Why do you dream about a bunch of wooden boards? Why do you dream about boards?

Hewing boards in a dream means a quarrel, sawing them means a deceased person, splitting them means a wedding or christening. Gluing a broken board together means making peace with someone. To break is to lose friendship. Drilling a board means a bold intention brought to fruition. Buying boards means sadness.

Walking on planks in a dream is a sign that in reality you should be more careful in conversations and not be frank with those who are unable to keep secrets.

If in a dream you walk along the rotten planks of an old bridge with caution and still fall through, it means that in reality you will acutely experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you treat with love and respect.

A washboard in a dream foreshadows difficulties in the near future. Seeing someone wash it or wash it yourself means you have to come to terms with the fact that your rival was more successful. A broken washboard warns of a dissolute life and the resulting troubles.

A chalkboard foretells bad news about someone's illness. To dream that you are writing on it with chalk means that in reality you will make a profit and all that, provided that the board is not black, otherwise it will only mean failure. A cutting board is a sign of troubles in anticipation of an upcoming family celebration.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Boards

Boards - New - for dacha worries. Old people - pay attention to your feet! There is a danger of breaking or dislocating. Ironing, washing, etc. - household chores await. You are on the honor board - annoying troubles at work (losses, leaks). Seen from the outside - you have to receive certificates, extracts, documents.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream about boards symbolizes long-term difficulties in business, problems that haunt for a long time. You should gather your strength and take active steps to resolve them.

What boards did you dream about?

I dreamed about new boards

If you dream of new boards - be careful, in this case you can count on a favorable combination of circumstances. New boards promise worries at the dacha. Making new boards means you will soon solve long-standing problems.

Dreaming of wooden boards

Felomena's dream book considers wooden boards as a symbol of future experiences and sorrows. Long wooden boards symbolize the successful course of affairs, random quarrels will end in a truce.

Seeing a school board in a dream

I dreamed of a school board - third-party information that you own is not always useful. Most of the knowledge you receive is completely unnecessary. Wash a school board - you will learn something new in an area unfamiliar to you.

I dreamed about a chessboard

Why do you dream about a chessboard? There will be a competition with competitors, a struggle to defend one’s own interests. There may be a conflict involving an acquaintance. Seeing a chessboard without pieces means efforts made to reconcile with relatives will be in vain.

Dreaming of an ironing board

Seeing an ironing board in a dream means you are devoting all your energy to work, taking care of your home, family, leaving no time for rest. You shouldn’t take too much on yourself while no one notices your actions for the common good. You should appreciate and take care of yourself.

Why do you dream about a cutting board?

A dream about a cutting board is a harbinger of fuss and troubles. Their reason will most likely be preparation for a family celebration, for which a large table will be needed.

Seeing a board with nails in a dream

A board with nails symbolizes making a long-considered decision. Figuratively speaking, you will hammer the last nail in the work on important issue, put an end to a long-standing problem.

I dream of rotten boards

According to the dream book, rotten boards promise family conflicts and troubles over trifles. Splintered boards symbolize protracted problems that can cause a lot of trouble. Walking on rotten boards - be careful when communicating with strangers, do not trust your secrets to anyone.

I dreamed about old boards

I dreamed of old boards - the vision warns that you need to be more careful. There is a high risk of injury. Feet may be particularly at risk.

Why do you dream about construction boards?

Why do you dream about construction boards? Listen to yourself, do not neglect your capabilities. They can make a serious contribution to solving current problems and issues of working on themselves.

Seeing a kitchen board in a dream

A kitchen board seen in a dream promises a quick feast with your family. Surely there will be a joyful reason to get together. This event will require preparation, so you will have to work hard before having fun.

I dreamed about a floorboard

Dreaming about a floorboard is a reflection of confidence in tomorrow. You don't know what the future holds, but you have faith that everything will be as planned. Expectations will be justified.

What did you do with the boards in your dream?

Sawing boards in a dream

If you dream about sawing boards, then in reality you will also have to do some good work. However, the efforts invested will not pay off and will not bring you the income you expected.

Walking on boards in a dream

The Felomena dream book interprets walking on planks as the need to make informed decisions. Walking on boards on the street means they are trying to deceive you for their own gain. Walking on wooden boards means you should be careful and not make hasty decisions.

I dream that they were carrying boards

If you dreamed that they were carrying boards, you feel the need for rest, accumulated fatigue makes itself felt. You should take a break and rest, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided. Carrying wooden planks means future changes will be for the better.

Planing boards in a dream

Why do you dream of planing boards? The dream indicates that you will be able to cope with all current problems. This will require some effort, but the result will be worth it.

Folding boards in a dream

Folding boards in a dream means you will face long-term difficulties and problems. To solve them, active measures will be needed; be prepared to take the necessary steps in this direction.

Collecting boards in a dream

A dream about collecting boards promises useless troubles. The efforts you make will be in vain; it is better to pay attention to something more serious than to waste energy on trifles.

Dreaming that you are breaking boards

Dreaming that you are breaking boards means breaking off a relationship with a loved one. A breakup may be your fault, so you should be careful in your communication so as not to say too much.


Why see boards in a dream?

The board is the most controversial symbol. Having seen her in a dream, it is impossible to say exactly what exactly such a dream portends.

According to Freud, it is a symbol of the relationship between partners and the higher its quality, the brighter and stronger the love relationship between them will be.

But in order to more accurately understand why boards are dreamed of, you need to remember all the details of your dream. Interpretation depends on their condition, purpose, place and method of use.

