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Despite its prevalence, amethyst has been one of the most revered stones in the world for many centuries. Historical and geological information about the mineral goes back to ancient times. Recognized as a precious stone due to its luxurious variety of shades, noble transparency, and rarity.

Amethyst is a stone for those born in February and has magical and healing properties.

Amethyst stone description

Amethyst is classified as one of several varieties of quartz. Often used in jewelry. Hardness on the Mohs scale is 7. Its lavender color was previously thought to be the result of iron and manganese deposits. In fact, the variety of shades from deep purple to cherry blue is provided by organic coloring substances.

Stones with rich, deep colors are more valuable. They were once valued more than diamonds.

A natural mineral, depending on the light, can change its color. Minerals mined from sedimentary rocks are more susceptible to this. They fade even under scattered sunlight.

Crystals, which are part of citrine and amethyst, change their color to yellow or green after heating above 250 degrees. They may become completely colorless.

Jewelers specially heat amethyst to change its color, passing it off as citrine, aquamarine, or topaz.

Heating produces beautiful green crystals called green amethyst.

It is mined in Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, USA, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka. There are deposits in several African countries. Large stones are found in South America. Deeper color - in Australia.

On the territory of our country, there are deposits in the Urals and the Kola Peninsula. Ural stones become a beautiful red-violet color under artificial light. Whereas the Brazilian ones are gray.

Transparent minerals are classified as semi-precious. Opaque - a valuable ornamental material.

The name of the stone comes from the Greek word "méthystos" », which translated means “intoxicated”, “not drunk”.

There are also more romantic and poetic ones - “stone violet”, apostolic stone.

Magic properties

Throughout history, the special virtue of amethyst was believed to be that it could prevent drunkenness and the consequences of this habit.

The ancient Greeks and Romans decorated their cups with it, believing that it would protect them from alcohol levels.

They wore an amulet in the navel area, believing that it could protect them not only from drunkenness, but also from excessive jealousy and passion.

The ancient Egyptians wore the stone as protection against self-deception and witchcraft.

Medieval soldiers took the stone with them on campaigns, believing that it would protect them in battle and bring victory.

The crystal is also endowed with the ability to control evil thoughts, the ability to increase intelligence and make people shrewd in business dealings.

The travelers believed that he would protect them from sudden treachery and attack. Hunters took them with them for a successful hunt.

Amethyst is the stone of Catholic bishops. Symbolizes piety, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom.

The Jews have the ninth stone in the breastplate of the high priest and the twelfth stone in the foundation of Jerusalem.

The Egyptians listed it in the book of the dead. Carved in the shape of a heart, like an amulet, it was placed during burial.

In eastern cultures it is a stone of the “tree of life”. Used in temples for worship, rosaries to create an atmosphere of calm and balance.

IN modern world amethyst also has not lost its meaning. Still a wonderful stone of spirituality, known for its ability to calm the mind. Often used for meditation.

The stone's inherent high ability to cleanse the aura of negative energy, create a protective shield around the body, allows the mind to remain clear and focused, opening the chakras for spiritual direction.

Stimulates the third eye, improving cognitive perceptual abilities, accelerates the development of intuitive and psychic abilities, deeper understanding.

This is a stone for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Medicinal properties

Amethyst has the ability to focus energy. For medicinal purposes, it is usually worn in silver jewelry. The necklace with amethyst is especially good. You can put a stone in the place you want to heal.

It is known that the natural mineral:

Copes well with headaches;

Improves vision;

Increases attention.

Place it under your pillow so you can only dream about it pleasant dreams. To relieve headaches, rub your forehead with the mineral.

The human brain, receiving nourishment from the stone, is capable of faster concentration and performance of functions responsible for increasing intelligence and memory.

Used for problems with blood, lungs, to cleanse negativity in the room. Place some stones on the window sill in the room so that it can fall on them. moonlight. Everyone in the house will feel calmer. Helps overcome fears and anxiety.

This is a powerful protective stone that protects not only from negative energy, but also the effects of geopathogenic zones and electromagnetic waves.

