What is the name of the room where children are baptized? Child baptism, rules, superstitions and traditions

The Hunza River Valley is located on the border of India and Pakistan, it is also called the “oasis of youth”.

Why? The life expectancy of local residents is 110-120 years.

They almost never get sick and look young. Their longevity still baffles researchers. We will tell you more about the life of the mountain people.

The inhabitants of the Hunza Valley, unlike neighboring peoples, are very similar in appearance to Europeans.

According to legend, the dwarf mountain state was founded by soldiers of the army of Alexander the Great during his Indian campaign.

The Khunzakuts are amused by the fact that anyone else is called a mountain people. After all, they settled near the famous “mountain meeting place” - the point where the three highest systems of the world converge: the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram. Today, Hunza is administered by the Pakistani Ministry of Kashmir and Northern Territories Affairs. One of the main attractions of Hunza is the glacier, which descends into the valley like a wide, cold river.

They have their own language - Burushaski (Burushaski, whose relationship has not yet been established with any of the languages ​​of the world, although everyone here knows Urdu, and many speak English). They profess Islam, but not the one to which we are accustomed, but Ismaili is one of the most mystical and mysterious in religion.

Therefore, in Hunza you will not hear the usual calls to prayer. Turning to God is a personal matter and time for everyone.

The Hunza bathe in icy water even at 15 degrees below zero, play outdoor games until they are a hundred years old, their 40-year-old women look like girls, at 60 they maintain a slim and graceful figure, and at 65 they still give birth to children. In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, in winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, sheep cheese.

Something else is interesting: during the “hungry spring” (the period when the fruits have not yet ripened; lasts 2-4 months), they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink made from dried apricots once a day. Such a fast has been elevated to a cult and is strictly observed.

The Scottish doctor McCarrison, who was the first to describe the Happy Valley, emphasized that protein consumption there is at a lowest level norms, if it can be called a norm at all. The daily calorie content of Hunza averages 1933 kcal and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 g of carbohydrates.

In the book “The Hunza - a People Who Know No Diseases,” R. Bircher emphasizes the following very significant advantages of the nutrition model in this country:
- first of all, it is vegetarian;
- large number raw foods;
- vegetables and fruits predominate in the daily diet;
- natural products, without any chemicals, and prepared preserving all biologically valuable substances;
- alcohol and treats are consumed extremely rarely;
- very moderate salt intake;
- products grown only on native soil;
- regular periods of fasting.

To this must be added other factors that contribute to healthy longevity. But the method of nutrition is undoubtedly very significant and decisive here.

In 1984, one of the Hunzakuts, whose name was Said Abdul Mobud, arrived at London Heathrow Airport. He bewildered the emigration service workers when he presented his passport. According to the document, Hunzakut was born in 1823 and turned 160 years old. The mullah who accompanied Mobud noted that his ward is considered a saint in the country of Hunza, famous for its long-livers. Mobud has excellent health and sound mind. He remembers events well since 1850.

Local residents speak simply about their secret to longevity: be a vegetarian, always work physically, constantly move and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years. Distinctive Features Hunzas as a people with “full health”:

1) High ability to work in a broad sense words. Among the Hunzi, this ability to work is manifested both during work and during dancing and games. For them, walking 100–200 kilometers is the same as for us taking a short walk near the house. They climb steep mountains with extraordinary ease to convey some news, and return home fresh and cheerful.

2) Cheerfulness. The Hunzas laugh constantly, they are always in good location spirit, even if you are hungry and suffering from the cold.

3) Exceptional durability. “The Hunzas have nerves as strong as ropes, and thin and tender as strings,” McCarison wrote. - They never get angry or complain, are not nervous or impatient, do not quarrel with each other and with complete peace of mind endure physical pain, trouble, noise, etc.”

The Hunza River Valley is located on the border of India and Pakistan, it is also called the “oasis of youth”. Why? The life expectancy of local residents is 110-120 years. They almost never get sick and look young.

Their longevity still baffles researchers. It is interesting to know and will tell you more about the life of the mountain people. This means that there is a certain way of life that approaches the ideal, when people feel healthy, happy, and do not age, as in other countries, by the age of 40-50. It is curious that the inhabitants of the Hunza Valley, unlike neighboring peoples, are very similar in appearance to Europeans (as are the Kalash, who live very close by).

According to legend, the dwarf mountain state located here was founded by a group of soldiers from the army of Alexander the Great during his Indian campaign. Naturally, they established strict combat discipline here - such that residents with swords and shields had to sleep, eat, and even dance...

At the same time, the Hunzakuts treat with slight irony the fact that someone else in the world is called highlanders. Well, in fact, isn’t it obvious that with full right this name should be borne only by those who live near the famous “mountain meeting place” - the point where the three highest systems of the world converge: the Himalayas, the Hindu Kush and the Karakoram. Of the 14 eight-thousand-meter peaks on Earth, five are located nearby, including the second after Everest K2 (8,611 meters), the ascent of which in the mountaineering community is valued even more than the conquest of Chomolungma. And what can we say about the no less famous local “killer peak” Nanga Parbat (8,126 meters), which buried a record number of climbers? And about the dozens of seven- and six-thousanders literally “crowding” around Hunza?