Construction material

  1. Building something out of wood means career growth and material well-being.
  2. Trying to glue a broken board together means reconciliation with enemies.
  3. Breaking it in half means ending a relationship with someone.
  4. Drilling - to the successful implementation of plans.
  5. Planing planks is a sign of successful problem solving.
  6. Processing them in a room in your home is a sign of a wedding.
  7. Walking on wooden flooring in a new house - as Tsvetkov’s dream book explains, warns of possible rash actions.
  8. Hewn boards - to surprise.
  9. Buying them means emergence big problems, which relatives will help resolve.
  10. Getting a splinter in your hand means troubles associated with financial difficulties, says Vanga’s dream book.
  11. Repair wooden roof- will soon acquire a true friend.
  12. Sawing or hewing small planks is a symbol of hard work that will not bring good income.
  13. Nailing them to each other means false rumors.
  14. Rotting old boards are a sign of troubles that will eventually be resolved after much effort.
  15. Walking on good, strong flooring - good sign, but you shouldn’t let your guard down.
  16. Crossing a muddy stream over a rotten wooden bridge means indifference on the part of your lover.

What boards are dreamed of primarily depends on personal characteristics person. So a dream in which a person walks on a wooden floor has two interpretations at once, depending on who sees it.

He tells the girl that her lover does not share her feelings, and it is better for her to reject him and find new love. And such a dream warns a man about a risky deal that could end in financial loss.

There are also several interpretations for the dream in which new boards appear.

  • For gardeners, it promises pleasant chores on their plot.
  • For young girls - foreshadows a wedding celebration.
  • For married couples - christening.

In addition, for people born in different seasons, such a dream has different meanings:

  • For those born in the winter or autumn months, it portends a meeting with relatives, surprise and an increase in money.
  • For born in summer or in the spring such a dream is a herald of an upcoming test.

home stuff

  • Cutting board - for a festive family feast.
  • Hit it with a hammer - family happiness depends only on you, says the Lunar Dream Book.
  • Facing difficulties when choosing an ironing board means making a successful choice between career growth and family happiness.
  • Buy it - your children need attention and help.
  • ride with ice slide, sitting on a washing or kitchen board - you are ready to do anything for the well-being of your loved ones.
  • An empty chessboard - all attempts to correct the situation by communicating with the spouse’s relatives will not be successful.
  • Playing chess with a friend in a dream means meeting him soon.
  • With a stranger - beware of intrigues behind your back.
  • Arranging chess pieces means an interesting pastime.

School everyday life

If you dreamed of a school board, it means there is too much unnecessary information in your life. Writing on it with chalk means that in reality you are a reserved person, but you are already quite ready to become more independent and confident. Try to remember everything that you wrote, perhaps this is a direct hint, the Gypsy dream book advises.

If someone else writes on it, don’t miss the opportunity to take advantage of the temporary advantage. Erase everything written in chalk - you are ready to change something in your life.

If in a dream you were called to answer a question on the blackboard, and you answered it correctly - this means joyful events, if incorrectly - this means doubts. A black school board means unpleasant news or financial difficulties.


See new boards

Dream Interpretation Seeing new boards dreamed of why you dream about seeing new boards in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see new boards in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Board

Dream Interpretation - Board

Dream Interpretation - Board, boards

Dream Interpretation - Board

Dream Interpretation - Board

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Dream Interpretation - Board


Boards on the floor

Dream Interpretation Boards on the floor dreamed of why you dream about boards on the floor? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Boards on the floor in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Board

Hewing boards in a dream means a quarrel, sawing them means a deceased person, splitting them means a wedding or christening. Gluing a broken board together means making peace with someone. To break is to lose friendship. Drilling a board means a bold intention brought to fruition. Buying boards means sadness.

Walking on planks in a dream is a sign that in reality you should be more careful in conversations and not be frank with those who are unable to keep secrets.

If in a dream you walk along the rotten planks of an old bridge with caution and still fall through, it means that in reality you will acutely experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you treat with love and respect.

A washboard in a dream foreshadows difficulties in the near future. Seeing someone wash it or wash it yourself means you have to come to terms with the fact that your rival was more successful. A broken washboard warns of a dissolute life and the resulting troubles.

A chalkboard foretells bad news about someone's illness. To dream that you are writing on it with chalk means that in reality you will make a profit and all that, provided that the board is not black, otherwise it will only mean failure. A cutting board is a sign of troubles in anticipation of an upcoming family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Boards and logs in a dream: - symbolize long-term problems and difficulties.

Length of boards or logs: symbolically indicates how long the unfavorable period will be.

Well-planed, smooth boards: they say that you have to work hard, but in the end the work will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

For a terminally ill person and very old people, seeing someone sawing smooth boards: usually portends imminent death without unnecessary pain.

Splintered or rotten boards: a sign that prolonged difficulties will cause you a lot of trouble.

Planing boards in a dream: indicates that you will be able to cope with your current problems, although this will not be without controversy.

Walking on wooden boards over some obstacle: indicates that in the near future you should be more careful and not take ill-considered steps.

Dream Interpretation - Board, boards

A lone board or several boards signify a small quarrel with a friend.

Buying boards means sadness, sawing means death, processing them in the house means a wedding.

Walking on smooth wooden flooring, strong and new, is very good dream.

It promises success in business, but calls for caution in behavior.

