How to make a Taurus man fall in love with a woman. A Taurus man in love: how he behaves and what he dreams about

The Taurus man treats all representatives of the fair sex with respect. He has a natural gift for making women fall in love with him, skillfully charming and making the right impression. Taurus can afford to spend time with a girl in an intimate setting and completely calmly forget about it. Making him fall in love with you will take time and patience. A man of this zodiac sign approaches everything, including love, thoughtfully and responsibly, weighing all the nuances for a long time and observing the behavior of his partner.

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What does a woman need to know first?

To make a Taurus man fall in love with her, a woman needs to take into account his stubborn and wayward character. This earthly sign has insight, and it is difficult to deceive him by showing feelings that are not there, and by behavior that is unusual for a girl.

If a woman starts pretending and impersonating another person, the man will immediately notice this and lose interest in her. It will no longer be possible to return the guy's attention. He does not welcome insincerity and will perceive the woman’s actions as deception.

Girls should know the main character traits of a guy in order to interest him and then make him fall in love with her. You need to act in exactly this order: Taurus cannot be smitten with love at first sight. Such guys are not characterized by spontaneous behavior; they are not overwhelmed by sudden feelings. He has been eyeing the girl he likes for some time.

Taurus Man:

  • Patient.
  • Stubborn.
  • Reliable.
  • Sensual.
  • Romantic.
  • Caring.

He does not depend on other people's opinions and always acts as he sees fit. He cares about profit in everything, including love.

This does not mean that he is mercantile, but the guy needs a return from his beloved, albeit emotional and intimate, so that he feels reciprocated.

Before starting courtship, Taurus watches the woman for some time. If the girl does not disappoint him, she begins to see his interest from a distance: the man sends greetings through friends and offers his help, tries to be nearby, but does not impose himself. Feeling reciprocity, the Taurus man takes action. How more money Taurus invests in gifts, the more dear his beloved is to him. Exactly according to the spent material values

The guy approaches courtship thoroughly, taking into account the girl’s tastes. It is important for him to make a good impression on his chosen one, and he always succeeds: at the time of the first date, the guy already has the necessary information, and he knows how to surprise his partner. The girl just has to keep Taurus’s interest and not push him away with behavior that is unpleasant for him.

Rules to help you win the love of a Taurus

Not every woman can fall in love with a Taurus man. He understands well which girl is capable of making him happy, and does not waste time on unworthy, from his point of view, applicants.

Taurus is predictable in his actions and expects the same behavior from a woman.

The planet Venus, which patronizes the sign of Taurus, made him an esthete with a keen sense of beauty, so a guy likes appearance in women first of all. A man pays attention to attractive, feminine girls with rounded shapes, and then on them inner world and spiritual qualities. He wants a woman to be:

  • sensual;
  • kind;
  • smart;
  • pliable, but not weak-willed;
  • economic;
  • caring.

Taurus likes balanced, non-conflict women, capable of compromise, for whom family values ​​are important. A capricious, vulgar and ill-mannered lady will never win his heart.

He needs a reliable, faithful and calm life partner. Taurus is a great owner and is extremely jealous of everything that he considers his own. A girl who never stops flirting with other men will not keep this guy near her.

To make someone run after him, a guy needs to show his uniqueness and ideality. He must feel that the girl is “the one”, and only with her he can feel secure and comfortable. The girl’s patience, her inner qualities, sensuality and feminine charm will help convince you of this. By pretending, she will push him away, but by feeling what he needs and finding it in herself, the woman will win his heart for life.

Taurus should notice the girl’s strong will and appreciate the fact that she has ceded the role of leader and protector to him, despite the fact that she is self-sufficient and decisive and does not need a patron.

How to keep a man's interest?

The following wise actions on the part of a woman will help to retain the love of a man of this sign, and subsequently marry him:

Psychologist's advice Impact on relationships
Become a reliable friendFor his life partner, the Taurus man is a stone wall. He also expects from her that she will become a reliable support and a faithful comrade who will overcome life’s difficulties side by side with him, share joy and misfortune.
Be a good loverSex is extremely important for this man, and with age he does not lose interest in it. Taurus expects sensuality, passion and anticipation of desires from his beloved. You cannot refuse him, not respond to affection and show indifference. A man has increased sensitivity, and he is greatly hurt by a cold attitude and indifference to his efforts
Look attractive

Taurus are natural born visualizers. Representatives of this earth sign want to see their chosen one beautiful and well-groomed, in good location spirit. His partner will have to look attractive under any circumstances:

  • meet and see off with a smile;
  • wake up in a good mood;
  • look neat at any time of the day.

