Why dream of snakes in the water. Sea snakes and man

In many interpreters, the snake in night dreams embodies not only secret ill-wishers, but is also considered the root of wisdom and knowledge. Water is considered to be the personification of infinity, passionate feelings, intuition. In the hope of understanding what the snakes dream about in the water, you need to remember the dream you had. Only in this way will you be able to find out the hidden meaning of sleepy vision.

We saw a water snake - be afraid of past events

The interpreter of the Wanderer gives a definition of why one dreams of seeing winding snakes in the water. According to him, the dream image personifies the threat associated with past events in the dreamer's life.

A dreaming huge white reptile expresses crushing, dangerous knowledge of other people's secrets that you can not hide.

According to Noble dream book, a dream about a large water viper, is comparable to the threat of plunging into sadness when there are a lot of them - soon you will experience severe stress and depression.

I had a chance to watch how a big viper crawls out of the water, prophesies the improvement of the body, an increase in immunity.

They saw that it was floating in the river a large number of small snakes, or the whole brood of evil vipers? In reality, unforeseen difficulties will arise in the current case. Perhaps their appearance will be interconnected with the intrigues of enemies.

Viper bite - warns of misunderstandings

Had a dream about how a snake bit you? Beware, in the future, a big risk from the water element is expected. Did water vipers bite your leg in a dream? Someone from your environment is trying to control your actions.

Did you have a chance to fight in a dream with a large predatory anaconda that bit you many times? The dream thus warns you of unfavorable feelings. Perhaps, as a result of a strong surge of emotions, your plans will go wrong.

In rare cases, the appearance of a large snake, according to the dream book, expresses an influential person. In a dream, did the anaconda inflict multiple defeats? A quarrel with the boss or business partners is possible.

When the dreamer sees that while in the river, the snake sank into the water and swam away, this means that soon there will be a chance to significantly increase your income, or climb career ladder.

Type of reservoir as an indicator of the environment

Often, snakes in a pond are seen by the fair sex as a positive sign. Were reptiles in purified and mirror water? Soon you will gain complete independence. We saw a cobra in a dream - watch the actions of the second half, there is a threat of betrayal.

Swimming in a polluted pond with snakes in it predicts retribution for what you have done wrongdoing in relation to the beloved.

For a young girl, a lot of snakes in night dreams warn of evil enemies that spread unreliable rumors about the sleeping woman. This can have a significant impact on love relationships.

What color were the reptiles?

Explaining why snakes dream in water, the Modern Interpreter focuses special attention on their color. For example:

  • A dreaming black reptile indicates the presence of a dreamer's fear. In some cases, a similar dream expresses the betrayal of a lover.
  • According to the dream book, I happened to cut off the head of a black snake in night dreams - you will be able to overcome obsessive fears in yourself.
  • A green snake in a dream, according to the interpreter, is a symbol of the arrival of a new stage in life, recovery from illness, getting rid of everything bad.
  • For married persons, a turquoise snake in clean water, promises the conception of a child.
  • We saw a yellow reptile - expect illness, betrayal and hypocrisy.
  • I dreamed that you were bitten by an asp - soon you will have to suppress unpleasant feelings in yourself.

Interpretation of sleep in Miller's interpreter

As the dream book indicates, snakes in the water are comparable to the fears of a sleeping person, which will soon be replaced by happiness. A dream in which a reptile stung you indicates harm caused by our enemies or competitors.

Dream interpretation of snakes in water

Man has long endowed snakes with far unflattering qualities, among which one can distinguish such as danger and envy. Why dream of snakes in the water? Watching a reptile in your dreams is most often an unkind sign!

The snake is seen as a bad event, especially if it is in the water. IN this case attention should be paid not only to the reptile itself, but also to the sensation that remains. A calm, peaceful state indicates future changes and the presence of cautious and cunning enemies. Anxiety and oppression symbolize active opponents and people plotting deceit.

Dream Interpretation

snake in the water

Dreams can be interpreted in different ways. There are many options that are associated not only with the environment, but also with the behavior of the snake.

