How to make a weight loss amulet with your own hands. Voodoo magic for weight loss can help you get rid of extra pounds

There are several simple tips, which will help you improve the Feng Shui of your apartment and, thereby, solve certain problems.

If you have financial difficulties:

1) Fix faulty faucets. Along with the constantly dripping water, your well-being can also “flow away”.
2) Place some dried seaweed or a piece of moss under the carpet. It attracts money.
3) In the southeast of the living room or office, place a pot with " money tree" (crassula). This plant deserves its name because its round leaves resemble coins.
4) In a room located in the southwest, place a lamp with a red lampshade. The color red symbolizes wealth and strength.
5) Keep the wealth sector clean and tidy. Under no circumstances should you place a trash can there.
6) Place a turtle figurine in the northern corner of the apartment. This animal also attracts money into the house.
7) It is recommended to hang a chandelier with powerful lamps in the hallway. Bright light will attract positive energy into your home.
8) You should not grow cacti or plants with sharp leaves at home. Sharp thorns carry negative energy and “pierce” the integrity of space.
9) Ventilate the apartment as often as possible. Fresh wind allows Qi energy to spread freely throughout the apartment.

If you are having a crisis in your personal life:

1) Place a bouquet of peonies or pink roses in your bedroom. These flowers symbolize romantic love.
2) Place a crystal figurine or crystal lamp in the living room. Crystal is one of the most powerful amulets in Feng Shui. It concentrates energy and transfers it to its owner.
3) If the walls of your apartment are decorated family photos– make sure they are well lit. It is best to hang pictures on the southwest wall of the living room.
4) Do not use a bed that has 2 narrow mattresses instead of one wide one. This creates a disconnect between people sleeping in the same bed and can cause problems with sex.
5) Never hang a mirror above or in front of your bed. In a dream, a person gets rid of negative energy. If a sleeper is reflected in a mirror, negative energy returns to him all the time.
6) Bed sheets should not be blue or blue color. These strict colors cool marital passion. It is also better not to use black color.
7) Windows and mirrors in the house must be perfectly clean, as sunlight passes through them, filling the space with the energy of love.

If you are having trouble growing your career:

1) Pisces symbolizes career success. Place an aquarium with 8 gold fish and 1 black fish in the success sector. Goldfish will ensure prosperity for the residents of the house, and black fish will protect against negative energy.
2) You need to sit at your desk with a wall behind you. This provides protection and support from influential people. To enhance this effect, you can hang a picture of a mountain on the wall.
3) Always keep your workplace clean and tidy. At the end of each working day, clear your desk of unnecessary papers, otherwise they will block the free flow of Chi energy.

If you have health problems:

1) The kitchen stove is “responsible” for the health of family members. The facade should be facing the central point of the apartment.
2) Decorate your home with symbols of health and longevity. These could be figurines or paintings depicting a peach, pine, bamboo, crane or deer.
3) There should be no ceiling beams above the bed. They negatively affect the sleeping person and worsen his health. If it is not possible to rearrange the bed, then hang rain music on the beam, which will balance the flow of Qi.

The Feng Shui calendar helps us plan the life given to us by nature and use time effectively during the day. When a person is born, his fate and character are determined. People who were born in the same year have similar qualities and even feel the same effects of a certain period of time.

Along with this, the circumstances of the lives of these people will be different, since the character of a person and how his life will turn out also depends on the point in time they were born.

The Feng Shui calendar makes it possible to correctly assess the favorableness of a certain period for a specific business or event.

The Chinese horoscope suggests recording the individual characteristics of each person in combinations consisting of two hieroglyphs. Each such combination relates to a specific sign and element.

Consequently, each person has his own combination of the five known elements, combined in the right proportion. The interaction of these combinations makes all people different from each other, which determines the fate of each person.

All moments in time can also be represented as 8 hieroglyphs. Since all the elements interact with each other, they can strengthen or, conversely, weaken each other, and be incompatible with each other. The elements can exist in complete harmony and peace, therefore, each period of time can have an impact different influence on the fate of a person.

For example, a person was born in the year of the Dog. He should take advantage of the positive attitudes of the year of the Tiger because these signs are considered friendly. The Monkey sign, on the contrary, may encounter troubles in the Year of the Dog. Along with this, people born in the year of the Monkey can aggravate troubles by planning some important things in the month or day of the Tiger.

