Moon in Scorpio, what kind of mother does the child have? Moon in children's horoscope

“How does your child perceive his mother?”
looks neat in the eyes of a child, but picky, always preoccupied
health issues, proper nutrition and behavior. Everything she does
is a model of perfection!
“What does he need to feel confident?
and reliability?
Your child needs to feel useful. One of the best
ways to educate him is to patiently give him your
time, teach him the skill of helping. Make it a game but teach him
how to deal with the little daily things you can't help but do, and
let him know that by doing this he is helping you.
For your child there will be
emotional distress of living in an unsettled environment or being dirty, he
will avoid sloppy or soiled clothing. You don't have to drive him into
shower - he will enthusiastically do it himself. If possible, give him a separate
a room where he can keep his things in the order he likes. AND
although his order may seem like chaos to someone else, your child knows
place for every thing and is very dissatisfied when this order is violated.
development of the skill so necessary for your child’s senses, provide it
space and material so that he can tinker with models, crafts, etc. He loves
do things with your own hands and will work very carefully. He's a little shy and

Your child will
care more about health than others. It is easy to teach him personal hygiene and good
eating habits. But he may have a heightened “sense of unwellness”
(dirt, disorder) and even worries about it.

(Various sources for child's horoscope)

Children with the Moon in Virgo have emotional upheavals and
recessions occur very rarely, less often than in other children. They are by nature
disciplined and conservative. They are literal and often give too much
meaning to little things. Their analytical perception of the world clearly prevails over
sensual. They often look at life too critically and one-sidedly.
Try to expand their perception of the world. It is very useful for them to get into new
situations, communicate with new people, listen to other people's views and opinions.
those born under this position of the Moon have very high demands
not only to yourself, but also to others, especially to your loved ones. They often find it difficult
understand that all people are different, everyone has their own views on life and everyone acts
as he sees fit. Teach your child to be less critical of themselves
and to those around us - none of us are perfect.
Children with Moon in Virgo take care of
your health. They love cleanliness very much and will bring it everywhere
Can. Teach them to stop and relax, not to fuss every minute, but
The main thing is not to bother those around you all the time. Perhaps they personally have
internal need to be busy all the time, to do something all the time, but
others have no such need! Explain to your child that the best is the enemy of the good, and
the golden mean is the key to success.
Children with this sign like to put in front
goals, otherwise they simply cannot live. But they don't need to demand it
from others. Such children are good workers who conscientiously perform
the task assigned to them. The type of activity that is optimal for them is where
both hands and head are busy. They have pronounced intellectual abilities, and they
They learn everything very quickly. Excellent memory is one of the main advantages
such children. Your main task when raising such a child is to add to these
wonderful qualities of feeling. This will help him in the future.
By their nature these
children always want to be useful, they want to see meaning in everything and they want everything
bring to perfection. They are impartial and, perhaps, even cold-blooded, they
may not notice the feelings and emotions of others. You need to pay special attention to this
attention, as well as the exorbitant desire for perfection. Explain to your child that
this would damage the health he cares so much about and lead to a nervous breakdown.
Tell him that the whole world and the people in it are not blameless. And it's not that bad:
against the backdrop of everyday life, the ideal looks even more beautiful. And besides, if
everything in life was perfect, what did we do then - except die from
Children with Moon in Virgo will feel happy while doing
intellectual work, especially if they are faced with some high
target. They are capable of self-sacrifice and admire people who are dedicated to their
business. Tell your child that all this, of course, is wonderful and wonderful, but if
everyone will achieve the ideal, then life will become insipid and dreary and there will be no
places for fight and romance.
Such children demonstrate their love and tenderness
not to the extent you would like, but that doesn't mean you can't
establish relationships with them. They are excellent conversationalists, love to talk and
will be happy to share your ideas and views on life. Try learning with
your child - this will help you become good friends. This baby could be
shy and reserved - so the first step is yours. Perhaps a child with the moon in
Virgo needs not so much your crazy love as your support.
Show him how much you appreciate him and he will appreciate you.

(Samantha Davis. Children's astrology. The key to understanding psychology

Let me serve you:
I'm a master
Pleasant with useful
We will combine.

