Taurus horoscope stones. Lucky stone for Taurus woman

We are all different and like to spend time with those we like in different ways. Some people prefer long walks in the evenings, others prefer going to a restaurant, but astrologers will be able to tell you which option will be best for both men and women.

The first date is the most important, so it's important for women to remember what men look for on a first date. We wrote about this earlier in one of our articles. This information will help you guess what awaits you and how to capture a man.


Active dates are best for Aries energetically. Long walks are perfect for romantic Aries, but if there is no romance in the mood, it is better to give preference, for example, to a bicycle ride or joint sports training.


Taurus, by and large, don’t care where or why to go with the one they like. They only want to be close to the one they need. If you want to charm a Taurus, it is better to offer him dinner in a quiet place.


Geminis are best suited for dates during which they can be heard. They are able to chat even at the movies or at a party with loud music. Invite Gemini somewhere where he can have a lot of fun.


Cancers tend to go to the same places all the time. Find out what these people like, and then suggest visiting the place where they will be most comfortable. In principle, Cancers do not have any restrictions, but it is still worth taking their opinion into account.


Leos love either noisy companies or quiet home gatherings. It’s easiest to invite them to a movie; they will agree to a cozy cafe or even a first date at home.


It is difficult to predict what a first date with a Virgo will be like, because these people are unpredictable in love. Take advantage of our love fortune telling to with any person. As for the place of the first meeting, you have complete freedom of choice - Virgos are unpretentious.


Libras are aesthetes, so drinking alcohol on the street will not entice them. The beauty of the moment and its energy are important to them. If you're going on a date with a Libra, it's best to be more romantic.


The ideal date for a Scorpio is an honest date. Don't try to play someone else and don't try to prove anything to these people. Just be yourself, don't plan anything and follow your inspiration.


Go on a hike with him. These people didn’t really care what to do, they just had to go somewhere to do it. If this is a man, then tell him that he needs to let you down or keep you company. It is better to take the Sagittarius woman as far away as possible. They love car rides, night train or bus rides, and long walks.


Capricorns love expensive restaurants, as well as anything that can emphasize their status. They should feel like kings and queens. Don't even try to go to McDonald's or tempt them with cheap romance.


Aquarians need emotions. That's all they expect from dating. They always want to go swimming or skydive at night. Keep them company in learning new emotions - this will help you get closer to them and make an impression.


You need to talk to Pisces about everything and not make them feel awkward. A simple trip to the cinema or a nice conversation over a cup of coffee will do. These people are not demanding.

If you like to look into the future, then try using our test to. If everything is bright on the horizon, then choosing a date will help you use this knowledge correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.05.2016 08:11

Astrologers claim that many representatives of one or another zodiac sign have their own ideal image...

To believe or not to believe horoscopes is a deeply personal matter, and everyone chooses for themselves the degree of trust in these general observations of people born in the same astrological period.

Theory, as we know, with practice is usually in confrontation, and even more so in matters of the heart. The understanding of this illuminated my, in all respects, bright head, after studying the horoscope of my temporary, and now former, lover.

Love of a Taurus man

Oh, how colorfully this trembling and insatiable lover, generous friend, and wayward master is described by many horoscopes compiled by someone unknown. You read a couple at your leisure, you will find a “Taurus” in your environment and even then “marry” him. This is up to the relationship with this stable and homely owner, on whom you can rely.

IN real life the Taurus man appeared before me in slightly different colors.

Let's start with its exorbitant nature. Either it’s time for me to be treated, or I got a non-standard calf. Yes, gentle, yes, skillful, and strong - but very rare! In order to get a “calf” and set it up for quite standard games in a horizontal position, it was necessary to waste a lot of time and nervous energy, and to have an extraordinary imagination.

Even after these not simple manipulations, he could say that he was tired, and it was time for dinner (the second, third dinner). That’s what, what, and about nutrition, everything is written about these “bulls” in the horoscope. If you want to marry a “calf” to yourself, feed him. Tasty, a lot, in different ways, and often! He will eat slowly, with pleasure, and with each devoured portion, he will love you more and more!

Horoscopes also lie about the generosity of “Taurus”. Yes, you can’t call them stingy, but they are quite tight-fisted. Until you become the wife of a “Taurus”, you can’t count on gifts, especially expensive ones! Because after the wedding it’s all home! And before – it’s unclear where. And it’s unclear where they don’t intend to spend the money. One would like to say at first: “Greed is not a vice. This is goodbye!

