Name day on October 3rd for men according to church. Name days in October, Orthodox holidays in October

Big influence The planet that patronizes the zodiac sign influences a person’s fate and character. The Sun is the only star on the list astrological planets, so in this context it is also called a planet.

Planet of the zodiac sign Leo - Sun

The sun in all ancient civilizations was the subject of worship and admiration. People made sacrifices so that the light would not go out and the planet would not perish.

Sun gods are found in ancient Egyptian mythology and Indian treatises. In Japan, the cult of the sun is still strong, as the luminary appears on the country’s emblem.

The sun is the center of our universe and its influence on Leos is noticeable in many ways. It governs large spaces, the ability to achieve goals, and idealism. The nature of a lion under the influence of the Sun has been enriched with such traits as nobility, power, breadth of nature and soul, charisma and authority.

The sun has power over all people and the planet, so the lion is born to reign. The presence of the Sun in the zodiac sign rewarded Leos with self-love, a constant desire for success, strength and power.

Since ancient times, people have always admired the Sun; they feared that it might one day go out and then eternal darkness would fall on the earth and morning would never come again. Therefore, in the myths of ancient civilizations, the Sun was often glorified and idolized.

For example, in ancient Egypt people believed that Ra (the sun god) was the son of the Supreme Creator, the brother of the rainbow and the king of all gods. In ancient India, the Sun was an attribute of Buddha and Vishnu. The influence and power of the Sun has been glorified even by Japan, whose emblem features a sun star and which is called "the country rising sun».

Many years ago, the solstice point was located precisely in the constellation Leo. At this time, it was very hot in the southern countries, and in Egypt at this time the Nile began to overflow.

People made sluice gates in the shape of a lion's head, and through them water flowed into the fields; now we sometimes see fountains in the shape of a lion's head, where a stream runs out of its open mouth. Perhaps such fountains are also echoes of those times.

Most likely, the heavenly rulers were most favorable to the zodiac sign Leo, making it fire sign, and giving him the planet Sun as his patron. Although, of course, like every other sign, Leos have their own shortcomings, such as pride and vanity...

In general, it can be said for sure that the one ruled by the Sun can already consider himself the chosen one of fate.

What qualities does the planet Sun give to Lviv?

People born under the auspices of the Sun are energetic, have a strong core inside, charisma. For the zodiac sign Leo, whose planet is the Sun, the position of leader is the only possibility for their normal existence; it is natural for them to constantly be in the center of attention. If vanity does not interfere, Leos usually quickly reach career heights.

Despite the fact that Leos are not exactly a creative sign, among those born under this sign there are many famous actors, musicians, artists, fashion designers. They can compensate for the lack of creativity with perseverance and hard work.

With highly developed pride, lions are capable of deeply and truly loving another person, if there is a response from that side. The proud nature of a lion will not forgive insults or bad attitude towards oneself. Leos are flattered to think that they are admired, respected, and set as an example. In principle, this may not be considered a defect, provided that the traits do not take on exaggerated forms. Then lions turn from role models into arrogant egoists with highly developed delusions of grandeur.

A lion - typical representative born under the sign of the Sun. He strives to have great power. The Sun was reflected in his character in a classic way. Leos consider themselves the center of the universe, and other people are drawn to them like the Sun to bask in the rays.

Constellation Leo and Sun

The constellation Leo occupies enough most in the sky. This royal zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun. We are all accustomed to considering the Sun the brightest star, we all cannot live without sunlight, and we know that it supports life on Earth. WITH astrological point In terms of view, the Sun is a planet, and it is this planet that corresponds to the sign Leo.

One of the most bright stars The constellation Leo is Regulus, which means prince in Latin. Leo is the personification of courage, strength and wisdom, and people with this zodiac sign are known to have more leadership qualities than others. There is an opinion that there are a lot of careerists among Leos.

If there are Leos among your friends, you can judge for yourself whether it is true that these people are as ambitious as they are written about in horoscopes. A lot of people with this zodiac sign strive for power and are the best organizers. The zodiac sign is Leo - the planet Sun, which rules it, gives light and warmth to all the inhabitants of the Earth, but is only one of the stars in the Milky Way.

Chapter 5. Lion

Element of fire, design zone, permanent cross. The ruler is the Sun, in captivity Uranus and Saturn, culminating in Pluto, in the fall of Mercury.
Characteristic for the entire design zone - (guna tamas) is the awareness of the sign of one’s element, a certain pride and responsibility for it. Here the elements find their most consistent expression.

