Why dream about flying? What does it mean to fly in a dream according to the dream book

To understand why you dream about a plot in which you happen to fly on a dragon, you need to find out, first of all, what the fairy-tale character himself, seen in a dream, and the flights made in night dreams prophesy. Having learned this and put it together into a single picture, you will understand what you should prepare for, dream books suggest.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller, explaining why he dreams of flying on a dragon, says that this vision means that the dreamer is under the influence of passions and violent emotions.

Did you dream that you were afraid while sitting on the back of a flying kite? Be careful in your statements, the interpreter advises. No matter how much you want to be rude, restrain yourself!

And if you dreamed that you were enthusiastically examining the surroundings while flying on a dragon, then this means that an interesting and exciting event awaits you, which will leave a vivid mark on your memory.

Being a dragon captive in a dream is a symbol of conflicts and problems

Pastor Loff's dream book explains why you have a dream in which you fly on a dragon that has captured you: troubles and conflicts await you due to your excessive talkativeness.

Do you see in a dream how a huge dragon, having caught you, plays with you in the air: throwing and catching you again? Remember, if you felt horror from such flights, then in reality you should pay attention to your immediate environment, there is a possibility that a traitor is hiding in it.

Riding the “Snake Gorynych”, or prosperity awaits you

Flying on a dragon, riding it, is a sign that very soon your business will go uphill. Moreover, the higher you fly in a dream, the faster and better the life changes will be, says the Eastern Dream Book.

Did you dream that you are friends with a baby dragon and he gives you rides on his back? It is likely that an influential comrade or patron with whom you are friends will “lead you” to success and wealth, Tsvetkov’s dream book tells us why such a thing occurs in dreams.

Taming the Flying Lizard: From Ups to Downs

Do you dream that you are training or taming a young dragon, climbing on its back and forcing you to ride under the clouds? This vision, according to dream books, means the following: diligence and pursuit of a goal will lead you to what you want.

And if in a dream you see that you cannot fly on a dragon due to the obstinate nature of the winged lizard, then be prepared for obstacles on the way to realizing your dream.

Did you dream that you fell from a dragon? This is a signal of an unfortunate combination of circumstances and troubles that will force you to retreat from your plan.

Dragon color

Oddly enough, the interpretation of a dream about flying on a dragon is also influenced by the color of the lizard. Remember what shade the dragon’s sides were, and dream books will tell you who you will be dealing with when you wake up. So, this is who the dreamed Gorynych symbolizes:

  • black - enemy or envious person;
  • white - comrade or colleague;
  • red – an impulsive person with an “explosive” character;
  • green - boss or sponsor;
  • rainbow - a close friend;
  • of a different color - a person from the environment (neighbor, former classmate, hobby friend).

Why do we dream of flying, why do we fly in our dreams? Most often they try to explain this to us by the reasons for physical growth: “If you fly, it means you grow!” But is this true? Although if the word “growth” is not taken literally, then the explanation is not so far from the truth.

If you wish, you will find different interpretations flying in a dream, but from the point of view of bioenergy, flying means a restructuring of consciousness, the moment when it takes over the world of emotions and improves personality. Flight suggests that you are able to change yourself and improve yourself at will. It is not surprising that children fly in their dreams much more often than adults, they grow, improve and gain experience, but what happens to them then?

If flying speaks of spiritual, emotional growth, then I would like such growth to continue throughout my life. But, unfortunately, very often people give themselves the command to stop it. “I’m an adult, which means I don’t need to improve anymore!” - they say to themselves and stop flying, switching to the construction of Turkish baths and other “earthly activities.” A person is capable of experiencing a feeling of flight in a dream as long as he grows spiritually, as long as he is able to rebuild himself and master his energy, and is capable of growth not only and not so much physical as spiritual. But you can also grow in different ways. During dream flights, there is always an exit to the astral plane, during which a solution to a specific problem occurs. As a rule, this is a problem of rebuilding oneself and trusting people or circumstances. By the way, it must be said that when in a dream you dream of falling instead of flying, this is nothing more than a failed attempt to solve the problem.

