What a people. Name meaning: Lyudmila

September 30, the holiday of Faith, Hope, Love. They are wise, know how to create comfort and attract prosperity.

According to tradition, birthday girls celebrate their Angel Day for three whole days in a row. It is customary to give them incense and personalized icons, and in return they treat the donors with pies.

Congratulations on Lyubov's name day

Dear Lyubochka, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish you bright and joyful moments life, happy events and great ideas, wonderful mood and bright emotions, true love and the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Lyuba, I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

So that you are loved,

So that fate gives good things,

Happy holiday to you!

Happiness, joy, fun,

Peace to your home,

To be in the mood

I hasten to congratulate you!

Dear Lyubushka, I heartily congratulate you and wish you to always love and be loved, never lose hope and faith in yourself, strive for high successes and cherished desires, never miss your happiness and luck.

My sister, Lyubasha,

Today is your Angel Day.

May your life be full,

And away with all troubles!

And let there be laughter and smiles,

And happiness swirls around!

Let mistakes pass you by,

And next to you is your most reliable friend!

Dear Lyubonka, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you sunrises of happiness and love, great victories and successes, sincere and cheerful emotions, good luck and great mood, wonderful ideas and cheerful well-being.

Always remain the most beautiful

Don't be sad and throw away your worries.

Lyuba, smile easily and brightly,

Think about happiness so that it comes true soon!

Let good people surround you

Joy certainly lives in the soul,

Life hands you luck on a platter

And only great things await ahead!

The name Lyubov is associated among the Russian people, first of all, with the main Christian virtue. It came to Rus' along with Orthodoxy.

Love - Old Slavonic name, which appeared as a result of the translation of the Greek word “Aga?pe”. It is sometimes difficult for Lyuba to hide the passion of her nature. She also has a strong character, but at the same time she is a friendly, friendly and responsive person towards others. However, you should not hurt Lyubov’s pride, since women with this name are very vulnerable and easily offended. She is a sociable and at the same time reserved girl.

Her innate willpower helps her achieve considerable success in moving forward. career ladder. Failures do not frighten Lyuba at all, but on the contrary, give the woman new strength to successfully solve various tasks at work. As for matters of personal life, among Lyubov’s priorities will be remaining faithful to her chosen one. In the family, her firmness often becomes inappropriate, since she always tries to take the initiative into her own hands. There may be quarrels with your husband on this basis.

History of Angel Day celebrations

Name days named after Lyubov are celebrated at the end of September. The holy martyr Love is considered the patroness. This day is also dedicated to the memory of her two sisters - Nadezhda and Vera, as well as their widowed mother - Sofia. They lived in Rome approximately in the first half of the 2nd century BC. e. The mother of the girls killed for Christ was a believer and raised her children in the same spirit. During the reign of Emperor Hadrian, her daughters were asked to renounce their faith and make sacrifices to the pagan goddess Artemis or give up their lives.

But the young girls chose to die for Christ, because they did not want to be apostates. All the sisters suffered torment right in front of their mother, and then their heads were cut off. The youngest Lyubov at that time was only 9 years old. When Adrian ordered to throw her into the oven, the girl, without waiting, went in there herself. According to legend, she walked with the angels and glorified God.

Sofia collected the remains of her daughters and buried them on the hill. She spent three days there, and then she also died. Believers buried her with her children. Lyubov's name day is celebrated on this day. The Church also honors her sisters, who are holy martyrs.

Name day name according to church customs

In Orthodoxy, it is more correct to say Name Day, that is, the same name as the saint. IN ancient Rus' on this holiday, the person who celebrated it needed to visit church service, where the believer could take part in the sacrament of Communion. There he could pray to his saint and ask him for intercession and help in everyday needs.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Lyubov’s name day coincides with a wonderful time of year, which is popularly called “Indian summer,” so congratulations can be not only joyful, but also slightly sad.

My autumn luck

The love of my current years,

I congratulate you, without hiding my tears,

There is no love without you, Lyubasha!

And again in a whirlwind of leaf fall

I'll dance with you,

Happy angel day, my joy,

And happiness to you for the whole year!

Love's name day can serve not only as a congratulation, but also as a declaration of love.

Love is my soul

Winter and summer, autumn

You're always good.

You always make me happy

There is no sadness with you,

And it flows into my heart

Your non-evening light.

Happy Angel Day! Happy Angel Day!

Happy eternal name day.

I am with you, my love,

With you, not alone.

Happy name day, my dear,

I whisper to you: “My love!”

I congratulate you first

Happy Angel Day!

And I want to wish in excitement

You happy life days

And an angelic mood.

There is no one dearer to me than you.

My love!

On name day, on angel's day

I just want to say:

"Be happy, my love,

And live to be a hundred years old!”