Taurus must understand that his beloved is doing this not only for him, but also for the sake of self-respect

Don't make scandalsA hysterical and conflicted woman will not keep a Taurus next to her. He likes cute, open and compromising girls who behave with dignity in all situations. You shouldn’t be eccentric and unpredictable: Taurus wants to be confident in his beloved and her reaction to this or that event. It is better to avoid surprises: this earth sign does not like surprises and will not be offended if you ask him directly what he wants and what will please him
Be economicalThe way to this man's heart really is through his stomach. A woman who loves to cook and does it well will tie Taurus to her for a long time and create the necessary home environment. These men are gourmets and love to eat delicious food. They don't need extravagant dishes, delicious baked goods - best start and end of the day

A Taurus man is a man who respects family values ​​and is exemplaryfamily man. If he starts a family, he hopes it will be for life. The woman he decides to marry need not worry that he will leave his family. The guy approaches marriage with great responsibility and rarely divorces his wife. The main thing is not to commit fatal mistakes who will destroy his love.

Possible mistakes

A Taurus girl and wife needs to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. 1. Scenes of jealousy and flirting. Under no circumstances should you create scenes of jealousy or evoke this feeling in Taurus. This will offend the man and make him doubt the integrity of his chosen one. He himself behaves courteously with women, but does not cross the line of what is permitted.
  2. 2. Coldness and lack of concern. Inattention to his person will lead Taurus to think that the girl no longer loves him. A guy needs return and reciprocity throughout his life together.
  3. 3. Ingratitude. A man is capable of giving expensive gifts and wants to see sincere joy in return. It is she who is the desired response and pleases the man’s vanity.
  4. 4. Refusal of self-development. Taurus wants to respect his chosen one and see her as an individual. A girl should treat herself with love, not stop in her development and continue to surprise her beloved.
  5. 5. Leadership habits. If you want to keep Taurus, his wife will have to come to terms with the fact that the man will be the head of the house. He will make decisions and the last word will also remain his.
  6. 6. Orders and prohibitions. You cannot openly order a man and prohibit something, bore him with moral teachings and demand obedience. In this case, Taurus will turn into an angry bull, sweeping away everything in its path.

It just so happens that men born under the zodiac sign Taurus are generally quite peace-loving people, moderately balanced and extremely charming. These men are indecently emotional, romantic and usually have enormous success with most young ladies. Taurus men are easy to communicate, incredibly insightful and able to intuitively guess the wishes or aspirations of women. These men are wonderful caregivers, and thus are able to win the hearts of many, sometimes even the most selective and capricious ladies. However, believe me, not every young lady can confidently settle in the depths of the soul and heart of the Taurus man himself. Constantly surrounded by a certain host of young ladies who are in love and crazy about him, this man seems to have some sympathy for literally each of them.

In principle, we can say that this is approximately how it is, in general - the Taurus man is used to treating all female representatives with some respect. Nevertheless, this man can quite calmly allow himself to spend an evening, and sometimes even a night, with a very pleasant and attractive person. Moreover, later he will behave during subsequent meetings with her as if they were just good acquaintances, and nothing more. Naturally, you need to conquer Taurus men very skillfully, otherwise you may fail. These men will definitely not be flattered by the too trivial tricks that female seduction usually uses; these men will not like outright coquetry; they will not be bribed by the mere flashy appearance of a young lady. No, of course, the Taurus man will very willingly respond to an unequivocal offer to just flirt, he is a man after all! But then, after a short flirtation, he takes his leave and simply goes somewhere about his business, without even remembering the minutes of flirting. So how can you really win the heart of such a wayward and truly picky man? Read on!

How to initially please a Taurus man?

Well, firstly, before you set a specific goal of conquering a Taurus man, it would be important to take into account that this man is unusually insightful and will be able to determine your goals in just a couple of hours of communication. Moreover, this man is able to quickly understand what one or another of the young ladies can actually be like. Actually, like all other men, Taurus necessarily turns his attention initially to the appearance of the woman he is interested in. Definitely the appearance of the young lady should be quite bright, very well-groomed, of course, modern and stylish, but at the same time in no way flashy and certainly not vulgar. Taurus men, for the most part, have a fairly delicate taste; these men can easily distinguish natural beauty with natural charm from the most skillful fake in the world.

And, nevertheless, even if a certain person is incredibly beautiful by nature and just as naturally extremely charming, she, unfortunately, still cannot be absolutely sure that the Taurus man will easily fall into the network of her temptation. These men are always very careful and much more to a greater extent rush to be interested in the inner world of a particular woman, rather than just her appearance. These men lose interest even in the most luxurious beauties, if they cannot boast of high intelligence and have a very meager spiritual essence. Moreover, note that in this particular case, intelligence will come in second place; these men put spirituality in first place. And believe me, until the Taurus man can make sure that a particular young lady fully meets all his requirements, he will not be able to make his final choice.

In other words, in order to be able to seriously and for a long time interest the man of a given zodiac sign, the young lady will have to have a number of tangible advantages. These men love interlocutors who are able to maintain a pleasant conversation for the most various topics, as well as those women who literally have their own point of view on everything, unlike anyone else. However, in the case when even a very educated and intelligent, as well as extremely sophisticated lady is materialistic, overly angry or completely indifferent to all the people around her, the Taurus man will try with all his might to stay as far away from her as possible. The weakness of these men can be called soft, friendly, very sociable and friendly girls with a wonderful sense of humor.