Flights can be divided into three types according to the source from which the driving force for their implementation comes from:
1. A feeling that wings are appearing. The flight takes place in a horizontal position. The wings themselves, as such, are not at all necessary, but the energy that keeps you in the air comes from the thoracic section of the body. Sometimes the wings are felt, and the sleeper can even feel their flapping. Such wings can be different shapes and sizes, from small and transparent to huge, white. It's clear that it's not last role The human imagination plays here.
Such flights speak of spiritual growth, growth associated with the powers of the soul and spirit. A restructuring of the subconscious is taking place. A person in whom this type of flight predominates in dreams is characterized by openness and gullibility. Such people can trust anyone, but will not lose themselves.
2. The force that lifts into the air is in the legs, soles of the feet, or arms. Such flights take place in a vertical position. You may dream of quickly sliding while standing, above the ground or the surface of the water. The same type of flight is reflected in vertical takeoff to high altitudes.
In such dreams, a mechanism for controlling emotions is acquired. Flights indicate a restructuring of the emotional-sensory zone. A person can experience emotions of varying strengths, but will learn to curb and manage them. A person learns to influence and rebuild his emotional world. Those who have such dreams are very emotional, they do not want to give up their feelings, but in modern world They quickly learn to control them.
However, when flying in this way, a person is able to completely trust only himself.
3. Flights (jumping) on ​​objects or living objects. The first thing that reminds us of such a flight is, most likely, the flights of witches flocking to the Sabbath. Perhaps so, but let's take a closer look at the situation.

First, let's look at living objects on which people had to fly or jump in their dreams. Let me make a reservation right away that, in in this case, flight and rapid movement on the ground, from the point of view of bioenergy, are one and the same process.

The modes of such flights (jumps) are different:
Active mode. This is a mode in which the sleeper can control the animal, change its run, direction, change the state of the controlled object and influence it. A classic example of this condition can be considered riding a horse, when the rider controls the animal with the help of his knees and hands. Such a dream indicates that the person controls the circumstances, can cope with them and knows how to manage the situation. As another example, let us recall the flight of the newly-made witch Natasha (Margarita’s servant) on a hog, brilliantly described by Bulgakov. She sat astride him, setting the direction of flight and controlling the speed, that is, completely subjugating him to herself. The witch Natasha herself chose her fate and controlled her circumstances. Including the flight, from the point of view of bioenergy, is described absolutely correctly.
Support mode. In this mode, the sleeper does not control the animal, but holds on to it, for example, by grasping it with his hands. Such a dream means adjustment to circumstances, lack of ability or ability to manage independently. Such dreams allow you to experience the experience of subordination and reflect real life moments when you are controlled. It follows that such situations were critical for you in real life. You were often a victim of circumstances and were forced to adapt to them.
Passive mode. The flight takes place lying down, in a passive, relaxed position. Such a dream suggests that the sleeper has completely trusted life’s circumstances, surrendered to their will and is waiting to see where the path will take him. At the same time, he experiences submission to fate and does not resist it.
Times have changed, replaced by
Technology came to the service of humans on animals and other artiodactyls. Along with the times, our dreams also change; the subconscious reflects a different reality. If our ancestors could dream of a mad race on a black stallion, then in the dreams of our contemporaries the role of a stallion can be successfully replaced by a brand new BMW, but the rules remain the same. Whether you dream of driving a car or a motorcycle, flying on an airliner or a helicopter, the modes of dream flights and your participation in them all speak about the same life situations. Either you control circumstances and people, or they control you, everything remains the same as hundreds of years ago.

All these flights provide the opportunity to adapt to any life situations, do not fall into despair and learn to evaluate them correctly, no matter how difficult the circumstances.

One cannot ignore another type of flight, so often depicted in literature. These are classic flights on brooms, swords and other similar objects.

Let me make a reservation right away that flying in this way is by no means a woman’s prerogative; everyone can dream of such flights, with the caveat that ladies more often used a broom or other similar instrument as a means of transport, while gentlemen preferred a sword. Why was it that in the Middle Ages the mere mention of such a flight was enough to get the unfortunate flyer executed? The answer is simple - flights of this kind speak of adaptation and solving problems in the sexual sphere. That is why there were so many witches during the harsh Middle Ages, when the church imposed a ban on any mention of the sexual side of life. strict ban. As a result, many citizens (and women) experienced a severe conflict between the needs of the body and consciousness. Subconsciously they sought to get to a place where sexual needs are not forbidden and the problems associated with them are solved easily and simply, but the law forbade them to even think about it. The conflict that arose was embodied in dreams, dreams became an obsession, and it sometimes seemed like reality to the ignorant ordinary people; they believed that it was the machinations of the devil, which played a fatal role for them.

