Kondratiy meaning. Kondraty (male name)

Thank you very much, girls, for your support! I won’t be able to go on sick leave, because... Now I have a reporting period:(((. There are 2 weeks left from my vacation, so I’m going to go on a walk in November. I feel good (tttchns), my stomach doesn’t hurt (tttchns), there is no discharge (tttchns). I take pills, my husband inserts suppositories for me: ))) In my opinion, due to duphaston, toxicosis begins - I feel sick in the morning. I really hope everything goes well!!! And I ask you, girls, to keep your magic fingers crossed for us all these 2 weeks. P.S. Congratulations...

Delay. Stripes. Sick and shake like

Delay. Stripes. I feel nauseous and sick when I remember all this - I really miss it. Cucumbers... no! I want oranges! Don't smoke in front of me! It's bad for me! Toxins! I want a herring... and then a sausage... and now I’m already at the twentieth week! “I walk like a watermelon! Oh my God, a cow! And the husband will certainly endure everything again... “I’m hot! I'm cold! There’s not enough room for me!” And this, believe me, is just the beginning! The little one in my stomach keeps me from sleeping... “Oh, that’s so cute!” - everyone kept telling me... Well, many many weeks have passed... Swelling. Maternity hospital Mode...

Girls, please enlighten me. Judging by the graphs, I have luteal phase deficiency. Last cycle I took duphaston, but still didn’t rise above 36.4. The doctor said that there is no point in taking a progesterone test because I am taking this medicine. And if t is so low on duphaston, it turns out it doesn’t help me? Or will the result only appear after a few cycles? In May there was a ZB at t 36.7. I just dealt with my rubella and I want to start planning or should I wait a couple of cycles...


When taking Duphaston, of course, it makes no sense to take progesterone; your doctor is right. Because Duphaston is progesterone.
Progestins, oddly enough, most often do not affect BT. I was pregnant while on Utrozhestan and my BT was 36.8.
Perhaps your BT is not indicative.
Whether D. helps you or not is unknown. In fact, the second phase is a direct consequence of the first. If the egg is bad, if the hormones in the first phase are scattered, then the second phase will also be insufficient.
Plan on Duphaston. At the same time, find out whether it helps you or not;)
Just don’t forget that you can’t drink D. BEFORE ovulation, otherwise it may be suppressed. And you shouldn’t drink D. before a certain day of the cycle, otherwise you can provoke a failure of the ensuing pregnancy.

Who knows if duphaston affects the duration of the cycle? Anyone who has taken it, please share your feelings about it.


I take Duphaston regularly. First, to correct the cycle, the cycle became normal (where it was 45 days), and now to compensate for hormonal deficiency during pregnancy. There were no side effects while taking it.

It made me sick, sick, etc. Having read everything I could about it, I realized that what is being treated with it can be corrected without artificial hormones. She completely refused after the first cycle: ((My husband looked over his shoulder, remembered everything (tears, whining, tediousness) and commented: if a person wants to get rid of her husband, then they need to eat them long and hard. 100% cure for the husband. But this only my experience and my opinion, although shared by other duphaston manufacturers...

Girls, here's a question. Has anyone noticed that nausea occurs when taking duphaston? Of course, etta..I understand why now I can also feel sick %) But what confuses me is that in addition to morning sickness, now I feel sick during the day too. And it even seems to me - cyclically... And I’m sinning on duphaston. I have already heard that while taking duphaston I experienced nausea.

After termination of pregnancy (due to a frozen pregnancy), the cycle is 35-38 days. The doctor prescribed duphaston with 15 DC to maintain phase 2. This cycle lasted 29 days, now the end of the next cycle, already 36 days. What to count on, how does duphaston regulate the length of the cycle? Am I experiencing a delay now, or just a normal cycle? Tell us who took duphaston!!!


In my first cycle I extended it by 5 days (but not to 29 :)), and in the second (I took it with a break, not two cycles in a row) everything was like clockwork, the second phase was exactly 14 days, nothing was canceled, just mens . started as it should after the 14th day of the second phase.
By the way, when do you ovulate? With a cycle length of 35 days, it may be very early to start duphaston on the 15th day, they drink it after ovulation and theoretically you will have it later than the 15th day

I'm afraid to make a mistake, but in my experience, duphaston forcibly changes the length of the cycle, my cycle has never been 29 days, now I drink duphaston and it is exactly 29, because m. begins when you stop drinking duphaston.
Accordingly, if you now have a normal (without d.) cycle, then it can be as usual. Although I didn’t have any after that (since I’m already on my third drink), the hormones are eliminated within 36 hours and the body works as usual! You are “showing” him how to work...
I think it’s too early to consider a delay, although... I’m keeping my fingers crossed;)

Good afternoon, everyone called the doctor and said today that I won’t come - I don’t suspect pregnancy anymore. In principle, I had been to her twice before - once for the first appointment and once for an ultrasound. I was prescribed Duphaston and Divigel. It’s not that my indicators are low - everything seems to be okay, but firstly, age, secondly, I’ve been gone for a year now, and my periods have been somewhat short since November (again, both the ultrasound and blood tests are fine). Today I went online to read - terrible things are written! What does duphaston suppress...