Natural tranquilizer;

Relieves stress and tension;

Calms irritability;

Balances mood swings;

Dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety;

Eases sadness and grief, dissolving all negativity;

Increases hormone production;

Improves the functioning of the endocrine system and metabolism;

Strengthens the immune system;

Reduces pain, bruising, swelling.

Its healing properties can help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin.

The levels of consciousness are harmonized and give a person the ability to see the deep processes of the universe in the light of simple natural laws, regularities, and rules.

The properties of the stone for women are determined by the ability of the mineral to energetically influence the genital area. It can bring the long-awaited news of the conception of a child to the house.

Amethysts must be stored in a place where the rays of the sun do not shine. Color intensity may be lost due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.

A light-proof box is best for storage.

The stones must be washed in salt water several times a year. Negative information that is recorded in the crystal lattice of the stone is destroyed.

Who is the amethyst stone suitable for?

An ideal stone for those born under the sign of Aquarius.

It is worn by Virgos, Sagittarius, Capricorns, and Pisces.

Amethyst's ability to open the higher mind and enhance creativity, enhances imagination, intuition, and improves thinking processes. This helps in mastering new knowledge and makes thoughts turn into action. Allows you to bring projects to life. Amethyst is a talisman of success.

As a talisman it is suitable for artists, composers, inventors, poets, especially dark shades.

It is an excellent crystal for diplomats, negotiators, and business people. Calms a temperamental and angry atmosphere when discussion and a sober mind are required.

Suitable for those who want to get rid of bad habits:

Stop drinking;

Use drugs;

Overcome unhealthy passion for gambling.

Used to protect against thieves, travelers, when deciding monetary issues. Can lead to prosperity and well-being. Although it is not considered the most famous stone in this area.

Amethyst is the Valentine's stone. Saint Valentine is believed to have worn an amethyst ring with Cupid engraved on it. Often referred to as the couple's stone. Gives meaning to relationships that go far beyond carnal union.

It is not for nothing that this mineral is often called widow’s stone. But this name has nothing to do with human death and attracting death into the house. Since ancient times, it symbolizes devotion and fidelity.

Therefore, many widows wore amethyst jewelry as a sign of blessed memory a loved one and loyalty to him. With the help of the silent radiation of the mineral, they told the world that they did not want to think about another marriage.

Varieties of amethyst

Most crystals are purple. But there are other shades. This type of mineral is explained by the impurities of cobalt, iron and manganese contained in it in varying quantities. Which is the reason for the different shades of the stone.

Purple Amethyst

The deep lilac-violet hue of the mineral is enhanced by the seventh emitter Inner Light every person. This energy center is located in the parietal region.

The crystal owes its purple hue to inclusions of iron ions.
promotes making wise, life-changing decisions, while allowing the interests of each person to be respected.

The pure, high-energy field of the mineral quickly copes with destructive, destructive thoughts when a person, due to his heightened emotional background, cannot cope with external and internal flows of negative information.

Amethyst with a purple hue is especially suitable for Aries and Leo. These Zodiac Signs are constantly in the center of events and increased attention.

Pink amethyst

This is a valuable and rare mineral. Considered the patron of deep feelings and refined love.

Well strengthens the nervous system, relieving stress. The cardiovascular system significantly improves its functioning.

Few people know that nature took care of the child’s body, giving it additional energy centers pink color. It is their work that pink amethyst can enhance.

This mineral is suitable for Aquarius, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn.

Black amethyst

The black mineral is quite rarely found in nature. He is also called the Black King.

His Majesty the King combats stress, bringing peace and tranquility to his owner. There is information about the stone neutralizing radioactive radiation.

The magical properties include the ability to open vision inner world.

Black amethyst can be worn by Virgos and Scorpios.

Lilac amethyst

This is a symbol of success. Lilac color considered a reliable talisman business relations and prosperous business development.

Promotes the internal transformation of a person, neutralizing disagreements and outbursts of anger and envy. A person gains the long-awaited balance.

