How does a rabbit in love behave? Relationship with a Rabbit man

Compatibility of Rabbit and Rabbit (Cat) is a wonderful union that can unite a couple in a love relationship or friendship. People born this year are distinguished by their softness, real cat cunning, which is combined with sensitivity. This is such a difficult character, and besides, rabbits, also called Cats, love to walk on their own. What will come of this relationship?

The character of the Cat man in everyday life

The Cat man is a realist who strives to achieve absolutely everything in life. This is definitely not a person who doesn’t know what to do in life - he has demonstrated leadership qualities since childhood. The rabbit outlines a real plan for himself, calculates everything down to the smallest detail, and never builds castles in the air in his fantasies.

Cats are an example of this modern man The man that women want to see is faithful, purposeful in marriage, he never makes false promises. Cats are very sociable, they are generous and charming, so people born this year have many acquaintances and admirers.

Certainly, career growth A Rabbit's male personality depends on the environment in which he grew up. Fine well-mannered men Those who have received an equally good education prefer to achieve everything in life on their own. Natural intelligence and charisma help them rise through the ranks within a few years. career ladder from the level of manager to director or his deputy.

How does the Rabbit man relate to everyday life?

Having received financial stability, The rabbit begins to build its nest. He has everything according to plan: a house, a car, and only then marriage. He is an esthete and loves to surround himself with beautiful objects. The house of such a man is very beautiful; he spares no effort and money, which he invests in his home.

In principle, this is how the Rabbit relates to everything - to the car, to women, to his appearance. According to the horoscope, people of this sign are written to be rich, as if an unknown force attracts money and good luck to them.

After everyday work, the Rabbit man likes to relax quietly: fishing, billiards, an evening with an interesting book attracts him more than travel or extreme sports.

Rabbit Man in Love and Sex

A generous and well-groomed man will undoubtedly attract the attention of any woman. But the Rabbit is in no hurry to get married, preferring a stable relationship without obligations. He believes that he needs to get married after fulfilling all the plans that he made for himself.

Rabbits are among the first three signs of the Chinese horoscope that are most attractive to women. Looking at him you can feel the vibes of flirting, sexual attractiveness and truly feline charisma.

Such men like the first stages of a relationship - meeting, dating, and then, as a logical continuation, sex. Rabbit men are attracted to the temperament of their partner; he likes capricious ladies with a good figure and a sharp mind.

But behind the external determination and cheerfulness of Rabbits, their shyness is hidden; representatives of this sign often delay their acquaintance. Have sexual intercourse with unknown girl It’s hard for them, because they want to get to know their partner better. This behavior is especially typical for male Cats who were born under the sign of Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.

Such qualities become useful for Cats who get married. They can cheat, but more often they remain faithful, getting used to their wife. The Cat man, having cheated, will suffer, perhaps he will try to compensate for the guilt with a gift.

Character of the Rabbit woman

IN female sign The Rabbit is dominated by Yin energy, which significantly softens the lady’s character. Very often, Rabbit women have an attractive appearance, they really radiate sexual energy and know their worth. Ladies born under the sign Gemini, Leo, and Scorpio are distinguished by their determination. They either achieve success at work or choose a financially independent partner for themselves.

Most often, such women become housewives and wonderful mothers. And tired of everyday worries, they can get a part-time job. Work for them is entertainment and an opportunity to escape. For all her shortcomings, the Cat woman becomes a good, caring mother; she is not averse to giving birth to 2-3 children.

Behind the external calm and kindness, the Cat’s soul hides cunning and deceit. A woman can smile politely, and a few hours later quite skeptically ridicule her interlocutor. Her experienced gaze picks out unfashionable clothes, lies, embarrassment and more.

Female cats can be divided into 2 types - this is a domestic cat that is rarely capable of petty pranks. And the second type is a purposeful Cat who will do anything to improve her destiny.

Cat Woman in Love Relationships and Marriage

The Cat woman is created for marriage. She does not argue with a man, does not try to take away the palm from him, which the stronger sex really likes. A woman prefers to take care of her family, she knows how and loves to take care of herself, and will never allow you to walk around the house unkempt.

The beauty attracts men's gaze, and her husband is always proud of his wife. He is flattered that his companion is being paid attention to. Excellent taste and inner sophistication allow the Kotu woman to decorate a common home, which can become her hobby.