If a girl crosses a muddy stream on old, rotten boards, she will face indifference from her loved ones or troubles that threaten her honor.

Dream Interpretation - Board

The board, despite the fact that it is a long object, is a symbol of a woman. Accordingly, everything that is made from boards also symbolizes a woman or the feminine principle.

Smooth, dry and well-planed boards indicate your very tender relationship with your sexual partner.

Uneven or poorly planed boards symbolize a tense relationship with your sexual partner.

Buying boards symbolizes your desire for change sexual partner.

Loading or unloading boards symbolizes your intense sex life.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Board - cutting, polishing a board in a dream - there will be a wedding; if you process boards at the factory - bad dream, maybe to death.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

All your efforts will be useless.

To build anything from boards or to buy boards is a sign of sadness.

Knocking down, breaking or hewing a board means a quarrel.

Cutting or grinding, crossing boards across a ditch or stream as if across a bridge - you will be able to avoid impending danger or losses.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Boards - New - for dacha worries. Old people - pay attention to your feet! There is a danger of breaking or dislocating. Ironing, washing, etc. - household chores await. You are on the honor board - annoying troubles at work (losses, leaks). Seen from the outside - you have to receive certificates, extracts, documents.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Seeing production is a sign of failure and great worries; for patients, such a dream predicts death. Seeing boards in your house, sawing, planing - for a wedding or christening. Drilling boards in a dream is an omen of a bold implementation of the plan, which will end successfully. Sometimes such a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, find out what you have long wanted to know, and bring clarity to your relationship with a loved one. Walking along a boardwalk in a dream means changes, good or bad, depending on the condition of the deck (new, rotten, broken, cracked, etc.). In any case, such a dream warns of the need to be careful and vigilant in order to avoid losses - material or spiritual.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

New, strong boards mean a quick solution to problems; dilapidated, rotten boards mean danger.

Imagine that old boards are replaced with new and strong ones.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Seeing hewn boards - to extreme amazement, uncouth - is a sign of hair disease.

If you see the dates of birth and death on the memorial plaque, it means a long life, which you will complete with great dignity.


Ironing board

Dream Interpretation Ironing Board dreamed of why you dream about an Ironing board? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Ironing Board in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Board

Hewing boards in a dream means a quarrel, sawing them means a deceased person, splitting them means a wedding or christening. Gluing a broken board together means making peace with someone. To break is to lose friendship. Drilling a board means a bold intention brought to fruition. Buying boards means sadness.

Walking on planks in a dream is a sign that in reality you should be more careful in conversations and not be frank with those who are unable to keep secrets.

If in a dream you walk along the rotten planks of an old bridge with caution and still fall through, it means that in reality you will acutely experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you treat with love and respect.

A washboard in a dream foreshadows difficulties in the near future. Seeing someone wash it or wash it yourself means you have to come to terms with the fact that your rival was more successful. A broken washboard warns of a dissolute life and the resulting troubles.

A chalkboard foretells bad news about someone's illness. To dream that you are writing on it with chalk means that in reality you will make a profit and all that, provided that the board is not black, otherwise it will only mean failure. A cutting board is a sign of troubles in anticipation of an upcoming family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Boards and logs in a dream: - symbolize long-term problems and difficulties.

Length of boards or logs: symbolically indicates how long the unfavorable period will be.

Well-planed, smooth boards: they say that you have to work hard, but in the end the work will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

For terminally ill people and very old people, seeing someone sawing smooth boards usually portends a quick death without unnecessary suffering.

Splintered or rotten boards: a sign that prolonged difficulties will cause you a lot of trouble.

Planing boards in a dream: indicates that you will be able to cope with your current problems, although this will not be without controversy.

Walking on wooden boards over some obstacle: indicates that in the near future you should be more careful and not take ill-considered steps.

Dream Interpretation - Board, boards

A lone board or several boards signify a small quarrel with a friend.

Buying boards means sadness, sawing means death, processing them in the house means a wedding.

Walking on smooth wooden flooring, strong and new, is a very good dream.

It promises success in business, but calls for caution in behavior.

If a girl crosses a muddy stream on old, rotten boards, she will face indifference from her loved ones or troubles that threaten her honor.

Dream Interpretation - Board

The board, despite the fact that it is a long object, is a symbol of a woman. Accordingly, everything that is made from boards also symbolizes a woman or the feminine principle.

Smooth, dry and well-planed boards indicate your very tender relationship with your sexual partner.

Uneven or poorly planed boards symbolize a tense relationship with your sexual partner.

Buying boards symbolizes your desire to change your sexual partner.

Loading or unloading boards symbolizes your intense sex life.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Board - cutting, polishing a board in a dream - there will be a wedding; if you process boards in a factory - a bad dream, maybe even death.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

All your efforts will be useless.

To build anything from boards or to buy boards is a sign of sadness.

Knocking down, breaking or hewing a board means a quarrel.

Cutting or grinding, crossing boards across a ditch or stream as if across a bridge - you will be able to avoid impending danger or losses.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Boards - New - for dacha worries. Old people - pay attention to your feet! There is a danger of breaking or dislocating. Ironing, washing, etc. - household chores await. You are on the honor board - annoying troubles at work (losses, leaks). Seen from the outside - you have to receive certificates, extracts, documents.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Seeing production is a sign of failure and great worries; for patients, such a dream predicts death. Seeing boards in your house, sawing, planing - for a wedding or christening. Drilling boards in a dream is an omen of a bold implementation of the plan, which will end successfully. Sometimes such a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, find out what you have long wanted to know, and bring clarity to your relationship with a loved one. Walking along a boardwalk in a dream means changes, good or bad, depending on the condition of the deck (new, rotten, broken, cracked, etc.). In any case, such a dream warns of the need to be careful and vigilant in order to avoid losses - material or spiritual.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

New, strong boards mean a quick solution to problems; dilapidated, rotten boards mean danger.