Watch a video about amethyst and how to determine the authenticity of a stone

Amethyst stone in history

The mineral has been known to people since before our era and was highly valued by ancient civilization. The Greeks and Romans used it from jewelry inlays to amulets.

Their belief was that the meaning of crystal was synonymous with luxury. The stone adorned crowns and scepters. They wore rings.

Christian bishops once wore amethyst ring jewelry. It was a symbol of royal power and fidelity to Christ.

Members of the Catholic clergy inserted crosses into their crosses, which was a sign of piety and celibacy.

The ancient Greeks believed that it protected its owner from drunkenness. They wore the stone as an amulet and decorated drinking vessels with it, believing that the mineral would protect them from alcohol poisoning.

Scientific research proves that amethyst was famous ancient East and medieval knightly Europe. In Egypt, truly magical healing properties were attributed to the stone and it was considered blessed.

Crystals became famous in Rus'. They enjoyed special respect from the archbishops. Crowned heads were not spared. He did not cede his “stone” rights to the rare sapphires in the crown of Tsarina Irina Godunova.

Amethyst was considered a powerful psychic stone of protection against witchcraft and black magic. They believed that the stone turns pale when an evil person is nearby.

The Peruvians believed that if it was engraved with the signs of the sun and moon and hung around the neck with the hair of a baboon or with the feather of a swallow, it would protect them from witchcraft.

The ancient philosopher Pliny the Elder claimed that the sun and moon engraved on the stone protected people from poisons.

The bear on amethyst protected against demons and drunkenness.

In folklore, the mineral was believed to protect animal fleas.

The stone was used to bewitch, even if the person was devoted to another.

French poet Remy Bellot, who lived in the 16th century, wrote a poem in which he described how the god of wine Bacchus pursued a girl named Amethyst. It's a myth, but a beautiful one.

To protect the girl from the persecution of Bacchus, who did not want to lose her chastity and virginity, the goddess Diana turned her into a white quartz stone.

The angry and humiliated god Bacchus poured wine on the stone statue and the crystals became colored purple.

The second legend says that the god Dionysus, insulted by mortals, vowed to take revenge on any mortal who met on his way. This was the first person we met beautiful girl named Amethyst.

To protect the girl from the angry tigers sent by Dionysus, the goddess Artemis turned her into a beautiful statue of pure crystalline quartz.

Dionysus cried tears of wine, which fell on the statue and turned it purple.

Is it true, beautiful stories. Whether it was one way or another, we were left with a beautiful amethyst stone that adorned the crowns and hands of more than mere mortals.

For a long time it was considered a precious stone, until new large deposits were discovered in Brazil. Since then, the mineral has lost its significance as a precious stone and is classified as a semi-precious stone.

Watch a video about magical and healing properties amethyst stone

Hi all!

Today we continue the topic precious stones. The previous article talked about. Here we will get acquainted with another wonderful stone called amethyst.

If aquamarine is beryl, then amethyst is already quartz. Accordingly, he has completely different properties and abilities.

Amethyst has a very beautiful deep purple color. It should be noted that, translated from ancient Greek, amethyst means “not drunk.” It was believed that those who wear an amethyst will never become intoxicated.

Card 2. Who is Amethyst suitable for?

The Legend of Amethyst

According to one of the ancient Greek legends, the God of wine, Bacchus, once became angry with people because they stopped worshiping him. He decided to set tigers on the first person he met. However, such a victim turned out to be a nymph named Amethyst. Seeing the tigers rushing towards her, she prayed to Diana, asking her to save her. The goddess Diana took pity and turned the nymph into a stone statue. Bacchus saw this and regretted his cruelty. He decided to correct what he had done and began to pour wine into the statue, like blood, to revive it. But nothing came of it, and the stone became crimson-violet.

Amethyst – a purple variety of transparent or translucent quartz. Hardness 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density 2.5-2.8 g/cm3, glassy luster, weak violet plechroism, weak brown luminescence.

Description of amethyst

As already mentioned, amethyst is a type of quartz - it is silicon oxide, or silica. Its main color is purple. However, stones with colors ranging from dark purple to pink, blood red, and lilac-violet can be found. Amethyst has a glassy shine. This color of amethyst is due to the admixture of iron in it.