Leo man.
Unlike Aries, Leo (permanent cross) has a stable energy flow and is aware of his (or rather, his) strength, energy and power over people and circumstances. If Aries is a spontaneous enthusiast, then Leo of the lower octave is a ruler, a dictator, and the higher one is a conscious and responsible executor of the will of the flow. Of course, both the lower Aries and the lower Leo are puppets of their currents, but the currents treat them differently. If the egregor often deprives the disobedient (and often obedient) Aries of strength (that is, the flow is turned off), then in the case of Leo this is already an extreme measure. The stream punishes the disobedient Leo with a change in character life circumstances and obstacles that become more and more difficult, but the flow still does not turn off for a long time. The lower octave Leo is aware of his power and uses it for selfish purposes. The lower the evolutionary level of Leo, the more inflated his ego is, sometimes to such an extent that he wants to be shown in a zoo. At the same time, the general nobility fire element affects the lower octave of Leo. He will not torture his victim with sadistic pleasure (he will kill with one powerful blow), he often (especially if he is flattered) has certain parodies of higher manifestations, peculiar (at his level) generosity, etc.

Leo's big problem is with his energy flow. Although it is constant, it does not have the deafening force that appears during periods of ascension in Aries, and therefore Leo needs an outside assessment of himself as a conductor of the flow. Aries is above this: the main thing for him is that the flow reaches him, and what his, Aries, role is is not so important to him; Aries, therefore, carries the idea, and Leo himself is in the idea. The latter circumstance makes Leo extremely vulnerable: he begins to depend on someone else’s assessment of his personality; but it also gives him some opportunity for conscious control of the flow, which makes him more flexible than Aries (who in the lower octave is completely subordinate to the flow) and more attentive to his surroundings. On the other hand, Leo (permanent cross) is much more stubborn than Aries, if we take his behavior over a long period of time. Having realized (to the extent of his understanding) his energy flow, his energy idea, that is, the direction of activity, he becomes tightly attached to it; Aries, on the other hand, is regularly deprived of flow and is depressed ( cardinal sign) can easily change one flow to another, change the type of activity, and most importantly, his energy idea.

Leo is a natural leader. With the help of his constant energy flow, he reliably holds a group of his followers, students or slaves in submission and, receiving from them a certain dose of admiration, admiration, jubilation and obedience, he becomes happy and behaves quite nobly and even sometimes like a knight. If the situation becomes complicated and gets out of Leo’s control, he tries to increase the pressure (for starters, he emits a menacing roar), and then there is philanthropy, which is already represented in limited quantities (for now we're talking about about the lower and middle octaves of Leo), disappears completely and the usual rigid dictate appears in the name of the “idea”, the very one that Leo serves. If this does not help, Leo is deprived of his flow, loses his usual proud appearance and passes into a qualitatively different state. For if for Aries, deprivation of the energy flow, depression, is in some sense a natural (albeit unpleasant) state, then for Leo, designed for life in the energy flow, deprivation of the latter is tantamount to a catastrophe, this is death in the midst of life (this is why Leo happens like this merciless in the battle for the energy channel). Reintegration into the energy flow for Leo is, in principle, possible, but not immediately, with great difficulty, and most importantly, this one will no longer be the same as before, but a broken Leo, with a big scar on his psyche for the rest of his life.

Leo's selfishness is very different from Aries's. If Aries (being in the flow) sees nothing at all, then Leo sees nothing but the flow, and here a big difference. Aries is an instinctive, spontaneous egoist - he must be accepted with everything that comes through him, or rejected. Leo consciously believes that the whole world must submit to his energetic idea, and whoever does not want to is a fool or an enemy, and so much the worse for him - and this is not a spontaneous feeling, but life position, which is very difficult for Leo to soften (not to mention revise). Although Leo hears criticism, he does not react in any way, unlike Aries, who does not hear it at all.

The rule of the Sun gives Leo the feeling that his personal will is directly the will of God; hence his fantastic self-confidence in spite of any facts and circumstances: to admit his mistake means for Leo to doubt His infallibility or even existence. In reality, however, the Sun does not personify the Absolute, but leads a person into this moment egregor, and the dominance of the Sun in Leo means that Leo broadcasts a certain imperative program of action for a person, subjectively experienced as a corresponding impulse of personal will. Leo, therefore, needs to figure out where his highest karmic egregor operates, where the current egregor is, and where the will of his own lower self is - a task, apparently, not an easy one, especially if there are few planets in the signs of water and Leo rules day home.