Taurus man – king and God???

“Taurus” is also not particularly suitable for household use. Since you are his woman, then all housework is yours. Therefore, get ready for games such as searching around the apartment and sorting socks, collecting leftover food and dirty glasses on all horizontal surfaces, and carefully placing his papers in a specially designated place for them.

Despite all this, day after day they will slowly rub it into your subconscious that he is a king and God, and therefore is always right. Naturally, this does not raise self-esteem. In general, if you decide to hook up with a “Taurus”, know that he will most likely become a good and caring husband only after the wedding, which you still have to live to see in a sane state. Although there is another option... Perhaps I just came across the “Taurus”, some kind of wrong one!

Today, many articles have been written about how to organize and conduct a first date: starting from appearance partners and ending with topics for conversation. It should be noted that a third date is no less important and responsible than the first, and even more relevant as a couple.

After all, this is an excellent chance to demonstrate your personal qualities, as well as a wonderful opportunity to work on the mistakes that occurred on. Due to this, a second date should be approached seriously and carefully. Let's consider the main points of organizing a second date, so as not to make stupid mistakes in the future, and also not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Second date: invitation

First current question, which a man and a woman have to decide: “How long should it take after the first date to meet again?” According to etiquette, you can safely invite you on a second date your chosen one in two maximum five days. Even if your first date went well, and you felt strong sympathy or interest in yourself from the opposite sex, you should not call your loved one immediately the next day. Be sure to take a short pause. This will give the new relationship unpredictability, emotionality and intrigue.

It should be noted that many couples make a fatal mistake: after the first date disappear for several weeks. As a result, the effect of novelty and relevance of the event is lost. Your partner may simply decide that you already have a chosen one, and you have long forgotten about a romantic evening together and do not want to further develop your relationship with him.

Besides this, it is important to formulate the invitation correctly for a second date. If you say to your chosen one a vague phrase like “Let’s go out to dinner” or “Let’s go to the movies,” don’t expect a strong response. But wording it in the form of the phrase “I want to meet you” or “I want to see you” will help prepare excellent ground for a successful second date and show your serious intentions.

Second date: meeting place

The important question at this stage is where to have the second date. Of course, each of us likes pleasant surprises. Due to this Can together visit some unusual place: go hiking, go to the skating rink, visit an interesting exhibition or enjoy the silence of nature. Such an original date is yours your partner will remember you for a long time and will consider you an attentive and interesting person.

You may be considered a frivolous and frivolous person after such an invitation. On a second date, it is best to meet on neutral territory, where you can calmly chat and get to know each other. better friend friend. At the same time, partners must be able not only to ask, but also to listen. After all, you should remember that the second date is a real work on mistakes, and not making new mistakes.

Second date: wardrobe

Every woman asks a pressing question before a second date: “What should I wear to win the heart of my chosen one even more?” It is important to think through every detail of your own wardrobe. The girl’s image must correspond to the chosen place dates. If you are planning to go to the theater, wear a sophisticated and elegant dress that will highlight your sensuality and femininity. A sporty style is suitable for a picnic. At the same time, clothing should focus on the advantages of your physique and effectively hide its shortcomings. There should be no hint of vulgarity or frivolity in the style you create.

It should be noted that many men do not welcome this type of clothing such as jeans. In this regard, do not choose them for a second date, no matter how well they look on you. Just save them for another occasion.

Working on bugs

After choosing an outfit and a meeting place, you should think about how to behave on the second date in order to impress the man you like pleasant experience and see him again. First of all don't focus on yourself. During a date, you don’t need to take picturesque poses, constantly talk about yourself and endlessly use the pronouns “I” or “me.” This line of behavior will cause disappointment to your chosen one and most likely your relationship will break down in the future.

Give the guy the opportunity to talk about his hobbies, goals and life positions. Learn to listen and hear, since this effective way get to know the man better and, based on the information received, accept the right decision about future relationships.

Many couples worry about what topic to choose for conversation on the second date. If you for real are interesting to each other, general topics for conversation will pass away on their own. You will be able to talk for hours on end, and will not get tired of such communication.

Don't discuss on a date your personal life: how many boyfriends have you had or how serious your relationship with them was. This information may be unpleasant to your chosen one, and will also introduce frivolity, inconstancy and even vulgarity into your image.

