Which stone is suitable for the zodiac sign Aquarius. What stones are suitable for women born under the sign of Aquarius? Talisman stone by date of birth

Nata Karlin

The zodiac sign Aquarius completes the annual zodiac cycle. It comes into effect on January 21 and ends on February 19. This the constellation is ruled by the planet Uranus elements Air. By nature, all Aquarians are contemplative and detached observers of what is happening around them. They rarely interfere in the current course of events, letting the situation take its course and making no effort to change anything. The most important activities in the life of Aquarius people: personal growth and self-development.

Semi-precious and precious stones-amulets for the Aquarius zodiac sign are designed to help people born under the control of this constellation to better understand people, become less gullible and learn to recognize envy and lies.

Minerals can direct the energy of Aquarius in the right direction, allowing you to realize your grandiose plans, and not just leave them in projects. Amulet stones are capable of concentrating people’s attention and attracting good fortune and luck into life.

Aquamarine for an Aquarius woman

Which stone is suitable for women of the Aquarius sign, and which minerals are best avoided?

Women born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius have always been considered “not of this world.” These are contradictory and restless souls, whose psyche and energy are unstable and shaky. Many astrologers consider women this zodiac sign people of the future. They are unable to understand modern principles and society just as others cannot take Aquarius ladies seriously.

However, because of their kindness and warmth, people are drawn to Aquarius women, trying to make friends with them

This does not always happen with good intentions, therefore, very often women of this zodiac sign remain deceived because of their comprehensive love for people and kindness. However, they rarely blame the person who deceived them, trying to find the reason for such behavior in themselves. These are ladies who are like no other prone to emotional turmoil, worries and disappointments. Because of these negative thoughts they end up in the mass unpleasant situations, they always need helpers and comrades in maintaining fortitude and self-confidence.

Astrologers are convinced that it is stones are best able to store energy human body, regulate the emotional background, shift it to positive side. Based on the energy characteristics of Aquarius women, there are several minerals that are most suitable as amulets:

  • Aquamarine. This stone is considered one of the varieties of beryl. It differs only in its bright, glassy sheen. The blue color of this stone varies from light to deep almost blue. The most valuable aquamarines are bright blue color. They are mined in Brazil or Madagascar. Even in ancient times, people noticed that this stone is capable of changing color in accordance with the mood of its owner. Aquamarine can help an Aquarius woman maintain peace of mind, organize your thoughts and separate your own fantasies from reality. This stone is considered a talisman of strong friendship, which every woman of this zodiac sign dreams of.

Gold earrings with aquamarine, nanocrystals and cubic zirconia, Maskom(price on the link)

Gold pendant with aquamarine and cubic zirconia, Maskom(price on the link)

  • Amethyst. It is one of the mineral varieties of quartz. It is considered an expensive and beautiful stone, its colors vary from light, almost transparent to black. The most common color is purple. In Peru they still believe that amethyst is able to neutralize the effect of the poison itself. poisonous snake. In addition, the stone scares away these reptiles, demons, including the demon of alcohol. Amethyst has the ability to repel negative energy, build relationships with loved ones and others.

  • Turquoise. This stone is also capable of changing color and brings financial prosperity, good luck and regular monetary profit to its owner. For too hot-tempered Aquarius ladies, turquoise calms them down and helps to improve relationships in the family and with others.
  • Pomegranate. The varieties of stones that belong to garnet differ slightly in chemical composition. This mineral is usually dark red in color. However, there are even yellow and black varieties.

Garnet is capable of awakening real passionate feelings in cold and insensitive Aquarius women. In addition, it is believed that it facilitates pregnancy and childbirth.

  • Zirconium. A beautiful and very fragile stone, it has a bright, diamond-like shine. The most famous color is golden, but there are minerals in gray and even black colors. This stone stimulates mental activity, increases intellectual abilities, and will emphasize precisely this side of the Aquarius woman’s personality.

