How can you get rid of a family curse? Signs and removal of a family curse in the female and male line

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about generic negativity. How to find out if there is a generational curse, and if there is such negativity in the family, how to get rid of it? Many people wear severe damage on myself for years, getting used to my failed life. But what has passed through the blood from one generation to another severely breaks the destinies and lives of essentially innocent people who, without knowing it, are paying for their grandmothers and great-grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

Ancestral curse for celibacy and other types of negative ancestry

Ancestral damage and curses are a heavy negative energy. And, unfortunately, births are a common phenomenon. It’s just that someone thinks about it and tries to free themselves and their children from negativity, while someone lives with and believes that this is how it should be, it’s so right, that there is no other way, that life is hard, and that the Lord punishes people for sins.

People who come into real magic are smart, strong (the dark egregor is not interested in weak-willed fools, he will throw them out), and for the most part desperate. But despair, multiplied by determination and will, can bring colossal results. So, today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am talking about how get rid of the ancestral curse yourself. In general, this problem is very serious. A lot has been said about this, there are rituals, methods of getting rid of long-standing damage, and yet, there is no clear, one-sided solution to the problem.

As a rule, in order to completely remove the ancestral curse from themselves, sorcerers perform rituals in a complex, selecting those magical rituals that work and can give real results. To the average person, a magical negative seems to be something invisible and elusive. However, a real sorcerer notices traces, sees the exact signs of a family curse in the female line, or generic damage transmitted through the male line.

Accurate signs of generic negativity - how to track hereditary damage and curses

On your family tree there may not be one curse, but many. There may be generational curses in the male line

  • to poverty,
  • loneliness,
  • childlessness,
  • tragic death.

All the same can be traced through the female line. There may also be strong curses for the destruction of the entire race.

There is a generational curse if the following signs are identified:

  • in the family after the revolution there were arrested, exterminated, exiled people
  • if you don’t know the names of your relatives up to the fifth generation
  • elders are not respected in the family
  • there are stillborn children in the family, or infants die before the age of three
  • there are six-fingered people and people with congenital fused joints on their hands and feet
  • there are mentally retarded relatives whose mental and state of mind led them to partial or complete social degeneration
  • there are many widows or widowers in the family
  • there are infertile marriages, ectopic pregnancies
  • there are beggars or very poor people in the family
  • family members who are alcohol or drug dependent
  • many atheists or relatives who have fallen away from the faith
  • the family is suing, dividing material assets blood, hate each other, cannot come to an agreement
  • close and distant relatives are not related
  • There is envy in the family, many relatives are in a long-standing quarrel
  • if a family renounces kinship and why the threshold, most likely the family is cursed to the seventh generation

The effect of the ancestral curse on loneliness and destruction of the genus

There are many rituals of inflicting ancestral damage and curses on a person. This is how an entire clan can be betrayed to death through a rope with an odd number of knots (so that the number is more than 13). In order for funerals to multiply in a hated family, it is necessary to place a rope with knots in the coffin of the deceased from that family, and tie both ends of the rope. Hide it in a coffin, and read the words of the conspiracy just once generational curse through the female line, and for men too, so that the whole race would die:

“The wicked death has come and taken you away, so it will not turn back, but it will be added to your family. Until then, the funerals will alternate, since the creation remains. Yes, if you don’t untie the knots, and if the circle of thread doesn’t break, then the circle of the grave will belong to your family. So the knots on the thread are alternated, as if the funeral of this family is predicted. Amen".

Hide the rope in the dead man’s coffin and leave. And when leaving, the sorcerer must say:

“Counted and buried. Amen".

If the sorcerer will be present at the funeral, then at the very moment when the coffin is lowered into the ground, you should read to yourself:

“Mourn yourself. Amen".

If it is not possible to attend the funeral, then the sorcerer must go to church and light a memorial candle. When the candle is engulfed in flames, you need to read the word not for the destruction of generational curses, but for causing damage to the quick extermination of the family:

“One is remembered, but all are buried. Amen".

A strong generational damage will be made. You should no longer see people of this kind, avoid them in every possible way, otherwise you will feel bad.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

How can you recognize a generational curse - Runic wax layout

Runic wax is a very good, very informative and not complicated runic layout for determining negativity. When starting the reading, whether you want to recognize a generational curse, or identify negativity in a person of a different nature, say an appeal to the Norns. In general, you should contact the goddesses of fate every time before you touch the runes for the purpose of divination:

“Three maidens, three Norns, three spinners of fate, Urd, Verdandi, Skuld. Direct my hands and eyes towards correct reading rune Let the runes tell the truth.”