A child with the Moon in Virgo really needs
feel useful. One of the best ways his upbringing is
to give him your time and patience, even when he is still very
small to teach him the skill of helping. Teach him how to deal with
small daily things that you can’t help but do. Turn it into a game
but let him know that he is helping you, even when the matter is that he is learning
do, it will also benefit him - for example, preparing his own
breakfast, making the crib, etc.
It will be emotional for this child
sadness to live in an unsettled environment or to be dirty. He will avoid
sloppy or soiled clothes. You don't have to force him into the shower - he's with
enthusiastically will do it himself. If possible, give him a separate
a room where he can keep his things in the order he likes. To him
order and organization are necessary. Even if its order may seem like chaos
to someone else, this child knows the place of every thing and is very unhappy when
this order is violated. He will appreciate it if he is given something that can help in
organizing his “collections” - for example, a tool box or any
another drawer with small compartments.
To develop skills, so
necessary for your child's sense of well-being, provide him with space and
materials so he can tinker with models, crafts, etc. He loves to make
things with your own hands and will work very carefully. He's a little shy and
is shy and strives for perfection in business, so give him the opportunity
work at your own pace, with minimal interference.
Your Virgo will be bigger
care about health than the average child, He is easy to teach personal hygiene and
good eating habits. But he may have a heightened sense of
troubles” and even worries because of this. Clutter or dirt -
sufficient reason to feel unwell. However, it is much more
practical than emotional child, and a common-sense, realistic approach to
problems will be optimal for him. Even with disorder, illness or something
broken or dirty can be dealt with calmly and effectively by approaching
trouble with the “let’s fix this!” attitude. (Maria Kay Simms. Your magical child.)

Moon in Virgo in natal chart makes a person dry and restrained in expressing feelings. The Moon in Virgo seeks to express itself through Mercury, and Mercury in astrology is the planet of the mind, and therefore a person with the Moon in Virgo controls all his emotions with his mind.

A person with the Moon in Virgo feels a constant need to do something; he cannot sit without work. He needs to feel useful and needed. A person with the Moon in Virgo feels happy if he can help and serve the people around him. The Moon in Virgo can make a person a workaholic.

Man with Moon in Virgo may engage in self-criticism if, in his opinion, the work was not done so perfectly or was not done at all. A person with the Moon in Virgo does not know how to relax and have fun at all, especially if the fire element or there are no planets in the element of fire at all.

A person with the Moon in Virgo reacts thoughtfully to external influences; he is not prone to risk. Moon in Virgo introduces such traits as timidity and caution into one’s character. In a new environment, a person behaves modestly or cautiously, he “does not get into trouble.”

With a weak Sun, a person with the Moon in Virgo will be pliable, driven, indecisive and fearful. And with a strong position of the Sun in the natal chart, the Moon in Virgo will make a person calculating, demanding and picky.

Subconsciously, a person may feel a desire to help the weak and defenseless. Moon in Virgo often gives love to animals, especially dogs.

A person with the position of the Moon in the Virgo zodiac sign is responsible and patient, he has an innate sense of duty. Also, the Moon in Virgo gives good observation; subconsciously a person notes for himself the slightest nuances in the behavior of the people around him, in the environment. His intuition and reason work together.

In stressful situations, a person with the Moon in Virgo can withdraw into himself and do not want to fight difficulties; he is prone to melancholy and depression, especially if the Moon is afflicted in Virgo in the natal chart. This happens because the Moon in Virgo does not allow emotions to come out, both positive and negative feelings are suppressed. A person needs to analyze his experiences, their reason, in order to bring all his emotions to the surface and realize them, and Mercury, the ruler of the Moon in Virgo, will help them with this.

With a weak Sun in the natal chart, a person can be unassuming and even ascetic. He adapts to any living conditions over time.

Moon in Virgo for a man.

A man with the Moon in Virgo is faithful, although he is cold in his feelings and is not inclined to show his emotions violently, especially if Venus in his natal chart is in his earthly zodiac sign. A man with the Moon in Virgo is unromantic and is not ready to do anything crazy for the sake of love. The Moon in Virgo makes a man devoted to his chosen one. He can remain faithful out of a sense of duty, even if the love has passed. A man with the Moon in Virgo is looking for a wife who is economical, hardworking, patient and restrained. His woman should not sit without work. The Moon in Virgo for a man forces him to look for a woman for whom the most important thing will be to take care of the home, the children, and him. Although he won’t mind if his wife sometimes nags him and grumbles. With additional instructions in the natal chart, a man with the Moon in Virgo can be boring and boring, you won’t get a holiday from him in life, work and life will always come first for him.