Girls, tell me, please! I (7.5 weeks) started spotting the day before yesterday (a little bit), I called the doctor. The doctor told me to drink no-shpa, folic acid, magnesium and urgently get tested for hormones. Passed it. Because There was almost no discharge, so I went to work (I pick up the mine myself). In the evening the discharge intensified. And by nightfall they stopped completely. The doctor advised me to start taking Utrozhestan. Three tablets at once, then two twice a day. And, imagine, the discharge has increased! By morning, and even now...


Yesterday I lost my child. The pregnancy froze. And somehow it didn’t develop as well (sizes).
What I want to say. Utrozhestan, it turns out, cannot be taken vaginally if there is discharge. Only through the mouth. I found out this in the hospital. By the way, I lay there for a whole week. I was injected with no-shpu and dicinone (hemostatic agent). But it's all to no avail.
I don’t know if we will try to get pregnant again.
And it’s not clear how long it will take. One doctor said to come back in three months, another in half a year.

23.03.2006 12:18:38, The car and Serezha’s mother

with spotting, this is a threat, it’s better to lie down... as for Utrozhestan, in principle, many people prescribe it, but not everyone gets it... they prescribed it, but because there was no discharge, and after he started drinking he began to feel sick and vomit wildly, then slowly came to naught.. just remember if you started drinking utrozhestan, don’t quit abruptly, it needs to be reduced in doses...

Girls, maybe someone had it. up to 25 DC I take 1 tablet of Duphaston, the day before yesterday was the last tablet in this cycle. So, for two days the left lower abdomen has been hurting. Could this be due to the withdrawal of Duphaston? Or should we look for another reason?

Lotus and all girls, it is very important how to take duphaston. I checked with my doctor and the head of the department (when mine was on vacation) many times and everyone said that it was only 10 days, and then how would the body cope. Maybe you really need to drink before your period starts. Then I urgently need to run to the pharmacy, because... Yesterday I finished my appointment as prescribed by the doctor - 10 days, and there are still 5 days until M. Yes, and is it possible now to replace duphaston with utrozhestan?

Girls, I take 1 tablet. dexamethasone and 3 duphaston daily, period - 6 weeks, how to gradually reduce the dose?


Dexamethasone is now prohibited during pregnancy; it is believed to affect the adrenal glands in boys. first b. I drank until 37 weeks, the endocrinologist advised drinking until 40 weeks. Duphaston begins to be reduced at 12-14 weeks using a ladder and by 18 weeks they leave it. Talk to your doctor.

I still take Utrozhestan (the same duphaston), tomorrow is 19 weeks, but I use it in the form of suppositories, because early stages I felt very sick. At first I used 200 2 times a day, then, after an ultrasound at 11 weeks - 200 1 time a day, from 13 weeks - 200 every other day. They will probably cancel it only at 20 weeks, if all is well.

Good day everyone. Girls, maybe you can tell me that I’m a little confused. The situation is the following - my cycle is not regular (most likely problems with hormones). I went to see an endocrinologist. I haven’t had my period for two months now, they did an ultrasound, endometrium is 0.4, it’s clear that they won’t come on their own, or it won’t happen soon. She prescribed taking two Proginova tablets for 10 days, then immediately taking two Duphaston tablets for 10 days. Well, then, according to the scheme, we test the hormones and look for the reasons. Today it is clear that there is...


And you ask your doctor if you can get pregnant in this situation with hormones (the endometrium is very low), why unnecessary problems. It is theoretically possible to get pregnant, only the egg still needs to attach (and who can guarantee that the endometrium will be able to accept UC by that time). My doctor after ST said that embryos with a female genotype are generally more demanding on the condition of the endometrium (well, I paraphrased, as I understand it). Duphaston is discontinued gradually during pregnancy after 12 weeks (not earlier) so that there are no sudden jumps in progesterone.
I'm not an expert, maybe I'm wrong. Everything goes according to the rules, sometimes you wave your hand, and then you sit there shaking. In general, I definitely wouldn’t take risks in this cycle.