After this, ask the runes a question.

Before you can get rid of the curse yourself, you need to accurately determine it.

The layout consists of 3 rows.

  • First row 4 runes. It can report the presence of negativity, or problems that the questioner himself created or attracted through his wrong actions. If there is negativity, the runes will indicate the area of ​​life that is affected by the negativity, as it affects a person.
  • Second row 2 runes. Who or what caused the negativity, if any. Here you can see the one who is doing harm.
  • Third row 1 rune. If there is a negative, the rune will indicate through what it was brought.

The main thing here is the first row. The runes of this series make it possible to determine whether the querent has a family curse. There is a negative if it contains inverted runes or Hagalaz, Turisaz, Eyvaz/Hagalaz, Eyvaz/Turisaz, Eyvaz/Laguz, Eyvaz and inverted runes nearby, trans. Laguz. Most often, the magical negative effect in the layout is shown by Eyvaz, Laguz (straight and inverted), sometimes Perth is straight, but in combination with inverted runes, or Perth is inverted. Isa can also speak about the presence of negativity. But here the damage concerns not so much the person himself, but rather. After the ancestral curse is lifted, a set of works will have to be done to eliminate the consequences of the negativity.

The diagnostician’s task is to identify and correctly identify energy negativity. Otal shows a family curse if there is a rune of corruption after it. No additions are needed here, it is obvious signs of a family curse in the male line, or along the female line. You can see damage to relationships in the family, or negativity to all family members if the rune of damage falls first, followed by Otal.

The second row of the layout for determining generic damage will tell you who or how brought negativity into life. This enemy may turn out to be himself. If Mannaz appears in the second row, this means that the querent himself is the source of negativity and his own misfortunes. If Berkana or Laguz appears, it means that a woman is being harmed. If Teyvaz or Tours falls out, the man casts a spell; if Gebo, Odal, Perto, Fehu falls out, it should be understood that destructive witchcraft was not cast on the querent himself, but on a thing or business.

The rune of the third row serves to clarify how the damage was done. If the Gebo rune appeared, the negative came through a gift, Odal - through the lining, Fehu - with some object that the querent was holding in his hands. The Laguz and Berkana runes indicate that a magical opoy or okorm has been made. However, the third row is considered when in the first row there is an indication of damage or there are signs of a family curse.

If the question is whether there is damage, Eyvaz, Turs, Hagal, Laguz, per. Laguz, per. Perth, which means there is definitely damage. Othal can be considered as a sign of a family curse if the rune of damage follows. If the rune of damage falls, and then Otal, this is damage to the family, to all its members. An inverted Otal without proximity to the runes of corruption does not indicate the presence of magical negativity; however, there are most likely problems with family and relatives.

Hagalaz - Yera - Thurisaz - any rune - such a combination can mean hereditary negativity, helps find out if there is a generational curse. Per. Laguz - lane Perth is a curse on loneliness, both for women and men; may be a consequence of a generational curse on celibacy. Hagalaz - Nautiz - Yera - the querent’s affairs collapse because someone cursed him.

When runes give out such combinations: Evaz - lane. Laguz, Eyvaz – Hagalaz, trans. Laguz - Kano, lane. Turisaz - trans. Algiz, you can diagnose the negative. The neighboring runes explain exactly what kind of negative the querent has.

  • If Gebo, Berkana, Teyvaz fall out, this means that your personal life is spoiled
  • Fehu, Uruz, Inguz - damage to material condition and well-being
  • Kano, Vunyo, Dagaz - damage to health
  • There is a serious negative if Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Berkana or per. Algiz, Eyvaz, trans. Laguz, Hagalaz, per. Algiz, Yera, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Yera, trans. Laguz. This situation, as a rule, indicates that things are going badly.

How to remove a family curse from yourself and your family - annealing strong negativity

Ancestral curses can be effectively destroyed magical ritual annealing Here is an effective ritual. True, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will note that it is labor-intensive, however, it removes destructive programs. I recommend cleaning for at least three days in a row. By witchcraft annealing you can remove the family curse along the female line. The ritual works great when you need to remove a family curse along the male line. He successfully breaks witchcraft locks.

This is some kind of curse, life is not going well. There is no husband, no children either. There is no way who was guilty in the family. To help you magic spell. Read it with intonation.