In sexual relationships, a woman becomes a passionate lover, but she is not always faithful to her partner. Even seeing all the benefits of the relationship, she may not resist momentary temptation, and, guided by her temperament, she rushes into the whirlpool of betrayal. This behavior is typical for purposeful Cats - they are in love with themselves, and treat their partner rather coldly.

Man Rabbit woman Rabbit relationship compatibility

This is a fairly harmonious couple, but disagreements arise between men and women born in the year of the Rabbit. The characters of the couple are similar, and it seems that the relationship should be great, but here the zodiac sign based on the month of birth also plays a role.

Let us note that the male Cat immediately draws attention to the bright and handsome Cat. She fully corresponds to his ideas about an ideal woman - smart, charming, not too talkative, a partner who does not claim primacy. She strives for a good life, and the Cat man can provide it to her.

The Rabbit woman and the Rabbit man are united common interests, they have many friends and a hospitable home. A woman improves in cooking, she even enjoys stocking up and preparing delicious dishes. She also loves compliments, and can be very offended by her husband who did not notice new hairstyle or did not praise the dinner.

The connecting link for them is the child, who will become their common joy and pride. Both partners are ambitious and want their baby to grow up to be the best. The demands and efforts of parents bear fruit, and families of zodiac Rabbits often raise excellent children.

Of course, the eastern zodiac sign is important, personal horoscope And exact year birth of each partner:

  1. Fire Cat (1987) – wise, thinking, able to persuade. He achieves the best results in building a career.
  2. Wooden Cat (1975) – spiritual person showing generosity. Only good friends know that he is secretive and shy.
  3. Metal Cat (1951 and 2011) is an active person, constantly makes plans and happily carries them out.
  4. Water Rabbit (1963) - loves to be the center of attention, needs constant praise and approval of his actions. He has the softest and most compliant character among all types of Cats.
  5. Earth Cat (1939 and 1999) is a realist, intelligent and extremely insightful.

How can a Rabbit woman seduce a Rabbit man?

For the Rabbit man, work comes first

The Rabbit man is passionate about work, and serious relationship he just doesn't have enough time. Therefore, it is important for a Rabbit woman to attract his attention; the chances of a relationship are increased by her natural beauty and ability to communicate. It’s better for a girl not to show her feelings so as not to scare off her partner. First of all, she should become a friend and a good adviser; it is in such a woman that the Rabbit will see his future wife.

What problems will a couple of zodiac Rabbits face?

A couple's happiness lasts as long as there is material wealth in the family. At the slightest problem, scandals begin. The man clenches his teeth and fights, and the woman shows her dissatisfaction with various hints or open text. She is not used to denying herself anything, and minimal restrictions drive her into depression and then into anger.

They do not have open conflicts, and outwardly the couple is successful and happy. Their disputes and disagreements are based on internal tension, which sooner or later comes out. They may not talk for a long time, the woman gets offended, and the man, accustomed to being in charge, expects an apology and explanation.

The couple quarrels loudly, and may even break up for a short period of time, but these two people are still drawn to each other.

Ideal compatibility in love and marriage among Cats, what is it like?

Each partner is looking for a soul mate family life– support, support, a strong shoulder and a cozy rear. Before marriage, they may have many connections, even loves, but when starting their life together, the woman and man try to forget about them.

In this couple, the man loves the woman, and she reciprocates his feelings, but does not allow her feelings to overwhelm her mind. They get along well only if they forgive each other's shortcomings, rare betrayals and know how to cope with difficulties.

A woman sees her husband as a leader; in her eyes, he should evoke respect, not pity or hostility. She will only marry the man who will take care of her on his shoulders. The woman is honest and does not hide her aspirations from her partner, so each of them knows what they are getting into.

Sexual compatibility of couples woman cat man cat

The Cat woman and the Cat man are in perfect harmony in sexual relations. Both partners are passionate, they are not afraid to fantasize and put sex on a high pedestal. For them, sex is a whole ritual with its own usual rules. For both women and men, foreplay, romance and mutual affection are important. And physical intimacy is a mandatory logical continuation of foreplay, and for Rabbits it comes in second place.