The imprisonment of Uranus limits the originality of Leo, transferring it into hidden forms. Leo is still a practitioner and also a leader; he has to adapt to reality and, by the way, to the level of his followers. At the same time, the law of all flows from subtle world is creativity and, in particular, originality and novelty, which Leo instinctively strives for and which he ultimately often does so poorly at. The imprisonment of the higher planets can be worked out with great difficulty.

The imprisonment of Saturn gives Leo a certain internal rigidity, and in case of defeat, bitterness. Saturn (internally) fixes Leo on his energy flow, idea, on the one hand, giving him stability, and on the other, depriving him of plasticity. As a result, Leo, when faced with reality, receives significant injuries from other zodiac signs (which he despises in his lower octave): Scorpio bites him painfully, Taurus tramples him, Aquarius unexpectedly knocks him down, etc. These traumas are the lesson of Saturn, which turns Leo towards understanding himself, his idea and the world around him. With good elaboration (which is in in this case rarely happens before the age of forty, that is, opposition transit Uranus to radical Uranus) Leo realizes his will as a refraction of the will of his leading egregor, and finds his place in the world, however, it is very difficult for Leo, with his rigidity, conceit and conscious narcissism, to master the principles of modesty and humility before the highest cosmic will. But if he succeeds, he becomes a true general of the spirit, a practical spiritual leader. If the lessons of Saturn pass by, Leo is either deprived of the flow and (forever, that is, until the next incarnation) falls into the realm of the lower octave of Saturn (lack of energy, depression and dull despair), or crystallizes, falling into the dead flow of the hard egregor, and becomes a dictator of one kind or another, having a certain power over people and circumstances and completely deprived of free will and creativity.

The culmination of Pluto in Leo symbolizes the principle of the highest practical power of Leo in the dynamics of the development of the world. For the average Leo, this symbolic aspect gives a thirst for concrete practical power over the world with the goal of restructuring it from bottom to top (to the extent that a given Leo can understand) in accordance with the idea that he transmits. Thus, the highest Leo is the practical ruler of the world, carrying out both management and all, even the most profound, types of its restructuring and transformation in accordance with the tasks of evolutionary development. In an unprocessed form, the culmination of Pluto gives Leo a false sense of penetration into someone else's soul and a complex of practical power (that is, power over outside world). If there is no practical power, then you really want it, and if there is, then its size in Leo’s mind is greatly exaggerated. It is difficult for him to believe that administrative and implementation power are not the same thing.
The fall of Mercury does not symbolize the stupidity of Leo, but his disdain for fruitless reasoning produced outside the energy flow. The energy flow has its own logic, which it imposes on Leo and which, as Leo instinctively (and correctly) feels, cannot be replaced by ordinary human mercurial logic. Nevertheless, it is necessary for all signs to monitor their actions with their minds, including Leo, and he, with poor development and in his youth, tends to rely not on the mind or even on intuition, but rather on his own impulse, that is, the energy flow, which in separation from reality can take him very far. In addition, the fall of Mercury gives Leo difficulties in purely mental-informational contact with the world: he does not perceive information without an energy component, and during contacts he often puts too much pressure; he feels out of place at the peace negotiation table. By carefully working through the Mercury problem (which is very difficult), Leo gains the ability to finely control his mental flow and masters the synthesis of the mental and energy plans; if it is ignored, there will be poor perception of non-energy (purely mental) information and contacts and stupid behavior.

The Leo situation is perceived by the participants as imperative, possessing strong energetic pressure and requiring energetic practical actions. In a harmonious version, this could be (the sunny version) an enthusiastic celebration by the public of their favorite on stage. Here the energy flow is focused on the artist and dissipates from him to the admiring fans, and from them there is a reverse flow to him; the spectators, exhausted by the flow, which they subjectively experience as a feeling of love and admiration, practically express themselves in applause, ovation, the desire to take possession of part of their idol’s clothes or car, and in exceptional cases, in ecstasy, tear it into small pieces.
Another classic (plutonic) version of the Leo situation is the battlefield from the point of view of the general who leads the battle: placing regiments, inspiring soldiers, determining the sequence of units entering the battle, trying to anticipate the actions of the enemy, etc. Here people are perceived as pawns and the logic and ethics of a dark energy flow reigns, which is characterized by famous aphorism"in war as in war."