One of striking features Amethyst is its ability to withstand high temperatures. If it is heated to 200 degrees, it will become colorless. However, as it cools, the amethyst will again become the same.

In addition, there are also green amethysts. This color is formed if a lilac crystal is heated to 500 degrees. However, not every stone can be changed in color in this way. Only those produced in Brazil at the Montezuma deposit are suitable for this. All other green stones found are artificially grown.

More about the name of the stone

In addition to the name of the stone of Bacchus (or “teetotal”), amethyst is also called the stone of the Apostle Matthew, the bishop’s stone, and dumplings. Dumpling or “amephis” was the name given to red amethyst in Rus' in the 16th century, which was valued even more than ruby.

They called it that because the first miners of amethyst were the Solovetsky monks. The gems that they mined on the Tersky coast of the Kola Peninsula were used to decorate utensils and frames of icons and Gospels.

The most famous church relics where amethyst was used were the archimandrite cross Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Innocent Gisel, icon of the Assumption Mother of God Dormition Cathedral of the same Lavra, the icon of the Mother of God with three hands from Nizhny Tagil, amethysts were also in the crown of Irina Godunova. Also in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek in Moscow, this stone can be found on the icon of the Mother of God.

It is not for nothing that amethyst is considered a church canonical stone. In Christianity, it means modesty and humility. And in catholic church There is still a tradition when, when ordained as bishops, they receive a ring with an amethyst insert from the hands of the Pope. As for the Pope himself, he wears a fisherman's ring as a sign of the highest ecclesiastical dignity. This ring has the appearance of a ring with a carved image of the Apostle Peter in the image of a fisherman. This image contains the symbol of a “catcher” of souls.

Amethyst formation

In nature, amethyst can be found in the form of individual crystals from 5 to 100 mm. in length, and in the form of individual drusen. These crystals usually grow on a gray opaque quartz substrate. Amethyst deposits are not as common as aquamarine. It is mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil. The most famous and famous amethyst deposit is located on the Kola Peninsula, on Cape Korabl.

Properties of Amethyst

Amethyst is a symbol of peace, sincerity and sincerity. It is also a symbol of true love and devotion. It was worn by widowed spouses as a sign eternal love to your deceased spouse. That’s why amethyst is also called the “widow’s stone.”

In addition, the internal energy of the stone helps to find peace of mind and health. Therefore, wear it if you are tormented by anxiety or doubts. Most best option- beads or ring.

A stone dressed in silver can help establish friendly contacts and fruitful business meetings. Infertile women can become mothers, and men can improve relationships with their wives.

Amethyst dressed in gold and worn around the neck will help the body find energetic balance. And if you drink water that contains amethyst, it will save you from colds and heal your liver and kidneys. Amethyst can also strengthen your memory and cure skin diseases. And if you put a stone under your pillow, it will help get rid of insomnia.

Since amethyst in translation means “not drunk”, then in ancient Rome it was usually placed in a glass of wine. At the same time, it was believed that it even neutralized poison. And during epidemics in the Middle Ages, they mostly wore jewelry made from it, believing that it would prevent infection from entering the body.

In order to cure a cold, healers made a special drink: they put several stones in the water and let it brew overnight. After this, they gave this infusion to the sick to drink.

In modern lithotherapy, amethyst helps improve cerebral circulation, treats insomnia and nervous breakdowns.

If you wear an amethyst ring on ring finger, then this will help strengthen the immune system, and wearing earrings made of this stone will help improve vision.

For the stone to really help with its properties, it must be worn constantly. However, the stone changes its “mood” quite easily. Therefore, if the owner wears it during any quarrels, conflicts, etc., then the stone can easily take over all negative energy and drop it on its owner. Therefore, it is recommended after such conflict situations Hold the stone itself or a product made from it for about five minutes under running water to allow the stone to “calm down.”