And of course, if you have all the qualities described above, you will certainly be able to initially attract the attention of a Taurus man. However, it’s not enough for you to just attract his attention! You probably want more! You still need to be able to keep the attention of these men. You ask how? We will answer, the main thing to start with is not to show the Taurus man that you really like him too. Pretend that all other men may be no less interesting to you than him. Oh, how it hurts a Taurus man when someone ignores his handsome man! This man will certainly try to draw your attention to himself and conquer the woman who thus provoked him. Most likely, this man will begin to woo you, and with all his might. He will quickly begin to court, and, of course, look for a special location.

But in order to be able to tie this man to you more tightly, it would be very nice to be at least a little capricious, let’s say, from time to time, refuse him a date without explaining the reasons. Let him be nervous, then he himself will try to win the heart of such an obstinate young lady. Please note that you should not worry at all that the Taurus man will give up in such a situation - believe me, the Taurus man can be incredibly stubborn and will achieve his goal with incredible persistence. And if you, moreover, turn out to be sensual and really sexy, then believe me, he will not leave you behind for anything in this world.

Well, actually everything is fine, you managed to keep the Taurus man next to you. How can I marry him now? Let's find out!

Taurus man, sex with him, and family with him?

It's nice to know that such men still exist. Taurus men are very family men, incredibly loving and warm home comfort and a relaxing holiday with your closest people. However, marrying a Taurus man is not so easy. These men first make sure that a particular girl is a reliable and faithful companion in life, make sure that the young lady is a good housewife, check whether she knows how to cook well and, of course, find out whether this person is suitable for him in bed. In addition, a wife for such a man should also be a real one to him. true friend and a comrade whom, imagine, in difficult moments he can rely on in everything. Note that, in principle, you can quickly learn how to cook homemade dishes even masterfully. It is also not very difficult for a Taurus man to become a good friend.

But to please these men in bed... here there will most likely be certain difficulties. Very romantic, and even somewhat sentimental in everyday communication, it is in sex that the Taurus man can become unexpectedly demanding, as well as unusually inventive. These men are big dreamers and tireless lovers of variety.. I would like to say that over the years the sexuality of the Taurus man will become more and more aggressive and more sophisticated, but at the same time fiery. Actually, therefore, just intending to become this man’s wife, you must be completely and completely prepared for the fact that not only in six months or a year, but also in dozens of years, this man may demand sex from you, and in all its variants, and well, anywhere and even anytime. And this is where you have to give in. Otherwise, this stubborn bull can go wild and become completely uncontrollable.

Let us note that, by and large, a Taurus man is always able to create in his woman a feeling of some kind of material and, most importantly, emotional stability, even a certain reliability and almost complete security. Note that this is all despite the fact that, by and large, this man does not really want or like to work. Nevertheless, somehow men with this zodiac sign still manage to comfortably arrange the life of their own family, without really straining themselves! However, you definitely shouldn’t demand any special luxury from these men. Taurus men definitely do not strive for material excesses, they even cannot stand them, and most of all they are annoyed when their wife begins to insist on some, in his opinion, excesses. As a rule, if something like this does happen, then in such a family a huge scandal is quite likely, and sometimes even a complete break in all relationships.

A Taurus man always needs only a very calm and completely undemanding wife who, for her part, knows how to create a warm, serene atmosphere of comfort and peace in their home. But this man is unlikely to want to connect his life with an exalted, incredibly hot-tempered young lady, no matter how much she initially attracted him. Believe me, it is quite possible that the deep masculine essence of a Taurus man will be somewhat flattered that such an amazing person is next to him. But the essence of human Taurus simply will not accept such a powerful volcano of emotions and will not withstand it for long. And the Taurus man, even if it hurts him to lose such a lady, sooner or later, he will still part with an overly nervous and irrepressible young lady. And believe me, he will prefer one who is less flashy in terms of appearance, but more balanced and at the same time a rather quiet, sweet girl.

In principle, in order for a Taurus man to be fired up with his own desire to visit the registry office with you, you will need to learn how to constantly control yourself, dear young ladies. Because some unpredictability or spoiledness of women may turn him on, but as a rule, at the same time they completely confuse and confuse him. The Taurus man is simply lost, he does not know how to behave correctly with such a lady and begins to get very angry. And literally, as soon as he notices that his emotional girlfriend has paid attention to one of the other representatives of the stronger sex, he may even begin to rage - after all Taurus is a terrible owner and an extraordinary jealous person.. This means that if his woman, his wife, almost constantly consciously or unconsciously provokes the emergence of such feelings in him, he will most likely quickly break up with her. And no matter how hard it was for him.