The mixed solar-plutonic version of the lower octave Leo situation is a dictatorship based on the force of arms and the secret police. History on a global scale has not yet shown examples of the situation of Leo of the higher octave; this will be a spiritual revival of humanity with elements of paintings of the Last Judgment.
Harmonious Leo is well adapted to external reality and therefore large quantities receives what Leo needs like air: general recognition, admiration, worship. He has natural authority, energetic power, and his ideas are always acceptable to those around him. He is energetic and persistent, but not too much; they listen to him and obey him more out of love for him than out of submission to his power. His charm is majestic, undoubtedly, obvious and effective on the spot; he is beautiful even in his certain arrogance, which is easy to forgive him, since it is characteristic of him, like the crown of an emperor.
The harmonious Leo takes the admiration, worship and obedience of the outside world for granted; He needs all this, but does not evoke any special emotions. The main danger that threatens him is royal laziness, in which he can only be compared with Taurus. It is extremely difficult to move the harmonious Leo from his place and put him on the path of intense constructive work; his fiery and charming smile of a permanent sign will quickly convince you that, of course, he can do everything easily, but why? The world is beautiful and harmonious as it is, and if suddenly something is really bad, then it will work itself out in the near future; and as far as its reality is concerned, it is so.

The defeat of Leo poses large karmic tasks for a person, for failure to fulfill which he pays with numerous complexes, phobias and blows of fate; the latter extend to his immediate environment.
The affected Leo must earn everything that the harmonious Leo is given by nature, but he needs it from the very beginning! General karmic task the affected Leo is to implement strong energy ideas that are disharmonious with his environment; at the same time, naturally, the entire world around him changes. A harmonious Leo pursues ideas for which society is ready, while a stricken Leo pursues ideas for which society is not ready and puts up significant resistance. If Aries's task is only the initial, very energetic formulation of an idea, then Leo must consistently carry it out almost until it is translated into real forms (the last phase is the work of earth signs). If Aries sprays energy like a fountain, and he doesn’t care who the splashes fall on, then Leo encloses it in a pipe and trusts a very specific circle of his followers, relations with whom (in the affected version) are very difficult: they often rebel, leave, sometimes come back again, accusing (not without reason) the stricken Leo of tyranny, callousness, cruelty and fanaticism. In the developed version of Leo, his adherents grow spiritually as a result and not only carry out the original idea, but also improve it along the way; in the undeveloped version, the affected Leo uses their lower instincts (greed, propensity for debauchery, laziness, competition) as levers to control people and acts as a black teacher (seducer, tyrant, etc.), and his idea is jointly profaned and dirty reality. The most undeveloped affected Leo is characterized by despotism, stubbornness, a feeling of being chosen by God, extreme intolerance to criticism, straightforwardness and a passion for crude flattery.
Working through gives the ability to work constructively in difficult conditions with difficult people, without losing enthusiasm and maintaining it in others.

Planets in Leo
Leo without planets
Boring Leo.
A person who has no planets in Leo and is not aspected by the Sun has difficulty fulfilling the role of an energetic leader; he lacks self-confidence, energy, authority, and natural authority visible to others. On the other hand, he is not characterized by conscious arrogance, boasting and false pride in practical matters.

Sun in Leo
Natural Leo.
The Sun in a sign always makes the program of this sign tense, and as a ruler - doubly so. Solar Leo deals with rigid energy flows that have great power over the outside world (and over Leo himself) and therefore require very precise actions; the cost of error is high and visibly material. The Sun emphasizes Leo's leadership qualities and the sense of the divine origin of his personal will. This is true to some extent; however, having such a feeling, it is very difficult to admit the influence of one’s own lower subconscious programs on this divine will; It is even more difficult for Leo, who is not endowed (except for the highest type) with special empathy and psychological abilities, as well as a tendency towards introspection and introspection, to understand his subconscious and separate higher programs from lower ones - it seems to him that this is all unimportant, and he needs to get down to business (in his understanding), that is, the outside world. Nevertheless, the subconscious takes its toll, and if the solar Leo does not conduct a regular sewage campaign in his soul, he gradually degrades and, unnoticed by him, his leading egregor changes to a more crystallized and primitive one. Leo becomes a rude despot and loses touch with reality and the original idea.