What other abilities does this purple quartz have? If we talk about him mystical properties, then amethyst can develop the hidden internal abilities of its owner. However, amethyst has the most powerful effect in the field of love. If you want the object of your desire to love you just as much, give him a stone. However, if you are already married, married or engaged, then it is better not to accept this stone from strangers.

And in ancient Greece, for example, it was believed that amethyst promotes rejuvenation of the body, and also smooths out wrinkles and removes freckles and other age spots.

Based on astrology, amethyst is contraindicated only for Leo and Taurus. Other signs can wear it “painlessly.” But most of all it benefits Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

You can, of course, wear an amethyst just as a stone. But if you decide to set it, then you need to do it only in silver. True, if you have several stones in the product, then they may well be set in gold.

If you compare amethyst with other stones in terms of cost, then it is not too expensive. This is due, first of all, to the fact that people have learned to create artificial stones. Some crystals can reach a length of even 15 cm. Moreover, synthetic stones they do not fade at all in the sun and, therefore, by making them you can give the crystal the color you need. Even using various laboratory tests, you will not be able to distinguish a real stone from a synthetic one.

Amethyst also differs from its more precious counterparts in that its artificial version costs almost the same as the natural stone itself. So, if suddenly there is no amethyst in nature at all, then it will not disappear, but will simply be replaced exclusively by synthetic laboratory stones.

Pure purple amethyst color, deep transparency and unusual appearance have won the interest of jewelers all over the world. In nature, the mineral is found quite often; in fact, it is one of the varieties of the common mineral quartz.

Features of amethyst

Until recently, it was a popular belief that as a result of the presence of manganese in the chemical composition of amethyst, the stone has a purple color. But scientific research determined that the stone contains iron, which gives color. The color of the mineral changes under the influence of sunlight, which changes the reflection of the crystal lattice.

  • When heated to high temperatures the stone completely loses its color. In order for it to recover over time, you need to cool the specimen. The most rapid appearance of lost color occurs under the influence of x-rays.
  • Under water, amethyst does not completely change color; the color disappears only along the contour of the stone.
  • The color of amethyst will look different in dark room and natural street lighting. If amethyst is mined in places where crystal deposits exist, then it will firmly resist bleaching by sunlight. Minerals collected in sedimentary rocks fade much faster.
  • Amethyst is formed on a quartz layer. Its crystals are from nature have an elongated tetrahedral shape with a formation at the end in the form of a pyramid. Some amethysts occur in groups.
  • Amethysts come in shades of blue and pink, some have purple tones, and sometimes they are almost black. The mineral can have an original striped color, which is achieved by filling the longitudinal containers in the crystal with frozen liquids.

Properties of the mineral

Amethyst stone in magic

Healing manifestation of abilities

In order for a mineral to become useful to a person in the fight against diseases, it is necessary to provide him with body contact. As such an effect, infusions of stone in water, constant wearing of pendants, beads, and earrings are used. Long-term application of amethyst to sore spots is used as a treatment.

Massage with amethyst crystals is very effective. To further enhance the effect on the body, use crystal, since its properties allow you to concentrate the flow of healing effects.

  • If a patient wants to cure the desire for strong drinks, he should drink a nightly infusion of amethyst water in the morning. The properties of the stone, worn on the chest in the solar plexus area, will help get rid of drug addiction.
  • Constant wearing will help reduce pain due to joint diseases and salt deposits.
  • Headaches that torment the owner will disappear, nervous manifestations will occur less frequently, and the stone helps with mental disorders.
  • Helps overcome insomnia and induces a calm, even sleep.
  • With the help of amethyst, you can cleanse your face of freckles, remove wrinkles, and remove moles and warts.

Beautiful amethyst stone

Amethyst and zodiac signs

Exactly air element signs will receive the greatest support from amethyst life path, the stone will help make them successful and prosperous.

Aries who like to pile up large number plans, will have the opportunity to quickly implement them. Women of this sign will receive help in finding the joy of motherhood.

The brilliant mind of Taurus stone will allow you to apply it in real life situations and will not allow you to become sad or give up. Taurus will receive significant help in the business sphere.