The ritual will not destroy anyone.

You will not take sin on your soul.

So don't worry about anything.

Father or mother, my grandmother or grandfather,
Which have not been around for a long time.

Once upon a time they received a spell,
Now I'm carrying a family curse.

It was born along a family chain,
Like an evil ulcer settled inside me.

I want it to stop as soon as possible
And it returned to the bowels of the earth forever.

When midnight comes, I will light the candles,
After reading these lines, I will burn the paper.

I will leave the innate evil to the earth,
And tomorrow morning I will light candles in the church.

Seven pieces so that our ancestors may rest in peace,
And seven for health - to divine powers.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

1). You go to church and buy seven expensive candles.

2). Fill a pre-prepared container with holy water.

3). If not in stock, purchase from church shop Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Blessed Elder Matrona and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

4). Be sure to wear a consecrated cross.

Never take it off.

5). At exactly midnight, lock yourself in your room and light the candles.

Place a vessel with holy water and Orthodox icons nearby.

6). Read the Lord's Prayer “Our Father” seven times in a row.

7). Drink a small amount of holy water.

8). Read a magical plot to remove a family curse from a page seven times in a row.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that in this case intertwined christian prayer and a conspiracy that does not manipulate evil forces, but is aimed at attracting the light energy of the deity to independently get rid of a terrible illness.

9). Wait until the candles burn out completely.

10). Wrap their remains in a sheet with a spell and set fire to the package, placing it on a pre-prepared saucer.

11). Drink holy water again.

12). Wear disposable gloves and place the combustion products along with the saucer in a plastic bag.

13). Bury him in a deserted place, burying him securely.

14). Return home without looking back or engaging in conversation with a random passerby.

15). Drink holy water for the third time.

16). Put away the Orthodox icons and get rid of the gloves.

They won't harm you.

17). In the morning, go to church and give a note of repose to your deceased relatives by buying fourteen candles.

18). Give a note about health not only to yourself, but also to those who are connected with you along the karmic line.

These are your children, grandchildren and parents, of course, if they are living peacefully.

19). Light seven candles on eve and the same number on Orthodox icons Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the Blessed Elder Matrona and the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon.

20). Go to church more often, try to observe fasts and spiritual traditions, then no evil intentions can harm you and your children.

May the Lord deliver you from the curse of the family that has settled inside your soul.

Many people at my receptions ask, is it possible to find out on your own whether you have a generational curse? Yes, of course it is possible. To do this, you need to sit down and calmly analyze your life and the fate of your loved ones.

Signs of a generational curse

Example. Marina comes to the reception. She is 32 years old. Her personal life is not going well, and she is afraid of remaining an old maid. I ask Marina to tell you about her relatives. Mom got married early, and after six months life together her husband disappeared in an unknown direction and no one else knew or heard about him. Marina's older sister also never married. She is engaged in science and tells everyone that she does not want to burden herself family ties, but in reality this is not so, and in confidential conversations with her sister she still wants family happiness. Their grandmother also did not have a chance to live happily - her young husband drowned on the river after six months (!) of living together. The grandmother’s sister once gave birth to a child from a visiting young man, but she was not able to tie herself with strong family ties throughout her life.

There are five family members of the same clan. It’s simply impossible to call it a mere coincidence that none of them had a successful personal life! Destructive program the generational curse is present on each of the members of this family...

At the energy-informational level, a curse is a huge black funnel, which is mainly located above the head of the cursed person, sometimes in the hypochondrium area. Through this funnel many people penetrate into the human aura. astral entities, deceased ancestors are notorious sinners and other astral evil spirits. And through the same funnel, the positive energies of goodness, abundance, and success leave a person.

Damned people seem to have numerous problems appear out of nowhere, and failures haunt them constantly. When the ancestral curse begins to manifest itself, a person’s energy-informational protection sharply decreases and ancestral and karmic debts are activated not only for himself, but also for the entire family. And this is very bad - imagine that not only your sins fall on you, but also the sins of all your ancestors, both on the maternal and paternal lines. Horror!

One of the signs of a family curse is frequent scandals and heated showdowns between family members. Here the family curse moves along the so-called circle of the Family - relatives squabble with each other, insult each other, sue over housing, property, but... they cannot part, since the curse of the circle does not let them go from each other and drives them like on a circular path carousels, throwing mud at them with curses, insults, reproaches and threats.