Imagine that old boards are replaced with new and strong ones.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Seeing hewn boards - to extreme amazement, uncouth - is a sign of hair disease.

If you see the dates of birth and death on the memorial plaque, it means a long life, which you will complete with great dignity.


Nailing boards

Dream Interpretation Nailing boards dreamed of why you dream about nailing boards? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Nailing boards in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Board

Hewing boards in a dream means a quarrel, sawing them means a deceased person, splitting them means a wedding or christening. Gluing a broken board together means making peace with someone. To break is to lose friendship. Drilling a board means a bold intention brought to fruition. Buying boards means sadness.

Walking on planks in a dream is a sign that in reality you should be more careful in conversations and not be frank with those who are unable to keep secrets.

If in a dream you walk along the rotten planks of an old bridge with caution and still fall through, it means that in reality you will acutely experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you treat with love and respect.

A washboard in a dream foreshadows difficulties in the near future. Seeing someone wash it or wash it yourself means you have to come to terms with the fact that your rival was more successful. A broken washboard warns of a dissolute life and the resulting troubles.

A chalkboard foretells bad news about someone's illness. To dream that you are writing on it with chalk means that in reality you will make a profit and all that, provided that the board is not black, otherwise it will only mean failure. A cutting board is a sign of troubles in anticipation of an upcoming family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Boards and logs in a dream: - symbolize long-term problems and difficulties.

Length of boards or logs: symbolically indicates how long the unfavorable period will be.

Well-planed, smooth boards: they say that you have to work hard, but in the end the work will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

For terminally ill people and very old people, seeing someone sawing smooth boards usually portends a quick death without unnecessary suffering.

Splintered or rotten boards: a sign that prolonged difficulties will cause you a lot of trouble.

Planing boards in a dream: indicates that you will be able to cope with your current problems, although this will not be without controversy.

Walking on wooden boards over some obstacle: indicates that in the near future you should be more careful and not take ill-considered steps.

Dream Interpretation - Board, boards

A lone board or several boards signify a small quarrel with a friend.

Buying boards means sadness, sawing means death, processing them in the house means a wedding.

Walking on smooth wooden flooring, strong and new, is a very good dream.

It promises success in business, but calls for caution in behavior.

If a girl crosses a muddy stream on old, rotten boards, she will face indifference from her loved ones or troubles that threaten her honor.

Dream Interpretation - Board

The board, despite the fact that it is a long object, is a symbol of a woman. Accordingly, everything that is made from boards also symbolizes a woman or the feminine principle.

Smooth, dry and well-planed boards indicate your very tender relationship with your sexual partner.

Uneven or poorly planed boards symbolize a tense relationship with your sexual partner.

Buying boards symbolizes your desire to change your sexual partner.

Loading or unloading boards symbolizes your intense sex life.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Board - cutting, polishing a board in a dream - there will be a wedding; if you process boards in a factory - a bad dream, maybe even death.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

All your efforts will be useless.

To build anything from boards or to buy boards is a sign of sadness.

Knocking down, breaking or hewing a board means a quarrel.

Cutting or grinding, crossing boards across a ditch or stream as if across a bridge - you will be able to avoid impending danger or losses.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Boards - New - for dacha worries. Old people - pay attention to your feet! There is a danger of breaking or dislocating. Ironing, washing, etc. - household chores await. You are on the honor board - annoying troubles at work (losses, leaks). Seen from the outside - you have to receive certificates, extracts, documents.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Seeing production is a sign of failure and great worries; for patients, such a dream predicts death. Seeing boards in your house, sawing, planing - for a wedding or christening. Drilling boards in a dream is an omen of a bold implementation of the plan, which will end successfully. Sometimes such a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, find out what you have long wanted to know, and bring clarity to your relationship with a loved one. Walking along a boardwalk in a dream means changes, good or bad, depending on the condition of the deck (new, rotten, broken, cracked, etc.). In any case, such a dream warns of the need to be careful and vigilant in order to avoid losses - material or spiritual.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

New, strong boards mean a quick solution to problems; dilapidated, rotten boards mean danger.

Imagine that old boards are replaced with new and strong ones.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Seeing hewn boards - to extreme amazement, uncouth - is a sign of hair disease.

If you see the dates of birth and death on the memorial plaque, it means a long life, which you will complete with great dignity.


Burning boards

Dream Interpretation Burning boards dreamed of why you dream about burning boards? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see burning boards in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Board

Hewing boards in a dream means a quarrel, sawing them means a deceased person, splitting them means a wedding or christening. Gluing a broken board together means making peace with someone. To break is to lose friendship. Drilling a board means a bold intention brought to fruition. Buying boards means sadness.

Walking on planks in a dream is a sign that in reality you should be more careful in conversations and not be frank with those who are unable to keep secrets.

If in a dream you walk along the rotten planks of an old bridge with caution and still fall through, it means that in reality you will acutely experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you treat with love and respect.

A washboard in a dream foreshadows difficulties in the near future. Seeing someone wash it or wash it yourself means you have to come to terms with the fact that your rival was more successful. A broken washboard warns of a dissolute life and the resulting troubles.