What to give on Name Day?

Gifts for Lyubov's name day can be especially symbolic. If a woman or girl is religious, she can buy an icon depicting the holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia (separate icons of Love are rare) or the Guardian Angel.

Like any girl, Lyuba takes care of herself, so her friends may well congratulate her by giving the birthday girl a cosmetic set or other useful products to improve her appearance.

An original gift in the form of a postcard from scrapbooking or a beautiful souvenir made with your own hands as a keepsake will also be appreciated by Love. For husband or young man this could be a great idea for creating something romantic. Then the question of what to give for Lyubov’s name day will be resolved.

Don't forget also about the symbol of love - the heart. It can be made from paper, buy balloons with such a design, bake a cake in this form or simply buy a teddy bear that will have it in its paws.

Events to which Love has a special place in life are name days, angel's day and birthday. Remember these dates and don't forget to congratulate her.

Since childhood, boys have liked Lyubov because she is charming, flirtatious and beautiful girl. Studying doesn’t particularly appeal to her; she prefers to play and communicate. Likes to do several things at once, so he often cannot fully concentrate on one thing. Lyuba's character is kind and sympathetic. It’s interesting to communicate with her, as she knows how to carry on a conversation where you need to joke and play along. She is easy-going, and people especially like this quality about her. At the same time, Lyuba has iron force will, determination and perseverance where necessary.

He does his job conscientiously. Likes to have discussions, in which he often wins. He does not like to rush, so he often does long and painstaking work. Lyuba attracts men with her charm. She always has a choice. She loves her husband very much and is jealous. But jealousy knows how to veil itself beautifully. Therefore, the husband rarely suspects this jealousy. However, she tries to show through her actions that she does not like her husband paying attention to other women.

Fate: Love is outwardly pretty, shy, smiling. However, she has a masculine strong will and a strong, sharp mind. This is an extraordinary personality. The name Love loves to show itself - in action, in conversation, in argument.

Love Angel Day

From the Old Church Slavonic language - the meaning is the same as that of the word “love”. However, the name ego is a translation of the Greek "agane". From the legendary family of martyrs, which, according to church legends, included Greek sisters: Agape or Charis (Love), Pistis (Faith). Elpis (Hope). For some reason, only the name of their mother Sofia remained untranslated into Russian - wisdom.

No matter how attractive and charming the meaning is put into this name, it is easy to notice that it sounds quite firm and passionate. It has an impulse, a strength, so that this love can not so much warm as scorch and torment a person and, first of all, Lyuba herself. What to do, reality is usually far from ordinary people’s ideas.

Much the same thing happened with the word angel - Christmas cards depict rosy-cheeked, harmless babies, while all the holy books talk about angels as warriors, whose power is impossible to look at without unbearable torment. The same is true of the Sun, it is good to contemplate it only from afar, and even through the haze of clouds, otherwise it simply burns a person’s eyes. Well, besides, the philistine meaning of the word love is erased due to frequent use, and the firm and passionate melody of the name itself comes to the fore.

Love is usually surrounded by admirers. Many offer her a hand, which makes it difficult to choose, and, not completely relying on herself, Lyuba sometimes resorts to the help of fortune tellers and horoscopes. Love retains her interest in occult sciences in the future, and even tries to treat her loved ones with unconventional methods.

These activities confirm Love in the idea that she is an extraordinary person, which, in turn, can negatively affect the relationship with her husband. First marriages are fragile. However, the Lyubas, charming and kind by nature, do not remain alone for long. The stress they endure makes them more flexible. Good housewives. They are jealous, but skillfully hide it.

Love Angel's Day church calendar celebrated on September 30. The name day on this day is celebrated by all owners of this wonderful name. Believers go to church, pray to their patron saint, Lyubov of Rome, adhere to various traditions, gather friends at home to treat them to delicious food and theological conversations, and accept congratulations and gifts. Many people read the description of the birthday boy and the history of the holiday, which, we can assure you, is very interesting.

Characteristics of Lyubov

The girl bearing this name is beautiful, flirtatious and charming. She is not very drawn to studying, since it does not attract her. Loves to communicate, play, and do several things at once. Knows how to carry on a conversation, play along and joke where necessary. She is very easy to climb, and people especially like this quality. At the same time, he has determination, perseverance and iron willpower.

Since childhood, Lyuba has been able to please boys. She gets married if she really falls in love. The wife loves and is even very jealous. But he may never even guess about jealousy, since a woman can veil it beautifully. If he starts paying too much attention to other women, she will do everything to show how much she doesn’t like it.