It will be impossible to pass through these rock masses if you are not a world-class athlete. You can only “seep” through narrow passes, gorges, and trails. Since ancient times, these rare arteries were controlled by principalities, which imposed significant taxes on all passing caravans. Hunza was considered one of the most influential among them.

In distant Russia, little is known about this “lost world”, and for reasons not only geographical, but also political: Hunza, along with some other valleys of the Himalayas, ended up on the territory over which India and Pakistan have been fiercely arguing for almost 60 years (mainly the subject remains the much larger Kashmir).

The USSR, to be safe, always tried to distance itself from the conflict. For example, in most Soviet dictionaries and encyclopedias the same K2 (another name is Chogori) is mentioned, but without indicating the area in which it is located. The local, quite traditional names were erased from Soviet maps and, accordingly, from the Soviet news lexicon. But here’s what’s surprising: everyone in Hunza knows about Russia.
Two captains

Many locals respectfully call the Baltit fort, which hangs from a cliff above Karimabad, “the castle”. It is already about 700 years old, and at one time it served the local independent ruler as both a palace of peace and a fortress. While not devoid of impressiveness on the outside, Baltit seems gloomy and damp from the inside. Dimmed rooms and poor furnishings - ordinary pots, spoons, a giant stove... In one of the rooms there was a hatch in the floor - under it the world (prince) of Hunza kept his personal prisoners. There are few bright and large rooms, perhaps only the “balcony room” produces pleasant experience- from here there is a majestic view of the valley. On one of the walls of this room there is a collection of ancient musical instruments, on the other there are weapons: sabers, swords. And a saber donated by the Russians.

In one of the rooms hang two portraits: the British captain Younghusband and the Russian captain Grombchevsky, who decided the fate of the principality. In 1888, at the junction of the Karakorum and the Himalayas, a Russian village almost appeared: when a Russian officer Bronislav Grombchevsky arrived on a mission to the then world of Hunza Safdar Ali. At that time, on the border of Hindustan and Central Asia, the Great Game was going on, an active confrontation between the two superpowers of the 19th century - Russia and Great Britain. Not only a military man, but also a scientist, and later even an honorary member of the Imperial Geographical Society, this man had no intention of conquering lands for his king. And there were only six Cossacks with him then. But still, the talk was about the speedy establishment of a trading post and a political union. Russia, which by that time had influence throughout the Pamirs, now turned its gaze to Indian goods. So the captain entered the Game.

Safdar received him very warmly and willingly concluded the proposed agreement - he was afraid of the British pressing from the south.

And, as it turned out, not without reason. Grombchevsky's mission seriously alarmed Calcutta, where at that time the court of the Viceroy of British India was located. And although special commissioners and spies reassured the authorities: there was hardly any need to fear the appearance of Russian troops on the “top of India” - the passes leading from the north to Hunza were too difficult, and, moreover, covered with snow for most of the year - it was decided to urgently send a detachment under the command of Francis here Younghusband.

Both captains were colleagues - “geographers in uniform”; they met more than once on Pamir expeditions. Now they had to determine the future of the ownerless “Khunzakut bandits,” as they were called in Calcutta.

Meanwhile, Russian goods and weapons slowly appeared in Hunza, and even a ceremonial portrait of Alexander III appeared in the Baltit Palace. The distant mountain government began diplomatic correspondence with St. Petersburg and offered to host a Cossack garrison. And in 1891, a message came from Hunza: the world of Safdar Ali officially asks to accept him and all the people into Russian citizenship. This news soon reached Calcutta; as a result, on December 1, 1891, the Younghusband mountain riflemen captured the principality, Safdar Ali fled to Xinjiang. “The door to India is slammed shut on the Tsar,” the British occupier wrote to the Viceroy.

So, Russian territory Hunza counted itself for only four days. The ruler of the Hunzakuts wished to see himself as Russian, but never received an official answer. And the British gained a foothold and stayed here until 1947, when, during the collapse of the newly independent British India, the principality suddenly found itself in territory controlled by Muslims.

Today Hunza is governed by the Pakistani Ministry of Kashmir and Northern Territories Affairs, but the failed exodus is fondly remembered Big Games, stayed.

Moreover, local residents ask Russian tourists why there are so few tourists from Russia. At the same time, the British, although they left almost 60 years ago, still have hippies infesting the territory.

Apricot hippies

It is believed that Hunza was rediscovered for the West by the hippies who wandered around Asia in the 1970s in search of truth and exoticism. Moreover, this place has been popularized so much that even ordinary apricots are now called Hunza Apricot by Americans. However, the “flower children” were attracted here not only by these two categories, but also by Indian hemp.

One of the main attractions of Hunza is the glacier, which descends into the valley like a wide, cold river. However, on numerous terraced fields they grow potatoes, vegetables and hemp, which is smoked here and added as a seasoning to meat dishes and soups.

As for the young long-haired guys with the words “Hippie way” on their T-shirts - either real hippies or retro lovers - they are in Karimabad and mostly gobble up apricots. This is undoubtedly the main value of the Khunzakut gardens. All of Pakistan knows that only here do the “Khan fruits” grow, which ooze fragrant juice even on the trees.