Moon in Leo
Lion with a peacock tail.
If solar Leo can calmly (and even with some pride) say about himself: “Yes, I am proud and always want to be first,” then lunar Leo will never say that about himself, because this is his secret goal and intimate desire, the fulfillment of which he will passionately subconsciously strive for, but will never admit it.
Lunar Leo personal praise is needed like air; Without her he withers, but with her he flourishes. The harmonious Moon makes Leo a lazy darling of fate, indifferent to everything except worship and flattery; defeat gives him a strong complex of social non-recognition and an impulse to study reality and adapt his flow to it. With proper elaboration, the affected lunar Leo can become a good dramatic actor - on stage and in life; in her absence - behavior like a capricious prima donna.
Lunar Leo outwardly more stable than lunar Aries, it is more difficult to “cut” with criticism; nevertheless, Leo suffers from it, perhaps more: firstly, Aries switches more easily, and secondly, Leo needs personal recognition, and Aries needs recognition of his business, and not of himself.

Mercury in Leo
Sociable Leo.
Mercury poses the problem of mental awareness of Leo’s energy flow, that is, the true meaning of his activity. The fall of Mercury means that only the highest octave of this aspect manages to understand the meaning of the flow and learn to control it. If the aspect is poorly developed, Leo is subconsciously interested in expanding contacts, that is, the scope of his idea, but he is not good at them, he is too energetic and straightforward, and to outsiders his enthusiasm often looks naive and stupid.
Mercury Leo constantly tries to use reason in his activities, but he does not succeed in this, since the flow has its own logic (and life has its own, and both are incomprehensible to the average Leo). In a harmonious version, this aspect gives many contacts and conversations that are successful for Leo’s main business, but Leo still cannot understand the inner meaning of what is happening (and does not try); in a disharmonious version, reason and contacts come into conflict with the energy flow that leads to conflicts and Leo’s attempts to solve these subtle problems through brutal direct pressure, force. Failures are comprehended with enormous difficulty.

Venus in Leo
Secular Leo.
In the highest octave, this is the aspect of great actors, writers and artists, often with a journalistic overtone, whose impact on society directly leads to its spiritual development. Here the true practically inspiring power of art is realized: after attending a performance or reading a book, a person not only receives a powerful impulse to live and work differently, better than before, but also begins to feel the Divine presence where he had not previously suspected it. The consistency of flow and influence on the public is greater than that of Venusian Aries.
This aspect gives the average Leo a certain sophistication of manners and a penchant for aesthetic flows - these are connoisseurs and connoisseurs of art, art critics, art philanthropists.
In the harmonious version, it is always pleasant to look at a person: he speaks beautifully, moves, in a word, as they say, knows how to present himself (which can cause irritation, since behind this facade there is passivity). If the aspect is manifested, success with the opposite sex is guaranteed (except for a strong defeat, when success is also guaranteed, but in a narrow circle of partners and short-lived). In the affected version, there is a tendency to pretentious fashions and “show off”; when developed, it is an original artist, with difficulty breaking through the rigidity of the perception of his society.

Mars in Leo
Battle Lion.
Mars gives Leo exceptional energy and enthusiasm - sometimes to the point of self-forgetfulness. At the same time, it poses the problem of self-control, since a flow of such force must be precisely calculated, otherwise it will burn everything in its path. Mars also aggravates Leo's stubbornness, tempting him to respond to unpleasant objections (regardless of their justice) with a powerful blow of his paw. In the lower octave, this aspect gives rudeness, intransigence, harshness with loved ones and cruelty towards enemies. In a harmonious version, this is the ability to work intensively with great enthusiasm, to lead close-knit teams that solve complex problems. In case of defeat, there are heavy blows, including to pride, but with working through the years comes the necessary wisdom in dealing with people and the energy flow; then - a practical spiritual mentor.