Let us remind you once again that in order to completely conquer the heart of a Taurus man, the young lady will need to demonstrate to him her full ability to obey a man and the ability to be submissive to him. After all, in a family this man will never tolerate the power of matriarchy. The Taurus man is sincerely convinced that the main and leading person in any marriage should be exclusively strong man and period. But it is strictly forbidden for any wife to interfere in men’s affairs, and God forbid to criticize them or challenge any men’s decisions. The same disobedient wife, who nevertheless risks teaching her husband, begins to grumble, or constantly questions all the actions of a man, Taurus is quite seriously capable of greatly hating. However, this is precisely what you have absolutely no use for. Remember, a submissive wife can completely rely on a man of this zodiac sign, and he will not betray her. Before a Taurus man begins to resolve a controversial issue, he will try to consider it as carefully as possible, from all sides, and then, after weighing all the positive and negative sides, will do everything perfectly, as it should be. Well, what if this man suddenly makes a mistake (which of us never makes mistakes?), wise wife, it would be better, in order to avoid a global conflict, to simply not tell him about it, at least directly; you can only afford to tactfully hint about your opinion and not press him unnecessarily.

A Taurus man will never be allowed to openly prohibit anything or openly order anything. Believe me, such treatment, complete with harsh criticism, is an excellent way to organize a bullfight in your family, and where the role of bullfighter may go to a woman. Agree, you are unlikely to like this role - when the bull becomes so enraged that all you can do is run away from him. Therefore, if you still want to create a good, good and strong relationship with a Taurus man married couple, do not try to bring him, as they say, “to the point of white heat,” leave moralizing and demands for someone else. This man himself understands and knows perfectly well what and most importantly how to do it. What if he does it wrong or not then? Well, let it go! After all, he himself will fix everything, don’t even doubt it.

And if you, young lady, continue to unnecessarily put pressure on Taurus, constantly criticizing this man and often insisting on something of your own, this man will deliberately begin to act only in his own way. Nevertheless, in order to again force this man of the Aries sign to fulfill something that you need, he should only be approved and encouraged with all his might. This man needs to be gradually, very delicately, as if pushed towards certain appropriate specific goals or actions. The most important thing is that the Taurus man himself sincerely believes that this is his personal choice. And then, perhaps, it will be easy to achieve from him whatever you want. Simply put, the wife of a Taurus man must be an incredibly skilled diplomat. Otherwise, you will not be guaranteed a truly strong and what is called a prosperous marriage with this person.

In principle, Taurus men are absolutely not inherently inclined to cheat, especially if only peace and only harmony will always reign in their future family. However, when these men understand that they cannot feel full support directly from their significant other, then they will be able to quickly recover to the left and, accordingly, get themselves some kind of lady-outlet. Moreover, sometimes such a lady may not be alone at all. Taurus man in general incapable of maintaining too deep love and affection for that woman who will be forever dissatisfied with all his actions, for the one who is not able to trust her husband’s decisions. Because next to this type of woman, this man gets pretty tense, is constantly on guard and, as a result, is in an almost constant readiness to actively defend himself. Agree in such a state, and you, of course, would have no time for tenderness and love. However, if you try to appreciate the Taurus man, and praise him as often as possible, and also sincerely rejoice at all his successes, believe me, this man will really be ready to get any star from heaven for you.

In general, if you really set out to win the heart, hand and love of a Taurus man and subsequently marry him to yourself, you will also need to take into account the fact that this man will constantly subject us to certain fairly frequent tests. Marriage for this man is an act so important and serious that the Taurus man himself will definitely not be able to decide to marry until he is completely convinced that this particular girl fully 100% meets the requirements. This man will constantly provoke his girlfriend, artificially trying to create some unfavorable circumstances for her. And subsequently observe all the spontaneous and thoughtful actions of the young lady, as well as observe all her reactions to certain actions of a man. Taurus initially always intends to create a family that can last the rest of his life; he is not satisfied with a family for a year or two or three years. And therefore, as you understand, he should feel confident in his chosen one even before marriage.

Remember, men of this sign are ready to try to do absolutely everything in their power in order to get to the bottom of literally the most hidden corners of the soul of their chosen one. These men are even ready to give a woman options for cheating and provide the opportunity to somehow dangerously use his money. These men can leave women alone in front of the most complex problems, they can behave excessively provocatively and all this is solely in order to check and analyze the essence of the woman herself. Before getting married, these men test their chosen one’s ability to be an excellent housewife in their home and even her culinary abilities.

These men can force you to help them in some purely masculine task only in order to look and understand how his young lady will behave in a non-standard situation. These men can be both caring and sharply dismissive, really very attentive and downright rude. They may well be very affectionate and frankly indifferent. And believe me, in this way they can act until they are completely convinced that they fully recognize their woman, and from all sides. If the Taurus man, after so many checks and ordeals, decides that the young lady is completely suitable for him, he will definitely drag her to the registry office himself, and perhaps when the young lady herself does not expect this.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity, born in late April - mid-May, are real experts on women's souls. They very subtly sense the mood and desires of the ladies around them, and are not afraid to please the object of their interest and elevate him to the pedestal of honor. This is why many women set out to make a Taurus man fall in love with them..
When it comes to Taurus, it is important to understand that if a representative of this sign praises and extols a lady in every possible way, this does not at all indicate ardent feelings towards her. He simply gets genuine pleasure from this process. But not every woman can truly conquer a Taurus man. This article will provide some tips in this regard.