Hunza is attractive not only for radical youth - mountain travel enthusiasts, history buffs, and simply those who simply want to get away from their homeland come here. The picture is complemented, of course, by numerous rock climbers...

Since the valley is located halfway from the Khunjerab Pass to the beginning of the Hindustan plains, the Khunzakuts are confident that they control the route to the “upper world.” To the mountains, as such. It is difficult to say whether this principality was really once founded by the soldiers of Alexander the Great, or whether it was the Bactrians - the Aryan descendants of the once united great Russian people, but there is certainly some mystery in the appearance of this small and distinctive people in their surroundings. He speaks his own Burushaski language (Burushaski, whose relationship has not yet been established with any of the languages ​​of the world, although everyone here knows Urdu, and many speak English), professes, of course, like most Pakistanis, Islam, but a special one. sense, namely Ismaili, one of the most mystical and mysterious in religion, which is professed by up to 95% of the population. Therefore, in Hunza you will not hear the usual calls to prayer blaring from the speakers of the minarets. Everything is quiet, prayer is a personal matter and time for everyone.

The Hunza bathe in icy water even at 15 degrees below zero, play outdoor games until they are a hundred years old, their 40-year-old women look like girls, at 60 they maintain a slim and graceful figure, and at 65 they still give birth to children. In summer they eat raw fruits and vegetables, in winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, sheep cheese.

The Hunza River was a natural barrier for the two medieval principalities of Hunza and Nagar. Since the 17th century, these principalities were constantly at odds, stealing each other’s women and children and selling them into slavery. Both of them lived in fortified villages. One more thing is interesting: residents have a period when the fruits have not yet ripened - it is called the “hungry spring” and lasts from two to four months. During these months they eat almost nothing and only drink a drink made from dried apricots once a day. Such a fast has been elevated to a cult and is strictly observed.

The Scottish doctor McCarrison, who first described the Happy Valley, emphasized that protein consumption there is at the lowest level of the norm, if it can be called normal at all. The daily calorie content of Hunza averages 1933 kcal and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 carbohydrates.

The Scotsman lived in close proximity to the Hunza Valley for 14 years. He came to the conclusion that diet is the main factor in the longevity of this people. If a person eats incorrectly, then the mountain climate will not save him from illness. It is therefore not surprising that the Hunza neighbors, living in the same climatic conditions, suffer from a wide variety of diseases. Their lifespan is half as long.

McCarrison, returning to England, carried out interesting experiments on a large number of animals. Some of them ate the usual food of a London working-class family (white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned and boiled vegetables). As a result, a wide variety of “human diseases” began to appear in this group. Other animals were on a Hunza diet and remained absolutely healthy throughout the experiment.

In the book “The Hunza - a People Who Know No Diseases,” R. Bircher emphasizes the following very significant advantages of the nutrition model in this country:

First of all, it is vegetarian;
- a large amount of raw foods;
- vegetables and fruits predominate in the daily diet;
- natural products, without any chemicals and prepared preserving all biologically valuable substances;
- alcohol and treats are consumed extremely rarely;
- very moderate salt intake; products grown only on domestic soil;
- regular periods of fasting.

To this must be added other factors that contribute to healthy longevity. But the method of nutrition is undoubtedly very significant and decisive here.

In 1963, a French medical expedition visited Hunza. As a result of the population census she conducted, it was found that the average life expectancy of the Hunzakuts is 120 years, which is twice as high as that of Europeans. In August 1977, at the Paris International Cancer Congress, a statement was made: “In accordance with the data of geocarcinology (the science of studying cancer diseases in different regions of the world) complete absence cancer occurs only among the Hunza people.”

In April 1984, one of the Hong Kong newspapers reported the following amazing case. One of the Hunzakuts, whose name was Said Abdul Mobut, who arrived at London Heathrow Airport, bewildered the emigration service workers when he presented his passport. According to the document, Hunzakut was born in 1823 and turned 160 years old. The mullah who accompanied Mobud noted that his ward is considered a saint in the country of Hunza, famous for its long-livers. Mobud has excellent health and sound mind. He remembers events well since 1850.

Local residents speak simply about their secret to longevity: be a vegetarian, always work physically, constantly move and do not change the rhythm of life, then you will live up to 120-150 years. Distinctive features of the Hunzas as a people with “full health”:

1) High ability to work in the broad sense of the word. Among the Hunzi, this ability to work is manifested both during work and during dancing and games. For them, walking 100–200 kilometers is the same as for us taking a short walk near the house. They climb steep mountains with extraordinary ease to convey some news, and return home fresh and cheerful.

2) Cheerfulness. The Hunzas laugh constantly, they are always in a good mood, even if they are hungry and suffering from the cold.

3) Exceptional durability. “The Hunzas have nerves as strong as ropes, and thin and gentle as a string,” wrote McCarrison. “They never get angry or complain, do not get nervous or show impatience, do not quarrel among themselves and endure physical pain with complete peace of mind, troubles, noise, etc.”