Constantly changing their attachments and the situation around them, Gemini will feel the onset of harmonization within their sharp mind, which will allow them to start and complete many things. Waves of inspiration will overwhelm this sign.

Cancers will feel it healing effect of the stone and will be able to improve their failing health. It is recommended for this sign to make new acquaintances and fans.

The sign of Leo has such strong energy that amethyst will not be able to bring practically any changes to the lives of people of this sign. For Leo it doesn't matter.

Virgos, attached to traditional, established values, will gain strength of character with the help of the stone and increase their strength to overcome life's difficulties. They need to wear the stone on a chain in the form of a pendant.

Multilaterally developed Libra, with the help of the stone, will be able to strengthen their abilities and develop themselves as a person, and achieve many successes. The owners of the stone will receive a lot of interest from the opposite sex.

Amethyst will give Scorpios softening of character traits, will serve as a reliable talisman against harmful magical effects.

Sagittarius will be able to improve relationships with loved ones and friends, and achieve harmony with loved ones. The stone will allow them to show peacefulness and honesty.

Capricorns will be able to improve the course of their lives by removing from it many obstacles that previously interfered. This will help you devote more time to spiritual experiences and sublime thoughts. For women of this sign, wearing a stone will help make their appearance more harmonious.

Versatile Aquarians, with the help of enhanced intuition, will be able to find the most right decisions for difficult life situations. This will allow them to make a brilliant career and have good luck as travel companions at all stages.

For Pisces, wearing a stone will help you overcome difficulties from parting with a loved one, it will sharpen natural intuition and help you gain confidence in life’s difficulties.

Magic stone in different countries

In Russia, since ancient times, stone has been highly valued for its purity, transparency and unusual shades. Famous royalty and their wives and children proudly wore amethyst-studded clothing and crowns. Such naiads were considered expensive and majestic.

In ancient times, monks collected and mined amethyst crystals on the White Sea coast. Products and decorations were successfully used in religion. Church utensils, inlaid with amethyst, is still present in the everyday life of some cathedrals. Bright minerals were used to decorate the frames of icons. The priests' clothing was decorated with purple and crimson amethysts. From such widespread use of minerals by religious figures, amethyst received the name cardinal or bishop's stone.

Church speakers expressed the idea that amethyst resembles the religious and devoted Apostle Matthew, who became famous for his fiery speeches to the glory of God and the desire to serve him forever.

In Greece, legends are told about a beautiful young nymph who was in love with a simple shepherd, asking the goddess Artemis for help. But the god of winemaking, Dionysus, also wanted to conquer and subjugate the beautiful nymph. Artemis turned the young lady into a beautiful purple stone, forever saving her from the encroachments of Dionysus.

Since those events, the Greeks have presented the help of stone as a powerful remedy. from the effects of intoxication. Greek healers successfully use the mineral to restore youth to their patients and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. To strengthen your night's sleep and get complete rest, it is recommended to place a stone under your pillow.

Italians also consider amethyst to be a time of drunkenness and intoxication. They often during a stormy feast put a stone in a glass, this allows a person to drink a lot and not get drunk.

In Egypt, the stone is considered a talisman of wisdom and peace. The owner of the stone is endowed with such qualities as: calmness, balance, observation, purity of thoughts. Egyptian weather forecasters use color changes to make their forecasts.

In China, the magical mineral is used as a talisman for the owner in war against injury and death. The purple color of the stone promotes peace, peace of mind and pure thoughts.

Amethyst jewelry accessible to a wide range of people, they are worn with pleasure, considering the stone to be a spectacular decoration, a high-quality amulet and a strong talisman.

Shimmering purple amethyst leaves no one indifferent.

The rich color, transparency and crystalline appearance of the stone attracts jewelers and mineral lovers.

Until recently, it was believed that manganese, found in its composition, gives amethyst its unique color.

But later scientists proved:

This chemical element has nothing to do with it, and the purple color appears due to iron.

Amethyst acquires other shades if it stands for a long time under the sun, which affects its crystal lattice.

Meet Amethyst!