How to charm a Taurus sign

How to make a Taurus man fall in love by focusing on appearance? Representatives of this sign prefer beautiful, sophisticated and well-groomed ladies. It is important that all these qualities are reflected in a woman’s clothing style.
Due to the excessive sensuality of such men, you can charm them by wearing a seductive outfit and throwing a couple of frank glances towards the object of interest. However, you shouldn’t go too far either, otherwise the lady risks awakening only base instincts in Taurus.
After contact with the representative of the sign has been established, you can move on to the next stage of seduction. The sensuality of such people manifests itself not only through the sexual sphere, but also through the love of delicious food. Knowing this feature of the sign will help the lady understand how to win a Taurus man. By demonstrating her culinary skills to a new acquaintance, a woman can become one step closer to him.
As for communication with representatives of this sign, they value interlocutors who are able to maintain a conversation on a wide variety of topics and have their own point of view. Gentleness, friendliness, sociability, goodwill and an excellent sense of humor - these are the set of qualities that a Taurus chosen one should have.

How to restart a relationship after a fight

To get a Taurus man back in case of separation, under no circumstances should you put pressure on him. If there is resentment in your partner’s heart, you need to give him time to move away from the conflict and understand himself. After waiting at least a few days, you can schedule a serious conversation, during which you should admit all your mistakes and talk about your feelings. Despite the fact that representatives of the sign are particularly stubborn, they are very kind and easy-going.
The lady should learn a useful lesson from the breakup and analyze the situation in detail, because there may no longer be a second chance to return her lover. IN in this case you should behave like an intelligent, balanced woman, characterized by composure and prudence. If during the conversation the partner starts shouting or even loses control over himself, it means that his feelings for his partner are very strong.
When thinking about the question of how to return a Taurus man, a lady should pay special attention to her appearance. When meeting, you need to try to simultaneously amaze and touch your lover. Spectacular attractive woman, looking lonely and lost, will certainly awaken a hurricane of passions in the heart of the representative of the sign. Then the matter remains small: a bright, convincing and sincere monologue about passionate feelings addressed to your partner will have its effect.
The union with Taurus promises to become strong and reliable if the lady can show patience and go through numerous tests arranged by an inventive partner. In general, these men make excellent husbands, true family men and homebodies. Ladies will find out more about the degree of compatibility with their lover, as well as get information regarding their future together.
Perhaps you will be interested.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Taurus man, how to please and win his heart?

Despite the fact that Taurus cannot be called initiators in love relationships, they choose their partners exclusively themselves. They value freedom very much and will part with it only because of one who can truly charm them. It is impossible to conquer a Taurus man with banal feminine tricks and tricks; to do this, you should know what kind of women Taurus men like and how to behave correctly with them.

Taurus gives great importance the future of the family and will definitely pay attention to the woman’s origins, what foundations and traditions she adopted from her parents. A Taurus man will like it if a girl was born into a prosperous family and received a good upbringing. He will be even more glad if she belongs to the highest circles of society and her family is wealthy.

Taurus needs someone who is smart and intellectual developed woman, preferably having received higher education. He won't like it if the contender for the title future wife I am constantly dissatisfied with something or someone in life, for example, with my work team or my boss.

Asking the question of how to win a Taurus man makes sense only for an ambitious, purposeful, successful lady - he does not recognize others. In addition to all this, she must be a good housewife, know how to cook deliciously and must love children.

It should also be noted that men of this zodiac sign who subtly appreciate beauty are unlikely to pay attention to an ugly woman; they need beauty, but certainly combined with elegance, intelligence and dignity. Taurus is not against sexuality in the appearance of the chosen one, but this quality should not be deliberate, flaunted, but only guessed, exciting. Men of the zodiac sign Taurus will most likely not like a tattoo or piercing on their female body. Perhaps this one detail will be enough for this man to decide to choose another candidate. Taurus is very independent in his judgments about his chosen one, but at the same time, it is important for him that his closest relatives approve of his choice.

Those for whom the question of how to make a Taurus man fall in love with you should keep in mind that the process of conquest is complicated by his secrecy and unwillingness to take action quickly important steps. A woman will have to take on this mission, but it is very important not to overdo it: Taurus hate being rushed. And a woman’s patience and restraint will certainly be noted and appreciated by them.

Taurus likes to be entertained, but it should be noted that they are more impressed by rich, rude, “folk” humor. It is difficult to calm down a man of this sign who is talking, but the woman must continue to listen to him with unflagging attention. When communicating with a Taurus, you should not skimp on compliments and flattery, and attention should be paid not only to his personal merits, but also to his things: car, watch, clothes, etc. By the way, exactly material goods, money is a good topic for communication with Taurus. It never hurts to inquire about his work, new business projects, and also unobtrusively tell him about own achievements, demonstrating the seriousness of their plans for life.