This is a very simple way of explaining how a particular period of time affects a person, since there are many special techniques that allow you to predict events in the future. Despite the simplicity of this method, it is still sufficient to make the importance of this forecast clear.

Along with individual methods, there are other techniques and formulas that allow you to predict the direction of each period of time.

Basic techniques

There is a technique called “12 Indicators of Luck”. It is used to create a Feng Shui calendar and helps determine the favorable period of time for various events.

This method is considered one of the most important when creating general forecast. According to the indicators of good luck, there are some days when any planned endeavor is doomed to failure, while others are perfect for almost all undertakings. On some days it will be best to do something that involves development, a high probability of success and rapid growth, and on other days it will be better to do something that implies stability and long-term.

It is worth studying in more detail the 28 constellations technique used in creating a Feng Shui calendar. It's called "28 Lunar Stations". This method is considered standard. It is used when choosing best moment for a certain significant event and is sufficient ancient technology. This technique is used not only in Chinese horoscope, but also when planning significant events and tasks that are aimed at the long term, for example, for many years and even decades. For events of medium importance, such lunar stops are usually not taken into account.

Another fairly powerful technique is called Xuan Kong Da Gua. It is based on the relationship between time, space and man. For this technique to be successful, it must be applied with the person's Gua in mind.

Creating a forecast

Feng Shui calendars involve the use of dividing, devastating days and months of great evils and defeats, as well as destructive days. The above indicators are taken into account in individual prognosis, since they can provide big influence for a successful outcome of future affairs and events in the life of any person, regardless of his personal qualities.

It is important to know that important and global affairs in the calendar mean such important events as the opening own business or signing an important long-term contract, wedding, moving to new house, placement in a new place of work, transfer to another position, operation, acquisition of real and movable property.

For the Feng Shui calendar, parameters are also used lunar days when the Moon moves through all signs Western horoscope. Despite the fact that these techniques are not related to Chinese metaphysics, they have an impressive impact on a person’s mood and the energy of the day.

It should be noted that when analyzing a forecast from the calendar and planning future events, it is important for a person to pay attention to both the animal in the year of which he was born and the sign of the day. To do this, you can use Ba Tzu. If the animal of the day or year conflicts with the energies of the day, then nothing significant can be planned on that day. At the same time, the animal of the day affects personal life, in particular relationships in the family and with people close to a person. The animal of the year, on the contrary, influences social life: work, society, etc.

When predicting the calendar according to Feng Shui, it is important to indicate the arrival time of the lunar day, which corresponds to the desired time zone where the person is located.

The calendar will help you avoid all kinds of delays and obstacles while performing various tasks. It will help you find out at what time the favorable energy of the day occurs, which will allow you to implement your plans quickly and successfully.

It turns out that you can attract luck, love and prosperity with the help of ordinary rearrangements in the house. Properly placed objects, according to all the laws of Feng Shui, activate positive energy that will work for you. new wallet golden color? How do people attract the love of their life with the help of an ordinary picture? But practitioners answer that the rules of Feng Shui are just the tip of the iceberg, behind which stands a powerful eastern teaching. It sometimes takes years to fully master it, but to change your life for the better today, it’s enough to use practical advice. Do you agree that it is not at all necessary to understand how a power plant works in order to turn on the light?

Unfortunately, in modern world we have forgotten what it is like to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. And this is very in vain. Even in ancient times, residents from opposite parts of the world discovered different ways harmonization with space. And the Chinese managed to systematize them and create a new, incomparable teaching called Feng Shui. Practitioners in the field of esotericism claim that these are not just practical recommendations, but a real storehouse of knowledge, the art of a correct and harmonious life.

The most powerful weapon of Feng Shui is none other than our intuition. It is our sixth sense that tells us that we are uncomfortable in an apartment, city or country. Agree, every person is familiar with the feeling of anxiety and causeless worry that cannot be explained. Over time, a person finds a logical explanation, but often this happens too late: the moment is lost, and the opportunity to change something is gone. It is thanks to intuition that we can find points of contact with the world in which we live and make it our own.

There is not a single psychic who does not have practical knowledge in this area. All because at the heart of the ancient Chinese teachings energy lies. The whole world is saturated with vital energy. It is present in each of us, in the air we breathe, in the animals and plants we see, and even in the movement of light and water. Energy surrounds us everywhere, and Feng Shui helps us achieve energetic harmony. Only a harmonious person achieves everything he strives for in this world. Without inner balance there is no success in life.