Cat man gets excited appearance partners, because he believes that passion arises in the subconscious. A man is guided by feeling, not instinct. A cat enters into marriage as an experienced partner; he begins to have sex very early, but not out of interest, but out of a desire to establish himself in yet another area.

For Cats, especially for women, approval and admiration in the eyes of their partner is important. In bed, a woman does not give in to her rules and always obeys a man, which suits every Rabbit partner.

IN life together Sparks fly between Rabbits; they do not need to demonstrate their sexuality, but each partner feels mutual attraction. Let us note that such zodiac marriages are often concluded precisely on the basis of sex and affection, and love comes with time.

The Rabbit can rather be called a socialite and family man, but at the same time he takes matters of the heart quite seriously. Rabbits usually take a long time to choose a partner before getting married. In general, representatives of this eastern sign are affectionate towards those who are dear to them and are capable of loyalty and love, but they are not ready to take responsibility for the family. In most cases, they would rather meet with friends than spend time with their spouse.

Rabbit Woman

The representative of this sign tries to show her culture and education wherever possible. They need in-depth study of certain subjects in order to show off their erudition at the right moment. At the same time, they are not interested in the practical side of the knowledge they receive, so they do not understand some more important things.

Relatives often forgive her for this weakness, since he is quite friendly and caring. She is incredibly sociable and no matter how much she has to do, she will always find time to chat with a friend. This woman has a great sense of humor and unprecedented artistry.

Rabbit Man

The Rabbit man is usually a successful business person. He manages things deftly and money just sticks to him. However, a serious drawback may be that if problems arise, he will resort to alcohol. If he allows this craving to take over, then all his talents will be wasted.

It is quite easy for women to influence this man, so he is often conquered. This state of affairs suits him quite well and he is in no hurry to change it. A man born under this oriental sign, often has two novels at once, and all because he cannot choose one among the women around him. In such a situation, he lets things take their course and waits for everything to be resolved on its own.


It is unlikely that compatibility between Rabbit woman and Rabbit man will be successful. Each of these partners is too independent and would prefer to spend their free time with friends rather than with family. Both rotate in secular society and love to show off their talents. Ambition will certainly lead to disputes, misunderstandings and finding out which of them is better. Most likely, they won’t even see much point in living together. But on the other hand, there will always be those who are satisfied with this state of affairs.

Rabbits choose a passive role in relationships, so their relationship risks becoming boring and devoid of new experiences unless one of them starts to figure out how to diversify their lives.

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The Rabbit's reticence is manifested in its Yin sexuality, which is characterized by calm and coldness. This is not a man who will show his passion or demonstrate knightly prowess.

But if his mistress wants his reticence to fade into the background, and for him to show her what he is capable of, then she should wait a little.

He is usually passive in love, and during sex his thoughts remain in his head. It’s as if he is having sex not with his partner, but next to her.

A man with the Rabbit sign loves variety in sex, and because of this, he sex life There may be a problem with staying with one partner for a long period.

However, if your heart desires to have a sensitive, impressionable, dreamy and slow lover, then the Rabbit is just what you need.

The rabbit has the ability to “create” in sex, to approach intimacy with imagination. And this can be both good and bad. It all depends on what exactly he concentrates his attention on.

However, the good thing about him is that he always becomes friends with the woman he sleeps with. He knows how to be good friend and a good listener.

He has excellent manners and those of a gentleman who is always fun to hang out with. It is generally easy to live and communicate with him.

And again, it must be emphasized that in sex he is extremely inventive.

He also prefers to remain silent about his personal life, without making it public. He does not trust his secrets to just anyone, and always tries to solve all his problems on his own, guided by his own considerations. However, anyone can turn to him for advice.

At the same time, a man with the Rabbit sign always pays attention to the physical advantages and disadvantages of his passion. Nothing escapes his keen and appraising gaze. For this reason, his partner should always look “at 100.”

He prefers smaller, more fragile women of the androgynous type. He won't tell you this (he has the manners of a gentleman), but if you start actively gaining weight, it will change his attitude towards you.

Of course, there are also many well-built women who have enough experience and natural qualities to hold their Rabbit man by purring in his ear tender words, convincing him with the power of words or even simply seducing him, in order to ultimately persuade him to marry or simply live together. However, all these attempts remain largely unsuccessful.