When can a curse manifest itself?

At different ages and different circumstances. Everything here is individual. In many cases it does not appear in childhood. Many people live quite successfully and happily, but suddenly some insignificant event activates the generational curse, and life goes downhill. For example, I freed a woman from a family curse who had inherited her grandmother’s house. The house was very old. All those relatives who lived there had nothing going for them in life, and the woman, having inherited housing, took over everything generational sins and family problems, although there was no damage to the building itself (and cursed and damaged houses are a completely different story).

The curse sometimes began to act upon reaching a certain age. For example, failures began to haunt a successful businessman when he turned 32 years old. As it turned out, it was at this age that his grandfather was cursed by his own witch aunt for insulting her.

Who is most often subject to a generational curse - men or women? Based on the experience of my practice, I would say this - 60 percent are women and 40 percent are men. It's just that men tend to have a more realistic vision of the world. Many of them do not believe in magic or mysticism, and explain the series of their illnesses and failures as a simple coincidence, difficult circumstances etc. Try asking such non-believers to read conspiracies about getting rid of the generational curse or to pray for their ancestors. It is unlikely that you will succeed...

It also happens that in some family there was a witch or sorcerer who, while doing various dirty things, did not bother themselves with unnecessary troubles, transferred their problems and their “kickbacks”, exposing their relatives to attack. This happened quite rarely, but still there were similar cases. One girl was subjected to such a curse precisely because her great-grandmother practiced black witchcraft. She treated some people, and damaged others. This woman didn’t even bother to throw away the eggs after rolling outside the house - she (!) buried them in her yard. Therefore, the great-granddaughter received the full package - she was constantly sick, slept poorly, and all the men ran many kilometers away from her.

IN Old Testament the verb “to curse” means to impose a ban or put a barrier, to deprive the ability to move. Several members of the family were unable to start their own business. My brother wanted to raise pigs, but they all died. He started them a second time, but the farm burned down. And the bank had to pay off debts, and they were considerable. His sister lived in the city and opened a cafe there, which caught fire several times, then it was flooded, and, in the end, a family who was celebrating an anniversary was poisoned there, which led to endless legal proceedings. As a result, the cafe had to be closed. Their nephew started transporting and selling electronics from abroad, but on the way, various adventures happened with these same electronics - once the driver was robbed on the way, another time they slipped a consignment of defective goods, and the third time the car crashed into a pole. The driver miraculously survived, but the goods were pretty damaged. The mother of these children also decided to start a business, bought clothes and began selling them on the market, but sales were not going well, and she was forced to sell them in bulk for a purely symbolic price at a loss.

Undoubtedly, this was a generational curse. When I began to understand the intricacies of this vile generic program, it turned out that the grandmother of these people was cursed by one woman. Grandmother was misled by an unclean man, and she stole from an old neighbor whom she was caring for. beautiful ring with a diamond. When the old woman’s daughter arrived from another city, she discovered the loss and, naturally, suspected her neighbor of the theft, since only she was allowed into the house. She began to swear and swear that she had not taken anything. The woman cried and said that the ring was their heirloom and it was very dear to the family. When her arguments and pleas were not heard, she began to curse the thief. She wanted all her children and grandchildren to “walk around in rags”, to “drink the same water and eat only crackers”, so that there would be no way or road for them all... As you can see, the curse clearly and terribly began its path in the life of this a family whose members suffered because of their thieving relative.

It is important to know that if there is a family curse on family members, it means that something very important happened, because no one will simply curse the entire family!

By the family line you can find out which member of the clan has a “demon in the rib”. If this line is female, then it is recommended to avoid women of this kind in any way, not to start families with them and not to enter into any business or personal relationships. If the clan was damaged in the male line, then, accordingly, it was proposed not to have anything to do with such men.

We think that in our family there were only bright and kind souls, but in reality everything turns out to be wrong. We believe that the shadows of the past will never fall on our lives, and, in general, there are no shadows, but the ghosts of the past enter life and destinies without asking whether we want it or not. At receptions I hear something like this: “Well, I don’t know my grandmothers or grandfathers. Well, how can they, who died a long time ago, influence me and my children? We don’t even have photographs of them…” Regardless of whether we remember our ancestors or not, their actions, sins, unseemly deeds have a huge role on us living now. However, like their good deeds, charity, helping others and responsiveness.