Can it cause increased nervousness? Today, out of nowhere, I was terribly upset, my hands are still shaking. Usually I didn’t suffer from this... The annotation for the drug says that it does not cause side effects, but is it really so? Who drank, share your experience. And one more question. The doctor prescribed drinking it from days 16 to 26, and then waiting for either M, or doing a test after 2-3 days of delay. I once again specifically clarified - yes, drink until day 26, and then quit. But Duphaston is pre-progesterone, a drop...


I drank according to the same scheme as you. In the first cycle after the end of treatment, menstruation began 2 days later, in the second cycle pregnancy occurred. Stopping treatment had no effect. Then, when an ultrasound confirmed intrauterine pregnancy, based on the test results, the doctor prescribed taking Duphaston until the 12th week, 1 tablet per day, then half a day. Now I canceled it completely. There were no side effects.
Regarding irritability. This is a riot of hormones. Even before my period I became frantic and in the first weeks of pregnancy everything infuriated me + toxicosis. It's easier now. TTTCHN.

I drank it. If I'm not mistaken, Maria MM herself said that you need to drink it continuously, i.e. from 16 d.ts. and before.. If M. should start, they will come with Duphaston, and if you find yourself pregnant, you will drink until the 12th week, and maybe longer.
In general, I took it from the day when ovulation occurred until the 12th week.

I described my situation below, so as not to search, I will repeat it briefly: maybe B., maybe not, tomorrow I’ll take a blood test. At the same time, the doctor told me to drink duphaston immediately after the analysis. Those. If there is B, they start preserving it for me with medications from the first days. When I became pregnant with my first child 9 years ago, the doctor said that he would not give me any medications until the 6th week, because nature must determine whether there is B. or not, and that as a result of intervention at such an early stage, harm could be caused...


IMHO, drinking in advance is completely absurd. Well, at least take a progesterone test first.

Thanks everyone for the answers. I scoured the Internet and they write that they are prescribed from the first days and even earlier and have no effect on the fetus. In general, I’ll go for a test tomorrow and if I’m lucky, I’ll start drinking Duphaston.

Hello! One friend gave me a link to your conference and said that the people here are experienced and knowledgeable and that sometimes there is a consultant - a gynecologist. This is the situation. For regulation menstrual cycle I was prescribed Duphaston from the 16th to the 25th day, 2 tablets. I have been taking it for three months, otherwise I am healthy, there are no contraindications for pregnancy. It is now day 21, and conception may have occurred in this cycle. What should I do? If I cancel Duphaston after the 25th day, will I lose precious...


Hello, please tell me I was prescribed Duphaston from days 16 to 25. I took it for one month, but I don’t know how to count the second month. last day how did you finish it or again from day 16

If there is no pregnancy, menstruation will begin even with Duphaston, perhaps delayed a little. Let him not cancel it. Otherwise he might lose the baby. And on the 30th day, if there is a delay, let him donate blood for hCG. If it is from 0 to 5, then there is no pregnancy, let him stop drinking. If it’s more, let him donate blood again in 2 days. If there is an increase in hCG, congratulate her :) And let Duphaston continue. It is now prescribed to almost everyone to support b-ti.

What you should and shouldn't do in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Girls, tell me, they prescribed duphaston. I can’t find in the anatomy how to take it: before meals, during or after?


I drank strictly according to the clock, I even set an alarm for one in the morning, and when I was admitted to the hospital for safekeeping, the doctor told me not to pervert myself like that, but to drink early in the morning, during the day and in the evening; about food she said that it doesn’t depend.

01/11/2010 15:08:00, lll

Drink Duphaston strictly by the hour, separately from meals.

Tell me, when prescribing duphaston, you should start drinking it after ovulation, otherwise it will suppress it? Or is this not a fact at all, maybe she will break through? The doctor prescribed me duphaston from the 13th to the 25th day of the cycle, so I’m thinking, should I take it until my period, or, given my long cycle and constant delays, can I stop on the 25th day - anyway, ovulation will not happen before the 13th day? They prescribed Duphaston so that my periods wouldn’t disappear and I could be stimulated from the next cycle, but I won’t use any protection in this cycle either...


And another question: duphaston is progesterone? I just need to donate blood for hormones, I’m wondering how this will affect the results? Or will the analysis in this case show whether the prescribed dose is enough for me? I doubt something, there is no extra money this month, and I don’t want to do a useless analysis (if that’s what it is, of course).
Sorry for asking you everything, but I can’t think quickly in a doctor’s office, all the questions appear later when there is no one else to ask...