Soon after the birth of a baby, in many families the question of Baptism in the church is raised. What kind of sacrament is this, why is it performed? Who are spiritual parents - godmothers and fathers, what are their responsibilities? Is there a difference in the baptismal rites for a boy and a girl and what do they consist of? Let's talk about the first great holiday in the life of a little man, which has great importance for him.

What is baptism

Baptism is a church ritual coming from God. It is called to convey the grace of the Holy Spirit to a believer, invisible and not material, but, nevertheless, real. This is a gift from God, given to people not for their qualities, but solely out of the love of the Almighty.

Immersion in the water of the baptismal font is a symbol of renunciation of sinful life, denoting its irreversible death. At this moment, we remember the suffering of Christ, his sacrifice made for the sake of our salvation. Coming out of the font is resurrection, a symbol of eternal life, life to the glory of the Lord. Washed from original sin the believer has the opportunity to receive communion miraculous salvation perfect Savior.

After the rite of Baptism, a person is included in the Church of Christ, having decided to follow the commandments and the Gospel. He gains access to other church Sacraments, through which the grace of God descends as help on the thorny righteous path.

At what age are children baptized?

IN church rules there is no clear indication of the age of the baby at which he should be introduced to the sacrament of God. It is customary for Orthodox parents to baptize a baby if he is between eight and forty days from birth.

What could make a mother and father postpone such an important church ceremony? The exceptional lack of proper faith on the part of the parents, who consciously decided to deprive the child of the grace of the sacrament.

Many people wonder whether it is worth postponing the Baptism of the baby until the moment when he is able to independently make a choice in favor of faith in God. The danger of hesitation is that until then the soul of the baby will be open to the harmful effects of the surrounding sinful world.

You cannot worry exclusively about the child’s body, feeding and nurturing it, while forgetting about eternal soul. At Baptism God's grace cleanses the very nature of the baby, giving him eternal life. Figuratively speaking, this sacred act means spiritual birth. After this sacrament, the little man can be given communion.

Naturally, a newborn cannot declare his faith, but this is not a reason to forget about his soul. We don’t ask the baby’s permission when we take him to the clinic for vaccination, do we? Being sure that this is only for his benefit, we ourselves make a decision for him.

So here too, Baptism is essentially spiritual healing, nourishment for the soul, which the baby so needs, although he cannot realize and express it.

Preparation before a child's baptism

Although there are no restrictions on the time and place of the sacrament of God, nevertheless, in some parishes it is carried out according to a schedule on strictly defined days. Most often this is due to the heavy workload on the priest and his busyness.

Before setting a date for a child's Baptism, you should contact the church to find out if there is a schedule for the sacraments and to agree on the time of the sacraments. If there is a record of those wishing to perform the ceremony, then this should be done.

Then come with your baby on the appointed day at the appointed time. In this case, the godmother and father chosen by the parents must be present and have with them:

pectoral cross for the baby;

- baptismal shirt;

- a handkerchief or napkin to wipe the little one’s face;

- an icon of the Saint, depending on the child’s name, which will become a kind of protection for him;

— 2 towels (large for the baby, small - donation to the temple if desired).

Parents often wonder whether they need to have their baby’s birth certificate with them. It turns out that a document is not needed for the sacrament of Baptism.

Given the age of the baby, his successors should prepare for the sacrament instead of him. This condition is valid for children under 12-14 years of age.

The recipient should attend the course public conversations at the temple with the priest. This could also be a catechist, if such a position is provided in the church. The number of such conversations is determined by the abbot. The recipient should also undergo a confessional conversation with the priest.

In addition to all the conversations, future spiritual parents, a few days before the event, must give up carnal pleasures and learn the “Creed” prayer. Plus it takes several days strict fasting. In the same church where I will baptize the baby, I should undergo confession and communion.

What to buy for baptism

To carry out the sacrament of God, you need to purchase a baptismal set for your baby, which includes a shirt and a cross. It must be taken into account that if we're talking about about a boy, then his godfather should buy him a cross. If it’s about a girl, then the godmother makes the necessary purchases, and she also prepares the sheet for the ceremony.

A sheet, or alternatively a large towel, is needed to wrap the baby after the dip.

A pectoral cross purchased in a regular store must be blessed in advance in the church. It is better if it is immediately on a strong ribbon, or, as some parents prefer, on a strong chain, so that you can immediately put it on the baby’s neck.

Choosing godparents

Godparents for a baby are usually chosen among relatives (grandparents, brother, sister, aunt, uncle) or among close friends and acquaintances. The most important condition is that each of the chosen ones must be a believer and baptized. If someone expresses a desire to become the child’s adoptive parent, but has not undergone the sacrament himself, then he must first be baptized himself, only then does he have the right to take on such important obligations.

In very rare, most often exceptional, cases, parents are invited to be godparents, sister or brother.

The godfather and godmother have very important responsibilities towards the little one, so you should not look at them as just a necessary addition to the ceremony. Moreover, you cannot choose them simply to perform the sacrament and part with them. It is best to discuss candidates with a clergyman.

The Church has established a whole list of persons who cannot be invited to be the godfather or mother of a baby.