During the war, one person was shell-shocked and was surrounded by the Germans and taken prisoner. This happened in August 1941. He, like hundreds of others, was driven like a flock of sheep under escort. In one field, the prisoners were forced to dig a pit, and they were placed there. It was incredibly hot. The pit was surrounded barbed wire and security. Once a day, the prisoners were given gruel and a mug of muddy, salty water. This man was from a nearby village. His wife found out that her husband had been captured and, without thinking twice, grabbed gold ring and rushed to the pit to ransom her husband. She succeeded (at the very beginning of the war this could still happen). But together with her husband, his friend, a guy from a neighboring village, was in the pit. He conjured his friend’s wife with all the saints to pull him out of this hell. The German official told the woman that she could also take the guy in exchange for something else gold decoration. She promised, but she never kept her promise. They had another ring at home, but the woman decided that times were cold and hungry, gold could still be useful, and therefore she felt sorry for giving the ring in exchange for a person’s life.

Time has passed. The rescued husband spent the entire war at home on the stove. And half of the people sitting in the pit were shot. The same guy was among the dead. After the war, this husband and wife went to the village where the deceased lived to visit some relatives for a holiday. The mother of the guy who was shot was at this celebration. The man drank and, unable to resist, told his friend’s mother what had happened, although his wife constantly pulled him away and hissed at him to shut his mouth. Old woman did not say anything in response, but after some time she told those who did not save her son that she went to the ashes of the church, which was burned, and there she cursed their family to the tenth generation.

This heartbreaking story was told to me by the daughter of these people. It was not customary for her family to talk about this story. This skeleton was safely hidden in the family closet. But life was very difficult for all the descendants of this family. Divorces, constant illnesses, failures and... scandals, scandals, scandals. One boy fell to his death motor boat. Another was born with a leg defect. And one of the relatives was sent to prison for fraud...

How to remove a generational curse

The ancestral curse can and should be lifted. With the help of prayer, conspiracies, rituals, godly deeds, sincere repentance and Faith!

1. If you know where the grave of the person who cursed you is, go there on the waning moon, put a loaf of black bread, put a bottle of wine and light a candle. Say 3 times: “You cursed, I gave you the curse. Take your curse, take it with you! So be it!” Leave without talking to anyone or looking back.

2. Take odd number candles in a bundle, tie it with a red ribbon, light the candles and read into the flame of the candles three times: “By the blood of Adam, by the power of all ancestors, I conjure with a prayer word. Roll down, contact, brush away all the curses, all the spells - from your family, from your souls, from your hearts, from your destinies, from your lives. Go, curse, where it came from, into an open field, into a wide expanse, there you will have fun and sigh, and leave us for the sake of Christ forever! Amen. Amen. Amen"

Your candles should burn out to the end, and you should burn the ribbon in the open air - on the street, on the balcony or near an open window.

3. Take a good, high-quality photo of your family and place it on the table. Light a red candle and place it to your right. Take in right hand apple (if you are left-handed, then to the left). Roll the apple over the photograph and quietly read 7 times: “With an apple, sins are removed, with an apple, curses are removed, with an apple, souls are cleansed, with an apple, destinies are opened, with an apple, slander is nailed down, with an apple, enemies are bound, with an apple, dashing deeds fall apart, with an apple, demons are killed, with an apple, childbirth continues. All good deeds are covered with an apple. Curses go away, happiness and goodness come. To all amens, amen, and on the amen, another amen!”
Extinguish the candle; you can use it in other rituals. Hide the photo, and take the apple outside and give it to the birds.

I warn you that these rituals are very strong. After they are carried out, family members may develop a fever and experience nausea and a burning sensation in the throat and stomach. This is a normal phenomenon, since the curse goes away, DNA structures change, the ancestral egregor is cleansed, and the sins of the genus are reset. This means that you are on the right path, and such rituals need to be performed several more times.

I. Popovich, healer, Krivoy Rog, [email protected]

The generational curse is one of the most powerful negative magical influences. It differs from damage and an ordinary curse in that troubles haunt not a single person, but his entire family for many generations to come. It turns out that you, their descendants, have to pay for the sins of your distant ancestors.

A family curse, as a rule, is sent by a person in order to take revenge for harm caused to him, or out of envy. It acquires special power when the words of the curse are pronounced in the last minutes of the curser’s life.

Signs of damage and generational curse can be different. For example, all men in a family suffer from the same disease. It is especially dangerous when it leads to death. In this case, even doctors will not be able to help.