So that's it. You should start drinking Duf and Utrozhestan only after ovulation. They really suppress it. Of course, maybe she will break through the duf, but this is rare.
Further, you CANNOT take progesterone, 25 DC. IT IS FORBIDDEN! It must be taken before your period! Taking duphaston and utrozhestan according to this regimen, it is impossible to get pregnant. This will indeed happen, not thanks to, but in spite of. If conception has occurred, and you are taking progesterone in the second phase to support the baby, then if this drug is discontinued, the pregnancy will fail!
I have a friend who couldn't get pregnant for several years. As a result, IVF. Everything is fine, her baby will be born soon. But it was only recently that we started talking. It turns out that all these years she was treated according to the Duphaston regimen from 15 to 25 DC. And she had streaky tests! And at 26 DC she stopped progestron, and her period came. Crap! I really want to kill such woeful doctors!
Sorry for being emotional, it’s just boiling over already!
And good luck with your planning!

Experts have still not come to a common conclusion who is to blame for the occurrence of toxicosis during pregnancy, but this does not make it any easier for expectant mothers. I know from my own experience...


Cocculin helped me with toxicosis. As soon as I felt the urge to vomit, I immediately ran to dissolve it, so as not to allow it in any case when nausea was already creeping up to my throat. After cocculin, the nausea immediately went away, it became easier and somehow even psychologically more cheerful. This is a homeopathic medicine designed to relieve nausea; there can be no overdose, even though you suck the whole pack one by one because it contains weed.

With increased uterine tone, medications are prescribed that reduce the activity of the uterus: a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, which is administered intramuscularly or intravenously; PARTUSISTEN, BRIKANIL, GINIPRAL. These drugs are not used before 16 weeks of pregnancy. Side effects may occur when these medications are administered: palpitations, drop in blood pressure, tremors, agitation, nausea, vomiting, headache etc. Treatment is carried out under the control of blood pressure, heartbeat and blood sugar. If you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or sacral area, do not ignore them - contact a specialist in a timely manner. Perhaps these are manifestations of a threatened miscarriage or premature birth. Only the doctor, after talking with you, examines...

Abruptly stopping duphaston on your own can cause a miscarriage, as far as I know. I took 2 tablets a day until 15 weeks, now I’m reducing them, 1 tablet at night

how did you cancel it for yourself? it is discontinued by gradually reducing the dose. I drank in the 1st trimester. If you trust your doctor, what difference does it make who drank what? Plus, I took Vitrum prenatally (and continue to do so) since planning and folic.
here's about vitamins and a lot more interesting things at the link
Don’t forget about vitamins for pregnant and lactating women - constantly, throughout your pregnancy, no matter how healthy you eat. Materna does not give birth to large children :) Elevit does not contain iodine, if you follow fashion - do not forget to supplement the fashionable Elevit, which has little at all :), - potassium iodide 200 mcg per day. Folic acid must be taken up to 12 weeks, 3-4 tablets per day, regardless of how much it is in your multivitamins, and then it is not necessary, but it is advisable. Strictly with food or after eating, so as not to aggravate gastritis.

Girls, don't swear, please! Again I come to you with my Duphaston. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to go to the ultrasound due to work. I decided that I would do tests for O. And 2 days after the LH peak I would start Duphaston. I think this is better than drinking it blindly from the 16th day. Right?

Tell me, please, during the withdrawal, when they reduced the number of doses per day - were there any discomfort in the belly? Yesterday, due to another approaching end of the pack, I decided to try to reduce the dose in order to take it off altogether - half 2 times a day. (previously I took one 2 times)... after all, it’s approaching week 20 - it’s time. and yesterday afternoon I got some not very pleasant sensations in the bottom of my belly - similar to when I didn’t drink it at all for a day, but 10 times less painful... This is bad...

Duphaston is a hormonal drug taken by swallowing. The basis is dydrogesterone, an analogue of the natural sex hormone progesterone. Progesterone prevents hyperplasia, ensuring regularity of the menstrual cycle, preparing the uterus for pregnancy. Progesterone deficiency can lead to infertility, threatened miscarriage, and uterine bleeding. Duphaston is prescribed for premenstrual syndrome, painful menstruation, and for hormone replacement during menopause.

Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components. Breastfeeding should be avoided during use; dydrogesterone is contained in milk during this period. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the disease. According to the instructions, no cases of overdose have been reported.

The instructions say: side effects from Duphaston have been identified in rare cases. Possible headache, allergic manifestations on the skin, swelling, mastodynia, minor liver dysfunction and jaundice. You should pay attention to compatibility with hormonal drugs.