Thus, behave yourself on the second date natural and relaxed, and also value yourself and respect your future chosen one, who will definitely appreciate you. If the second date was unsuccessful, you should not worry or be sad. You just haven't met your destiny yet.

This calm, simple guy is capable of doing unexpected things that can sometimes shock you. Usually a Taurus man is of medium height, strong, with good health, well developed strong body. When he talks, he likes to turn his head to one side, in one direction. He holds himself straight, his face tends towards square shapes more than others. His eyes sparkle with liveliness. Even when he loves, he is still a free wild bird.

It is like sand in your palms - no matter how hard you try to hold it, it still flows out. If you continue in the same spirit, everything will be so. Don't set rules and boundaries for him, it won't stop him. While you are with him, he will only think about you. But after an hour he may already be thinking about something completely different. He is very patient with other people, but extremely impatient with himself. His world is always in motion, and will not stop just because he loves you. If he is upset, he will immediately show it.

If something goes wrong, he is more likely to blame his own negligence rather than blaming other people. He is sincere with his friends, even with those he doesn't like. He likes to do unusual things and surprise other people. While wearing an expensive suit, he can jump straight into the pool. He may slap you hard on the back, just to make you turn around and see that he has flowers in his hands. He will never get too close to anyone because he believes that real life- this is life with yourself.

He doesn't care what people think when he acts unusual. He may walk barefoot, laugh at people laughing at him, and think that they are too narrow-minded. He never follows the crowd, but will always look for new risky ventures, new mysteries. The life of a millionaire is as interesting to him as the life of an old man selling newspapers on the street. He enjoys searching and analyzing people and things.

He will analyze his friends or his girlfriend, and as soon as the secret is gone, he will look for new problems to solve. He doesn't jump to conclusions, so he will gradually get to know you until he has answered all his questions. He knows many people, but he has only a few friends. He prefers quality friends over friends in large quantities. He will meet a few friends for a short time and move on. He always feels lonely, even when surrounded by many people.

He can create his own small world, and sometimes no one will understand it. He is focused on the future, and thinks that he lives for the future. He may wonder how many people think the same way as he does, but doesn't want to be like others. This is a man with a contradictory personality. He is cool, responsive, able to work well and very professional. The Taurus man can be artistic. You'll be amazed how easily he can open your shell when you're upset.

He is a free soul who likes to take risks, but when he wants to be alone, do not prevent him from doing so. He won't disappear from view for long, he will return. He will always honestly give you his opinion or comments, but will never insist on what you need to do. He also doesn't like people telling him what he should do. He thinks that every person's dreams and thoughts should be very personal.

He will use his mind rather than his physical strength, so he will allow other guys to compete with him. He is largely happy with his life and hates being forced into competition. He may seem carefree, but in reality he is a thinker and stubborn. He sees everything in detail and is not inclined to trust people until he believes that he has gotten to know them well. You can simply smile, and he will think why and what exactly you are smiling at, whether you are pretending. Once he trusts you and accepts you as a friend, no one can change his attitude towards you, no matter what he says, since he will not listen to gossip.

He is always honest and sincere with his friends. He hates lies, so he won't tell you lies. If he feels it is necessary to lie, he will find other ways to tell or not tell you something. If he really lies, you will never be able to tell that he is lying. He can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely soul. If you want to be with this guy, you have to be for him. interesting person. You need to arouse his curiosity. Hell for him is equivalent to the absence of freedom, so if he marries you, you should know that this is the most important decision in his life. Always be interesting to him, and then he will be next to you.

You come to the meeting fully prepared: a trip to the office, careful makeup, an impeccable outfit, beautiful hair, a flawless manicure and beautiful lingerie, which you swore not to show him that evening. You are eloquent, ask smart questions, cast languid glances at him and do everything according to the rules of an ideal first date. So why is the first date so often the only one?

Many women ask this question from time to time. Why is he silent and looking at his watch? Why did the interest that was there when he asked for a meeting disappear? Why did you bring it home much earlier than planned and didn’t invite you to go to that party where you were going to go after the restaurant? Why didn't you call the next day as promised? And finally, why didn’t you call me on a second date?