A chalkboard foretells bad news about someone's illness. To dream that you are writing on it with chalk means that in reality you will make a profit and all that, provided that the board is not black, otherwise it will only mean failure. A cutting board is a sign of troubles in anticipation of an upcoming family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Boards and logs in a dream: - symbolize long-term problems and difficulties.

Length of boards or logs: symbolically indicates how long the unfavorable period will be.

Well-planed, smooth boards: they say that you have to work hard, but in the end the work will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

For terminally ill people and very old people, seeing someone sawing smooth boards usually portends a quick death without unnecessary suffering.

Splintered or rotten boards: a sign that prolonged difficulties will cause you a lot of trouble.

Planing boards in a dream: indicates that you will be able to cope with your current problems, although this will not be without controversy.

Walking on wooden boards over some obstacle: indicates that in the near future you should be more careful and not take ill-considered steps.

Dream Interpretation - Board, boards

A lone board or several boards signify a small quarrel with a friend.

Buying boards means sadness, sawing means death, processing them in the house means a wedding.

Walking on smooth wooden flooring, strong and new, is a very good dream.

It promises success in business, but calls for caution in behavior.

If a girl crosses a muddy stream on old, rotten boards, she will face indifference from her loved ones or troubles that threaten her honor.

Dream Interpretation - Board

The board, despite the fact that it is a long object, is a symbol of a woman. Accordingly, everything that is made from boards also symbolizes a woman or the feminine principle.

Smooth, dry and well-planed boards indicate your very tender relationship with your sexual partner.

Uneven or poorly planed boards symbolize a tense relationship with your sexual partner.

Buying boards symbolizes your desire to change your sexual partner.

Loading or unloading boards symbolizes your intense sex life.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Board - cutting, polishing a board in a dream - there will be a wedding; if you process boards in a factory - a bad dream, maybe even death.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

All your efforts will be useless.

To build anything from boards or to buy boards is a sign of sadness.

Knocking down, breaking or hewing a board means a quarrel.

Cutting or grinding, crossing boards across a ditch or stream as if across a bridge - you will be able to avoid impending danger or losses.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Boards - New - for dacha worries. Old people - pay attention to your feet! There is a danger of breaking or dislocating. Ironing, washing, etc. - household chores await. You are on the honor board - annoying troubles at work (losses, leaks). Seen from the outside - you have to receive certificates, extracts, documents.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Seeing production is a sign of failure and great worries; for patients, such a dream predicts death. Seeing boards in your house, sawing, planing - for a wedding or christening. Drilling boards in a dream is an omen of a bold implementation of the plan, which will end successfully. Sometimes such a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, find out what you have long wanted to know, and bring clarity to your relationship with a loved one. Walking along a boardwalk in a dream means changes, good or bad, depending on the condition of the deck (new, rotten, broken, cracked, etc.). In any case, such a dream warns of the need to be careful and vigilant in order to avoid losses - material or spiritual.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

New, strong boards mean a quick solution to problems; dilapidated, rotten boards mean danger.

Imagine that old boards are replaced with new and strong ones.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Seeing hewn boards - to extreme amazement, uncouth - is a sign of hair disease.

If you see the dates of birth and death on the memorial plaque, it means a long life, which you will complete with great dignity.


Carrying oak boards

Dream Interpretation Carrying oak boards dreamed of why you dream of carrying oak boards in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see carrying Oak boards in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Board

Hewing boards in a dream means a quarrel, sawing them means a deceased person, splitting them means a wedding or christening. Gluing a broken board together means making peace with someone. To break is to lose friendship. Drilling a board means a bold intention brought to fruition. Buying boards means sadness.

Walking on planks in a dream is a sign that in reality you should be more careful in conversations and not be frank with those who are unable to keep secrets.

If in a dream you walk along the rotten planks of an old bridge with caution and still fall through, it means that in reality you will acutely experience the indifference towards yourself of those whom you treat with love and respect.

A washboard in a dream foreshadows difficulties in the near future. Seeing someone wash it or wash it yourself means you have to come to terms with the fact that your rival was more successful. A broken washboard warns of a dissolute life and the resulting troubles.

A chalkboard foretells bad news about someone's illness. To dream that you are writing on it with chalk means that in reality you will make a profit and all that, provided that the board is not black, otherwise it will only mean failure. A cutting board is a sign of troubles in anticipation of an upcoming family celebration.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Boards and logs in a dream: - symbolize long-term problems and difficulties.

Length of boards or logs: symbolically indicates how long the unfavorable period will be.

Well-planed, smooth boards: they say that you have to work hard, but in the end the work will bring you well-deserved satisfaction.

For terminally ill people and very old people, seeing someone sawing smooth boards usually portends a quick death without unnecessary suffering.

Splintered or rotten boards: a sign that prolonged difficulties will cause you a lot of trouble.

Planing boards in a dream: indicates that you will be able to cope with your current problems, although this will not be without controversy.

Walking on wooden boards over some obstacle: indicates that in the near future you should be more careful and not take ill-considered steps.

Dream Interpretation - Board, boards

A lone board or several boards signify a small quarrel with a friend.

Buying boards means sadness, sawing means death, processing them in the house means a wedding.

Walking on smooth wooden flooring, strong and new, is a very good dream.

It promises success in business, but calls for caution in behavior.

If a girl crosses a muddy stream on old, rotten boards, she will face indifference from her loved ones or troubles that threaten her honor.

