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How to freeze blackcurrants for the winter worries many gardeners. After all, this is the most The best way conservation delicious berries. It is when frozen that all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved.

Frozen round blackcurrants are tastier than oblong ones.

Frozen berries can be eaten immediately without waiting for defrosting.

Round ice cubes are poured onto a plate, and the berries are picked up with a small coffee spoon. Sweet and sour currants that melt in your mouth are a little gastronomic pleasure.

A handful of frozen currants is a healthy dietary dessert.

Frozen black currants are stored whole year. Accidental defrosting and re-thawing, of course, will reduce the presentation of the berries, but will not destroy all the vitamins. If re-freezing is strictly contraindicated for meat and fish products, then berries are in a more advantageous position. Repeated freezing will lead to gluing of the berries, since when they thaw, juice will certainly be released.


Frozen currants are the basis of many dishes. Berries are placed in pies, mousses, jelly, and compotes. Grind half a cup of ice berries and one large banana in a blender to create a wonderfully cool smoothie.


  • black currant – 1 kg.


Ripe black currants are frozen, but any yellow-red berries that come across are not thrown away. After defrosting, they can be added to compotes and jelly.

Currants are washed in cold water, dried leaves and green berries are removed.
When planning to freeze fruits, the branches are cut off after washing the berries.

Place the wet currants first on a paper towel. When the moisture is absorbed, the berries are transferred to a cloth and left for 2-3 hours. To dry the berries, you can use a towel instead wooden board or a large flat plate. When frozen, wet berries will be compressed into a monolithic iceberg, and dried currants will then easily fall out of the mold.

When vacuum packaging, the currants are first placed in film bags, and then the air is removed and the seam is secured. This method ensures the best preservation of currants.

For traditional freezing, plastic containers are used. Dry berries are poured into a container, shaken so that the currants fit more tightly, then close and secure the lid tightly. Particularly good are those containers whose lid is secured with thin, lifting handles that fit into grooves in the lid.

Both in containers and in vacuum bags, currants do not absorb foreign odors.

A generous summer pleases gardeners with an abundant harvest. Now the currants are ripe, the thin branches bend under the weight of the filled black berries.

Of course, we will make jam from it, some of it will go into compote, but why not keep some berries frozen in the refrigerator? In winter, you can surprise your family by preparing your favorite currant pie not with jam, but with fresh, juicy berries.

Preparing blackcurrants for freezing

Not every berry is suitable for freezing. Overly ripe and soft currants, in which a lot of sweet juice has accumulated under the thin skin, are not suitable for this purpose. The water, freezing, will break through the skin, and after thawing, the berries will be crushed, and all the precious juice will flow out. This means that you need to sort through the collected currants and take only ripe, but still hard berries for freezing. The rest will make excellent jam or sweet compote.

We wash the selected berries, remove the stalks, drain the water and spread the currants in a thin layer on a towel so that their surface becomes completely dry.

Drying in the oven

If you want the currants to retain their shape after defrosting, excess moisture should be removed from the berries. To do this, scatter them in one layer on a baking sheet and place them in a warm, not higher than 40 degrees, slightly open oven for about an hour.

After this, the berries are completely ready for freezing.


The faster the berries are frozen, the more nutrients and vitamins they retain. The optimal temperature at which currants are quickly frozen and stored for a year is the range from 15 to 25 degrees below zero.

Modern refrigerators that have an intensive freezing mode can create such conditions in the chamber. If you only have an old-style refrigerator, then you need to keep in mind that berries can be stored in a regular freezer for no longer than 2-3 months.

Containers for freezing and storage

After freezing, it will be difficult to separate the required amount of berries without defrosting the entire mass. Therefore, you need to put the currants into portioned bags in advance. The best option– bags with a sealed closure that will prevent air from getting into the frozen berries.

You can also distribute them into small plastic containers - just for one pie or dessert. The main condition is to have a tightly closing lid so that the currants in the freezer are not saturated with foreign odors.

Freezing berries

To prevent the berries from freezing into one solid lump, lay them out in a thin layer on a flat tray or baking sheet, the size of which is slightly smaller than the bottom of the quick-freezing chamber. Berries should not touch each other if possible. Place the tray in the chamber and leave for 20-30 minutes.

After the currants have hardened, pour them into a bag or container, put them in storage and pour the next portion onto the tray. We repeat the operation until all the berries are frozen.

Freezing currants with sugar

Blackcurrants can be frozen by sprinkling them with sugar. Such berries practically do not freeze into a lump, remaining crumbly even without tedious scattering on a tray. If you need to prepare a pie filling or decorate a curd dessert with berries, just pour them out of the bag.

In order to freeze blackcurrants in sugar, prepare the berries as described above: wash, dry on a towel and in the oven to remove excess water. Then put it into bags or containers, sprinkling with sugar to taste: those with a sweet tooth add more, and for those who love the natural taste of berries, a couple of tablespoons per half a kilogram is enough.