Moon in Virgo for a woman.

A woman with the Moon in Virgo is responsible, patient and always ready to help. For her, caring for loved ones is an internal need. The Moon in Virgo for a woman makes her faithful wife, a good mother and a hardworking housewife. Although with a strong Sun in the natal chart, for a woman with the Moon in Virgo, her career will also have great value. With a weak Sun, a woman with the Moon in Virgo will be timid, modest, obedient and compliant; such a woman will agree to be in the shadow of her husband.

Moon in Virgo for a child.

A child with the Moon in Virgo is diligent and patient. He differs from other children in his shyness and timidity. A child with the Moon in Virgo would rather modestly hide in a corner and make something, draw, sculpt, than run around with other children in a noisy crowd. The Moon in Virgo for a Child makes him focused and obedient, so parents with such a child will have a minimum of problems, especially if the child’s Sun in the natal chart is in a passive zodiac sign. You can say about a child with the Moon in Virgo that he is “quiet.”

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Moon in Sagittarius in the natal chart forces a person to follow generally accepted norms - what is right and what is bad is felt subconsciously. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius tries not to go against the moral principles accepted in society; he is afraid of condemnation from the people around him.

The Moon in Sagittarius gives a person an inner desire for justice. If the Moon is afflicted, then a person may constantly feel that the people around him are not acting according to their conscience, that they are being cunning and deceiving. A person with a afflicted Moon in Sagittarius will always seek the truth, but this truth will be within the limits of his understanding.

If the Moon in Sagittarius in the natal chart is located harmoniously, then the person will really be inclined to act fairly, it will be difficult for him to go against his conscience.

The Moon in Sagittarius seeks to express itself through its ruler - through Jupiter. Jupiter in astrology is the planet of expansion and a person with the Moon in Sagittarius wants his spiritual impulses to be visible to everyone around him, so that his kindness is appreciated.

At heart, a person with the Moon in Sagittarius is truly kind, always ready to give in, help, please, especially if it is harmoniously located in the natal chart. The Moon in Sagittarius brings inner gentleness and compassion. But a person with the Moon in Sagittarius may not always seem like that, because... he has a habit of telling people what he thinks - if he is offended, then everyone around him will immediately know about it, if he is dissatisfied with something, then he will also not be able to hide his irritation. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius is quite open and does not know how to hide his feelings and experiences.

In a new environment, a person with the Moon in Sagittarius behaves calmly, although he has a need to make a favorable impression, to please others, so that they immediately understand that they can rely on him, that they can trust him.

The reaction of a person with the Moon in Sagittarius to external events can be expansive, overly exaggerated, although such a person subconsciously looks for the easiest and best way out. When problems arise, a person with the Moon in Sagittarius does not lose heart, he is able to set himself up positively and reassure others and support. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius is always ready to accept reality and come to terms with what is happening.

The most important desire of Sagittarius is respect, and for a person with the Moon in Sagittarius this desire is subconscious. He needs people close to him to respect him, honor him, and listen to his advice. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius really does not like to be wrong.

The Moon in Sagittarius gives a person independence; he himself will not refuse help, but he does not want to depend on someone. In general, such a person does not like to follow other people's advice. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius can listen only to those who have great authority, and someone who has not achieved heights in life, who does not have life experience, is not an adviser to a person with the Moon in Sagittarius.

The peculiarity of the Moon in Sagittarius is that a person can feel how events will develop in the future, especially if the Moon has a harmonious aspect with Mercury. A person with the Moon in Sagittarius has foresight and can predict the future.

Moon in Sagittarius for a man.

A man with the Moon in Sagittarius is freedom-loving; he has a subconscious desire not to limit himself to boundaries. Such a man does not like to take on additional responsibilities. And if there are other indicators in the natal chart, then the Moon in Sagittarius in a man can make him irresponsible. A man with the Moon in Sagittarius is looking for an active, cheerful, independent and open woman. The Moon in Sagittarius for a man makes him good-natured and sympathetic, he is ready for sweeping gestures for the sake of love. Although a man with the Moon in Sagittarius can be principled, and if his chosen one does not follow some generally accepted norms that are important to him, then he can break off the relationship.

Moon in Sagittarius for a woman.