Dream Interpretation - Board

The board, despite the fact that it is a long object, is a symbol of a woman. Accordingly, everything that is made from boards also symbolizes a woman or the feminine principle.

Smooth, dry and well-planed boards indicate your very tender relationship with your sexual partner.

Uneven or poorly planed boards symbolize a tense relationship with your sexual partner.

Buying boards symbolizes your desire to change your sexual partner.

Loading or unloading boards symbolizes your intense sex life.

Dream Interpretation - Board

Board - cutting, polishing a board in a dream - there will be a wedding; if you process boards in a factory - a bad dream, maybe even death.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

All your efforts will be useless.

To build anything from boards or to buy boards is a sign of sadness.

Knocking down, breaking or hewing a board means a quarrel.

Cutting or grinding, crossing boards across a ditch or stream as if across a bridge - you will be able to avoid impending danger or losses.

Dream Interpretation - Oak leaves

Oak leaves - contentment.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Boards - New - for dacha worries. Old people - pay attention to your feet! There is a danger of breaking or dislocating. Ironing, washing, etc. - household chores await. You are on the honor board - annoying troubles at work (losses, leaks). Seen from the outside - you have to receive certificates, extracts, documents.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

Seeing production is a sign of failure and great worries; for patients, such a dream predicts death. Seeing boards in your house, sawing, planing - for a wedding or christening. Drilling boards in a dream is an omen of a bold implementation of the plan, which will end successfully. Sometimes such a dream means that you will soon achieve what you want, find out what you have long wanted to know, and bring clarity to your relationship with a loved one. Walking along a boardwalk in a dream means changes, good or bad, depending on the condition of the deck (new, rotten, broken, cracked, etc.). In any case, such a dream warns of the need to be careful and vigilant in order to avoid losses - material or spiritual.

Dream Interpretation - Boards

New, strong boards mean a quick solution to problems; dilapidated, rotten boards mean danger.

Imagine that old boards are replaced with new and strong ones.

Did you dream of a board with nails? We will face a difficult task in professional activity. You will have to make an important, difficult decision. If the outcome is successful, a solution awaits the problem that appeared a long time ago and has been haunting.

You only have one step left to take on the path to success, try not to aggravate the situation with haste or stupid mistakes out of the blue. Otherwise, you won’t even have to think about well-being in the near future.

Dreaming of an ironing board

The meaning of a dream where an ironing board appeared indicates that health problems or quarrels with your significant other or loved ones may arise. The reason will be your own constant employment, lack of free time.

I dream of rotten boards

Rotten boards in a dream are a harbinger of problems in personal relationships, conflicts that appear out of nowhere. Troubles risk dragging on for a long time and causing a lot of trouble if they are not dealt with in time.

A dream where you have to walk on rotten boards is a harbinger of trouble from strangers. There is a possibility of falling into the trap of cunning scammers due to your own gullibility.

You should not neglect your loved ones and relatives without attention and support, do not throw around unflattering words and do not be led by emotions, so that you do not have to later regret what you have done.

Be attentive and careful when communicating with strangers; do not give in to provocations and instigations. All this will protect you from rash actions and troubles.

Dreaming of wooden boards

The interpretation of a dream where wooden boards appeared foreshadows the disappearance peace of mind, the appearance of worries and worries. This will be associated with failures in personal relationships, minor quarrels that arise out of the blue.

Minor scandals can be dealt with easily if you do not get carried away by emotions and show restraint and calm. It is not recommended to leave your loved ones without attention and support in order to prevent misunderstandings.

In a dream, long wooden boards

A dream where long wooden boards appeared indicates that soon you will have good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. You will be able to realize many ideas and bring your plans to life.

A profitable chance can be easily missed due to haste and recklessness. Try to concentrate on solving current affairs, show attentiveness and accuracy.

Walking on boards in a dream

The Oracle's Dream Interpretation considers a plot where one had to walk along planks as a necessity for acceptance important decisions in professional activities. Careless actions will lead to problems and obstacles on the way to goals.

Walk on boards on the street - there is a high probability of encountering deception from people you know. They will resort to betrayal in order to achieve their plans and selfish desires.

It is necessary to get rid of haste and rashness; it is important to think about your every action in order to accept the right decision and achieve success. Take a closer look at the people around you, try to find a person whose actions are harming your career and reputation.

Seeing a kitchen board in a dream

Dreaming of a kitchen board means a family celebration awaits, where you will definitely be invited. In the near future there will be a wonderful occasion, thanks to which all family members will be able to get together.

You should not refuse to attend the event. With its help, you can relax and gain strength for a new breakthrough to success. And, of course, you shouldn’t come to the holiday without gifts.

In a dream you break boards

The meaning of a dream where you have to break boards warns of troubles in personal relationships. There is a high probability of a painful separation from your partner due to your carelessness, thoughtlessness in actions and deeds. Such a combination of circumstances will negatively affect all areas of life.

It is not recommended to throw around impartial words, be led by emotions and show haste. Pay attention to your other half, support her in everything, participate in her life. All this will help maintain and strengthen relationships.

In a dream they carried boards

A dream where you had to carry boards represents the need for rest. Due to constant employment, fatigue has accumulated, which can negatively affect professional activity and health.

It is necessary to take a break from business, relax, and get new, bright emotions. This will help you get rid of the feeling of routine and gain strength for new achievements.