A family curse can affect the continuation of the family. For example, in the female or male line: it is not possible to conceive a child, miscarriages or death of newborns occur.

Sometimes a curse on a family can only manifest itself after a person reaches a certain age. For example, after reaching the age of 30, a person can lose everything he has achieved. Then, his children also repeat this fate. And this chain becomes inevitable.

There is no happiness in your personal life - this is also one of obvious signs ancestral curse. It happens that everyone in the family cannot find a life partner, or gets married, but quickly gets divorced. Often this type of curse ends in the complete destruction of the family, since the birth of children in the cursed family cannot be expected.

Hereditary emotional shocks, which then lead to prolonged depression, are also a common sign of a generational curse. Failures in life lead to a person withdrawing into himself and moving away from outside world and eventually goes crazy.

Another of the most common manifestations of a generational curse is constant financial difficulties. From generation to generation, the family fails to cross the poverty line.

Many may think that there are some signs of a generational curse in almost every family. This is true. Negative energy can settle in almost every family. But if earlier our ancestors knew how to remove the generational curse, then in today’s time it is quite difficult.

Today we don’t think about the fact that the negativity of the gender needs to be cleaned regularly, just like cleaning the house, washing, brushing your teeth and putting your body in order. We care about the purity of our outer world, but we forget about the purity of the inner component of our life. There are many ways to remove a generational curse. However, each method is purely individual and is suitable solely based on the manifestation of the curse, its symptoms and the time of its action.

According to many psychics and magicians, removing damage and generational curses is a very difficult process. People often take pictures negative energy in the church. Religion provides for the removal of sins from the entire race, and even those mistakes that the damned are not even aware of.

There is one radical way to break the generational curse. But this requires special endurance, patience and fortitude. A person who experiences manifestations of a generational curse must completely break ties with his family. To do this, you don’t have to go to another country or stop communicating with your relatives. The severance of the connection should occur not on the physical, but on the spiritual level. After this, the cursed person simply stops performing the birth program. He loses the protection of his family, but at the same time gets rid of the curse.

You need to find your own path in life, and not the one provided by the birth program. To do this you need to go to new level perception of life and one's destiny. It's not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to show strong desire get rid of some kind of negativity and fight manifestations of magical influence.

17.09.2013 13:32

On the official website of Alexander Sheps, posts often appear in which he gives recommendations and advice...

#100HappyDays Day 12

Today we will talk about how to recognize whether there is a generational curse on you and, if there is, how to remove it yourself. You will find the main recommendation in any source: contact a real magician, psychic, wizard, etc. And a sign of “authenticity” will be a lot of “real” reviews;)

In the distant times of our ancestors, witches were considered those who simply had the necessary knowledge, knew how to communicate with the surrounding nature, knew how to feel and developed the necessary abilities.

We are learning magic and therefore here we share the necessary knowledge, and your task is to communicate with nature, feel it and, most importantly, believe in yourself;)

Now on topic :)

This phenomenon occurs, which is usually called a “family curse,” when one of the distant ancestors greatly offended another person and he, in turn, wished a hundred misfortunes in his hearts for this person and his entire family. The power of words can be very destructive, and this will be transmitted through generations. Especially if this word contains powerful energy. In order to impose a curse, you do not need to perform any special rituals; this is done with words and thoughts. The most severe curse can come from parents or older relatives. A word spoken in a state of passion can break the destinies of generations. The effect of the curse can extend to the entire family as a whole, or be transmitted either through the female or male line, or “turn on” at a certain age, or through a generation. There are a lot of action scenarios, but you can deal with them and it’s actually not that difficult;)

It has its own obvious signs:

1. Many family members have serious problems with the psyche and nervous system: increased levels of irritation, suicidal tendencies, depression, aggressiveness, apathy, addiction, etc.

2. Early or unnatural deaths in the family (not isolated cases). This can happen in both the male and female lines, and can be tied to some events or dates. There can also be many scenarios here, and in each case it is necessary to look and analyze: is it an accident, a coincidence, or is there some kind of program at work.

3. Younger generations repeat the fate of older generations. If you look at destinies, you get the feeling that everyone lives according to approximately the same scenario, adjusted for the passage of time and new technologies.

4. The same disease occurs along some line or is transmitted through generations in a scenario. Most often it manifests itself at a certain age, plus a couple of minutes, and this scenario can also be traced. Make sure it's not a coincidence.