Have you ever wondered why we are constantly drawn to Beautiful places, on vacation or nature? Balanced and balanced energy rules there, from which we are nourished and saturated. Places with an excess of energy attract us much more than places with a lack of it. This is probably why no one wants to spend a weekend on the shore of a swamp or near a garbage dump. What a melancholy! Everything around you is dirty and unpleasant; naturally, you would prefer not to see all this “beauty”. It's all because of the stagnant energy that accumulates in your home: behind the wall or sofa, in closets and cluttered closets. Feng Shui techniques and practical methods will help you create a harmonious atmosphere at home, and at the same time in life.

Now you have a rough idea of ​​how Feng Shui works, all that’s left to do is to put it all into practice. Remember that achieving harmony and unity with the world is not a task of one day, you will need patience. After 21 days, things should noticeably improve, but the first changes in life always begin within ourselves.

We attract wealth according to Feng Shui. IN Ancient China Fish have always been valued and highly revered. Fish in China is a symbol of wealth, abundance and prosperity. To activate monetary energy in your apartment or house, an aquarium with goldfish is perfect. The number of fish varies from three to nine; any other number divisible by three will do. The ideal shape for an aquarium should be a regular shape: a circle, rectangle or square. Forget about wavy edges: even if they are beautiful, they are still useless. An aquarium with fish should not be placed in the bedroom, kitchen area or southern rooms. An excellent place for it would be a living room, a corridor or rooms facing north. It is best to place the aquarium to the left of the door. By applying these rules, you will open the way for cash flows that will make you a successful and financially independent person.

Attracting love using Feng Shui. If forced loneliness does not brighten up any of your evenings, you simply need to use these simple but effective tips for attracting love. Feng Shui experts suggest keeping paired items in your home: cups, silver candlesticks, figurines of storks and dogs, yin-yang vases that are inserted into one another. Such a fail-safe method as buying slippers for future wife or beloved husband. Such slippers should be kept in a visible place, near front door. This way they will attract a permanent owner, and true love for you.

Attracting good luck according to Feng Shui. Our life is like a zebra: a black stripe replaces a white one, and then vice versa. However, why wait for the dark streak to pass the baton if you can speed up this process yourself. In a word, you yourself can “draw” a light stripe. To do this, you will need a regular flashlight that you can easily carry with you everywhere. First, walk with him through all the nooks and crannies of your apartment, lighting them up. Drive blackness out of your home and, by extension, out of your life. But that is not all. Every morning when you leave the house, illuminate your first few steps. Think that now you and luck are walking hand in hand along a bright streak, and nothing will lead you astray. You can also let more sunlight into your apartment. Wash the windows, remove heavy curtains and hang light curtains in their place. Bright light works like a battery and supplies the space around with positive energy, good luck and success.

If you follow these simple rules, you will notice how your life will begin to transform and change for the better. Stepping over the threshold of the apartment, you will feel harmony and tide vitality. Your home will become not only a place where you can relax, but a place where your new and


There are periods of time during each day that can minimize positive characteristics day or, conversely, add good luck in business.

The destructive hour is a time that should be categorically avoided when planning important matters and events.

The forecast indicates the time of the onset of the lunar day, corresponding to the time zone of Minsk.

The online lunar calendar for your city can be found at the following links:,


Earth Rabbit Day

Day indicator: 2, “delete”

Constellation of the day: 26, "Bow Stretched"

Lunar day 7/8, 11.15

Moon in Aries/Taurus, 04.27

Moon without course 02.48-04.27

Today's constellation is considered very favorable for solving personal and commercial issues, for celebrations, as well as major acquisitions.

However, on a day ruled by a good luck indicator called “removal,” it is best to engage in preparation, troubleshooting, and obstacles before starting new affairs and events. This is the day of laying the foundation and eliminating what prevents you from moving forward. Also on this day it is recommended to take care of your health and cleaning.

For other, more or less significant matters, implying development and prosperity in the future, a day with the “removal” luck indicator is not suitable.

And, above all, the ban on big things concerns the Roosters. They are in conflict with the energies of today.

Lunar horoscope.

It is believed that on the 8th lunar day all sorts of chemical and alchemical reactions, transformations of subtle energies occur, physical energy transforms into astral energy. In general, this day is considered a day of transformation, transformation, when it is easy to abandon the old and unnecessary and start something new and useful. This is the perfect day to give up bad habits.