Amethyst belongs to quartz. He may have different colors– from dark purple to faint lilac. Direct rays of the sun make its color pale. There are even pink, bright red and purple stones found in nature. All of them have a glassy sheen.

WITH Greek language"Amethyst" translates as "not drunk." The mineral received this name for a reason. There are rumors that it saves a person from alcoholism and prevents the development of an addiction.

The stone absorbs alcohol vapor, and the interesting thing is that its color does not change at all. That is, amethyst, so to speak, does not get drunk.

According to another legend, Bacchus, who patronized winemakers, once became angry with the inhabitants of the earth because they no longer respected him.

Enraged, God cast a curse:

The first person he sees in front of him in the next few minutes will carry terrible punishment- wild tigers will attack him.

Just at that time a nymph was walking along the road with beautiful name Amethyst. When the animals attacked the unfortunate woman, she called for help from Diana, the goddess of the hunt, and she made a stone out of the nymph. The Tigers retreated. Bacchus soon regretted his action and began to pour wine into the stone so that Amethyst would come to life again. But it was all in vain. The statue just changed color. Since then, amethyst has been purple.

Medicinal properties

The mineral is used as an anti-stress agent. It helps improve the functioning of the endocrine system, strengthens the central nervous system, and activates the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain.

The pituitary and pineal glands under the influence of amethyst begin to show greater activity, the blood is cleansed of harmful impurities, and the person feels a surge of strength and energy.

The stone is used in the treatment of mentally ill patients, as it has a beneficial effect on human consciousness, develops the intellect and personality as a whole.

They say that thanks to amethyst you can get rid of various vices. Speech problems disappear, skin wounds heal, and headaches go away. The mineral improves the well-being of the patient in case of poisoning, gives clarity of mind and good sleep.

If you drink water that has been infused with this stone, you can more easily cope with drunkenness. Amethyst is also placed on the solar plexus area, which also helps in the fight against alcoholism.

Magic properties

Amethyst has long been believed to be useful for mental trauma. With its help, you can calm mental anxieties and pains, and stop worrying. A person becomes kind, calm, and stops thinking about bad things. The aura surrounding him grows stronger.

Indian yogis believe that the mineral has the ability to relax, which is especially good for meditation.

If you wear a ring with an amethyst on your finger, success in the sports field will not keep you waiting. Many people place the mineral under the pillow they sleep on: this attracts pleasant dreams.

Amethyst increases insight and alertness.

Meaning of zodiac signs

Amethyst stone is good for almost all representatives of the zodiac circle, but is most suitable Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces. Fire signs Sagittarius and Aries, and also air sign Aquarius. Aries Those wearing amethyst jewelry will become more careful, stop taking pointless risks, and will delight others with their restraint. It will be possible to realize even the most unrealistic dreams and achieve your goals.

Representatives of the fair sex who do not yet have children will become pregnant and give birth if they have a purple mineral in their feminine “treasury”.

Taurus born before the first of May will become happy and happy thanks to amethyst. successful people. The stone helps fight melancholy and depression. For Taurus girls contributes to the development of your own business.

Irritable Gemini They will soften and sleep better. Gemini Spouses will feel the need for each other. Their relationship will become more sincere and pure. If Gemini womancreative nature, the amethyst will be something like a Muse for her.

Cancer, whose birthday falls on any day before July 1, the mineral will provide real protection against diseases of the kidneys, digestive organs and malfunctions of the immune system. Cancer Woman will find common language with other people, will make acquaintances that will benefit her.

Leos Amethyst is unlikely to help you achieve success, but it won’t lead to failure either, so wearing jewelry with this stone is harmless. But to the Lioness woman It will be useful to have an amethyst ring or brooch, because with their help she will be able to cope with troubles and problems and become stronger for further struggle with life's adversities.

Scorpios, on whose little finger there is a ring with a purple mineral, will soon feel how life is changing in better side. But Sagittarius striving for harmony and alignment good relations with loved ones, you need to wear a stone edged with silver.

Capricorn women The splendor of amethyst will restore youth and smoothness to the skin, and also eliminate dark spots on the face. As for the inner world, your heart will become light and free, negative emotions and negative thoughts will disappear.