However, there are minerals that are strictly contraindicated for Aquarius women to carry with them. These include crystal, gold quartz, opal, all types of diamonds and diamonds. These stones do not allow Aquarians to critically evaluate themselves, their own actions and actions. As a result women of this sign become arrogant and it can be simply impossible to communicate with them.

The most suitable amulet stone for Aquarius men according to the horoscope - what is it?

A man born under zodiac constellation From an early age, Aquarius is characterized by a thirst for acquiring new knowledge, improving what has already been created, inventions and innovative ideas. He smart, educated, interesting in communication, but is extremely vulnerable and prone to depression. There are several minerals that can bring good luck to an Aquarius man in different areas human life:

  • Agate. This stone allows daring and independent Aquarius men to show their most hidden qualities - romanticism and love for family and friends. Cruelty and anger will give way to understanding, attention and care if you give your Aquarius man an accessory with agate. It will be much easier for him to communicate with both his family and colleagues.

  • Nephritis. An amazing mineral that will help a man of this zodiac sign find new strength in himself to achieve his goals. It will allow you to find the right decision from a million options on offer.
  • Lapis lazuli. For Aquarius men who are too serious and reserved, this stone will help them become a little softer. Will be an excellent assistant for those whose activities are related to physical activity or constant movement. The mineral perfectly relieves stress itself and eliminates its consequences.

Silver cufflinks with lapis lazuli, SL(price on the link)

  • Zirconium. Activates the mental abilities of the Aquarius man, helps him quickly move up career ladder. This stone is considered a companion of wealth and luxury.
  • Rhinestone. Protects the Aquarius man from any magical influences, gives a positive mood and changes your outlook on life from the position of a contemplator to a doer.
  • Obsidian. This mineral helps men of this zodiac sign protect themselves from negativity and hypocrisy. He is the first to absorb negative vibes, leaving not a drop of these emotions to the owner.

Turquoise, citrine and diamond are least suitable for Aquarius men. These stones are not only unable to protect their owner from troubles and give him good luck, their effect can be radically opposite.

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius by date of birth: common minerals for women and men by date

People born under the zodiac sign Aquarius have a dual character. As astrologers say, there is an eternal struggle between good and evil.

To strengthen positive qualities and reduce the influence of negative ones, it is advisable to have a reliable assistant - a talisman stone

Among the most effective minerals that can be used by Aquarians according to their date of birth are the following:

  1. 1st decade from January 21 to January 30. During this period, true romantics are born. They are shy, enthusiastic and open people. The following talisman stones are suitable for them:
  • pearl,
  • jade (preferably white or green),
  • obsidian (closer to brown or black).

Gold ring with pearls, Primaexclusive; gold bracelet with pearls, Monakhova(prices via links)

  1. 2nd decade from January 31 to February 9. Aquarians born during this period have a sparkling sense of humor and well-developed intellectual abilities. These are very purposeful people who can achieve any heights if they wish. They will be greatly helped with this by:
  • lapis lazuli,
  • chrysopase,
  • amber (light, transparent).
  1. 3rd decade from 10 to 19 February. People born during this period of time are overly soft, emotional, and dreamy. To make your character a little tougher, it is enough to have the following amulets:
  • topaz (blue or almost colorless),
  • agate,
  • chrysolite,
  • pomegranate,
  • zirconium.

For Aquarius people, it is not recommended to use stones that help other elements. For example, minerals of the fire element: ruby, pirom, sapphire and jasper will only bring trouble to Aquarius and make them negative traits character is much stronger than positive ones. You need to choose an amulet stone only in accordance with the element to which the zodiac sign belongs.

January 29, 2018, 6:28 pm

The quietest and romantic sign Zodiac. In the life of Aquarius there is no place for violent passions and heroic overcoming of imaginable and unimaginable difficulties. Aquarians are not inclined to fights and showdowns with enemies and friends by flaunting their ambitions and physical capabilities.
For representatives of this Sign, the main thing remains the ability to calmly carry out their work, while an important factor characterizing their behavior and inclinations is the ability to help people and maintain their own optimism.