Have no right to be godparents of the child:

1. Nuns and monks.

2. Mentally ill people.

3. Representatives of other movements (Catholics, Lutherans, etc.).

4. Young children (the godfather cannot be younger than 15 years old, and the mother cannot be younger than 13 years old).

5. Unbaptized, unbelieving people.

6. Immoral people.

7. Spouses cannot be both a foster parent and a foster parent for the same child. In exceptional cases, one should ask for blessings from the bishop (ruling).

Responsibilities of godparents

The child's recipients must be fully aware of their purpose.

After all, they are witnesses to the Baptism of a baby, who cannot yet bear responsibility for what is happening to him. Godmothers mom and the father essentially vouch for the crumbs before God himself, make vows, professing the symbol of Faith.

In the future, they should become full-fledged mentors of their goddaughter, or their godson, instructing in Orthodoxy and accompanying them on the path to Christian bright life,

Such duties are difficult to fulfill if you are indifferent to faith, so godparents must constantly improve and learn the basics Orthodox culture, understand the essence of Baptism, the meaning of the vows pronounced.

A nuance that often misleads parents: is it possible to become a foster child in absentia?

The Church claims that in this case the very meaning of the existence of the concept of godparents is lost.

It is through joint participation in the sacrament of Baptism that that invisible thread of spiritual connection appears, which imposes such important responsibilities on the recipients.

With the so-called “absentee adoption” there is no connection between the main participants in the sacrament, and in fact the baby is left without godfather and mother.

Important: godparents are obliged to carry out the Christian education of their godson. Orthodox Christians sincerely believe that their successors will be held accountable at the Judgment of God for the quality of fulfillment of these most important duties. And for negligence they will be punished with all severity.

Child baptism ritual (process)

“Baptism” is “immersion”. It is the threefold immersion of the person being baptized into the water of the font that is the main action of the entire sacrament. It is a symbol of those three days during which the Son of God was in the tomb, after which the miraculous Resurrection took place.

The sacrament itself consists of important stages performed in strict sequence.

Order of announcement

Before proceeding to Baptism, the clergyman reads aloud prohibitory prayers against Satan himself. The priest blows on the baby three times, pronouncing the words of expelling the evil one, blesses the baby three times and, laying his hand on the child’s head, reads a prayer.

Three prohibitions against unclean spirits

At this stage, the priest drives the devil away with the Divine name, praying to the Lord to drive out the evil one and strengthen him in faith.


The godmother and father renounce sinful habits, unrighteous lifestyles and pride. They recognize that an unbaptized person is vulnerable to all sorts of vices and passions.

Confession of Faithfulness to the Son of God

Considering the small age of the child, one of the recipients reads the Creed, because in essence the child joins the army of Christ.

After this it begins directly sacrament of baptism.

1. Blessing of water. It begins with censing around the font and reading prayers on the water, followed by a blessing.

2. Blessing of the oil. The priest reads a prayer for the consecration of oil (oil), the water in the font is anointed with it. After this, the baby's face, chest and limbs are anointed.

3. Immersion in the font. The triple immersion is performed in a certain way.

The priest says: “The servant of God (the child’s name follows) is baptized in the name of the Father, amen. (the first dive occurs). And the son, amen (the child is dipped into the font a second time). And the Holy Spirit, amen (the baby is immersed for the third time).

After this, a cross is immediately placed on the newly baptized child.

The vestments of a newly baptized baby. The baby is received by the recipient and dressed in a baptismal shirt.

Sacrament of Confirmation

At this stage, the priest of the newly enlightened person will anoint various parts of the baby’s body with Holy Myrrh - the eyes and forehead, lips and nostrils, arms and legs, chest. Each of these movements carries a deep meaning.

Reading the Holy Scriptures - procession around the font

Solemn chanting with a walk around the font indicates that the Church is immeasurably happy about the birth of another small member. At this time, the godparents are standing and holding lit candles.

Rites of completion

After reading the Gospel, the rituals concluding Baptism are immediately performed.

1. Washing away the World. This external sign no longer needed, for the seal of the Holy Spirit (his gift) must be in the heart of the believer.

2. Hair cutting. This is a kind of sacrifice, because the baby has at the moment there is nothing else yet that he can give to the Lord with joy.

The sacrament is completed, all that remains is to raise the child in proper love for the Almighty.

Baptism of a girl and baptism of a boy - are there any differences?

Some differences still exist in the sacrament of Baptism between a girl and a boy, although not very significant.

1. A girl is not brought into the altar during the Divine Sacrament.

2. For Baptism it is not necessary to have two godparents at once. It is enough that the boy’s godfather is present at Baptism, and the girl’s godmother is present.

3. The godfather buys a pectoral cross for a boy, and for a girl - godmother.

After the child's baptism

Baptism is the birth of a baby as a bright personality, not burdened with all sorts of different sinful qualities. Therefore, naturally, after the whole ceremony, a magnificent (or not so magnificent) celebration is organized in honor of the newly baptized child.

Human baptism is one of the Sacraments Orthodox Church, symbolizing his acceptance Christian Church. From this moment a person’s path to faith and God begins. Therefore, the Sacrament implies enormous responsibility for godparents, who must adhere to the rules of baptism, so as not to cause unintentional harm to the newborn.