You shouldn’t think too badly about the unfortunate, such flights serve not so much to satisfy physiological needs, but were a liberation from shackles and a protest against the prohibitions imposed by the church and society. Thus, the human body protested against injustice life circumstances. Centuries have passed, but if any of you dream of similar flights these days, it means that you also need to free yourself from something. Perhaps something or someone is bothering you, for example, your mother won’t let you go on a date. Then, why not, as a sign of protest, fly there on a vacuum cleaner in a dream? Perhaps this will radically change the situation...

Or is everything much simpler?!

Ethological scientists have come to the conclusion that the flights that we make in our dreams are associated with the manifestation of the oldest genetic program, which is recorded in the memory of humanity. As you know, ethologists are specialists who study forms of animal behavior that are passed on from generation to generation, that is, by heredity.

Our ape-like ancestors, who lived 25 million years ago, were able to fly from tree to tree after swinging on their hands, that is, they had brachiation. Despite the fact that the human hand has undergone many changes over a long period of evolution and can literally perform jewelry work, nevertheless, it has retained the ability to bend the fingers into a hook in order to grab a branch. It is known that even physically weak people are able to hang in this way. If you extend two fingers to a newborn, he will certainly grab them, and so tightly that he can be lifted.

So flying and chilling falls from heights in a dream are the result of information recorded in our genes.

And this is how the dream book tells...

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation.
Hovering over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is cloudy foreshadows the machinations of ill-wishers: you need to be careful in managing your personal affairs.
Flying over ruins means unfortunately, sad circumstances. If at the same time you see greenery and trees here and there, this means that your troubles will not last long.
If, while flying, you see the sun, this means that your worries will be in vain, life will improve, despite the constant threat of evil.
Fly high in the sky, meeting the Moon and others on the way celestial bodies- promises troubles for the whole earth.
While in flight, noticing black wings behind your back is a sign of bitter disappointment. Falling during a flight promises great misfortune, unless you wake up at the moment of your fall.
A favorable dream is in which you soar over green crowns and see white wings behind your back: the dream promises good luck in business and happy love. But if you fly over withered trees, fate will prepare trials for you on the path to success.
If a woman dreams that she flies from one city to another, landing from time to time on church roofs, this dream foretells that she has a lot to do in order to protect her love from hypocritical people. This dream sometimes poses a threat to her health or her loved ones.
If she dreams that she was shot while flying, this means that in reality her ill-wishers will begin to create obstacles for her, preventing her from advancing to success and prosperity.

As children, almost all people hear from their parents that flying in a dream is good sign. Night dreams with such a plot indicate that the child is growing and developing. Should adults be happy or worried if they saw similar dream? This is easy to understand by remembering the details of the mysterious dream.

Flying in a dream: up and down

When remembering your dream, you should definitely recall the direction of flight in your memory. It is wonderful if in his night dreams a person soars upward; such a plot promises him well-being in business. Flying in a dream may indicate dreams of power, which the dreamer indulges in if he rises to great heights. It is possible that the “owner” of the dream will have to take a worthy position in society.

A dream in which a person flies down does not bode well. It is likely that night dreams with such a plot serve as a kind of warning that something bad and dangerous is about to happen. Flying at low altitude but not descending is a good dream. It is possible that the dreamer is waiting career growth, success in other areas of life is also possible.


Should flying in a dream be considered a good or bad omen? It is easy to understand this by recalling in memory the emotions that the dreamer experienced in his dreams. It’s bad if it’s uncertainty and fear; such experiences indicate problems in the sexual sphere. Some interpreters believe that anxiety during a flight speaks of the infantilism of the “owner” of the dream, his attempts to shift his problems onto others.

It’s great if flying in a dream is accompanied by joy and fun. If such a dream comes to a patient, he will have a speedy recovery. Joyful night dreams also promise spiritual development, promotion by career ladder, concluding profitable deals.

Islamic dream book

Should you be worried if in your dreams a person feels like a bird, soaring in the skies? Such a plot promises that in real life the dreamer will be able to demonstrate his talents to others and restore his damaged reputation. If the “owner” of the dream grows wings, which he uses while soaring, events associated with changes await him: a change of job, a trip to another country, moving.

What does it mean to soar high in a dream without wings? states what a dream is - good omen. In the near future, the dreamer will see his cherished dream come true.

Freud's Dream Book

What does Sigmund Freud say about whether a dream associated with flying is a good omen? Flying on an airplane in night dreams, if you trust the interpretation of the famous psychologist, promises the “owner” of the dream sexual satisfaction. However, only if the transport role is an excellent airliner.

Flying on a corn farm is a completely different matter; such a dream suggests that in real life a person suffers from problems related to the intimate sphere. The use of a military aircraft in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is inclined to exaggerate his own love victories.