Combination of birthstone and date of birth

  • Rose quartz. The most suitable amulet for a representative of the Sign who easily falls into melancholy and melancholy. The mineral present in the life of Aquarius helps the owner acquire inexhaustible optimism, faith in own strength and opportunities. The amulet will help to reveal the creative potential of the owner and protect him from various traumatic situations and protect him from accidents.
  • Sapphire. The stone awakens in a person a craving for new knowledge, for philosophy and reasoning about the meaning of life. Often, Aquarians suffer from their own spiritual inferiority, so the gem is necessary as a constant driver of the owner’s aspirations towards moral and spiritual self-improvement. In a difficult situation, the mineral will not allow the owner to fall into depression, will force him to concentrate all his strength on solving the problem, and will protect the owner from deceitful friends and false acquaintances.
  • Obsidian. An amulet from will prevent its owner from the presence of negative actions in his life, bad people, bad habits. The mineral will make Aquarius study and work harder and harder to achieve the desired goal. Although Aquarius should not get carried away with constantly wearing an obsidian amulet, the long-term presence of the stone in the life of the owner can deprive the owner of courage and determination.
  • Amethyst: is able to revive Aquarius’s faith in their own strengths, hope for a better future, and save the owner from hopelessness and melancholy. The stone will force its owner to become a winner and will reliably protect Aquarius from unfair competition, from rancor and his own stubbornness. Strengthens intuitive thinking and insight.
  • - will become reliable protection from evil witchcraft and internal diseases, will tell you a way out of a difficult situation and help you get out of it correctly.
  • . A ring with a stone worn on the middle finger will help the owner with radical changes in life path, will protect Aquarius from apathy caused by difficulties, and will give the strength to cope with changes that are not always pleasant and convenient.
  • . It will help you find true friends and prevent injustice from happening. Suitable as a reliable amulet for long and dangerous journeys.

Useful for improving relations with the surrounding society. The mineral promotes a more complete understanding of the desires and aspirations of other people and improves the family climate. It is believed that it will be useful to a representative of this Sign when trying to have children; the stone gives strength and develops the will to achieve a certain goal.

The mineral will help the Aquarius hostess to really look at the advantages and disadvantages of her chosen one, and will direct him to the right way, will set you up for trust and tenderness towards family and friends.


Lithotherapists affirm the urgent need for married Aquarius to have at least one piece of jewelry with this stone. IN in this case The frame does not matter, the main requirement is natural origin. The stone will help maintain a reverent family relationship with each other, and will curb the pride of the Aquarius woman, which so often prevents her from compromising when resolving controversial issues.


The stone is indispensable for maintaining fortitude, vigor and optimism. The gem will help preserve beauty and youth for a long time, and will force the Aquarius woman to engage more in charity work and selfless help to her neighbor.

What stones are suitable for an Aquarius man?


Different shades of gems manifest their qualities differently in the lives of representatives of this Sign. Thus, a black gem is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex to the owner, turning a not very emotional Aquarius man into a Don Juan who knows how to please the heart of his chosen one. Stones of yellow and white shades will give their owner kindness and simplicity in communicating with others. Gray stones will help you make true friends, protect Aquarius from unnecessary conflicts and petty quarrels, and protect you from other people’s lies and the machinations of ill-wishers.


The presence of a figurine made of a mineral or jewelry with this gem in the life of Aquarius will force the owner to engage in self-improvement and change his negative qualities to positive ones, which will attract success and material well-being into the owner’s life.


Jewelry with stone will become faithful assistants for Aquarius the rationalizer, inventor and reformer. will force the owner to bring the things he has started to their logical conclusion, will give the necessary strength and optimism for this, and will teach him to absorb new knowledge and skills like a sponge.

Stones that are absolutely not suitable for Aquarius

All minerals belonging to Leo are harmful and destructive for Aquarius, both magically and physically. These are rock crystal, carnelian, topaz, zircon, opal, golden quartz, onyx, peridot. Stones belonging to Leo make the life of Aquarius very difficult, overloading it with unnecessary emotions that are too strong for a representative of this sign. Gems tirelessly enhance the negative character traits of Aquarius, contributing to his transformation into a fierce, stubborn fanatic and conservative.