Jupiter in Leo
Royal Lion.
Not strongly affected Jupiter emphasizes best qualities Leo - generosity, nobility, energy. He gives Leo an abundance of admirers and followers and, speaking psychological language, the required number of strokes, giving him the feeling of the king of beasts. Jupiter softens Leo's dogmatism and stubbornness, giving him a certain breadth of views and, in the highest octave of the aspect, spiritual aspiration, the ability to see their highest meaning behind practical goals.
When poorly worked out, Jupiter (especially when struck) aggravates Leo’s pride and his dismissive and inattentive attitude towards the world in general and his followers in particular, as well as his non-acceptance of criticism, which he (without going into the essence) is inclined to perceive as yet another proof of his opponent’s worthlessness.
The developed aspect makes it possible to work responsibly on the synthesis of several strong energy flows, practical guide large teams solving a wide range of problems.

Saturn in Leo
Gloomy Lion.
The effect of crystallizing Saturn on Leo is in a wide range from a prison lattice, completely blocking the energy flow, to a crystal lattice of a ruby ​​laser, focusing it in exactly one direction.
In any case, Saturn focuses Leo's attention on the existing energy flow: he (correctly) feels that they will not give another. Saturn Leo takes everything that goes through him very seriously, to the point of being boring, and does not waste extra energy on trifles (except for attempts to ignore this aspect, which begin with thoughtless energy waste and quickly end with blows of fate and an energy hole). Harmonious Saturn requires hard work in the energy flow, but also gives the corresponding strength and enthusiasm (example: marathon athlete), the affected Saturn demands the same, but does not give strength at all or gives little, inviting the person to find it himself, and instead of enthusiasm offers Leo hidden but very strong ambition and thirst for power.
This aspect is very difficult for Leo, since it requires the development of deep humility and the ability to do unpleasant work with disobedient people who do not recognize your authority and are indifferent to your ideas and enthusiasm; but at the same time this is the most constructive aspect for Leo, since as a result of its elaboration, Leo eliminates those traits that hinder him most: limited perception, narcissism and despotism, and his strength and wisdom increase immeasurably.
If the aspect is poorly developed, Leo becomes stingy, unsociable, cold and dogmatic. The flow turns into a thin trickle, which Leo fears losing more than anything else. Don't you dare try to kill her!

Chiron in Leo
Advanced Leo.
The developed aspect gives Leo awareness of the nature of his energy flow, its true purpose and the meaning of the corresponding practical activities, as well as an idea of ​​the source of energy (that is, the egregor). With a strong Chiron, the practical use of biological and mental energy: telekinesis, treatment with the biofield and at a distance, effective psychotherapy by suggestion, etc.
The ability to consciously control a group biofield, which can be used in group psychotherapy, group accelerated learning and similar problems.
For the average person, this aspect gives various experiences and experiences, prompting him to expand his ideas about the types and possibilities of energy flows and the strength and possibilities of energy programs of the subconscious (for example, self-healing through auto-training, reading mantras, etc.).
In case of defeat - chaos in consciousness on the described issues (and interest in them), attempts to use the abilities of suggestion (direct and at a distance) in order to manipulate people and groups, in extreme cases, acute mental disorders and obsession (that is, the intense influence of strong astral entities ).

Uranus in Leo (1955/56-1961/62)
Original Leo.
This generation produces a type of leader with original ideas, unlike anything known and often far ahead of its time, so that its contemporaries ultimately do not understand it or hopelessly profane the original idea. If the aspect is manifested, then it is difficult for the person, since along with the eccentricity of his ideas, he himself is extremely independent in his opinions and is not inclined to obey anyone or coordinate his behavior (harmonious aspects soften this), which negatively affects the team of followers, subordinates or like-minded people . When working through (which is difficult), sometimes it is possible to take into account the specific circumstances of the surrounding world, the specifics of a team of like-minded people and organize it for practical work; then the results can be stunning. When poorly developed, there is stupid eccentricity of practical ideas and dogmatic fixation on them, complete disregard for criticism.
Strong Uranian Leos of the latest generation will set an example of fundamentally new, truly democratic methods of managing teams, taking into account the laws of the collective subconscious.

Neptune in Leo (1914/16-1928/29)
Absent-minded Leo.
Neptune turns the head of the usually sober Leo and fills him with unrealistic dreams, daydreams and fantastic-utopian projects, grandiose in terms of the amount of assistance to distressed humanity and the cruelty of the measures by which this assistance is provided (explosive bullets and gases in the First World War). By the time Leo has difficulty dispelling Neptune's fog, he indignantly sends the deceiver into captivity in Virgo, where, however, Neptune's action is even worse.
The lower octave of Neptune in Leo is a charlatan or deceiver of greater or lesser caliber, energetically preaching certain promising ideas, from quick and reliable enrichment to a technique that guarantees the achievement of enlightenment within six months; another variant - religious fanatic, gathering his people for a holy war against the infidels. The highest octave of this aspect is a highly spiritual person with the talent of a preacher; perhaps the founder new faith or religion. The manifested aspect in the average person gives a certain inclination towards mystical forms of art and the subtlety of its perception, a love for beautiful religious ritual.