Sugar prevents the berries from sticking together, and when frozen they remain crumbly. You need to act quickly before the berries begin to release juice: add sugar and immediately place them in the freezer. Berries with sugar do not last as long as dry ones, so they need to be used first.

How to properly freeze blackcurrants for the winter? And in general, how much freezing does this sweet and sour berry, the record holder for vitamin C content, need?

First of all, I want you to know. You can and should freeze berries only if you remember to use them in the next few months after putting them in the freezer. Black currants can be kept in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator literally until the next berry season without loss of taste, but the beneficial substances will be destroyed after 3 months. So don’t hide it too far, use it before winter for making baked goods, desserts and drinks.

By the way, let’s make a small digression and I’ll tell you why black currants are beneficial.

Dad can do anything - but what can blackcurrant do?

Oddly enough, a lot. I will not tell tales about recovery from severe chronic diseases, healing hopeless patients with blackcurrant. I myself don’t like lying, and drawing conclusions, as is customary in folk medicine, based on a few isolated cases is utter stupidity.

I will operate with numbers and facts. So, in black currants per 100 grams of berries:

  • 200 mg vitamin C - ascorbic acid;
  • 2.4 mg vitamin H - biotin;
  • 5 mcg folic acid;
  • 350 mg potassium;
  • 36 mg calcium, 33 mg phosphorus, 31 mg magnesium;
  • 13 mg of iron and even 1 mcg of iodine.

And also present, in much smaller quantities, are almost all existing vitamins, macro- and microelements, disaccharides, dietary fiber and organic acids. Thanks to this composition, currants perfectly saturate the human body with substances important for health, which are also easily absorbed from fresh berries. If there are enough vitamins and minerals, the body will become stronger and resist diseases with all its might. Hence the myths about the healing effects of black currants. It just serves as one of the important factors in the prevention of diseases of various natures. Infectious diseases will be resisted in the form of a well-developed immune system, and diseases internal organs there will simply be nothing to cling to - if all organs and systems receive enough nutrients and function normally, health is guaranteed for many years. Of course, this cannot be achieved only by eating blackcurrant berries, but think how good it is that in the summer you have the opportunity to nourish your body, tired of pasta and fast food, with a natural vitamin cocktail.

Based on all of the above, a question arises.

How to freeze blackcurrants and preserve vitamins?

Berries can be frozen in the simplest dry way - scattered, but I prefer a slightly different method. No matter how you look at it, there will always be a few bursting specimens that can ruin all the frozen berries. Therefore, even for freezing, use sugar as a preservative.

There are 2 main options here. I will briefly describe them.

  1. Freezing currants with sugar with whole berries. I sort through the currants, put them in the refrigerator for an hour to cool, then take them out and put them on a dish, pour a layer of sugar on top. For 700-800 grams of berries I take 1 glass of sugar. I distribute the granulated sugar evenly using a tablespoon. I put it in the freezer. I repeat the number of such portioned plates based on the amount of currants. After a few hours, I pour all the frozen berries along with sugar into food-grade plastic containers and close the lid tightly. I store it in the freezer.
  2. Freezing grated currants. Here everything is even simpler: I sort out the berries, wash them, and dry them on paper towels. I put it in a deep container and add sugar. Using a blender, I grind it into puree, put it in baby food jars, screw the lids on tightly and put it in the freezer. In winter, both children and adults are happy with this preparation.

What could be more pleasant and healthier than fresh summer berries in winter? However, this is a perishable product and it is possible to preserve the fruits until the onset of the winter months only by freezing. Currants are ideal for this process because they can easily withstand cold without losing their beneficial and flavorful qualities.

Is it possible to freeze currants for the winter in the refrigerator?

This question is asked by most housewives who have not yet dealt with freezing berries. The answer is simple - it is possible, and even necessary! After all, in winter you will be able to surprise everyone at home by preparing a delicious compote, pie or other dessert from fresh, natural fruits. The process of freezing currants (black, red or white), which are called northern grapes, consists of several stages, which we will consider in more detail:

  • preparation for freezing;
  • freezing (includes several methods);
  • storage.

How to select and prepare berries for freezing

Before freezing black currants (red, white) for the winter in the refrigerator, you need to select and prepare the berries. The main thing to remember is that the fruits should be medium-sized and ripe. Otherwise, when defrosting, the thawed water will tear the skin and the precious vitamin juice will leak out. Small or large currants are also suitable for cooking - you can make compote or jam from them. Before freezing, be sure to separate the stems and branches.

Methods for freezing currants

There are several ways to freeze healthy fruits. Each of the processes has certain features and characteristic actions that must be done before immersion in the refrigerator. However, before freezing currants, you need to pay attention to several important nuances:

  • temperature of the freezing container;
  • storage container.

Refrigeration experts claim that the ideal storage temperature for berries is from -16 to -21 degrees. Under such conditions, the fruits will freeze quickly and reliably, and they can be consumed even after 9-12 months. Storage is also possible at high temperatures - zero/minus eight degrees. However, it should be borne in mind that detention in such conditions has a certain period of time - no more than several months.