Turquoise. It is very dangerous for a married Aquarius, as it can lead to the destruction of love happiness and family relationships. Under the influence of the gem, the other half may grow cold towards his beloved, which will lead to numerous betrayals by the Aquarius woman’s husband.

The Aquarius woman is a complete mystery. It changes constantly. It can be completely different: cheerful and melancholy, kind and sarcastic, sentimental and irritable. Even in the style of clothing or the shape of her hair, she has no constancy, just as there is no consistency in her behavior or in the manner of conducting a conversation. And yet her main feature is her love of freedom. This woman trusts in life only personal observations and is guided by her own judgments. However, her love of freedom does not prevent her from remaining one of the most devoted and faithful signs of the Zodiac.

Money for an Aquarius woman is not the meaning of life. Therefore, wealth cannot conquer her, nor can tales of unearthly love. She is looking for a purpose in life, a job that will bring her pleasure, friendship and understanding.

To win this woman, you will have to love not only her oddities, but also her many friends. She is very difficult to understand. You just need to love. And never betray or deceive. After all, she might just leave and never come back.

Aquarius woman: which stone according to the horoscope suits this sign?

It should be bright and clean. He is what the Aquarius woman herself is. The Aquarius stone is lapis lazuli, garnet, amethyst, as well as sapphire, turquoise, aquamarine, zircon, and opal.

Born on frosty days under air sign Beautiful Aquarius is suitable for minerals in which the shimmer of the northern lights predominates: blue, light blue, lilac, crystal clear. Although dark colors are also present in the amulets of these mysterious representatives of the fair sex.

The power of stones has been known since for a long time. Many precious and semi-precious stones serve as a talisman to its owner, giving him strength, wisdom and health. Talismans acquire special power when they are selected according to the horoscope - depending on the zodiac sign or date of birth.

About what stones can serve as talismans for representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Aquarius, we will talk about in this article.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius according to the horoscope?

Each precious or semi-precious stone has special properties . By constantly wearing jewelry with such stones, their owner can take advantage of these properties. The strength of stones depends on what metal they are combined with.

Some stones reveal their properties better on their own, some when set in silver, and for some, gold is best suited.

The metal of Aquarius is silver and platinum, since the sign belongs to the element of air, and its patron is the Moon. Silver jewelry with semiprecious stones can become beautiful and very powerful amulets.

In order for the stone to recognize its owner, it must be worn for a long time without taking it off. You cannot give your talismans into the hands of other people - even if this is a person very close to you.

Talisman stones that suit Aquarius:

  • ruby– enhances passion, makes its owner more ardent, gives oratorical qualities;
  • moonstone – gives strength, health and develops empathic abilities;
  • - gives wisdom and power over people;
  • – improves health and attracts wealth;
  • emerald– protects from dangers and poisons, imparts wisdom to its owner;
  • agateprotects from enemies and other people's witchcraft;
  • amethyst– strengthens logic, gives clarity of thinking and sharpens intuition;
  • blue topaz– enhances spirituality, sharpens innate abilities for witchcraft, gives spiritual harmony owner.

You cannot wear several talismans at the same time in one place - for example, two rings with different stones on one hand. They will overlap each other's influence. It is best to choose one stone as a talisman and wear it for a long time.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius men?

Some stones may not be suitable for representatives of the stronger sex. Aquarius - initially female sign , and representatives of this sign have some features feminine character. They are quite soft people and are not always decisive.

There are “higher” and “lower” Aquarians. The former have more clearly expressed positive properties of the zodiac sign, while the latter have more clearly expressed negative ones. With the help a properly selected talisman You can achieve spiritual harmony and strengthen certain spiritual qualities.

The best stone for an Aquarius man will be. It will give its owner strength, wisdom and power over people. It is best to wear a diamond ring on the middle or ring finger left hand - then the talisman will gain the greatest power.