On this lunar day, experienced herbalists prepare herbal infusions and medicines. On this day, herbs have special powers. You can start cleansing the body with herbs, start taking anti-aging preparations.

HAIRCUT on the 8th lunar day: haircuts are favorable, coloring is unfavorable. Haircuts are good for relationships and health.

Metal Dragon Day

Day indicator: 3, “fullness”

Constellation of the day: 27, “Wings”

Storage Star

Lunar day 8/9, 11.36

Moon in Taurus

Despite the fact that today's indicator is classified as positive, and implies growth and multiplication of everything that is done on this day, not all things today are favorable.

On the day ruled by the lunar station “Wings”, it is not recommended to get married, build a house, take on a new position, or start new job, go far from home, bury, remember ancestors.

Lunar horoscope.

Every lunar day is a kind of filter that is a conductor in subtle world. There are days when the line between the physical world and the otherworldly world is very small. Some days serve for contact with the Light Forces other world, others - with the Dark Ones. The 9th lunar day, unfortunately, is considered a day of temptation and testing of us by the Dark Ones.

On the 9th lunar day, people are more susceptible than usual to all sorts of temptations and temptations, fears, other people's negative influence, often face deception and manipulation from dishonest people.

On such days, you need to avoid interacting with unfamiliar and unpleasant people, not drink alcohol, and not sort things out. It is best to keep activity and communications to a minimum.

If you had to face any negativity, light candles in the evening, take a shower, read spiritual literature.

HAIRCUT on the 9th lunar day

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Taurus: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, Jewelry, exquisite home items, furniture, pets, agricultural products. In general, a favorable time for most purchases.

Metal Snake Day

Day indicator: 4, “equilibrium”

Constellation of the day: 28, "Cart"

Destroyer of the Year

Lunar day 9/10, 12.00

Moon in Taurus/Gemini, 12.31

Moon without course 01.26-12.31

If it were not for the collision of day and year, today would be ideal for most global affairs and events.

The combination of the luck indicator and the lunar station provides powerful support in any business that involves a mutually beneficial partnership.

But on a day that is in conflict with the year, it is better to limit ourselves to everyday affairs and avoid any important matters and decisions on which our future depends.

To make the most of your day, you can make appointments with partners and companions of any kind. Review your plans and find compromises. Analyze the current situation, sort, organize.

The Moon in Gemini makes it easy to communicate and make new acquaintances. People make contact easily and can tell much more than at other times. You can learn other people's secrets and mysteries. But during this period a lot of necessary and unnecessary information comes in. Our task is not to rush to conclusions, to leave time to think and analyze the information received.

Before lunch, we remember the influence of the 9th satanic lunar day. (For more information about the features of the lunar day, look for information in the “Date Selection” catalogue).

HAIRCUT on the 9th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. Bad for health and hair condition.

HAIRCUT on the 10th lunar day

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Taurus: clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, exquisite home items, furniture, pets, agricultural products. In general, a favorable time for most purchases.

Water Horse Day

Day indicator: 5, “stability”

Constellation of the day: 1, “Cornucopia”

Star of Prosperity

Lunar day 10/11, 12.32

Moon in Gemini

Just the perfect day for big things, important events and global changes! Any undertaking will be the beginning of future prosperity and success.

Such favorable characteristics of the day do not occur often. Therefore, sitting idle today will be a big mistake.

The lunar station prophesies an increase in wealth and an increase in the value of property, and is considered one of the best for marriage.

The good luck indicator also provides support for everything that is being built “to last.”

The Yearly Star of Prosperity indicates the favorable moment for the official registration of a new enterprise, the opening of a business and any other matters that imply financial profit.

The only horoscope sign that is not recommended to plan something important today is Rats. Horse days do not bring good luck to this horoscope sign.

The 11th lunar day will reinforce our aspirations and support our endeavors. It is suitable for expanding areas of activity and consolidating established positions.

But it is important on this day not to engage in activities in which you are incompetent and inexperienced. Take on only what you know and know very well.

Well, for those who celebrate today's holiday - too good news. A wonderful day for romantic dates, and for friendly parties, and for visiting mass entertainment venues. Under the Moon in Gemini, it’s easy to communicate, get acquainted, and please people of the opposite sex!