A dream inspired by a plane flight that took place in reality - common occurrence. Most interpreters believe that it should not be taken as a prediction. Rather, it is a reflection of the fears that a person experienced in reality during the flight. If the dreamer in real life never experiences anxiety when boarding an airliner, but in a dream he worries negative emotions during air travel, he should be wary of adventures that could end badly.


Not only airplanes can appear in people’s dreams, but also others. For example, a person can see himself in his night dreams flying on a hang glider or airship, especially if he has a developed imagination. It is possible that the use of such transport in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer found himself in a crisis situation. He is busy looking for non-standard solutions to the problem, but no actions help him cope with it.

Why dream of flying if the role of the aircraft is a parachute? Such a dream symbolizes the danger threatening its “owner” and suggests that his future is under threat. It is likely that the dreamer intends to conclude an adventurous deal, to embark on a dubious adventure.

Helicopter flight - disturbing dream, if we rely on the opinion of the compilers esoteric dream book. It is possible that the dreamer is deceiving close people (friends, relatives), which could end badly for him.

Space adventures

Flying in a dream can also be associated with space. What does it mean on a rocket, if you trust the opinion of the dream book compilers? Many people associate outer space with mystery, romance, and adventure. A dream in which a rocket appears, in most cases promises changes for the better. It is quite possible that the “owner” of the dream will soon see the implementation of his most daring plans and make a dizzying career.

It is definitely worth remembering the emotions experienced by a person during space travel. If he enjoyed himself, felt joy, then such night dreams foreshadow a pleasant journey. A different meaning is traditionally attributed to a dream in which there is a flight into space if the “owner” of the dream experiences anxiety during its occurrence. It is possible that in real life a person is trying to hide from problems.

Negative dream - a trip to the moon. Such a plot predicts catastrophes of global significance, foreshadows wars, epidemics, and natural disasters.

Magic transport

What does flying in a dream mean if a person uses a witch's vehicle - a broom - as transport. If the “mistress” of night dreams in which a broom appears is a representative of the fair sex, this indicates that in reality she is trying to replenish wasted energy. Men have such a vision if in real life they are not happy with their relationship with their chosen one.

A wonderful dream - traveling on a dragon. This fabulous beast symbolizes will, strength, and perseverance. It is likely that the dreamer will have an influential patron in the near future who will provide him with the necessary support. However, if a person tries to fly into the air on a dragon and is defeated, in reality only unfulfilled ambitions await him.

What's Below

Flying over a forest in a dream indicates that the dreamer will soon discover a secret that worries him. He can also get out of a crisis situation by coming up with a creative solution to the problem. Seeing a city under your feet, in most cases you can rejoice, since the dream promises quick recognition. If the city over which the “owner” of the dream flies is destroyed, such a nightmare promises misfortune in reality.

A person may also see himself floating above water in a dream. It will be easy to understand the meaning of the dream if you remember the state of the reservoir. If it was dirty, in reality the dreamer has a lot of unfinished business, a bad relationship with someone from his inner circle. A clean, transparent body of water, on the contrary, indicates that a person is ready for inner insight, which will not keep you waiting. Flying over the sea portends an aggravation of intuition, this will help you avoid many dangers in real life and defeat your enemies.

Dream interpretation of flying in a dream

Probably everyone has experienced in a dream such feelings as the pleasure of flying. Flying in a dream is an incredible and desirable phenomenon that we are deprived of in life. Perhaps you have grown wings? Or did you happen to travel by plane? Any minor details are extremely important when interpreting dreams. Flight itself is a symbol of great ambition and good luck. Leading predictors and modern dream books, so that the interpretation is as complete and reliable as possible.

Flight conditions

When trying to answer the question of why you dream of flying, it is advisable to start with the conditions that awaited you in the world of dreams. What was the color of the wings and where did you fly? Remember and analyze all the details.

When did the flight happen to you?

The fact of what time of year this dream occurred to you is of great importance.
Autumn promises an exciting romance, but the dream book does not advise diving headlong into the pool. Although love will be passionate, it will not lead to a long-term relationship.

Winter calls on the dreamer to pay attention to own health. You will probably be struck down by some kind of illness.

Spring. Why do you dream of flying at such a wonderful time of year? This is a call for a more realistic perception of the world, since the likelihood of missing a life-changing opportunity is too great, and dreams will be in vain.

Summer portends spiritual growth in young people.

How did you manage to fly?