Tormented by these questions, you worry all the more, how much you liked this specific man. And according to some laws unknown to you, when you like a man very, very much, he usually does not call you back for a very, very long time. After suffering for another week, you resign yourself to your unhappy fate, sadly stating that you are not pretty enough, you dyed your hair the wrong shade, did not cover up your wrinkles well, wore the wrong blouse and in general, most likely, are not his taste. This is where you calm down. Look, you'll have better luck next time.

Has it ever occurred to you that if you weren’t his type, he wouldn’t have any reason to ask you out? Or do you think that one look at a woman is not enough for a man to understand whether he likes her or not. Of course, you may not believe me, but since you were invited on a date, then you already like you, and like you enough to want to get to know you better and spend time in your company. Physically, he already liked you. You're already his type. While some women attract attention and even fall in love with those men who themselves would not even look in their direction, because they were simply not their type, you manage to push away and stop liking the man who was already into you interested, who already liked you and who has already taken the first step. And this happens to you all the time.

Let's look at some instructive examples from life.

Alisher, 42 years old:

When the menu was brought, she bombarded the waiter with questions about certain dishes, where they brought the food from, and what nationality the cook was. I studied the wine list for a long time and meticulously, and as a result I chose one of the most expensive wines, which I practically didn’t touch. And although I am far from a poor person, I did not like it. I don't think she orders such expensive drinks when she goes out with her friends. In addition, I have an idea of ​​what a manager of her rank can and cannot afford. It seemed that she wanted to seem more spoiled by life than she actually was. We never saw her again.

Evgeniy, 28 years old:

We often saw each other in a nightclub. I was fascinated by her beauty, the way she moved, how popular she was with her fans, the way she wore her tight dresses. One day I asked a beauty to dance, we exchanged phone numbers, and then I asked her out on a date. That evening she irritated me several times. First, I waited for an hour near her house in the car - I waited for her to come out. On the way to the restaurant, she allowed herself to tease me several times. Apparently, she wanted to show off her wit. She never looked at me the entire evening. I'm used to people looking into each other's eyes on dates. And they focus all their attention on each other. She saw only herself - she smiled picturesquely, kept her back straight, and shot with her eyes. At some point it seemed to me that I was communicating not with a living person, but with a mannequin. By the end of the evening I had a headache and, citing urgent matters, I hurried to get rid of it. She then periodically wrote me text messages, inviting me to see each other, but I absolutely didn’t want to see such a queen anymore.

Mikhail, 39 years old:

Katya was a very interesting and educated girl. I had already guessed about her high social status by the way she was dressed, how she held her fork, how beautifully she constructed her sentences, how nice she was to the waiters. She had absolutely no need to mention the names of the resorts and countries she visited, what her parents do and what kind of car she was going to buy in next year. Probably, if her image did not correspond at all to what she says about herself, she would look simply ridiculous, but since she was really a very difficult girl, it was just a little tiring. And even though this wasn’t our only date and it didn’t work out for us at all for other reasons, I still remember very well how I didn’t like her desire to impress. If I didn’t like her so much then, I would have immediately broken off any relationship with such a girl.

Leonid, 22 years old:

Most of the time we spent together she talked on the phone. I learned the details of the personal life of one of her friends, about an exam that no one passes the first time, about some new diet and other nonsense that I was not at all interested in listening to. And if I was at least somehow ready to put up with this, then when she moved a few steps away from me to answer another call, I was simply killed on the spot. If I was allowed to hear such things that she happily discussed with her friends, then I couldn’t even imagine what the conversation could be about that couldn’t be had in front of me. Surely the caller was a guy with whom she had some kind of difficult relationship. I had no choice but to leave her alone with my interlocutor.

Alexander, 35 years old:

When we approached her house, I had already figured out where I would invite Sveta next time. An interesting event was planned at the end of the week, where many of my friends were going. We often go somewhere together to play billiards, sit in a bar, or go out of town. I didn’t have any far-reaching plans for Sveta at that time, I just wanted to chat with a pretty, interesting girl, to get to know her better. I was about to tell her where we were going and offer to join me, when she completely unexpectedly invited me to come to her house for dinner the next day. And although I have nothing against home-cooked food and company beautiful girl, I was a little confused. Either I didn’t have time to properly understand what I wanted from our communication with her, or it seemed intrusive to me. The thought immediately occurred to me that Sveta was not too confident in herself if she was dragging the first person she met into her house. If I were already head over heels in love, I probably wouldn’t have thought about all this, and would have gladly accepted the invitation, but then I completely stopped wanting to communicate with such an assertive girl.