what year is it according to the eastern calendar? View from the outside

There are a number of signs that guarantee happiness, luck and success in the new year. You can believe in these signs or not, but the majority still prefers to follow them so as not to spoil their holidays.

A week before the New Year, you cannot use things that you just bought.

For example, it is best to save new belts, combs, hairpins and other accessories for December 31, as well as the subsequent New Year.

Seven days before the holiday, you should also not wear new clothes. Leave all this for the beginning of the New Year.

On the eve of the holidays, you should not sew on buttons. It is believed that this way you will get rid of old problems and failures.

You should not send your shoes for repairs. Otherwise, there will be very few pleasant purchases in the new year.

Refuse to purchase various little things, with the exception of gifts, otherwise only non-essential purchases await you in the new year.

In addition, please note that during the period from December 31 to January 19, it is better not to borrow money.

You cannot celebrate the holiday with empty pockets, otherwise you will live in poverty for the entire next year.

On the eve of the New Year, as well as on January 1, forget about cleaning and generally doing any work.

Washing, cleaning, sewing, and especially sweeping the floors with a broom - all this will wait until next week.

Otherwise, you may spend the next year in losses and debt.

Don't throw garbage in New Year's Eve.

Do not celebrate the holiday in an uncleaned room.

You cannot swear, shout or call someone names on New Year's Eve. And even more so, you can’t swear.

Make sure there is an abundance of dishes on the New Year's table.

Please note the following point: New Year's table Crayfish, crab or lobster dishes should not be served. It is believed that these arthropods tend to move backwards. That is, old problems will attack you with renewed vigor in the coming year.

Broken dishes on New Year's Eve are also a bad omen.

When the chimes strike midnight, you cannot make wishes with the particle “not”. For example, instead of “not to get sick,” think “to be healthy.”

Don't meet New Year exclusively in female company. If it turns out that only women gathered for the holiday, celebrating the New Year, be sure to go and congratulate your male friends, colleagues or neighbors.

Don't put pins in your clothes.

You shouldn’t wear old clothes to New Year’s Eve. Save your new outfit for the holiday. Pay attention to what color animal year it is and dress accordingly.

For example, 2018 is the year of yellow earth dog, which means yellow tones in clothes will be very appropriate.

Both children and adults await the arrival of the New Year with the same expectation of magic. Even the most serious people They hope that New Year's Eve will bring miracles and help fulfill all their wishes. Therefore, we try to strictly observe New Year’s traditions and believe in omens. On the eve of the most magical night of the year, he remembers New Year's traditions and signs, as well as their history.

New Year's Eve. The very first and the very main tradition– celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. This tradition appeared not so long ago - during the time of Peter I, who ordered to celebrate the arrival of the New Year at this particular time. New Year's tree. This beauty also came to us by order of Peter I. The ancient Slavs associated spruce with mourning for the deceased. And among the Germans, where Peter took this tradition from, spruce is considered sacred tree: in its branches lives the forest spirit, the defender of goodness and justice. It was Peter I who ordered the streets to be decorated with juniper or pine branches. The custom caught on pretty quickly. And today we can no longer imagine the New Year without a fragrant Christmas tree.

New Year's table. Despite fasting, the table is always bursting with dishes. And today we believe that the richer the table on New Year’s Eve, the more prosperity it will bring next year. By the way, if you put a loaf of salt on the New Year's table, then the whole year will be prosperous and successful.

New Year's decoration at home. Before the New Year, you need to clean your home, throw out trash and get rid of unnecessary things in order to make room in your life for renewal. The house needs to be decorated with New Year's attributes. Symbols of the New Year. It is customary to decorate windows and mirrors with symbols of the New Year - draw or glue an image of the Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree or some other image on the New Year theme. This attracts winter wizards, and they will help you all year long.

Presidential address. For 80 years now, on New Year's Eve, we have listened to the head of state's address to the people. The first time this happened was in 1935, when radio appeared.

New Year's chimes. In Russia, it is customary to make wishes during the chiming clock. There are many ways. The most popular one is that as soon as the chimes start striking, you need to write a wish on paper, burn it, stir the ashes in champagne and drink it. Then it will definitely come true.

If under last blows chimes, kiss your loved one, your relationship will strengthen, and your feelings will become stronger.

If a woman throws a scarf over her shoulders before and quickly takes it off after the chimes, then all adversity will go away and will not return.

New Year's fireworks. Today, perhaps, every family stocks up with these fun and bright attributes. By the way, the tradition is ancient - in the old days, during the New Year celebrations, people made noise and shouted to scare away evil spirits. So loud crackers and fireworks can also be considered a ritual to scare away evil spirits.