Another answer to the question of how to win his heart and win the love of a Taurus man can be the well-known expression about the way to a man’s heart, which, as you know, lies through his stomach: for people of this sign it is 100% true. A woman will certainly arouse his interest if she manages to show off her culinary talents, and the chosen one should be fed not only tasty, but also plentifully.

When thinking through the tactics of conquering a Taurus man, you need to remember that in no case should you demonstrate indifference, much less disdain to your or his job and money. He will not tolerate offensive statements addressed to members of his family or too open attempts to impose his society, as well as reluctance to have children in the future. It is not recommended to mention previous love affairs when communicating with him, much less brag about them.

The love of a Taurus man is not a quickly flaring fire, but a slowly flaring flame, into which firewood must be constantly thrown. From a woman’s point of view, the period of courtship can be very prolonged, since a man of this sign needs time to take a closer look and draw informed conclusions for himself. How does a Taurus man in love behave? Just as restrained and secretive as before, but if he decided everything for himself, then the woman will certainly find out about his feelings by his actions. And once this man has made his choice on someone (even if he was correctly led to him), then no one will be able to influence him.

How to win men of other zodiac signs

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

The Taurus man is thorough in everything. If he takes up a task, he certainly brings it to the end. Taurus is calm, reasonable, patient and resilient. The Taurus man systematically and gradually achieves material well-being, without hoping for illusory luck, without being scattered on small matters. He stands firmly on his feet and never has his head in the clouds. You can rely on him. With a Taurus, any girl will feel calm, comfortable, and confident.

Definitely, Taurus is an example of a real man, you won’t go wrong with someone like that. His beloved will not have to worry about anything, she is in good hands. Taurus will not allow his family to be poor or suffer hardships. Taurus know how to count money, they practically never have financial difficulties.

The Taurus man is stubborn and jealous. He relentlessly moves towards his goal, nothing can turn him off the path or hinder him. There is no need to argue with Taurus, he will still do as he decides. It’s also better to forget about flirting with others. Taurus will not tolerate such an attitude, he is a terrible owner. However, such a man is also attentive, caring, and gentle. He will surround the girl with love and protect her from all problems. Taurus have a strong nervous system, they are usually calm, self-possessed people, but there is no need to play on the nerves of a Taurus man; if you make him angry, he can become furious, although not for long, he is easy-going.

Taurus is practical, always thinking about the future. He is also a generous man; the girl will not have to beg gifts from him, and his wife will certainly not be denied anything. He is responsible and sensible; you can ask a Taurus man for advice on everything. Such a person will not let you down, he is reliable like a rock.

What do men belonging to this zodiac sign value most in a woman?

In a girl, Taurus values ​​beauty, brightness and mystery. And also softness, femininity and restraint. Taurus men are big admirers of female beauty. He will not like a rude, assertive and ill-mannered person.

A powerful person will not attract such a man. Taurus cannot stand teachings, criticism, advice and instructions on how to live. It’s better to forget your commander’s habits, otherwise Taurus will simply evaporate. Such a man is used to making decisions on his own, he does not need hints, he is sure that he knows everything better than anyone else. And often this is true, Taurus rarely make mistakes, they have a remarkable mind.

Taurus men revere in women the desire for home, family life, kids. But a flighty fan of clubs and various parties will never interest him. Taurus needs a purposeful young lady, wise, serious. He will not be seduced by a frivolous, stupid, fidgety girl.

In addition, such a man will be charmed by a gentle, fragile girl, affectionate and caring. The lively commander will push him away.

Winning the heart of a Taurus man is not easy. He doesn't throw himself at every skirt. Taurus thinks for a long time before starting courtship.

To make a Taurus man fall in love with you, you need:

How to conquer a Taurus:

It is not at all difficult for an Aries woman to conquer a Taurus man. He likes the temperament and energy of the Aries woman, as well as her determination and spontaneity.

He himself is often phlegmatic by nature, and the choleric Aries girl will invigorate and stir up the Taurus man, which will definitely benefit him.

Don’t be too assertive or persistent, otherwise Taurus will hasten to hide. It is best to appear on its horizon from time to time and mysteriously disappear. Taurus people love mysterious women who are mysteries. Their positive traits can be demonstrated in some business or hobby. Feel free to experiment with sex, Taurus and Aries are similar in temperament, both of these signs simply adore carnal pleasures and are ready to devote all their free time to them. The Taurus man will undoubtedly appreciate passionate nature Aries women;

A Taurus man will be captivated by a Taurus woman at first sight. He will immediately notice his person in her. Two Taurus will get along well together. Show your man such character traits as: calmness, restraint, equanimity. Tell him that you dream of a strong, friendly family and a couple of children, tell him that most of all you value home comfort, hearth and want to be a housewife. The Taurus man will undoubtedly be delighted. And if you also feed him delicious food at least sometimes, then Taurus will definitely fall in love soon.