Moonstone Suitable for Aquarius men born after February 15th. It will give representatives of this sign harmony and peace of mind, improve health and enhance intuition. Lower Aquarians may find it difficult to express their emotions, and constantly wearing such a talisman will help them open up emotionally.

Black pearl is well suited for higher Aquarius, as it has the ability to make its owner tougher and more uncompromising in some matters. Representatives of this sign are sometimes too soft and indecisive, and black pearls will help them cope with these weaknesses. A talisman made from this stone cannot be worn in plain sight; it is better to hide it under clothing.

Ring with agate– a good choice for those who want to become stronger spiritually and wiser in everyday life. This stone gives you the gift of seeing what is hidden and reading other people’s thoughts - which Aquarius, with their desire to unravel every person, can be of great use.

Ruby will give passion and heightened sexuality, but it can add aggressiveness and character. For soft and inert men born under this sign, ruby ​​can become one of the most useful stones. It will give its owner the strength and determination to achieve goals, win arguments and be an excellent lover.

How to choose a talisman by date of birth?

As mentioned just above, Aquarians are divided into lower and higher. It depends on the date of birth of the representatives of this sign. People born between January 21st and February 1st are classified as higher Aquarius.

Those born from February 1 to February 10 are typical Aquarians, combining all the traits attributed to representatives of this sign. Lower Aquarians are born from February 10 to 18, and their personalities are dominated by not the best manifestations characteristic of this zodiac sign.

What talismans are suitable for higher Aquarians? People born from January 22 to February 1 need to strengthen their natural abilities, given to them by the sign of the Zodiac. For them, the best stones will be moonstone, sapphire, ruby ​​and agate, as well as amethyst. It is best to wear these stones set in silver or platinum.

Aquarians born from February 1 to February 10 need protective stones, and stones that help express your emotions more clearly. Ruby, amber, amethyst and diamond, blue topaz and emerald are perfect for them as talismans. They are worn on the left hand in the form of a ring set in platinum or gold.

For lower Aquarians born after February 10th, wearing a ruby ​​is contraindicated, black agate and amethyst. Ruby will make them more nervous and aggressive, while amethyst and agate will make them more closed emotionally. Best choice for people born on these dates there will be amber, diamond, emerald and sapphire, as well as rose quartz. Talismans should be worn framed in gold.

Finally, I would like to give some advice. When choosing your stone, hold it in your hands for a while and listen to your feelings. If there is no discomfort, the stone is neutral, but you should not expect much benefit from it. Your stone will make you want to put it on and not take it off, it will pull you towards you. Such decoration will become a real talisman, and this is what you should purchase.

Aquarius- This calm sign who does not want to fight, but wants to mind his own business. He judges others by himself, or more precisely, he treats people the way he wants to be treated. Thanks to his insight, Aquarius is able to see and understand everything that happens, but his inherent inattention and absent-mindedness prevent him from achieving success in any business. They are curious, they are attracted to everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves at anything. They are contemplative of life, but can also be generous in spirit. There may be something subtle, gentle, smooth about Aquarius. They fluctuate between instincts and reason.
Although Aquarius symbolizes the element of Air, in this sign of the Zodiac all the elements are not clearly expressed and seem to be blurred. A stable winter sign that does not need rapid movement and rapid development. The sign is ruled by dark Uranus during the fall of the Sun, so Aquarius is not afraid of cold, dark and even treacherous stones (they will not harm him and will help him). There are no stones that can greatly harm Aquarius. Cold sky, ice crystals, stars and shimmering northern lights. But Aquarius cannot refuse stones that feed them with soft energy, which they urgently need. Therefore, Aquarius stones are two types of stones: on the one hand, they are calm, cold or shimmering minerals, on the other, they are light, energizing minerals. Active fire stones will harm Aquarius, so they were excluded from the list.