Before freezing white currants (red, black) for the winter, you should take care of the storage container. Bags (plastic) or containers (plastic) are perfect for this purpose. The latter form of storage will help save space inside the freezer, fitting well with a rectangular shape into the space of the chamber. Important point– you need to calculate the number of fruits placed in bags/containers so that the consumption is one-time – the products cannot be re-supercooled.

Let's look at how to freeze currants for the winter using several methods:

  • how to freeze using the dry method;
  • how to freeze currants for the winter with sugar;
  • how to store as a puree.

Dry freezing method

This freezing option is the most popular among housewives because it is distinguished by its simplicity. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the fruits under running water.
  2. Separate the branches and stalks.
  3. Dry the berries thoroughly, as ice can damage the integrity of the fruit.
  4. Place a serving of fruit in a thin layer on a tray or cutting board.
  5. Place in the freezer compartment (until the product hardens).
  6. Place in a container/bag and place in a deep freezer.

Freezing berries for the winter with sugar

Housewives often use the freezing method with sugar. Such berries will not turn into a lump, remaining crumbly even without using the tray method. If you need to make jam or pie with northern grapes, you should pour out the contents of the package and let it freeze. If you act quickly, the sugar will prevent the fruits from sticking together. How to freeze blackcurrants with sugar for the winter? Very simple:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits well on a towel so that no moisture remains.
  2. Place into containers or bags.
  3. Add sugar to taste (for those who love sweets, more, but for a natural taste, a few spoons of sweet sand per half a kilogram of fruit is enough).
  4. Place in the freezer.

How to freeze berries for the winter in the form of puree

Northern grapes can be mashed and frozen into puree. This type of storage is suitable if the berries are used in recipes for various desserts: jelly, fruit juice, or as an ingredient for a pie. Berry puree contains a whole range of vitamins that are so necessary in winter. Application of the method:

  1. Wash and dry northern grapes.
  2. Grind with a blender or meat grinder.
  3. Divide the resulting puree into containers (add sugar if desired).
  4. Place opened containers on the freezer shelf.
  5. After freezing, the containers are closed with lids.
  6. Further, it is recommended to store the puree briquettes in bags.

How long can you store

Frozen red currants (or black or white) can be stored for up to 12 months at temperatures from - 16 to - 21 degrees. Modern devices have the ability to create such conditions. However, if the refrigerator is an old model and produces a temperature higher than specified, then frozen berries are stored for no more than three months.

How to defrost correctly

There is no special secret when defrosting northern grapes. This process should be done gradually and with patience, as rapid thawing will affect the integrity of the berries and their taste. First, you should move the fruits to the bottom shelf of the freezer, where there is less frost, for several hours. An alternative way is to place the briquettes in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Another effective and quick way is a microwave oven with a defrosting function (1-2 minutes).

Video: harvesting currants for the winter

If you don’t yet know how to properly freeze your favorite berries, then the videos below will easily help you in this matter. These berries are a storehouse of vitamins that the body simply needs in winter. Find out how to properly freeze northern grapes so that they do not lose their taste, beneficial qualities and impeccable appearance as in the photos of culinary magazines.

Blackcurrant for the winter

How to freeze red currants for the winter in the refrigerator

Young housewives are spending less and less time making jam. They try to quickly and efficiently freeze the desired product. Let's look today at how to properly freeze currants.

Selection and preparation of berries for freezing

The most important guarantee of a successful result is the choice of berries. Medium and large sized fruits are suitable for freezing.

After you select the necessary fruits, they should be separated from the leaves, as well as from the large tails. Then rinse very carefully with running water. But it is worth noting that this needs to be done with 20-25 degree water. After this you need:

  • lay everything out on a towel;
  • blot the top with a napkin using gentle movements.

Basic rules for freezing

Many housewives do not know how to properly freeze currants for the winter. That is why, as a result, their juicy berries drip with juice.

To ensure that fruits do not lose their shape, taste, and vitamin qualities during defrosting, you must adhere to simple rules:

  • You should choose only ripe, fresh and whole fruits.
  • Only dry berries can be frozen. Because the absorbed water deforms the fruit.
  • This product should be frozen in small portions, since it is prohibited to re-freeze it.

After preparation, the berries should be placed on a plate or tray, then placed in the freezer. After a day, you need to take out the tray and pack the contents in small portions into containers or bags. Do not forget about the tightness of the packaging.

Very important! The most optimal temperature for freezing is considered to be from -18 to -30 degrees.

Freezing methods

  1. Dry freezing of currants. This is the easiest and most common method described above.
  2. How to freeze currants with sugar? This can be done as a puree or whole.

For the first option, you need to grind the product in a blender with sugar until smooth. It is worth noting that currants, ground with sugar and frozen for the winter, retain greatest number vitamin.

To freeze whole berries with sugar, you need to lay them out in layers or simply mix them. After this, everything is done as with the dry method.