Give gifts to loved ones and friends. In Russia, it is customary to give gifts not only to close people, but also to colleagues, neighbors and just the first person you meet “from the heart.”

Other signs and traditions for the New Year

How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. That is why they prepare for the holiday with special care and try to have fun all night long. May the whole year be joyful.

If you celebrate the New Year in a new dress, then you will wear new clothes all year.

Sneezing on New Year's Eve means prosperity.

See off old year absolutely necessary kind words, even if it was not successful for you. Then the Universe will be favorable to you.

Receiving a letter on the last day of the outgoing year means good luck in the coming year.

Celebrate a big New Year's day or night kind dog- good luck in the New Year.

On New Year's Eve, you must leave festive food for the brownie - then he will guard your home and protect you from harm.

Breaking dishes means quarrels all year long.

Fight over festive table- There will be strife in the family all year.

Refuse hospitality. Everyone who comes must be greeted with joy, otherwise there will be no money.

If you are a merchant, then on January 1, you need to give the goods to the first buyer very cheaply. Then there will be successful trading all year.

Under no circumstances should you throw away leftover New Year's food. Finish all the treats, and good luck will remain with you for the whole year!

Happy upcoming holiday! And more good miracles to you!

Savvin's Day (Sava's Day) December 18, 2017: what kind of holiday is it, how is it celebrated, signs for this day, traditions, history. Annually December 18 noted folk holiday Savvin day. The holiday has other names - Sava's Day, Sava Salnik, Sava the Consecrated, Sava with a Nail, Sava of Jerusalem.

The people called this saint Salnik. On this day there is often a thaw, which causes ice, that is, snow “freezes”.

History says that Savva was born in the 5th century in the city of Cappadocia in Christian family. When he was five years old, his parents went to Alexandria, leaving their son in the care of his uncle. At the age of eight, Sava began studying at the monastery. He learned to read and write, studied biblical books. Soon the boy decided to choose the path of a monk. His parents' requests to marry and start a family could not dissuade him.

At the age of seventeen, Savva acquired the gift of a miracle worker. He healed sick and demon-possessed people. Savva could also perform real miracles. For example, he was able to cause torrential rain during a drought. Savva led a monastic lifestyle. But soon students began to come to him. They built a church in the cave where their teacher lived.

Savva is also known for being the founder of several monasteries. He also developed the Jerusalem Rule, which guided all Palestinian monasteries.

Savvin Day, December 18, 2017, has its own traditions, rituals, signs and beliefs.
For example, people say that you cannot work for Savva. In addition, on this day it is strictly forbidden to swear or swear. This especially cannot be done if there is a horse on the farm. This is due to popular belief that swearing on this day can lead to misfortune on the road. It is best to spend this day in prayer.

There are signs for Savvin Day on December 18, 2017.
If the wood in the stove cracks loudly, then expect cold weather. If the fire in the stove is bright red, then there will soon be a severe cold. If smoke trails on this day, expect trouble.

If the squirrels came down from the trees to the ground on Savva, it will soon become warmer. If a bullfinch starts singing on this day, there will be a snow blizzard and the roads will be damaged. If on December 18 the snow begins to melt unevenly and gaps are visible, then a thaw will soon come.

There are also good omen. It says that matchmaking on Savvin Day, December 18, promises happiness to the newlyweds.

But there is a bad omen. People say that death, which came to Savva’s house, will knock again in a year.

There is also a rather strange sign. According to this sign, if a pregnant woman does not wash her hair on Savva, her child will have a good memory.

Which signs to believe in and which ones not to – decide for yourself.

As a rule, it is on Savva that the frost intensifies. They tried not to leave the house unless absolutely necessary, since there was a high probability of getting lost and freezing. Among the people, there were very widespread beliefs associated with the personality of Moroz - a tall old man with a gray beard, who right now walks the streets and breathes on the windows of houses, which is why patterns are formed on them. If Frost stamps his foot, the forest will rustle, and if he screams, it will snow. That is why meeting him was dangerous - Frost could kill a person. On Savvin Day, the peasants also tried to go to bed early in order to save splinters. In general, they said that the day had become longer, but in fact, this effect was created due to the fact that the bright snow perfectly reflected the light (well, signs are not always true). So, women sat at the window to spin in the morning - there were all the conditions for this.