I dreamed about new boards

New boards in a dream are a harbinger of possible troubles in personal relationships and professional activities. Minor troubles may arise at home or in the country.

To avoid troubles, you just need to be attentive and careful in your own actions. Remember that stupid mistakes will not lead to positive results.

Sawing boards in a dream

Did you dream that they started sawing boards? In reality, a lot of work awaits in professional activities. However, do not expect that this will lead to dizzying results. There is a high probability that the efforts invested will not bring the expected success.

I dreamed about a floorboard

The interpretation of a dream in which a floorboard appeared does not imply negative value. The plot seen in dreams is the personification of confidence in the future. You don't know exactly what will happen, but you believe that nothing bad will happen.

Your expectations will be fully met if you do not give up your principles and views and do not deviate from your chosen path. Try not to take rash and thoughtless actions.

Dreaming of a cutting board

A dream where a cutting board appeared is a harbinger of fuss and household chores. The reason for this may be preparation for a family celebration. You will have to work hard to make it go smoothly and fun.

Don't try to do everything yourself. Serious problems may arise if you begin to refuse help from loved ones.

Folding boards in a dream

Did you have to fold boards in a dream? Serious problems and difficulties await you in your professional activities. They will arise due to circumstances independent of your actions and decisions. Having dealt with them, you can achieve dizzying success.

It is necessary to think carefully about every action and decision. Remember that recklessness and stupidity in actions can lead to dire consequences.

Collecting boards in a dream

Do you dream that you have started collecting boards? Useless troubles and actions that cannot lead to good results and success await ahead. You will probably try to implement an insignificant idea, a hopeless project in your professional activity.

Try to think things through carefully before making decisions. It is recommended to take up more serious matters rather than waste your time on minor tasks and unprofitable projects.

I dreamed about old boards

According to the Oracle's dream book, old boards are a harbinger of troubles arising due to one's own carelessness. They will have a negative impact on your health. There is a high probability of getting into an emergency or getting a leg injury.

For many people in a dream, the subconscious gives hints. For example, a thirsty person dreams that there is a glass or mug of water in front of him, but during the dream he cannot get drunk.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

How to learn to remember your dreams

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books that has ever existed. As a representative scientific world managed to achieve such precision in the interpretation of the world, which is practically impossible to comprehend scientifically?

Why do you dream about boards?

Boards in a modern dream book

Dreaming of boards foreshadows a serious disagreement, the reason for which will be a mere trifle. Seeing the process of making boards is a harbinger of illness; for an already sick dreamer, the dream predicts death. Having seen boards in his house, planing and sawing them, the dreamer will soon prepare for a wedding or christening. Drilling boards portends the successful implementation of bold ideas. In reality, you will be able to achieve what you have long wanted and find out the answer to an exciting question. Walking on board flooring means changes, the properties of which are determined by its appearance. The new walkways symbolize good events, rotten, broken - bad. In any case, sleep calls for vigilance. Mental anxieties and the indifference of a loved one in reality await a girl crossing a stream in a dream on a fragile, rotten board. On the contrary, if the board is strong and reliable, a dreamer who is careful will be able to overcome a significant obstacle.

Boards in Miller's dream book

The indifference of a lover in real life awaits a girl crossing a muddy stream of water on a rotten, old board. The dream can also predict other griefs, such as dishonor. Walking on a strong boardwalk is a good sign, but it calls on the dreamer to be careful.

Boards in Vanga's dream book

The huge number of boards seen by the dreamer foreshadows the mass death of people from dangerous disease. Crafting from boards in a dream means gaining fame and respect in reality with your trouble-free work and responsiveness. A warning against loneliness is a dream in which you plan and saw boards. In reality, your sarcasm and teachings cause deep offense to others.

Boards in Freud's dream book

The boards, like any structure made from them, symbolize a woman. Smoothly planed, new boards appearing in a dream signify a tender relationship with an intimate partner, rough boards indicate a tense relationship. When buying boards in a dream, in reality you are trying to change your sexual partner. Loading and unloading operations mark a busy intimate life.

Dreaming is a process that occurs in the body and awareness that arises in the mind.

Carlos Castaneda

Why do you dream of a board in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Wooden boards - if in a dream you dream that you are cutting something out of a board, cutting it into pieces, sanding it, processing it, varnishing it, and so on, this is pleasant dream, which says that there is obviously a wedding planned in your house soon. If you dreamed that you were working with boards in a factory, you were producing boards on a machine, or you were making something from boards, knocking together, the dream is an extremely negative sign, often warning of grief in the family, someone’s death. Perhaps even the dreamer himself.

I dreamed of a board - If a girl sees herself in a dream crossing a muddy stream on rotten rotten boards, it means that she will be acutely worried about the indifference towards herself of those she loves, or other troubles and sorrows; in addition, her honor may be at the point of ruin. Why do you dream of a board - Walking on a good, strong flooring - good sign, but the person who dreams similar dream, must be extremely careful in his behavior.

Interpretation of the Board from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

You see the board, boards, has several different meanings. In most cases, it turns out to be positive and predicts that you will make a small profit. For example, if you see boards stacked somewhere. If they were white, clean and dry, this portends you professional success, perhaps receiving a bonus or moving to a new, more promising position. And only if you dream that you are knocking together boards - this is a negative sign, foreshadowing someone’s death.