Rules for preparing a child for baptism for the godfather

According to the rules for baptizing a child, having agreed to become the godfather (father), a man takes on a number of responsibilities, including preparation for the ceremony. Before baptizing a child, the godfather must study Scripture, rules of Christian piety and the foundations of Orthodoxy. It is important for the recipient to begin preparing for the upcoming event by visiting the church where the baby is planned to be baptized. There the priest will hold a conversation and tell the rules of preparation for the Sacrament of baptism of a child for the godfather.

According to tradition, the recipient purchases a pectoral cross for the baby and takes upon himself the entire financial part associated with the ceremony. According to the rules of baptism, godparents prepare for their godson. Typically, this is a silver spoon or an icon.

Priests often note that the rules for baptizing a child do not provide for the godfather’s obligation to fast, confess and receive communion before the Sacrament; however, as a believer, the recipient should not neglect these canons.

Rules for a godfather during a child's baptism

The rules of Baptism oblige the godfather to hold the boy in his arms, while the godmother simply stands nearby. And vice versa, if a girl is baptized. Before performing the ceremony, the priest walks around the temple, reading prayers, then offers godfather and the godson will turn his face to the west, and answer some questions. Due to his age, a newborn cannot do this, so his godfather is responsible for him. Also, instead of the crumbs, the godparents read and on behalf of the godson renounce Satan and pronounce vows. If a boy is being baptized, then the godfather receives him from the font, and if it is a girl, then the godfather helps the godmother dry the baby and put on her baptismal attire.

Being a godfather to a child is not only an honor, but also very responsible. How the godfather will observe the rules of Baptism and fulfill his duties depends further fate godson, so neglecting them is simply unacceptable.

Christening is a very important holiday in the life of believers. And this holiday, unlike many other celebrations, really only happens once in a lifetime. This means that it needs to be carried out in such a way that it is remembered by both the godson’s parents, relatives, and godfathers. And to the godson himself, if he is no longer a baby.

But if this newborn christening , you need to leave him a memory of the holiday: photographs (you can prepare a separate photo album for them self made), videos, cards from guests and at least some of their gifts. This, of course, is in addition to the baptismal shirt, icon, cross, towel and other items necessary for the Baptism ceremony.

How to celebrate christening? Preparation

To celebrate the christening , it is not necessary to arrange a magnificent feast, although this is not forbidden. In many countries, the christening holiday is equated in scope to: they spend a lot of money on preparations, lay the tables with a lot of dishes, and invite a large number of people. So, for example, celebrate christening many are Orthodox in Greece and Georgia or Catholics in Italy and France. However, instead of a magnificent celebration, you can arrange or invite friends not for a festive dinner, but for a brunch - in this case, you can arrange a light buffet or set a sweet table.

First of all, you need to decide on the date of christening and at least a week before the planned day, attend church, announcing your intention to baptize the child. It is advisable to get acquainted in advance with the priest who will perform the Baptism ceremony. The church will tell you what you will need for the christening, and you will immediately decide on the list of necessary purchases. It is immediately necessary to clarify whether it is possible to photograph and videotape the ceremony and how many relatives and friends can be invited to the church.

It is better to invite guests, if they are not only your closest relatives and friends, in advance - just like for a wedding, 2-3 weeks in advance. It is preferable to send real invitation cards in envelopes. Invitations must indicate where guests should come - to the church or to the place of celebration. And, of course, you need to inform the date, time and, if necessary, the dress code. All over the world it is customary to invite as many children as possible to christenings. Children are the main decoration of the christening holiday.

Celebration of christening can be carried out in different places: at home, in a restaurant, outdoor cafe. In the warm season, it is worth organizing a celebration in the form of a picnic or feast in the fresh air.

Christening celebration: decor of the event venue

The color of the baptismal shirt is white. White is the color of purity and holiness, therefore it is in this color that, as a rule, they decorate the table for festive lunch about the christening. White is often combined with yellow or orange - the color of gold (the color of a baptismal shirt and a gold cross).

You can choose one of the decor styles:

  • Classical(white, can be combined with gold; decor – white doves, ribbons with prayers, candles, angel figurines, etc.)
  • Russian ethnic(tablecloths and napkins with , samovar on the table, wooden utensils for common dishes, etc.)
  • Modern Russian(decor using tricolor flowers)
  • Children's(white combined with pink for girls christening and in combination with blue for boy's christening; You can place cards with photos of the baby on the tables).

The room can be decorated with a banner with an aphorism on the topic or a phrase from the Bible. For example: "Children are the grace of God".

What to treat? Menu for christening

According to the old Russian tradition, porridge with milk, butter and sugar was prepared for christenings. Nowadays, it is not customary to serve porridge at holidays, but you can cook delicious cereal casserole for dessert, served with exotic fruits, berries and sweet sauce.

Previously, poultry was baked into the porridge: as a rule, a chicken (if a girl was baptized) or a rooster (if the godson was a boy). Baking a bird for christenings is still worthwhile in our time. And you can stuff it with porridge (for example, buckwheat).