If you were flying on a broom

It is necessary to understand how the flight was accomplished. After all, flying on an airplane is a fairly common occurrence, but magical soaring is not an everyday thing.

  • By plane. Soaring high above the earth with the help of an invention of mankind is a sign of happiness that will befall the dreamer in the near future.
  • On a broom. The dream book advises the heroes of such dreams to get rid of the illusory perception of the world. Rely only on yourself and draw strength from real sources.
  • On the bed. Why dream of your own bed as a means of transportation? Expect eccentric and peculiar people in your life.
  • Fly high like a bird. Vanga's dream book speaks of the expectation of success and happiness. Participants in such dreams are satisfied with their position in society and live in harmony with themselves.

Did you happen to fly in a dream on the skin of an animal? Extremely auspicious sign, foretelling achievement high altitudes in the field of your favorite activity.

Pay attention to the color of the wings. White ones promise success in business and personal life, black ones - annoying trouble and disappointment.

Where did this happen?

Why dream of flying near a church or through a scary forest? Most predictors focus on location when interpreting dreams. Let's analyze this detail too.

Where did you happen to fly?

If you soared over the mountains

The method and conditions of flight are extremely important, but we should not forget about the “scenery” of dreams. So, if you were hovering:

  • High above the ground. A reminder that man is a social being, and the dreamer began to ignore the material world, devoting himself entirely to spiritual development.
  • Over the water. It doesn't matter whether you're flying high above a stormy sea or a calm lake. There is a high probability of contracting some kind of illness that can develop into a chronic disease.
  • Flying from place to place in a dream. This phenomenon characterizes you as an introvert who in every possible way avoids contact with the outside world.
  • Why dream of soaring over the mountains? A favorable symbol characterizing the dreamer as a leader. He will have to overcome a difficult test, after which a well-deserved reward will await him.
  • Above the city. Busy streets full of bright lights indicate a desperate desire to become famous. Make real efforts, and your dreams will definitely come true.

What was the soaring experience like?

Having figured out why you dream of flying high above the earth or traveling in space, let’s pay attention to the circumstances that awaited you directly during the flight. How to explain the fall into darkness? If your wings suddenly broke off in a dream or you suddenly lost the feeling of weightlessness, then be especially careful. A bad situation awaits in the near future, from which prudence and caution will warn.

Why do you dream of shooting from an unknown person? If you are injured, beware of envious people and possible enemies. Take a closer look at your surroundings in order to exclude imaginary friends from it. To take off and soar beautifully for a long time - to family troubles. Take a closer look at your soulmate.

Showing warmth and affection will help avoid future conflict.

Eastern sages believe that flight is a symbol of physical growth for people under twenty years of age. After the age of twenty – spiritual development.

Miller and Freud's opinion

Continuing the interpretation of dreams about flight, one cannot fail to note such leading personalities as Miller and Freud. They interpret the event that happened in night dreams in their own way and will help you understand why you dream of falling into darkness or soaring high above the ground.

What does Miller say?

Heavenly space

The psychologist believes that the boundless expanse of heaven that opens up to your eyes while flying is a symbol of an unhappy marriage. Be careful about the person you are walking down the aisle with.

Of great importance is the fact whether you had to soar into the skies or soar over the surface of the water. So, if the water is cloudy and dirty, expect the manifestation of bad intentions on the part of friends and colleagues.

This is a sign calling for caution and observation in the conduct of personal affairs. Taking off into the skies is a global symbol and promises trouble for the entire earth if different planets are encountered along the way.

Miller's dream book calls for calm at the sight of the sun and assures that all worries will be in vain. Green crowns promise a happy personal life, and dried trees promise trials prepared by fate.

What does Freud think?

Soar in a dream

Freud approaches the interpretation of dreams from the point of view of psychoanalysis. So, if a hero similar dreams is a man, this indicates his preoccupation with his own attractiveness. But a woman visiting him means doubts and uncertainty in the intimate sphere.

The psychologist has ambiguity in interpreting the incident where the girl happened to see a representative of the stronger sex. This speaks of a desire to meet ideal partner or become a man yourself in real life.

Other interpretations

What do other predictors say? Dreams are multifaceted and often ambiguous, so it will be useful to turn to other sources in order to get full picture occurrence of a phenomenon in a dream.

Loff's Dream Book

if you were flying on a carpet

The predictor proceeds from the fact that the incident seen in a dream is a subjective picture of the world. He believes that the unknown force that makes him soar high speaks of strong desire travel. There is also another opinion, where such a situation requires escaping from the existing danger.