Pluto in Leo (1937/39-1956/58)
Mighty Leo.
This aspect represents Leo at his most strong version, when his power over the outside world is maximum, he controls the fate, life and death of all life on earth; here Pluto performs the main cleansing of the observable world for its entire 250-year cycle.
During the last transit through Leo, a second World War, atomic weapons were invented and tested, as a result of which the possibility of instant destruction of life on Earth became real, which radically changed external reality. However, the generation born at this time is far from having its say. last word. It will begin the spiritual transformation of society in practical life under the slogan of the Age of Aquarius.
The lowest octave of this aspect is the manifesting Leo, the black teacher, endowed with subtle transformative magical power capable of penetrating into the most intimate depths human soul and bring out the darkest and lowest that is there to the surface; He thus turns his students into conductors of crystallizing power, obedient puppets of a rigid egregor, or his own. The highest octave of the aspect is spiritual teachers who will begin the synthesis of sciences and religions into a single world religion and will prepare the generation that will usher in the Age of Aquarius.


Each Zodiac Sign is protected by a specific planet. Planet Zodiac sign sets the basic character of a person, bestows abilities and talents.

In order to attract the patronage of your planet, you need, firstly, to know its characteristics, and secondly, to follow its principles. Find out which planet is your patron according to your horoscope.


This planet is the patron Aries and Scorpios. Mars symbolizes willpower, activity, courage, masculinity. Representatives of the Signs of Aries and Scorpio often lack restraint and inner peace - this is also the result of the influence of Mars. In order to use the beneficial influence of the patron planet, you need to train yourself fortitude, confidence and determination.


Venus patronizes Taurus and Libra. This planet symbolizes love, family, harmony, beauty. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign need to develop their spirituality, strive for beauty and aesthetics, love art and pay more attention to their personal life, then everything will work out well for them in other areas of life too.


Mercury is considered the patron Virgo and Gemini. The planet bestows excellent intellectual data, communication skills, a flexible mind, talents in trading, and good public speaking skills. The strength of representatives of these Zodiac Signs lies in the ability to communicate, speak, find mutual language. They can achieve a lot through communication.


Moon is the ruler Cancer and Pisces. She gives gifts primarily to the rich inner world, creative talents and the ability to empathize. Cancers and Pisces should not forget about their strong side - the ability to help, create and develop.


The sun is the patron Lviv. The Sun bestows representatives of this Zodiac Sign with the energy of creation, creative talents, brightness, and beauty. Leos should always be the center of attention and gather useful people around them to attract the favor of the Sun.


Pluto is the patron Scorpios and Aries. This planet bestows insight and keen intuition. To achieve success in life, Scorpios should listen to their inner voice more often and be able to read the signs of fate.


Jupiter patronizes Sagittarius. She bestows business qualities and luck. And for luck to always be on the side of the people of this constellation, they need to follow their life principles, without retreating from your plans, ideas and goals.


Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. The planet is not very favorable for development in life. It symbolizes limitation, philosophy, internal laws. At the same time, it forces a person to become an individual and a person. Dissimilarity from others is the main requirement of Saturn.


Uranus patronizes Aquarius. Grants unconventional thinking, creativity, clairvoyance. Uranus forces you to be a pioneer and innovator. To attract the luck of this planet, it is enough to simply bring things to an end and begin to implement your ideas.


Neptune patronizes Pisces and symbolizes harmony, creativity, nature, sensitivity and love of life. In order to find harmony and enlist the support of Neptune, Pisces should live in unity with the whole world, realize themselves as part of it, rejoice more often, be in nature and be in a positive mood. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2015 09:16

Astrologers claim that many representatives of one or another zodiac sign have their own ideal image...

The energetic connection between people and animals was noticed in ancient times. Each Zodiac Sign is protected by...