In the old days, a separate porridge was prepared for the young father - very salty and spicy, almost scalding. Horseradish, mustard, and pepper were added to it. The same can be done at modern christenings: make the baby's or baby's dad eat a small portion of extremely spicy and salty porridge. Eating such porridge was equated, albeit only partially, with the hardships of childbirth. And on the day of christening, dad was invited to experience these hardships for himself.

In addition, there must be a lot of sweets on the baptismal table. As already mentioned, christenings have always been considered a children's holiday - many children of different ages were invited to it. Treats were prepared for them: nuts, gingerbread, cookies, fruit. Today it is difficult to imagine a holiday, especially without cake.

For a christening celebration, you can make a cake in the shape of a cross. The usual biscuit dough is prepared, poured into a rectangular shape and baked. The finished chilled biscuit is cut into strips, from which a cross is formed. The strips of cake are held together with thick buttercream. The cross can simply be cut out entirely from biscuit fabric. For decoration, you can use white and colored cream or sweet mastic: blue in honor of the boy’s christening and pink for the cake in honor of the girl. The cake can also be made in the shape of a baptismal shirt, bible, etc.

How to celebrate a christening? Entertainment for christening celebrations

Christening is a touching holiday that usually takes place among family and friends. As a rule, this holiday is quite quiet. Often without alcohol. But this does not mean that the celebration should be boring. If you have planned a reception, be sure to come up with entertainment by making up christening script .

If there are children at the party, make sure they have something to do. You can buy Bible-themed coloring books, as well as pencils and markers. When the children have eaten, they can get carried away with coloring if they want. At the same time, they will become acquainted with biblical stories. For older children, you can prepare board games.

Make a poster for congratulations from all guests. Take a large sheet of wallpaper, draw a sun in the center and paste in a photo of the hero of the occasion. Decorate the poster with small images of angels, crosses, church domes, pigeons, but most The poster must be clean. Hang the sheet on the wall and prepare felt-tip pens and markers. Let all guests, including children, circle their palm and write a wish for the godson in it. Leave this poster as a souvenir for your child along with a baptismal shirt, etc.

Here are some more fun and festive moments you can include in your baby girl or baby boy christening scenario.

1. Charter for raising a baptized baby

Let the presenter or one of the relatives read “Charter for raising a baptized baby”

Mother's responsibilities:

1. Arrange regular and timely provision of the baby with fresh milk, clean diapers and new rattles.

2. Learn at least a dozen lullabies and perform them every evening. If the mother does not have hearing and voice, she is obliged to develop her vocal abilities.

3. Support good relations with the godparents of your child, regularly treating them to various delicacies.

Father's responsibilities:

1. Protect the child’s mother from various problems and troubles, so that she could establish a regular and timely provision of the baby with fresh milk, clean diapers and new rattles.

2. Regularly exercise the muscles of the arms and legs so that you can easily carry the various things your child needs over any distance. heavy objects, such as: stroller, sled, bicycle, electric car, baby mother, etc.

3. Provide the baby and his mother with systematic rest sea ​​beach under the hot sun.

4. Support friendly relations with the child’s godparents, regularly organizing meetings with them.

Child's responsibilities:

In response to parental care, the child undertakes not to scream in vain, not to untie the diapers, not to wake up at night, and not to get sick.

In addition, the baby undertakes to learn to walk no later than 12 months; speak – no later than 12 months; read poetry - no later than 13 months; to eat independently with a spoon - no later than 10 months, and with a fork and knife - no later than 24 months.

In relation to the Godparents, the baby undertakes to honor and respect them, listen to their good advice and be sure to invite them to your wedding.

Responsibilities of godparents:

1. Always remember your important role in the life of a godson. Teach him only bright, kind, eternal things.

2. Don’t forget to visit your godson at least once a month

3. Never forget about your godson’s birthdays.

4. Respect your godson’s parents and maintain good relations with them.

Responsibilities of the baby's grandparents:

Strictly and continuously monitor compliance with this Charter for the upbringing of a baptized infant

The consent of parents, godparents and the baby with the contents of this charter must be sealed with strong hugs and kisses from all persons specified in the Charter.

2. Box with wishes

Take a simple box - for example, a shoe box. Decorate it by making a hole in the lid. Glue the lid to the base so that it does not open. Give all guests a paper strip and a marker. Have them write one wish, piece of advice or recommendation to the baby and place it in the box. This box will remain as a keepsake, and the current baby will be able to open it in 10-18 years.

3. Blank slate

You need to take a fairly large clean white sheet. Show it to guests and say:

A child is born pure and immaculate, like this white sheet. And then he acquires certain qualities. Let's write on this sheet only the best qualities that our hero of the occasion will have. And in such a way that there is no free space left for anything bad.

The sheet and marker are passed around, and everyone writes in one at a time. good quality, which the baby will have. And so on until there is no free space left on the sheet. You can write the following words: “Intelligence, kindness, high intelligence, thirst for knowledge, respect for elders, sociability, goodwill, faith in God, following the advice of godparents, etc. etc.”

4. Diplomas for Godparents

The following information can be written on the front of the diploma:

WITH reverse side diploma, you can put a reminder for godparents

REMINDER for godmother/godfather

1. A baby can scream three times louder than three adults. This can have a negative impact on the health of the adults around the baby, so it is necessary to provide the baby with such care that they cry as little as possible.