When you dream of a board or boards, and you want to know what this dream is about, remember how and what happened in it. If you had these boards at home, you cut them or processed them in some way by hand, for example, planed, sawed, sanded, covered with patterns, and so on, the dream has a very positive value. As a rule, it predicts an imminent wedding or the birth of a child and the subsequent christening. But if you dream that you sawed boards somewhere in a factory, this is a bad sign. The dream often occurs about someone's death.

See Boards, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Board, boards - A single board or several boards signify a small quarrel with a friend or girlfriend. Buying boards means sadness, sawing means death, processing them in the house means a wedding. Walking on smooth wooden flooring, strong and new, is a very good dream. He predicts success in business, but calls for caution in behavior. If a girl crosses a muddy stream on old, rotten boards, she will face indifference from her loved ones or troubles that threaten her honor.

Board - your wish will come true.. Seeing a lot of boards means you are likely to receive an inheritance not from close relatives. Rotten boards - family squabbles over trifles. Board - You are crossing a stream on a wide, reliable board - this is a good dream; in reality you will overcome a serious obstacle; however, more than ever, you should exercise caution. It’s as if you are crossing a stream on an old, weak board - you will overcome an obstacle or some kind of crisis, but it won’t be easy for you; significant losses are possible; if a girl has a dream, let her be ready for deep experiences; the person she wholeheartedly wants to be around will show indifference to her.

Board in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

If you saw a board in a dream, let's figure out what kind of board it is. we're talking about- after all, boards are different. New clean boards, which seem to exude the smell of fresh wood and shavings, dream of dacha chores or home renovations. Old, darkened, used or rotten boards in a dream warn that you should be careful with your feet. There is a great danger of injury to them; you can break your leg or dislocate it.

If the board you dreamed of was an ironing or washing board, such a dream does not bode well for you; ordinary household chores await you. When is the speech goes to sleep about the production honor board and you saw your photo on it, unfortunately, this is not a very good sign warning you about some unpleasant situations at work, annoying problems. If you dreamed of an honor board from the outside, then in reality you will have to deal with the preparation and receipt of some documents, for example, certificates or extracts.

What do you dream about and how to interpret it Board on the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

When you dream of a board or boards, and you want to know what this dream is about, remember how and what happened in it. If you had these boards at home, you cut them or processed them in some way by hand, for example, planed, sawed, sanded, covered with patterns, and so on, the dream has a very positive meaning. As a rule, it predicts an imminent wedding or the birth of a child and the subsequent christening. But if you sawed boards somewhere in a factory, this is a bad sign. The dream often occurs about someone's death.

In accordance with folk beliefs, if you see fresh boards, as if they had just come off a factory machine, this is a bad omen, often indicating someone’s imminent death and upcoming funeral. If you dreamed of cutting a board yourself - in reality you will have a quarrel with someone, and it will be you who will be the instigator. Breaking a board, breaking it, for example, on your knee - a dream warns you about interrupting a friendship with someone or about a breakup love relationship. On the contrary, if you repaired a broken board, glued it or connected it in some other way, this positive sign, promising that you will be able to reconcile with your enemy or with the person with whom you are in a long quarrel.

The meaning of the dream about Tablets (Jewish dream book)

Dreamed of a Board - Carry a Board Seeing this in a dream on Monday night means that you will find the right thing; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to small but pleasant changes; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night, the same dream means that your affairs will soon get better. Boards – potential opportunities in working on yourself.

Floorboard - confidence in the future; rotten floor - doubts; unpainted plank floors in a country house - a desire to free yourself from the difficulties of life and return to simpler and more natural relationships; sawing a trunk into boards - self-confidence; new boards or use them for construction - successfully use your own capabilities in improving your affairs or change yourself; nailing a board means not realizing your own potential. You dreamed of a Board - New, strong boards mean a quick solution to problems, dilapidated, rotten boards mean danger. Imagine that old boards are replaced with new and strong ones.

Board according to Maly Velesov's dream book

If you want to understand the meaning of a dream in which you saw a board or boards, you need to take into account its other circumstances. When you dream that you are cutting a board, this predicts you longing for something lost in reality or about a quarrel with someone close to you. But sometimes the dream also speaks of an upcoming wedding. Seeing you buy boards is not too much good omen, sad events await you. If you dreamed that you broke a board, either accidentally or intentionally, it means the loss of a friend, a complete break in relationships.

Cutting and polishing a board in a dream means there will be a wedding. If you dreamed that you or someone was processing boards in a factory, this is a bad dream, perhaps leading to death. More and more in educational institutions black chalkboards are replaced by white ones. The black chalkboard is an attribute of the past. Perhaps such a blackboard in a dream that you write on the board in a dream? You write out the same sentences several times as punishment for bad behavior or solving a problem? Perhaps the board is an irritating sign, since the sound that is heard when you drag your nails along the board is simply excruciating for some. Seeing a black chalkboard as opposed to a white board means that you experience life in black with small glimpses of light, rather than in bright light with temporary black streaks.

What does it mean to see a board in a dream (Psychoanalytic dream book)

Board - see also Forest. Dreaming of walking on a plank suggests emotional risk. To dream of wood being slick means that something needs to be fixed. If the board is used to cover the floor, then it is a symbol of safety, but if it is used for a door or decoration, then we are trying to whitewash someone, or even embellish it. If in a dream we want to make something from a board, then we have the material to successfully bring the project to life. We can also be aware of the type of wood we use, and this gives additional information. If the board is used to make samples, then you should try not to become a victim of the situation. We have raw material that can allow us to become more aware of the process of life. Maybe we need to take a closer look at what we consider useful in life.