A woman with the Moon in Sagittarius is internally independent. The Moon in Sagittarius makes a woman idealistic and dreamy. Sometimes a woman with the Moon in Sagittarius can be stubborn and harmful, she follows her inner principles and it can be difficult to convince her of something. Such a woman does not know how to hide her emotions and feelings, sometimes she is even overly frank. The Moon in Sagittarius for a woman makes her a good wife and mother. A woman is always ready to help her loved ones, she loves when they praise her and appreciate her care.

Moon in Sagittarius for a child.

A child with the Moon in Sagittarius is open, active and good-natured. Parents with such a child will have a minimum of problems, because... he listens to the opinions of people who are authoritative for him. And the most important thing for parents who have a child with the Moon in Sagittarius is to gain the child’s trust and become good mentors and friends for him.

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The Moon in Pisces is perhaps one of the most “emotional” locations of this luminary. For such children, their lives are controlled by feelings, which can sometimes lead to tragic consequences. Since they are extremely receptive and everything around them influences them, they tend to take everything to heart. They cry often. Don't blame them for this (and boys too!). Perhaps the main thing that needs to be taught to such children (which is especially important for them) is to be realistic and objective about the world around them.
Children whose Moon was in the sign of Pisces at the time of birth tend to feel misunderstood, feel sorry for themselves, and take an overly dramatic view of their own lives and the lives of those around them. Try to teach them to be less vulnerable and not take absolutely everything personally. This will benefit them, especially when they become adults.
Children with the Moon in Pisces often live in the world of their fantasies. It’s easier and more natural for them than living real life. They tend to follow the path of least resistance. This should not be condoned. Teach your child to fight. Explain that you cannot be led by your mood, which especially changes so quickly. Otherwise, he will have a hard time in the future.
Emotions play a role in the lives of these children. important role. They have enormous creative potential and an unusually vivid imagination. This is one of the reasons why they love music, poetry, theater, and everything where their creative nature can reveal itself.

Love relationships and compatibility if you are a horoscope.

One more distinguishing feature children with the Moon in Pisces - the need to take care of others, especially the sick. The only thing is that they need to be careful and not succumb to the influence of someone else’s biofield, especially in the case of mental or severe somatic illnesses. Such children will always find common language with animals, they are able to sense any living thing. Of course, this is a gift from God, but such sensitivity can also become an enemy.
Explain to your child that his ideals, emotions and attitudes can be more stable. These children tend to go with the flow, to follow the line of least resistance. From childhood they need to be more confident in themselves and their abilities. Otherwise, painful doubts and constant depression will become their companions for life. Or even worse - they will lose their unique individuality and simply disappear into those around them. Teach your child not to indulge his weaknesses and not to drown in his feelings.
Children with the Moon in Pisces will feel happy if peace, tranquility, and friendly relationships reign around them. Any negative emotions, such as anger, quarrels and squabbles, are perceived very painfully by these children. Quiet, pleasant music and peace will help them restore lost strength and peace of mind.
Try asking your child to tell you his dreams. It is quite possible that he has the ability of a medium, and something prophetic can be found in his dreams. And lastly, although perhaps the most important, teach your child to repeat every morning: “I won’t have any bad experiences today! I won’t let them come to me, let them go away!”