2. If some items need to be stored out of the reach of children, it is better to take them out of the house or at least lock them in a safe. Since any other place inaccessible to children can be gutted by a child in exactly 2 and a half minutes.

3. Not only men, but also children like the taste of lipstick. Moreover, the brighter the lipstick, the tastier it is for the baby. Keep lipsticks, especially bright ones, out of the reach of children (see point 2.)

4. A tube of toothpaste is enough to paint half a wall, not only in the bathroom, but also in the hallway.

5. If your child wants to dust or wash the floors, give him a napkin or mop, otherwise the cleaning will be done with your blouse or used diaper.

6. The most important documents for some reason they break first (see point 2).

7. Your stomach can fit 3 huge servings of ice cream, but remember to leave room for at least one bowl of porridge or soup.

8. In case of fire, call 01.

9. Girls are given dolls, boys are given cars, women are given flowers and chocolate, but men do not drink flowers and chocolate. The main thing is not to confuse anything!

10. A godson remains a godson, even when he own child acquires Godparents.

5. Fun with baptismal porridge

Since ancient times, rituals with baptismal porridge were part of christening script. We offer a modernized version of this ritual.

You will need a clay pot or porcelain tureen. Instead of porridge, you need to put gingerbread cookies, sweets, nuts, etc. in the dishes. Someone dressed up as a grandmother can take out the dishes with porridge to the guests. The responsibility of breaking the pot of porridge can be entrusted to the father of the hero of the occasion, grandfather or godfather. Or you can do it differently - for example, sell the right to do this.

In this case, the following conclusion is made:

Whoever breaks a pot of porridge, the angels smile on him and good luck comes. But the right is expensive! Come and buy it!

It is, of course, better to sell not for money, but for something intangible: for example, for the best ditty about babies. Although, if desired, a small cash auction can be held.

To break a “pot of porridge”, you need to wrap the vessel in a tablecloth and hit it on the floor. This is done by the one who was given the right to break the pot. The “grandmother” distributes the shards to guests as souvenirs with the sentence:

Having received the shard, those who are not married will get married, those who are not married will get married, those without children will have children, those without grandchildren will nurse their grandchildren.

In addition to the shards, guests must receive the contents of the pot and immediately eat at least a small part of the treat.

6. Tests for godparents

Compiling on christening script, be sure to include some challenges for godparents. For example, the ones below.

Godmothers mom and dad compete in their “teaching skills”

1. Knowledge of Russian folk tales. The godparents take turns naming the tales they will tell to their godson. The last one to call wins.

2. The ability to make a toy out of nothing. Godparents are given fruits (banana, apple, tangerine), several vegetables, a knife and toothpicks. We need to make a doll. Whoever comes up with the most realistic and funniest results wins.

3. Collect toys. The godparents each stand near a separate chair. Various toys are scattered on the floor. At the same time, the godparents begin to collect toys from the floor: you need to take one toy at a time, take it to your chair, put it on it, and then go for the next toy. Whoever manages to collect the most toys in the end wins.

4. Team game “Chocolate”. Godmothers, mom and dad, select a team of 3-4 people. Godparents are given a large chocolate bar. They must divide the chocolate into “windows” and give it to their team members, who must eat the chocolate pieces as quickly as possible. Whose team eats the chocolate bar faster is the one godparent wins.

5. Team game “Amulets”. The presenter reminds that a pin counts powerful amulet and offers to prepare amulets ribbons for the hero of the occasion. Each team is given a long wide ribbon (blue or pink color or tricolor) and a box with a large number of decorative pins. The teams simultaneously begin to attach pins to the tape. Whose team can do it faster, the godfather wins.

6. Riddles. Prepare the usual children's riddles and test your godparents. Whoever guesses the most wins.

The godfather who wins the most tests should be required to take patronage over the godfather and increase the level of his knowledge and abilities regarding raising children.

Writing a christening script for a girl or boy, do not plan noisy games, as this may wake the baby. But if the child is moved to another room in the middle of the celebration, you can sing - for example, divide the guests into two teams and arrange "battle" on the knowledge of children's songs and lullabies.

Bonbonnieres for christenings

In many countries it is customary to cook christening bonbonnieres for guests . Sweets, almonds, and dragees are placed inside. In addition, you can put a small candle, an icon or a miniature photo of the baby in a frame.

Gifts can be placed in small boxes or wrapped in pieces of fabric (for example, organza, tulle) and tied with a ribbon like a bag. You can also wrap the present in beautiful paper and also tie it with a ribbon. Guests will be very pleased to leave something as a keepsake of your child's christening celebration.

Advice from the site: preparing for the rite of Baptism, drawing up a menu and inventing christening script, do not forget to involve older children in this process, if any. Let your older brother or sister prepare gift for baby. You can buy a retelling of the Bible for children. A brother or sister can make a special cover for the book (with the help of an adult, of course) and decorate it with appliques, embroidery, etc. When buying beautiful things for a baby, do not forget to buy special outfits for older children. Let the baby's christening be a holiday for them too!