Aquarius Intuition with amethyst will become aggravated, women will find long-awaited calm. Pisces Girls They will more easily endure the pain of parting with loved ones and become wiser.

The mineral protects against bad relations with superiors, rage and anger of persons holding high positions. As already mentioned, it is a powerful protection against drunkenness.

It is best for women to wear the stone on the ring finger of their left hand, and for men on their right.

To last a long time - care

In order for amethyst to delight you with its bright colors and shine for a long time, it is advisable to keep it in the dark, wrapped in a cloth made of soft material. Avoid exposure to moisture and sunlight.

High temperatures harm the mineral - it turns pale and becomes ugly. Protect amethyst from chemicals (cleaning gels and powders).

A couple of times a month you need to place the stone under tap water: all the negative energy will come out of it.

If an amethyst has lost its rich color, it should be cleaned. It is best to entrust this matter to jewelry craftsmen who will expose the stone to ultraviolet radiation. Well, at home, just hold the mineral in soapy water, and then gently clean it with a brush.

What does an amethyst stone look like, properties, who is suitable for this natural quartz with a noble purple color. Distinctive feature, noticeable even in photographs, is a transparent shimmer unusual for a stone. In addition, amethyst has the ability to lighten when exposed to sunlight for a long time. In the old days they believed that if a piece of quartz was dipped into wine, then after drinking a glass, a person would not be able to get drunk.

Amethyst was once a stone Orthodox clergy. Its crystals were used to decorate the altar, icons and covers of church books. A ring with a crystal is handed over upon initiation into the church.

Amethyst stone: magical properties and who is suitable for it

People have long believed in the otherworldly power of purple quartz. It is believed that a person who owns an amethyst is able to discover hidden esoteric abilities within himself and see the world of the unknown with his own eyes.

Carrying an amethyst with you at all times:

  • protects and helps in endeavors of any nature;
  • promotes quick reconciliation after quarrels;
  • helps its owner neutralize mental anxieties and worries;
  • gives a woman the opportunity to become a mother;
  • for a man - to preserve and improve family life;
  • saves people from alcohol and drug addiction.

Amethyst absorbs well negative energy its owner. If the stone is not cleansed, then this energy, amplified several times, can be transmitted back. Therefore, after any conflict or unpleasant situation, you need to lower the quartz into flowing water.

Amethyst stone, who suits it according to the horoscope

In the horoscope of all signs, you can see a person’s correspondence to certain stones. Astrologers believe that amethyst is a stone of happiness for representatives of the air element. However, quartz is able to control a person’s character, making him calmer and more balanced. Therefore, amethyst is recommended for purchase by Aries and Aquarius, who have a complex and changeable disposition.

The stone can be worn by Pisces. The water sign contributes less than all others to the accumulation of negative energy. From Sagittarius, who have an optimistic temperament, quartz is saturated with positive qualities.

Wearing green amethyst develops intuition and intelligence, relieves loneliness and helps cope with violent emotions.

For medicinal purposes, the stone is used to improve digestion and break down harmful substances. Amethyst symbolizes the number 3. Therefore, representatives of other signs whose date of birth contains given number, can safely purchase and wear jewelry made from purple stone.

Green amethyst stone: properties, who is suitable for it

A very rare phenomenon, practically not found in nature, is amethyst with a green tint. Nevertheless, it has been known about it for more than 40 thousand years. Like violet, this type of quartz has strong magical abilities, however, not everyone can experience them. Prasiolite (the name of the green stone) is capable of destroying and removing the strongest toxins and poisons from the body, as well as protecting a person from serious mental disorders.

Green quartz is perfect for absolutely all zodiac representatives, especially Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries. The stone will give these people happiness in family relationships, will drive away bad thoughts and bring peace to life. A the best mascot green amethyst will be for slow-moving Cancers: it will bring sincerity and spiritual harmony into their lives.

Amethyst, created by nature, was also known to the most ancient people. The sparkling stones found were used to create jewelry for priests who were confident in the power of the stone to awaken the “third eye.”