Moon in Virgo

Here the Moon is visiting Mercury and Proserpina, in the sign of the element Earth.
Therefore, the Moon in Virgo gives an unconscious disposition to trifles, disgust, and a craving for asceticism. You are usually very good at perceiving little things and being able to understand their meaning. Often in a situation you can clearly see all the details at a glance, and so you can react quite strongly to any small discrepancies. Among people with the Moon in Virgo there are many excellent detectives, investigators, scientists in those areas where a lot of painstaking measurements are required high degree accuracy, they are very good programmers. Moreover, all this, apparently, usually happens to you unconsciously, of course. This position of the Moon can also give you abilities in diagnostics and medicine. Your perception is probably fragmented in principle, that is, you do not, as a rule, perceive the entire situation as a whole, but see only separate parts. IN worst case you “can’t see the forest for the trees,” but in best case scenario It is through the details that you will feel the whole situation as a whole: for Virgos, every detail reflects the whole situation. There is a saying in China: “If you catch the smallest devil by the tail, you will know where the biggest one is.”
In any case, the Moon in Virgo creates in you a certain pickiness, pedantry and unconscious sober look on things. Apparently, you unconsciously feel like a small detail in this world, a small wheel in a huge mechanism. Perhaps you realize that this “little wheel” must work well for the whole huge mechanism to work well, that each person must be in his place and clearly fulfill his duty. That is why, at best, you have a sense of duty. At worst, you may simply have obedient tendencies.
As a rule, you don't always like to just show off your inner world, and in some cases you are timid and constrained.
Medical contraindications. Your vulnerable areas are mainly the small and large intestines and the gastrointestinal tract (except the rectum). The diseases most common to you are colitis, enteritis, dysentery, constipation, appendicitis. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to diet issues.
At transit Moon Abdominal surgery is dangerous in this sign. If you undergo surgery to remove the appendix, it often results in complications and poor tissue healing. There have been cases of deaths during abdominal operations performed during such transit. You are recommended to fast, but only for the first time. lunar days. You need to individually choose the day and phase of the moon for fasting. In general, it is recommended to fast once a day. lunar phase, that is, approximately once a month.
When the Moon is in Virgo, you can perform procedures to cleanse the blood and liver, as well as treat skin diseases. This case is very suitable for cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.
Moon in Virgo
The Moon emphasizes the needs and complexes of the sign, and Virgo has many of them. Therefore, the lunar Virgo is very demanding of the forms that come her way, which, when worked out, leads her to perfection, but in itself makes (except for the completely harmonious Moon) her unhappy, due to the severity of tastes and puritanism, and at the same time all the people nearby with her. On the other hand, the Moon somewhat compensates for Virgo’s purely mental attitude towards forms, transferring her perception of forms into the area of ​​the subconscious, but here, unfortunately, mental programs continue to work, complicating essential perception.
If handled poorly, this (difficult) position of the Moon gives a person a rather difficult feeling that he constantly (and it is not always clear why) does not like everything: the husband dresses differently, the actors in the theater and cinema play differently, the lovers they come across are of poor quality, etc. .
Characteristic physical projections arise under the slogan: everyone is to blame but me.
Here the karmic program is more subtle than in the case of the solar Virgo; you need to find the origins of your exactingness in yourself and in something in outside world come to terms (in terms of its inconsistency with the ideal, which in the case of the lunar Virgo can be very rich and is all intended for her personally). Moon Virgo awareness of the Virgo’s main task - service - is given to her with great difficulty.
When working with the Moon in Virgo, in addition to great success in the field of fine work with forms, good adaptation in society can also be achieved.
Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs
Moon in Virgo: Emotional sobriety, internal dissatisfaction with oneself, grumpiness. The desire to keep your emotional world pure (emotional cleanliness). Reasonableness, good emotional memory, the ability to remember and reproduce any intonations in the behavior of others. Good artistry. Associative perception of the world. Irritability over small things.
At best - prudence, constant work on improving your subconscious, systematization of knowledge.
In the worst case - internal uncertainty, tediousness, a tendency to detail everything.
In harmonious aspects, the personality’s character shows attentiveness, tact, receptivity, diplomacy, adaptability, greater conformity, worldly wisdom, great diligence, responsibility, discipline. This is a good indication for such professions as domestic servant, secretary, teacher, clerk, service worker, culinary worker, canteen worker, messenger, courier, nursing staff, general practitioner.