AMETHYST . Purple stone(colors vary from pale pink to dark purple). IN Ancient China Boxes, bottles, and signets were made from amethyst. The stone has positive energy and affects weak auras. Amethyst is a stone of purity, purity and love, so it suitable stone for a gift for lovers to each other. Amethyst is a symbol of peace, sincerity, and sincerity. It should be worn when you are tormented by anxiety and emotional unrest. The name of this stone translated from ancient Greek means “not drunk.” They say that amethyst has outstanding abilities, and the most important of them is to protect a person from drunkenness, and if he does drink, to save him from intoxication. The glorious stone absorbs wine vapors, while remaining absolutely sober and serenely purple. If you wear it in silver, the stone will promote friendly contacts and business meetings, which are sure to end in success. The stone will help infertile women find the joy of motherhood, and men will improve relationships with their wives. Amethyst is useful for Aquarius during a loss of strength, during times of melancholy and lost hope due to unfulfilled desires. This stone revives optimism in the soul of Aquarius, gives him self-confidence and the opportunity to win. As an amulet, amethyst protects Aquarius from envious people, dishonest competitors and colleagues, as well as from his own stubbornness, giving insight and strengthening intuition in return.
In Rus', icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias were decorated with amethysts. The crown of the Russian Tsarina Irina Godunova was decorated with huge amethysts purple, which alternated with sapphires.
High-quality amethysts are mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil.

MOTHER OF PEARL. Mother-of-pearl is a calcareous shell of some genera of mollusks and sea animals; since time immemorial, it has been used by people to decorate all kinds of objects. Mother of pearl consists mainly of carbonated lime containing a small admixture of organic, animal matter; It is located in the shell of some mollusks and covers it from the inside with a more or less thick layer. This rich substance, from which pearls are also composed, in its luminous and brilliant tints reflects the beautiful play of white, purple, emerald and blue colors.
Since ancient times, white mother-of-pearl powder has been used to prepare cosmetic creams. It was believed that this cream could whiten the skin of the face, remove freckles and remove age spots. Earrings shells were worn to improve hearing.
As a talisman, mother of pearl can help its owner bring new things into his life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, and protects the house from evil spirits. It is believed that products made from mother-of-pearl can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.

It brings good luck to Aquarians in their work life.

Mother-of-pearl is usually obtained from shells collected when searching for pearls, but sometimes mother-of-pearl shells are caught independently. Main places: Red Sea, Persian Gulf, islands of Borneo and Ceylon, shores of Japan and the Philippines. As for freshwater pearl mussels, they have all died out, with only a small part remaining in the rivers of Northern Europe and northern Russia.

It is believed that this stone protects against evil spells, harmful addictions, and negative influences from the outside. On a long trip you should take a stone or jewelry with emerald How strong amulet, protecting the owner from troubles and misfortunes.
The importance of emerald for pregnant women and mothers is especially noted. It protects them and children from the evil eye, protects family relationships, supporting the love and fidelity of the spouses. There is a belief that the stone will split if one of the lovers breaks his fidelity.
Wearing emeralds sharpens the mind, strengthens memory, brings peace and takes away bad dreams, relieves melancholy and melancholy, emotional distress, helps to concentrate and gives the ability to foresee. They prolong the life of their owners, protecting them from a boring and bitter fate. This is a spiritual stone - helping people do good, it in every possible way prevents the commission of evil, lies, breaking oaths and betrayal. You should clear your mind of bad thoughts, so that the emerald can provide its help and protection.
The healing properties of emerald The following are called: lowering temperature and pressure, helping in the treatment of diabetes, psoriasis, burns, eye diseases, urinary tract, heart diseases. It also helps with inflammation and infections, and treats insomnia.
You need to keep in mind that there are a lot of fakes out there now. And if artificial diamonds (cubic zirconia) can still be distinguished from natural ones, then only a specialist can distinguish artificial emeralds from natural ones. Currently, it is possible to grow synthetic emeralds of quite large sizes. The technology of this production is kept secret, however, man-made emeralds are obtained in Germany, France and Russia (Novosibirsk).
The main deposits of emerald jewelry are located in Muso (Colombia), Transvaal (South Africa) and in the Urals (Ermakovskoye deposit).