Use before and during pregnancy

Typically, a woman takes Duphaston in preparation for pregnancy for the treatment of infertility, after miscarriages. The drug is prescribed for clinically detected deficiency of the hormone progesterone in the blood. This hormone prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of the embryo and the subsequent development of the fetus. In case of its deficiency, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

Blood is taken for analysis in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation. In order not to make a mistake with the timing, it is recommended that a woman first track ovulation over several cycles. To be completely sure, it is better to do the analysis in different laboratories. The amount of the hormone may decrease due to a cold or stress. To exclude an incorrect diagnosis, it is advisable to repeat the analysis after some time.

Take Duphaston as prescribed by a specialist. According to the instructions, one tablet from the 14th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle for at least six cycles. Depending on the duration of the cycle, the dosage regimen may vary. Duphaston must be taken in strict accordance with the cycle, after ovulation. Otherwise, the drug will have a contraceptive effect. If treatment has led to conception, you must continue to drink Duphaston to avoid the threat of miscarriage due to a sharp change in the level of the hormone in the blood.

Duphaston should be taken responsibly. Improper use of hormonal medications can harm health and disrupt the menstrual cycle and metabolism. The doctor prescribes Duphaston after a full examination and based on the results of a hormone test. Be sure to tell your gynecologist what medications you have taken recently. Especially about birth control. The course of treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist with periodic checking of progesterone levels. You cannot adjust the dosage, dosage regimen, or discontinue the drug on your own.

Side effects: nausea

In the instructions, nausea is not listed as a side effect, but is mentioned in reviews along with general weakness and allergic reaction. The reason is the prescription without proper examination, deviation from the dosage regimen. Do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body and reactions to drugs.

There are several possible reasons such a reaction of the body:

How to get rid of nausea: causes and actions

It is necessary to determine what is causing the nausea. Depending on the situation, actions will be different. Some reasons will not cause harm to the body, others are dangerous.

Impact on the gastrointestinal tract

If it affects the digestive system, nausea, vomiting, pain, and bloating are possible. If pain occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid harm to health.

It is advisable to adhere to general rules treatment. When taking medications, drinking alcohol and smoking is prohibited. Reduce your consumption of fried, salty, spicy foods. Beware of expired food, reduce the load on your stomach to avoid exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and nausea. Proper nutrition will help reduce the risk of unpleasant symptoms.

Dydrogesterone intolerance

Signs of intolerance to the active substance of the drug appear after starting treatment. If symptoms appear, stop treatment immediately; continuing the course is life-threatening. When you start not only feeling sick from Duphaston, but also vomiting and your condition worsens, call ambulance. If dydrogesterone intolerance is confirmed, Duphaston is replaced with an analogue suitable for the body.

Incorrect dosage

A similar condition is caused by an overdose. This phenomenon is rare and usually goes away without intervention once the body gets used to the drug. If the morning begins with nausea before eating, but toxicosis is excluded, it is worth checking the dosage and compliance with the dosage regimen. The first thing to do if you have severe nausea is to rinse your stomach. If your condition does not improve, call your doctor.

If a woman forgets to take the pill at the appointed time, side effects include uterine bleeding, menstrual cycle disorders, the effectiveness of treatment decreases. A missed dose during pregnancy is especially dangerous, as hormone fluctuations increase the risk of miscarriage. A change in condition then requires constant monitoring and consultation by a gynecologist.


If the source of the illness is toxicosis, its causes must be treated. Toxicosis occurs due to the woman’s body adapting to a new condition. This phenomenon is strongly manifested in the first half of the term. The 16th week of pregnancy is usually the last. Often the cause of toxicosis is the body’s inability to accept meat, fish and dairy products, and eggs. Another reason is a decrease in blood glucose levels. A light snack will help increase your sugar levels: nuts, fruits and a glass of mint or ginger drink. Drink more fluids and produce from your garden.

General weakness

After Duphaston, a slight feeling of malaise, fatigue, and changes in mood are possible. To make the changes easier, prepare for pregnancy in advance. Avoid stress and anxiety. They affect the body, weakening it and making it vulnerable to infections. Also pay attention to your immunity. To improve your condition, spend more time in nature and take vitamins.

Is the drug dangerous?

Like any hormonal drug, Duphaston is taken with caution. If prescribed and used incorrectly, a woman may feel ill. However, you should not refuse pills without obvious reasons. In many cases, pregnancy occurs thanks to Duphaston. If a woman is sure that the drug is making her sick, she should discuss this issue with her gynecologist. However, when taken in accordance with the results of the analysis and according to the developed regimen, Duphaston will not cause discomfort.