5. It is very difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex. People often become lonely. For no apparent reason they are abandoned or become widows/widowers. Here you also need to analyze and make sure that these are not accidents or coincidences. If a generic curse is in effect, then the script and the underlying program will be clearly visible.

These are the most obvious signs. If you suddenly find them, then we will get rid of the misfortune :)

We remove the generational curse. As always, I tell you methods that you can do yourself at home and that will be effective.

To begin with, let's take family photos. One of the photographs should be a general family photo, in which all the people depicted are alive. If you have determined that negativity is transmitted only through the female or only through the male line, then collect as many photographs of women or men (respectively) of your family as possible. Those who are alive. Do not put photographs of the living and the deceased side by side. Compose on clean slate paper list of living relatives for whom you are praying. Start the list with your name. You must include everyone you are asking for, regardless of whether these people are in the pictures or not. We write only living people.

Place the photographs and the list in a book of holy scriptures. The list should extend slightly beyond the edges of the book. It could be the Bible or the Koran, it doesn't matter. It is important that this book resonates in your heart. You can choose a page with a particular chapter and put photographs there, or you can randomly put photographs between the pages. The universe itself will lead you to the right chapter and the right lines;)

The ritual is performed strictly on the waning moon. You can complete the ritual on the new moon or the first quarter of the waxing moon. But we begin to lift the curse during the waning moon.

For a week the photographs and names lie in the holy book, and every evening you light a candle or several candles and read prayers. The photographs have not been taken out of the book for a week. But the list must be taken out and revealed during each prayer. During this reading period, place the book with photographs next to you and place it on it. left hand. The prayer that is closest to you should come first, it could be the Our Father or the Angelic Greeting, it doesn’t matter. This should be YOUR prayer, which will come from your heart.

Next, we read the plot three times: "God, I pray you, bless your children(read out the names from the list, starting with your name. If at the time of reading you remember that you forgot someone from your family, say his name and then add it). God, grant us support and protection. Take away slander and slander from us and our entire family, deliver us from the curse and bring us to the light of God. Help us, Lord, according to our faith and our deeds. I believe in you and trust you with my destiny, and through myself I instill faith in my family and good deeds I will thank you for your help to those in need. So be it. Amen."

After this, we read the same prayer with which we started, or any other that your heart asks for.

The last day of reporting should fall on either the new moon or the waxing moon.

And so, after a week of lectures, take the photographs and go to the temple. Light candles for the health of everyone living in your family (you can have one for each person, you can have one candle for your favorite icons for all members of your family). Again, the main thing here is that everything comes from the soul and from the heart. Pray for your health and for theirs and ask God to remove the generational curse from you and your family. In gratitude, promise (and then fulfill) to help those who need your help, regardless of whether they are relatives or random passers-by. It is best to pray in your own words, which come from the heart. There is no need to take out photographs, they just need to be with you.

If you go to catholic church, then the best place for such prayers is the benches near the Holy Gifts, and best time it is Mass, no matter what language it is celebrated in. Talk to God, he will hear and help. If you start to cry during prayer, it means that very soon everything will pass and God will send angels to help you.

When you return home from the temple on this day or the next day convenient for you and your family, bake a simple apple pie and set the table with food you prepared yourself, not ordered from a restaurant. Gather your family, whoever is possible, feed everyone, have a regular family lunch or dinner. If possible, talk only about good things, remember the departed with good thoughts, say as much good things as possible to each other. You did this ritual and you must set the tone for this feast. Talk about how much you love and appreciate each other. Only those who can will come to the table. Don't persuade or force anyone.

After the feast, collect a piece of pie and leftover food and take it away from home. Do not store any leftovers at home. Therefore, try to correctly calculate the preparation of dishes, do not overdo it;) Away from home, feed animals or birds with this food.

Tell me when you feed them “I take away with this food all the bad things that were imposed on the family. Just as this food reaches you and is spread away from our family, so the bad things leave us, and make room for the good. Take everything with you and leave it far from us. It’s delicious for you and good for us, I’m doing it for everyone’s benefit. So be it. Amen." It is good to feed the birds with bread and a piece of apple pie; everything else can be laid out where the animals will definitely find and eat it.

Well, that's all, come home, take a shower and go to rest. You've done everything you need to do. The result will be quite quickly. Just remember what you promised in return? Do good to others and ask everyone in your family to do the same. Not on purpose, not demonstratively, but spontaneously and from the heart.