In the church on December 18, the memory of Saint Sava, who lived around the 5th century in the territory of Cappadocia, is honored. Savva was born into a family of pious Christians and at the age of 8 he went to study the Word of God at the monastery of St. Flavian. There he quickly learned to read and write and became a true Christian. Parents really asked Savva to return to worldly life, but he saw his purpose in serving God. It is not surprising that Savva decides to take monastic vows. He spent 10 years in a monastery, where he constantly prayed and fasted. After 3 years, he decides to seclude himself in a cave, where he stayed for 5 years. The life of the monk was constantly monitored by the Monk Euthymius, who instructed Savva in his Christian virtues. After Euphemia died, Savva decided to settle near the monastery of Gerasim of Jordan. Very soon, disciples begin to come to Savva, as a result of which the Great Lavra is formed. Then the monks received a sign from above to build a church inside the cave. Subsequently, Savva founded several more monasteries. They said that with his prayers he could perform miracles and had the gift of healing the sick and those stricken by demons.

Folk signs for December 18

  1. You should not do serious work on this day - there will be no point
  2. If a person was born on the day of Savva, then he will be very hardworking. He should wear chrysoberyl or peridot as a talisman.
  3. On December 18, you cannot swear at those who have a horse, as this will lead to trouble
  4. The logs are cracking in the stove - a sign that it will be cold
  5. Red fire in the stove - wait for the cold
  6. Smoke trails - there will be bad weather
  7. Whoever gets married on this day will have a happy marriage
  8. If someone in the family dies on December 18, then death is also expected a year later loved one
  9. A pregnant woman should not wash her hair on this day, otherwise the child will have a bad memory
  10. In frosty weather, squirrels leave their nests and come down from the trees - wait for the thaw
  11. The bullfinch sings - there will be snow, blizzard, slush
  12. The loose snow has begun to melt a little with gaps - expect warmer weather in the coming days

St. Nicholas Day is traditionally celebrated on December 19th. This is a favorite holiday for both children and adults. There is a lot connected with this day interesting signs, traditions and rituals. We will tell you what you cannot, and what you can and should do on this day.

December 19 begins a series of Christmas holidays. Children look forward to St. Nicholas Day so that in the morning they will find a gift under their pillow. It is customary to give gifts not only to children, but also to adults. Finding a surprise under your pillow is nice at any age, right?

Nicholas the Wonderworker - one of the most revered Saints after the Virgin Mary. In honor of St. Nicholas, many churches have been built in the world; they pray to him for health, prosperity and fulfillment of desires.

St. Nicholas Day - one of the brightest winter holidays. Moreover, as in folk tradition, and in the church. The tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day on December 19 is entrenched in Christianity; Catholics celebrate St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Day according to Gregorian calendar- December 6.

This is the saint's day of remembrance. In Catholic countries, Saint Nicholas became the prototype of Santa Claus and other winter fairy-tale characters.

St. Nicholas Day: what not to do on this day, December 19

There is a belief that you cannot do anything for yourself on St. Nicholas Day. Only for those who need your help. But if you don’t take care of the poor or orphans on this day, you will suffer losses for seven years.

Despite the fact that the tables on December 19 were set luxuriously and many people were invited, all the dishes were Lenten, because until January 7, the Orthodox observed the Nativity Fast.

The main tradition on December 19 is, of course, putting gifts under children’s pillows. Most often they give candies and other sweets. In Europe, gifts are placed in special socks that are hung over the fireplace.

And on this day it is customary to do good deeds: help those in need, give gifts to orphans, the poor, and children from large families. On this day, people bring sweets, clothes to boarding schools and orphanages, and simply give them a few hours of warmth and joy.

Christians consider St. Nicholas their intercessor, patron of sailors and travelers. It is to him that sailors pray before sailing, and those who face a long journey turn to him.

It is customary to celebrate St. Nicholas Day in a grand manner, setting tables and inviting relatives and friends.

From the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the period of matchmaking began, since after Christmas it was already possible to have weddings.

St. Nicholas Day: interesting rituals and traditions

St. Nicholas Day is rich in traditions and signs. Our ancestors performed very interesting rituals on this day. For example, on December 19, the owner was supposed to wake up at dawn in order to be the first to walk around his entire household. If someone managed to get ahead of him, in next year misfortune could befall the family.

Moreover, the owner had to look into the barn and feed the cattle. At the same time, it was necessary to say: “God grant, have a good day, so that the skinny woman is healthy, and I am with you and my wife” (Ukrainian).

When the father returned, the whole family went to church for service. It was customary to dress up in the best clothes and put sweets in bags, which were then distributed to the children of relatives, godchildren and orphans.

After the service there was a magnificent feast. It was customary to invite not only relatives and friends, but also those people with whom you had quarreled. It was believed that on this day it was necessary to come to peace and improve relationships. Moreover, refusing such an invitation was considered a sin.

On December 19, they prepared for St. Nicholas Day Lenten dishes, and also honey shortcakes and Mikolajczyk gingerbread, which were distributed only to children.