HAIRCUT on the 10th lunar day: haircuts are unfavorable, dyeing with natural dyes is allowed. Haircuts worsen your health.

HAIRCUT on the 11th lunar day

GOOD SHOPPING under the sign of Gemini: printed materials, radio, audio, telephone, sportswear and shoes, sports equipment, children's things.

Water Goat Day

Day indicator: 6, "hold"

Constellation of the day: 2, "Neck"

Storage Star

Single day

Lunar day 11/12, 13.14

Moon in Gemini/Cancer, 17.02

Moon without course 15.48-17.02

It is better to devote this day to ordinary everyday affairs, matters of medium importance.

The “hold” luck indicator by itself does not provide significant support in business and is more inclined towards other characteristics of the day. If the day is good in all respects, he strengthens them, if other components of the forecast carry prohibitions, he is on their side.

From “showdowns” of any kind, be it personal or business relationship, or the boss-subordinate relationship also warns of a single day that interferes with the search for compromises and adds a share of aggression and distrust to the relationship.

And first of all, the Bulls should hear these warnings, since the day of the Goat is his personal destroyer day.

But swearing, greed, selfishness, dirty and evil thoughts can lay negative program for the future. Don't relax, don't complain, don't complain about fate, don't get angry.

HAIRCUT on the 11th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. A haircut scheduled for this day imparts insight and increases the level of intuition.

HAIRCUT on the 12th lunar day

GOOD SHOPPING under the sign of Gemini: printed materials, radio, audio, telephone, sportswear and shoes, sports equipment, children's things.

Wooden Monkey Day

Day indicator: 7, “destruction”

Constellation of the day: 3, "Foundation"

First sha of the year

Lunar day 12/13, 14.09

Moon in Cancer

This day is best spent at home, devoting it to good rest, household chores, and self-education.

On a day with the “destruction” luck indicator, it is not recommended to engage in any kind of activity. important matters. And the lunar landing carries many prohibitions. In particular, under its influence it is not recommended to marry, bury, travel by water, or engage in construction and repair.

The most vulnerable sign today is Tigers. They should know about today's prohibitions first of all.

Tips from the lunar horoscope.

The Moon in Cancer makes us a little irritable and touchy, but there are many advantages to take advantage of this position of the Moon in the sky.

First, listen to your intuition. At this time it is extremely aggravated and gives us the right clues.

Secondly, everything connected with family, relatives and friends, and your home takes on a special meaning on this day. A family dinner, buying a nice thing for the house and just a few hours spent in your favorite chair will bring much more satisfaction and benefit than active communication outside the home.

And with the onset of 13 lunar day pay attention to what happens to you. This lunar day usually brings us back to unresolved problems from the past and people we “owe” to. On this lunar day, you need to try to “close” all questions from the past.

HAIRCUT on the 12th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. They pose a threat to health and life: accidents and injuries are likely.

HAIRCUT on the 13th lunar day

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Cancer: real estate, any household items, finishing materials, antiques, used items, food, drinks.


Wooden Rooster Day

Day indicator: 8, “danger”

Constellation of the day: 4, "House"

Second sha of the year

Lunar day 13/14, 15.18

Moon in Cancer/Leo, 18.20

Moon without course 17.17-18.20

Conflicting characteristics of the day.

A favorable lunar station is against the “danger” luck indicator, which does not bring good luck in business.

The need to resolve issues with people of the opposite sex will add to the difficulties. The second sha of the month warns that people of the opposite sex, wittingly or unwittingly, can cause delays, conflicts, and failures.

It's better to limit yourself today everyday affairs, take care of economic issues, relax.

And a reminder from the lunar horoscope.

The symbol of the 13th lunar day is a snake biting its tail. On such a day, old problems may return and unresolved issues may emerge. As a rule, situations that play out and people encountered along the way arise to solve karmic problems. Today's situations show previously committed mistakes and provide an opportunity to correct them. To clear the way for new opportunities and further development, try to analyze what is happening and finally deal with it.

HAIRCUT on the 13th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. They attract happy accidents and enhance attractiveness.

HAIRCUT on the 14th lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. Very good for careerists, improves financial luck, improve hair condition.

GOOD PURCHASES under the sign of Cancer: real estate, any household items, finishing materials, antiques, used items, food, drinks.

GOOD SHOPPING under the sign of Leo: jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes, accessories, exclusive luxury items that are rarely used, gifts. Don't make spontaneous purchases!