The planet that patronizes the zodiac sign has a great influence on a person’s fate and character. The planet of the Leo sign is the Sun. It is the only star in the list of astrological planets, so it is also called a planet in this context. The sun in all ancient civilizations was the subject of worship and admiration. People made sacrifices so that the light would not go out and the planet would not perish. Sun gods are found in ancient Egyptian mythology and Indian treatises. In Japan, the cult of the sun is still strong, as the luminary appears on the country’s emblem.

The sun is the center of our universe and its influence on Leos is noticeable in many ways. It governs large spaces, the ability to achieve goals, and idealism. The nature of a lion under the influence of the Sun has been enriched with such traits as nobility, power, breadth of nature and soul, charisma and authority. The sun has power over all people and the planet, so the lion is born to reign. The presence of the Sun in the zodiac sign rewarded Leos with self-love, a constant desire for success, strength and power.

Since ancient times, people have always admired the Sun; they feared that it might one day go out and then eternal darkness would fall on the earth and morning would never come again. Therefore, in the myths of ancient civilizations, the Sun was often glorified and idolized. For example, in ancient Egypt, people believed that Ra (the sun god) was the son of the Supreme Creator, the brother of the rainbow and the king of all gods. In ancient India, the Sun was an attribute of Buddha and Vishnu. The influence and power of the Sun has been glorified even by Japan, whose emblem features a solar star and which is called the “land of the rising sun.”

Many years ago, the solstice point was located precisely in the constellation Leo. At this time, it was very hot in the southern countries, and in Egypt at this time the Nile began to overflow. People made sluice gates in the shape of a lion's head, and through them water flowed into the fields; now we sometimes see fountains in the shape of a lion's head, where a stream runs out of its open mouth. Perhaps such fountains are also echoes of those times.

Most likely, the heavenly rulers were most favorable to the zodiac sign Leo, making it a fire sign and giving it the planet Sun as its patron. Although, of course, like every other sign, Leos have their own shortcomings, such as pride and vanity... In general, it can be said for sure that the one ruled by the Sun can already consider himself the chosen one of fate.

Leo - Patron Planet

How around heavenly body all other objects rotate solar system, and in astrology it is the personification of the “heart”, center, conscious will, power, leadership, creativity as part of self-presentation, and is also considered a symbol of children. Children of the Sun are people whose leadership is generally recognized - officially or not. Such a person can be either a president, the official head of some structure, or an informal leader, but always an undeniable authority.

In the Leo horoscope, the influence of the Sun is great value. Favorable aspects of the planet Leo create a good foundation for revealing the best moral qualities, making their wards viable, strong, sincere, decisive, generous, noble and magnanimous. If a person was born under the zodiac sign Leo, the planet (in this case a star) helps him achieve success in any business, achieve power or the favor of those in power, and be respected. The unfavorable influence of this heavenly body turns these people into arrogant, proud people, riotous individuals, and can strengthen a number of negative character traits.

What qualities does the planet Sun give to Lviv?

People born under the auspices of the Sun are energetic, have a strong core inside, charisma. For the zodiac sign Leo, whose planet is the Sun, the position of leader is the only possibility for their normal existence; it is natural for them to constantly be in the center of attention. If vanity does not interfere, Leos usually quickly reach career heights. Despite the fact that Leos are not exactly a creative sign, among those born under this sign there are many famous actors, musicians, artists, and fashion designers. They can compensate for the lack of creativity with perseverance and hard work.

With highly developed pride, lions are capable of deeply and truly loving another person, if there is a response from that side. The proud nature of a lion will not forgive insults or bad attitude towards oneself. Leos are flattered to think that they are admired, respected, and set as an example. In principle, this may not be considered a defect, provided that the traits do not take on exaggerated forms. Then lions turn from role models into arrogant egoists with highly developed delusions of grandeur.

Leo is a typical representative of those born under the sign of the Sun. He strives to have great power. The Sun was reflected in his character in a classic way. Leos consider themselves the center of the universe, and other people are drawn to them like the Sun to bask in the rays. Leo is the personification of courage, strength and wisdom, and people with this zodiac sign are known to have more leadership qualities than others. If there are Leos among your friends, you can judge for yourself whether it is true that these people are as ambitious as they are written about in horoscopes. A lot of people with this zodiac sign strive for power and are the best organizers. The zodiac sign is Leo - the planet Sun, which rules it, gives light and warmth to all the inhabitants of the Earth, but is only one of the stars in the Milky Way.