Dream interpretation water snake:

  • To dream of a reptile in the water column, curled up in a ring - to get into a very difficult, almost insoluble situation. After such portents, it is recommended to be patient and try not to make responsible decisions in the near future. Well-wishers, as a rule, will show themselves.
  • Snakes swimming under water are seen to the fact that a person will be defeated. He will get into a serious situation in which he cannot figure it out without outside help.
  • A reptile biting a person is seen as a loser. A person who had to see such a plot may have become accustomed to commit desperate acts that in the near future will turn against him.
  • If you dream of water that is teeming with snakes, to intrigue. As a rule, this is a dream of confusing situations, especially if you yourself are present in the water. There is such a dream and the fact that a reliable friend has gone over to the enemy side.

Bad and good signs

Dirty water - be careful

It has long been believed that if a person had to see a snake in the water in a dream, then his death is not far off. Perhaps we are talking about the destruction of the family or the loss of valuable property. Reptiles swimming in dirty waterbad sign portending involvement in a dangerous adventure due to gossip. In this case, you need to reconsider your friendships and try not to trust anyone.

If you see in a dream a restless snake that swims in clear water, then this is a sign that ill-wishers are acting openly. Often similar dream says that they will try to confuse you and convince you of good intentions. You should not trust anyone after such a foreshadowing. A calm reptile in a clear pond, swimming towards you, promises good events. It's about about career advancement or housewarming.

When snakes float up dead in a dream, this is a good sign. A person who had to see such a dream will defeat the intruders. He is full of strength and sanity and is able to answer for his actions. good sign is the killing of reptiles in a dream. Seeing this means that prosperity will soon come. If a person killed a snake, then he will be able to independently defeat the enemies, preventing the possible consequences of their plans.

Wriggling snakes in a dream are remorse. Do not plan any business after a dream like this, and try to avoid crowded places.

Why does a woman dream of a snake in the water?

a snake in the water with a woman

A mature woman dreams of a disgusting reptile good change. Soon she will gain financial independence. For a young girl, this portends happiness with a loved one.

If a girl or woman sees a lot of floating snakes in a dream, then this indicates the presence of treason. Take a closer look at your chosen one, perhaps he is deceiving you. Seeing reptiles in a dream is a bad sign! But it can also indicate victory over enemies. To interpret what was dreamed should be guided by the sensations that remained after the dream.

Anchor points:

Dreaming of snakes in the water for a woman or girl

For mature adult woman this may mean gaining independence in relations with her husband in the material part. It also suggests that you recently made a gross mistake in relationships with the opposite sex and you can pay for it. If you stepped on a reptile in the water- expect soon happiness in your personal life. Snakes in a pond - for a woman or a girl - this means that her beloved may turn out to be a traitor and a deceiver.

A man dreams of snakes in the water

For a man, this dream can be a good harbinger. Expect an extraordinary promotion or move to new house. Also, snakes in the water can mean very fast pleasant trip. Even for a man, this can mean the presence of treacherous and unfaithful women near him, who should be avoided and feared. Another interpretation is that a man has a strong and powerful enemy who can destroy him emotionally.

Dreaming of snakes in the water that bite

If the snake bites in the water- such a dream portends a great danger that is associated with water element. in the leg or arm indicates that you will be easily manipulated by other people. You will become subject to someone else's bad influence.

Dreaming of snakes in water and on land

When a snake dreams in water, it always alarms the human psyche. This may promise an approaching depression or remind you of a mistake you made in the recent past. usually prophesies good events, but if snakes swim in it, it means that there are hypocritical and insidious friends around you who will gloat over your failures.

Dreaming of a lot of snakes in the water

How more snakes in the water you dreamed, the bigger the troubles await you. What else can be said about such a dream? Sadness, melancholy, melancholy- these are the components of your mood for the near future. You will also be misunderstood by those around you. A lot of snakes in the water - expect severe stress that can destroy you and destroy your psyche.
Perhaps you will experience great excitement, for some reason. The snakes in the water are a warning to some evil.