A man with the sign of the Rabbit wants to have a partner who will be independent and will not encroach on his personal time and personal life. This is the essence of the Rabbit’s phobia: fear of relationships that oblige him to something.

He cannot deprive himself of the opportunity to avoid everything and everyone.

Moreover, the word “forever” scares him away, because for him “forever” is too long, even unbearably long.

Of course, he needs love, tenderness, a woman who will please him, who will always be available to make his life comfortable, but sometimes there comes a moment in his life when he begins to feel that he needs to be alone with himself, that he “you need a place for yourself alone.”

If the partner becomes unavailable to the Rabbit when he needs it, then it is quite possible that he will go in search of another woman who will give him more attention and be more sensitive to their love nest.

Some poet wrote good words:

If you can't be with the one you love,
Love the one who is next to you.

Besides everything that has already been said about the Rabbit, such a man is a master of refined sensitivity. He loves various secrets very much, and sexual secrets are generally his strong point. If you tell him your secrets, he will also tell you something about his secrets.

A woman who wants to penetrate the mysteries of her Rabbit's sexuality must be able to see more than anyone can see.

By the way, the Rabbit “starts up” from smart women. If a woman has some outstanding intelligence, if she is a good specialist, then she will only benefit from an alliance with the Rabbit. He will always help her succeed.

A man with the sign of the Rabbit gives preference to women who are powerful and strong, but sometimes the opposite happens, and then he prefers women who are young, modest, inconspicuous, unhappy, even wretched, or those who find themselves in the “grip of circumstances” and are in great need.

He can see a diamond clean water in rough rock. He really wants to help the poor maid become Cinderella.

However, you should keep in mind that the Rabbit is distrustful, suspicious and horrified if someone tries to lure him into a trap. He does not trust strong feelings (of any kind), both others and his own. Even if a woman is beautiful and charming, she should not dream that she will seduce a man with the Rabbit sign.

And although he has a completely healthy sexual appetite, his heart always listens to the voice of reason, which is partly what makes many of his partners consider him “cold” and “closed.”

He may have his own phobias or prejudices, and you may need to reassure him.

In addition to this, he values ​​virtues very much. Human values ​​are not an empty phrase for him.

He is very honest, and if he is a perfectionist (self-criticism and constant striving for perfection, searching for the ideal), then his perfectionism is very unbalanced.

Of course, he may have a dream of finding the ideal woman, a kind of sublimate of all women, something like an angel.

A man with the sign of the Rabbit is unstable in his sexual desires. His libido sometimes gives him no rest, and constantly increases, then it completely fades away, disappearing somewhere and getting lost in the unknown depths of the human subconscious.

For such a man, everything depends on the emotional mood and state of the nervous system.

He needs a harmonious living environment where his relationships could fruitfully develop and take shape. Then he can nurture his libido and be a stable sexual partner.

Rabbit male horoscope

Rabbit Man (Hare, Cat) Chinese horoscope- This is a typical gentleman. He always knows how to behave to impress people. But those around him must clearly understand that he is not doing this intentionally, and his elegance and excellent manners are not at all designed to attract attention and seduce. This is just a “side effect” of his behavior, which, however, he really likes.

As the horoscope says, another feature of the Rabbit man’s characteristics that ensures his constant success (especially among the fair sex) is the distance that he constantly maintains in relationships with others. This turns him into an extremely mysterious person. Any woman dreams of shortening this distance and unraveling the secret that hides in his soul. His imaginary coldness is also tempting for them, under which, however, great sensuality and passion are discerned. Only when you get to know him better will you see that he is a romantic person, often completely unadapted to modern realities.

He has a trait that is extremely rare in men - the ability to listen, and thanks to it, he skillfully seduces women. An excellent listener, he prefers to listen to stories about other people's problems than to talk about them himself.

In love, the male Rabbit is not interested in temporary relationships; he is looking for a woman who is destined for him by fate. And if he finds her, he is ready to throw the whole world at his feet. But in order to fully open up to another person, he must feel that he is truly loved and accepted completely with all his strengths and weaknesses.

He does not fall in love quickly; he prefers to get to know his partner well before admitting his feelings.