Be yourself and intimate relationships, both Taurus men and women love sex and are ready to have it very often;

A Gemini girl and a Taurus guy are completely different. If Taurus is solid and conservative, then the Gemini girl is an easy-going and rather superficial person. At the beginning, Taurus is captivated by such an unusual girl, he is captivated by her liveliness, intelligence and ingenuity. And in the future, small problems may arise in the couple due to the excessive frivolity of the Gemini woman.

Despite the fact that Geminis are rather impractical, Taurus likes their lively mind and intelligence. The Taurus man is sure that he will go far with her. Show Taurus that you are wise and prudent. He likes such women.

In addition, Taurus will appreciate the versatility and versatility of Gemini's nature. In sex, be ready to play pranks, play pranks, Taurus will be subdued;

Considering that Taurus loves gentle, delicate young ladies, it will not be difficult for Cancer girls to seduce Taurus. She is soft, feminine and romantic by nature; these are the qualities that Taurus values ​​in women. Show that you are a housewife who loves spending time with loved ones. Show what you value family values, is committed to a serious, long-term relationship.

If at the beginning the Taurus man may not fully understand his chosen one, then later he suddenly discovers that she is very valuable to him and that he needs her.

In close relationships, show yourself as a reverent, sensual lover, make love beautifully and leisurely, Taurus will definitely lose his head;

Not a very favorable combination due to different attitude to the financial side of life. If Taurus advocates for reasonable spending of funds, then Leo women usually do not know the limits in spending. However, if the couple manages to find a compromise in this area, then they will have a happy, long life together.

Lionesses are prone to whims and unpredictable actions; if you want to conquer Taurus, then it is better not to show him your eccentricity and imbalance.

But don’t hide your love of life, energy and activity. Then the Taurus man will quickly become imbued with warm feelings towards you;

Virgo is sublime and romantic, Taurus is a more earthly sign, in this pair he acts as a kind of mentor and teacher. He likes Virgo’s poise and sedateness; her thriftiness pleases Taurus. In order to conquer a Taurus man, show him that you are an intelligent and sensible person. Don't have your head in the clouds too much, Taurus don't like that. Better prepare a hearty, delicious dinner and don’t be stuck in bed.

Taurus people have a simple attitude towards everything in life. Sometimes this can even offend the too vulnerable, sensitive nature of Virgos. For a Virgo woman, love is something sublime and spiritual. However, with such an attitude towards life, you can be very disappointed in people. The dreamer Virgo is better off listening to Taurus’s advice more often, this is good for her and for their relationship in general;

To seduce Taurus, Libra needs to demonstrate their ability to create coziness, as well as good taste. Libra often tries to charm a Taurus man with refined manners, secular speeches and mystery. If the third item on this list can take place, then the first two will not make the right impression on the too down-to-earth Taurus. Taurus men are far from lofty matters; they are closer to specific tangible things, such as: a delicious dinner, practicality with money, thriftiness, homeliness. They are more likely to be seduced by a thrifty, moderately prudent person than by an eloquent and sweet-voiced person. They will prefer concrete deeds and actions to florid rantings.

Taurus and Scorpio are too different, which is why it will be difficult for them to build a harmonious couple. If at first they are still drawn to each other, then later the Taurus man may come to the conclusion that he needs another woman as a wife. However, don't give up. A Scorpio woman can conquer a Taurus using her foresight, intuition and insight. Gently and unobtrusively convey to the Taurus man the value of family in a short time. And as soon as he himself is convinced of this, then in search of a reliable companion he will turn his gaze to you simply because Taurus is afraid of change and looking for a new beloved is beyond his strength;

It is not easy for a Sagittarius woman to conquer a Taurus, they are too different. However, they can be united by both a heightened sexual temperament and a similar sense of humor. Do not deny Taurus affection, this is one of the few things that connects you. Watch funny comedies together, attend comedians’ concerts; if you start laughing together, it will bring you closer.

It’s also a good idea to feed Taurus tasty and varied food, he loves it. Don’t buy delicacies, it’s better to make do with simple but high-quality food; the Taurus man will appreciate your thrift;

A Capricorn woman has every chance of captivating a Taurus man, and very quickly. This couple is truly two halves. They are so similar that it is even surprising. Taurus will appreciate such qualities of a Capricorn woman as: seriousness, responsibility, prudence. Don't try to change Taurus, he doesn't like it. Don’t forget about the physical side of relationships, Taurus men adore sex and are ready to enjoy it endlessly;

The Aquarius woman tends to idealize reality. She is very far from the down-to-earth Taurus. However, if she does not stick out this trait of her character, then she has the opportunity to conquer Taurus. First of all, you can give Taurus something they need in the household; it’s a good idea to demonstrate to the man your efficiency and ability to manage money. In the presence of Taurus, behave more seriously, and you should not start a conversation in philosophical topics, Taurus men do not like what they consider to be empty chatter;

It is not difficult for a Pisces woman to win the heart of a Taurus. Pisces are soft, gentle, compliant, such a girl is simply ideal for a Taurus man. Just surround him with love, affection, tenderness and care. And Taurus will work hard for the benefit of your family, he is a hard worker and he simply needs a wife who is waiting for him after work with pies, beautiful and sexy. Show off your housekeeping skills, Taurus likes homely housewives.