If damaged, it means poor health, suspiciousness, pride, dissatisfaction, timidity, vanity, sensitivity, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, touchiness, pettiness, excessive punctuality, cowardice, stinginess, a penchant for secrets, intrigue, mystery, cowardice, a tendency to drunkenness. The subject is a confusion, a liar.
S. V. Shestopalov. Handbook of Astropsychology
Moon in Virgo
You are very cautious, shy and concerned about not discovering your true feelings. Although you may love and care deeply for people, you rarely express these feelings openly and freely. Often love will manifest itself in the form of help, something tangible and useful.
It is difficult for you to believe that you are valued, that people are attached to you and that you are loved. Often you feel that you simply don’t deserve it, or that it’s all just “words, words, words,” so you may appear to be a rather cold, reserved, distant person, even much more than you yourself feel.
There is a critic deep inside you, which makes communication with you very difficult. You must learn to be softer with people, lower your maximalist criteria in relation to others and in relation to yourself too.
The ability to do precise and directed work, they are scrupulous in food and diet, they take care of their health, everything is clean inside and outside. Precise, shy, do not like first plans. They are pedantic in expressing feelings. Very punctual. Cunning, fussiness and timidity are possible. Colic, constipation, dysentery, indigestion.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.
Virgo is a sign associated with the earth element, giving a practical mind, abilities in relationships or in exchanging ideas with other people, a love of literary pursuits, or a craving for unusual natural phenomena. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and therefore people whose Moon is located in this sign are skilled in commercial activities. They are friendly, help those in need, but tend to think about ways to gain some benefit for themselves. Good vocal and manual skills, they perform well in areas such as gardening, sculpture or painting, as well as in activities that require attention to detail.
Virgo - feminine sign, symbolized by the maiden, and such people usually have an attractive appearance, delicate features, they radiate harmlessness; but in their behavior they can be nervous, absent-minded and too demanding. They usually have a delicate body, attractive eyes and a decent, reserved mind. According to the Brihad Jataka, such people are “skilled in music, dancing and the study of scriptures;
they are virtuous and reasonable; strongly attached to sexual relationships. They use other people's houses and property; their speech is pleasant, they usually have more daughters than sons; they yearn for distant places.”
A person with the Moon in Virgo is not attached to family, home life and feels the need to be in his own company. He is shy, behaves with dignity, is skilled, can engage in the occult, and is skeptical. Nervous, sometimes cool towards the other sex. Usually such people are slim and of average height. Let us briefly note that these people can deal with facts, figures and philosophy and can help with their knowledge those who have less abilities than them.
Indubala. Planets in signs. (Indian tradition).
Moon in Virgo

Ability to perform precise, precise work. They maintain order and cleanliness in their personal life and food. Shy. They like to work “behind the scenes”, paying attention to the smallest details (“ gray cardinal"). They don't ask unnecessary questions. With bad aspects - criticism and grumbling over trifles.
No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs
Moon in Virgo.
Sobriety, emotional restraint, intellectuality, rationalism. The Moon in Virgo loves mental games and gives the ability to study until one's hair is gray. Orientation towards one’s own will narrows the perspective of feelings, and the vision of the world, compared to the previous sign, loses its richness of colors. The contrasts of black and white turn out to be important, and the work of poets and writers receives an element of moralization and teaches us about life (L. Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Stendhal, Tyutchev, Kobo Abe). It is interesting that Tyutchev’s poetry is much more rational than the poetry of Fet, who was born on the same day as him (both Sagittarius), and descends to reasoning. As a characteristic of the Moon in Virgo, one can cite his poem “Silence”: “Be silent, hide and hide your feelings and dreams...” Virgo holds back the changeable, stops the elemental, and the feeling cannot pour out in a stormy stream. The Moon in Virgo is weak, and the soul strives to rely on the rational, repeat it again, create a habit. An example of this is the paintings of I. Friedrich (Sun and Moon in Virgo), containing the symmetry characteristic of this sign: two cliffs, two trees, two people. A person with the Moon in Virgo can relax at home only when it is in perfect order. The Moon in Virgo adds rigidity and demandingness to leaders (Ivan the Terrible). This position is best for scientific studies (Kant, Engels, Schopenhauer, V Soloviev, Jaspers, Niels Bohr, Tsiolkovsky).

The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash.
Moon in Virgo
Rationality and the tendency to analyze take precedence over the sensory sphere. Shyness, fear external manifestations feelings and emotions. The fear of being at the mercy of feelings leads to the fact that a person is content with things that are more mundane. Common sense, love for the everyday, little imagination. Women lack the trust of other people, and they perceive their role as auxiliary, secondary. Perception is subject to the moment. Love for safety hearth and home. For men, the ideal woman is a housewife who takes care of the house.
Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Earth signs. Provides a person with resistance to external influences. The ability to control your behavior. Inability to adapt. Subconscious in the material sphere.
Moon in Virgo. Visiting Proserpina. This kind of person cleans up karmic debts past incarnations. He has a taste for appreciating little things. The Moon in Virgo gives pedantry, a craving for asceticism, and grumpiness. Very careful. With the Moon in Virgo, excellent detectives and investigators are born.

Larisa Nazarova. Karmic astrology.
Moon in Virgo
Let me serve you:
I am a master at helping!
Pleasant with useful
We will combine.