History of the holiday

The history of the holiday should be known to everyone who celebrates the day of the angel on September 30. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, according to legend, lived in Italy and believed in Christ. One day, for their bold confession of Christianity, they were taken to Rome by order of Emperor Hadrian, who wanted to see this family with his own eyes. When it came to court, it began to fearlessly profess faith in the Son of God risen from the dead. Hearing such bold speeches, the emperor became furious and sent the young ladies and their mother to the pagan so that she could convince them to renounce their faith.

When all the woman’s eloquence had been exhausted to no avail, the sisters and their mother Sophia were again brought to Andrian. He ordered a sacrifice to be made to the gods of paganism. But the girls refused. One of them even stated that she didn’t give a damn about the old gods, but was ready to die for the Lord. Then the emperor ordered his servants to torture and then execute the girls. Sofia was forced to watch all this.

When the job was done, the inconsolable mother took the bodies of her daughters, took them out in a chariot and buried them outside the city. For three days she sat near their graves, shedding bitter tears for her children. On the evening of the third day, the merciful Lord took pity on her and sent her to a quiet death. According to legend, the long-suffering mother's soul met her daughters in paradise. At that time, Lyubov was 9 years old, Nadezhda was about 10, and Vera was 12. Sofia, along with them, was canonized. The Russian people remember them every year kind words, advocates for church services.

Prayer to Lyubov, her sisters and mother

On the day of the Angel of Love, you should definitely pray to your patron saint, her mother Sophia and her sisters Nadezhda and Vera. You can ask for a good fate, a meeting at life path the right person, success in business.

You can pray at home, in the “red” corner, if there is one. If he is not there, you should go to church and defend the liturgy from beginning to end. During the service, it is worth repeating the following words: “Sofia, protect, Hope, save, Faith, save, Love, help.” This must be done together with the imposition of crosses on oneself.


Name day (or angel day) - Orthodox holiday. On this day, the saint whose name it bears is venerated. baptized person. According to traditions, a Christian needs to go to church, light candles near his icon heavenly patron and pray to him. Also, on the day of the Angel of Love, it is worth crying: if not about yourself, then about your loved ones. It is believed that this crying can serve as a kind of amulet, after which nothing bad will happen for a year.

In addition, in Rus' on September 30 married women they tried to take three candles from the church, the first two of them were left in front of the icon of Jesus Christ, and the third was taken home. In the evening they placed her in the middle of a special loaf with the words that evil would disappear and peace in the family would increase (repeated 40 times). After which they divided the loaf among all family members and ate to the last crumb. There were to be no guests in the house during this ceremony, so they were sent away before dark.

Signs for September 30

On the day of the Angel of Love, our ancestors carefully monitored both the weather and animals. They believed, for example, that if squirrels began to molt, it meant that spring would be early. And if the cranes fly, Pokrov will definitely get colder. If they are not noticeable in the sky, it means that winter will come later than usual.

Also, the forefathers believed that on September 30 it was forbidden to take a steam bath, especially with four people - this, supposedly, would lead to a quarrel. They said: those born on this day have a particularly unhappy fate. In order for Fate to turn towards them, they should definitely wear a sapphire as a talisman. It is worth noting that on the day of the Angel of Love it was also previously customary to remove any damage from a person and treat folk remedies women's diseases.

What not to do?

On September 30, the day of the angel of Love, women are strictly prohibited from doing household chores. Weddings, engagements and weddings cannot be held on this day - it is considered bad omen. But you can go with your son to his beloved girl to woo him. After all, as it says folk saying, “They marry on Faith, Hope and Love, and on Intercession Day they celebrate a wedding.”

Congratulations on Angel of Love Day in prose

On September 30, it is customary to congratulate all Loves on their angel’s day. What is worth wishing for is health, happiness, love, and so on.

Happy Angel Day! Hope, love and faith - that’s what I want to wish you today. To have close friends and relatives nearby is always lucky in life. To meet you on the way worthy man who would take you by the hand and not let go. I would give only joy, happiness and care. Happy holiday!

Today is a special holiday - Angel Day. Faith, hope, love - these are the emotions that I wish you to always experience. May there always be clear skies above your head, and in life - only sunny days. Let there be comfort, prosperity and tranquility in the house, and mutual understanding and warmth in the family. May there never be a flame hearth and home will not go out. Be happy and loved. Happy holiday!

Lyuba, always remain the most beautiful, happy and loved. Try to be calmer about troubles. After all, life is like a zebra. I wish there were more whites and as few blacks as possible. May your wildest wishes always come true from this day forward. Happy holiday, dear!

What can you give?

A gift given on the day of the angel of Faith, Hope, Love and Mother Sophia must necessarily be of a religious nature. Do not forget that the holiday is still dedicated more to the saint than to the girl herself. You can give icons, theological books, souvenirs from holy places, amulets with sapphire, and so on.