As a rule, from the very beginning of a permanent relationship, the Rabbit man strives to create a family, so he becomes a husband quite early. However, we must admit that everyday communication with him is not as idealistic as it might seem. Despite the sincere love and loyalty that he bestows on his chosen one, he has many shortcomings. Thus, the character of the male Rabbit, as the horoscope warns, is quite complex. He has a hard time compromising and wants everyone to give in to him in everything. Sometimes he behaves like a pampered child, is unreasonably capricious and demands that his whims be satisfied.

He sees nothing bad or unworthy in his behavior, and he is so confident in himself that it seems to him that these whims and mood swings add charm to him, turning him into less predictable and boring.

The rabbit cannot stand claims and quarrels, for the sake of peace it will sit quietly, and patiently endures all the antics of its partner. But, if at some point he decides that this is destroying his intellect, his personality, he, to everyone’s surprise, will leave without any words


As the Rabbit's horoscope assures, his sexuality is not deliberate, but hidden behind a veil of some detachment and coldness. However, women read it, and it worries them very much. As a lover, the Cat is very charming. This is a sensitive, gentle and vulnerable dreamer who wants a quiet life together, but is ready to share moments of ardent passion with his partner.

For a Rabbit man, sex is sacred ritual, which requires a special approach. The most important stage in this process for him is foreplay; the very fact of physical intimacy exists as an organic continuation, but the Rabbit attaches much less importance to this. The rabbit is of the opinion that all sensory processes, from arousal onwards, occur not in the genitals, but at the subconscious level, therefore great value it imparts erotic stimulation. For him, this is not just an instinct, but a scenario that requires preparation.

The Rabbit usually begins sexual activity early, but does this not out of curiosity, but out of a desire to assert himself in yet another area. He gradually accumulates sexual knowledge and experience with the goal that, at an opportunity that does not keep him waiting, he can shine and amaze his partner to the very depths of his soul.

As a true esthete, the Rabbit builds his behavior according to all the laws of beauty. He acts confidently and relaxed, but at the same time he thinks and cares about his partner, not forgetting about himself. He constantly analyzes various methods of sexual intercourse, intimate caresses, touching and kissing, in order to subsequently act masterfully and create the impression of an unsurpassed expert in both erotic culture and sex techniques. And he does it very well.


When thinking about how to attract a Rabbit man, you need to remember that this is a man who doesn’t just look at you and your charms, but listens to what you tell him. Therefore, you should not only look beautiful, but also say something smart every time you open your beautiful lips.

To win a Rabbit man, you can calmly offer him an evening together at home. He will happily accept an invitation to dinner with your friends, especially if there is an interesting discussion to be had.

Cooking together can also help you, because Rabbits have innate culinary talents.

Respect his passions, even if you have to suffer a lot at evenings of experimental poetry.

The rabbit is primarily a symbol of constancy. A man born under this sign is conservative, homebound and leads a measured lifestyle. For him, everyday comfort and the company of close people nearby are very important. The Rabbit man cannot stand loneliness and can only feel comfortable in a couple.

For a permanent relationship, a calm and economical woman, focused on family and home, is ideal for him. The Rabbit man is not very sociable, so if his chosen one regularly disappears in the company of her friends, the couple will face a series of conflicts. This man is jealous. He definitely won’t create violent scenes with breaking dishes, but he knows how to create a tense atmosphere like no one else.

The representative of this sign has a very secretive character, so those who know him well enough can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The rabbit is afraid of criticism, but does not admit it. He can only open his soul to that person who is ready to accept him as he is.

Business life of the Rabbit

The Rabbit man is ambitious, but never acts straightforwardly. If he plans to get a high position by firing another employee, he will do it in disguise. He doesn't like conflicts, and he doesn't need enemies.

The rabbit is a responsible person. He tries to do any work with the highest quality possible, because he strives for a decent income and values ​​his reputation.

Rabbit in love

The Rabbit man is not the most decisive person. Having become interested in a woman, he seeks to win her over through his own charm and beautiful courtship. It wouldn’t even occur to him to shock a lady with an unexpected declaration of love.

He is constant in his choice. Even if the relationship has long since exhausted itself, he will not rush to break it off. Rabbit is a family man. The force of habit in his case exceeds the interest in new sensations; he decides to change reluctantly.

A rabbit will never fully open up to his partner. If he has a new hobby, his chosen one will be the last to know about it.