Will it be possible to conquer a married Taurus?

Taurus men, of course, love life, beautiful girls and pleasure. They calmly shower compliments, but hold on to their family and wife. Having chosen his beloved once, Taurus will be devoted to her all his life. He is monogamous, faithful, reliable. You shouldn’t dream that you will be able to take Taurus away from your family, it’s unlikely.

A man under the sign of Taurus is gallant and attentive, but one cannot count on more. He will not leave his wife and children, no matter how much he becomes a nightingale in front of other young ladies. Give up all hopes that Taurus will leave the family, this will not happen. Better think about how to build your happiness with another, free man.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love?

You have met an extraordinary man. He is a Taurus. Representatives of this zodiac sign are quite reserved in communication. And they would prefer to express their feelings through actions rather than words. But in general, Taurus men respect the ladies and are friendly with all women. How then can you understand that a man of this zodiac sign is interested in you?

There are at least 4 signs by which you can guess that Taurus is breathing unevenly towards you.

Appearance. Taurus men always look attractive and pay a lot of attention to their wardrobe. When they are in love, they begin to take care of their appearance even more carefully. If Taurus appears “dressed to the nines” on every date with you? This good sign. And if he suddenly changed his image, then there can be no doubt about his feelings.

Facial expressions and gestures. If a usually reserved man actively gesticulates when communicating with you, it means you make his heart flutter. And they also say that if a Taurus is in love, then he often blinks in the presence of the object of his adoration.

Romantic gestures. A previously cold man suits you pleasant surprises, gives gifts, literally showers flowers? Diagnosis: in love!

Lots of attention. If a Taurus is not indifferent to you, he will be actively interested in your life and devote a lot of time to you. And also - trying to make you laugh literally at every step.

Taurus have clear ideas about what their life partner should be like. A bright, spectacular appearance for such a man is not the main thing in a woman. Of course, he likes attractive and well-groomed ladies. But the inner world is much more important. To make a Taurus fall in love with you, you need to be...


an excellent, versatile interlocutor who knows how to listen;

unique (such men respect women who have their own opinion on any matter);

When it comes to Taurus, it is important to understand that if a representative of this sign praises and extols a lady in every possible way, this does not at all indicate ardent feelings towards her. He simply gets genuine pleasure from this process. But not every woman can truly conquer a Taurus man. This article will provide some tips in this regard.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love by focusing on appearance? Representatives of this sign prefer beautiful, sophisticated and well-groomed ladies. It is important that all these qualities are reflected in a woman’s clothing style.

Due to the excessive sensuality of such men, you can charm them by wearing a seductive outfit and throwing a couple of frank glances towards the object of interest. However, you shouldn’t go too far either, otherwise the lady risks awakening only base instincts in Taurus.

After contact with the representative of the sign has been established, you can move on to the next stage of seduction. The sensuality of such people manifests itself not only through the sexual sphere, but also through the love of delicious food. Knowing this feature of the sign will help the lady understand how to win a Taurus man. By demonstrating her culinary skills to a new acquaintance, a woman can become one step closer to him.

As for communication with representatives of this sign, they value interlocutors who are able to maintain a conversation on a wide variety of topics and have their own point of view. Gentleness, friendliness, sociability, goodwill and an excellent sense of humor - these are the set of qualities that the chosen one of Taurus should have.

To get a Taurus man back in case of separation, under no circumstances should you put pressure on him. If there is resentment in your partner’s heart, you need to give him time to move away from the conflict and understand himself. After waiting at least a few days, you can schedule a serious conversation, during which you should admit all your mistakes and talk about your feelings. Despite the fact that representatives of the sign are particularly stubborn, they are very kind and easy-going.

The lady should learn a useful lesson from the breakup and analyze the situation in detail, because there may no longer be a second chance to return her lover. In this case, you should behave like an intelligent, balanced woman, characterized by composure and prudence. If during the conversation the partner starts shouting or even loses control over himself, it means that his feelings for his partner are very strong.

When thinking about the question of how to return a Taurus man, a lady should pay special attention to her appearance. When meeting, you need to try to simultaneously amaze and touch your lover. A spectacular, attractive woman who looks lonely and lost will certainly awaken a hurricane of passions in the heart of the sign’s representative. Then the matter remains small: a bright, convincing and sincere monologue about passionate feelings addressed to your partner will have its effect.

The union with Taurus promises to become strong and reliable if the lady can show patience and go through numerous tests arranged by an inventive partner. In general, these men make excellent husbands, true family men and homebodies.