A Virgo Moon child really needs to feel useful. One of the best ways to raise him is to give him your time and patience, even when he is very young, to teach him the skill of helping. Teach him how to deal with the little daily things he can't help but do. Turn it into a game, but let him know that he is helping you, even when the thing he is learning to do will benefit himself - for example, preparing his own breakfast, making his bed, etc.
It will be emotionally distressing for this child to live in an unsettled environment or to be dirty. He will avoid sloppy or stained clothing. You don't have to force him into the shower - he'll enthusiastically do it himself. If possible, give him a separate room where he can keep his things in the order he likes. He needs order and organization. Even if his order may seem like chaos to someone else, this child knows the place of every thing and is very unhappy when this order is violated. He will appreciate being given something that can help organize his “collections,” such as a tool box or any other box with small compartments.
To develop the skill that is essential to your child's sense of well-being, provide him with space and materials to tinker with models, crafts, etc. He loves making things with his hands and will work very carefully. He is a bit timid and shy and strives for perfection in things, so give him the opportunity to work at his own pace, with minimal interference.
Your Virgo will be more health conscious than the average child and is easy to teach about personal hygiene and good eating habits. But he may have a heightened “sense of trouble” and even worries because of this. Clutter or dirt is a sufficient reason to feel unwell. However, this is a much more practical than emotional child, and a common-sense, realistic approach to problems will be optimal for him. Even a mess, illness, or something broken or dirty can be dealt with calmly and effectively if you approach the problem with a “let's fix this!” attitude.

Maria Kay Simms. Your magical child.
Moon in Virgo
Children with the Moon in Virgo have emotional ups and downs very rarely, less often than other children. They are by nature disciplined and conservative. They are bookish and often attach too much importance to little things. Their analytical perception of the world clearly prevails over the sensory. They often look at life too critically and one-sidedly. Try to expand their perception of the world. It is very useful for them to find themselves in new situations, communicate with new people, listen to other people's views and opinions.
Children born with this position of the Moon place very high demands not only on themselves, but also on those around them, especially their loved ones. It is often difficult for them to understand that all people are different, everyone has their own views on life and everyone acts as they see fit. Teach your child to be less critical of himself and others - none of us are perfect.
Children with the Moon in Virgo take care of their health. They love cleanliness very much and will restore it wherever possible. Teach them to stop and relax, not to fuss every minute, and most importantly - not to bother others all the time. Perhaps they personally have an internal need to be busy all the time, to do something all the time, but others do not have such a need! Explain to your child that the best is the enemy of the good, and the golden mean is the key to success.
Children with this sign love to set goals for themselves, otherwise they simply cannot live. But they don’t need to demand the same from others. Such children are good workers who conscientiously carry out the task assigned to them. The type of activity that is optimal for them is one that keeps both their hands and head busy. They have pronounced intellectual abilities, and they learn everything very quickly. Excellent memory is one of the main advantages of such children. Your main task in raising such a child is to add feelings to these wonderful qualities. This will help him in the future.
By nature, these children always want to be useful, they want to see meaning in everything and they want to bring everything to perfection. They are impartial and, perhaps, even cold-blooded; they may not notice the feelings and emotions of others. You need to pay special attention to this, as well as to the exorbitant desire for perfection. Explain to your child that this will damage the health he cares about so much and lead to a nervous breakdown. Tell him that the whole world and the people in it are not blameless. And this is not so bad: against the backdrop of everyday life, the ideal looks even more beautiful. And besides, if everything in life were perfect, what would we do then, except die of boredom?
Children with the Moon in Virgo will feel happy when engaged in intellectual work, especially if they have some high goal in front of them. They are capable of self-sacrifice and admire people who are dedicated to their work. Tell your child that all this, of course, is wonderful and wonderful, but if everyone achieves the ideal, then life will become insipid and dreary and there will be no room left for struggle and romance.
Such children do not show their love and tenderness to the extent that you would like, but this does not mean that you cannot establish relationships with them. They are excellent conversationalists, love to talk and will be happy to share your ideas and views on life. Try studying with your child - it will help you become good friends. Such a baby may be shy and withdrawn - so the first step is yours. Perhaps a child with the Moon in Virgo needs not so much your crazy love as your support. Show him how much you appreciate him and he will appreciate you.

Samantha Davis. Children's astrology. The key to understanding the psychology of a child.


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