A non-standard means of transportation, be it a boat or a carpet, suggests an impending accident. You will be able to avoid it if you listen to your intuition.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Are you high in the air in your dream? Expect success, and the higher the flight, the more you will achieve. But far away - to the hardships of love and tiring expectations. Be patient, the result will be worth all the pain. If in reality the dreamer does not experience serious health problems, but in a dream he traveled to heavenly heights, then he will soon experience happiness and many pleasant surprises.

Esoteric dream book

Flight portends pleasant stay in distant countries, and the journey will bring a lot pleasant moments and will make you think about different things. Was there assistance during the flight? The dream book says that if the answer is yes, you should prepare to buy household appliances, and if help does not arrive - to gifts of fate and success.

Flying in a dream is one of the most beautiful and pleasant dreams, returning to childhood. The feeling of flight is associated with the special production of hormones, the formation of the body, and the functioning of the thyroid and pancreas. For adults, flying in a dream is not very common.

This sure sign changes in hormonal balance - stress, falling in love, severe fear, thrills, taking medications that affect the production of hormones, sedatives. Changes in metabolism may also be associated with age-related changes or diseases of the endocrine system, thyroid gland, and diabetes.

Flying in a dream is certainly pleasant, but if you fly in a dream, as in childhood, every night, this is a reason to visit a doctor and get examined. Let's look at why you dream of flying in dream books.

Basic values

  • The main meaning of free flight without any support is dreams, fulfillment of desires, carelessness, joy, happiness. Flying in a dream is incredibly pleasant; you hope to achieve your goals with absolutely no effort. Perhaps it seems to you that they will come to you and give you everything and offer you everything, all you have to do is agree to the extreme favorable conditions. Such expectations are somewhat presumptuous and threaten serious disappointment.
  • The same applies to zero-gravity flights, when you soar to the ceiling or freely soar between stars, planets and satellites. There may be some immaturity and carelessness, but if you keep these feelings under control and do not consider yourself a special native of the planet Krypton, everything is fine.
  • If you dream that you are flying down and risk crashing into the ground, this is an indicator of stress and strong excitement. If the dream recurs in the form of a nightmare, it makes sense to visit a neurologist.
  • Fly with the help of technical means, use transport - you are adamant in moving towards your dream and are ready to use the shortest and effective ways achieving goals. Transport in a dream is always a method of achieving goals. If you choose an airplane, it is obvious that the goals are well thought out and the journey, although risky, is thought out in detail. Fly an airplane, airship, glider, hang glider, control a parachute - you not only prefer fast ways, but also do not intend to transfer control of your destiny into the wrong hands.
  • Flying on a broom, a magic carpet, a dragon, a magic bird - you are in the sweet captivity of fantasy.

Interpretation of authorities

  • Miller's dream book promises happiness and joy, a carefree time for the lucky ones who dare to joyfully fly in a dream without the slightest technical devices. If you fly along a complex amplitude, then approaching and then moving away from the ground, looking at nature or buildings, interesting and exciting work awaits you to make your dream come true. You are lucky to love your job and see your purpose in it.
  • To learn to fly in a dream and transfer sensations into the real world - you are clearly overestimating your capabilities.
  • Women's dream book promises happiness in love. But don’t trust your heightened feelings too much, test your possible partner without condescension. A hormonal storm often causes young girls to be deceived in own feelings and fall in love with a non-existent ideal.
  • Veles's dream book promises joy if the flight in the dream went well. Long flights mean that your aspirations are far from your actual destination. Perhaps you love a person who is in another city.
  • Loff's dream book pays attention to flight as a lucid dream, when the dreamer himself chooses to fly in a dream and enjoys amazing sensations. Loff interprets lucid dreams of flight as a desire for unlimited freedom, internal anarchy, unwillingness to obey external demands, and idealism.


Flying in a dream is always a break from reality, regardless of the method of implementation. You give in to your dreams, feel an extraordinary elation, joy, happiness. Try to use this wonderful fortune wisely and not waste it on trifles. Be careful to separate dreams, imagination and the real world.

There are many deeply unhappy people who are sure that early youth they really knew how to fly, but over time they lost this skill due to improper behavior. The whole life of these people is devoted to secretly regaining an imaginary skill with inevitable disappointment. It takes great wisdom to enjoy imaginary flight without taking it too seriously.

If you are guided by the ancient parable about Daedalus and Icarus, you should not look at the star and get carried away by flying for the sake of flying. Follow your goal and achieve it, easily overcoming all obstacles. Like magic.