an appointment with her (him).
  • 1220 – expect guests.
  • 1221 - they miss you.
  • 1222 – you are very different.
  • 2000 - they don’t like you.
  • 2001 – friends will come to the rescue.
  • 2002 – passionate love.
  • 2010 – feelings will cool down.
  • 2011 – you are very loved.
  • 2012 – misunderstanding
  • 2020 – you need to talk.
  • 2021 – make an effort to generate interest.
  • 2022 – common interests they will bring you closer.
  • 2100 – be more careful.
  • 2101 - violent quarrel.
  • 2102 is a pleasant surprise.
  • 2110 – separation.
  • 2111 - you will deceive your companion.
  • 2112 – be afraid of unnecessary questions.
  • 2120 – general troubles.
  • 2121 – he (she) is nervous about you.
  • 2122 – he (she) is jealous.
  • 2200 – you have an ideal relationship.
  • 2201 – don’t hide your feelings.
  • 2202 – friends will bring you closer.
  • 2210 - wait for a date.
  • 2211 – perhaps you will break up.
  • 2212 – she (he) wants to be with you.
  • 2220 – take a break from each other.
  • 2221 – open your heart to her (him).
  • 2222 – people often think about you.